Turkish press: Azerbaijan takes control of strategic points in Karabakh

A view shows a multiple rocket launcher of Armenian separatists near Lachin Karabakh, Nov. 13, 2020. (Reuters File Photo)

Azerbaijan has taken control of several strategic areas in Karabakh, the army said Wednesday.

The Azerbaijani army said it conducted the operation dubbed "Revenge" in response to the "terrorist actions of illegal Armenian armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan," which claimed the life of an Azerbaijani soldier.

Fighting erupted around the territory, which is internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, in recent days, with Baku claiming to have killed four separatist soldiers and wounded 15 more.

On Wednesday, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry said Karabakh troops targeted Azerbaijani army positions in the district of Lachin, which is under the supervision of the Russian peacekeeping force, killing an Azerbaijani conscript.

Meanwhile, Armenian separatists declared a partial mobilization.

Relations between the former Soviet republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan have been tense since 1991 when the Armenian military occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan, and seven adjacent regions.

Clashes erupted on Sept. 27, 2020, with the Armenian army attacking civilians and Azerbaijani forces and violating several humanitarian cease-fire agreements.

During the 44-day conflict, Azerbaijan liberated several cities and around 300 settlements and villages that had been occupied by Armenia for almost 30 years.

The fighting ended with a Russian-brokered agreement on Nov. 10, 2020, which was seen as a victory for Azerbaijan and a defeat for Armenia.

In January 2021, the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a pact to develop economic ties and infrastructure to benefit the entire region. It also included the establishment of a trilateral working group in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Armenian serviceman wounded as a result of Azerbaijani provocation

Public Radio of Armenia
Aug 2 2022

Serviceman of the Artsakh Defense Army Albert Bakhshiyan was wounded as a result of the provocation by Azerbaijani forces, Artsakh’s Defense Ministry reports.

The condition of the wounded serviceman is assessed as satisfactory, the Defense Ministry said.

The Defense Ministry reported earlier that starting at 09:00, units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces resorted to provocation in a number of sections of the northern and northwestern border zone of the Republic of Artsakh, attempting to cross the line of contact, Artsakh’s Defense Ministry reports.

The attempts were prevented by the Defense Army forces.

Coronavirus cases growing in Armenia – minister



 12:59, 28 July 2022

YEREVAN, JULY 28, ARMENPRESS. Increase in COVID-19 cases has been observed in Armenia in the past weeks, the BA.5 subvariant of Omicron is being circulated, Minister of Healthcare Anahit Avanesyan told reporters after the Cabinet meeting, adding that if the situation worsens, the government will apply all its tools to handle it.

“We understand that coronavirus is becoming an endemic disease, and there will be outbreaks in different parts of the world from time to time. It’s an active tourism season now, people travel. And of course, the infection should have been penetrated into Armenia for the umpteenth time. In recent weeks, we are registering an increase in coronavirus cases every week. We have the clear plan for expanding the hospital beds, and we should move forward based on the epidemic situation”, she said.

The minister noted that daily monitoring is being conducted, adding that the professional council will make some changes in its guidelines and policy within the course of time. “And we are ready for the expected waves, will see what happens. Now it’s a little bit difficult to predict”, she added.

According to the minister, they won’t return to travel-related restrictions, however, adds that all restrictions depend on the epidemic situation.

“If, God forbid, the epidemic situation worsens, we will, of course, apply all our tools to fight the disease. Ongoing research is always underway. At the moment, BA.5 subvariant of Omicron is being circulated”, she added.

Sports: Request by 15 countries to move IBA Extraordinary Congress from Armenia turned down


  •  Sunday,

  • A request to move the International Boxing Association (IBA) Extraordinary Congress from Yerevan has been turned down after a date for the event was set and registration opened.

    A group of 15 countries, calling themselves the "Common Cause Alliance", wrote to the IBA Board of Directors urging them to relocate the event from Armenia’s capital, which it has now been announced is due to take place on September 25.

    The Extraordinary Congress will be the second to be staged by IBA this year.

    At the first in Istanbul in May, Russia’s Umar Kremlev was re-elected for a full four-year term as IBA President after his only rival, The Netherlands’ Boris van der Vorst, was declared ineligible on the eve of the event.

    The Dutchman appealed against the Boxing Independent Integrity Unit decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport and won his case.

    The Netherlands is among the group of countries to have called for the event to be moved.

    Russia, who invaded Ukraine in February, has a big military presence in Armenia ©Getty Images

    Among the reasons the group of countries, who also included the United States, Australia, Switzerland, France, Canada, England and Ireland, have called for the move, is Armenia’s support of Russia following the invasion of Ukraine.

    "The Armenian Government is a close military and political ally of the Russian Government, which is currently conducting an illegal military invasion of Ukraine," they write.

    "The Russian military is currently stationed in Armenia, including the Russian 102nd Military Base in Gyumri and the Russian 3624th Airbase in Erebuni Airport near Yerevan.

    "The cooperation between the Armenian and Russian Governments is organised under the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

    "Were these facts considered by the Board when making the decision to assign the hosting rights of the IBA Congress to the Armenian Boxing Federation?

    "How could IBA allow the organisation of the IBA Congress in a country which stations the military that had violated the Olympic Truce and is still conducting an illegal invasion into a sovereign country?

    "Therefore, we urge the IBA Board of Directors to address these facts and re-assign the IBA Extraordinary Congress hosting rights without delay.

    "We believe that the optimal solution for the IBA would be to host this crucial IBA Congress in Lausanne, which is ‘the home and heart of the international boxing,’ according to the statement of the IBA President at the June 24 2022, IBA Board Meeting."

    But IBA have claimed they could not have awarded the Extraordinary Congress to Switzerland as it was not among the 10 countries who bid to host it.

    "IBA Board of Directors has already taken the decision about the date and place for the Congress, and IBA head office has opened the NFs (National Federations) registration process accordingly," a spokesperson for IBA told insidethegames.

    "IBA Board of Directors has examined different bids and chosen the best suitable solution that satisfies all necessary requirements.

    "Neither city of Lausanne nor Switzerland did not come up with a bidding proposal, therefore, the country was not considered."

    Umar Kremlev has urged countries to register for the IBA Extraordinary Congress ©IBA

    The main agenda of this Extraordinary Congress is for the National Federations to decide on the necessity of the new Presidential elections, which is seen as crucial to the future of IBA.

    Shortly after the CAS ruling in favour of van der Vorst, the International Olympic Committee announced that IBA would once again be stripped of the rights to organise the boxing tournament at Paris 2024.

    "I encourage all National Federations to register for the upcoming Congress because in our fight for good governance, IBA strives for absolute transparency when it comes to important decisions such as a Presidential election," Kremlev said.

    RFE/RL Armenian Report – 07/29/2022

    Armenian Opposition To Continue Boycotting Parliament
    Armenia - Opposition leader Ishkhan Saghatelian addresses a rally in Yerevan, 
    Armenia’s two main opposition forces indicated on Friday that they will continue 
    to boycott sessions of the National Assembly despite government threats to strip 
    them of their parliament seats.
    One of their leaders, Ishkhan Saghatelian, dismissed the threats as “blackmail” 
    when he addressed supporters demonstrating in Yerevan against Prime Minister 
    Nikol Pashinian.
    “Once again I must repeat what I’ve been saying for the last three months: if 
    the opposition returns to the parliament it will do so only go with its own 
    agenda formed by the people in this square,” said Saghatelian. “That agenda is 
    clear: Nikol’s departure and our efforts to counter threats to Armenia and 
    Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and address vital issues facing them.”
    “The clique controlling the National Assembly cannot draw us into its treasonous 
    conspiracies with threats to strip us of our [parliament mandates,]” he told the 
    The 35 members of the 107-seat parliament representing the opposition Hayastan 
    and Pativ Unem alliances began the boycott in April in advance of their daily 
    demonstrations demanding Pashinian’s resignation. They failed to force him to 
    step down before deciding in mid-June to scale back the protests sparked by 
    Pashinian’s apparent readiness to make major concessions to Azerbaijan.
    Saghatelian admitted that many opposition supporters are now “disheartened” by 
    the failure to achieve regime change. But he said the opposition movement has 
    succeeded in at least delaying a “new capitulation agreement” with Baku.
    “We need to regroup, mobilize our forces, wage a prolonged struggle and chase 
    victory … There is still no alternative to our fight in the streets,” declared 
    the opposition leader.
    Saghatelian also said that the opposition is unlikely to hold further rallies in 
    August and plans instead to spend the next month reinforcing its regional 
    chapters and organizing a “pan-Armenian” conference in Yerevan.
    Armenian Central Bank Accused Of Forcing Out Oppositionist’s Brother
            • Artak Khulian
    Armenia -- A statue symbolizing the national currency, the dram, outside the 
    Central Bank building in Yerevan.
    An opposition figure prosecuted on what he sees as politically motivated charges 
    said on Friday that his brother holding a senior position in Armenia’s Central 
    Bank was forced out because of his political activities.
    Ara Chalabian has headed the bank’s Department of Corporate Services and 
    Development for the last two years. He announced on Thursday that he is “no 
    longer working at the Central Bank” but gave no reasons for his exit.
    Armenian news websites claimed earlier this month that the bank chairman, Martin 
    Galstian, has told Chalabian to resign, citing an order from Prime Minister 
    Nikol Pashinian. An article subsequently posted on Hetq.am cited the brothers’ 
    father as saying in a recent private conversation that Galstian told Chalabian 
    that he himself will have to resign if the latter refuses to quit.
    Chalabian’s indicted brother Avetik, who leads a small opposition party, 
    effectively added his voice to these allegations when he spoke to journalists 
    during his ongoing trial in Yerevan.
    “They demanded that he quit,” he said. “When this criminal case passes its peak 
    we will talk about that [in greater detail] because that demand was absolutely 
    illegal. There are no grounds for forcing my brother out from his job.”
    Armenia - Avetik Chalabian stands trial in Yerevan, July 26, 2022.
    “While being a senior employee of the Central Bank he always maintained complete 
    political neutrality and had nothing to do with my political activities,” added 
    Avetik Chalabian.
    The Central Bank again did not confirm or deny the alleged government pressure 
    exerted on Ara Chalabian. Nor did it explain why he lost his job, saying that it 
    cannot comment without his consent.
    Pashinian’s office has likewise declined to comment on the allegations that the 
    prime minister ordered the Central Bank governor to get rid of the 
    oppositionist’s brother.
    Avetik Chalabian was arrested on May 13 on charges of trying to pay university 
    students to participate in daily anti-government demonstrations in Yerevan. He 
    rejects the charges as government retribution for his active participation in 
    the protests aimed at forcing Pashinian to resign.
    The 49-year-old was released from custody on Wednesday one day after the start 
    of his trial.
    Armenia Set To Start Work On New Corridor To Karabakh
            • Susan Badalian
    Armenia - A road sign at the entrance to the village of Kornidzor, June 7, 2022.
    Armenia is due to start building next month the Armenian section of a new 
    highway that will replace the existing corridor connecting it with 
    The five-kilometer-wide Lachin corridor became Karabakh’s sole overland link to 
    Armenia following the 2020 war with Azerbaijan. Armenian forces pulled out of 
    the rest of the wider Lachin district under the terms of the Russian-brokered 
    ceasefire that stopped the six-week hostilities.
    The truce accord calls for the construction by 2024 of a new Armenia-Karabakh 
    highway that will bypass the town of Lachin and two Armenian-populated villages 
    located within the current corridor protected by Russian peacekeeping troops.
    Azerbaijani and Turkish construction firms have been rapidly building a 
    32-kilomer-long highway that will link up to new road sections in Armenia and 
    Armenia’s Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures said on 
    Friday that work on the Armenian section will start in August.
    In late June, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s cabinet allocated funding for a 
    geodetic survey and map design needed for the road’s construction. A group of 
    surveyors and other construction specialists were afterwards spotted near 
    Kornidzor, an Armenian village close to the Lachin district.
    “Surveyors came and took measurements in an area through which [the road] will 
    pass,” Lusine Karamian, an official from the village administration, told 
    RFE/RL’s Armenian Service.
    “According to our information, the road will pass through fields adjacent to 
    Kornidzor, said Karamian.
    Arayik Harutiunian, the Karabakh president, sought to allay concerns about the 
    loss of the current Lachin corridor and its security implications when he 
    addressed local legislators in June. He stressed that the route of the bypass 
    road built by Azerbaijan was approved by Karabakh’s leadership.
    For many residents of Armenian and Karabakh villages located along the planned 
    new corridor, those security concerns outweigh its potential economic impact on 
    their communities. As one of them put it, “If you can tell me what will happen 
    tomorrow, I will tell you whether or not the [new] road will be good for us.”
    Former Yerevan Mayor May Face Criminal Charges
            • Naira Bulghadarian
    Armenia -- Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutian speaks to journalists, February 15, 2019.
    An Armenian government agency has asked prosecutors to investigate its 
    allegations of serious financial irregularities committed by Yerevan’s municipal 
    administration during former Mayor Hayk Marutian’s tenure.
    Marutian was ousted by the city council last December after falling out with 
    Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian. Just days after his removal, the State Oversight 
    Service (SOS), which is headed by a staunch Pashinian loyalist, began auditing 
    the municipality’s financial operations.
    The SOS claimed late on Thursday to have found evidence of various “violations” 
    worth a combined 8.5 billion drams ($20 million). It said the bulk of the 
    alleged financial damage to the state resulted from a miscalculation of 
    Yerevan’s property and land tax base.
    The SOS said nothing about Marutian’s involvement in the alleged irregularities. 
    Nor did it clarify whether it believes the ex-mayor or other Yerevan officials 
    personally benefited from them.
    The government agency sent the findings of its inspection to Armenia’s Office of 
    the Prosecutor-General. The law-enforcement agency will now look into them and 
    decide whether they warrant a formal criminal investigation.
    Marutian did not react to the allegations as of Friday afternoon. There was also 
    no reaction from Yerevan’s current mayor, Hrachya Sargsian. The latter served as 
    a deputy mayor during Marutian’s tenure.
    Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian (L) and his My Step bloc's mayoral 
    candidate Hayk Marutian attend an election campaign rally in Yerevan, 20 
    September 2018.
    Marutian, who used to be a close political ally of Pashinian, commented 
    scathingly on July 1 after several pro-government websites alleged that the 
    mayor’s office embezzled or misused otherwise as much as $40 million on his 
    watch. He suggested that the allegations are aimed at discouraging him from 
    participating in the next municipal elections.
    “Guys -- and also girls -- I have made no decision yet on participating or not 
    participating in the next Yerevan elections. You can breathe a sigh of relief 
    and calm down,” the ex-mayor wrote on Facebook.
    Marutian himself accused Pashinian’s administration of corruption on December 22 
    as Yerevan’s Council of Elders deposed him in a vote of no confidence initiated 
    by its pro-government majority.
    He claimed that during his three-year tenure he routinely received phone calls 
    from unnamed “various officials” asking for construction permits, land 
    allocations, tax advantages and other privileges for “people close to them.” He 
    did not name any of them, saying only that he rejected all such requests.
    Marutian, 45, is a former TV comedian who actively participated in the “velvet 
    revolution” that brought Pashinian to power in May 2018. Pashinian chose the 
    popular entertainer to lead his bloc’s list of candidates in the last municipal 
    elections held in September 2018
    Relations between the two men deteriorated after the 2020 war over 
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Marutian increasingly distanced himself from the prime 
    minister’s political team and pointedly declined to support it during snap 
    parliamentary elections held in June 2021.
    Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
    Copyright (c) 2022 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
    1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.

    Over 200 Azerbaijani refugees move to Agaly village

    Caucasian Knot
    July 23 2022

    Other ten families of internally displaced persons (IDPs, or forced migrants) have moved to new houses built in the village of Agaly, Zangilan District. Thus, the first stage of resettlement to the village, where 201 people now live, is over.

    The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on July 19, Azerbaijani authorities announced the start of a mass refugees' return to Nagorno-Karabakh. On this day, 10 IDP families, 45 people in total, who had been temporarily accommodated in the town of Zangilan and in the village of Masazir, Apsheron District, moved to new houses built in the village of Agaly, Zangilan District. On July 21 and 23, 21 other families also moved to Agaly.

    In this village, which came under Azerbaijan's control after the 2020 autumn, houses are provided together with land plots. A total of 1357 out of 1457 forced migrants expressed their desire to return home there.

    The "Report" outlet has noted that the villagers who have returned to their homes had experienced exciting moments. According to Bakhtiyar Abdullaev, one of the migrants, he was born in the village in 1976; and during the war he and his family had to move to Sumgait.

    "Glory to the Almighty that we have returned to our native village; there's no limit to my joy," Mr Abdullaev has stated.

    Earlier, Azerbaijani economists pointed to possible problems in residents' resettlement. It is not enough to give people housing; it's necessary to create infrastructure and jobs, Natig Djafarli has noted.

    This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on July 25, 2022 at 10:10 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

    See earlier reports:

    Ten families of forced migrants return from Azerbaijan to Karabakh, Forced migrants' families begin returning to Zangilan District, Azerbaijan defines places for two BCPs with Armenia.

    Source: Caucasian Knot


    © Кавказский Узел

    Blinken urges Aliev to release Armenian prisoners of war

    Caucasian Knot

    Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, has held a telephone conversation with Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliev, urging him to continue the dialogue with Armenia and release all the remaining Armenian prisoners of war (POWs).

    The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that 39 citizens of Armenia are still in Azerbaijani captivity, the Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, has informed, proposing to involve the international community in their return. Relatives of the POWs are repeatedly holding protests demanding their return to their homeland; on June 28, such an action was held in Gyumri.

    Let us remind you that Nikol Pashinyan, the Armenian Premier, stated that "more than 90% of the confirmed Armenian POWs were taken prisoner after the entry of Russian peacemakers into Nagorno-Karabakh, into their responsibility zone."

    This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on at 02:48 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

    See earlier reports:

    Relatives of Armenian POWs call on Russia to assist in their release, Azerbaijan hands eight POWs over to Armenia, Relatives of missing soldiers achieve meeting with Pashinyan.

    Source: Caucasian Knot


    © Кавказский Узел

    Safer, easier, profitable, simplified: Armenia reforming investment sector




    YEREVAN, JULY 22, ARMENPRESS. A roadmap for investment reforms aimed at promoting new investments, improving the investment environment and creating favorable climate for foreign investors in Armenia has been developed.

    The roadmap was developed based on best international experience. It was presented by the USAID Armenia Business Enabling Environment Project to Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan on July 22.

    Photos by Hayk Badalyan

    Mission Director of USAID/Armenia John Allelo said that the document embodies “the best international approach and standards” adapted to the conditions of Armenia. It is an action plan.

    “This roadmap can serve as a guideline which will direct foreign direct investments to Armenia,” Allelo said, expressing readiness to help Armenia in implementing the initiative.

    The document was developed with joint efforts from Armenian and international experts.

    Allelo said they’ve seen big progress in Armenia in the area, and that the Armenia Business Enabling Environment Project was launched in 2020 to address any emerging issues.

    Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said investment reforms have a very important place in the government’s economic reforms agenda.

    “I believe that the presented proposals are really in line with the economic realities of our country and the government’s priorities. The government’s expectations from this document are big. And its successful implementation will give tangible results by ensuring the targeted figures outlined in the government’s 2021-2026 action plan,” Kerobyan said.

    He said that Armenian and foreign businesses must be informed that thanks to several serious changes and new approaches doing business in Armenia is becoming easier and safer, procedures are simplified, and making investments here will be justified and profitable, while the legislative framework is regulated and administration is simple and fair.

    “Investments and doing business in Armenia is encouraged by the government by all means,” he concluded.

    Our joint efforts to establish peace and stability will bear fruit. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia




    YEREVAN, JULY 16, ARMENPRESS. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Ilia Darchiashvili referred to the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Azerbaijan held in Tbilisi.

    "I am very proud to see that Tbilisi being venue of the Foreign Minister of Armenia and Azerbaijan. I am confident that our joint efforts to establish peace and stability in the region will yield result," ARMENPRESS reports the Georgian Foreign Minister wrote on his Twitter microblog.

    The meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov is hosted by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia Ilya Darchiashvili.

    Armenian-Nigerian family sends their son to military service in Armenian Army




    YEREVAN, JULY 15, ARMENPRESS. Daniel Ezukam, who was born in an Armenian-Nigerian family, was drafted into the Armenian Army today, on July 15, Spokesperson of the Armenian defense minister Aram Torosyan said on social media.

    “Daniel Ezukam was born in Armenia, but spent most of his live in other countries. He has been in the homeland of his mother mostly during the summer. But last year they made a decision to stay in Armenia for a longer period of time”, the spokesperson said.