World Spent EUR 886 Billion On Military Equipment Last Year

by Patrick Lannin in Stockholm

The Irish Times
June 13, 2006 Tuesday

Sweden: US spending in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to help push
global military expenditure further up in 2006 after hitting EUR
886 billion last year, the Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute said in its latest yearbook yesterday.

This figure amounts to more than five times Ireland’s gross domestic
product in 2005. The institute reports that the US was responsible
for 48 per cent of total world arms spending in 2005 and had accounted
for most of the year’s 3.5 per cent overall increase.

Several states, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, have used a sharp
rise in oil prices to boost military spending. The biggest increase
worldwide was in the ex-Soviet state of Georgia, which surged by more
than 140 per cent to EUR 115 million.

The US, France and the UK were all involved in overseas operations
while China was carrying out a modernisation of its People’s Liberation
Army. "In these circumstances, there is a strong likelihood that the
current upward trend in world military spending will be sustained in
2006," the institute added. Britain, France, Japan and China accounted
for 4 to 5 per cent each of world arms spending, which overall equalled
2.5 per cent of world gross domestic product, or EUR 137 per capita. A
process of concentration of spending continued in 2005, it added,
as 15 countries with the highest spending accounted for 84 per cent
of the world total.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia boosted its military spending by EUR 3.6 billion
in 2005 to EUR 20 billion. This increase meant that the Middle East
as a whole showed a rise in defence outlays, which would otherwise
have fallen, the institute said.

Arms spending in Iran also rose in 2005 by around 3.9 per cent to
EUR 5.5 billion.

The institute noted massive arms spending rises in the Caucasus,
with Georgia leading the region with 143 per cent. Azerbaijan came
next with 51 per cent and Armenia with almost 23 per cent.

Sipri said that the official explanation for Georgia’s large rise in
spending was a wish to join Nato, while others argued that Tbilisi
wanted to regain control over the renegade regions of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia.

La Famille Avakian Veut Esperer Mais Craint La Desillusion

Laetitia Van Eeckhout

Le Monde, France
14 Juin 2006

Nantes Envoyee Speciale

Karina Avakian est lasse. Lasse de vivre dans l’angoisse, de passer
d’espoirs en desillusions, de savoir l’avenir de sa famille hypotheque,
suspendu a une decision administrative. Il y a deux mois, Karina,
Edouard et leurs deux fils, Joseph et Sarkis, ont emmenage dans
un appartement mis a leur disposition par l’association nantaise
L’accueil d’abord. Mais ce reve, après quatre ans passes a vivre
entre la rue et des chambres d’hôtel, a ete aneanti, le 29 mai, par
un courrier de la prefecture de Loire-Atlantique proposant un aide au
retour. Une aide qui ne represente rien d’autre, pour Karina Avakian,
que la confirmation de l’intention de l’Etat francais de les renvoyer,
elle et les siens, vers leur pays d’origine, l’Azerbaïdjan.

Karina et Edouard Avakian sont "proteges" jusqu’a la fin du mois de
juin par la scolarite de leurs enfants. L’annonce par Nicolas Sarkozy
de la regularisation de 720 familles de sans-papiers, le 6 juin,
a laisse la jeune femme sans voix. Ni Joseph ni Sarkis ne sont nes
en France. Mais ils y sont arrives avant l’âge de 13 ans.

Correspondront-ils, au yeux du prefet de Loire-Atlantique, aux critères
definis par le ministère de l’interieur ? Incertitude encore.


Cela fait dix-huit ans que dure l’errance du couple. En 1988, Karina
et Edouard Avakian, azeris d’origine armenienne, sont contraints
de quitter leur pays natal après le declenchement du conflit avec
l’Armenie. En 1993, ils doivent fuir l’Armenie pour l’Ukraine,
Edouard Avakian refusant d’etre enrôle dans l’armee pour combattre
l’Azerbaïdjan. Six ans plus tard, persecutions et rackets les amènent
a nouveau a s’exiler, en France cette fois. Le 2 avril 2002, ils
arrivent a Nantes, avec leurs garcons, alors âges de 9 et 6 ans.

Deboutes du droit d’asile, Karina et Edouard Avakian, 36 ans tous
deux, ont tente tous les recours possibles. En vain : le 19 avril
2004, le tribunal administratif de Nantes a confirme le rejet par
l’Office francais de protection des refugies et apatrides (Ofpra) de
leur demande de reexamen de dossier. Petition, courriers adresses au
prefet par les parents d’elèves de l’ecole de leurs fils : le prefet
est reste inflexible.

"Pourquoi pas nous ?, interroge Karina Avakian. Nous n’avons rien
fait de mal. C’est juste pour que nos enfants aient un avenir que
nous sommes venus." Dès leur arrivee, elle a tout fait, malgre des
conditions de vie precaires, pour que Joseph et Sarkis s’intègrent
et aient une vie normale. Elle les a inscrits a la bibliothèque, au
centre de loisirs, a des cours de sport, et prend plaisir – d’autant
qu’elle est institutrice de formation – a accompagner les sorties de
classe. "Dès qu’il y a un projet de sortie, mes copains me demandent
si ma mère nous accompagne", raconte fièrement Sarkis, 10 ans.

Joseph a rattrape son retard scolaire : integre a son arrivee dans une
classe de cours preparatoire, il est entre en septembre 2004, comme
tous les enfants de son âge, en classe de sixième. Parlant aujourd’hui
aussi bien le francais que ses camarades, il reve "d’un avenir simple",
qu’il n’imagine pas ailleurs qu’en France. "D’un matelas tout sale,
on est passe a une vraie chambre, on a fait pas mal de chemin. Il ne
nous manque plus que des papiers et l’on sera une famille comme les
autres", dit-il. Il ne se sent "pas different" de ses copains.

La famille vit des 400 euros mensuels d’aide a la subsistance
verses par le conseil general de Loire-Atlantique aux deboutes du
droit d’asile, et de ce que reussit a gagner le père, regulièrement
sollicite par des particuliers pour ses talents d’ebeniste.

Ce sujet, Karina Avakian, rongee par la honte de vivre au crochet
des autres, ose a peine l’evoquer. Son mari serait pourtant certain
d’obtenir un veritable emploi s’il etait regularise. L’Atelier Madec,
une entreprise nantaise de menuiserie, lui a deja fait une proposition
ferme d’embauche.

–Boundary_(ID_jcq3tSWjYlX8mSt8yhvvaA )–

RA Foreign Minister Presents Priorities Of Foreign Policy Of Armenia


Noyan Tapan
Armenians Today
Jun 13 2006

the Armenia-NATO relations, Armenia’s Eurointegration and regional
cooperation were discussed at the June 12 meeting of RA Foreign
Minister Vartan Oskanian with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly
delegation paying a regional visit to Armenia.

As Noyan Tapan was informed by the RA Foreign Ministry’s Press and
Information Department, Minister Oskanian presented priorities of
the foreign policy of Armenia, security elements, relations with
neighboring stated. The peaceful settlement process of the Nagorno
Karabakh issue was also discussed briefly.

25 members of the NATO PA Subcommittees on Democratic Governance,
Future Security and Defence Capabilities and the NATO PA International
Secretariate, headed by representative of Turkey Vahit Erdem and
representative of Bulgaria Chetin Kazak, are among the delegation

Rural Stones On Diaspora’s Conscience

Hakob Badalyan
13 June 06

The government of Armenia has thought of a new target to ask for
money from the Diaspora. Our compatriots abroad are going to learn
about it on September 18-20, if they come to take part in the Third
Armenia-Diaspora Forum. I say “if” because I very much doubt that the
Armenia-Diaspora forums are going to arouse interest in any Diaspora
Armenian for the Motherland. Most probably, everyone realized that
the pan-Armenian events have a sole purpose, which is wonderfully
clear – to bring Diasporans to Armenia, treat them to food and
drinks, take them to places. If we are lucky, they will give us some
money, if not, they will learn to travel to Armenia at least once a
year. Pan-Armenian events have not had another, more serious goal;
if they set such a goal, they failed to reach it, because the society
is not engaged in settling these goals. In the meantime, there were
and there are goals. Several days ago the minister of foreign affairs
announced that the potential of Armenia and the Diaspora has increased
over these years, and is now able to solve new, greater problems. In
other words, not only Armenia but also the Diaspora is a tiger, or if
Armenia is a tiger, with the Diaspora it is a tiger and a half, the
scientific name of which has not been invented yet, but fortunately,
Oskanyan has not retired yet.

Everything is ahead. However, the animal without a scientific name,
which appears in the form of an Armenia-Diaspora union, has to
solve a problem offered by the so-called head of the Armeniadiaspora
halftiger – the government of Armenia. In the Third Armenia-Diaspora
Forum our compatriots will be offered to make investments in rural
areas of Armenia. Their state is indeed very bad, and they really
need from infrastructures to modern utilities not only to survive
but also to develop, preventing the rural population from becoming
economic migrants and lottery tickets in Russia winning life or
death. The government of Armenia has thought it out well, in fact,
and the Diasporans should have a heart of stone to refuse to invest
in rural communities. On the other hand, the Diasporans may not be
that naive and may ask how it happens that Yerevan grows more and
more elite whereas the rural communities nearby do not develop. How
does the tiger bounce that villages always fall off? The Diasporans
may ask how it happens that agriculture, which has the second index
in the pattern of the two-digit economic growth, does not promote
investments and development in rural areas.

The government of Armenia is really going to face a serious problem,
because persuading the Diaspora Armenians is not that difficult, but
it seems absolutely impossible to explain everything to them. For
instance, how are they going to explain that the elite emerges
and the elite houses in Yerevan are built at the expense of rural
communities, both in terms of manpower and resources? How are they
going to explain that the agricultural income goes to the pocket of a
capital official rather than a farmer, and becomes an expensive car,
apartment, restaurant or night club. Can they explain to the Diasporans
why an Armenian millionaire oligarch should invest in the city center,
a motorcade, or politics, whereas a Diasporan is supposed to develop
the rural communities? Can they explain why a Diasporan should invest
money in a country, where foreign investments have hardly reached 1
billion over the past 15 years? Moreover, this one billion came from
the same Diaspora.

Certainly, they can say that they are Armenians and they must
help their motherland for foreign millionaires to see and make
investments. They can say, indeed. But what if the Diasporans suddenly
ask whether the oligarchs cramming the city center are not Armenians,
whether the ministers who put themselves in charge of the agricultural
income are not Armenians to invest money in rural communities? It is
necessary to think about it, the Armenian government must hurry to find
an answer to this question, as well as some other questions. Because
if they say they are Armenians, they will have to explain how they
differ from other Armenians, and if they are not Armenians, they
have to tell who they are. It is a complicated problem, especially
considering the absence of a common grammar.

Tigran Torosian: Everybody Remembers Lessons of War


lessons of the Karabakh war, and that’s why it will never re-start.
Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Tigran Torosian expressed such
confidence at the press-conference dedicated to results of the BSEC PA
27th sitting held in Yerevan. Responding the question how the
statements of the Azerbaijani side about possibility of re-starting
military actions among the conflicting sides on the Karabakh issue may
influence on the negotiation process, Torosian mentioned: “We all know
very well what the war is. Nobody seriouly thinks that similar issues
may be solved with the help of a war.”

According to him, all conversations about war are propaganda
statements. “I hope that there will never be a war between Azerbaijan
and Karabakh,” Torosian stated.

According to Asaf Hajiyev, the head of the Azerbaijani parliamentary
delegation, his country finds that possibilities for a peaceful
settlement are not exhausted yet. When it happens the situation will
change what in its turn will bring to search of other ways of
settlement. But, according to Hajiyev, it does not mean that there
will be a war.

We Will Have About 12 Thousand School-Leavers


[12:28 pm] 07 June, 2006

About 12 thousand pupils of the comprehensive schools in Armenia are
to take the school-leaving exams this year.

The exam period as established by the RA Ministry of Education and
Science is June 12-28. According to Jemma Avetisyan, chief specialist
of the Shirak region educational administration, this year the
school-leavers will take exams in seven subjects.

TV Company “Tsayg”, Gyumri

Another Batch Of RF Mil Hardware Reaches Georgia-Armenia Border


June 8 2006

TBILISI, June 8 (Itar-Tass) — A convoy of 15 wheeled military vehicles
and six guns withdrawn from the Russian military base in Georgia’
s Akhalkalaki reached the Georgian-Armenian border on Thursday. The
convoy will keep on its way to the Russian military base in Gyumri
after passing the corresponding border and customs procedures,
a source in the headquarters of the Akhalkalaki base told Itar-Tass.

A train that is carrying 40 vehicles and some property from the Russian
military base in Batumi, western Georgia, left the city, a source in
the headquarters of the Russian Troops in the Transcaucasia said. The
train will pass 470 kilometers in Georgia and is expected to cross
the Georgian-Armenian border on Thursday afternoon.

Under the Georgian-Russian agreements the withdrawal of the Russian
military base from Batumi should be completed by the end of 2008. The
Russian base in Akhalkalaki should be closed by the end of 2007. Most
military hardware and weapons will be supplied to Russia, the remaining
part will be transferred to the Russian base in Armenia.

BAKU: Hajiyeva:”Proposal Of Torosian On Establishing 3-Sided Working


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
June 6 2006

“We accept the proposal of Torosian negatively on establishing
three-sided working group of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Garabagh
representatives related to missing people during the Nagorno Garabagh
conflict” this statement was made by Azerbaijani delegation member
to PACE, parliamentarian Gultekin Hajiyeva.

According to her, Tigran Torosian’s making this suggestion in reality
is not aimed at giving impulse, or create real format for the solution
of the problem. “This initiative is of political goal. This fact
proves that Armenians benefit from this great tragedy as political
dividends, and here the objective is to involve Nagorno Garabagh
to talks as a side. We do not accept it. Nagorno Garabagh is the
territory of Azerbaijan, people representing there can sit at talks
by Azerbaijani side.”

Krekorian swamps Quintero at polls

Glendale News Press
June 7, 2006

Krekorian swamps Quintero at polls

*Rep. Adam Schiff will face William J. Bodell and Rep. David Dreier
will face Cynthia Matthews.

By Fred Ortega, News-Press Leader

GLENDALE — Paul Krekorian handily bested Glendale Councilman Frank Quintero
Tuesday night, earning the Democratic nomination to the 43rd Assembly
District seat after an acrimonious campaign that included allegations of
voter fraud and veiled racist attacks.

With all 239 precincts reporting, unofficial results showed Krekorian with
56.6% of the votes to Quintero’s 43.4%. That translates to 14,137 votes for
Krekorian and 10,863 for Quintero, according to the latest figures from the
county registrar’s office.

Total turnout for the election was low, with 17% of Glendale voters hitting
the polls and nearly 18% of registered Burbank voters casting ballots.

Despite Krekorian’s wide margin of victory, the race was very close at the
polls in the two candidates’ home cities. Quintero took Glendale by a mere
112 votes, 3,383 to 3,271, while Krekorian, a Burbank Unified School District
Board member, won the poll count in that city by just 700 votes, 2,735 to
2,038, according to officials at the registrar’s office. Final absentee
ballot counts, as well as vote tallies in the other district communities of
North Hollywood, Los Feliz, Silver Lake and Toluca Lake, were not available
as of press time Wednesday.

Krekorian, who faces an advantage in November over Republican challenger
Michael Agbaba in the heavily Democratic district, was ecstatic about his

“I am thrilled at this resounding victory, especially because of the
circumstances of the last week,” Krekorian said Wednesday, referring to a
mailing sent out by an independent expenditure committee that linked him and
the Armenian National Committee to a terrorist suspect. “This was really a
clear victory of hope over hatred, and it was a victory for a common vision
instead of ethnic division.”

Quintero has denied involvement in the distribution of the mailer, which was
put out by the Oakland-based California Latino Leadership Fund.

Krekorian said he had already received congratulatory calls from prominent
Latino leaders including Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Assembly
Speaker Fabian NuC1ez and other members of the Latino Caucus.

“I plan to work closely with them on the healing process and to work together
toward a common interest as Americans,” Krekorian said, adding he does not
have much time to rest before heading up to Sacramento with all of the
Democratic nominees for a gathering at the request of NuC1ez. “We are going
to continue to do what I have been doing, to talk to people about the need to
have the finest schools possible providing the best 21st-century education to
all of our students.”

In addition to education, Krekorian listed universal healthcare for all
Californians, environmental protection and rebuilding the state’s
infrastructure as his top priorities if he wins the Assembly seat in

“I am so grateful to the people of the 43rd Assembly District who entrusted
me to take on this job and voted based on the message I have been talking
about,” he said. “These are the things that matter to Californians much more
than the issue of character assassination.”

Agbaba released a statement Wednesday congratulating Krekorian for his win
and setting a conciliatory tone for the battle ahead.

“I look forward to a good, clean campaign based on issues facing our
communities and our state,” the Burbank-based electrical engineer wrote.
“This will be a very challenging election for both of us.”

Quintero, who led Krekorian in cash on hand at the end of the race $243,964
to $178,687, according to the Secretary of State’s office, threw the
accusations of personal attacks back at his opponent.

“I am disappointed in my opponent’s strategy; if you review the mailers I
sent out, they were focused on the issues,” said Quintero, who condemned the
Latino Leadership Fund’s mailer and added that his campaign did not initiate
the voter-fraud issue.

“That was initiated by the registrar of voters, and is now under review by
the district attorney,” said Quintero, referring to the more than 100
absentee-ballot requests submitted by the Krekorian campaign that are being
scrutinized for possible forged signatures. “We will be watching that
criminal investigation very closely,” Quintero said.

He admitted, however, that the 100 ballots in question would not make a
difference in Krekorian’s margin of victory and that he was not planning on
asking for a recount.

“I enjoyed the campaign, talked to thousands of people in the district, and I
was encouraged by many people to run,” Quintero said. “I was honored to have
the support from such diverse groups, and I look forward to continuing to
serve the residents of Glendale and enjoying my time on the City Council.”

In other local races, Burbank Rep. Adam Schiff easily fended off fellow
Democrat Bob McCloskey in the fight for the Democratic nomination to the 29th
Congressional District, 82.5% to 17.5%. He will face William J. Bodell, who
ran unopposed for the Republican ticket, in November. The district, which
Schiff has represented since 2000, includes Glendale and Burbank.

And Rep. David Dreier appears headed for a 14th term representing the 26th
Congressional District, having beat second-time challenger and La CaC1ada
Flintridge businessman Sonny Sardo for the GOP nomination, 64.9% to 26.9%. A
third Republican contender, Mel Milton of Walnut, garnered 8.2% of the vote.

Dreier will face Democrat Cynthia Matthews, who beat challengers Russ Warner
and Hoyt Hilsman for the Democratic nomination with 47% of the vote, in the
fight for the mostly Republican district that includes La CaC1ada Flintridge,
La Crescenta and Montrose.

* FRED ORTEGA covers City Hall. He may be reached at (818) 637-3235 or by
e-mail at [email protected].

U.S. Keeps Armenia On Human Trafficking ‘Watch List’

By Emil Danielyan

Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
June 6 2006

The United States has placed Armenia on its human trafficking
“watch list” for a second consecutive year, citing the Armenian
government’s failure to take tough action against prostitution rings
and law-enforcement officials allegedly connected with them.

In its annual Trafficking in Persons Report released Monday, the U.S.
State Department said Armenia remains a “major source and, to a
lesser extent, a transit and destination country for women and girls
trafficked for sexual exploitation largely to the United Arab Emirates
and Turkey.”

“While the government increased implementation of its anti-trafficking
law, it failed to impose significant penalties for convicted
traffickers,” reads the report. “The government failed to vigorously
investigate and prosecute ongoing and widespread allegations of public
officials’ complicity in trafficking.”

The report covering the entire world is a further blow to the
credibility of Yerevan’s assurances that it is doing its best to tackle
the problem. Armenian officials point to a toughening of punishment
against the practice and a rise in the number of relevant criminal
cases brought by law-enforcement bodies.

The Armenian Prosecutor-General’s Office estimates that criminal groups
sent at least 140 Armenian women abroad, mainly to the UAE, for sexual
exploitation last year. It says it opened 30 trafficking-related cases
in the course of 2005, resulting in 14 prosecutions and 17 convictions.

The State Department dismissed these figures, saying that both Armenian
prosecutors and courts remain too lenient towards traffickers. “During
the reporting period, only a few convictions resulted in actual
imprisonment; the remaining offenders received suspended sentences,
corrective labor and fines,” says its report.

“Lack of public confidence and allegations of official complicity
continued to hurt the credibility of the government’s anti-trafficking

The report specifically mentions media reports that accused a senior
prosecutor of closely collaborating with Armenian prostitution rings
active in the UAE. A series of investigative reports that appeared
in the online publication last year quoted several unnamed
Armenian prostitutes in Dubai as saying that they and their notorious
pimp paid the official, Aristakes Yeremian, thousands of dollars
in bribes.

Yeremian strongly denied the allegations in an RFE/RL interview in
April 2005. He said he met Armenian pimps in Dubai in September 2004
only to “question” and warn them against continuing their illegal
activities. He was cleared of any wrongdoing in an official inquiry
conducted by the Prosecutor-General’s office earlier this year.

Prosecutor-General Aghvan Hovsepian ordered the inquiry following
an embarrassing “interim assessment” of the situation with human
trafficking in Armenia which was released by the State Department
on February 1. The document noted that “a government official, who
has been frequently criticized by victims and NGOs for trafficking
complacency, remains in his position within the Prosecutor General’s
anti-trafficking task force.”

The authorities largely ignored the problem of human trafficking until
the State Department included Armenia in 2002 into its Tier 3 group of
nations which Washington believes are doing little to prevent illegal
cross-border transport of human beings and can therefore be stripped
of U.S. economic assistance. Armenia was removed from the blacklist
and upgraded to the Tier 2 category the next year after what the State
Department described as “significant efforts” taken by its government.

However, the department went on to downgrade the country to a Tier 2
“watch list” in June 2005, citing the Armenian authorities’ “failure
to show evidence of increasing efforts to combat trafficking over
the past year.” Its latest report draws very similar conclusions.

Furthermore, the 2006 report expresses concern at a “dramatic” increase
in profits reportedly made by the Armenian traffickers over the past
year. It also notes that Armenian law-enforcement bodies and courts
are often hostile toward trafficking victims. “Some victims continue
to receive poor treatment during court cases, reducing the likelihood
of future victims willing to come forward to testify against their
traffickers,” it says.