Two people who crawled from under barbed wire at Armenia border checkpoint are detained, Armenia
Jan 26 2020

13:53, 26.01.2020

Two people who crawled from under barbed wire at Armenia’s border checkpoint Armavir Province have been detained.

Yesterday, at about 5:30pm, police received a call from the Russian border guard military unit that they had found two persons without documents at the Yervandashat-Bagaran precinct, who reported that they were locals, reported.

Armavir Province residents Igor B., 25, Mkhitar P., 27, were taken to a police station from the area monitored by the border guards in the Yervandashat administrative district.

Igor B. had a machine gun, and Mkhitar P. had a gun with several bullets.

It turned out that the same day at about 4:30pm they entered a protected area of the restricted border zone by crawling from under the barbed wire running across Yervandashat to hunt. They were detected at the exact spot, and with their weapons.

Police are preparing a report on the case.

A number of forensic examinations have been appointed.

Igor B. and Mkhitar P. are detained.

Karabakh Defense Army commander: In 2019 we have significant reduction in ceasefire violations, Armenia
Jan 26 2020

12:18, 26.01.2020

The achievements and successes of the Artsakh Republic Defense Army in 2019 can be assessed satisfactory, but we have a lot of work in all directions. Defense Army Commander Karen Abrahamyan said this, summing up the Army year.

According to him, the important achievement of 2019 is the effective protection of the state border of Artsakh.

Abrahamyan noted that a great deal of work has been done in combat duty. "During the year, living conditions have improved in a number of military units," he said, in particular.

In addition, according to the commander of the Defense Army, a number of shelters and bunkers were built during the year. "In the communications system we have achieved the indicators that ensure that our command is fully capable of commanding combat duty," he added. “The strength of the army has increased to a few degrees; it has developed in all types of military (…). The air defense system has had a qualitative development over the year."

He stated that the moral and psychological state of all the army personnel was stable, and they were ready to carry out their combat task.

As for the ceasefire, the Artsakh Defense Army commander said: “In 2019, we have a significant decrease in the number of ceasefire regime violations, which is also due to the political factor. In this context, I will outline our work in the field of cooperation with the [OSCE] Minsk Group Co-Chairs. In this respect, the meetings and the conduct of the Minsk Group monitoring were unprecedented in 2019. I would like to mention those agreements reached at the meetings of the leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan."

Armenia PM publicizes promised fact about Constitutional Court president, Armenia
Jan 26 2020

17:18, 26.01.2020

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has publicized the promised fact about president Hrayr Tovmasyan of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Armenia.

“This is Hrayr Tovmasyan's pen. I'd been thinking about whether or not throwing it to the garbage bin for a long time,” he wrote, in particular, on Facebook. “In the end, I decided to keep, as a testimony of the most bizarre buttering-up, flattery I've ever seen.

After being elected Prime Minister, I met with Hrayr Tovmasyan for the first time at the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund convened in May2018. He was sitting next to me.

It seemed strange to me, Mr. Tovmasyan's obviously flattering attitude towards me—a man as a result of whose actions his longtime political team had been crushed just days earlier.

Then I had to make a note, I couldn't find my pen, (…) he suggested this ‘elite’ pen of his.

I made my notes, gave a talk, and my attempts to return the pen to him became a story.

In short, this pen remained with me as a ‘pledge of faithfulness.’

Anyway, then the petitions for a reception by me started. I didn't accept.

Then July 5 [Constitution Day anniversary] was drawing near. ‘Message-requests’ began for me to participate in the reception to be held at the CC that day.

I refused, moreover, several times because I understood that the person occupying the CC wanted achieve legitimacy in this way.

Then we met in the Christmas [church] liturgy in 2019. He began buttering up to [my wife] Anna [Hakobyan] that, 'I thank you for giving my daughter scholarship.'

Then, the person whom he referenced recently came to me several times to report that 'Hrayr says, ‘I wrote this Constitution. Why doesn't the Prime Minister use my capabilities?'

In response, I suggested to him to go somewhere far, far away."

7 hrs ·

Սա Հրայր Թովմասյանի գրիչն է: Երկար ժամանակ մտածում էի՝ այն աղբանոցը նետե՞մ, թե ոչ:

Ի վերջո, որոշեցի պահել, որպես իմ տեսած ամենատարօրինակ քծնանքի, շողոքորթության վկայություն:

Վարչապետ ընտրվելուց հետո Հրայր Թովմասյանին առաջին անգամ հանդիպել եմ 2018թ. մայիսին կայացած «Հայաստան» համահայկական հիմնադրամի հոգաբարձուների խորհրդի նիստում: Իմ կողքին էր նստած:

Ինձ տարօրինակ թվաց պարոն Թովմասյանի ակնհայտ շողոքորթ պահվածքն իմ նկատմամբ, մի մարդու, ում գործողությունների արդյունքում իր երկարամյա քաղաքական թիմը ընդամենը օրեր առաջ ջախջախվել էր:

Ինձ դիմում էր բացառապես «պարոն Փաշինյան ջան», «պարոն վարչապետ ջան» ձեւերով: Էդ «ջաները» ականջս սղոցում են մինչեւ հիմա: Ի դեպ, մեր շփման ողջ պատմության ընթացքում այլ կերպ ինձ չի դիմել. բացառապես «ջան»-երով:

Հետո՝ հանկարծ հիշեց եւ կարեւոր համարեց ընդգծել, որ Իջեւանի փեսա է:

Հետո՝ նշում պետք է անեի, գրիչս չէի գտնում, չեմ հիշում՝ ես ուզեցի թե ինքը նկատեց, որ գրիչ եմ փնտրում, իր այս «էլիտար» գրիչը առաջարկեց:

Գրառումներս արեցի, ելույթ ունեցա ու գրիչն իրեն վերադարձնելու փորձերս պատմություն դարձան: Թե բա՝ դա ձեր գրիչն է, շատ եմ խնդրում վերցրեք, ինչ կլինի եւ այլն։ Արդեն տեսախցիկների առաջ անհարմար պատմություն էր դառնում:

Կարճ ասած՝ այս գրիչը մնաց մոտս որպես «հավատարմության առհավատչյա»: Հիմա մտածում եմ՝ այն ժամանակ գրիչը վերցնելիս ենթագիտակցությունս է աշխատել՝ այսօր «առարկայական փաստ» ունենալու համար:

Ինչեւէ, հետո սկսեցին ինձ մոտ ընդունելության գալու հայտերը: Չընդունեցի:

Հետո մոտենում էր հուլիսի 5-ը: Սկսվեցին «մեսիջ-խնդրանքներ», որ այդ օրը մասնակցեմ ՍԴ-ում կայանալիք ընդունելությանը:

Մերժեցի, ընդ որում՝ մի քանի անգամ, որովհետեւ հասկանում էի, որ ՍԴ-ն օկուպացրած անձը այդպիսով լեգիտիմություն է ուզում ձեռքբերել:

Հետո հանդիպեցինք 2019թ. սուրբծննդյան պատարագին: Սկսեց Աննային քծնել, թե բա շնորհակալ եմ, որ դստերս կրթաթոշակ եք տվել: Որ տեսա շողոքորթության չափն անցնում է, ասացի՝ չեն իմացել ով է: Չնայած՝ պարզվեց, իրոք չեն իմացել (ասեմ նաեւ, որ իմանալ-չիմանալը որոշման համար նշանակություն չէր ունենալու. դա հստակ չափանիշների խնդիր է):

Հետո մի քանի անգամ այն մարդը, ում էս վերջերս հղում էր արել, եկել ինձ զեկուցել է, թե բա Հրայրն ասում է՝ ես եմ գրել էս Սահմանադրությունը, ինչու իմ հնարավորությունները վարչապետը չի օգտագործում:

Ի պատասխան իրեն առաջարկել եմ գնալ մի հեռու-հեռու տեղ:

Armenia’s Sarkissian meets with President of Israel, Armenia
Jan 26 2020
Armenia's Sarkissian meets with President of Israel Armenia's Sarkissian meets with President of Israel

19:24, 26.01.2020

YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian visited the Armenian Cathedral of Saint James in Jerusalem, reported the office of the President.

President Sarkissian also laid a wreath at the monument erected next to the cathedral to commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide.

The history and historical and cultural values of the Cathedral of Saint James were presented to the President.

At the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem, President Sarkissian met with the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop Nourhan Manoukian. They talked about Armenian national church issues and the activities of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Then a reception was held in honor of the President of Armenia.

Later, Armen Sarkissian met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The latter said the two peoples share very bloody history, and Israelis greatly appreciate his participation in the Fifth World Holocaust Forum in Jerusalem.

President Sarkissian, in turn, noted in particular that there is great potential for cooperation and collaboration between Armenia and Israel, the Armenian and Jewish people.

The Armenian President considered it important for Israel to play a leading role in recognizing the Armenian Genocide, stressing that this recognition and condemnation is necessary for such humanitarian catastrophes to never recur.

As for the prospects of cooperation, President Sarkissian noted that the future belongs to latest technology, expressed confidence that the two countries can successfully cooperate in this field, and said his goal is to establish close links with Israeli technical universities.

The interlocutors agreed that the potential for interaction is quite large, and that a lot of work needs to be done involving the Diaspora of both countries, too.

Education, culture, and tourism were also considered promising in terms of cooperation.

The Armenian President invited the Israeli President to visit Armenia.

Armenia President: Holy land of Jerusalem can become bridge, Armenia
Jan 26 2020

11:44, 26.01.2020

YEREVAN. – President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian and Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian visited the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the office of the President informed.

The President and his wife were met there by Archbishop Sevan Gharibian, the Grand Sacristan of the Armenian Apostolic Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and other representatives of the Armenian clergy.

At his talk with Armenian clergy, President Sarkissian said that the Armenian people have tremendous cultural, spiritual values in this land, and there is a need to show it much better to both Jerusalem visitors and the world at large.

According to the President, this holy land and place can become a bridge for people who visit here to get to know Armenia, the great Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage and values, also through Jerusalem.

Armenia’s PM reiterates his call to open road to Amulsar, Armenia
Jan 25 2020

Lydian will supposedly apply to arbitrary which will create legal issues for the country, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told the reporters today in Kapan.

“Today too I urge to open the road and consider the actions of our dear compatriots illogical as because of them the issue has entered a deadlock. The issue will not be solved unless the road is opened,” Armenia’s PM said.

He stressed that he is interested in exploitation of the mine.

“I can say both yes and no. I am interested in the exploitation of Amulsar mine as it is related to Armenia’s security environment. If Amulsar was exploited this year we would have had not 7,5 but much bigger economic growth and thousands of jobs,” the head of the government stated.

“On the other hand in no case I will agree to exploitation of Amulsar if it harms the health of the people of Armenia, Jermuk and nearby communities and causes not restorable harms to the country’s nature,” Pashinyan said.

The PM said as far as the road to the mine is closed we cannot conclude whether the exploitation will harm or not.

“I consider such actions illogical, disrespectful, not stemming from Armenia’s interests,” the head of the government said.

Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople objects public tender for Sanasaryan Han

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 25 2020
Society 18:38 25/01/2020 Region

Turkey’s Armenian Patriarchate said on Friday that Turkish authorities decision to hold a tender to rent the Sanasaryan Han was unjust as the legal process over the ownership of the iconic Istanbul building was still underway, Agos newspaper reported.

The General Directorate of Foundations said the inn was to be put out to tender on Jan. 28 to rent it out for the next 35 years and make it a five-star hotel, in an announcement published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 31.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey said in its statement that such a move would be wrong as Turkey’s Constitutional Court had been examining the appeal of the Patriarchate about the conflict on the ownership of Sanasaryan Han.

Sanasaryan Han in the Sirkeci district is one of the oldest Armenian buildings in Istanbul. The inn was built by the Armenian merchant and philanthropist Mkrtich Sanasaryan. The building was put under the administration of the Armenian Patriarchate in Istanbul in 1920, but the Turkish state confiscated it in 1928.
The Armenian Patriarchate filed a lawsuit in 2014, asking authorities to return the building. After years of legal battle, a Turkish appeals court last year ruled to return the title deed of Sanasaryan Han to the General Directorate of Foundations.

The Patriarchate’s lawyer, Ali Elbeyoğlu, took the case to the Constitutional Court as a result. Elbeyoğlu also filed a legal complaint in an administrative court in Ankara, requesting the directorate to return all revenues generated from the building to the Patriarchate to be used in accordance with the title deed of the Sanasaryan Foundation.

President Sarkissian visits Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Public Radio of Armenia
Jan 25 2020

Turkey’s Armenian Patriarchate objects public tender for iconic Istanbul building

Jan 25 2020

Turkey’s Armenian Patriarchate said on Friday that Turkish authorities decision to hold a tender to rent the Sanasaryan Han was unjust as the legal process over the ownership of the iconic Istanbul building was still underway, Armenian weekly newspaper Agos reported

The General Directorate of Foundations said the inn was to be put out to tender on Jan. 28 to rent it out for the next 35 years and make it a five-star hotel, in an announcement published in the Official Gazette on Dec. 31.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Turkey said in its statement that such a move would be wrong as Turkey’s Constitutional Court had been examining the appeal of the Patriarchate about the conflict on the ownership of Sanasaryan Han. 

Sanasaryan Han in the Sirkeci district is one of the oldest Armenian buildings in Istanbul. The inn was built by the Armenian merchant and philanthropist Mkrtich Sanasaryan.

The building was put under the administration of the Armenian Patriarchate in Istanbul in 1920, but the Turkish state confiscated it in 1928.

The Armenian Patriarchate filed a lawsuit in 2014, asking authorities to return the building. After years of legal battle, a Turkish appeals court last year ruled to return the title deed of Sanasaryan Han to the General Directorate of Foundations.

The Patriarchate’s lawyer, Ali Elbeyoğlu, took the case to the Constitutional Court as a result. Elbeyoğlu also filed a legal complaint in an administrative court in Ankara, requesting the directorate to return all revenues generated from the building to the Patriarchate to be used in accordance with the title deed of the Sanasaryan Foundation. 

Armenian PM reflects on possible operation of Amulsar mine, Armenia
Jan 25 2020

15:26, 25.01.2020

YEREVAN. – Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan believes that the actions of activists who blocked the road leading to the Amulsar mine are not logical and disrespectful.

He said there are concerns over possible appeal of the Lydian owners to the international court of arbitration.

“I reiterate my calls to open the road and believe that the actions of our dear compatriots are wrong. The issue will not be solved, until the road is closed,” he said.

Wondering whether he is interested in the operation of Amulsar, Pashinyan said: “Yes, because, as I mentioned it previously, the exploitation is associated with an atmosphere of security. If the mine worked, economic growth would not be 7.5%, thousands of jobs would be created. But on the other hand, I would never agree to the operation of the mine to the detriment of the health of the local residents in Jermuk, neighboring villages, or irreversible damage to the environment and the country”.

However, until the roads leading to the mine are blocked, it is not possible to clarify the matter.

“The actions of the activists are not logical, disrespectful and they do not stem from the interests of Armenia,” he said.

Pashinyan admitted that those concerned are doing everything to reduce the company's shares on the stock exchange.

“But they will be disappointed. If it turns out that there is something like that, they will be held accountable,” Pashinyan promised.