Azerbaijan provides information to the ECHR regarding 2 kidnapped Armenian servicemen

 17:44, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. On June 7, the Office of the Representative for International Legal Matters of Armenia received information from the European Court of Human Rights regarding the two Armenian servicemen submitted by Azerbaijan to the European Court, including medical documents and details of detention conditions.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the message issued by the Office of the Representative on International Legal Matters, Armenia will present its position regarding the information and documents provided by Azerbaijan within the deadline set by the European Court, until June 16.

On May 26, the armed forces of Azerbaijan invaded the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia and abducted 2 Armenian servicemen who were delivering food to combat positions. Fake criminal cases were initiated against the kidnapped Armenian servicemen in Azerbaijan, presenting them as "saboteurs".

Alen Simonyan, Speaker of the UK House of Lords discuss sectoral cooperation issues

 18:20, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan met with Lord McFall, the Speaker of the UK House of Lords. The Vice President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan also took part in the meeting.

Reference was made to 30-year achievements of the establishment of diplomatic relations, the further work to be done aimed at boosting bilateral ties. The interlocutors discussed the opportunities of deepening and expanding the profile cooperation and the upcoming programmes. The steps directed to the advancement of the joint agenda were considered as key ones.

The sides highlighted the development and expansion of bilateral cooperation, exchanged ideas on the Armenian-British inter-parliamentary relations. In this context the activeness of the coordinated work of friendship groups was underscored.

I urge Azerbaijan to respect the decision of the international court, immediately open the Lachin corridor. Michael Roth

 18:45, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag Michael Roth urges Azerbaijan to respect the decision of the International Court of Justice and immediately open the Lachin Corridor, ARMENPRESS reports, Roth told the journalists in Yerevan.

"I urge all responsible political figures in Azerbaijan to respect the decision of the international court and immediately open the Lachin Corridor," Roth said.

He said that during his visit to Armenia, he met displaced women from Karabakh, stressing that Germany considers the separation of family members for a long time as a gross violation of human rights.

"Ethnic cleansing should never be allowed to take place in Nagorno-Karabakh," he emphasized.

The visa liberalization process should take place as quickly as possible. Michael Roth

 19:35, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag Michael Roth emphasizes the deepening of both political and economic relations with Armenia, in this context, the visa liberalization process as well, ARMENPRESS reports, Roth expressed such a position in a conversation with journalists after a series of meetings held in Yerevan. He emphasized that Armenia is a European state and if it expresses desire to become a member of the European community, then they should actively support Armenia on that path, it should be Armenia's free will.

"We want to deepen both political and economic relations with Armenia. And in this context, we also emphasize the visa liberalization process, which should take place as quickly as possible," Roth said.

We hope Azerbaijan will also agree to implement EU mission on its side, but have not received optimistic signals – Roth

 19:25, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag Michael Roth hopes that Azerbaijan will also agree to the activities of the EU civilian mission on the Azerbaijani side, but no optimistic signals have been received in this regard, ARMENPRESS reports, Roth said this in a conversation with journalists in Yerevan.

"We are grateful to the Armenian government for inviting the EU civilian mission to carry out its monitoring in Armenia. We are happy to state that the EU mission will expand its activities in the near future. And we fully hope that the Azerbaijani side will also agree to the activity of such a mission on the Azerbaijani side," said Roth.

However, as for the establishment of such a mission on the Azerbaijani side, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag said that they did not receive any optimistic signals from Azerbaijan, although they consider that the issue of peace and stability is not only Armenia’s issue.

"Azerbaijan should also become a participant in universal regional security and stabilization of peace. This is a proposal that we present to the parties and are waiting for their response," he said.

Michael Roth informs that Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations will continue with the participation of Germany and France

 20:20, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag Michael Roth informs that the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan will continue in various formats, including with the participation and inclusion of the EU, France and Germany, ARMENPRESS reports, Roth said at a press conference held in Yerevan.

"In the near future, intense negotiations will take place in Washington. Those negotiations will continue in various formats with the participation and inclusion of the EU, France and Germany," Roth said.

Referring to the question regarding the participation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the recent five-party meeting in Chisinau, he said that the main actor is the EU, all the paperwork is carried out by the European Union in the person of President of the European Council Charles Michel.

"We, as two medium-sized European countries, are simply part of that great commitment of the European Union. And we would like to make our modest contribution to the peace process," he said.

Roth also noted that the participation of the German Chancellor in that process received quite positive reactions among the Armenian community.

Germany expects immediate release of Armenian POWs kept in Azerbaijan

 20:28, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. Germany expects that the Armenian prisoners of war held in Baku will be immediately released as part of the peace negotiations, ARMENPRESS reports, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the German Bundestag Michael Roth said at the press conference held in Yerevan.

"We expect that the Armenian prisoners of war held in Baku will be immediately released as part of the peace negotiations, and that the territorial integrity of Armenia will be unconditionally recognized as a result of the border demarcation process," Roth said.

Michael Roth had a number of meetings within the framework of his visit to Armenia, and also visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial.

Armenpress: Armenia is determined to prosper in a safe and peaceful region – Alen Simonyan

 21:15, 7 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 7, ARMENPRESS. The delegation led by the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan is on a three-day working visit in the United Kingdom. During the visit, in honour of the delegation led by the President of the parliament of Armenia, on behalf of the Speaker of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom Sir Lindsay Hoyle there was an official reception. Sir Lindsay Hoyle welcomed the visit of the delegation of Armenia and noted that Armenia and the United Kingdom are good partners and gave the floor to Alen Simonyan. The speech of the President of the Parliament of Armenia reads as follows,

“The Right Honorable Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Your Excellency,

Distinguished members of the House of Commons,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First and foremost, may I express my thanks for the invitation to visit the United Kingdom. My belief is that such visits are vitally important and contribute to mutual understanding and expanded cooperation.  My desire is to paint a fuller picture of the situation in Armenia for the British side.

We highly value the close cooperation between Armenia and the United Kingdom and hope to strengthen our relationship through our joint efforts in all areas of shared interest.

We are most pleased to welcome the announcement of the launch of the Strategic Dialogue between Armenia and the UK, and hope that it will open a new era in our bilateral relations.

Let me underscore the importance of the legal framework of our relations. In this regard, the finalization of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) is of paramount importance.

For the world, the prospect of a post-Soviet state embracing true, democratic elections and rejecting the Orwellian farce that takes place under the guise of democracy must be, to say the least, surprising. Yet, with pride, I affirm that this is exactly the course Armenia has taken. 

Despite the problems we face, we are unwavering in our belief that democracy is the best political structure to unleash human potential in its multifarious forms.

Now, let me focus on the developments in Armenia. As you may know, in 2018, the Velvet Revolution took place in our country. Through this nonviolent act, the Armenian people decided on their future, rejected the Soviet-minded authorities that had governed our country for more than two decades, and, in free elections, chose a new parliament  to protect their interests and those of our state. Armenia is fully committed to further democratic reforms in all areas of political and e conomic life, including the armed forces and judiciary. Even following the horrible 44-day war in 2020, our people voted in snap elections for the current authorities, believing that they were the only force to steer them on the path of democracy, a journey to secure fundamental rights and freedoms, an inclusive society, and prosperity for all.

Declaring in recent resolutions that Armenia has implemented  measures in accord with the CEPA roadmap, the European Parliament  commends Armenia’s evolution. It  observes that the country’s fight against crime and corruption has made it among  the safest countries in the region.  Moreover, our country is cited for its empowerment of women, particularly in the context of decision-making at all levels.  

On the subject of democratic reform s , the resolutions emphasize the substantial progress the country has made since 2018, characterizing the country as a regional leader in democracy. The last two elections, in particular, were celebrated. The European Parliament recognized the efforts to safeguard the integrity of the political finance system and enhance the transparency and accountability of political parties. 

In its most recent report, Freedom House, too, noted the democratic gains our country made in 2022, highlighting progress in the NGO and media spheres and observing that it was the only country in the Nations in Transit   that advanced on more than one indicator. The report also acknowledged the formidable challenges our country faces in the form of a hostile neighbo u r.

True, much remains to be done. However, the Armenian government is clear in its vision and steadfast in its resolve to accomplish the mission entrusted to it. Armenia is determined to thrive in a secure and peaceful region, independent of any external threats.  We have no territorial claims on our neighbo u rs. We seek to defend our sovereignty and provide security for our country. These are our core principles and the essence of our mandate.

But we aspire to more.  

We see Armenia as a crossroad with vast, untapped potential – a land linking east and west, a land of trade and commerce through which peoples connect and hostilities abate, a land where a brilliant new human tapestry is woven. 

I thank you for your kind attention. ”

Asbarez: Bass and Krekorian Renew Call for Biden to End Artsakh Blockade

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass (center) and City Council President Paul Krekorian appealed to President Biden

Call for U.S. Humanitarian Aid and Diplomatic Recognition to Artsakh

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and City Council President Paul Krekorian have written, for a second time, to President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling for strong U.S. action to end the criminal blockade of the Lachin Corridor, to provide humanitarian aid to the suffering people of Artsakh, and to extend full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Artsakh.

The letter, dated June 7, was also sent to the chairs and Ranking Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and the USAID Administrator.

“If the United States does not rise to the defense of the vulnerable Armenian population in their ancient homeland, there is a greave risk of genocide in the region. The dictator of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, has threatened the expulsion or destruction of the indigenous Armenian population from the territory he claims — and his claims extend far beyond the internationally recognized borders of his own country,” warned Bass and Krekorian.

The United States must clearly demonstrate its commitment to democracy and global stability by coming to the aid of the people of Artsakh and sending the territorial integrity of Armenia,” the Los Angeles leaders said.

Below is the complete text of the Bass-Krekorian letter.

We are writing one again to call for meaningful American action to bring relief to the besieged people of Artsakh. Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin Corridor threatens 120,000 men, women and children with death and expulsion from their ancestral homeland. The United States must act to curb Azerbaijan’s continuing acts of aggression against Armenia and the indigenous Armenian population of the Republic of Artsakh.

If the United States does not rise to the defense of the vulnerable Armenian population in their ancient homeland, there is a greave risk of genocide in the region. The dictator of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, has threatened the expulsion or destruction of the indigenous Armenian population from the territory he claims — and his claims extend far beyond the internationally recognized borders of his own country.

In their unprovoked attack on Artsakh in September 2020, Azeri forces destroyed civilian infrastructure and deliberately targeted cultural and historic sites, including churches and a cathedral where civilians sought shelter from bombardment, Azerbaijan has continue to destroy Armenian churches, school, cemeteries and monuments with the intent to eradicate the history of the Armenian people in a land where they have lived for thousands of years.

Azerbaijan renewed its attacks on Armenia itself in September 2022, shelling civilian areas, occupying Armenian territory, executing prisoners and mutilating the bodies of female combatants. Azerbaijan continue to hold Armenians prisoners of war as hostages to this day.

Since we last wrote to you, the indigenous Armenian population of Artsakh are continuing to face a slow death through starvation and the lack of medical care. Thus unfolding humanitarian catastrophe is the result of a blockade instigated by Azerbaijan, with the support of Russian troops, who are essentially holding the people of Artsakh hostage by siege. This illegal blockade has been in place for nearly six months.

The United States, through Secretary Blinken and Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield, has called for an end to this blockade. But these demands must be met with strong actions to secure a lasting peace, particularly when Russia seeks to advance its own anti-Western and anti-democratic regional goals.

The United States must clearly demonstrate its commitment to democracy and global stability by coming to the aid of the people of Artsakh and sending the territorial integrity of Armenia. That immediate and unambiguous response should include the following measures:

  • The United States must supply immediate humanitarian aid to the people of Artsakh who are now suffering from the illegal blockade of of the Lachin Corridor imposed by Azerbaijan with the complicity of Russia;
  • The United States must take real action to end the unlawful blockade of the Lachin Corridor and curb Azeri aggression. The United must fully enforce Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act without Presidential waiver and must immediately discontinue all arms transfers to Azerbaijan;
  • The time has come for the United States to extend full diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Artsakh as an independent democratic state.

We are the executive and legislative leaders of the second largest city in Armenia, and home to the most significant community of diaspora Armenians in the world. We look forward to receiving your assurance that the United States will not stand idly by while an aggressive dictatorship pursues a genocidal policy against its democratic neighbors.

Azerbaijan Continues to Occupy Territories in Armenia, Local Officials Warn

Armenia's Gegharkunik Province after Azerbaijani attacks in September, 2022

The governors of three provinces of Armenia bordering Azerbaijan warned that Azerbaijan continues to occupy the sovereign territories of Armenia since its aggressive breach of Armenia’s borders beginning in May, 2021.

“Azerbaijan must pull back from our sovereign territory. This is an unequivocal stance,” Syunik Governor Ghukasyan said at a press briefing Tuesday.

He added that as a result of Azerbaijan’s breach of Armenia’s sovereign borders, local farmers have lost their farms near the Tegh village.

Tegh City Councilmember Massis Zeinalyan told on Wednesday that residents of the Tegh region have not been able to return to their homes since Azerbaijan launched an aggressive attack there in late March of this year.

After that attack, residents were taken aback to find that Azerbaijani forces have set of military posts on their wheat field. Zeinalyan said that despite assurances by some government officials, the fact remains that residents of Tegh have not been able to return to their lands and they remain occupied by Azerbaijanis.

The Tavush Province governor Hayk Ghalumyan echoed the same concerns when speaking to reporters on Tuesday, explaining that some 950 hectares (more than 2,300 acres) continue to remain under Azerbaijani control.

The governor of the Gegharkunik Province, Karen Sargsyan, told reporters on Tuesday that sporadic Azerbaijani attacks on Armenian positions continue on a daily basis.

Similar attacks were reported on Tuesday by Armenia’s Defense Ministry.

Sargsyan said that the Sock Gold Mine, the main source of employment for local residents, has ceased operations in the exposed section of the mine due to safety concerns.

“Work in the mine’s open section is suspended due to safety precautions, but the work continues in the closed section. The Sotk mine is working partially,” Sargsyan said.