High-tech minister presents list of most demanded professions in Armenia




YEREVAN, MARCH 15, ARMENPRESS. Minister of High technological industry Hakob Arshakyan has presented the list of the most demanded professions in Armenia.

The minister stated that based on the numbers and the growth dynamics of the field, it can be claimed that engineering is the most demanded profession in Armenia in the field of high technologies.

“High-tech industry is the fastest growing sector in Armenia: over 21% growth has been registered in the field in 2020, more than 3400 new specialists have entered into the sector, the average salary is over 800,000 drams”, the minister said on Facebook.

He made this claim based on the results of the survey conducted by the ministry among 150 companies which mentioned the most demanded professions and technologies/platforms in Armenia.

Minister Arshakyan called on the citizens to get an education and profession in particular in physics, mathematics, radio-electronics, mechanics, computer technologies and other technology directions, being sure that they will later get a high-quality job in Armenia.

Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan

Armenian singer charms the jury at the French The Voice

Public Radio of Armenia

A young French singer of Armenian origin, Anaid saw the four armchairs turn around thanks to her cover of an Armenian song at the French The Voice, LCI reports.

She wanted to send a message of love and solidarity and she succeeded.

Anaid, 25, charmed the four coaches of The Voice with her interpretation of “Je suis une tomb” by Vincent Baguian, inspired by a traditional Armenian song that tells “the story of a shepherd at the top of his mountain who realizes that it does not belong to him any more,” as explained the young woman accompanied on stage by her father and her brother, also musicians.

“Music has no borders,” added the young woman. “It is this bridge between Armenia, the country of my roots and France, my country of birth, that I wanted to transmit,” said Anaid.

“I wanted to send a message of peace and hope, to say that we are in France but that we do not forget where we come from. It was important for me to get this message across in French so that as many people as possible can understand,”  she added.

Turkish press: Azerbaijan’s Aliyev hosts Turkish delegation in Baku

Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev (R) receives a Turkish delegation in Baku, Azerbaijan, March 9, 2021. (AA Photo)

The leader of Azerbaijan received a delegation of Turkish lawmakers in the capital of Baku on Tuesday, according to a statement by that country's presidential office.

Ilham Aliyev welcomed the "very important" delegation led by Akif Çağatay Kılıç, the head of the Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee.

"Our inter-parliamentary relations are also developing very successfully. We are always together and support each other, both bilaterally and within international organizations," he said.

Aliyev said Turkey's solidarity, as well as its political and moral support for Azerbaijan during the recent Karabakh war, pleased all of Azerbaijan, and that it was "natural" because the two "brotherly" countries are always next to each other.

Azerbaijan liberated several strategic cities and nearly 300 of its settlements and villages from Armenian occupation during the recent six-week Armenia-Azerbaijan war, which erupted on Sept. 27 and ended on Nov. 10 with a Russian-brokered truce.

Before the conflict, about 20% of Azerbaijan's territory was under illegal Armenian occupation for nearly three decades.

"These days of war have shown once again how much our nations are connected, how much they love and respect each other," said Aliyev.

He said the conflict is over and now it is time "to look to the future" and think about cooperation in the region, especially transportation projects, and the opening of the Zangazur corridor – a long-shut corridor between Azerbaijan and its southwestern autonomous exclave of Nakhchivan, recently created in the Russian-brokered agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia – is "one of the most important" issues.

"I am confident that we will achieve this through joint efforts," he said.

Kılıç thanked Aliyev for hosting the delegation and conveyed greetings from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Parliament Speaker Mustafa Şentop.

"We are very pleased with your great victory, and we wanted to visit you to show our unity and solidarity in this sense," he said.

On Wednesday, Kılıç visited the Alley of Martyrs to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in a massacre of more than 130 people by the Soviet army in Baku and the surrounding areas on Jan. 20, 1990, on the eve of the country's independence.

Azerbaijan's struggle is also Turkey's struggle, he said adding that there is "no difference" between the two countries.

"We showed the whole world in the 44-day (Karabakh) war that those who want to fight with us must be prepared to fight two states together," said Kılıç, who also visited the tomb of the late President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, as well as the Baku Turkish Martyrs' Cemetery.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/10/2021


Pashinian Meets Armenian Army Top Brass

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian meets with the Armenian military's top 
brass, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian met with the Armenian military’s top brass on 
Wednesday two weeks after it accused him of misrule and demanded his resignation.

The meeting came just hours after Pashinian completed the sacking of 
Colonel-General Onik Gasparian, the chief of the army’s General Staff.

Gasparian condemned his removal as “unconstitutional” and said he will challenge 
it in court. The army top brass issued, meanwhile, a separate statement that 
voiced support for the general and reiterated its demands for the prime 
minister’s resignation.

In his opening remarks at the meeting, Pashinian made no explicit mention of 
those demands rejected by him as a coup attempt. He indicated that he has no 
plans to fire other top military commanders.

“I believe that together we will manage to overcome this crisis and our state 
and armed forces will emerge stronger from this crisis,” Pashinian said.

“I want to ask everyone present here to continue their military service as 
generals, officers of the armed forces and as pillars of the structure serving 
as the guarantor of Armenia’s security and territorial integrity,” he said.

“I trust in you and believe that you have served the country in good faith. I 
want to repeat that your services are worthy of highest marks and that this 
evaluation cannot vanish under any circumstances.”

Pashinian went on to promise to have a “more detailed conversation” with the 
generals after President Armen Sarkissian approves his pick for the new chief of 
the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Artak Davtian.

“In this situation, unity is the most important thing needed by Armenia and its 
people,” added the embattled premier.

Pashinian’s office did not divulge other details of the meeting held amid 
continuing opposition demonstrations in Yerevan aimed at forcing him to resign 
over his handling of last year’s war with Azerbaijan.

The Homeland Salvation Movement, an opposition alliance staging the protests, 
has hailed the military’s February 25 statement demanding Pashinian’s 

Sarkissian Offers To Host Talks Between Government, Opposition

        • Artak Khulian

Armenia -- Riot police are seen outside the Armenian parliament building in 
Yerevan during opposition protests, .

President Armen Sarkissian offered on Wednesday to host talks between Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian and opposition leaders aimed at ending the political 
crisis in Armenia.

Sarkissian said that the continuing crisis triggered by the autumn war in 
Nagorno-Karabakh is fraught with “unpredictable and irreversible consequences” 
for the country and requires an urgent solution.

In a statement, Sarkissian invited Pashinian, representatives of the three 
political forces represented in the Armenian parliament as well as the leaders 
of the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement to meet at the presidential palace 
in Yerevan for that purpose on Saturday. They should try to find “mutually 
acceptable ways of overcoming the crisis, he said.

“I reaffirm my belief that negotiations and dialogue are the only way to settle 
differences,” added the president.

The offer came one day after Sarkissian paved the way for the sacking of Onik 
Gasparian, Armenia’s top army general who has demanded, along with 40 other 
high-ranking officers, Pashinian’s resignation. The president pointedly declined 
to ask the Constitutional Court to rule on the legality on Pashinian’s decision 
to fire Gasparian.

The Homeland Salvation Movement reacted furiously to Sarkissian’s stance, 
accusing him of acting on the embattled prime minister’s orders. One of the 
leaders of the opposition alliance, Vazgen Manukian, branded the president a 
“rich tourist” who does not care about Armenia’s future.

Another opposition leader, Ishkhan Saghatelian, scoffed at Sarkissian’s offer of 
crisis talks. “They [Sarkissian and Pashinian] did their dirty deed and are now 
asking for some meetings?” he told reporters.

Saghatelian said that the alliance uniting more than a dozen opposition parties 
should only discuss a “roadmap for Pashinian’s resignation.”

The alliance has been trying to unseat Pashinian with street protests launched 
after the Armenian side’s defeat in the war with Azerbaijan stopped by a 
Russian-brokered ceasefire on November 10.

Its supporters continued to blockade the parliament building in Yerevan on 
Wednesday. They again marched through the city center to reiterate the 
opposition demands for Pashinian’s resignation.

Sarkissian too urged Pashinian to resign and hand over power to an interim 
government late last year. The premier has rejected such calls.

Armenian Schools To Stay Open Despite COVID-19 Resurgence

        • Narine Ghalechian

Armenia - Children play basketball at a school in the town of Gavar, March 9, 

Armenia’s government has no plans to again shut down schools despite a renewed 
increase in coronavirus cases in the country, a senior official said on 

The Armenian Ministry of Health reported in the morning that 340 more people 
have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, significantly up from 
the daily number of new cases officially confirmed in early and mid-February.

The ministry also recorded five more fatalities caused by the disease, bringing 
to 3,237 the official death toll in the county of about 3 million. The figure 
does not include the deaths of 834 other people infected with the coronavirus. 
According to the ministry, they were primarily caused by other diseases.

Romela Abovian, a senior official from the ministry’s National Center for 
Disease Control and Prevention, said that the daily number of COVID-19 
infections has nearly doubled in the last two weeks.

Abovian warned that more than 3,000 new cases will be registered in the next few 
days unless “appropriate measures” are taken to make Armenians again wear masks 
in public, observe social distancing and stick to other safety rules set by the 

“If things continue like this we could be faced with a serious problem,” she 
told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service.

Health Minister Anahit Avanesian likewise expressed concern last week about the 
resurgence of the respiratory disease. She said health authorities have to set 
up more hospital beds for COVID-19 patients.

According to Abovian, over 90 percent of about 1,000 such beds currently 
available at hospitals across the country are already occupied by patients. More 
than 550 of them are in a severe or critical condition, added the official.

Deputy Education Minister Zhanna Andreasian said, meanwhile, that government 
officials have already discussed implications of the worsening epidemiological 
situation for Armenian schools.

“We had a discussion in the government with our colleagues from the Ministry of 
Health,” said Andreasian. “The issue of switching all schools back to online 
classes was not discussed. There is no such decision.”

“We just need to again strictly follow the existing simple rules: wear masks, 
frequently wash hands,” she said.

Andreasian also stressed the need to comply with the Ministry of Health’s safety 
protocols for schools introduced last year.

The government most recently shut down the schools on October 15 following a 
surge in coronavirus cases. It reopened all of them by December 7.

Armenian Military Stands By Fired Commander

ARMENIA -- Armenian Chief of General Staff Onik Gasparian

The Armenian military reaffirmed its calls for the government’s resignation on 
Wednesday as the chief of its General Staff, Colonel-General Onik Gasparian, 
pledged to challenge in court Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s decision to sack 

Gasparian indicated at the same time that he will step aside and not hold on to 
his post until a court ruling on his “unconstitutional” dismissal.

Pashinian petitioned President Armen Sarkissian to relieve Gasparian of his 
duties on February 25 immediately after Armenia’s top general and 40 other 
high-ranking officers issued a joint statement demanding the government’s 
resignation. He rejected the demand as a coup attempt.

Sarkissian refused to sign a relevant decree on February 27, saying that it 
appears to be unconstitutional and would deepen the “unprecedented” political 
crisis in the country. Pashinian resent his motion to Sarkissian in another 
attempt to get him to fire Gasparian.

The president again refused to sign the decree drafted by the prime minister’s 
office. But he decided not to ask the Constitutional Court to invalidate it, 
effectively paving the way for Gasparian’s removal.

Citing Sarkissian’s failure to appeal to the court, the Armenian government 
stated on Wednesday morning that Gasparian has automatically ceased to be the 
chief of the General Staff.

The defiant general issued a statement early in the afternoon describing the 
government statement and “the entire process of my dismissal” as 
unconstitutional. He said it shows that only Pashinian’s resignation and the 
holding of snap parliamentary elections can end the political crisis in the 

Gasparian made clear that he will not continue to perform his duties and has 
instead asked the Administrative Court to reinstate him as army chief. “I will 
continue my service to the homeland and the Armenian people in another 
capacity,” he said.

Gasparian went on to urge Armenian military personnel to “continue your selfless 
and patriotic service.”

In a separate statement released shortly afterwards, the military’s top brass 
reaffirmed support for Gasparian and said it stands by its earlier “evaluations 
of the existing situation in the country.”

“There is only one solution to the situation and it is mentioned in 
[Gasparian’s] appeal,” read the statement.

Meanwhile, Pashinian moved to replace Gasparian by another general, Artak 
Davtian. President Sarkissian did not immediately sign a relevant decree 
requested by the prime minister.

Davtian already served as chief of the General Staff from May 2018 to June 2020.

Reprinted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2021 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


Republican Party of Armenia spokesperson: Nikol Pashinyan can’t organize elections, he has to resign

News.am, Armenia
March 9 2021

That is delirious. This is what Spokesperson of the Republican Party of Armenia Eduard Sharmazanov told reporters during the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement’s demonstration on Demirtchyan Street in Yerevan, touching upon Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Onik Gasparyan made his statement after being incited by third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

“Even if Onik Gasparyan or other army generals contacted former presidents, it means they contacted the heroes of Artsakh who had brought Turks down to their knees, not like Pashinyan, who directly contacted Aliyev. Nikol Pashinyan can’t organize elections. He has to resign because he is illegitimate and has betrayed the Armenian people. Elections are necessary, but without Nikol as Prime Minister since he is a liar. Nobody trusts him,” he said.

Opposition MP says no agreement reached with Pashinyan

Panorama, Armenia
March 4 2021

The Opposition Bright Armenia Party’s parliamentary faction head Edmon Marukyan says they have not reached any agreement with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on the conduct of snap polls at today’s meeting, the lawmaker told reporters at the government.

"We talked, we conducted some negotiations. In fact, Nikol Pashinyan does not connect the issue of the [army’s] General Staff with the early election process, but we do,” the MP said, adding the issue concerning the General Staff chief further deepened the political crisis in the country.

Marukyan attached importance to the other opposition faction Prosperous Armenia’s position on the issue to advance any process in the National Assembly.

“At the moment we do not have any agreement. I suppose a second meeting will be held with Prosperous Armenia Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan, because only our stance is not enough for the furtherance of any process or the dissolution of the parliament. Therefore, when the position of the PAP becomes known, I think there will be more negotiations. At this point we do not have an agreement on any matter," he said. 

The president will announce his decision in the coming hours – Artur Vanetsyan

Panorama, Armenia
March 3 2021

The meeting of the representative of the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement with the President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian has ended. 

"We met with the president and discussed the issue of submitting the draft decree on dismissing the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces to the Constitutional Court. The President took note of our position and informed he would announce about the decision in the coming hours," Vanetsyan told reporters. 

Earlier, the representatives of the opposition demanded an urgent meeting with the President. As the Movement said in a released statement, they considered the president's position on the Chief of the General Staff of the Armenian Armed Forces  quite concerning. The statement came, after President announced he had applied  to the Constitutional Court with a request to determine the constitutionality of only the law “On the Status of Military Service and Servicemen” but failed to turn to the Court to determine the compliance of the decree decree itself on relieving the Chief of the General Staff of his duties.  

Opposition MP says he has accepted invitation to meet with Pashinyan

Panorama, Armenia
March 2 2021

The leader of the opposition Bright Armenia faction says he has accepted an invitation for political debates with Prime Minister Nikol Pashiyan.

Speaking to reporters at the parliament on Tuesday, Edmon Marukyan said Pashiyan contacted him in the morning and invited him to a meeting, which is supposed to take place on Wednesday.

The lawmaker said he is going to demand that the premier substantiate his recent statement that the army’s General Staff chief “complied with third President Serzh Sargsyan’s order” by demanding his and his cabinet’s resignation.

“As the head of the parliamentary faction, I am going to demand evidence from Nikol Pashinyan regarding his statement that Chief of the General Staff Onik Gasparyan allegedly fulfilled Serzh Sargsyan's orders. I insist that the evidence be published," he said. 

Expert says Armenia National Security Service detaining those with experience in information war against Azerbaijan

News.am, Armenia
Feb 21 2021

Nobody gave a full explanation about what my mobile phone or office computer had to do with the search for a fake user account, and what was also unclear was the reason for my apprehension. This is what Azerologist Anzhela Elibegova told reporters today, adding that even though she was released from the National Security Service building early, she wasn’t able to exercise her right to a call.

“Besides that, after I exited the building, I found out that an attorney had been trying to enter the building for nearly an hour. I believe the process isn’t over yet. In any case, for unknown reasons, I still don’t have my mobile phone and office computer and can’t do my job,” she said.

Elibegova stated that the apprehended and detained persons were very actively involved in the information wars against Azerbaijan.

Hero of Artsakh: Armenia has perished from the political map of the world as an entity

News.am, Armenia
Feb 21 2021

Hero of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) Arshavir Gharamyan today posted the following on his Facebook page:

“They talk about legitimacy. Over the past three years, the indifferent silence of the so-called international community in regard to the internal and external processes in Armenia (Republic of Armenia and Republic of Artsakh), as well as the encroachments against Armenia and the Armenian people show that Armenia has perished from the political map of the world as an entity and has remained as an object on the physical map of the world.

P.S.: While some of the main players of the political field are developing and enhancing a “plan”, others are preparing to implement “Plan A” or “Plan B”.”