Armenia receives ten more Azerbaijani soldiers.0

Nokia News
Dec 19 2021

Armenia receives ten more captured soldiers from Azerbaijan.

MOSCOW, Dec 19 (Reuters) – Following talks last week between both sides and European Council President Charles Michel, Azerbaijan handed over ten captured Armenian soldiers to Armenia on Sunday for the second time this month, the two countries said.

On November 1, Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed to a ceasefire along their shared border.

Following the deadliest clash since a war last year, Russia urged them to take a step back from confrontation.

After the worst fighting since a 44-day war between ethnic Armenian forces and the Azeri army over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave last year, which killed at least 6,500 people, Armenia had asked Russia for assistance.

The State Security Service of Azerbaijan said in a statement that it had handed over 10 Armenian soldiers detained on Nov. 16

It also let go of ten soldiers in December.

Russia acted as a go-between in that situation.

The names of the second group of ten prisoners of war handed over were published by Armenia’s Armenpress media outlet, citing Vahan Hunanyan, the Armenian foreign ministry’s press secretary.

(Alexander Marrow contributed reporting; Mark Heinrich edited the final product.)

ARMENPRESS executive opens up on “most important resource” behind running a century-old news agency




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. As ARMENPRESS is celebrating its 103rd birthday, the news agency’s Director General Aram Ananyan felicitated staffers – past and present – as well as our readers, and expressed gratitude to everyone who’s been involved in bringing ARMENPRESS to its modern-day position.

In a statement, Ananyan reflected on the one decade of his leadership in ARMENPRESS, and how the agency grew in the last century, from its start in 1918 as the Armenian Telegraph Agency to the modern-day 6-language news agency with its renowned photography department, podcast and video divisions and also two newspapers. 

He said the news agency’s success lies behind its most important resource – the people.

“When we say the people, we mean our staffers of all generations, the readers of all generations, their trust and devotion, which did wonders and created the one-of-a-kind ARMENPRESS label. And on this anniversary, we first of all thank everyone who created ARMENPRESS by writing, photographing, and the people who created ARMENPRESS by reading us and using our media products.To all these people we say thank you.”

Ananyan added that today, the 103-year-old ARMENPRESS is a news agency which is not afraid of any professional challenge; a news agency which never abandoned its positions even during the most difficult and responsible times of the country’s history and has always done its best to fulfill its mission, and it sure will continue doing so.

Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz railway: Armenia to spend $200 million on restoring 45km-section




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government plans to restore the 45 kilometer-section of the Yeraskh-Julfa-Ordubad-Meghri-Horadiz railway, spending around 200,000,000 dollars, Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan told TASS.

“According to preliminary estimates of experts, the indicative cost of restoration of the railway lines passing through Armenia’s territory will amount nearly 200 million dollars. Overall the length of the railway in Armenia’s territory will be nearly 45 kilometers, while the total length will be nearly 340 kilometers,” he said.

Grigoryan stressed that the railway connection linking Armenia and Azerbaijan will function in accordance to internationally accepted regulations on reciprocal principle within the framework of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through which it will pass.

Armenian PM, Cypriot President meet in Brussels, discuss bilateral cooperation




YEREVAN, DECEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan met with President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades in Brussels on the sidelines of the Eastern Partnership Summit, the PM’s Office reports.

Issues related to the further development of cooperation between Armenia and Cyprus in the political, economic and humanitarian spheres were discussed. The sides attached importance to the partnership between the two governments aimed at promoting mutually beneficial projects. The results of the Eastern Partnership summit were touched upon.

Nikol Pashinyan and Nicos Anastasiades exchanged views on the developments in the South Caucasus. The readiness to face the challenges jointly, the need for close, effective cooperation for solving problems was emphasized.

Bishop, military officer and actor ready to vouch for jailed war veteran Ashot Minasyan

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 14 2021

LAW 17:43 14/12/2021 ARMENIA

Primate of the Tavush Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan, reserve Major-General Grigori Khachaturov and People's Artist of Armenia Hrant Tokhatyan have expressed readiness to provide personal guarantees for the release of Artsakh war veteran Ashot Minasyan (aka Ashot the Iron), his lawyer Mihran Poghosyan said in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

Minasyan, the commander of the Sisakan volunteer unit that took part in two Artsakh wars, was arrested on 1 December on charges of plotting to kill Nikol Pashinyan and seize power along with several other political and military figures last year. He was first arrested in November 2020 to be released shortly afterwards.

Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia’s safety and sovereignty – Rep. Pallone

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 8 2021

Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.’s (NJ-06) amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed the U.S. House of Representatives. The amendment would help advance human rights around the world by requiring the Department of Defense to review existing requirements for conducting human rights training of foreign national security forces participating in security cooperation programs like the Section 333 Building Partner Capacity Program. It also calls for a review to the current Department of Defense (DOD) data collection practices and procedures for accessing, monitoring, and evaluating human rights training programs. The amendment will ensure compliance with U.S. law that prohibits use of funds for assistance to foreign security forces that have committed gross human rights violations.

The NDAA also includes language from an amendment led by Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-28) that Congressman Pallone co-sponsored and calls for the immediate release of the prisoners of war, including civilians, who Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev continues to hold hostage as bargaining chips. This language further requires a report from DOD on the deadly 44-day war initiated by Azerbaijani and Turkish forces in the fall of 2020. The report will include an assessment of U.S. weapons systems or technology used in the conflict, a description of the involvement of foreign actors – which were heavily used by Azerbaijan – and any violations of the November 9, 2020 statement that ended most of the fighting.

“The United States has long stood as a beacon for the rights of every person, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or nationality. We must continue to lead by example and ensure that American tax dollars do not contradict our values at home or abroad,” Pallone said. “My amendment sends a clear signal that the United States takes seriously its democratic norms and commitment to peace by ensuring oversight of our security assistance. 

“Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia’s safety and sovereignty, which makes these amendments especially urgent. The United States should not be aiding and abetting reckless, autocratic states with appalling human rights records for any reason. Because of our efforts, the Department of Defense is now required to undergo a thorough investigation that will bring attention to the gross human rights abuses committed by Azerbaijan during last year’s war and focus on their deadly actions in Armenian territory that are still taking place to this day. Data from this report will help us to finally bring an end to U.S. funding for the murderous Aliyev regime and instead urge strong support of fellow democracies like Armenia,” Pallone concluded.

The amendment is an important step in creating oversight for the Defense Department’s Section 333 Building Partner Capacity Program that has sent enormous sums of money to human rights abusing regimes and dictators, including that of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, which has numerous documented human rights violations. The Department has spent nearly $4 billion over the last four years on the program. Even though the State Department has singled out Azerbaijani border units for committing human rights violations, those forces received over $100 million in security assistance in fiscal years 2018 and 2019 through the program.

Yerevan says Azerbaijani army begins heavy shelling of Armenian positions

TASS, Russia
Dec 9 2021
On Thursday morning, Armenia’s Defense Ministry reported Azerbaijan’s shelling of Armenian positions on the country’s eastern border

YEREVAN, December 9. /TASS/. The Azerbaijani Armed Forces began the heavy shelling of Armenian positions in the Gegharkunik region, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

"The Azerbaijani Armed Forces staged another provocation at 04:25 pm on December 9, opening heavy fire from small arms of various calibers on Armenian military positions along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border in the Gegharkunik region. Armenia retaliated. As of 05:00 pm, the exchange of fire continued," the statement reads.

On Thursday morning, Armenia’s Defense Ministry reported Azerbaijan’s shelling of Armenian positions on the country’s eastern border.

Intense fighting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces broke out in the border areas of Armenia's Syunik Province on November 16. Yerevan said that the Azerbaijani armed forces had launched an offensive into Armenia's territory, which threatened an international highway connecting the Armenian capital with the country's southern regions and Iran. Baku laid the blame on Yerevan, accusing the Armenian Armed Forces of staging a provocation. According to the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry, Armenian troops attacked Azerbaijani positions.

Given the situation, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu held separate telephone talks with his counterparts from Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that following the conversations, the Armenian and Azerbaijani defense chiefs took measures to stabilize the situation on the border.

We can overcome difficulties if we have clear vision: President Sarkissian meets with Armenians in Qatar

Public Radio of Armenia
Dec 11 2021

If we have a clear vision, program, discipline, commitment, we will get out of the difficult situation, President Armen Sarkissian said at a meeting with Armenians of Qatar.

Within the framework of his working visit to the State of Qatar, President Armen Sarkissian met with members of the executive body of the Armenian community of Qatar at the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Doha.

The President was welcomed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to the State of Qatar Armen Sargsyan, the Pastor of the Armenian Diocese of Qatar, Archbishop Poghos Tinkjian.

In his speech, the President referred to the Armenian-Qatari relations, as well as the situation in Armenia.

Noting that the Armenian Embassy in the State of Qatar was opened with the active support of the Emir of the State of Qatar, President Sarkissian once again thanked the Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and the friendly people of Qatar for this “special step of friendship.”

“We must do everything to strengthen and expand this friendship, the fraternal relations between the two peoples,” the Armenian President said.

Referring to his working visit, President Sarkissian particularly noted. “During this visit, I met with the Emir, Emir’s father, Sheikha Moza and other officials. They reaffirmed their warm attitude towards our state and people and their readiness to cooperate.”

“We see this cooperation in different directions, first of all in the field of culture and education. I mean the “Qatar Foundation”. We spoke with Sheikha Moza of the Foundation about the cooperation between educational systems and startups in the field of modern technologies, science, artificial intelligence, information technologies. Sheikha Moza was in Armenia for a day years ago, she is very impressed and intends to pay another visit,” Armen Sarkissian said.

“There are programs related to Armenia-Qatar economic relations. They can be, for example, in the field of tourism, where Qatar has a huge potential. The same applies to Armenia. Unfortunately, that potential has not been utilized. Actually, tourism in Armenia can increase several times, it can bring a huge investment to our country. Cooperation between institutions at the state level in the field of energy, new technologies and modern technologies is also essential,” the President said, noting that the interest of Qatar in investing in Armenia is of great importance.

“I have had many visits not only to this country, but also to the UAE, and recently for the first time a high-ranking Armenian state delegation visited Saudi Arabia, a country with which we have not had diplomatic relations for 30 years. And I’m glad to say that during that visit, my meetings with Prince Mohammed bin Salman established a relationship. I saw the same warm attitude there. We have not had diplomatic relations for 30 years, and the head of state says the warmest words about our people,” President Sarkissian noted.

“We must move forward, that is the logic of life. One of the greatest values of Armenians is a very strong sense of survival. If we were able to survive after the Armenian Genocide, we were able to recover in different centers of the world, from Qatar to Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, Moscow, to build churches and a schools in distant Siberian cities, to remain Armenian, then we are able to look to the future, recover and move forward,” the President emphasized.

“This defeat is painful, it is tragic, because we lost thousands of young lives, we have boys in captivity, we must do everything to bring them back, because each of them is a member of our family. But we must also think about the future. If we do not think today, we will face even greater difficulties,” he added.

“If we have a clear vision, program, discipline, commitment, and unite nationally, I am sure we will get out of this situation. The past of our people proves that we have all the highest values to get out of this situation, to think about further victories – economic, political and demographic,” Armen Sarkissian concluded.

Opposition Armenia faction suspends its activities in international organizations

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 7 2021

The opposition Armenia parliamentary faction is suspending its activities in international organizations and will resume them only if all bans and restrictions imposed on its MPs are lifted, the Armenia alliance said in a statement on Tuesday.

It says that parliamentary delegations involving the Armenian faction MPs, among others, were formed back in August. However, the opposition lawmakers have not taken part in the activities of the delegations to date due to “unlawful” arrests and restrictions on the movement of MPs, including those involved in the delegations.

"In fact, it is an obstacle to the constitutional activity of MPs. All trials have exclusively political overtones and lack any legal grounds. This situation is unprecedented for a member state of the Council of Europe and shows that Armenia is no longer a democratic state, where the rule of law prevails," reads the statement.

The faction will notify the relevant international organizations of its decision.

COVID-19: Armenia reports 419 new cases, 25 deaths in one day – 12/04/2021

COVID-19: Armenia reports 419 new cases, 25 deaths in one day



 11:34, 4 December, 2021

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 4, ARMENPRESS. 419 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in Armenia in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 340,396, the ministry of healthcare reports.

7438 COVID-19 tests were conducted on December 4.

963 patients have recovered in one day. The total number of recoveries has reached 320,439.

The death toll has risen to 7669 (25 death cases have been registered in the past one day).

The number of active cases is 10,834.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan