Armenian metal smelting plant will continue its activities in the border area irrespective of Azerbaijan’s complaint

 17:38, 8 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. GTB Steel, which is building a smelting plant in the village of Yeraskh, Ararat Province, Republic of Armenia, issued a statement responding to the statement of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Azerbaijan that the construction and operation of the smelter will harm the environment of their country.

“Today, the press published the statement of the Ministry of Environment of Azerbaijan regarding the construction of the black metal scrap processing plant (smelter) in Yeraskh village, Ararat province of Armenia. The Ministry of Environment of Azerbaijan stated that the construction/operation of the smelter will harm the environment of their country.

Without giving much importance to the foregoing statement of Azerbaijan, however, taking the opportunity to provide more detailed information about our project to the Armenian society and based on our commitment to carry out transparent and accountable activities, "GTB Steel" LLC reports the following:

The owner of the smelter under construction is "GTB Steel" LLC, which applied in accordance with the RA legislation and received a positive conclusion on the impact on the environment from the national competent authority, the RA Ministry of Environment, with appropriate test requirements that meet all international standards. The conclusion confirmed that all modern technologies for the exclusion of negative impact on the environment will be implemented and all equivalent measures will be carried out. It should also be noted that the smelter is not in operation and is still under construction.

In addition to the foregoing, we inform that "GTB Steel" LLC will continue its activities in the border community of Yeraskh, which is so important for the Republic of Armenia, following all the requirements specified by the Armenian legislation, and for the benefit of the Republic of Armenia.

Perhaps, this is the reason for the reaction of the neighboring state. Despite of the above-mentioned actions with hostile motives, we are fully committed to continue our project in the border community of Yeraskh, which is highly important for the economy of the Republic of Armenia”, ARMENPRESS reports, reads the statement issued by GTB Steel.

The CSTO countries intend to increase the number of joint exercises

 17:51, 8 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. The Secretaries of the Security Councils of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) discussed security challenges and threats in the region at the meeting held in Minsk, ARMENPRESS reports, citing TASS.

"Directions of cooperation in the military and migration spheres, as well as in the information space, were outlined. The importance of increasing the number of CSTO military exercises at different levels”, the press service of the Security Council of the Russian Federation announced after the meeting.

The representatives of the CSTO countries paid special attention to the joint fight against international terrorism and extremism, strengthening the anti-terrorist potential of the organization. The Security Council of the Russian Federation noted that tasks were set to block the ways of recruiting citizens and traveling to different places to participate in terrorist activities.

"Taking into account the increase in terrorism threat in the immediate vicinity of CSTO's zones of responsibility, decisions were made regarding the implementation of a complex of operational and preventive measures," the press service added.

Armenian Minister, German Ambassador discuss the possibility of concluding a migration partnership agreement

 20:01, 8 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Internal Affairs of Armenia Vahe Ghazaryan received on June 8 Viktor Richter, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia. The issue of the possibility of concluding a migration partnership agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany was discussed at the meeting.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, welcoming the guest, Vahe Ghazaryan highly appreciated the effective bilateral cooperation between the two countries. He also referred to the close cooperation that is carried out in Armenia through the National Central Bureau of Interpol, as well as through the Criminal Police Liaison Officer of the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Referring to the construction of a new center for asylum seekers in Armenia, the Minister thanked the Federal Republic of Germany for the financial support provided for the construction of the shelter.

Noting that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia is at an important stage of reforms, Vahe Ghazaryan, on behalf of the European Union, expressed special thanks to international partners for providing multifaceted support.

Viktor Richter thanked for the warm reception. He particularly emphasized the cooperation formed in migration and other directions.

The possibility of concluding a migration partnership agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany was also discussed. The parties expressed readiness to continue and strengthen the effective bilateral cooperation.

Armenpress: The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan continues to spread disinformation. Ministry of Defense of Artsakh

 21:08, 8 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 8, ARMENPRESS. The message of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan that the units of the Artsakh Defense Army allegedly opened fire on the border between 11:25 and 18:40 on June 8 in the direction of Azerbaijani positions located in the occupied territories of Martuni, Askeran and Shushi regions of the Republic of Artsakh, does not correspond to reality.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, announcing the disruption of the engineering works allegedly being carried out in the direction of Martakert, Martuni, Askeran and Shushi, once again distorts the reality, trying to justify the possible cases of ceasefire violation by its units.

Asbarez: Capacity Crowd Marks 105th Anniversary of Armenian Independence

Capacity crowd joined in marking the 105th anniversary of Armenian Independence

11 New Members Join ARF Ranks

A capacity crowd of more than 600 community members turned out to mark the 105th anniversary of Armenian Independence on June 3 at Ferrahian School’s Avedissian Hall, for an event organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S. Central Committee.

The event featured famous Armenian singers Gaby Galoyan and Koko Tutunjian, who through their renditions of new and popular songs elevated the spirits of those in attendance.

Renowned singer Gaby Galoyan Patriotic and national singer Koko Tutunjian

The short program began with remarks by Ayana Hamamjian and Antranik Zobian who welcomed the guests and highlighted the spirit of May 28. They were followed by Sarkis Balkhian, who emphasized the important legacy of Armenian Independence and by drawing on the current situation embroiling Artsakh and Armenia stressed the critical need to preserve the principles of independence and self-determination.

Sarkis Bakhian Antranik Zobian and Ayana Hamamjian

The program also included a video presentation chronicling the history and legacy of Armenian Independence.

Prior to the gathering, during a separate ceremony at Ferrahian School’s Dickranian Hall, 11 new members joined the ranks of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation.

The hall was teeming with ARF members who had turned out to welcome the new members, who had completed a rigorous educational program, consisting of discussions about ARF history, ideology and the commitment to service to the Armenian Nation.

Officiating the ceremony was veteran ARF member Mardig Keushkerian, who in his remarks emphasized that key to serving the Armenian Nation as an ARF member is to have trust in one’s fellow “unger” and to work together to realize the goals of the organization.

“It is true that the ongoing political realities since Armenia’s second independence didn’t always go in our favor, especially as it relates to Artsakh; however, the ARF continues to remain unwavering and faithful to its mission of establishing a Free, United and Independent Armenia—a vision adopted by Armenia’s Parliament in 1919,” Keushkerian outlined in his remarks.

“The ARF is like a 133-year-old oak tree, while sometimes its leaves may fall, its roots remain unshakable and firmly embedded in the homeland, due in large part to its ranks and the unwavering conviction of its supporters,” added Keushkerian.

Dr. Harut Mkrtchyan delivered remarks on behalf of the ARF Western U.S. Central Committee and welcomed the new members to the ranks.

He explained that the new members took an oath to advance and honor the ARF Program, as it is that document that clearly denotes the ideology, principles and the crux of the organization.

“The ARF is not your typical party. It is an ideology in and of itself,” said Mkrtchyan.

He referred to the words of ARF leader Sarkis Zeitlian, who had said that ARF is a means to achieve our national aspirations and warned that the day the ARF becomes a goal rather than the means, it will turn into a sect.

“The ARF was borne from the people and in service to the Armenian people. It is patriotism and nationalism,” added Mkrtchyan.

Asbarez:Azerbaijan is Derailing Agreements, Yerevan Warns CSTO

Artsakh has been under a blockade since Dec. 12, 2022

Yerevan said Thursday that Azerbaijan is actively derailing agreements reached between the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia, among them the November 9, 2020 statement, which put an end to military actions after the Artsakh War.

Speaking at a summit of security council secretaries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, Armenia’s National Security chief Armen Grigoryan emphasized that Azerbaijan continued to use force in an attempt to derail agreements.

Grigoryan also reported on Azerbaijan’s continued blockade of the Lachin Corridor in Artsakh.

According to his press service, Grigoryan called on his colleagues to give an unambiguous and targeted assessment of the current situation in Nagorno Karabakh and take effective measures in order prevent the ethnic cleansing of 120,000 Armenians living in Nagorno Karabakh. 

He said that in this context creating an international mechanism ensuring the rights and security of the population in Nagorno Karabakh remains a priority for Armenia.

Grigoryan stressed that not acknowledging Azerbaijan aggression against Armenia’s sovereign territory and attempting to correlate that with not implementing the border delimitation process was groundless.

During the summit in Minsk, the security council leaders of CSTO member-states also discussed security challenges and regional threats, and decided to increase the number of joint military drills.

“Directions of cooperation in the military and migration spheres, as well as in the information space, were outlined. The importance of increasing the number of CSTO military exercises at different levels,” Russia’s security council said in a press statement, according to the Tass news agency.

The representatives of the CSTO countries paid special attention to the joint fight against international terrorism and extremism, strengthening the anti-terrorist potential of the organization.

“Taking into account the increase in terrorism threat in the immediate vicinity of CSTO’s zones of responsibility, decisions were made regarding the implementation of a complex of operational and preventive measures,” the statement added.

Armenia School Foundation to Mark 20th Anniversary with Fundraiser Art Show

GLENDALE—The Armenia School Foundation announced that it will be celebrating its 20th anniversary with a fundraiser art show. This special event, marked with a captivating art exhibition and a cocktail reception on June 22 and 23 at the Tufenkian Fine Arts Gallery, aims to celebrate the foundation’s two decades of empowering education and supporting the Armenian community.

Since its establishment in 2003, the Armenia School Foundation has been at the forefront of promoting educational opportunities and preserving Armenian cultural heritage. With the generous support of donors, volunteers, and community members, the foundation has made significant contributions to the development of Armenian schools, ensuring quality education for Armenian children and fostering a strong sense of cultural identity.

The 20th anniversary fundraiser art show will serve as a platform to raise vital funds for the foundation’s ongoing initiatives. The event will feature a remarkable collection of artworks from acclaimed Armenian artists, showcasing a diverse range of styles and themes. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty and creativity of Armenian art while supporting a noble cause.

The cocktail reception, scheduled on the 22 from 6 to 9 p.m., promises to be a memorable evening and provides a networking opportunity for individuals passionate about education, culture, and the Armenian community. The exhibition will be on view on June 23 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tufenkian Fine Arts Gallery is located at 216 S Louise St. Glendale, CA 91205.

“We are thrilled to celebrate our 20th anniversary with this special art show,” said Moneh Der Grigorian, a representative of the Armenia School Foundation. “Through the years, our foundation has worked tirelessly to provide educational opportunities for Armenian children, and this event allows us to reflect on our achievements while looking forward to a brighter future. We invite everyone to join us in this celebration of art, culture, and community.”

The 20th anniversary fundraiser art show is made possible through the collaboration of the Armenia School Foundation and numerous talented Armenian artists. The event is open to the public, and all proceeds will go directly towards supporting the foundation’s educational programs and initiatives.

For more information, please contact [email protected] or visit the Armenian School Foundation’s website or their Instagram and Facebook pages.

The Armenia School Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of education and the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage. Its main objective is to provide all children in Armenia and Artsakh with a safe and supportive learning environment. ASF has been working tirelessly to meet their goal by providing new furniture to schools to schools in Armenia and Artsakh. Through fundraising efforts and community support, the foundation works towards providing educational resources and improving the quality of education in Armenian schools.

AW: Helpless

Berdzor, Artsakh, 2018 (Photo: Varak Ghazarian)

Feeling silenced. Feeling like we have no control. It is not a matter of not having control, but rather an issue of not being organized around a united ideology. Of course, we will not have control if every person is out doing something without any unified organization. If we look back to 2018, it felt as if we were in control and were leaders of our own destiny. Why was that? Because everyone was unified in getting rid of the old corrupt Armenian governance and creating a new, democratic and free Armenia. Now, we must take advantage of that same ideology to rid the government that has given up on Artsakh to create a stronger, more unified Armenia. 

Enough of feeling powerless, of feeling we are helpless. We must all stand together to strengthen Armenia because the repercussions of the current government will be grand and long-lasting. They have created a fragile Armenia, incapable of withstanding the military presence surrounding us. Plenty of Armenians are tired of fighting for Artsakh and do not believe we should shed any more blood for Artsakh. However, they are dangerously wrong simply because Artsakh is Armenia and full of Armenians. Secondly, without Artsakh, Armenians will now be fighting on “Armenian” soil. Azerbaijan will continue its aggression, as it has indicated with its decade-long rhetoric of claiming Armenian lands such as Yerevan, Gegharkunik and Syunik to be Azerbaijani. That constitutes the majority of the Armenian population and a vast chunk of Armenia. It will not stop with Artsakh. Rather, it will only be the beginning of a much more dire situation for Armenians. It is time to wake up, unite and take control of our lives and our motherland. 

Armenians around the globe must unite under the common ideology of creating a stronger Armenia – an Armenia that will be able to withstand its invaders on its own through the creation of a military-industrial complex and the establishment of strong military allies. As for the common Armenian, in Armenia or the Diaspora, we all have our part to play in strengthening Armenia. We must identify how our skillsets can apply to the homeland and begin applying those skills with tangible work on the ground. We must connect with organizations on the ground in Armenia (Birthright Armenia, Repat Armenia, etc.) as there are plenty in nearly all fields and demand how we can be of assistance.

June 2, 2023

Varak Ghazarian is an Armenian-American from Los Angeles who attended a Armenian school his entire life. Upon his graduation from UC Berkeley, he volunteered in Armenia for year with Birthright Armenia. He spent time in Artsakh for a month, where he mentored teenagers in border villages about fundamental topics of health. He currently lives in Armenia, which has opened up a door of imagination that was closed off elsewhere.

Asbarez: City of Glendale Begins Exploring District-Based Elections

City of Glendale District-Based Elections announcement graphic

GLENDALE— The City of Glendale is pursuing its first City Council district formation process. The first public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, June 13 at 6 p.m. during its regularly planned City Council meetings located at 613 E. Broadway, in City Council Chambers. 

Currently, all registered voters in the City of Glendale have the ability to vote for all City Councilmembers in citywide elections. The proposed change to district-based elections will be put before voters on the March 2024 ballot. The City is considering a plan for six separate council districts and a directly elected Mayor. 

If this plan is approved by the voters, this would take effect beginning with Council elections starting in 2026. Voters would have the opportunity to elect one City Councilmember who lives in and is elected by voters in their district and all Glendale voters would also vote to select their next Mayor. 

To ensure each district has approximately the same number of residents, local governments use data from the most recent census to guide the establishment of districts. Members of the Glendale community are highly encouraged to participate in the districting process to ensure district lines respect neighborhoods, history, and geographic elements. 

Residents can get involved by attending public hearings and community workshops, sharing their thoughts on communities that should be kept together in a single district, submitting draft maps of proposed district lines, attending the public hearings, and subsequently providing feedback on other draft maps drawn by the community and National Demographics Corporation, the City’s professional demographer. 

As required by law, the City of Glendale will hold five public hearings. The first three have been scheduled: 

  • June 13 at 6 p.m. – First Public Hearing, Glendale City Council Chambers
  • July 11 at 6 p.m. – Second Public Hearing, Glendale City Council Chambers
  • August 15 at 6 p.m.  – Third Public Hearing, Glendale City Council Chambers

In addition, the City is hosting community workshops, virtually and in person, across Glendale to give residents an opportunity to learn more about the tools available to draw maps, ensure their community is fairly represented, and connect with others engaged in the district formation process. 

  • June 20 at 6:30 p.m. – Council in Your Neighborhood Pop-Up at Pacific Park
  • June 21 at 6:30 p.m. – Virtual via Zoom
  • Thursday, August 17 at 6:30 p.m. – Virtual via Zoom

Additional public hearings and workshops will be scheduled soon. Please refer to the Calendar webpage for meeting information. 

To help share information about the district formation process, gather maps drawn by the public, and collect public feedback, the City of Glendale has launched a dedicated district formation website. The website includes background information about district formation, a schedule outlining public meetings and draft map submission deadlines, frequently asked questions, resources for drawing maps, and details on how to get directly involved in the district formation process. As the process moves forward in the coming months, the City of Glendale will continue to update the website to include additional information on upcoming meetings and events. 

To view specific workshop dates and locations and to learn more about districting, visit the MapGlendale website. Please send any questions, comments, and map suggestions to [email protected], or contact the City by phone at (818) 548-4844 and press option 1.

Glendale, known as the “Jewel City,” is one of the largest cities in Los Angeles County. With a population of about 200,000, Glendale is a thriving cosmopolitan city that is rich in history, culturally diverse, and offers limitless opportunities. It is the home to a vibrant business community, with major companies in healthcare, entertainment, manufacturing, retail, and banking.

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