U.S. looks forward to rescheduling postponed Armenia-Azerbaijan talks in Washington


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. The Armenia-Azerbaijan foreign ministerial meeting that was supposed to take place on June 12 in Washington D.C. was postponed “100 percent due to scheduling issues,” according to United States Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller.

The U.S. looks forward to rescheduling the meeting, Miller added.

“It was 100 percent due to scheduling issues. We look forward to hosting another round of talks in Washington as the parties continue to pursue a peaceful dialogue for the South Caucasus region. As we’ve said before, we believe direct dialogue is key to resolving the remaining issues. We believe an agreement is within reach. This meeting unfortunately couldn’t go forward 100 percent due to scheduling issues, and we look forward to rescheduling it as soon as we can,” Miller said at a press briefing when asked why the June 12 meeting was canceled.

The U.S. State Department spokesperson did not disclose the new possible timeframes.

The foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan were planned to take place June 12 in Washington. On June 8, authorities that Azerbaijan requested to postpone it.


Armenian Defense Minister, Iranian ambassador discuss cooperation


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Defense Suren Papikyan met on June 14 with the outgoing Ambassador of Iran to Armenia Abbas Badakhshan Zohouri.

During the meeting the sides discussed the course and prospects of the Armenian-Iranian cooperation and exchanged views on regional security issues, Papikyan said in a statement on social media. 

Minister Papikyan thanked the Ambassador for strengthening the Armenian-Iranian relations and increasing the efficiency of cooperation during his tenure and wished him successes in his future activities.

Iran a new ambassador to Armenia earlier in March.


Pashinyan extends condolences on Berlusconi’s death


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has offered condolences on the death of former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi.

In a letter addressed to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the Armenian Prime Minister said he learned about Berlusconi’s death with “deep pain”. “On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, I extend sincere condolences to you, the friendly people of Italy, and the family and friends of Berlusconi,” PM Pashinyan said in the letter.

“Mr. Berlusconi had significant contribution in ensuring continuous progress of Italy and the development of the centuries-old Armenian-Italian relations. I grieve with the families and friends of the renowned politician at this time of irreparable loss,” he added.

International community’s silence could lead to new Azeri aggression against democratic Armenia, warns senior diplomat


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. The international community’s silence or absence of unequivocally targeted measures on Azerbaijan may cause new aggressions against democratic Armenia, Ambassador-at-large Edmon Marukyan warned after the latest Azerbaijani shooting which targeted civilian infrastructure in Yeraskh.

“Azerbaijan opened fire at the vehicles and infrastructures of a plant being built in the sovereign territory of Armenia by a US-Armenian investment. Intensive fire continued for three hours. This is an outrageous behavior going against all efforts carried out towards the peace process and a gross violation of all commitments on non-use of force or even threat of use of force. We strongly condemn this provocative behavior and call for our international partners to take measures against Azerbaijan, including sanctions and direct calls for refraining from such destructive approach. The silence of international community or absence of unequivocally targeted measures on Azerbaijan may cause new aggressions against democratic Armenia,” Marukyan tweeted.

“This is an indiscriminate use of force by Azerbaijani armed forces in the sovereign territory of Republic of Armenia, which must be condemned by all international actors interested in peace as stability of the entire region,” Marukyan added in a separate post.

BREAKING: Two foreigners in Armenia wounded in Azerbaijani shooting attack at civilian facility in Yeraskh


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Two foreign nationals were wounded on Wednesday when Azerbaijani military forces opened fire at a steelworks which is under development with foreign investments in the Armenian village of Yeraskh. The shooting occurred around 11:45, June 14, the defense ministry said.

Furthermore, the Azerbaijani defense ministry spread disinformation falsely accusing Armenia of opening fire in an attempt to create information grounds for its shooting. 

“The Ministry of Defence of Azerbaijan disseminated disinformation at around 11:30 a.m. as if the RA Armed Forces opened fire against the Azerbaijani combat positions near the Yeraskh settlement, thus making an information base: 10-15 minutes later, at around 11:45 a.m., Azerbaijani side opened fire in the same direction at the metallurgical plant being built with the measures of foreign investments in Yeraskh, in the wake of which 2 foreign citizens were wounded,” the Defense Ministry of Armenia said in a statement posted on Facebook.

Flemish Parliament of Belgium calls for opening of Lachin Corridor, withdrawal of Azeri forces from Armenian territory


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. On June 13, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Flemish Parliament of Belgium adopted a resolution, calling for the immediate opening of the Lachin Corridor which has been blocked by Azerbaijan and for the withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia. 

The Lachin Corridor, a vital lifeline connecting Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh with the Republic of Armenia, has been subject to a blockade by Azerbaijan. This blockade has caused a humanitarian crisis for the native Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh and hindered their access to essential supplies, humanitarian aid, and economic opportunities. 

The Flemish Parliament recognizes the urgency of this issue and urges Azerbaijan to immediately lift the blockade, ensuring the free flow of goods, services, and individuals through the corridor, the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) said in a press release.

Furthermore, the resolution highlights the need for the immediate withdrawal of Azerbaijani forces from the sovereign territory of Armenia. It emphasizes that the presence of foreign military forces within a sovereign nation’s borders is a violation of international law and undermines the principles of sovereignty. The resolution urges the EU to call on Azerbaijan to end its hostile policy against the Armenian people and ensure the rights and security of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh which is facing a threat of genocide.

The initiator of the resolution, member of the Flemish Parliament Allessia Claes from the party N-VA commented:

“I am very pleased that the Committee on Foreign Policy of the Flemish Parliament approved our resolution on the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, including the closure of the Lachin corridor and the humanitarian situation. We stand united in condemning the ongoing war and calling on all parties to move ahead in fruitful discussions towards a lasting peace.”

Karl Vanlouwe, a member of the Parliament from the NVA and co-signer of the resolution stated: 

“This resolution is the result of many conversations with the Armenian community and a hearing with Flemish journalist Jens De Ryck that we hosted last week in the committee in the Flemish Parliament. He gave an exposition of the devastating conflict in the Caucasus. The current blockade of the Lachin corridor is a true humanitarian crisis. It must stop now.”

Elaborating on the resolution the EAFJD president Kaspar Karampetian said:

“We highly appreciate the work of the Flemish MPs in particular those Members who have been playing a leading role and tirelessly speaking up against the Azerbaijani aggression as well as its policy of ethnic cleansing in Artsakh /Nagorno Karabakh.” Karampetian concluded emphasizing, “The right to self-determination of the native Armenian people of Artsakh equals to their right to life which must be defended relentlessly.”

Armenia tells Russia in talks that terms of 2020 statement must be implemented – lawmaker


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. In the negotiations involving Russia, Armenia has been voicing demands for the terms of the statements signed with Russian mediation – especially the 9 November 2020 statement – to be implemented, a senior lawmaker said Wednesday.

“Overall, it’s the same topics,” Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Sargis Khandanyan told reporters when asked about the topics discussed during the latest meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “What matters in the talks with Russia’s participation is that we are voicing that the terms of the statements signed with Russian mediation, especially the terms of the 9 November statement, must be implemented. These issues were basically the content,” Khandanyan said.

Asked about the various platforms of talks, the lawmaker said that Armenia has the same position and principles in all platforms. “What matters is for the host, mediating side to be able to ensure the implementation of the agreements,” he said.

Azerbaijan attempts to secure more gains in talks by intensifying border shootings, says MP


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan doesn’t change its behavior and is once again attempting to display aggressive conduct on the ground both before and after Armenian-Azerbaijani talks, with the goal of securing more gains around the negotiations table, Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Sargis Khandanyan told reporters on June 14 when asked on the latest Azerbaijani provocations.

“Regarding the incident that occurred in the Yeraskh section and overall the latest intensified shootings, it is concerning especially because this is happening parallel with the intensified negotiations process. We once again see Azerbaijan’s conduct, that before or after negotiations they are trying to display more aggressive behavior on the ground, attempting to gain more around the negotiations table,” Khandanyan said.

He pointed out the Azerbaijani shooting targeting the civilian infrastructure in Yeraskh.

“The shooting targeted the construction of the factory where American investments have been made and which is extremely important for the Republic of Armenia. I think the foreign ministry’s statement expressed these concerns. This doesn’t change our positions, we are voicing about these incidents and I know that the EU civilian mission is also recording this and is regularly reporting its observations to member states. I assume that they’ve made an observation regarding yesterday’s incident as well,” the MP said.

Two foreign nationals were wounded on Wednesday when Azerbaijani military forces opened fire at a steelworks which is being built with foreign investments in the Armenian village of Yeraskh.

Erdogan’s statement on opening consulate in Shushi isn’t conducive to peace and stability, says lawmaker


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian side is expressing concern regarding Turkey’s plans on opening a consulate in Shushi and especially viewing it as a message to Armenia.

Member of Parliament Sargis Khandanyan, the Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Armenian Parliament, told reporters that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statement on opening a consulate in Shushi doesn’t contribute to the process of achieving peace and stability in the region.

On one hand they make statements that regional stability and peace is needed, and on the other hand they make statements that don’t contribute to this process. “Thus this statement causes concern, we must follow the developments,” Khandanyan said.

The Turkish-Azerbaijani rhetoric has remained the same, Khandanyan said.

During his latest visit to Azerbaijan, Turkish President Erdogan said that Turkey plans to open a consulate in Shushi, the town in Nagorno Karabakh which was captured by Azerbaijani forces during the 2020 war. Erdogan said that the move would be a "message to the whole world and especially Armenia."

Lawmaker rules out extraterritorial corridor through Armenia


YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. Armenia will never negotiate around providing a corridor to Azerbaijan through its territory, a lawmaker said Wednesday.

Sargis Khandanyan, the Chair of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters that the topic on the “Zangezur corridor” wording is closed for Armenia.

“The topic of the made up “Zangezur corridor” wording is closed for the Republic of Armenia. This is obvious, as well as acceptable and understandable also for the parties who are mediating in the negotiations,” he said, ruling out a corridor through Armenia’s territory. He said Armenia will never negotiate around such issue.

Khandanyan added that Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s statements cause concern because they aren’t conducive to the negotiations process.