Karapetyan: Lebanon may use Armenia as a platform to enter new markets

ARKA, Armenia

YEREVAN, March 12. /ARKA/. Armenian Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan and his Lebanese counterpart Saad Hariri discussed today in Beirut ways to expand bilateral cooperation in agriculture, ICT, tourism and culture, the Armenian government press office said.

It quoted Karapetyan as saying that despite friendly and close relations between the two countries, the Armenian-Lebanese economic relations lag behind the high level of political relations, and there is great potential to tap and develop.

He said also being a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, having the GSP+ trade regime with the European Union and a free economic zone near the border with Iran, as well as a business-friendly environment, Armenia allows access to larger sales markets.

’There are many areas where we can cooperate: light industry, jewelry, pharmaceutics, agriculture, information technology, and tourism. We also agreed that we will continue to negotiate over the establishment of an Armenian-Lebanese investment fund to support our joint initiatives. We also talked about the development of solar and alternative energy,’ he said.

In turn Saad Hariri said  the sides agreed to strengthen and develop relations between Armenia and Lebanon in different spheres and at different levels, specifically in the banking sector, especially as the Lebanese banks are known worldwide and have great potential to finance public and private projects. 
Karapetyan  invited his Lebanese counterpart to visit Armenia, saying  that a meeting of the Armenian-Lebanese intergovernmental commission could be held as part of it to discuss the above-mentioned  issues and outline new areas for cooperation. 

He also  underscored the important role of the Armenian community of Lebanon in deepening and expanding bilateral relations. -0-


‘Justice requires accepting that Nagorno Karabakh will never return to be part of Azerbaijan’, Senior Russian lawmaker

Armenpress News Agency, Armenia

'Justice requires accepting that Nagorno Karabakh will never return to
be part of Azerbaijan', Senior Russian lawmaker

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Konstantin Zatulin, First Deputy
Chairman of the State Duma (lower house of Russian parliament)
Committee for CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with
Compatriots, Head of the Institute of CIS Countries, opposes a
military solution for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

In an interview with ARMENPRESS, Mr. Zatulin said Armenia and
Azerbaijan must reach agreement and compromise, which will be
realistic and most importantly fair.

“I’ve said many times that justice requires to accept that Nagorno
Karabakh will never return to be part of Azerbaijan. Recently I even
talked about the fact that actually Azerbaijan was declared an
independent state after the collapse of the Soviet Union and nobody
paid proper attention to the fact that at that time, factually, the
territory of Nagorno Karabakh was not under its control, meaning it
wasn’t de facto ruled from Baku. It didn’t receive attention in Baku,
which allows them now to announce that this territory belongs to them,
however Nagorno Karabakh has not been part of independent Azerbaijan
not even for a single day. And the justifications under which
Azerbaijan is claiming the territories are vulnerable and unrealistic
from the point of view of real politics”, Mr. Zatulin said.

At a February 19 meeting with EU Special Representative for the South
Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar, Azeri defense minister
Zakir Hasanov didn’t rule out the resumption of war at any moment.
Asked whether the absence of necessary counter-responses from the
international community to Azerbaijani statements doesn’t encourage
sparking a new war, the Russian politician said:

“I believe that perhaps the international community is guilty for
overlooking the endless statements of Azerbaijan, and in many
statements depreciates what it’s saying, nevertheless I believe the
2016 events received an adequate assessment from the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs. It is another issue that there was no clear public
condemnation, it is a fact, but I think the Co-Chairs thought that by
doing so they would’ve appeared in a quite difficult situation in the
future negotiations process. I think they were guided by this when
they gave a more equal response and didn’t directly accuse Azerbaijan
for restarting military operations. However the fact is that there was
no such clear statement from the co-chairs, including from the Russian
[co-chair]”, he stressed.

According to Mr. Zatulin, the statements were mostly limited with
calls on the non use of force, which can factually be considered to be
a condemnation of Azeri actions.

“Statements were about the conflict being unresolved for many years,
and that the use of force is unacceptable. Indeed, they didn’t openly
accuse Azerbaijan, including because discussions over the principles
of the Karabakh conflict settlement are continuing till now. We know,
that Azerbaijan is participating in the negotiations process, at the
same time making statements everywhere claiming that Nagorno Karabakh
is part of Azerbaijan. And probably, taking into account such
difficult circumstances which were accumulated during the negotiations
of so many years, one can conclude that it was this that refrained
official circles from addressed assessment. Regarding the civil
society, the opinions of independent people who aren’t tied with
mediating duties, they were very clear in Russia. For us, it was
understandable who launched these military operations. Recently we
even found out with interest about president Aliyev’s historic views”,
Konstantin Zatulin said, adding that he has numerously stated his
opinion as an MP, who doesn’t depend on any mediating activity, and
which enables him to call things by their names.

Article by Syuzi Muradyan

L’Arménie : Khoren Hovhannisyan, meilleur joueur arménien du XXe siècle

Footballski – le football de l'est
15 févr. 2018

L’Arménie : Khoren Hovhannisyan, meilleur joueur arménien du XXe siècle

A moins d’un an de la Coupe du Monde, nous avons décidé de nous replonger dans l’histoire du football soviétique des différentes (quatorze, hors Russie) républiques socialistes soviétiques d’Union Soviétique avec quatorze semaines spéciales, toutes reprenant le même format. Nous entamons déjà la deuxième partie de notre série avec cette semaine l’Arménie et aujourd’hui, nous vous offrons l’histoire de Khoren Hovhannisyan, meilleur joueur arménien du XXe siècle.

Lire aussi : Le football dans les RSS #38 – L’Arménie : l’Ararat Erevan , l’exception arménienne de l’ère soviétique

Il est la dernière grande star du football arménien avant l’avènement de Henrikh Mkhitaryan. Son talent l’amènera à porter plusieurs fois le maillot rouge de la sélection et à être le premier de ses compatriotes à avoir l’honneur de disputer la Coupe du monde. Connu pour son talent balle au pied et ses frappes du gauche, retour sur la carrière de Khoren Hovhannisyan, un des meilleurs meneurs de jeu en URSS dans les années 1980.

Khoren Hovhannisyan est né le 10 janvier 1955 à Erevan dans une famille de sportifs. Son père a pratiqué l’haltérophilie et sa mère la gymnastique. Il commence le football dans une équipe de jeunes avec la quelle il remporte un tournoi national à 14 ans. Petit à petit, il se fait repérer par les sélectionneurs soviétiques d’équipe de jeunes et en 1973, il intègre la réserve de l’Ararat Erevan. Alors que le championnat n’a pas commencé, l’Ararat dispute les quarts de finale de la C1 en mars 1975 face au Bayern Munich. Âgé de 20 ans il est sur le banc lors du match retour. A la 64e minute, Victor Maslov décide de remplacer l’attaquant Nicolaï Razarian, épuisé. Lorsqu‘il dit au jeune Khoren de se préparer, il n’en croit pas ses oreilles.

Il joue son premier match en première division soviétique quelques semaines plus tard le 16 avril 1975 en entrant pour le dernier quart d’heure face au Dniepr Dniepropetrovsk. Il inscrira son premier but dans l’élite contre le Shaktar Dontesk deux mois plus tard. Cette année, l’Ararat Erevan remporte sa deuxième coupe d’URSS face au Zarya Volochilvgrad (2-1). Khoren remporte son premier titre. Il sera aussi désigné révélation du championnat. Ainsi, il finit la saison 1975 en ayant disputé 24 matchs et inscrit 4 buts. Il jouera aussi ses derniers matchs européens contre l’Anorthosis Famagouste et West Ham United en Coupe d’Europe des Vainqueurs de Coupes. Il marque deux buts contre les Chypriotes lors de la victoire sans appel de 9-0 au stade Hrazdan.

L’année suivante sera aussi très riche pour ce jeune espoir arménien. Avec l’équipe d’URSS des U-23, il remporte le championnat d’Europe avec son coéquipier erevanais Armen Sarkissian et participe aux derniers faits de gloire de l’Ararat lors de l’époque soviétique, à savoir la deuxième place lors du championnat de printemps et la finale de la coupe d’URSS (perdue face au Dynamo Tbilissi 3-0).

<img class="size-full wp-image-45139" src=”"https://footballski.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Oganesyan_horen_08.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="231" />

© people.am

Les deux saisons suivantes seront des années de transition avec la génération des champions de 1973. Cette période est difficile pour le club arménien qui luttera pour se maintenir dans l’élite en 1978. Il ne se sauvera d’ailleurs qu’à la différence de but. En 1979, le milieu de terrain s’affirme comme l’héritier des champions de 1973. Il inscrit cette saison 17 buts en 34 matchs et sera deuxième au classement des buteurs. Il bat ainsi le record du nombre de buts inscrits par un joueur en une saison pour le club arménien. Ce record appartenait conjointement à Hovhaness Zanazanian (14 buts en 1972) et Eduard Markarov (14 buts en 1971). Cette performance lui ouvre les portes de la sélection. Il honore sa première cape le 14/10/1979 face à la Roumanie. Il est également nominé pour la première fois dans la liste des 33 meilleurs joueurs. Il le sera 5 fois consécutivement et occupera la première place à son poste en 1980, 1982 et 1983.

L’année suivante, il est retenu dans la sélection olympique pour disputer les JO de Moscou. Il dispute 3 matchs et marque 2 buts (un contre le Venezuela en match de poule et un autre contre la Yougoslavie pour la troisième place). Comme ses glorieux aînés Zanazanian et Andreassian, il décroche le bronze olympique.

L’année 1982 sera une belle année pour le capitaine de l’Ararat. Son club termine à une belle cinquième place, la meilleure depuis 9 ans. Il marque 12 buts en 28 matchs et un de ses buts inscrits face au Nefchti Bakou est reconnu comme le plus beau but du championnat. Cette année, c’est aussi celle de la Coupe du Monde en Espagne, tournoi pour lequel l’URSS est qualifiée. En entrant en jeu face à la Nouvelle-Zélande à la 46e minute, il entre dans l’Histoire. Il devient le premier footballeur d’Arménie à participer au tournoi mondial. Son ancien coéquipier Markarov avait disputé l’édition de 1966, mais il évoluait à Bakou à cette époque. Qualifiés pour le second tour, les Rouges affrontent la Pologne et la Belgique. Le 1er juillet 1982, au Nou Camp, l’URSS joue la Belgique et à la 48e minute, Hovhannisyan reprend magnifiquement de volée le centre de Gravilov et inscrit le seul but du match. La Pologne bat les Belges 3-0 et le match nul entre les deux formations de l’Est élimine les Soviétiques. Au total, le meneur de jeu arménien aura joué 3 matchs et inscrit 1 but en Coupe du Monde.

Lors des deux saisons suivantes, il prendra part à 30 matchs et inscrira respectivement 15 buts en 1983 et 9 buts en 1984. Il atteint la barre des 100 buts en février 1984, en inscrivant un doublé contre le Zenit Leningrad. Son record de 17 buts en une saison sera battu par Hamlet Mkhitaryan (le père du célèbre Henrikh) auteur de 18 réalisations cette année-là. C’est aussi en 1984 qu’il joue son dernier match en équipe nationale, face à la Norvège. Son bilan en sélection est de 34 matchs pour 6 réalisations, ce qui fait de lui le joueur le plus capé en provenance de la République Socialiste d’Arménie.

Un an plus tard, il se trouve en désaccord avec les dirigeants et quitte le club. Son bilan est de 295 matchs de championnat pour 93 buts inscrits (record pour football arménien). A noter qu’il inscrit 41 buts lors de la dernière demi-heure et 18 dans les 10 dernières minutes. Ces statistiques témoignent de son endurance et de sa capacité à « user » les défenseurs adverses. Au total, il a inscrit 113 buts, ce qui le fait entrer dans le tableau de Gregory Fedotov. Il y rejoint deux autres buteurs d’origine arménienne : Nikita Simonyan et Edouard Markarov.

Khoren Hovhannisyan reprend la compétition avec l’ISKRA Erevan en 1988 puis signe au Pakhtakor Tashkent en 1990, en deuxième division. A l’issue de la saison, le club ouzbek décroche la promotion dans l’élite. Khoren y joue 10 matchs pour la dernière édition du championnat d’URSS.

<img class="size-full wp-image-45138" src=”"https://footballski.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/000131323.jpg" alt="" width="470" height="331" srcset="https://footballski.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/000131323.jpg 470w, https://footballski.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/000131323-300×211.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 470px) 100vw, 470px" />

Khoren Hovhannisyan et un fan. © people.am

L’Arménie devient une nation indépendante et, de ce fait, organise son propre championnat. Le vétéran Khoren Hovhannisyan sera entraineur-joueur au sein du Homentmen Erevan. Il décrochera, à égalité avec le Shirak Gyumri, le premier titre de champion d’Arménie. Il part ensuite au Liban où il prend les rênes du club arménien de l’Homenetmen Beyrouth pendant deux saisons. Il amène cette formation jusqu’à la troisième place. En 1995, il rejoint sa terre natale et prend en main l’équipe du Pyunik avec laquelle il décroche un autre titre de champion d’Arménie. A noter qu’il lui arrivera de disputer quelques bouts de matchs mais finit par raccrocher les crampons définitivement.

En 1996-1997, il dirige également la sélection nationale arménienne pour sa première campagne qualificative pour la Coupe du Monde. Les Caucasiens finiront à la quatrième place du groupe avec quelques bons résultats (0-0 contre le Portugal à domicile, 1-1 en Ukraine).

En 2001, il est élu meilleur joueur arménien du XX ème siècle et sera logiquement désigné comme « joueur en or » pour les 50 ans de l’UEFA. Il devient aussi président du Pyunik Erevan en 2001, le nouveau club phare du football arménien. Sous sa présidence, les Phénix gagneront cinq titres de champions, deux coupes et trois supercoupes avant qu’il ne quitte ses fonctions en mars 2006. Son fils Zohra (né en 1987) espoir du football arménien au début des années 2000 jouera au Pyunik jusqu’en 2004, avant de rejoindre le club grec d’Olympiakos Le Pirée. Il sera un des joueurs majeurs des U19 arméniens, qualifiés pour le championnat d’Europe en 2005.

En 2012, il reprendra une place sur le banc de touche en Ouzbekistan au Lokomotiv Tashkent. Une expérience de quelques mois durant laquelle il mènera son équipe à la troisième place du championnat. Néanmoins, son contrat ne sera pas renouvelé. Enfin en 2015, il revient brièvement dans les affaires, en devenant président du FC Mika Erevan, mais il quittera son poste quelques mois plus tard.

Jacques der Sarkissian

Pöyry to work on new Armenian hydro project

Water Power Magazine
Feb 16 2018

Pöyry has been awarded the engineering and consultancy services assignment for the feasibility study for Shnogh hydroelectric project in the Republic of Armenia. 

Located along the Debed river in northern Armenia close to the Georgian border, the Shnogh project is a run-of-river plant which harnesses the water from the Debed and Martsiget rivers, which will be dammed behind a 25m high concrete weir, and conveyed to the powerhouse along a long free-flow tunnel (19 km), a pressure shaft (230m), and a high pressure tunnel. The two turbines with capacity of 70MW will be housed in a surface powerhouse located on the bank of the Debed River, in the vicinity of Neghots village.

Pöyry's assignment includes the review of existing documents and the basic studies, feasibility design of the selected alternatives, construction schedule, bill of quantities, cost estimate, economic evaluation and executive summary. 

The investment project will be implemented by the Energy Invest Holding CJSC via its newly created subsidiary company which will construct and operate the plant, the Debed Hydro LLC. The Investors Club of Armenia investment fund will co-invest 15% of the required investment amount into this project. 

Mutallibov has long sold his soul and biography to dictatorial regime of Baku – Armenian foreign ministry slams former Azeri president’s statement

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Mutallibov has long sold his soul and biography to dictatorial regime
of Baku - Armenian foreign ministry slams former Azeri president's

YEREVAN, JANUARY 25, ARMENPRESS. Former Azerbaijani president Ayaz
Mutallibov has long sold his soul to the dictatorial regime of Baku
for being allowed to return to the country, Armenian foreign ministry
spokesman Tigran Balayan said in response to ARMENPRESS request to
comment on the former president’s interview to Azeri media regarding
President Sargsyan’s recent statement.

“Mutallibov has long sold both his soul and biography to the
dictatorial regime of Baku for the permission to return to Azerbaijan.
And this angry response in Seidov’s [Azeri delegate to PACE] yesterday
style was from the series of reaffirming his commitment to the regime.
With the same logic he might announce tomorrow that the real goal
behind his resignation was to vacate the president’s seat for Heydar
Aliyev”, Balayan said.

After President Sargsyan’s speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, the Azerbaijani delegate addressed a distorting
question in a rather aggressive manner. The President urged the
delegate to calm down and not to distort facts. In response to the
Azeri delegate’s question as to why he didn’t touch upon the Khojaly
events, the Armenian President said: “The answer to the question why I
did not touch upon the Khojaly events, which you call a genocide, is
very clear – because immediately after that tragic event President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan Ayaz Mutalibov presented very detailed and
informed facts and indicated who were the organizers of that massacre.
And I feel very sorry for that. Genocide is not a good thing, being
subjected to genocide is a torment and I think there is a tendency in
Azerbaijan to have anything Armenians have. This is inadmissible. Why
do you need to call something a genocide that has never happened,
especially not by Armenians.”

Yerevan to get rid of minibuses as part of new transportation network

Transportation Monitor Worldwide

Yerevan to get rid of minibuses as part of new transportation network

A draft for a new transportation network has been developed for
Yerevan in an effort to reduce the number of vehicles operating in the
capital. The aim is to increase the number of buses and trams, to
promote active use of the metro as well as to do away with minibuses.
The number of routes and means of transport will be reduced almost

There will be 42 routes instead of 115;

The number of vehicles will be reduced from 2039 to 939.

The initiators of the project are confident that the various transport
methods in the new system will be operating so as to complement one

Transport will be equally available for all districts of the capital,
providing safe, reliable and decent passenger services. To the
consulting companys credit it should be noted that it has done
thorough work on developing the new project, said Vahe Nikoyan, the
First Deputy Mayor of Yerevan.

In his words, passenger transit will be carried out by articulated
buses that are 18 meters in length and are designed for up to 150
passengers, along with 12 meter long buses with a capacity of 90-100

A uniform e-ticketing system will be introduced to ensure efficiency.
There will be mobile apps with special e-schedule software as well as
ticket machines and payment terminals. Some advanced technologies will
be implemented to monitor travel fares, said Nikoyan.

It is the first time that a professionally substantiated public
transport network strategy is being developed in Armenia. WYG
Consulting Co. initiated the project. 2017 Global Data Point.

Erdogan Gave Away Azerbaijan: Putin’s Stunning Statement

Lragir, Armenia
Jan 14 2018
Erdogan Gave Away Azerbaijan: Putin's Stunning Statement
Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
 Sunday, , 00:13
Turkey is not standing behind the drone attack at the Russian military base in Syria, the Russian president Putin said. He said they know who attacked, who were the sponsors, who produced the drones.
The attack on the Russian military base Khmeimim was on December 31, causing victims, as well as destruction of jets and helicopters. The Russian military announced that on January 5 and 5 they confronted an attack.
Earlier, at the end of the past year the Russian president visited the Russian military base in Syria and the withdrawal of personnel from Syria started. Afterwards Putin left for Turkey. And before the withdrawal of troops there was the Trump-Putin statement on their commitment to stability in Syria.
After this statement the Turkish president left for a meeting with the Russian president, and a few days later the presidents of Iran and Turkey met with Putin in Sochi. A few months earlier Iran, Turkey and Russia started the three-party Astana process to stabilize Syria involving Assad’s government and armed opposition. An agreement was reached in the Astana process to create demilitarized zones.
Did the joint Trump-Putin statement and agreement contradict the agreements of the Astana process? It is hard to tell. However, afterwards the presidents of Turkey and Iran left for a meeting with Putin, either to demand or to learn more.
Afterwards Putin announced about victory in Syria and withdrawal of troops, left for Syria to start the withdrawal and immediately left for Turkey.
At the same time, the strike on the Russian military base on December 31 overran with the unrest in Iran that started on December 28 for which the Iranian government blamed the United States and Israel. The United States and Israel supported the demonstrators in high-level statements.
Along with the developments in Iran the Russian military base was hit in Syria. In addition, the Russian ministry of defense confirmed the strike much later than it had appeared in the Russian press. The news was published by the Kommersant.
The Russian military base was stricken from the demilitarized zone agreed with Iran and Turkey by the Astana process.
In addition, on January 1 the spokesperson for the Russian president Peskov announced that the Russian president and the Israeli prime minister agreed to meet and discuss important issues soon. Peskov did not tell other details. Was this agreement of the Russian and Israeli leaders determined by the developments in Iran or the strike to the Russian military base in Syria? Or maybe both?
Who needed or who might need to strike Russia in this situation? Information came that the Russian military base was stricken from the area controlled by Turkey. On the eve there was a telephone conversation between the presidents of Russia and Turkey and today Putin announces that Turkey did not strike. He says they know who did but they do not say who. In addition, Ankara made another gesture to Moscow, arresting the person who organized the murder of the Russian ambassador. When the Russian plane was stricken at the border of Syria and Turkey, Putin announced, at the start of the Russian-Turkish reconciliation following the breakup that it was not Ankara but a hand that wished to harm the Russian-Turkish relations and friendship.
Moscow said almost the same thing when the Russian ambassador was killed in Ankara. It was not Turkey. Did Erdogan bring forceful arguments to Putin or has the Russian president appeared in Erdogan’s trap? Or maybe Putin catches Erdogan in a trap by way of accepting all the strikes directed at Russia, demanding some expensive concessions in return for silence.
The situation is strange. At the same time, it is interesting that Putin says to know the “producers” of drones. The point is that a limited number of countries produce combat drones: the United States, Israel, China, Canada.
Of course, the list of buyers of combat drones is longer. Among them is Azerbaijan which has bought drones from Israel. By the way, it is known that Azerbaijan supplies ammunition to the Syrian militants, including ISIS. The scandalous investigation was published in the Bulgarian press.
Of course, Putin would hardly hint to Azerbaijan but after the conversation with Erdogan the Russian president makes an interesting statement without a visible target. It will be interesting if it turns out that Erdogan has given away Azerbaijan. By the way, the Putin-Netanyahu meeting announced on January 1 has not taken place yet.

Artsakhpress-Հայտնի է հանրապետության գլխավոր տոնածառի բացման օրը (լուսանկարներ)

Հայտնի է հանրապետության գլխավոր տոնածառի բացման օրը (լուսանկարներ)


Ստեփանակերտում տեղի է ունեցել ձյուդոյի առաջնություն


Մարտունիում ընթանում են փողոցների բարեկարգման աշխատանքներ


Մոշաթաղ համայնքը նոր դպրոցական շենք կունենա

Armenia-EU new agreement serves a firm base for future developments – Italian Ambassador

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia
December 1, 2017 Friday

Armenia-EU new agreement serves a firm base for future developments –
Italian Ambassador

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. The signing of the Armenia-EU new
agreement is a positive event, Ambassador of Italy to Armenia Giovanni
Ricciulli told ARMENPRESS.

According to the Ambassador, the agreement signed in Brussels on
November 24 will boost the bilateral relations in a number of fields.

“Before this the relations were friendly, partnering, but this new
base didn’t exist. We all were working for that, Armenia as well was
working, and finally, the process reached its end. We are very happy
since it forms a new circle for the relations which can serve a firm
base for further developments”, the Italian Ambassador said.

Armenia and the European Union signed the Comprehensive and Enhanced
Partnership Agreement in Brussels on November 24. The document was
signed by Armenian foreign minister Edward Nalbandian and EU High
Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica

Syuzi Muradyan

PM Awards Freedom-Fighters on 25th Anniversary of Establishment of 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade of Volunteers

Today, Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan handed awards to a group of freedom-fighters on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the formation of the 5th Motorized Rifle Brigade of Volunteers, who made a significant contribution to the victories in the Artsakh Liberation War.

For active participation in the Artsakh War and protection of Homeland’s frontiers, as well as on the 25th anniversary of establishment of the 5th volunteer brigade, the Prime Minister’s Commemorative Medal was conferred upon Yerkrapah Volunteer Union (YVU) President, Hero of Artsakh, General Lieutenant Manvel Grigoryan; Yerkrapah Volunteer Union Board Member, Adviser to YVU Board Chairman, participant of the April Four-Day Warfare, Ph.D. in Economics, Junior Lieutenant Mesrop Manukyan, YVU Vice President,Chief of YVU Staff, participant of the Artsakh War and the April Four-Day Warfare, Captain Khachik Mkrtchyan and Head of the YVU Artik Regional Division, participant of the Artsakh War and the April Four-Day Warfare, Senior Lieutenant Anan Voskanyan.

The Head of Government encouraged a group of freedom-fighters with the RA Prime Minister’s diplomas.