Erdogan pleased with Pashinyan’s statement on Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity

Armenia – June 14 2023

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has commended Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's statement on the recognition of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

“However, there are those who oppose Pashinyan in Armenia. Pashinyan has not yet taken a step back in this matter,” Azerbaijani media quoted him as telling reporters on Wednesday.

Erdogan also highlighted Pashinyan's participation in his swearing-in ceremony on June 3.

“Pashinyan accepted our invitation by overcoming many obstacles in his country. We could only meet Prime Minister Pashinyan on foot at the ceremony. I expressed my gratitude for his response to this invitation,” he said.

The Silent Siege of Nagorno-Karabakh echoes in the European Parliament


On Tuesday June 6, the European Parliament hosted an event on the blockade in Nagorno-Karabakh, sponsored by MEP François-Xavier Bellamy, with young journalist Lika Zakaryan, author of 44 Days: Diary from an Invisible War, as guest of honor.

Organized in partnership with AGBU Europe and L’œuvre d’Orient, the event brought together some 100 guests, including parliamentary assistants, members of the European Commission, researchers and journalists. In his welcome address, Mr. F-X Bellamy underlined his desire, through this event, to focus on the life stories of the Armenian inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh, starting with that of Lika Zakaryan, who gave a poignant account in her war diary in 2020, adapted for the screen by the documentary film Invisible Republic, directed by Garin Hovanissian and produced by Creative Armenia.

The screening of excerpts from the film was followed by a discussion with the young journalist. As Lika explained, the aim of the film, produced in 2022, was to raise awareness among a wider audience of the 44-day war, which received little coverage in the international media. “If we continue to want to show it today, it’s above all because this misnamed 44-day war isn’t over. It continues in various forms”, she explains in her exchange with F-X Bellamy. Lika also spoke of her disappointment at the lack of response from the European Union during the war in 2020. She considered herself to be pro-Western before the war, and was a firm believer in European values, democracy and the rule of law. Her distrust of these “men in suits”, as she calls them, who make fine declarations without any action, grew steadily: “Men in suits make declarations, but when you’re in the basement of a building, under the bombs, these declarations don’t really warm your heart if no action follows”, she concludes. Doubtless, Lika still retained a trace of this mistrust when she arrived in Brussels at the invitation of the MEP. However, she was deeply moved by the sincere and consistent show of support she received during the event. She ended her speech with a heartfelt thank-you: “Thank you to everyone who has come here today to share this moment with us. Today, the people of Artsakh really feel abandoned. Knowing that somewhere people are getting together and talking about them, thinking about them, caring about them, means a lot. That’s where hope can come.

The second part of the event was devoted to a round-table discussion on the current situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, from a geopolitical, legal and humanitarian perspective, and on what sort of actions can be pursued by the European Union.

Gaïdz Minassian, a journalist with Le Monde newspaper, researcher and lecturer at Sciences Po Paris, shed geopolitical light on the conflict, pointing out that in 2020 it was not a question of a war between Armenia and Azerbaijan but of a war between Nagorno-Karabakh and a coalition led by Azerbaijan, including Turkey and Pakistan. He pointed out that Europe is directly concerned by what is happening in this region of its eastern neighborhood, which can be called “Caucasian Europe”, adding that the three countries of the South Caucasus are part of the new European Political Community. According to G. Minassian, the EU “seeks to establish peace in this region to make it a true crossroads, a buffer zone that can even participate in Europe’s ecological transition, while on the other hand, Russia would like to keep the region in a closed circle, following the 3+3 format (Russia, Turkey, Iran and Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan). Unfortunately, according to Gaidz, Europe has not understood the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh, nor who it is dealing with in the person of President Aliyev, whose “racist, fascist and terrorist policies” are well documented. Faced with the two opposing approaches to resolving the conflict, Russia’s and the West’s, Gaidz also noted that “the blind spot in these negotiations is Karabakh. Nobody is talking about Karabakh.”

Pierre d’Argent, Professor of International Law at the Université Catholique de Louvain, member of the Institute of International Law and Counsel for Armenia before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), then took the floor to present the current case between Armenia and Azerbaijan before the ICJ, highlighting the practice of whataboutism, so dear to Azerbaijan. Indeed, every time Armenia submits a request to the ICJ, Azerbaijan immediately counter-attacks submitting a comparable request of its own. This mirror-effect strategy was also at work at the very moment of the event at the European Parliament, which was hosting the opening of a photo exhibition on “Karabagh after the war”, sponsored by the Azerbaijani Embassy. Maître d’Argent explained the orders issued since 2021 in the current case, which notably concerns the unblocking of the Latchine corridor, emphasizing that these are legally binding orders. While Azerbaijan continues to be in breach of international law by not complying with these orders, the case before the ICJ represents, in his view, a United Nations monitoring body to ensure that what happens there does not take place completely behind a curtain that Azerbaijan would like to be as thick as possible.

Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovachev, permanent rapporteur on Armenia at the European Parliament, presented the actions taken by the Parliament since the 44-day war in 2020, highlighting among others the urgent resolution on the situation of prisoners of war in May 2021 and the resolution on the blockade of the Latchine corridor in January 2023. He also referred to the two annual reports on the EU’s relations with Armenia and Azerbaijan adopted in March of this year, which very clearly called on Azerbaijan to limit its rhetoric of hatred and called for confidence-building measures in order to be able to engage further in a genuine peace process.

Finally, Monseigneur Pascal Gollnisch, director of Œuvre d’Orient, paid tribute to the Armenian people: we thought that having suffered such massacres and genocide deserved the right to live in respect and peace. What would we say if other genocidal peoples, of which we are aware, were to be attacked again in the same spirit?
Mgr Gollnisch also spoke of the threat to the Armenian cultural heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh, and of the support projects carried out in the region by L’Oeuvre d’Orient.

In his concluding remarks, François-Xavier Bellamy spoke of the “false peace negotiations” underway, and reiterated the need for the European Union to impose sanctions on Azerbaijan: “Our role as Europeans is to ensure that the crime stops so that negotiations can begin. How can we consider that Armenia is negotiating freely and sovereignly with Azerbaijan when it is today experiencing directly the blackmail of blocking the Lachine corridor? He recalled that Parliament had taken very clear positions since the beginning of the war. Unfortunately, these positions have not been translated either by the Commission, which considers Mr. Aliyev to be a reliable partner, or by the Council, which, despite our appeal, has still not initiated any sanctions procedure”.

Indeed, it’s hard to look at the giant poster in Ukrainian colors emblazoned with the slogan “No More Gas from Putin”, in the agora of the European Parliament in Brussels, without feeling the painful absence of a neighboring poster in Armenian colors proclaiming “No More Gas from Aliev”.

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Russia names new ambassador to Azerbaijan

 14:07, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. President of Russia Vladimir Putin has appointed Mikhail Yevdokimov as the new Ambassador of Russia to Azerbaijan.

Yevdokimov is replacing Mikhail Bocharnikov.

The new ambassador has been serving at the Russian foreign ministry since 1981. He was the Director of the First Department of CIS at the Russian Foreign Ministry since 2011.


Armenia expects int’l community to unequivocally condemn Azerbaijani aggression in Yeraskh village

 14:09, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Armenia expects international partners to unequivocally condemn the latest Azerbaijani aggression against its sovereign territory when two foreign nationals were wounded.

“Impunity gave birth to new crimes against sovereign territory and peaceful people of the Republic of Armenia. Today, in the morning, Azerbaijani armed forces continued yesterday’s attacks on the plant being built with US – Armenian investment and wounded 2 foreign citizens who were working on the construction. We are still looking forward to unequivocal condemnation from all our partners of this aggression, which is happening during the ongoing peace negotiations,” Ambassador-at-large Edmon Marukyan tweeted.

Azerbaijani forces opened fire at the construction site of a steelworks in the Armenian village of Yeraskh on June 14. Two Indian construction workers were wounded in the shooting.

Azerbaijan again opens fire at Armenian positions in Yeraskh

 14:13, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijani forces opened fire at Armenian military positions near Yeraskh village at 13:45, June 14, the Ministry of Defense of Armenia said in a statement.

“On June 14, at 1:45 p.m., the units of the Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire from different caliber small arms against the Armenian combat positions in the vicinity of the Yeraskh settlement. No losses from the Armenian side,” the Defense Ministry said.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Azerbaijani forces shot and wounded two Indian construction workers at a construction site of a steel plant in Yeraskh.

Armenian Prime Minister holds meeting with Russian Deputy PM

 14:28, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has held a meeting with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk.

Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan also participated in the meeting.

The Prime Minister said that the Armenian-Russian relations have a rich agenda and that the two countries are also working in the direction of implementing clause 9 of the 9-10 November 2020 trilateral statement.

“As you know, we are interested in the opening of all transport and economic connections in the region, unblocking, based on the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the parties, through which these possible infrastructures are passing. I am sure today we will discuss certain aspects, I am happy to meet you on this occasion,” the Armenian Prime Minister said at the meeting, according to a readout released by his office.

Overchuk mentioned the substantial meeting between the Armenian and Russian Prime Ministers held recently in Sochi and said that bilateral partnership is successfully developing. The Russian Deputy PM noted that bilateral trade grew 96% in the first five months of 2023.

The Armenian PM and Russian Deputy PM discussed the results of the negotiations held within the framework of the Armenia-Russia-Azerbaijan deputy prime ministerial working group for the unblocking of transport and economic connections in South Caucasus. In this context, PM Pashinyan and Deputy PM Overchuk discussed issues related to the restoration of railway connection and implementation of border and customs control based on sovereignty and jurisdiction of the parties.

Overchuk also held a meeting with his counterpart Mher Grigoryan before the meeting with Pashinyan.

Azerbaijani forces use long range shots in targeting Yeraskh, no attempt to advance

 14:37, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani military is firing long range shots in the direction of Yeraskh and it hasn’t attempted to advance, Deputy Minister of Defense Arman Sargsyan told reporters when asked on the situation in the village.

“There’s no need to panic because we live in a region, a country which seems to have adapted to living in such tense situations. We must be vigilant and confident in any case that our military and security forces are giving and will give an adequate response in case of necessity, however an escalation of the situation isn’t desirable, and we hope that there will be an end to this unconstructive approach by the Azerbaijani armed forces and those circles,” Sargsyan said.

“We are constantly releasing information, and analyzing this information will make the true goal obvious. I think their goal is to create tensions, and thank God we don’t have deaths. I don’t have other details,” he added.

Speaking about the combat readiness of the Armenian military, Sargsyan said that the armed forces have their objectives and these objectives change according to the situation.

“The army is ready and must adequately respond to every such step,” Sargsyan said.

Erdogan says he held a brief meeting with Pashinyan in Ankara during inauguration

 15:10, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that he held a “brief meeting” with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan when the latter visited Ankara for his inauguration.

“The fact that Pashinyan responded to our invitation [to participate in the inauguration] was an important step, Pashinyan accepted our invitation, overcoming many obstacles. I thanked Pashinyan for accepting the invitation,” Hurriyet quoted Erdogan as saying.

Indian nationals wounded in Azeri cross-border shooting in Yeraskh undergo surgery

 15:29, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Doctors have successfully completed the surgeries on the two victims of the Azerbaijani cross-border shooting in the Armenian village of Yeraskh.

The Ministry of Healthcare said the surgeries passed successfully and the victims are in a moderate condition.

The two victims, nationals of India, were wounded when Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire at a construction site in Yeraskh.

The Indian nationals are construction workers employed at the construction site of a steel plant in Yeraskh.

ARFI executives travel to United States for presentation of opportunities,advantages of Armenia’s crowdfunding platform

 15:38, 14 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. ARFI, the first investment crowdfunding platform in Armenia, plans to hold several meetings and events on June 14-23 in Los Angeles and New York City in the United States to present the platform’s advantages and opportunities.

ARFI PR manager Hasmik Harutyunyan told ARMENPRESS that ARFI is more than just a crowdfunding platform, describing it as a “reliable broker” linking companies in Armenia with investors from all around the world.

“ARFI gives an exclusive chance to make investments from around the world in SMEs operating in Armenia, new IT startup projects and become part of it. ARFI opens new opportunities for entrepreneurs in Armenia,” she said.

ARFI will participate in the 3rd Orion Investment Summit due to take place on June 19-22 in New York City.

A meeting with the Armenian-American community members is expected on June 23 in Los Angeles.

ARFI CEO Edgar Evoyan and ARFI Chairman of the Board Sergey Grigoryan will also meet with Glendale city councilors Ardy Kassakhian and Elen Asatrian, as well as the Chairman of the Armenian-American Business Council Alec Baghdasaryan in Los Angeles.