Armenian PM congratulates UK’s Rishi Sunak on national day


YEREVAN, JUNE 17, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, on the occasion of the British national day.

"Your Excellency, I warmly congratulate you and the friendly people of the United Kingdom on the national holiday of the country, the birthday of King Charles III,” Pashinyan said in a telegram.  “Armenia attaches great importance to the further development and deepening of multi-layered cooperation with the United Kingdom, based on democratic values, practical interests and mutual respect. I am glad to record that positive dynamics have recently been observed in Armenian-British relations, and in this context I reaffirm the commitment of the Armenian side to contribute to the expansion of the bilateral agenda. I sincerely hope that the recently announced Armenia-Great Britain strategic dialogue will become an important and practical platform for expanding bilateral cooperation in promising directions. In the context of the implementation of the reform agenda adopted by the Armenian government, we highly appreciate the continued support of the United Kingdom and we fully hope that it will be of a lasting nature. I wish Your Excellency good health, and prosperity to the friendly people of the United Kingdom,” the Armenian PM said.

Asbarez: A Good Father

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian


The third Sunday in June has been observed in many places for quite some time as Father’s Day. We know there are many stories and jokes belittling the role of fathers in the home and the family. But fathers do have a most important role to play. In most instances, it is the father who is the breadwinner. By that term we usually mean that the father works at whatever his job or profession may be thus providing the financial care of his family.

Just as important as providing for the physical needs of the family is the role of the father, it should also be his involvement in every aspect of his home.  In the years past the father was somewhat of a dictator.  He gave orders and it was rarely that his orders were disobeyed because he was also a strict disciplinarian.  In later years, even though discipline is usually administered by the father, his role has become more and more that of a counselor and advisor. Where parents have counseled with and advised their children about the ways of life, where parents have been more and more concerned about the example they are setting for their children, and where parents by word and example have tried to instill Christian principles into their teaching, family life has improved.

A good father cannot give in to every whim of the child, for in so doing he would instill a lack of respect for law and order.  I believe that many of the problems of our nation are the improper relationship in the home. I also believe that home is what we make it! As the homes are, so is the nation.

Where does a Christian father get his direction, wisdom and guidance but from our Heavenly Father who is the source of wisdom, mercy, love, patience, and provision.  A wise father also trusts in God and fears Him, which means, loves, awes and respects Him.

The Holy Scriptures devote much time and attention to the question: What is God like? The Psalmist offers this answer: “As a father…so the Lord” (Psalm 103:13-14). Jesus took his concept of God as father and made it the theme of his life and teaching. He taught his disciples to pray: “Our Father, Who is in heaven…” There is no sermon of which it does not appear, no prayer from which it is omitted. The first record of his speaking is this: “Didn’t you know that I had to be in my Father’s house” (Luke 2:49). The last words that he spoke was: “Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

A good father must have those characteristics that our Heavenly Father has. He must be a loving, caring and giving person. He must be a good provider to furnish his family with the necessities of life. He must discipline his children. He must give correction to their lives. He must have a vital, personal relationship with them. He must be kind and gentle. He must be constant source of comfort, understanding and strength.

Happy Father’s day to all good fathers.

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian is the Minister Emeritus of the Armenian Congregational Church of Greater Detroit and the Executive Director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council.

Asbarez: Philos Project Leads Delegation to Armenia Amid Crisis

WASHINGTON—The Philos Project on Friday concluded a three-day trip that introduced American Christian and Jewish thought leaders to Armenia’s rich history and the existential threats that face this Christian country from its neighbors. The trip, which comes nearly six months after Azerbaijan initiated a blockade of Armenian Christians in the adjacent Nagorno-Karabakh region was led by Philos Project President Robert Nicholson and former Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback.

Participants included leaders of Christian advocacy groups, like David Curry, President and CEO of Global Christian Relief; Carlos Duran, Founder and President of the National Association of Hispanic Pastors of America; Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council; and Denise Bubeck, Deputy Director of the Church Ambassador Network at “The Family Leader,” among others. They were joined by Jewish leaders and experts from several think tanks, including Michael Ruben, Greg Schaller, and Gregg Roman, as well as journalists from both secular and religious publications.

Participants of the Philos Project’s Armenia trip touring a historic church

Since December 12, Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin Corridor has cut the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, largely Armenian Christians, off from the outside world. The siege has created a humanitarian disaster that may soon become untenable for the 120,000 residents, precipitating what some have warned may be a Second Armenian Genocide. Constant, aggressive rhetoric from Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev, a self-proclaimed ally of the United States, seems to lend credence to such warnings. 

That same month Nicholson began examining the challenges Armenians face in an in-depth series on his podcast, The Deep Map. In January he stepped up his advocacy, sending a letter to President Biden urging his administration to help lift the blockade, provide humanitarian aid, and work toward a lasting and just resolution of the long-standing dispute. In May, he appealed to the House Committee for Foreign Affairs, yet the blockade remains.

Nicholson and Brownback co-led this trip to help American thought leaders better understand the crisis in the region and consider how Christian and Jewish communities might contribute to potential solutions. Participants visited medieval monasteries, conversed with local residents affected by Azerbaijani aggression in the city of Jermuk, and met with Armenia’s President, Vahagn Khachaturyan. In a video statement, Ambassador Brownback expressed his gratitude to the president for spending “a huge amount of time” with the delegation discussing the “breadth of the issues,” confiding that “central to all of this is the building of the relationship” between Armenia and American Christians that so far “hasn’t been fully actualized.”

“We cannot allow the crisis in Armenia to be dismissed as a simple territorial dispute,” said Philos Project Founder Robert Nicholson. “This is a dispute about values.” 

“Advocates for human rights, Christians concerned about preserving their historic roots, and Jews who know all too well the struggle against genocidal forces, all have a stake in advocating for Armenia’s Christians,” Nicholson added.

Yeraskh steelworks owners unfazed by Azeri gunfire, construction to proceed normally – says mayor


YEREVAN, JUNE 15, ARMENPRESS. Yeraskh mayor Saro Ayvazyan said Thursday that there is no panic among the residents of the village regarding the recent Azerbaijani gunfire targeting a steel plant construction site.

The construction of the plant will proceed normally, he said.

Ayvazyan told ARMENPRESS that the Azerbaijani forces began shooting at Yeraskh in the past two days, with each shooting lasting about 15 to 20 minutes, and the target of the gunfire was the steelworks which is being built by Armenian and American businessmen.

“They [Azerbaijan] want to disrupt the construction of the plant and not allow our economy to develop. This is the main reason,” the mayor said.

The construction site is just 400 meters away from Azerbaijani positions, in their direct vicinity. However, the plant’s executives are determined to continue the construction with the same pace.

“Life proceeds normally in the village. A sports school is now being built in Yeraskh, as well as gas supply construction process is underway. All works are proceeding, there is no panic whatsoever,” Ayvazyan said.

Yeraskh residents can’t be intimidated with Azerbaijani gunfire, the mayor said.

Both locals and foreigners are employed by the plant in the construction process. The mayor said more jobs will be opened at the construction site during the process.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

Congressman Pallone calls on State Department to halt Azerbaijan’s ‘senseless’ acts of aggression against Armenia


YEREVAN, JUNE 15, ARMENPRESS. United States Congressman Frank Pallone has called on the U.S. State Department to halt Azerbaijan’s “senseless” acts of aggression against Armenia which jeopardize ongoing peace negotiations and risk further destabilization in the Caucasus.

“Azerbaijan is jeopardizing ongoing peace negotiations and risking further destabilization in the Caucasus through their attacks in Armenian territory.  State Department must try to halt these senseless acts of aggression & push for the recognition & respect of Armenia's borders,” Pallone tweeted.

On June 14, two workers at the construction site of a steel plant in the Armenian village of Yeraskh were shot and wounded by Azerbaijani forces. The victims are nationals of India.

Azerbaijan again falsely accuses Armenia of opening gunfire in ongoing disinformation campaign


YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani military is again spreading disinformation, the Armenian authorities warned Friday morning.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan has again falsely accused Armenian forces of opening fire on the border.

“The statement by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan claiming that units of the Armed Forces of Armenia opened fire in between 00:15-00:20, on June 16 at Azerbaijani positions deployed in the eastern section of the border line is untrue,” the Armenian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

Armenpress: Docus offers first-of-its-kind AI-powered online health assistant


YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. Docus, the acclaimed platform created by two Armenian experts that made headlines last year in India and has since expanded worldwide, is now offering its new product – an AI Health Assistant.

Docus is an AI-powered health platform that enables you to interact with an AI Health Assistant, generate personalized health records, and validate them with top doctors from the U.S. and Europe.

“Anyone can contact Docus AI Health Assistant, create their health records and validate them with leading doctors from the United States and Europe,” Docus CTO and co-founder Gevorg Nazaryan told ARMENPRESS. “This is a first-of-its-kind product that combines an AI-created diagnosis with validated conclusions made under human supervision,” he added.

Docus combines AI with the skills of over 300 top doctors from the U.S. and more than 15 countries in Europe.

The AI Health Assistant is available 24/7 and works by determining a diagnosis based on health-related inquiries submitted by users. It then links the potential patients with leading doctors to validate the diagnosis.

The platform uses GPT-4, OpenAI and vector databases and meets the HIPAA and GDPR data protection requirements, ensuring confidentiality and security of patients.

“It’s important to note that the information generated by the AI serves only as a general educational knowledge. Although AI won’t be able to replace doctors anytime in the nearest future, it does have the potential to significantly impact healthcare. On one hand the AI provides the patients with updated information validated on the basis of the records, and on the other hand it can help doctors in performing ordinary tasks such as analyzing the data of patients and highlighting the important results,” Nazaryan said.

The CTO claims that Docus has the potential to transform the healthcare sector and save lives.

Nazaryan described Docus’ mission to be the improvement of people’s health by combining modern technologies and leading experience.

The is available all over the world.

Karine Terteryan

Azerbaijani military again opens gunfire at U.S.-affiliated steel plant construction site in Armenian village


YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijani forces again opened gunfire at 10:00 on June 16 at the steel mill which is under construction in the Armenian village of Yeraskh, the ministry of defense said in a statement.

“On June 16, at 10 a.m., the Armed Forces units of Azerbaijan opened fire from different caliber small arms on the under-construction metallurgical plant in Yeraskh, which was being built with foreign investment,” the ministry of defense said on Facebook.

The steelworks came under Azerbaijani gunfire on June 13 and 14 as well.

2 Indian construction workers were wounded during the June 14 shooting.

Reacting to the June 14 shooting, United States Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller Washington was “deeply concerned” that two civilian workers of the U.S.-affiliated company sustained injuries from “gunfire from the direction of Azerbaijan.”

The steel manufacturer building the plant on June 15 that construction would resume as planned.

Azerbaijan falsely accuses Nagorno Karabakh of ceasefire breach


STEPANAKERT, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan has again released disinformation, Nagorno Karabakh authorities warned Friday.

“The statement by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense claiming that the Defense Army units opened fire in between 00:50 – 04:10 on June 16 at Azerbaijani positions deployed in the occupied territories of the Republic of Artsakh’s Shushi region is yet another disinformation,” the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Ministry said in a statement.

U.S. Congress Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission to hold hearing on Safeguarding the People of Nagorno Karabakh


YEREVAN, JUNE 16, ARMENPRESS. The Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission of the U.S. Congress will hold a hearing on June 21 on Safeguarding the People of Nagorno-Karabakh.

“Please join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for a hearing on safeguarding the people of Nagorno-Karabakh as risks of renewed violence in and around the enclave increase,” the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission said in a statement. “Two and a half years after a bloody six-week war pushed Armenian forces out of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding regions of Azerbaijan, tensions are again escalating. A blockade of the Lachin corridor to Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijani-backed activists has entered its 7th month, and on April 23 Azerbaijan opened a military checkpoint on the corridor that is widely viewed as inconsistent with the provisions of the 2020 ceasefire agreement that ended the last war. A number of international efforts are underway to mitigate the risk of a new full-blown war, including by officials at the U.S. State Department. One major issue is what is required to adequately protect the rights and safety of ethnic Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, where Azerbaijan seeks to assert control. This hearing will examine the measures required to adequately safeguard, during this period of blockade and negotiation, a vulnerable ethnic population, and offer recommendations for U.S. policy,” the commission added, noting that the hearing will be open to Members of Congress, congressional staff, the interested public, and the media.