Yerevan rally: Police colonel apprehended, Armenia
Feb 20 2021

Law enforcement officers have apprehended a member of the VETO social-political movement, Police Colonel Robert Melkonyan.

On February 20, Freedom Square will host a rally of the Homeland Salvation movement. Citizens demanding the resignation of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan are marching from different parts of Yerevan to Freedom Square.

Over 184 tons of various humanitarian aid arrived in Armenia with support of Hayastan Fund


YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, ARMENPRESS. Since the very beginning of the war, through the efforts of the Diaspora and with the support of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund, large-scale humanitarian aid has been sent to Armenia by different Diaspora communities. To date, approximately 184,345 kg (more than 184 tons) of various humanitarian aid has arrived in Armenia, the Fund told Armenpress.

The assistance received includes modern medical equipment, first aid supplies, wound treatment and skin recovery products, warm winter clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, tents, beds, food, gift packages for Artsakh schoolchildren and so on.

During the war, starting on October 10th, through the efforts of Armenians living in the Diaspora and Armenian organizations from different communities, approximately 87,941 kg of humanitarian aid had been collected in the USA and Europe and transported to Armenia with the efforts of the All Armenian Fund. Cargo shipments were received from Los Angeles on October 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 30th and 31st, with a total weight of approximately 61,549 kg, and 10,415 kg from the Netherlands on October 11th and 12th. Two planes arrived in Armenia from France and Belgium on October 23rd and October 26th, respectively, which delivered approximately 15,977 kg of humanitarian aid donated by different Armenian communities around Europe.

To ensure the swift and efficient delivery of aid to those most in need during the state of emergency, the Hayastan All Armenian Fund waived its right to these shipment during the 44 days of the war in favor of the Ministries of Emergency Situations, Health and Defense, which enabled the humanitarian aid to be directed to meet the needs of each institution immediately.

After the end of military actions, 33,389 kg of humanitarian aid arrived and was distributed directly by the Fund. Most of the aid received during this period originated from Los Angeles and France. Cargo shipments were received on November 19th, 20th, December 6th, 7th, 14th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, 28th, 29th and January 14th, 2021.

The assistance received during this period was distributed to a number of health and community structures, including Kanaker-Zeytun Medical Center and Maternity Hospital, Institute of Hematology, Central Military Hospital, Martuni Medical Center, Kapan Medical Center, the regional administration of Tavush, Ararat and Gegharqunik, the Homeland Defender’s Rehabilitation Center, Noyemberyan Medical Center, Surb Astvacamayr Medical Center, Vardenis Hospital, Erebuni Medical Center, Surb Grigor Lusavorich Medical Center, Goris Medical Center. Significant assistance was also provided to the Artsakh Ministry of Health.

Humanitarian aid continues to arrive in 2021 with approximately 63,015 kg of aid currently awaiting customs clearance, processing, and classification prior to distribution.

Situation in Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone remains stable – Zakharova




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 18, ARMENPRESS. The situation in Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone remains stable, no ceasefire violations have been recorded, ARMENPRESS reports official representative of the MFA Russia Maria Zakharova said in a weekly briefing.

‘’In the recent days the situation in Nagorno Karabakh conflict zone remained stable. No ceasefire violations have been recorded. The servicemen of the Russian peacekeeping unit keep control of the situation…the continue cleaning the territory from explosives and ensure the security for the refugees returning to Nagorno Karabakh'', Zakharova said.

Cessation of hostilities only the first step towards ending the Karabakh conflict – German Ambassador

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 16 2021  

The return of prisoners of war is a humanitarian issue which has to be settled with full respect for international humanitarian law, Ambassador of Germany to Armenia Michael Johannes Banzhaf said in an interview with Armenpress.

“Germany fully shares the view that the cessation of hostilities is only a first step to end the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Efforts must be renewed for a negotiated, peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable settlement of the conflict, including on the status of Nagorno Karabakh. Germany fully supports the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group led by its Co-Chairs to find a long-lasting solution,” the Ambassador said.

He noted that the international community should remind that the return of prisoners of war is a humanitarian issue which has to be settled with full respect to international humanitarian law.

“I do hope that further progress will be achieved in the near future. My sympathy is with all families waiting with growing impatience to embrace their beloved ones,” Amb. Banzhaf said.

He added that provision of aid to war-affected people is high on the agenda of the international donor community.

“Germany for its part is supporting the International Committee of the Red Cross. Germany is also supporting the cooperation of the German Red Cross with the Armenian Red Cross in this regard. The problem of access to Nagorno Karabakh is still unsolved, which prevents humanitarian aid prevented from unfolding its full effect. A speedy settlement to this issue is urgently needed,” the Ambassador stressed.

Armenia to go digital as government approves new strategy

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 11 2021

The Armenian government today approved the country’s Digitalization Strategy.

The executive says the development of high technologies plays a decisive role in the competitiveness, security and living standards of the state.

The strategy envisages digital transformation of the Government, the economy and the society through introduction and development of innovative technologies, cyber security, data policy and e-services and e-government systems, coordination of digitalization processes, creation of common standards and digital environment, as well as initiatives promoting the use of digital technologies in the private sector of the economy and the development and implementation of programs promoting the use of electronic tools by the public.

Armenia’s digitalization strategy is aimed at ensuring high quality of public service delivery, efficiency and transparency of the public administration system, development of broadband and telecommunication infrastructure, increase of competitiveness of the private sector, decision-making necessary for economic growth, development of digital skills workforce

Plans for new Netflix series discussed with Armenia’s High-Tech Minister

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 12 2021

Armenian High-Tech Minister Hakob Arshakyan received today Rafael Tadosyan and Arthur Aloyan, the authors of the program about the startup ecosystem of Armenia for Netflix.

New Netflix series will tell about the startup ecosystem and technological potential of Armenia. The 10-12 part film will tell the story of four guys who grow a seemingly unrealistic idea into incredible success using the possibilities provided by artificial intelligence.

The Musk Factor will present the reality about Armenian startups without any exaggeration.

The team is willing to combine the all-Armenian potential in the film and attract Armenian professionals across the globe.

The comedy series will not only present Armenia’s startup ecosystem, the importance of technologies in the contemporary world, but will also highlight the values humanity is losing on the path towards technological development – from simple human relationships, tolerance and religious values to the negative impact that comes with the advancement of technologies.

The script has already been approved by Netflix producers and the shooting is expected to start in the near future. The team has been inspired by the late Karen Vardanyan, a pioneer in Armenia’s high-tech industry.

Armenian ambassador to Iran meets with Iranian-Armenian scientists

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 11 2021

Armenian Ambassador to Iran Artashes Toumanian on Thursday met with Iranian-Armenian scientists, mathematician Mkrdich Toumanian, physicist Shant Baghramian and electro-engineer professor Gevorg Karapetian, the Armenian Embassy reported.

The Armenian diplomat congratulated the associate professor, Shant Baghramian for being awarded and recognized as the best young scientist of the year in the field of physics wishing him success in his academic career.

During the meeting the interlocutors exchanged views on the academic and scientific activities and achievements of Iranian-Armenian specialists, particularly the activities of young scientists and the specialists of various fields. The role of Iranian-Armenian academic researchers in boosting the Armenia-Iran relations in relevant fields and the future vision was pointed out. 

They concluded in holding more meetings with expanded circles of Iranian-Armenian scientists and high-tech experts, the embassy said. 

Paradoxes of the Lithuanian society

Modern Diplomacy
Feb 3 2021

February 3, 2021

By Adomas Abromaitis

Lithuanian authorities do their possible to attract young men to serve in the armed forces. Another thing is that what they do does not always bring the desired results.

Due to the unique security situation Lithuania faces, it was decided to reinstate conscription in 2015, though, frankly, in a democratic society conscription seems very anachronistic. The fact is nothing compares to highly trained and fully funded professional armed forces. However, Lithuanian authorities consider that “desperate times call for desperate measures”.

Thus, it was proclaimed that military service is duty, honor, challenges and vivid experiences. The more so, conscript soldiers are paid monthly allowances an cumulative payment after service (max total – 3123,90 euro) and their former or new employer after service will be paid 6 month subsidy (increasing chances of finding work). Even the new way of choosing conscripts was invented! The draft lists are drawn up randomly at the beginning of each year, by means of a computer program, the so called “lottery”.

Nevertheless, young Lithuanians are not in a hurry to serve. The understaffing problem is so serious, that the authorities began to use the intimidation tool to solve the problem. Today, the evasion to perform military service may result in a fine of between EUR 30 and 140, failure to perform compulsory military service may result in a fine of EUR 140 to 300. And failure to serve in the military may result in criminal liability and a fine, arrest or imprisonment for up to 3 years.

The unprecedented case occurred recently. Arnas R., who had emigrated, returned to Lithuania last summer. Having no job, he decided to apply for military service himself.

He began his service on September 28. After starting his service, he got acquainted with the army procedure during the first week. He did not like such a life, routine, lacked freedom. “I could not do what I wanted,”Arnas R. later told law enforcement. “After the first two weeks of service, when all the soldiers were in quarantine, I finally decided not to serve in the army,” he explained.

The young man thought that if he refuses to take the oath he would be exempted from military service. On October 16, Arnas R. refused to take the oath.

A criminal case was instituted against him in accordance with Article 317 of the CC. for non-execution of the order. In court, the guy was sentenced to 20 days in custody and the sentence took effect this week.

Paradox of the Lithuanian army is that the authorities allow to serve those who want, but if they change their mind, these young people are punished. In case this particular man did not apply for military service himself, he could never be enlisted. The fortune could be on his side and the lottery could not chose him among others to be called up for duty.

Lithuania is doing what it thinks is “best” for its national defense. As a result, the decision to reinstate conscription prompted many Lithuanian youths that do not want to waste time serving in the military to leave the country. This increases the already significant amount of Lithuanian migration to the EU, which it turns undermines the country’s security in the long run.

In case a conscript so disliked to serve in the army that he chose a dungeon instead of service, the authorities should think about the situation in the armed forces instead of punishing him. It is a very odd way to convince him not to leave and attract others. The authorities, therefore, are involved in the increasing of emigration and the loss of the country’s youth, defenders, that is, the FUTURE.

There are no plans for investing common currency in EAEU



 18:36, 4 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 4, ARMENPRESS. There are no plans for investing common currency in the Eurasian Economic Union, that issue is not being discussed because of the absence of necessary prerequisites, ARMENPRESS reports, citing Belta agency, Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Economy and Financial Policy of the Eurasian Economic Commission Timur Zhaxylykov said in a video conference on February 4.

‘’There is no mentioning about investing a common currency in the EAEU in any of the agreements or legal acts. There is no such a plan also in the development strategy for the period until 2025. No talks are hold in that direction, that issue is not discussed’’, he said.

The sitting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council with the participation of the Heads of Government of the Eurasian Economic Union member states will take place on February 5 in Almaty.

ICRC representatives visit 4 Armenian detainees kept in Azerbaijan



 18:55, 4 February, 2021

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 4, ARMENPRESS. ICRC representatives visited 4 Armenian detainees, including civilians and servicemen, kept in Azerbaijan on February 1 and 2, ICRC Armenia Office Communications Program Manager Zara Amatuni told ARMENPRESS.

''They were given an opportunity to communicate with their family members'', Amatuni said, adding that during the visit, the ICRC representatives checked the conditions of detention and their health situation.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) reported on February 4 that it has received Armenia’s Inter-State complaint against Azerbaijan regarding the latter’s convention violations committed during and after the 2020 Artsakh War. The court also said that it received numerous requests under Rule 39 concerning captives and POWs lodged by Armenia or by relatives of the captives.

The requests received so far concern 228 Armenians.