NATO is in a race against time to save itself from a major embarrassment

(CNN)NATO officials are in a race against time to avoid the embarrassment of seeing the alliance miss its own stated aim of admitting Sweden to the alliance by July 11. 

Both Sweden and its neighbor Finland stated their intent to join NATO through its open-door policy in May last year, just weeks after Russia launched its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Finland was finally accepted in April of this year, doubling the alliance’s border with Russia, but Sweden’s accession is currently blocked. 

It is generally accepted that Sweden’s armed forces are compatible with NATO. Sweden has a permanent delegation at NATO and is considered a close partner to the alliance, meaning joining should be relatively straightforward. 

So why can’t Sweden join? 

The problem is Turkey – a strategically important NATO member due to its geographical location in both the Middle East and Europe, and the alliance’s second-largest military power – which is blocking Sweden’s accession for a number of reasons. 

Most importantly, that nation claims that Sweden allows members of recognized Kurdish terror groups to operate in Sweden, most notably the militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). Sweden changed its terrorism laws earlier this year, making it a crime to be part of these groups, though it’s still unclear if this is enough for Ankara.

Turkey also claims that the Swedish government has been complicit in far-right protests where people burned copies of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy in Stockholm. Most recently, Turkey has said it wants Sweden to act after Swedish lawmakers projected the flag of the PKK onto the parliament building in Stockholm in protest at Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s re-election on Sunday. A spokesperson for the Swedish parliament acknowledged that people had projected images onto the side of the building, but had no specific evidence about what was projected or who was responsible, according to Reuters.

Finally, there are concerns at how willing Erdogan is to describe himself as a friend of Putin’s. Shortly before he was re-elected, he told CNN that he and Putin share a “special relationship.” 

NATO officials and people within the Swedish government are now becoming concerned that missing the July 11 deadline – the date of its next official summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius – would send a dangerous message to the alliance’s adversaries. These include Russia, and although nowhere near the North Atlantic, North Korea and China.

“If it’s missed, it tells people like Putin that there is a weak link in the Western alliance. It gives them time and space to cause trouble,” one NATO diplomat told CNN. “That could be anything from cyber attacks to funding and encouraging more Quran burnings to cause division in Sweden.”

An Eastern European diplomat told CNN that as well as “emboldening the enemies” of NATO, any delay risks “giving the the sense of Erdogan’s power over the alliance.” The diplomat added that “Erdogan will use the moment to squeeze every drop from this situation and will throw the ball to Sweden – making them hostage of their (own) anti-terrorist laws.”

Officials from most NATO states are optimistic that a deal can be done before July, but are aware it could come with a price attached. 

Multiple officials point to the way that Erdogan struck a deal with the European Union that saw it hand Turkey 6 billion euros ($6.4 billion) among other perks in exchange for Turkey hosting Syrian refugees who were en route to Europe. Erdogan, European officials have repeatedly said, knew that he had Brussels over a barrel as he could effectively “flood” Europe with refugees at will.

What could NATO allies give Erdogan that might get him to change his mind over Sweden?

For starters, Turkey wants the US Congress to approve its purchase of US-made F-16 fighter jets. While US officials are reluctant to tie the Sweden issue and F-16s overtly, officials say that behind the scenes there is an obvious deal to be done. 

Diplomats are also well aware that Turkey’s economy is in dire straits, with soaring inflation and a collapse in the value of its currency against the dollar, and that both the US and EU currently have sanctions imposed on the country. 

While there is room for a deal to be done – and the allies in favor of Sweden joining do have leverage – there are a couple of issues that could see July 11 come and go without NATO getting it wants. 

The first is Erdogan’s unpredictability. Sunday’s election was the closest he has come to losing power in 20 years, which allies fear means he might double down on Sweden when it comes to its anti-terror policy. 

Sweden is unlikely to introduce anything that looks as authoritarian as Erdogan would probably like to see in place, especially when it comes to the Kurds; at this point the only resolution could be that Erdogan claims the changes Sweden has already made to its terror laws as a personal victory and moves on. 

The second is that Turkey isn’t the only fly in the ointment: Hungary also objects to Sweden joining NATO.

These two issues at some level interact with one another: if Erdogan were to accept Sweden’s anti-terror laws as sufficient – only for Hungary to block the whole thing risks making him look weak by comparison, European officials fear. 

For their part, the pro-Sweden allies – including the United States and United Kingdom, arguably the two most influential NATO members – are doubling down on July 11 and privately offering Sweden assurances that it is their priority, no matter what Turkey does. 

Sweden joining NATO would be the latest in a long list of good news stories for the alliance since Russia invaded Ukraine. Officials have been surprised at the level of unity in the alliance since the war began and have been delighted at renewed pledges on defense spending and strengthening the alliance. 

Russia launched its war in the first place partly due to NATO’s expansion, a move that shows no sign of slowing, with Ukraine now also wanting to join the alliance. Even the Japanese are shifting towards NATO, with the country’s foreign minister telling CNN earlier this month that it is in talks to open the first NATO liaison office in Asia. 

For all the talk of NATO facing what French President Emmanuel Macron called “brain death” not so long ago, it’s undeniable that the alliance has a renewed sense of purpose and is confident about its future. That’s precisely why officials are so concerned about Turkey vetoing Sweden’s accession on NATO’s own timetable. 

Just as a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, an alliance is only as united as its latest act of unity. In the modern world of diplomacy, signals and subtext matter a huge amount. And while it might seem insignificant exactly when Sweden does or does not join NATO, Turkey giving the alliance’s enemies the faintest whiff that members can be picked off would, officials believe, upend months of good work that have brought the alliance closer together than at any other time in recent memory.

Armenpress: Azerbaijan continues to distort reality. The Defense Ministry of Artsakh denies the information spread by Azerbaijan


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS.  The message spread by the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan about the fact that on June 10 the units of the Defense Army regularly opened fire in the direction of the Azerbaijani positions located in the occupied territories of Shushi and Askeran regions of the Republic of Artsakh is another disinformation, ARMENPRESS reports, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh said in a message.

"The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, trying to justify the violations of the ceasefire regime recorded every day by its units, continues to distort the reality, once again announcing the disruption of the engineering works allegedly being carried out in the direction of Martakert, Martuni, Askeran and Shushi," the Artsakh Ministry of Defense emphasized.

Council of Paris unanimously adopts a resolution to provide urgent aid to the people of Artsakh


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS. The Council of Paris recently unanimously adopted a resolution on "the provision of urgent aid to the population of Artsakh and the people of Artsakh who have taken refuge in the Republic of Armenia", ARMENPRESS reports, the Armenian Embassy in France informed.

The resolution emphasizes that as a result of the illegal blocking of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan since December 12, 2022, 120,000 people of Artsakh are cut off from the rest of the world, notes that on November 27, the Council of Paris adopted a call-resolution addressed to the French government regarding the recognition of the Republic of Artsakh, the assistance provided to the population of Artsakh by the various administrative territorial units of France, the many calls of support and solidarity addressed to the Armenian people by the Paris Municipality, Yerevan's membership in the International Association of Francophone Mayors, highlights providing another support to Artsakh Armenians by the city of Paris.

The City Council also authorizes the Mayor of Paris to call on other administrative territorial units of France and foreign cities that are members of the IAFM to join the initiative of urgent support, the aim of which is to support the people of Artsakh who have taken refuge in the Republic of Armenia and to deliver food to the people of Artsakh through a humanitarian convoy.

Azerbaijan opens fire from different caliber firearms and mortar in the direction of the Armenian positions


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS.  At 10:50 p.m. on June 9, the units of Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire from different caliber firearms at the Armenian positions located in the Kakhakn sector, Gegharkunik Province, using mortars as well.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, there are no casualties on the Armenian side.

Earlier, on June 9, at 6:30 p.m., units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire on a vehicle transporting Armenian servicemen in the direction of Kakhakn.

Azerbaijani servicemen dies, suicide among the versions


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS. A serviceman died in Azerbaijan. ARMENPRESS reports, the Azerbaijani media are writing about the death of Rakhil Ahmedov, a soldier of the state border service.

According to the media, the military prosecutor's office of Azerbaijan confirmed the incident, stating that the cause was careless handling of weapons. However, information is circulating in the Telegram channels that the serviceman committed suicide.

Azerbaijan fires 3 mines from 60 mm mortar at one of the positions in Artsakh


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS. On June 10, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the southwestern direction of the contact line in Artsakh by using small firearms and mortars.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh, at around 12:20, the Azerbaijani side fired 3 mines from a 60 mm caliber mortar towards one of the Defense Army positions.

The Armenian side has no losses.

The ceasefire violation was reported to the command of the Russian peacekeeping troops.

Armenpress: About 806 thousand tourists visited Armenia in the first five months of the year. Minister


YEREVAN, JUNE 10, ARMENPRESS. According to the data of the first five months of this year, approximately 806 thousand tourists visited Armenia, ARMENPRESS reports, Economy Minister Vahan Kerobyan informed in a post on his Facebook page.

The Minister said that he participated in the Sheep Shearing Festival in Khot settlement of Syunik region.

"I am very happy that such events are organized and we are able to strengthen and activate our communities, show the importance of local businesses in communities.

Tourism in Armenia is developing quite well now, and according to the data of the first five months, we have approximately 806,000 tourists, but I must say that domestic tourism is also very important," Kerobyan wrote.

He also noted that the Ministry, together with the Tourism Committee, supports more than two dozen festivals every year, one of which is this festival.

Suspect in attempted kidnapping of Pashinyan’s son fires lawyers amid trial

 14:05, 9 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 9, ARMENPRESS. The woman suspected of attempting to kidnap Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s son Ashot Pashinyan has fired her defense lawyers.

Georgy Melikyan, a criminal defense lawyer who represented Gayane Hakobyan – the woman accused of attempted kidnapping of Ashot Pashinyan – told reporters that her client no longer wants to be represented by him due to a dispute on how to build the defense case. “This was our client’s desire, we respect her decision,” Melikyan said.

Hovsep Sargsyan, another criminal defense lawyer who represented Hakobyan, said that their most recent motion filed to court pertains to granting bail for their jailed client. “The court is taking measures to assign a new lawyer, we are no longer authorized to represent her in this case,” Sargsyan added.

The attorneys said that they wanted to build Hakobyan's defense case around vindication, while Hakobyan herself had a differing opinion. The lawyers did not elaborate.

Asked whether or not the move could mean that Hakobyan will plead guilty, Melikyan said: “Perhaps your assumption is correct, but we haven’t’ said such thing.”

The attorneys also said that Ashot Pashinyan had a change of stance in his testimony at the closed court hearing, but again did not elaborate.

Hakobyan, a mother of an Armenian soldier killed during the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War, was on suspicion of attempting to kidnap Ashot Pashinyan on May 17.–ijDNDzcc1M_xPZWSwDNn_k7D05DyNlZez03N29wTW-J0ykMBX7c

Armenian Prime Minister urges caution on ethical consequences of ‘extremely attractive’ future of AI

 15:31, 9 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 9, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has described the future of artificial intelligence to be “extremely attractive” but warned that the ethical consequences must be taken into account and the useful and responsible development and use of AI must be ensured.

Pashinyan made the remarks at the Eurasian Congress in Russia.

PM Pashinyan said that the development of advanced digital tools and technologies is a key component for ensuring equal economic competition on the global level. The Armenian PM said that AI is developing rapidly and it could transform many areas of life.

He cited experts as saying that AI will become more individualized and integrated into the society in the future. “Overall, the future of artificial intelligence is extremely attractive, but it is necessary to take into account the ethical consequences and ensure that AI gets developed and used responsibly and usefully,” Pashinyan said.

At the same time, the Armenian PM said that people and their creative will and energy are behind every innovation, thus the development of human capital is highly important as well.

“We can endlessly argue on the Future of Eurasia topic, which is very interesting and multifaceted, but overall, the future of Eurasia will most likely be determined by the combination of economic and technological trends, and our success will depend on our ability to orientate in these challenges and opportunities,” Pashinyan added, noting that understanding of mutual interests, willingness to compromise, readiness to cooperate and engage in dialogue are the Eurasian region’s characteristic features that could become the key to solving many problems in the future.

Armenia can become unique regional hub of electrical energy – Pashinyan at Eurasian Congress

 15:06, 9 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 9, ARMENPRESS. Armenia can become a unique regional hub of electrical energy, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the Eurasian Congress in Sochi.

“The economic growth and activity indexes of Armenia create a favorable foundation for highly optimistic forecasts for both the current year and foreseeable future,” Pashinyan said, noting the “impressive” economic growth of Armenia.

GDP growth comprised 12,6% compared to 2021.

“This is the highest indicator since 2008,” he said, referring to the GDP growth.

“The growth in manufacturing, trade, including trade services and construction also contributed to this,” Pashinyan added.

Exports grew 77,7% in 2022, while exports to EEU countries tripled. 

“Sustainable growth is only possible in case of balance of the three main components, economic growth, social responsibility and environmental balance. Eurasia has huge potential for economic growth, and we must jointly carry out major projects in energy, digitization, logistics, climate agenda and other areas of mutual interest,” PM Pashinyan said.

The Armenian Premier said logistic security is among the most important factors for the development of economies in EEU countries. He added that ensuring energy security requires literate approach.

“Based on the current geopolitical realities, we need a new approach for energy agenda. Armenia is currently working in the direction of gradual liberalization of the electrical energy market, which creates new opportunities and favorable conditions for interstate electrical energy trade. We are developing our output capacity, carrying out major reconstruction of substations and transmission lines, the construction of the Armenia-Iran and Armenia-Georgia high-voltage lines, which contribute to the formation of the North-South electrical energy route and create new opportunities for electrical energy exports, imports, transit and seasonal exchange. Thus, Armenia can become a unique regional hub of electrical energy,” Pashinyan said.