Prosecutor’s Office changes charges against Azerbaijani Hussein Akhundov, murderer of an Armenian citizen




YEREVAN, APRIL 18, ARMENPRESS. The charges against Hussein Akhundov, a citizen of Azerbaijan, who crossed the border of Armenia and killed an Armenian citizen near the checkpoint of "Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine" CJSC, were amended and supplemented by the decision of the supervising prosecutor, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Prosecutor’s Office.

The two Azerbaijani servicemen, Aghsin G. Babirov and Hussein A. Akhundov, were charged with conspiracy to illegally cross the state border of Armenia and conspiracy to smuggle firearms and ammunition.

According to the decision of the prosecutor, Hussein Akhundov is also charged for unlawfully depriving another person of life motivated by national hatred, intolerance and enmity.

Russia, Armenia reiterate commitment to strengthening security in Eurasia

Russia –
The diplomats exchanged views on the problems of the Asia Pacific region and bilateral relations with individual states in the region

MOSCOW, April 11. /TASS/. Russia and Armenia reiterate their commitment to strengthening security in Eurasia and preventing the subversion of cooperation, the Russian foreign ministry said on Tuesday after consultations between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko and Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

"The sides discussed a wide spectrum of issues of cooperation within multilateral formats with a focus on cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. They reiterated their commitment to consolidating efforts to strengthen security and stability in the Eurasian space, and to avoid undermining the effectiveness of mechanisms aimed at inclusive and mutually beneficial practical cooperation," the ministry said.

The diplomats exchanged views on the problems of the Asia Pacific region and bilateral relations with individual states in the region.

Apart from that, they discussed the situation in the South Caucasus, including steps taken by the countries of the region to promote the normalization of the situation and the resumption of economic and transport ties.

Prime Minister’s son denies being assaulted



 13:33, 4 April 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 4, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s son Ashot Pashinyan on Tuesday denied reports that he’s been assaulted.

Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan on Monday said that Ashot Pashinyan has been assaulted. He didn’t elaborate.

Now, Ashot Pashinyan says that no assault has taken place.

“No political or any other type of assault against me has taken place. Regrettably, I have to deny the false reports about me myself. Regarding the “spread” of the information, I think what’s most surprising is who’s citing whom. And I don’t even care why. All the best to everyone,” Ashot Pashinyan said in a statement.

Armenia’s top security official to visit Iran

Iran – April 7 2023

TEHRAN – The Secretary of Armenia’s Security Council, Armen Grigoryan, will pay a visit to Iran on Sunday to meet his Iranian counterpart.

“On April 9, the Secretary of the Security Council, Armen Grigoryan, will be in Tehran on a working visit,” the Security Council of Armenia said in short statement on Friday. 

According to the statement, “He will meet with Ali Shamkhani, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

The visit comes after Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Ali Bagheri Kani paid a visit to Yerevan amid rising tensions in the South Caucasus region. Bagheri Kani’s visit was done at the invitation of his Armenian counterpart.

Iran has recently appointed a seasoned diplomat as its new ambassador to Armenia. The public relations office of the Iranian Foreign Ministry said Iran’s Ambassador to Syria Mehdi Sobhani will be dispatched to Yerevan, as Iran’s new envoy, after serving in the Middle Eastern country. 

Sobhani is a seasoned diplomat, according to the Iranian foreign ministry. 

Tensions have been on the rise in the South Caucasus region over a range of issues including military frictions between Yerevan and Baku. Also, Azerbaijan’s decision to open an embassy in Tel Aviv has exacerbated tensions between Tehran and Baku. In addition, in recent days, the Republic of Azerbaijan has taken a set of measures that heightened tensions with Iran. In its latest move, Azerbaijan declared four Iranian diplomats in Baku as persona non grata.

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani demanded explanations from Azerbaijan regarding remarks by Israel’s foreign minister that Tel Aviv and Baku have formed a united front with Azerbaijan against Iran. 

Kanaani described the remarks as yet another piece of evidence proving the Zionist regime’s evil intentions to turn the Republic of Azerbaijan’s territory into a threat against the national security of Iran. He strongly condemned the statements, according to a statement by the Iranian foreign ministry. 

Kanaani described the statements of the Zionist regime’s foreign minister regarding the formation of a “united anti-Iranian front,” as well as the statements of the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan regarding the content of the talks and a “new stage of strategic partnership” between Azerbaijan and the Zionist regime as an implicit approval of the anti-Iran orientation of their cooperation, demanding an explanation from the Azeri authorities in this regard.

Emphasizing the unbreakable historical and religious bonds between the people of Iran and Azerbaijan, he added that Iran has always tried to thwart the attempts of ill-wishers to divide the two neighboring countries, and that the government of Azerbaijan is also expected to avoid the trap that the enemies of relations between the two countries have set.

Armenia: A Global People

March 18 2023

The Modern Republic of Armenia lies in the turbulent south Caucuses. Although the Armenians as a people have existed for thousands of years, they have known the safety of living within peaceful and independent borders at only brief times. In fact, the Armenians have long lived between larger, warring powers and as minorities within larger empires. Because of this, they have developed into an exceedingly mobile people; the vast majority of Armenians does not live in Armenia, but rather is scattered across the globe.

A map of Armenia’s major waterways within its region.

That the Armenians have maintained a distinct culture despite geographic distances and despite having absorbed so many influences from so many diverse and often dominating cultures is remarkable. It is a feat they have achieved through pride in their language, religious faith, and mountainous homeland.

Today’s Armenia continues to be affected by international issues and border disputes, but is also helped by its geostrategic position and by its generous ethnic diaspora which helps support it.

Armenia is a mountainous, landlocked country slightly smaller than the US state of Maryland. The majority of its population and irrigated agricultural land are concentrated around its south western border, with Yerevan at its center. More than a third of the country’s three-million strong population lives in the capital. The mountains, which make up the majority of the country, are sparsely populated and offer small mineral deposits such as copper, gold, and molybdenum. The main cash crop is grapes, which feeds the nation’s famed cognac, wine, and brandy production. However, most of the country’s main industries, including tobacco processing, diamond cutting, and energy production (nuclear and gas), rely on imported raw materials for processing.

Due to the mountains, Armenia’s rivers are fast moving and, while much of the region’s water originates in Armenia, Armenia itself experiences water shortages during the hot summer months when evaporation is high. Thus, the Armenians have long been skilled in building irrigation, dams, and reservoirs. Today, thanks to an extensive and long-running hydroelectric program, the country produces about a third of its electricity from its rivers.

Armenia’s farmland is fed by rivers that run to the Aras River, which flows between Armenia and Turkey and into Azerbaijan. Both Turkey and Azerbaijan are currently imposing a military blockade on Armenia due to the Nagorno-Kabarakh conflict, making the river essentially useless in terms of transportation for Armenia.

Armenia’s dominant feature is Lake Sevan, a massive, natural fresh water lake that also provides irrigation waters as well as fish, recreation, and tourism.

Much of what Armenian culture considers its traditional heartland is today located in Turkey. This includes large amounts of agricultural land and Mount Ararat. This mountain is visible from Yerevan, featured in the center of Armenia’s coat of arms, and the home of the pantheon of gods whose stories are told in Armenian mythology.

Successive invasions and occupations of Armenia by foreign powers encouraged pockets of Armenians to form and move around the area. Due largely to Soviet planning, not all of these pockets were included in the Armenian SSR and thus are not included in today’s Armenia, which retains the same borders.

Due to conflicts with its neighbors, Armenia’s only open borders lie with Iran and Georgia, the latter providing the country’s only rail link for freight shipments. That rail, however, also passes through Abkhazia, an unrecognized republic that broke from Georgia and closed its borders with Georgia. So, freight in and out of Armenia usually travels through Georgia’s Black Sea ports in a relatively expensive and inefficient process. Through Georgia, Armenia also receives nearly all of its gas needs via a pipeline from Russia.

Perhaps because of its largely non-functioning borders, Armenia has been forced to rapidly develop a services industry, particularly in IT services, to allow its economy to continue to function. As of 2021, services made up about 53% of the economy, more than any other sector (with mining taking 27% and agriculture 10%). Much of the investment and construction needed to make this happen (and to develop Nagorno-Karabakh), is financed through remittances and investments made by the sizeable populations of Armenians living in Russia and the US.

For more on Armenia’s foreign policy and security imperatives, click here.

The Armenians are an inherently international people. Most scholars agree that they likely originated in South Eastern Europe, then migrated to the Caucuses where they mixed linguistically, culturally, and/or genetically with various Caucasian groups as well as various other groups that would later conquer what became the Armenian homelands: Persians, Turks, Greeks, Romans, and, later, the Russians.

Armenians call their country “Hayk” and refer to themselves as “Hayer.” The legend of Hayk, a hero from ca 2500 BC, is told by the 5th century Armenian historian Movses Khorenatsi. Hayk left Babylon (today a city in Iraq and long a major part in Middle Eastern empires) due to the oppressive King Titanid Bel. Hayk settled with his kinsmen at the foot of Mt. Ararat. Hayk named his settlement Haykashen and later killed Titanid Bel in battle. Hayk had a son, Aram, whose name is the root of the exonym Armenia. Armenian tradition traces the heritage of all Armenians back to this family of heroes.

The name “Armenia” was most often used in ancient Persian and Greek sources and thus is still most commonly used in the Western world to refer to the country.

For centuries after Hayk, the Armenians lived under various rulers including the Hittites and, most importantly, the Kingdom of Urartu (860-590 BCE), from which the Armenians adopted a pantheon of gods, elements of the Armenian language, and began to solidify as a cultural and political entity. Urartu, named for Mount Ararat which sat at its center, is often pointed to by Armenian nationalists as a pivotal time for the formation of the eventual Kingdom Armenia.

That kingdom first gained independence with the fall of the Seleucid Empire. The Seleucid Empire was a Hellenic state formed from lands originally conquered by Alexander the Great. The Armenian language and culture were deeply influenced by the Seleucids, under whom Armenians served as local rulers. When the Seleucids crumbled under Roman pressure, the Kingdom of Armenia was recognized by Rome an independent political force in 190 BCE.

The Kingdom of Armenia briefly became an empire under Tigranes the Great in the final century BCE. At its height, the Empire covered present day Armenia, parts of Georgia and Azerbaijan, Iran and Iraq, and stretched southwest across Turkey to Syria and the Mediterranean Sea. Tigranes was eventually conquered by Rome, however, in 55 BC and his former Kingdom would spend the next 500 years as a contested border province between Rome and the successive Middle Eastern empires. Because of Tigranes’ ambitious expansion, however, ethnic Armenians migrated throughout the area, most notably the region of Cilicia on the coast of the Mediterranean in what is today south eastern Turkey.

In the late Roman period, Armenia became the first country in the world to formally adopt Christianity as its state religion when King Tiridates III of Armenia converted in 301 AD. This predated the Roman religious tolerance edicts from Galerius and Constantine by 10 and 12 years respectively. That Armenia was first and that it managed to retain its Christianity throughout the centuries despite being surrounded by majority Muslim populations is a key element to Armenian identity today. The Armenian Apostolic Church remains a major cultural influence among the Armenian people. Churches are found across the globe wherever the people reside.

The Armenian Empire at its height under King Tiridates. Note the placement of the Kingdom of Cilicia at the top of the Mediterranean Sea.

Rome fell and what had been Armenia was eventually split between the Byzantines and the Persians. Persian influence on Armenia’s language and culture became pronounced during this time.

The rise of the Arab states eventually led to the Byzantine-Arab wars, which ravaged the Armenian homelands. In the chaos, the Armenians united under Ashot I in the 9th century and fought the Emirs. Although full independence was not achieved, Ashot was crowned king and granted considerable autonomy which he used to expand his lands and revitalize the Armenian economy and culture from 862-890 AD.

Armenian autonomy continued until the Arabs began to reassert power in the late 1,000s. Several splinter kingdoms formed during this time, among them the precursor to the modern territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Upheavals in the Caucasus over the next 300 years caused by the Byzantines and Seljuk Turks triggered mass migrations away from the Armenian’s traditional homeland south toward the Mediterranean. Many settled across Anatolia (modern day Turkey) with many ending in Cilicia, joining communities of Armenians that had settled there under Tigranes the Great over 1,000 years before. Eventually, the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia was founded there and prospered through its relations with Western Europe and by serving as a launching site for the Crusades.

The end of Crusades, the arrival and later Islamization of the Mongols, and repeated invasions, particularly from Egypt by the Muslim Mamluks, weakened and broke the Cilician state in 1375. Many of the Armenians there again dispersed, traveling westward and settling is places such as Cyprus, Cairo, Venice, Marseilles, Paris, and Holland.

Although many Armenians migrated, many stayed. In fact, the Armenians retained a majority or significant minority in an area stretching from modern Armenia through central Turkey. Those who stayed behind, however, suffered under numerous invasions. Successive Mongol and Arab rulers ruled over the divided Armenian homeland over the following centuries. Starting in the mid-17th century, the Ottomans would rule the west and the Persians controlled the East. This would be the case until the 19th century.

Those who emigrated tended to be those with the means to so. The Armenians also tended to form cohesive Armenian communities in their new homelands, and to keep in contact with other Armenian communities elsewhere. They also, however, tended to learn the local language and to try integrate. This unique position often led the Armenian to become translators and intermediaries. The international network of Armenians that developed helped many to excel in trade. The international stereotype of the Armenian as a wily businessman reflected a genuine entrepreneurial spirit that permeated Armenian culture. It also, however, led to discrimination that closely resembled antisemitism.

Russia had been pressing towards the Caucasus Mountains for some time, seeking to give their empire a defensible southern anchor by controlling the entirety of the high mountain range. Many Armenians looked on this as an opportunity. The Russians were a Christian nation that had pledged to protect the interests of Christians everywhere. Surely living under the Russian empire would be preferable to living under a Muslim empire?

Nicholas I annexed most of what is today modern Armenia from the Persians in 1828. This sparked hope for many Armenians still living in Persia and the Ottoman Empire, and about 50,000 total immigrated into Russian Armenia. Armenia, however, was now a militarized zone bordering Russia’s rivals and it was ruled as such. Little autonomy was granted, Armenian nationalism was distrusted, and an occupying army, led by the harsh General Tsitsianov, remained to rule and defend the new possession. The Russians built the railroad from Georgia at this time to improve transportation and communication. This railroad was also a boon for the local economy, and today represents the main overland transport line out of Armenia.

There are no reliable figures to determine exact populations, but roughly over half of the world’s Armenians were estimated to be residing in the Russian-controlled territory in the mid 1800s. Another 20 to 40 percent lived in the Ottoman Empire in the eastern regions of Anatolia. The remainder was spread out to other parts of Europe or Africa.

Russian rule did give the Armenians greater access to European thought and to ideas of nationalism. Armenians in both Russia and the Ottoman Empire used the mostly peaceful second half of the 19th century to rebuild their national identity. Although they faced oscillating policies of Russification and more liberal autonomy from Moscow, the Armenians opened schools, their writers modernized the vernacular Armenian language, and the national entrepreneurial spirit was allowed to flourish in many parts of the Russian empire, including in the native Armenian lands.

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) emerged in 1890, pressing for more autonomy from the Tsar and the Sultan alike. This nationalism was not welcomed by either Russia nor the Ottomans, and the Sultan lashed out particularly harshly. The years 1894-96 saw many Armenians arrested, tortured, and some 300,000 killed.

In the lead-up to World War I, the political structure of the Ottoman Empire shifted radically and abruptly. Although more liberal Young Turk leaders rose to power, Turkish ultranationalists soon supplanted the progressives and pushed blame on the Armenians for the problems of the aging empire.

When World War I began and the Ottomans aligned with the Central Powers, even the Young Turks viewed the Armenians as a tool of the Allies. Suspicion turned violent in late April, 1915 when deportations and executions of Armenians erupted on a massive scale. Many were forced on boats that were then sunk into the Mediterranean. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians, young and old, were forced to march from their homes and into the barren wildernesses of Syria. The death toll is estimated anywhere between 600,000 and 1.5 million, a significant portion of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenian population. Most Armenian historians and an increasing portion of the international community now cite this as history’s first modern genocide.

Some Armenians fled abroad, many to Europe or America. Armenians around the world today observe an annual day of mourning in late April, usually April 24th, the day in 1915 when many members of the Armenian intelligentsia were arrested and later executed. This has proven to bind the Armenian community even closer together despite the borders that may separate them from their homeland. Armenia has also founded an impressive Armenian Genocide Museum to memorialize and study the event.

Following World War I, Armenia experienced another short breath of autonomy when the Allies sought to give them a homeland that would incorporate much of what had been the ancient kingdom of Armenia into an independent state. This would reunite Russian and Ottoman Armenian populations for the first time in centuries. Woodrow Wilson proposed the state it is sometimes referred to as “Wilsonian Armenia.”

That Armenia was not to be, however. Russian Armenia did declare independence in 1918, after the Tsarist government fell. The Republic of Armenia existed for two years before the Red Army marched into Yerevan, reasserting Russian control. This, with collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish War of Independence, eventually led the US to drop the demands for Armenia from the treaty negotiations. The treaty itself went largely unratified.

The newly formed Soviet Union joined Armenia with Azerbaijan and Georgia to create the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. This lasted until 1936 when they were disjoined into their respective current nations. The soviets had hoped newly independent Turkey would develop into a socialist state and sought close ties. In negotiations with Turkey, the USSR agreed to weaken the Armenian political entity, which Turkey felt might still have aspirations to an independent state that would include eastern Turkey. The Soviets thus ceded the Armenian-populated Karabakh to Azerbaijan.

World War II affected Armenia the least out of the three Caucasian republics, as it did not have the oil reserves of Azerbaijan, nor the industrial capacity of Georgia (although Armenia’s industrial capacity had doubled three times over under the Soviets). The Armenian people did contribute many lives to the Great Patriotic War, with approximately 500,000 Armenians taking part and half of those not returning home. During and after WWII, the USSR practiced population redistribution on a massive scale. Armenians found in Nazi camps and some Armenians in other border regions of the USSR were moved to Central Asia and the South Caucasus, including, sometimes, to Armenia itself.

The thaw that occurred after Stalin’s death lead to more self-governance in Armenia and a revitalization of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Armenia also began to consider ways to rejoin their homelands, asking Moscow to take historically Armenian populated regions from Turkey. Later, following Glasnost in the late 1980s, the Armenian SSR sought to reclaim Karabakh and Nakhichevan through a petition to Moscow. In 1988, demonstrations for and against the petition in Armenia and Azerbaijan broke into ethnic violence, rioting, and spiraling tensions between the two republics.

This topographic map shows Azerbaijan’s effective borders before (top) and after (below) the 1993-1994 war. Note that the loss of this territory eliminates much of a defensible mountainous border that once separated it from its long-time enemy, Armenia. In a wider conflict, this would be a great advantage to Armenia, making the defense of southern Armenia easier (by eliminating a bottleneck and expanding the territory) and make the invasion of eastern Azerbaijan easier.

In December, 1988 a major earthquake hit Northern Armenia, affecting in particular the cheaply-built Soviet housing stock, leaving many homeless in the winter. The Soviets, mired in internal difficulties and a faltering economy, were slow to respond, drawing still more ire from the Armenian SSR.

A group known as Karabakh Committee developed out of growing anti-Moscow sentiment in the late 1980s, and the New Armenian Army, developed largely to defend Armenian interests from Azerbaijan, was formed 1990. As cracks began to form in the USSR, Armenia was one of the first republics to declare independence. The Communist Party peacefully transitioned power to the new leadership when the vote was finally held in 1991, and Armenia democratically elected its first president, Ter-Petrosyan, who would lead for most of the decade.

War broke out with Azerbaijan in 1992. Although Azerbaijan had a larger military, Armenia had more officers and equipment and emerged victorious.

However, the war meant that reconstruction of the earthquake-devastated north was hindered for several more years as resources were pulled toward the war effort. Further, both Azerbaijan and its ally Turkey both closed their borders to Armenia. Food which had traditionally come from Turkey halted and oil and gas from Azerbaijan likewise stopped, disrupting the Armenian economy. A new wave of population redistribution followed, with Armenians displaced from the war flowing into Armenia, but also with many Armenians who had the means to do so seeking better economic fortunes abroad.

Like most former Soviet republics, politics in Armenia have been contentious. Armenia’s first president, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, an academic fluent in multiple languages that had led efforts to reunite Nagno-Karbakh with Armenia under the USSR, was elected with great fanfare and public support. He was then accused of rigging his 1996 reelection. Later, when he ran and lost an election, he accused his opponent of wrongdoing. Armenia has had a history of forcibly putting down protests, but despite all this, it remains in the West’s good graces and elections have generally passed OSCE inspections.

In late 2015, Armenia held a constitutional referendum that sought to shift the state from a semi-presidential system to a parliamentary one. Organized by the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) and was supported by a coalition of political parties, it passed with 63% of voters believing that it would result in a fairer, more democratic Armenia.

The president was made largely a figurehead and the prime minister gained the ability to appoint and dismiss the government, approve the budget, and oversee the work of the executive branch.

In 2018, however, Serzh Sargsyan, the president who spearheaded the reforms ran for prime minister, rather than stepping down from power peacefully as promised. It also became clear that the new electoral system created by the referendum greatly favored the ruling party.

Mass protests broke out led by opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan that led to Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation and the appointment of Pashinyan as prime minister. In December 2018, Armenia held new parliamentary elections, which were won by Pashinyan’s political party, the Civil Contract party.

While some hoped that the new government would steer Armenia in a more solidly liberal and pro-EU direction, it soon became clear that Pashinyan intended to rule solidly from the center but was also struggling to balance the interests of Armenia’s various power centers.

This came to a head in September-November 2020, when war broke out again between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Both countries had worked to build up their militaries since the previous war but energy-rich Azerbaijan had far outstripped Armenia in spending. Armenia was soundly defeated and in the ceasefire agreement brokered by Russia, Azerbaijan took back much of the land it lost in the first war.

This created a political crisis in Armenia, where the defense and support of Nagorno-Karabakh became a point of national pride and identity. In June 2021, snap parliamentary elections were held in Armenia, but the Civil Contract Party and Pashinyan retained their positions.

However, Paninyan was still struggling to consolidate power. In November 2021, the Armenian government declared a state of emergency and arrested several opposition politicians and activists, including former President Robert Kocharyan, on charges of attempting to stage a coup. The move was criticized by human rights groups and the international community.

Today’s Armenia faces many challenges and opportunities. Its citizens list national security and Nagorno-Karabakh has their main concern. Issues of economic security come next as issues of widespread poverty and economic emigration remain unresolved from the Soviet era. The environment is also a concern as the country hopes to tap more of its mineral resources but this could threaten water quality and the country’s plans to become a tourism center.

For more on Armenia’s foreign policy and security imperatives, click here.

Today, less than a quarter of Armenians worldwide reside in Armenia. A strong sense of ethnic and national pride means that Armenians in this large diaspora are likely to give back to their homeland, whether it be through the Armenian Apostolic Church or direct investment in local business.

Since Russia began what it calls its “special military operation”* in Ukraine, an estimated 65,000 Russians have immigrated to Armenia, or about 2% of the overall population. Although the arrival of these immigrants has led to higher inflation, particularly in Yerevan, they have also helped plug the emigration crisis and brain drain the country was facing. Further, Armenia’s trade with Russia has risen by nearly 450% since 2020 with the country becoming a hub for re-exported electronics and vehicles to Russia.

Internationally, Armenia has sought to gain international recognition of the Armenian Genocide. This effort has been gaining force, thanks in large part to the influential diaspora. The nearly half million Armenians in the US carry electoral weight and have convinced most US states to recognize the event although the federal government has not made a formal pronouncement. Russia is home to more than two million Armenians, with many of them in high profile positions – including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, RT Chief Margarita Simonyan, and opposition politician Gary Kasperov. Russia officially recognized the genocide in 2015.

A map of the Armenian Diaspora. Countries shown in dark red have between 100,000 and 3,000,000.

Armenia’s economy is closely linked with Russia, with Russia being by far the country’s major trading partner. It also relies on Russia for much of its new military equipment, of which it has purchased massive amounts in recent years as an arms race has mounted with Azerbaijan. Russia also provides parts and service for many of the older Soviet-built weapons that Armenia still uses. Thus, despite the historically rocky relationship between Armenia and Russia, Armenia still sees its fortunes as tied, in many ways, to Russia. Armenia joined the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 to secure lower gas prices and more opportunities to export their products.

Armenia today officially retains its Soviet borders and the people of Nagorno-Karabakh declare themselves to be an autonomous republic. However, Nagorno-Karabakh is unrecognized by the international community and his been shrunk from its 1994 borders to roughly its Soviet-era borders by the most recent conflict. Peace negotiations remain unresolved. Borders with Turkey and Azerbaijan remain closed, making transport routes with Georgia and Iran essential. Armenia still tries to balance ties with Russia and the US.

As of 2023, the conflict remains hot. Armenia is in a weakened position and Azerbaijan is angling for deeper control of Nagorno Karabakh and of a corridor to its enclave of Nakhchivan through southern Armenia. With America and Russia distracted with Ukraine, Armenia currently feels that it lacks a strong international partner in its conflict. If Azerbaijan chooses to push further with its demands, it may well be successful.

With every unknown, one thing remains constant for Armenia: The men, women, and children who make up the Hayer, whether they live in Yerevan, New York, Sydney, Sao Paulo, or Moscow, each know their heritage and will proudly bear it into the coming generations.

*part of the content of GeoHistory is produced in Russia, where there are laws restrictive of what current events can be called.

ICRC facilitates transfer of 12 patients from blockaded Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia



 13:49, 7 April 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 7, ARMENPRESS. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) facilitated the transfer of 12 seriously ill patients from blockaded Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia for treatment, the Nagorno Karabakh Ministry of Healthcare reported Friday.

“Due to the blocking by Azerbaijan of the only road connecting Artsakh with Armenia, 12 patients from the Republican Medical Center the Republic of Artsakh with serious diseases of the oncology and cardiovascular system have been transported today, to specialized medical institutions of the Republic of Armenia with the mediation and escort of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

9 patients, who had been transferred to Armenia for medical treatment, returned to Artsakh together with an accompanying persons.

Scheduled surgeries continue to be suspended in the medical centers of the Republic of Artsakh.

7 children remain in the neonatal and intensive care units of the Arevik medical centre.
9 patients remain in the intensive care unit of the Republican Medical Centre, 3 of them in critical condition.

A total of 276 patients have been transported so far from Artsakh to Armenia with the mediation and support of the International Committee of the Red Cross,” the ministry said in a statement.

Speaker of Parliament apologizes for losing temper while confronted by heckler



 16:46, 6 April 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 6, ARMENPRESS. Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan on Thursday apologized to all citizens of Armenia for spitting at a heckler in downtown Yerevan for being called a “traitor.”

“First of all I’d like to thank everyone who supported me during these days and I want to close this topic once and for all, to not allow such everyday topic to continue being circulated alongside the serious issues facing our country.

Indeed, democracy implies that an official must and can be criticized, and why not, provocations could also take place. We must not give in to them. I regret that I lost my temper from the personal insult against me. I am sure that any Armenian with dignity would not have tolerated such an insult, however the high responsibility carried by an elected official must have a restraining role. This is also a lesson for me, because most probably, my team members and I will face such situations in the future as well. This is also a proper occasion for the opposition to revise its rhetoric, its tactic of delivering personal insults and to return to the framework of civilized debate. On this given incident I’d like to apologize to all citizens of the Republic of Armenia,” Simonyan said in a statement.

Asbarez: 90-Year-Old Time Capsule Unearthed at San Francisco’s Mt. Davidson Cross

San Francisco Mayor London Breed and CA Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis stand alongside Sevag Kevranian, Chairperson of the Mt. Davidson Cross Armenian Council as they prepare to open the ninety year old time capsule


A time capsule was unearthed from the foot of Mt. Davidson Cross in San Francisco on April 1 in front of a large crowd of onlookers. Ninety years ago to the day, San Francisco officials and community members gathered at the top of Mt. Davidson Cross to witness Boy Scouts of America Troop 88 bury a sealed copper box at the foot of the Cross to commemorate the first Easter Sunrise Service held there on April 1, 1923.

“Historic moments like these held at Mt. Davidson Cross illustrates how our Armenian-American communities can enrich and inspire society by bringing people together under the ancient canopy of our resilience and hope,” said Fr. Mesrop Ash, Pastor of St. John’s Armenian Apostolic Church in San Francisco and Board Member of the Mt. Davidson Cross Armenian Council. 

During the time capsule unearthing, representatives from the San Francisco Historical Society were present to delicately receive the items which will be prepared for archiving and placed on display for the public to view at their San Francisco museum in June. 

Among the items found in the capsule — which were much more plentiful than the organizers were expecting — were a leather-bound Bible, a San Francisco telephone book, pamphlets, a Boy Scout pin, a municipal record of 1933 and several newspapers including the March 27, 2932, edition of the San Francisco Chronicle, featuring a full front-page photo collage of an Easter celebration, and several other newspapers from the time, many with headlines referencing a murder case.

Following the unearthing of the old time capsule, a new, larger copper time capsule was buried at the same spot. Memorable items were presented by various local clergy leaders including Archbishop Salvadore Cordileone, Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco and Metropolitan Gerasimos, Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco.  

In front of the crowd, Archbishop Cordileone read a poignant quote from Pope Francis in 2015 during his visit to Tsitsernakaberd, the Armenian Genocide Memorial in Armenia and placed a copy of that inside the new capsule.

San Francisco clergy and religious leaders gathered together to honor the historic event Members of the event planning committee represented a variety of Bay Area organizations and churches

On behalf of the Armenian American community, Western Primate Archbishop Hovnan Derderian placed a New Testament Bible from Constantinople (Istanbul) from 1884 belonging to a Genocide survivor and an Armenian Cross Stone (Khachkar) made especially for this event into the new time capsule.

Aside from the clergy, it was an honor to have many state and city politicians in attendance for this historic event. CA Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, as well as San Francisco Supervisors Myrna Melgar and Ahsha Safai all provided brief remarks and ceremonially added their own small San Francisco-related memento into the new time capsule.

Members of the Homenetmen San Francisco Chapter, along with members of Scout Troop 88 of San Francisco led the color guard to kick off the historic ceremony

The historic event was organized by the the Council of Armenian-American Organizations of Northern California, a coalition of more than 30 Armenian-American organizations that purchased the Mt. Davidson Cross through a City of San Francisco public auction in 1997. The CAAONC has renovated the Cross and maintains it and the hilltop as an offer of thanks to San Francisco for becoming a safe haven for survivors of the Armenian Genocide.

“The San Francisco Armenian American community was gratified to save the Cross from demotion in 1997 and serve as its caretaker for the past 25 years in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide committed by the Turkish government,” said Roxanne Makasdjian, Founding Board Member of CAAONC and event Mistress of Ceremonies.

“We do this as a way of thanking San Francisco for taking in the Armenian refugees a century ago, and as a way to honor our history, both as the first nation to adopt Christianity in 301 AD, and as descendants of Armenian Genocide survivors. For us, this Cross and this time capsule embody the importance and purpose of remembrance,” concluded Makasdjian.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/31/2023


Armenian Government Blamed For Fresh Azeri Territorial Gains

        • Artak Khulian
        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Azerbaijani soldiers set up positions near the Armenian village of Tegh, March 
31, 2023.

The Armenian opposition accused Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s government on 
Friday of letting Azerbaijan occupy more Armenian territory after rerouting much 
of the Lachin corridor to Nagorno-Karabakh.

The five-kilometer-wide corridor became Karabakh’s sole overland link to Armenia 
following the 2020 war stopped by a Russian-brokered ceasefire agreement. The 
agreement called for the construction of a new Armenia-Karabakh highway 
bypassing the town of Lachin.

Azerbaijan regained control of the town last August after building a 
32-kilomer-long highway linking up to a new Armenian section of the corridor 
which was supposed to be completed by April 1, 2023. Azerbaijani troops 
redeployed on Thursday morning to more parts of the Lachin district adjacent to 
the Armenian border, blocking the old corridor section.

Armenia’s government and National Security Service (NSS) downplayed the 
redeployment, saying that the new Armenian road leading to Karabakh is already 
passable. However, the NSS also said that the Azerbaijani troops occupied 
Armenian territory in the process.

“In some places, the Azerbaijani side, without waiting for pre-arranged [border] 
adjustments, started to position itself and carried out fortification works,” 
said the statement. “According to the Armenian side’s calculations, there are 
five such points where the Azerbaijani side crossed the border and advanced 100 
to 300 meters [into [Armenian territory.]”

The NSS added that the two sides agreed that their cartographers will try to 
“ascertain the situation.” Armenia is keen “to not allow an escalation,” 
emphasized the security service.

The Azerbaijani forces moved very close to the Armenian border village of Tegh. 
According to local government officials and farmers, they now control a large 
part of the community’s agricultural land and pastures.

One of the Tegh residents, who did not want to be identified, said he discovered 
on Thursday that he no longer has access to his 2-hectare wheat field.

“They [Azerbaijani soldiers] are now uprooting my wheat and digging trenches 
there,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service.

Armenia - A road to Nagorno-Karabakh passing through the village of Tegh.
The development left many in the country wondering why Yerevan did not act to 
prevent the loss of what it regards as Armenia’s internationally recognized 

Pashinian stressed that the Armenian military did not lose any of its border 
posts in that area.

“The Armenian army had no positions at the border section in question because 
such positions are set up not on the border line but on nearby strategic 
heights,” the NSS said for its part.

Leaders of Armenia’s two main opposition groups dismissed these explanations. 
They said that Pashinian’s administration could and should have prevented 
Azerbaijani from making the fresh territorial gains.

“Clearly, this is a major failure by the Armenia authorities in both the 
political and military fields,” said Seyran Ohanian, a former defense minister 
who now leads the parliamentary group of the Hayastan alliance.

“We have a situation for which the authorities and Nikol Pashinian personally 
are responsible because … the change of the [corridor] route presupposed 
political decisions that were not made,” agreed Tigran Abrahamian of the Pativ 
Unem bloc.

Abrahamian argued that Pashinian’s government itself has repeatedly accused Baku 
of violating Armenian-Azerbaijani agreements and launching military aggression 
against Armenia after the 2020 war.

“Objectively, no Armenian government could have had reason to believe that 
Azerbaijan would honor an oral agreement [reached in August 2022 and cited by 
the NSS,]” he told reporters.

Senior lawmakers representing the ruling Civil Contract party refused to comment 
on the opposition accusations.

Opposition leaders also blamed Pashinian’s government for much bigger 
territorial losses suffered by Armenia during border clashes with Azerbaijan in 
May 2021 and September 2022. They regularly charge that it cannot defend the 
country and rebuild its armed forces after mishandling the disastrous 2020 war. 
Pashinian and his political allies deny this.

Russia Signals Ban On Dairy Imports From Armenia

Armenia - Dairy products at a supermarket in Yerevan.

Russia moved on Friday to ban imports of dairy products from Armenia amid rising 
tensions between the two allied countries.

The Russian government’s Rosselkhoznadzor agriculture watchdog first warned of 
such a measure on Tuesday, saying that Armenian dairy companies use Iranian milk 
and other raw materials banned in Russia. It said that Russia risks importing 
“low-quality and unsafe products” also because of a lack of “proper oversight” 
of those companies’ operations by relevant Armenian authorities.

Rosselkhoznadzor reported on Friday its ensuing negotiations with Armenia’s Food 
Safety Inspectorate yielded “unsatisfactory results.” It said it has therefore 
asked the Armenian state veterinary service to suspend from April 5 mandatory 
safety certifications of all dairy products exported to Russia.

The Armenian government did not immediately comment on the move.

A spokeswoman the Food Safety Inspectorate insisted on Wednesday that the 
Iranian raw materials are safe for consumption. She also told RFE/RL’s Armenian 
that Rosselkhoznadzor’s inspection of some Armenian dairy firms conducted last 
week did not detect “any problem threatening people’s lives and health.”

The Russian watchdog issued its first warning four days Armenia’s Constitutional 
Court gave the green light for parliamentary ratification of the International 
Criminal Court’s founding treaty. The ruling in turn came one week after the ICC 
issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin over war crimes 
allegedly committed by Russia in Ukraine.

Moscow warned on Monday that recognition of The Hague tribunal’s jurisdiction 
would have “extremely negative” consequences for Russian-Armenian relations.

The Armenian government has still not publicly reacted to the stern warning. 
Still, two pro-government lawmakers stated earlier this week that Yerevan should 
not be afraid of pledging to arrest Putin if he visits the South Caucasus 

Russian-Armenian relations have soured lately due to what Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian’s administration sees as a lack of Russian support for Armenia in the 
conflict with Azerbaijan.

Dairy products make up a small share of Armenia’s exports to Russia. The Russian 
market is far more important for Armenian exporters of fresh fruits and 
vegetables, processed foods and alcoholic drinks.

Armenian exports to Russia nearly tripled to $2.4 billion last year as a 
consequence of Western economic sanctions against Moscow. The soaring trade with 
and other cash flows from Russia are the main reason why the Armenian economy 
grew by 12.6 percent last year.

Media Figures Dismiss Pashinian’s Press Freedom Claims

        • Naira Bulghadarian

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian holds a news conference, March 14, 2023.

Journalists and other media professionals disputed on Friday Prime Minister 
Nikol Pashinian’s claims that he has consistently strengthened press freedom in 
Armenia during his five-year rule.

“As a former editor-in chief and journalist, I know full well, from my own 
experience, the importance of being able to function without interference from 
the state,” Pashinian told on Thursday a media-related event held as part of the 
U.S.-led Summit for Democracy.

In a video address, he said that his government has put in place “all the 
mechanisms for developing free press as an essential part of true democracy.”

“Armenia is continuously implementing reforms aimed at improving its legislation 
for ensuring better environment for media and journalists to perform their 
professional duties safely and freely,” added Pashinian.

Ashot Melikian of the Yerevan-based Committee to Protect the Freedom of Speech 
countered that in 2021 Pashinian’s administration tripled maximum legal fines 
for “slander,” made it a crime to gravely insult state officials and imposed 
unprecedented restrictions on journalists’ freedom of movement inside the 
Armenian parliament building.

More than 50 Armenians were prosecuted for defamation and hundreds of others 
investigated on the same grounds before the authorities decriminalized such 
offenses under domestic and foreign pressure last year. Many of those criminal 
cases stemmed from offensive comments on Pashinian made on social media or in 
public speeches.

Melikian also said that government, law-enforcement and judicial bodies remain 
reluctant to provide important information to the media.

“It is not accessible,” he told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service. “Often times media 
outlets do not receive information sought by them even after filing numerous 

Armenia -- Photojournalists and cameramen at an official ceremony in Yerevan, 
January 10, 2019.

Aram Abrahamian, the veteran editor of the independent Aravot daily, noted in 
this regard that a government bill recently approved by the parliament should 
make it even easier for the authorities to withhold such data from the public.

Abrahamian believes that only the methods of government pressure on the media 
have changed since the 2018 “velvet revolution” that brought Pashinian to power.

“The methods have become somewhat more subtle and less crude,” he said. “And I 
prefer these methods. Unlike the former authorities that could simply have 
journalists beaten up, [the current authorities] just say, ‘You’ve bought a 
particular home.’”

Abrahamian referred to Pashinian’s recent reaction to growing media reports 
about personal enrichment of members of his political entourage. The prime 
minister suggested that journalists investigate instead properties bought by 
their bosses.

Earlier this month, hackers hijacked Aravot’s YouTube channel just as it was 
about to publish a video report detailing expensive property acquisitions by 
several senior government officials and pro-government lawmakers. Abrahamian did 
not rule out government involvement in the cyber attack.

Another major newspaper, Hraparak, blasted Pashinian’s “completely false” claim 
that his government “didn’t put any restrictions on media freedom and the 
Internet” even during martial law declared right after the outbreak of the 2020 
war with Azerbaijan.

The government banned at the time any news reports and social media content 
contradicting its official statements on the hostilities. It used heavy fines to 
enforce that ban.

Hraparak also pointed out that the Armenian Ministry of Justice drafted late 
last year legislation that would empower authorities to block access to news 
websites and social media in times of war. The proposed bill prompted serious 
concern from media freedom advocates.

Armenian Opposition Lawmaker Arrested

        • Gayane Saribekian

Armenia - Parliament deputies Vladimir Vartanian (left) and Mher Sahakian.

An opposition member of Armenia’s parliament was arrested on Friday after 
brawling with a pro-government colleague in disputed circumstances.

Eyewitnesses said that Mher Sahakian of the main opposition Hayastan alliance 
punched Vladimir Vartanian, the chairman of the parliament committee on legal 
affairs, during a session of the panel held behind the closed doors. They said 
the violence followed a shouting match between Vartanian and Sahakian and other 
opposition lawmakers.

Vartanian, who represents the ruling Civil Contract party, suffered an injury to 
his left eyebrow and was treated in hospital following the incident.

Meanwhile, other senior pro-government lawmakers called the police. Parliament 
speaker Alen Simonian could be seen giving instructions to police officers and 
security guards in the parliament lobby before they dragged away Sahakian to a 
police station in Yerevan.

Armenia’s Investigative Committee said later in the day that Sahakian was placed 
under arrest on suspicion of “hooliganism.” The law-enforcement agency did not 
clarify whether it will bring relevant charges against him.

Armenian law gives it three days to decide whether to indict the 35-year-old 
oppositionist and ask the National Assembly to lift his immunity from 

“We know very well what influence Civil Contract has on the law-enforcement 
system and don’t exclude that they will also raise the issue of his arrest and 
prosecution,” Sahakian’s lawyer, Ruben Melikian, told reporters.

Melikian insisted that his client acted in self-defense, a claim echoed by 
Artsvik Minasian, another opposition parliamentarian who also attended the 
committee meeting. Minasian said that during the meeting Vartanian shouted at 
opposition members of the committee before standing up and walking menacingly 
towards Sahakian.

In a statement, Hayastan’s parliamentary group likewise blamed the incident on 
Vartanian’s “provocative and unbalanced behavior.”

Vartanian said, however, that the assault was unprovoked. He claimed that 
Sahakian and other opposition deputies ignored his “legitimate demands” to stick 
to the meeting’s agenda.

Sahakian’s swift arrest sharply contrasted with law-enforcement authorities’ 
response to violent incidents involving lawmakers affiliated with the ruling 

One of those pro-government lawmakers, Vahagn Aleksanian, approached and kicked 
Hayastan’s Vahe Hakobian as the latter gave a speech on the parliament floor in 
August 2021. Hakobian and five other opposition deputies were hit by a larger 
number of Civil Contract lawmakers in an ensuing melee that was not swiftly 
stopped by scores of security personnel present in the chamber. The authorities 
did not try to prosecute anyone in connection with that incident witnessed by 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
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