Russia takes control of Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant, says defense ministry




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 28, ARMENPRESS. Russian military are guarding and controlling the territory of the Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant, official representative of the Defense Ministry, Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Monday, TASS reported.

“Russian servicemen are guarding and controlling the area around the Zaporozhskaya nuclear power plant”, Konashenkov noted.

According to Russian Defense Ministry’s representative, the workers of the power plant continue servicing facilities, they also control the level of radiation. “The level of radiation is normal”, he stated.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address on February 24 that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people “who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years”. The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories.

Armenpress: Karabakh Movement was a turning point for the future history of the Armenian people – PM Pashinyan

Karabakh Movement was a turning point for the future history of the Armenian people – PM Pashinyan



 14:12, 20 February, 2022

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia NIkol Pashinyan issued a message on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the Karabakh Movement. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister, the message runs as follows,

“34 years ago, these days, the Karabakh Movement started, which was a turning point for the future history of the Armenian people. The nationwide movement in Armenia and Artsakh was exceptional in its power, was deeply national and democratic.

Through this popular movement, our people once again showed their unity, the ability to unite and act resolutely as one united fist for the realization of national goals.

The movement was the first step in restoring our statehood, through which we rediscovered our determination to live freely and independently, to shape our destiny and to manage our future.

Today we remember, we bow our heads to the memory of all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the Motherland in the first and second wars of Karabakh, in the last three decades.

Today Artsakh, though wounded, is still standing. Today our steps are aimed not only at solving the socio-economic problems of the Armenians of Artsakh, overcoming security challenges, but also at the protection of the rights of the Armenians of Artsakh, the international documentation of those rights.

I am convinced that the Armenian people will soon heal the wounds of the past war, and will take even more decisive and firm steps towards the future for the realization of our dreams and aspirations. Only in this way will we be able to keep alive the memory of all our heroes. The opening of an era of peaceful development for their generations, for our Motherland in general, will be the greatest tribute to their memory, which will guarantee the longevity of our state, the international recognition and implementation of the rights of Artsakh. Achieving these goals requires consistent, prudent, honest work, and we must be unwavering in this work”.

Armenian man creates world record by doing pull-ups while hanging from a helicopter. Viral video

Feb 25 2022

Doing intense workouts can be hard for some people and requires practice and immense patience to achieve the required target. Normally, people workout at the gym or in the comfort of their own homes, but have you ever seen someone doing it on a helicopter? Confused, right? Well, a video of a man doing pull-ups from a helicopter has gone viral online. Roman Sahradyan from Armenia did 23 pull-ups from a helicopter in one minute and even created a Guinness World Record.

The viral video was posted on the official Instagram handle of Guinness World Records. In the short video, Roman can be holding onto the landing slide of a helicopter while it took off. He then performed pull-ups expertly while hanging mid-air from the aircraft. Yes, you read that right.

“Most pull ups from a helicopter in one minute. 23 by Roman Sahradyan,” reads the caption of the post.

Stable decline in COVID-19 cases being observed over past weeks, says Armenian Minister of Healthcare




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. A stable decline in COVID-19 cases is being observed in Armenia in the past several weeks, Minister of Healthcare Anahit Avanesyan said at the Cabinet meeting today.

“Yesterday 4759 citizens were tested, the new cases are 946, we have 24 deaths. At this moment Omicron variant’s BA.1 and BA.2 sub-strains are being circulated in Armenia. Every week we carry out sample tests, and it seems the Delta variant has been completely pushed out under the influence of the Omicron variant”, the Minister said, adding that in case of being infected with Omicron variant citizens more easily overcome the virus, however, she informed that death cases have also been registered.

The Minister urges to keep the vigilance and quickly organize the vaccinations of especially the elderly people and those with chronic diseases.

“Among citizens over 60, 40% have been vaccinated. This figure has increased over the past 1-2 months, but we make all efforts to raise the vaccination rates. A total of 1 million 80 thousand 15 citizens received their first dose of the vaccine, which comprises 47.9% of the adult population. 905 thousand 624 citizens received the second dose, which comprises 40% of the adult population. We also conduct booster shot vaccinations. 20,196 citizens have received the booster shot”, Anahit Avanesyan said.

She informed that the process of reducing the number of beds for COVID-19 patients in hospitals will start soon.

Ukraine Crisis Proves Tense for Armenia

Feb 23 2022

Yerevan faces uncomfortable choice between political and diplomatic alliances.

Analysts in Armenia warn that the standoff between Russia and NATO over Ukraine may impact deeply on the South Caucasus nation, whose foreign policy is a balancing act between socio-economic ties with the West and security relationships with Moscow.

Yerevan’s relations with Russia, NATO and the EU place it in a difficult spot, explained Tigran Grigoryan, former member of the Armenian Security CouncilYerevan has yet to respond to Russia’s February 21 recognition of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics as independent states.

“The intensification of confrontation, when small and vulnerable countries will have to make a choice, is the most undesirable scenario for Armenia,” Grigoryan said.

Moscow is Yerevan’s closest military ally. Armenia hosts the Russian 102nd military base in the country’s second largest city, has about 3,500 Russian troops on its soil and depends on the Kremlin’s mediation in its fragile relation with Azerbaijan over Nagorny Karabakh.

It is also a member of two Russia-led entities – the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO), which deployed peacekeepers to Kazakstan in the wake of violent riots in early January, and the Eurasia Economic Union, which Yerevan chose to join over the association agreement with the EU.

There is still resentment in Armenian society over the CSTO intervention during the recent unrest in Kazakstan, whereas it refused to become involved when Azerbaijani troops entered the Armenian territory six months after the second Karabakh war.

The EU, meanwhile, is a key socio-economic partner as Brussels provides critical funding to implement reforms and build infrastructure. In March 2021, the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) entered into force, paving the road to cooperation in a wide range of areas from improving legislation, rule of law and human rights to strengthening businesses and education.

Then there is NATO. Armenia is a partner of the Alliance, through the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP), which provides assistance especially in the field of military education, and has contributed troops to NATO missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan.

Caucasus Institute director Alexander Iskandaryan said that the countries of the South Caucasus would now feel the consequences of stronger Russian influence.

“However, the impact will be different, because all three states are at different levels of relations with Russia and NATO and have different potential to uphold their sovereignty,” Iskandaryan said. “Armenia is in the geopolitical orbit of Russia; Georgia follows the course of NATO and EU accession and Azerbaijan is an ally of Turkey, the country with the second most powerful army in NATO.”

On February 22, the day after officially recognising Ukraine’s breakaway regions as independent states, Russian President Vladimir Putin met his Azerbaijani counterpart Ilham Alyiev in Moscow. Putin stated that “Russia supports the sovereignty of its neighbours…Ukraine is different… the territory of this country is used by third countries to create threats against the Russian Federation.” 

Armenians question why Russia has recognised Donetsk and Luhansk as independent, whereas in the case of Karabakh concurred with international opinion regarding Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

Stepan Grigoryan, head of the Analytical Centre for Globalisation and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) said that the declaration on allied cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan was a “serious document” and may have a “decisive role in Moscow’s position on the ‘ownership’ of Karabakh,” the security of which after the 2020 war is provided by Russian peacekeepers, while Armenia’s capabilities in the region are significantly limited.

Grigoryan distinguished three main factors in Russia’s policy.

“First, a certain historical inertia persists in Russian policy. In this case, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a way, continues the policy of the Bolsheviks of the USSR, when they decided to incorporate Karabakh into Azerbaijan. The second factor is Turkey, which is very important for Russia, especially amidst the geopolitical confrontation with NATO; Russia wants to use Turkey in its disagreements with the West- similar to the times when Turkey was very important for Soviet Russia in its confrontation with the Entente. And the third is Azerbaijan, which has become very important for Russia over the past 30 years,” Grigoryan told IWPR.

For now, Yerevan appears to be taking a wait-and-see approach to the crisis in Ukraine.

Iskandaryan said the Armenian authorities would not rush to take a position, adding,

“There will be an official response, it will be calm, restrained and measured.”

“There is no unified position on the issue and I don’t think that we should definitely respond to processes that we have no influence on,” a member of Nikol Pashinyan’s political team told IWPR on condition of anonymity.

The day after Russia’s recognition of the self-proclaimed republics, the Euronest parliamentary assembly – the forum bringing together members of the European Parliament and lawmakers from Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – met in Yerevan.

Maria Karapetyan, the head of the Armenian delegation and a deputy from the ruling Civil Contract party, abstained from voting when the forum adopted a resolution on the situation in Ukraine.

She said, “I hope it will be possible to maintain peace and ease tension with the help of dialogue. I will not comment on other issues yet.”

Responding to IWPR’s questions about developments in Ukraine, Andranik Kocharyan, chairman of the standing committee on security and defence, said only, “We hope that the situation around Ukraine will stabilise.”


Serdar Kilic visited Patriarchate of Constantinople of Armenian Apostolic Church before meeting with Rubinyan in Vienna

Feb 24 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Turkey's Special Representative for the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations Serdar Kilic visited the Patriarchate of Constantinople of the  Armenian Apostolic Church before meeting with the Armenian side in  Vienna.

According to the AAC Patriarchate of Constantinople, on February 22,  at a meeting with  Patriarch Sahak Archbishop Mashalyan, Serdar Kilic  expressed satisfaction with the first meeting with Armenian Special  Representative Ruben Rubinyan and expressed hope that the solid steps  taken by both sides in the process of normalizing relations will pave  the way for positive developments between the two countries

In turn, Mashalyan expressed satisfaction with the visit of Kilic and  wished him success in the work to normalize bilateral relations.

It should be noted that today, on February 24, the second meeting of  the Special Representatives of Armenia and Turkey on the  normalization of relations took place in Vienna.  

It should be reminded that on January 14, the first meeting of the  Special Representatives for the normalization process between Armenia  and Turkey, Vice Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of  Armenia Ruben Rubinyan and Ambassador Serdar Kilictook place in  Moscow. "During the first meeting, held in a positive and  constructive atmosphere, the special representatives exchanged  preliminary views on the normalization process through dialogue  between Armenia and Turkey. The parties agreed to continue  negotiations without preconditions with a view to full  normalization," the foreign ministries of the two countries said in a  statement on results of the meeting.  The start of the normalization  process was announced on December 13 by Turkish Foreign Minister  Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same time, he stressed that Ankara will act  in coordination with Azerbaijan regarding steps to normalize  relations with Armenia.

Political scientist: There are no analogies between Donbass and Artsakh

Feb 23 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. There are no particular analogies in the situation between the recognition of  Donbass and Artsakh by Russia. In any case, I personally do not see  them.  Political scientist Stepan Danielyan expressed a similar  opinion to ArmInfo.

" The issue of the independence of Artsakh, its reorganization,  should have been resolved even before the truce of 1994 is reached,  at most even after that.  The issue of the independence of Artsakh,  its recognition, should have been resolved before the 1994 truce was  reached, at most even after that. However, we missed the very real  opportunities that existed at that time to achieve this recognition.  And after the 44-day war, a completely different geopolitical reality  has formed in our region. And the essence of the Artsakh issue has  been transformed into completely different realities," he stressed.

The political scientist connects the last circumstance with the loss  of actual control over Artsakh by Armenia. This is primarily due to  Yerevan's loss of functions to ensure the security of Artsakh. And  taking into account the provision of this security by Moscow, the  geopolitical processes around Artsakh today are controlled by the  Russian Federation, and not by Armenia.  In this light, Danielyan  noted that the very absence of any clear  reaction from Yerevan to  Moscow's recognition of the DPR and LPR is not surprising, since the  leadership of Armenia has long been simply unable to respond to  certain international events. The political scientist also stressed  that the lack of reaction, the silence of the Armenian authorities is  due to the fact that the country has actually lost its own  sovereignty.

On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees  recognizing the independence of the LPR and the DPR. In addition, the  Russian leader, the heads of the LPR and DPR Leonid Pasechnik and  Denis Pushilin signed an agreement on friendship, cooperation and  mutual assistance. According to Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei  Rudenko, the agreements signed with the DPR and LPR allow the  deployment of Russian military bases in the Donbass. However, this  has not yet been discussed. In turn, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov  said that the Russian authorities guarantee the security of the  Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics in accordance with the  agreements signed with them.

Armenpress: Putin says Minsk agreements no longer exist

Putin says Minsk agreements no longer exist




YEREVAN, 22 FEBRUARY, ARMENPRESS. The Minsk agreements on the settlement of the situation in Donbass no longer exist, ARMENPRESS reports, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the reporters, adding that the Minsk agreementshad been "killed" long before the recognition of Donetsk and Lugansk independence.

"I want to emphasize that we were interested in implementing that package of measures, but Kyiv nullified all efforts in that direction. The Minsk agreements have been killed by the Ukrainian leadership long before yesterday's recognition of the people’s republics in Dombass," Putin said.

Karabakh welcomes Putin’s recognition of Donetsk, Luhansk

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 22 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) President Arayik Harutyunyan has welcomed the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognize the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk – the breakaway regions of Ukraine – on Monday, February 21.

"The right of nations to self-determination and building one’s own state is inalienable for every people and is a fundamental principle of the international law," Harutyunyan said Tuesday.

"The establishment of an independent state and its international recognition becomes an imperative especially in the face of existential dangers, as it is the most effective and civilized means of preventing bloodshed and humanitarian disaster."

Harutyunyan maintained that Artsakh has been fighting for its freedom, security and state-building for decades, and has been exposed to many trials and genocidal actions. he argued that Karabakh, which has relevant indisputable historical, political, legal and moral bases, has earned the international recognition of its sovereign state.

The White House, meanwhile, responded to Putin’s decision to recognize the independence of two breakaway regions of Ukraine, levying a number of sanctions on the region.

Armenia, Georgia intensify partnership in customs administration



 11:06, 14 February, 2022

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 14, ARMENPRESS. Chairman of the State Revenue Committee of Armenia Rustam Badasyan welcomed the delegation led by Head of the Revenue Service of Georgia Levan Kakava at the Bagratashen customs checkpoint. Mr. Kakava arrived in Armenia on a working visit, the SRC said in a press release.

Rustam Badasyan and Levan Kakava toured the checkpoint, got acquainted with the proper organization of the border-crossing process and the service conditions.

The officials also discussed topics of mutual interest. They stated that the current legal-contractual relations between the two countries in tax and customs administration allow to actively cooperate in bilateral and international platforms.

The sides also highlighted the importance of the preliminary exchange process of electronic data relating to international transfers of transportation means and goods between Armenia and Georgia, praising the fact that the system is expected to launch in coming weeks.

A number of other directions of the bilateral cooperation were also discussed. The sides expressed readiness to activate the practical steps to implement the agreements reached.