Lawmaker assumes Azerbaijan postponed Armenia talks because timeframe coincided with Erdogan trip


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Member of Parliament Arman Yeghoyan from the Civil Contract faction believes that Azerbaijan postponed the foreign ministerial talks with Armenia that were planned to take place in Washington D.C. on June 12 because of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani foreign minister could not be absent from the country during the trip, Yeghoyan said.

“I assume that the reason is that they had guests during these days. The Turkish President plans to visit Baku today. I think that their foreign minister could not be absent from the country during these days,” Yeghoyan told reporters, adding that he has no information on a new timeframe of the meeting.

Government to provide 35 billion drams in agriculture subsidy in 2023 – economy minister


YEREVAN, JUNE 13, ARMENPRESS. The Government of Armenia plans to carry out 35 billion drams in subsidy in the agricultural sector this year, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said Tuesday.

“If we look at 2006-2010, the total support to agriculture was just 1 billion drams in four years,” Kerobyan told lawmakers in parliament. “We are now talking about 30 billion drams annually. I categorically disagree with the opinion claiming that the farmers are left on their own. Tens of thousands of farming businesses are using our programs. The agriculture in Armenia is now undergoing structural changes, the traditional agriculture is being replaced by high output agriculture,” Kerobyan said, adding that the changes will be seen in statistical figures some time later.

Lawmaker rules out extraterritorial roads, says Armenia will exercise full border control after unblocking


YEREVAN, JUNE 13, ARMENPRESS. Armenia must retain authority to exercise customs and border control in case of unblocking of regional connections, a senior lawmaker said on Tuesday.

Asked to comment on Security Council Secretary Armen Grigoryan’s statement that Armenia will exercise full border control on its side in case of unblocking, Civil Contract Member of Parliament Arman Yeghoyan said that Armenia must have the authority to determine which vehicle, which cargo and how much of any given cargo can enter its territory.

Regarding clause 9 of the 2020 November 9 trilateral statement, which says that Russian border guards shall exercise control over transport connections, Yeghoyan said: “There are Russian border guard posts along the Armenian-Iranian border as well, and in the customs checkpoint, as well as in other parts. And now we must differentiate two issues from one another – a road functioning under or outside Armenian jurisdiction? The Republic of Armenia has said that there won’t be any roads functioning outside of its jurisdiction in its territory.”

“The trilateral statement does not question Armenia’s jurisdiction over its own territory. Even the National Assembly can’t pass a law that would limit Armenia’s jurisdiction over any of its territory,” Yeghoyan said.

Armenia’s unchanged position is that roads functioning in the territory of Armenia must be under Armenia’s jurisdiction. Technical nuances are topics for separate discussions, according to Yeghoyan.

“When a vehicle enters Armenia, Armenia must know for 100 percent what that vehicle is carrying, how much goods it is carrying, when it entered Armenia and when it exited. The Republic of Armenia must know this for 100 percent, secondly, Armenia must have the jurisdiction to determine which vehicle, which cargo, and what quantity of any given cargo can enter the Republic of Armenia. The Republic of Armenia controls its borders, the type and quantity of the goods crossing these borders and the roads in its territory,” Yeghoyan said.

Discussions on how the roads will be unblocked are now underway, the legislator added, noting that the remaining issues such as who specifically will observe the surveillance cameras or who is going to sit in the office are all technical issues.

Azerbaijan wants minimal Armenian control, the lawmaker said. “But this isn’t a matter of their desire. It’s up to us, because international law and order exists. It is up to any state to decide what rules and procedures to apply and manage any road on its territory. And Armenia has said that jurisdiction will not be given up,” Yeghoyan said.

Artsakh ombudsman releases updated report on Azeri blockade

Armenia –

Artsakh's Human Rights Defender Gegham Stepanyan on Monday published an updated version of the ad hoc trilingual report on the violations of individual and collective human rights as a result of the 6 months (182-day) blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan.

The report comprehensively and in detail presents data on the violations of 7 individual rights, 5 rights of vulnerable groups and 4 collective rights, which reflect the deepening humanitarian crisis and the genocidal policy of Azerbaijan towards the people of Artsakh, the ombudsman's office reported.

Below are presented some basic data reflected in the report on human rights violations as a result of the 182-day blockade:

• The movement of people passing through the Stepanakert-Goris highway (along the Lachin corridor) has decreased by about 198 times (2246 entries and departures instead of 445,900);

• Almost 58 times less car traffic was recorded on the road compared to what should have been in case of no blockade (2,867 car entries and departures, performed only by the Red Cross and Russian peacekeepers, instead of 167,440);

• Approximately 13 times less vital cargo was imported compared to what should have been in case of no blockade (5,574 tons instead of 72,800 tons);

• Due to the suspension of the pre-planned operations, about 1400 citizens lost the opportunity to solve their health problems via operations;

• Azerbaijan has completely or partially interrupted the gas supply from Armenia to Artsakh for a total of 117 days;

• The electricity supply from Armenia to Artsakh has been completely cut for 154 days now, which led to the introduction of rolling blackouts followed by numerous accidents;

• According to preliminary estimates, about 11,000 people have actually lost their jobs and sources of income (including cases of job retention)

• The country's economy suffered loss in the amount of about USD 346 million;

• A number of violations of rights are more pronounced in case of vulnerable groups, in particular 30,000 children, 9,000 people with disabilities, 20,000 older people, 60,000 women (women and girls) and 15,000 displaced persons.

In addition to the continuous and multiple violations of the provisions of the Tripartite Statement of November 9, 2020, the mandatory execution of the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of the United Nations (UN) on ensuring unhindered entry and departure of people, cars and cargo along the Lachin corridor has not been implemented by Azerbaijan, which once again tramples on the highest international values and principles. Moreover, after that the Azerbaijani side resorted to new aggressive actions which resulted in human losses and new sufferings among Artsakh people. Since April 23, the Azerbaijani side has installed an illegal checkpoint near the Hakari bridge. Consequently, the international community has not only the right, but also an indisputable obligation to implement the decision of the Supreme International Court of Justice by practical means as soon as possible and to prevent future Azerbaijani crimes, including the new planned and brutal crime against humanity.

All the violations of Azerbaijan against the people of Artsakh are carried out within the framework of its state policy of racial discrimination (Armenophobia) and are deeply directed against their right to self-determination and the fact of its realisation, aimed at finally resolving the conflict to their advantage via ethnic cleansing based on the “no people, no rights” logic.

The systematic and consistent policy of ethnic hatred pursued by Azerbaijan, which manifested itself both during the aggression against the people of Artsakh in 2020 and after the establishment of the ceasefire regime, indisputably proves that any status of Artsakh within Azerbaijan is tantamount to ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and the genocide of the Armenians of Artsakh. Therefore, in the context of the Artsakh conflict, the right to self-determination is equal to the right of people to live in their homeland.

The fundamental right to self-determination of the people of Artsakh, as well as the Azerbaijani encroachments and threats against their physical existence on the basis of racial discrimination are more than sufficient grounds for the protection of the people of Artsakh by the international community, as well as the international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh based on the principle of “remedial recognition”.

The report is available here.

George Soros hands control of empire to son Alex


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Billionaire financier George Soros is handing control of his massive empire to his son Alexander, Reuters reported citing a Soros spokesperson.

The spokesperson confirmed the details from an interview with Soros published in The Wall Street Journal on Sunday.

A hedge fund manager turned philanthropist and major backer of liberal causes, Soros, 92, said he previously didn't want his Open Society Foundations (OSF) to be taken over by one of his five children.

But speaking of his decision to turn over the foundation and the rest of his $25 billion empire to his 37-year-old son, who goes by Alex, the elder Soros said: "He's earned it."

Also interviewed by the newspaper, Alex said he's "more political" than his father and that he plans to continue donating family money to left-leaning U.S. political candidates.

He told the Journal that he would broaden the foundation's priorities to include voting and abortion rights as well as gender equity.

The OSF board elected Alex as its chairman in December, and Alex now directs political activity as president of Soros' political action committee.

PM Pashinyan congratulates President Putin and PM Mishustin on Russia Day


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has congratulated Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Russia Day.

“I cordially congratulate you and all Russians on the occasion of this meaningful day, Russia Day, which emphasizes the deep devotion of the Russian people to the origins of statehood,” Pashinyan said in a letter to Putin. “The historically rich and time-tested allied relations of Armenia and Russia have reached a new qualitative level over the course of the last thirty years. The active and effective partnership of our countries over regional and international agenda issues emphasizes our common intention to deepen the mutually beneficial relations between our peoples, based on mutual respect and taking into account each other’s interests. I am sure that Armenia and Russia, by consistently developing constructive ties, will continue to progressively develop cooperation in various sectors, including with the purpose of ensuring security and stability in South Caucasus,” the Armenian Premier said in the letter, wishing robust health and vigor to President Putin, and peace, success and all the best to the brotherly people of Russia.

In a separate letter to PM Mishustin, the Armenian Prime Minister congratulated on Russia Day, the meaningful holiday which “emphasizes the determination of the Russian people to build a sovereign and strong state.”

“The relations between Armenia and Russia come from the depths of history. It is our unshakable duty to preserve the inherited strong friendship and brotherhood, in order to continue ensuring the progressive development of the Armenian-Russian allied relations, including through implementing mutually beneficial, promising projects for the benefit of our peoples,” PM Pashinyan said in the letter to PM Mishustin, wishing him robust health and successes, and happiness and prosperity to the Russian people.

Turkey’s new FM Hakan Fidan told Azerbaijan to postpone Armenia talks, claims Professor Safrastyan


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. No significant changes will happen in the Armenian-Turkish normalization process after the 2023 Turkish general election, a senior researcher has warned.

Turkey will maintain its precondition on Armenia’s normalization with Azerbaijan, an important factor for Turkey’s foreign policy, Professor Ruben Safrastyan told ARMENPRESS when asked about the prospects of Armenian-Turkish normalization after the elections.

Safrastyan, noting that Azerbaijan recently postponed a planned foreign ministerial with Armenia, and that the new Erdogan government has discussed the Armenian-Azerbaijani talks during its first session, said that “something is in the works” in Ankara, the results of which will be seen in a few days.

Moreover, Safrastyan claims that Azerbaijan actually postponed the foreign ministerial talks with Armenia planned in Washington on June 12 at new Turkish FM Hakan Fidan’s request.

“The new foreign minister Hakan Fidan has expressed some discontent over the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations process, and the Azerbaijani side postponed that meeting at his request. Given Fidan’s previous work and his skills in covert diplomacy, it’s clear that Azerbaijan’s maximalist demands put forward to Armenia at his mediation will become stronger. Tomorrow Erdogan will visit Azerbaijan. He had announced that he would make his first visit as newly elected President to Azerbaijan. Erdogan will present Turkey’s approach to Ilham Aliyev during that visit,” Safrastyan, the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies at National Academy of Sciences said.

The turkologist also pointed out the fact that Erdogan changed the entire Cabinet, whereas in the past he used to keep some of the ministers in place.

Professor Safrastyan noted that Erdogan has appointed his long-time loyalists to key positions, such as Hakan Fidan, who was the head of national intelligence and is now the foreign minister, and Ibrahim Kalin, Erdogan’s long-time spokesperson who is now the head of national intelligence.

“The appointment of a young relative of Serdar Kilic, the Turkish envoy for talks with Armenia, as presidential spokesperson is also noteworthy,” Professor Safrastyan said.

According to Safrastyan, Erdogan will continue pursuing the same course with the goal of becoming one of the countries who determine the world’s fate. In this context, Fidan’s appointment as foreign minister is no coincidence given his previous experience of carrying out “personal assignments” and “covert diplomatic tasks” by Erdogan, Safrastyan said.

However, the grave financial-economic situation in Turkey will force Erdogan to carry out more work domestically.

The appointment of Mehmet Şimşek as Minister of Treasury and Finance, and Hafize Erkan – a U.S.-educated official as Governor of the Central Bank, are aimed at resolving the financial-economic crisis, Safrastyan said.

The new Cabinet also faces huge work in eliminating the consequences of the devastating earthquake and ensuring massive investments.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took the oath of office for a new five-year presidential term on June 3.

The foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan were planned to take place June 12 in Washington D.C. On June 8, the authorities that Azerbaijan requested to postpone it.

Armenia, India sign MoU at Global DPI Summit


YEREVAN, JUNE 12, ARMENPRESS. Armenia and India have signed a memorandum of understanding during the Global Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) Summit held as part of G20 Digital Economy Working Group meeting in Pune, India.

The MoU, which envisages cooperation in exchange of successful digital solutions for digital transformation, was signed by the Armenian Deputy Minister of High Tech Industry Gevorg Mantashyan and General Secretary in the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of India Alkesh Kumar Sharma.

By signing the MoU, Armenia and India express readiness to enhance cooperation in promoting institutional cooperation, digital transformation solutions, modernization assessment and other areas.

Mantashyan will also hold meetings with representatives of India’s public and private sector during the summit. Discussions with delegations from other countries are also expected, the ministry in a press release.