Armenia’s border security to be strengthened

Armenia’s border security to be strengthened
19.12.2009 15:23 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Inter-department working group on enhancing border
security of Armenia and modernizing border infrastructure convened on
December 19 a regular meeting, headed by Secretary of the National
Security Service (NSS) of Armenia Arthur Bagdasaryan. Arthur
Bagdasarsyan stressed that the border infrastructure of the country
must comply with international standards. In 2010 the EU launched the
"Integrated border management’ program, USD 2 million will be
allocated for Armenia to modernize two checkpoints on the border with

A strategy for border security of Armenia will be elaborated until May
2010, press office of NSS of Armenia reported.

Despite Everything, Turkey Will Ratify Protocols, Say Turkish Journa


With the aim of meeting and holding discussions with their Armenian
colleagues, two Turkish journalists – Verhat Boratav of CNN Turk
and Badri Gyursel of Milliyet – arrived in Armenia recently and
took the time to respond to Armenian journalists’ questions during
a press conference today. Speaking about the ratification of the
Armenian-Turkish Protocols, Gyursel noted that if progress in the
settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not registered,
Turkey’s Grand National Assembly (the Millet Meclisi) won’t ratify
the Protocols.

At the same time, he noted that he can’t say how events will unfold
over the next few months. "It was perhaps in May of this year that
Turkey’s Prime Minister Erdogan announced in Baku that if no progress
is recorded in the Karabakh issue, even though nothing is noted about
this in the Protocols, they [the Protocols] can’t be ratified. From
that time till today, Turkey’s standpoint on that issue hasn’t
changed," said the journalist from Turkey. Turkey is also concerned
that after Protocols ratification, Armenia will "feel free" and there
won’t be any progress in the Karabakh issue.

"I, personally, would rather that the Karabakh issue not get mixed up
with this issue, but Turkey’s government, being under pressure, felt
under obligation," stated Gyursel. Asked what pressure is Turkey’s
government being subjected to, the journalist said, "both foreign
and internal."

Boratav, in turn, noted that nobody in Turkey was expecting that
Azerbaijan would respond in such a way to this issue: "In this game,
it’s not Armenia and Turkey who are dancing the tango, but rather
this is a tango of 5 states, since participating in the process are
also the U.S, Russia, and Azerbaijan."

By the end of the press conference, the Turkish journalists assured
their Armenian colleagues that, despite everything, Turkey will
ratify the Protocols, and a third party can do nothing about that,
since "Turkey has decided it so."

Georgian Authorities Attempt To "Georgify" Javahk


14.12.2009 19:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Javahk Armenians face serious difficulties when
crossing Armenia-Georgia border.

"Recently, Georgia was conducting repair works at its check point.

After that, the process of crossing the border became more complicated,
instead of being facilitated," Vahe Sargsyan , an expert at Mitq
analytical center told a news conference in Yerevan.

According to Sargsyan, Javahk Armenians take great interest in Armenian
literature and press. "Frontier guards would stop them and take away
newspapers, books and magazines, explaining that their transfer is
not allowed," Vahe Sargsyan said, adding that Georgian authorities
are attempting to "Georgify" Javahk.

Prosperous Armenia Suggests Public Debates On Post-Crisis Developmen


Dec 14, 2009

YEREVAN, December 14, /ARKA/. A senior member of the Prosperous
Armenia party suggested Saturday that it and other members of the
coalition government convene public debates on post-crisis development
of Armenia.

Addressing the delegates of the 9-th congress of the Orinats Yerkir
(Country of Law ) party, one of the three coalition government members,
Aram Safarian, head of the Prosperous Armenia parliament faction,
said the debates are needed for working out the best post-crisis
development way.

He said his party hopes that the debates will help consolidate the
Armenian society and look for a best way to overcome political economic
and ideological problems.

The governing coalition, formed after 2008 presidential election,
comprises now the Republican Party, the Prosperous Armenia and the
Orinats Yerkir. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) left it
in 2009 in protest against the authorities’ policy of normalization
relations with Turkey.

US, EU express "grave concerns" over Iran’s nuclear program

US, EU express "grave concerns" over Iran’s nuclear program
12.12.2009 15:19 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The White House expressed "grave concerns" Friday
over Iran’s nuclear program, saying there would be "consequences" if
Iran fails to comply with requirements of the United Nations and the
UN nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

"The United States echoes the grave concerns expressed by the European
Council today regarding Iran’s nuclear program," White House spokesman
Robert Gibbs said.

Gibbs said Iran has not taken advantage of opportunities to build
trust and confidence, instead it has increased the international
community’s concerns about its nuclear program.

He said if Iran continues to fail to comply with the United Nations’
and IAEA’s requirements, "there will be consequences."
The spokesman said "the offer of constructive engagement is still on
the table," calling Iran to uphold its international obligations, and
return to negotiations with the five permanent members of the UN
Security Council – Britain, China, France, Russia, and the United
States – plus Germany.

Obama Met With Abrahamyan


On December 6, 2009, the meeting of the U.S. president Barack Obama and
the head of the union of Armenia of Russia Ara Abrahamyan took place
in the White House. According to the web site of the union, during the
meeting, Obama expressed his warm attitude towards the Armenian peple.

"Armenia Faces Constitutional Crisis"



"Unlike the capital, public awareness of human rights and their
protection is on a rather low level in Armenian marzes," Artur Sakunts,
head of the Vanadzor branch of the Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (HCA),
told A1+.

The ignorance is determined by the activity of NGOs, mass media and
lawyers. Many marzes, for example in Tashir have no lawyers. Few
lawyers are skillful and capable of resisting to pressure. Besides,
only 2-3 NGOs work efficiently today," continued Mr. Sakunts.

Every year HCA Vanadzor Office collects data as to how many
administrative violations have been challenged within a year.

"In fact, of 1200 administrative fines registered annually only
one or two are challenged. The figures already speak of pressure,"
underlined Artur Sakunts.

"Human rights protection will remain on a low level unless Armenia
has independent courts. People don’t instill confidence in courts and
think that courts are unable to restore their rights. People don’t
trust regional courts either as they think the courts are dependent of
the executive branch-marzpets, local police authorities and prosecutor
offices," says the head of HCA Vanadzor Office.

"Only after losing their last hope to solve the problem through
acquaintances and money people appeal to courts in hope to awaken
their pangs of conscience.

Armenia faces a deep constitutional crisis with state bodies – courts
and law-enforcement agencies sitting idle," concluded Artur Sakunts.

Armenia Seeks To Consolidate The Relations With EU More, Edward Nalb


Dec 9, 2009

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 9, ARMENPRESS: The first meeting of the foreign
ministers of the EU Eastern Partnership took place December 8 in
Brussels with the participation of the Armenian delegation headed by
the Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandyan.

Foreign Ministry’s Press and Information Department told Armenpress
that foreign ministers of the Eastern Partnership countries, EU member
states, representatives of the Council of Europe, European Parliament
participated in the session chaired by the Foreign Minister of Sweden,
Chairman of the EU Ministerial Council Karl Bildt.

The foreign ministers assessed the works carried out within the
framework of the new format of cooperation and outlined the steps
that must be implemented, exchanged thoughts over the more effective
usage of the Partnership’s potential.

Armenian foreign minister delivered speech at the event, noting that
Armenia seeks to more consolidate the relations with EU.

According to Nalbandyan, the Partnership initiative creates additional
opportunities for cooperation in political, economic and humanitarian

Pointing out that all the initiatives suggested by the partnership
program are important for Armenia and other partners, Nalbandyan
drew special attention on the issue of facilitation of the process
of granting entrance visas as it will essentially promote contacts
between the societies and peoples.

Minister Nalbandyan underscored the regional cooperation within the
framework of Eastern Partnership, pointing out that Azerbaijan’s
refusal of partnership intended by the program may threaten the
success of the partnership.

The foreign ministers of EU countries in their speeches highlighted
the cooperation among the member states of Partnership and undertaking
of concrete steps.

At the meeting a decision was adopted to conduct the next Ministerial
session in the second half of 2010 and in 2011 the summit of Eastern
Partnership will be held.

The session was followed by a joint press conference.

Apigian-Kessel: Tekeyans Present Master Violinist Henrik Karapetyan

By Betty Apigian-Kessel

Armenian weekly
December 7, 2009

He is only 28, but if his Nov. 19 dissertation recital is any evidence,
master violinist Henrik Karapetyan’s star is destined to rise to
the heavens. Over 100 people attended the evening event held at the
Bloomfield Township Library and presented by the Metro Detroit area
Tekeyan Cultural Association. Introductions were given by Edmond
Azadian, with additional comments by Nora Azadian.

Karapetyan is a DMA (doctor of musical arts) candidate in violin
performance at the University of Michigan School of Music Theatre and
Dance, the equivalent of a performance Ph.D. which he will receive
next spring. He was accepted to do his doctoral studies in 2007 with
full tuition and a part-time teaching appointment as a grad student

The Michigan School of Music is commonly rated as one of the best
schools in the country, accepting only two to three violinists annually
from scores of applicants. Being selected is an honor.

Karapetyan is a Yerevan native and comes from a family of musicians.

Locally, he is the nephew of Anahit Toomajan, the wife of Prof. Dicran
Toomajan, so he comes from an impressive pedigree. He speaks Armenian,
Russian, French, and excellent English.

He began his music lessons at the age of six at the Spendiarian
Special Music School of Yerevan. In 1997, he entered the Komitas
State Conservatory of Music in the class of the distinguished Prof. S.


He performed as the conservatory’s orchestra concertmaster during the
premiere performance of J.S. Bach’s "Matthew’s Passions" in Armenia.

He was a semifinalist in an international competition held in France
thereafter, traveling through Europe as a member of the "Serenade"
Chamber Orchestra.

Karapetyan moved to the U.S. in 2001 as a graduate student, during
which time he held the concertmaster’s position with the Plymouth and
International Symphony Orchestras. In 2005, he completed a recording
project featuring violin-piano miniatures performed by himself and
his wife, Yevgenya Lavrovskaya.

In 2004, Karapetyan joined the Michigan Opera Theatre as a section
violinist. He teaches lessons and master classes, and is a freelancer
in the Detroit area. As the violinist of the "Luminare" duo, he
performs close to 100 shows annually with his wife.

His concert, "Medieval Voices: Modern Reflections," consisted of
modern compositions inspired by the Armenian religious musical
tradition, including works by Sharafyan, Alan Hovaness, Aghajanyan,
and Baghdasaryan. Two world premieres were performed at the concert,
one featuring a piece by Karapetyan-the very exciting "The Birth
of Vahakn"-and a piano trio by Daniel Thomas Davis commissioned for
the occasion.

Karapetyan gives his good friend Mr. Davis, the composer of "Diary
of Scattering," high marks as an outstanding composer of our time.

Perhaps a first, Davis’ "Scattering" was inspired by the Armenian
religious tradition. His inspiration was the history of the Armenians,
including the genocide which created the diaspora, evoking great
emotion with his lovely composition. My conversation with Davis
revealed he had a friendship with a Watertown Armenian. That influence
resulted in composing a magnificent tribute to Armenians everywhere.

Credit must be give to Karapetyan. Among his ambitions is to bring
Armenian music to non-Armenian audiences, accomplishing that by
including non-Armenians in the process as performers and composers.

He is in exceptional company with the likes of Komitas, Tahmizyan,
Atayan, and Kooshnarian, all of whom consider Armenian religious
music the purest expression of true Armenian spirit and character.

Appropriately, Karapetyan has a photo of himself with the Komitas
Statue that stands in downtown Detroit on Jefferson Ave.

For a year, the master violinist was director of the choir at St.

Sarkis Armenian Apostolic church of Dearborn.

The future for Henrik Karapetyan? He sees himself comfortable in
an academic environment of a college or university where he can
simultaneously teach and perform. In his collaboration with Davis,
Karapetyan says, "I have been lucky to have him in my project. My
intention is to bring this to wider audiences and I hope to get other
Armenian communities nationwide interested in it."

Karapetyan and Lavrovskaya have a son and reside in Rochester. As if
his agenda was not ambitious enough, his other interests include chess,
reading, and writing. He was also a prize winner of the Armenian
National Competition of Young Writers in 1996. He is been blessed
with many talents.

Armenian communities alert: If you want to learn more about Henrik
Karapetyan’s project and enlighten others about beautiful Armenian
music, do yourselves a favor: email him at [email protected].

New Prelacy Board of Regents Appointed

New Prelacy Board of Regents Appointed

Dec 4th, 2009

LA CRESCENTA – Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian and the
Executive Council of the Western Prelacy announced the appointment of
a new Board of Regent, which oversees the administration of the
Prelacy-affiliated Armenian schools.

The newly appointed Board of Regents consists of the following
members: Mark Guedikian, Chris Keosian, Sossi Hovsepian, Liza
Gaboudian, Maggie Sarkuni, Vergine Jarakian, Houri
Aslanian-Keuroghlian, Charlotte Sassounian and Jeannine Topalian.