Armenian Schoolchildren Are Taught Chivalry


25.08.2009 22:27 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Four years ago "Hay Aspet" (The Armenian Knight)
child and youth organization was established in Armenia to foster
the Armenian spirit and patriotism in school children.

"First, we selected 36 children, as the number of letters in the
Armenian alphabet, but over the past four years, throughout the
territory of Armenia, Artsakh and Javakhk the number of Armenian
Knights has grown to almost fifteen hundred, 900 out of which have
already participated in the Hay Aspet television program," Karine
Tonoyan , founder of the Hay Aspet movement and the anchorwoman of
the Hay Aspet game told press conference today.

This year, the winner of the Hay Aspet television game became the team
of secondary school No 2 from Jermuk, the school team will visit the
cities of Western Armenia.

"We are trying to select energetic children, often considered to
be unmanageable. Their energy should be directed into the right
channel," Karine Tonoyan said. According to her, in addition to
military training, students attend classes in mythology, history of
Armenia, Armenian songs and dances, geography of Armenia.

The organization accepts children from seven years. Hay Aspet organize
hikes and camps in various regions of Armenia.

Hay Aspet has been supported by charitable organizations, the
government of Armenia, as well as the ArmenTel (Beeline trade mark)
telecommunication company.

Credit Interest Rates In Armenia To Drop By 2% By The End Of This Ye


2009-08-25 20:42:00

ArmInfo. The credit interest rates in Armenia will drop by 2%
by the end of this year, says Chairman of the Board of AraratBank
Ashot Osipyan.

Today, the Armenian banks have no problems with liquidity and are
ready to take part in financing programs. This will lead to reduction
in their interest rates.

Presently, AraratBank issues loans at 14%-18% mostly in AMD.

To note, some Armenian banks are actively involved in international
credit programs: EBRD (SME support, mortgage lending, trade financing),
KfW (SME support, mortgage lending), IFC (SME support, mortgage
crediting), WB (SME suppport).

The Central Bank has opened unlimited credit lines for Armenian banks
in the framework of the $500mln anti-crisis loan provided by Russia
($200mln has been provided for supporting SME).

AraratBank is taking part in EBRD’s SME and trade support programs,
KfW’s SME support and mortgage crediting projects, Izmirlian
Foundation’s SME support program. In June 2009 the bank joined the
WB’s program to support SME.

President’s Congratulatory Message On The 19th Anniversary Of The De

13:05 24/08/2009

President Serzh Sargsyan sent congratulatory message on the 19th
anniversary of the declaration of independence, President’s Cabinet

The message writes: "Dear Fellow Citizens, nineteen years ago on
this day, the Supreme Council of Armenia adopted the Declaration
of Independence, which became a historic and guiding document for
the future of our country. It embodied the will of the people, who
went through immeasurable sufferings, who paved their way in history
with the cross, letters and sweat, and when necessary – also with
the sword. It embodied the resolve of the people to build their own
country on their own land.

The Declaration of Independence was received by the entire Armenian
nation with great fervor since it was called upon to turn the centuries
long Armenian dream of restoring independent statehood into reality.

With this document, which told the world the news of the political
freedom of the people of Armenia, we asserted our ascension, which our
Republic and our people have been pursuing steadfastly all these years,
remaining faithful to the principles enshrined in the Declaration.

I cordially congratulate us all on the Anniversary of the Declaration
of Independence and wish you all the best."

Armenian Genocide Ruling Sets Off Wave Of Local Reaction

By Christopher Cadelago

Glendale News Press
Aug 24 2009

A state law that allowed heirs of victims of the Armenian genocide
to sue in state courts for unpaid insurance benefits was deemed
unconstitutional last week by a federal appeals court, setting off
a wave of reaction locally.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday that the California
law conflicts with U.S. foreign policy. It reverses a lower court
judge who refused to dismiss another class-action suit against European
insurance companies.

On three occasions, Congress has considered resolutions in the last
decade that would have provided recognition of the genocide. Each
time, the respective administrations urged each time that the bills be
foiled, fearing that their passage would damage relations with Turkey,
whose government denies that a genocide took place.

Moody’s Assigns Armenian Prometey Bank Long-Term Deposit In Drams An


Aug 24, 2009

YEREVAN, August 24. /ARKA/. Well-known international rating agency
Moody’s assigned to the Armenian Prometey bank the rating of long-term
deposits in Armenian drams and foreign currency B1 in July 2009.

As it is noted on the official site of the bank, Moody’s also assigned
the bank financial strength rating (BFSR) E + with a stable outlook
(STA Outlook).

LLC Prometey Bank was founded in 1990, registered on October 2, 1991.

On October 31, 1996, the bank received the CBA N27 general license.

Today, the main owner of the bank is OJSC

Currently , the bank operates four branches in the country.

International rating agency Moody’s assigns ratings and publishes
independent opinions on the creditworthiness of issuers and the credit
quality of securities issued by them.

Moody’s assigns ratings of debt obligations of banks, corporations,
insurance companies, trust funds, regional and local governments,
states, international entities. Moody’s assigns ratings of structured

President and U.S. Secretary of state discuss bilateral relations

Armenian president and U.S. Secretary of state discuss bilateral

YEREVAN, August 21, /ARKA/. During a telephone conversation with U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton late on August 20 Armenian President
Serzh Sargsyan discussed bilateral Armenian-U.S. relations, the press
office of the Armenian president said in a statement. It said the
conversation was initiated by the American side.

`During the telephone conversations president Sargsyan and secretary of
state Clinton discussed bilateral as well as regional issues,
particularly, the Armenian-Turkish dialogue,’ the statement said.

Armenia and Turkey have no diplomatic relations. In 1993 Turkey closed
the border with Armenia in a sign of solidarity with Azerbaijan. There
are several sensitive issues complicating the establishment of normal
relations between the two countries, particularly, Ankara’s blatant
support of Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution
process and Turkey’s refusal to acknowledge the mass killings of
Armenians in the last years of the Ottoman Empire as a genocide.

The thaw in the strained relations began in 2008 September after
Turkish president Abdullah Gul arrived in Armenia, at his counterpart’s
invitation, to watch together with Serzh Sargsyan the 2010 World Cup
qualifying football game between the two countries’ national teams.
During that visit the two presidents discussed prospects for engaging
in dialogue and20normalization of relations. -0-

Patrick Devedjian a la poursuite des petits maitres francais

Le Figaro, France
Lundi 10 Août 2009

Patrick Devedjian à la poursuite des petits maîtres français

SÉRIE D’ÉTÉ (8) Le ministre de la Relance menait sa carrière d’avocat
avant de rejoindre Jacques Chirac, dont il était le conseil, dans
l’aventure du RPR. S’il a gardé l’amour du droit, sa passion discrète
pour le dessin français du XVIIe siècle aurait pu le conduire sur de
tout autres voies.

par Garat, Jean-Baptiste

« RAISONNABLEMENT », s’il ne s’était pas lancé dans la politique,
Patrick Devedjian serait avocat. « Je ne vais pas vous raconter
d’histoires, assure-t-il. J’étais avocat avant de faire de la
politique. Si je n’en avais pas fait, je le serais encore probablement
aujourd’hui. » Inscrit au barreau de Paris en 1970, après une maîtrise
de droit à Assas et des études à Sciences Po, Patrick Devedjian s’est
spécialisé dans les affaires de droit artistique et littéraire. Pas
question, cependant, d’arracher au ministre de la Relance le nom d’un
de ses clients d’alors : près de quarante ans plus tard, il s’en
réserve le secret.

En fréquentant le Paris culturel et notamment le monde de l’édition,
son chemin a croisé celui de Raymond Aron. Rencontre essentielle pour
le jeune fils d’immigré arménien. Rencontre qui lui ouvre les horizons
de la politique. Avec le vieux maître à penser de la droite française
et son collègue de Sciences Po Georges Liebert, il fonde la revue
Contrepoint en mai 1970. Il devient ensuite conseil de l’étoile
montante de l’UDR, Jacques Chirac. « Je l’ai défendu vingt fois, et
vingt fois nous avons gagné, souvent face à la presse », évoque-t-il,
non sans plaisir.

De la robe et du prétoire, le président UMP du conseil général des
Hauts-de-Seine conserve une maîtrise de la rhétorique qui a
déstabilisé plus d’un adversaire. Et un goût du plaidoyer orné de
petites saillies qui ont fait les délices des journalistes. « Je
préfère les petites phrases assassines aux grands discours creux »,
répète-t-il souvent.

Petit garçon, Patrick Devedjian ne rêvait cependant ni des tribunaux,
ni des tribunes de la République, mais de poussière et de vieilles
pierres. « Archéologue, c’était mon rêve. J’étais fasciné par ces
découvreurs de civilisation, le roman policier qui est derrière
l’archéologie. » Avec une prédilection pour la Grèce, qu’il découvre
dans les pages de Thucydide. Ou pour Byzance, à travers l’oeuvre du
chroniqueur et maître d’éloquence Michel Psellos. Auteurs antiques ou
médiévaux qu’il continue de lire, entre deux romans de Balzac cet
été. « Je n’avais pas lu toute la Comédie humaine. Je n’avais
également rien lu de Plutarque. Ils sont dans mes valises pour les
vacances. »

S’il n’envisage plus, à 64 ans, de devenir archéologue, Patrick
Devedjian n’en cultive pas moins un jardin secret qui entretient un
autre rêve. « C’est très prétentieux, mais j’aurais pu devenir expert
en peinture et dessins, lche-t-il enfin. Je suis très attaché à la
peinture française du XVIIe siècle. »

Décollation de saint Jean-Baptiste

C’est son père, Roland, et surtout son oncle, Vahram Devedjian,
peintre lui-même, qui l’initient et l’entraînent dans les galeries du
Louvre. « Mon oncle aimait énormément Delacroix et Géricault. Moi
aussi. Mais très rapidement je me suis attaché aux peintres français
du Grand Siècle. » Il évoque sa passion pour les maîtres : le Lorrain,
Nicolas Poussin, Eustache Le Sueur, Simon Vouet… Son goût, son oeil
se forment, notamment au contact d’Antoine Schnapper, gendre de
Raymond Aron et spécialiste de la peinture française formé auprès
d’André Chastel. Avec celui qui deviendra son ami, Patrick Devedjian
découvre les petits maîtres français, en particulier ceux dont le
travail a été influencé par l’Italie.

Avec ses « premiers deniers », il achète un anonyme : une décollation
de saint Jean-Baptiste. « Il n’a pas été identifié, mais je pense que
c’est un Colombel », dit-il. Élève de Le Sueur, influencé par Poussin
et Mignard, Nicolas Colombel fut chargé par Louis XIV de décorer
plusieurs appartements de Versailles. « Je l’ai payé cher, il y a
trente-cinq ans, et je l’aime », ajoute-t-il. Avant de se raviser : «
Enfin, cher par rapport à mes moyens. En fait, j’ai profité d’un trou
de vente à Drouot. Le tableau inscrit avant le mien avait été très
disputé. Dans le désordre qui a suivi cette vente, le public
commentant ou félicitant l’acquéreur, le commissaire-priseur a
poursuivi. Mon tableau n’intéressait plus personne, sauf moi. Je l’ai
emporté. Quelle émotion, quel plaisir ! »

D’autres achats ont suivi. « Peu de peintures, explique-t-il. Les
dessins étaient davantage dans mes moyens. À l’époque, j’en achetais
un tous les six mois. Ils me paraissaient chers mais en fait ils ne
l’étaient pas. Ils n’étaient simplement pas à la mode comme ils le
sont devenus ensuite. »

Dans les années 1970, les dessins de Jacques Stella, de Claude Mellan,
de Marc Restout et de ses enfants étaient encore abordables.

De quoi constituer une petite collection, où l’on pourrait lire l’«
itinéraire personnel » du ministre de la Relance, s’il la montrait. «
Mais je n’aime pas trop ça, explique-t-il. C’est très intime, une
collection. » « Aujourd’hui, je n’ai plus les moyens et surtout je
n’ai plus de temps. Il faut beaucoup de temps pour constituer une
collection. »

Il n’est pas rare, cependant, de croiser encore Patrick Devedjian dans
un train, le nez dans un catalogue de vente. Et il l’avoue, « il n’y a
pas longtemps », il a acheté un dessin de Gaspard Dughet, beau-frère
de Poussin.« Un très beau petit paysage », glisse-t-il, du plaisir
dans la voix. « Je n’ai pas les moyens de m’offrir un Poussin, mais je
peux m’offrir son beau-frère », se console-t-il. Le rêve, lui, ne
semble pas avoir de prix.

"Armenia: Noah’s Land"

21.08.2009, 18:08

"Armenia: Noah’s Land" is a documentary film devoted to the historical
and cultural monuments of Armenia and Artsakh. According to the
vice president of the Bazz Business Company Judith Lascombe, it
was introduced to a Spanish channel "Television Española" (TVE),
which is broadcast in more than 200 countries, and has an audience
of 450 million.

"Only in Europe 450 million families watch this channel", – said
Judith Lascombe and added that due to our distributing company the
film was sold to Scandinavian countries: Finland, Norway, Denmark and
Sweden. We have a contract with one of the Italian TV companies. The
film will be on Italian "RAI" channel. Also talks are being conducted
with the channel "Discovery".

The speaker, emphasizing the particularities of the Armenian culture,
also mentioned that most of Europeans are unaware that Armenia was
the first to adopt Christianity as a state religion.

"This is a very specific and important fact for Armenia", – she

The Deputy Minister of Economy Ara Petrosyan also considered important
that the film was on in Italy, in Scandinavian countries and in Spain,
as these countries are interested in Armenia and these countries are
"potential market" of tourism for Armenia.

The Deputy Minister reminded that once there were advertisements about
Armenia on CNN and Euronews. After the monitoring it turned out that
these ads mostly increased the number of tourists.

"A positive criterion was formed, and our country became more
popular",-said A. Petrosyan.

The authors of the film hope that the film will ensure the raise in
the number of visits to Armenia.

The film "Armenia: Noah’s Land" will also be introduced in Cannes
twice a year in March and October at the film festival.

Sona Harutyunyan: There Are 101 Unemployed Individuals Registered In


20.08.2009 18:41 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ As of August 1, 2009, unemployment rate in
Armenia has increased by 0.7%, making up 7% or 101 individuals, Sona
Harutyunyan, Head of State Employment Service under Ministry of Labor
and Social Issues told today a press conference.

"Global economic recession has created big difficulties for us,
increasing unemployment rate from 6.3 to 7%. As a result, 101 thousand
people are currently in quest for job. Among 94 thousand citizens
have unemployment status. In comparison with the beginning of this
year, the number of unemployed people has increased by 10 thousand,"
Harutyunyan said, adding that unemployment rate in Armenia had not
forunately reached the predicted level.

Job openings have also decreased in number; as of June, 1149 vacancies
were announced, the speaker said, noting in the mean time, that
territorial employment centers and different employers had nonetheless
contributed to creating new job opportunities. As a result, jobs were
found for 5000 individuals, which is 6% more in comparison with the
same period of last year.

Touching upon situation in Shirak marz which faces the highest rate
of unemployment, the speaker stressed the big role played by local
employment agencies and youth education and integration programs for
people with limited capacities. Besides, Shirak plans to organize up
to 7 job fairs till the end of the current year.

According to State Employment Service, 5049 people have found jobs
during the first half of 2009. This number exceeds last year’s records
(for the same period) by 6.3% (4733 people). Among them, there are
3087 women and 1159 men.

Tro Tchekidjian Appointed Assistant Principal Of Ferrahian North Hil


ro-tchekidjian-appointed-assistant-principal-of-fe rrahian-north-hills/
Aug 20, 2009

GLENDALE-The Board of Regents of Prelacy Armenian Schools appointed
Tro Tchekidjian assistant to the Principal at the Holy Martyrs
Ferrahian Armenian School-North Hills campus. This appointment came
after thorough consultations with the School Principal John Kossakian
and the School Board, aiming to further advance the educational and
administrative needs of the school and to meet the expanding challenges
of the school’s North Hills campus.

Tchekidjian’s educational background includes a Master of Arts
degree from California State University Northridge in Educational
Administration and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the same university
in Political Science. Tchekidjian was employed at Mesrobian Armenian
School from 2003 to 2009. During his tenure, he served both as a
teacher and Assistant to the Principal at Mesrobian Armenian School.

The Board of Regents chairperson Mark Guedikian stated, "It is with
great pride and immense gratification that we make this appointment
and we entrust Tro with this important educational and administrative

Furthermore, Guedikian affirmed, "We are grateful to witness that a
former graduate of a Prelacy Armenian Schools, after receiving his
higher education, has returned to serve the educational needs of
the new generation of Armenian-Americans. This is one of the prime
examples of the success of the mission of Prelacy Armenian Schools
and our future outlook."