Armenian Speaker of Parliament visits United Kingdom

 17:17, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan is leading a delegation to London, United Kingdom on June 6-9.

Simonyan is traveling to the UK capital together with his deputy, MP Ruben Rubinyan, the Parliament Majority Leader MP Hayk Konjoryan (Civil Contract faction), MP Sona Ghazaryan (Civil Contract faction) and MP Artur Khachatryan (Hayastan faction).

Azerbaijani military opens fire at Armenian engineering equipment in Gegharkunik Province

 17:18, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani military opened fire at Armenian equipment carrying out engineering work in the section of Kakhakn, Gegharkunik.

The shooting occurred at 15:45 on June 6, the Armenian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

The Armenian side did not suffer losses.

“As of 17:00 the situation on the frontline was relatively stable,” the ministry added.

Arayik Harutyunyan chairs the first session of the Board of Trustees of the "Academic City" Foundation

 19:15, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. Chaired by Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the "Academic City" Foundation Arayik Harutyunyan, the first meeting of the Board was held today, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Government.

Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Zhanna Andreasyan, Minister of Finance Vahe Hovhannisyan, Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Armen Ghularyan, Chairman of the Cadastre Committee Suren Tadevosyan, Acting Director of the "Academic City" Foundation Armen Simonyan participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, Armen Simonyan was elected the director of the "Academic City" Foundation, and Tatev Danielyan was elected the secretary of the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the "Academic City" Foundation.

At the meeting, issues related to the activities of the Board and the organization of construction works of the Academic City were discussed.

The Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister emphasized that the construction of the Academic City is one of the most important projects of the government, and in that context, attached importance to the consistent and coordinated work of the relevant structures.

An agreement was reached to continue the discussions and to clarify the upcoming tasks according to the timetable.

Armenpress: Azerbaijan violates the ceasefire in several directions of the contact line with Artsakh

 20:20, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. On June 6, between 11:00 and 17:30, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire in the central, eastern and southeastern directions of the contact line by using small firearms.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Artsakh, the Armenian side has no losses.

The ceasefire violations were reported to the command of the Russian peacekeeping troops.

Asbarez: Gyumri’s Shirvanian Youth Center Hosts Visiting Sponsors Alice and Vahik Petrossian

Alice and Vahik Petrossian with recipients of the “Mina Shirvanian” scholarship

The Shirvanian Youth Center in Gyumri, Armenia on May 27 hosted the sponsors of the center, Alice and Vahik Petrossian. During the visit, they met with the recipients of the “Mina Shirvanian” nominal scholarship, discussed their volunteering work, future plans, and their successes achieved thus far.

The volunteers discussed their educational process, the challenges they face, and the ways in which they overcome them. Alice and Vahik Petrossian expressed their desire for all the students to stay in their hometown of Gyumri after graduating from school.

New ideas were discussed during the meeting with Director of AEF’s Yerevan office Armine Haroyan. Neshan and Rubina Peroomian, who are the sponsors of the AEF center, were also present during the meeting and had the opportunity to speak with the volunteers as well.

It should also be noted that, with the assistance of Alice and Vahik Petrosyan, 10 students received the “Mina Shirvanian” scholarship in the form of a full tuition fee in 2022-23.

On that very day, it was announced that the center would hold an Open House for the 2023-24 “Mina Shirvanian” scholarship competition for those interested in applying and to discuss the activities of the center with the community. Afterwards, the Shirvanian Youth Center’s volunteers went around the city and presented the youth with information about the scholarship and the application process.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 06/06/2023

                                        Tuesday, June 7, 2023

Armenian Inflation Falls Sharply

        • Robert Zargarian

Armenia -- Shoppers at a supermarket in Yerevan.

Annual inflation in Armenia fell from 8.6 percent in 2022 to just 1.3 percent in 
May this year amid significant drops in the prices of some food products and 
fuel, according to government data.

The Armenian Statistical Committee said on Monday that the national food price 
index was 2.1 percent down from May 2022, reflecting a worldwide trend. The 
government agency recorded roughly 20 percent decreases in the prices of 
vegetables, wheat and cooking oil. Fuel prices in the country likewise plummeted 
by an average of 25 percent year on year, it said.

This was offset by further sizable rises in the cost of services, clothing and 
other consumer goods. The continuing robust growth of the Armenian economy 
suggests that consumer demand for them remains strong.

Most people randomly interviewed on the streets of Yerevan on Tuesday said that 
they have not yet felt the effects of falling inflation on their well-being.

“Things are still expensive, very expensive, compared with last year,” one of 
them told RFE/RL’s Armenian Service.

“The cost of living has gone up,” complained another Yerevan resident.

“Inflationary pressures remain … and I think this explains why the Central Bank 
is in no rush to soften its [monetary] policy,” said Narek Karapetian, an 
independent economist.

The Armenian Central Bank has raised its benchmark refinancing rate by a total 
of 625 basis points since December 2020 in an effort to curb rising inflation. 
Despite expecting the inflation rate to remain below its annual target of 4 
percent in the months ahead, the bank has so far indicated no plans to cut the 

Armenian Gold Mine ‘Partially Operational’ Despite Azeri Gunfire

ARMENIA -- An Armenian army post just outside the Sotk gold mine on the border 
with Azerbaijan, June 18, 2021.

A senior Armenian official said on Tuesday that the country’s largest gold mine 
has not been fully shut down despite the recent cessation of open-pit operations 
there blamed on cross-border fire from Azerbaijan.

The Sotk mine, which employs more than 700 people and is located on the volatile 
border with Azerbaijan, was seriously affected by an upsurge in skirmishes 
between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in mid-April. Its employees say that 
they have since repeatedly come under fire and been evacuated after trying to 
return to work.

In a statement issued last week, the Russian-owned company GPM Gold operating 
the mine announced that due to the continuing gunfire it has decided to “stop 
the operation of the open-pit mine” and put many of its workers on unpaid leave.

“We all knew that the open-pit section of the Sotk mine is going to be closed in 
the coming months,” said Karen Sargsian, the governor of Armenia’s Geghakunik 
province encompassing Sotk. “But due to the recent security problems its 
operations there were halted [earlier than planned.] But the operations continue 
at the underground section.”

“The Sotk mine is partially working,” Sargsian told journalists in Yerevan. He 
did not say how many GPM Gold workers have retained their jobs.

The GPM Gold statement said nothing about the switch to underground mining at 
Sotk which was predicted by an Armenian deputy minister of local government and 
infrastructures earlier in May.

The company, which is part of Russia’s GeoProMining metals group, had already 
lost control over a large part of the mountainous area’s gold deposits following 
the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh and the resulting Armenian withdrawal from the 
Kelbajar district bordering Sotk. This appears to explain why total taxes paid 
by it plummeted from 20.8 billion drams ($53 million) in 2021 to just 3.2 
billion drams in 2022.

U.S. To Host More Armenian-Azeri Talks

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

U.S. - U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken hosts talks betewen the Armenian 
and Azerbaijani foreign minsters in Arlington, May 4, 2023.

The Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers will meet again in Washington 
next week for further U.S.-mediated talks on a peace treaty between their 

“We look forward to hosting another round of talks in Washington later this 
month as the parties continue to pursue a peaceful future for the South Caucasus 
region,” a U.S. State Department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said on Monday.

European Council President Charles Michel announced the Washington talks, 
scheduled for June 12, right after last Thursday’s meeting of Armenian Prime 
Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev that took place 
in Moldova’s capital Chisinau. Michel indicated that their foreign ministers 
will prepare for another Armenian-Azerbaijani summit which he will host in 
Brussels on July 21.

Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov 
reported major progress towards the Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty during 
four-day negotiations held outside Washington one month ago.

Aliyev and Pashinian tried to build on that progress when they held a trilateral 
meeting with Michel on May 14. The Armenian leader confirmed afterwards that he 
is ready to sign a peace deal that will uphold Azerbaijani sovereignty over 

The three men were joined by French President Emmanuel Macron and German 
Chancellor Olaf Scholz during the subsequent talks in Chisinau. They reported no 
concrete agreements.

The secretary of Armenia’s Security Council, Armen Grigorian, said over the 
weekend that the peace deal could be signed before the end of this year.

Hakob Badalian, a Yerevan-based political analyst, cautioned on Tuesday that 
despite Pashinian’s effective recognition of Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan the 
conflicting sides have yet to eliminate other sticking points. He argued that 
they still disagree on practical modalities of delimiting the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani border, an international framework for a dialogue between 
Baku and Karabakh’s leadership and international guarantees for the sides’ 
compliance with the peace treaty.

Baku’s approach to the border delimitation is very different from Yerevan’s, 
Badalian said, questioning Aliyev’s readiness to recognize Armenia’s territorial 

Mirzoyan admitted on Monday that Aliyev has still not publicly offered such 
recognition. “I hope that Azerbaijan’s leadership will come up with such words 
soon,” the foreign minister told the Armenian parliament.

Armenian opposition leaders say that Baku is reluctant to recognize Armenia’s 
existing borders even after Pashinian’s far-reaching concession on the status of 
Karabakh strongly condemned by them.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


Fwd: The California Courier Online, June 8, 2023

The California
Courier Online, June 8, 2023


1-         Advice to
Aliyev: Continue

            Destroying Azerbaijan’s

            By Harut

The California



2-         PM Nikol
Pashinyan Attends Inauguration Ceremony

            of Turkish
President Erdogan

3-         Commentary:

            ‘At Least
They Know’: Memorial Day for America,

            Years of
Mourning for Armenia

4-         Smithsonian
Trustee Amanda Quinn Olivar

Archives of American Art Event



1-         Advice to
Aliyev: Continue

            Destroying Azerbaijan’s

            By Harut

            Publisher, The California Courier



Even though Azerbaijan,
with the help of Turkish and Israeli weapons and hired Islamic terrorists, won
the 2020 Artsakh War, Pres. Aliyev has been destroying his country’s international

With his barbaric actions during and since the war, Aliyev
has undermined the interests of Azerbaijan.
As a result, he has made himself a hated pariah and the laughing stock of the
entire world. While Russia
is cuddling him for its own political interests, the West is tolerating him to
benefit from Azerbaijan’s
oil and gas.

I am very pleased that Aliyev is doing so many negative
things in the eyes of not only Armenians, but also the entire world.

There are many examples of Aliyev’s misdeeds. Here are some
of them:

During the 2020 war, Azeri soldiers committed barbaric acts
that violate the international law, such as: beheading captured Armenian
soldiers and civilians, mutilating their bodies, torturing them, trying the
captives in court and sentencing them to lengthy jail terms.

In violation of international conventions, Azerbaijan used
banned cluster and phosphorous bombs to kill Armenian soldiers during the 2020

systematically destroyed and defaced hundreds of Armenian cultural monuments
and desecrated dozens of Armenian churches in Artsakh in violation of the Hague
Convention on “the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed

continues to violate the ceasefire agreement signed by Pashinyan, Aliyev and
Putin at the end of the 2020 war. Here are some examples: Not releasing many of
the Armenian Prisoners of War, shooting at civilians in Artsakh, occupying
parts of the territory of the Republic
of Armenia, taking new Armenian
hostages, and threatening Armenia
and Artsakh with further attacks if they do not comply with Azerbaijan’s

Aliyev has dehumanized and demonized Armenians by describing
them with vile adjectives, such as “leeches” and “wild animals.” In 2005,
during the visit of a German delegation, the Mayor of Baku, Hajibala
Abutalybov, shamelessly told them: “Our goal is the complete elimination of
Armenians. You, Nazis, already eliminated the Jews in the 1930s and 1940s,
right? You should be able to understand us.”

Aliyev dispatched dozens of fake eco-activists to block the
Lachin Corridor during the last six months, depriving 120,000 Artsakhtsis of
food and medicines. These so-called eco-activists were more like
eco-terrorists. Azerbaijan
then placed a checkpoint at the Lachin Corridor further violating the 2020

In addition, Azerbaijan
periodically cuts off the Internet and electricity of the Artsakh population,
keeping them isolated, in the dark and without heat in freezing temperatures.

Instead of a simple transit road, Azerbaijan
repeatedly demands a corridor to cross from eastern Azerbaijan
to Nakhichevan, which implies Azeri sovereignty over Armenia’s territory, in violation
of 2020 agreement. By insisting on the Corridor, Aliyev is actually delaying Azerbaijan’s access to Nakhichevan through Armenia.

Aliyev declares that all of the territory of the Republic of Armenia
is ‘Western Azerbaijan.’ This is sheer
nonsense. Whereas Artsakh and Armenia
are thousands of years old, Azerbaijan
did not exist until a century ago.

Aliyev made the ridiculous pledge that Artsakhtsis will live
under Azerbaijani rule just like all of its other citizens who are also
repressed. Artsakhtsis remember well their barbaric mistreatment by Azerbaijan.
Blockading them now shows how much worse they will be treated in the future.

Aliyev repeatedly urges Armenia
to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan.
Any treaty signed by Azerbaijan
is a meaningless piece of paper as we see from Aliyev’s violations of the 2020

To make matters worse, State Dept. spokesman Matthew Miller
welcomed Aliyev’s outrageous statement that he will give amnesty to all Artsakh
officials who resign. Instead, Miller should have condemned Aliyev’s
unacceptable threats to invade Armenia
and Artsakh.

Aliyev dismissed the demands of scores of world leaders and
international organizations as well as the UN Security Council, the World Court and
European Court of Human Rights to release the Armenian POWs and unblock the
Lachin Corridor.

After the 2020 war, Azerbaijan
established a racist Military Trophies Park
in Baku,
displaying wax models of Armenian soldiers with hooked noses and distorted
faces. After complaints and condemnations by the international community, the
exhibit was closed down.

In February 2004, an Azeri soldier, Ramil Safarov, used an
axe to chop the head of a sleeping Armenian soldier in Hungary during
a NATO program. In return for Azerbaijan
loaning Hungary several
billion dollars, Safarov was released prematurely with the understanding that
he will serve the rest of his life sentence in a Baku jail. However, Aliyev welcomed Safarov
as a national hero, pardoned him, promoted him to the rank of major, and gave
him a free apartment and eight years of back pay. This is Azerbaijan’s
compensation to Safarov for committing a cold blooded murder.

As a result of all these war crimes, Aliyev has destroyed
his and Azerbaijan’s
reputation around the world. He should be arrested and tried by the
International Criminal Court as a war criminal.

Despite Aliyev’s reprehensible actions, world powers keep
closing their eyes ignoring his many crimes, blinded by Azerbaijan’s
oil and gas.


2-         PM Nikol Pashinyan Attends
Inauguration Ceremony

            of Turkish
President Erdogan


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan attended the inauguration ceremony of Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday, June 3 in Ankara, the government announced. This is the
first time Armenia’s
top leader has attended an inauguration of a Turkish president. In 2014, Armenia’s then foreign minister, Edward
Nalbandian, represented Armenia
at Erdogan’s first inauguration as president.

Pashinyan was welcomed at the airport by Ambassador Serdar
Kilic, Turkey’s special
envoy for normalization with Armenia.
Later, Pashinyan was welcomed by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu at
the presidential complex.

Pashinyan was photographed warmly embracing Erdogan and
exchanging laughs with Azerbaijan’s
leader Ilham Aliyev.

“The Republic
of Armenia has received
an invitation to take part in Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
swearing-in ceremony,” said the Armenian government’s press office in advance
of the inauguration. “Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will leave for Ankara on June 3 to take
part in the ceremony.”

The short statement did not specify whether the invitation
was personally addressed to Pashinyan.

The prime minister was accompanied on this trip by Ruben
Rubinyan, Armenia’s
special envoy for normalization.

President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan was among the some 20
leaders from countries around the world who attended the ceremony.

According to government sources a meeting between Pashinyan
and Aliyev did not take place.

Erdogan and Pashinyan met in October in Prague on the margins of a European summit.


3-         Commentary:

            ‘At Least
They Know’: Memorial Day for America,

            Years of
Mourning for Armenia


            By Varoujan
Der Simonian


“At least they know…” said the caller, tears in her voice
toward the end of our conversation. 

A Fresno
resident called me to share her grief at finding her nephew, David
Hampartsumyans, late Friday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend. David has been a
Prisoner of War (POW) in Baku,
since September 2020. He was seen as a captive on Azeri TV news shortly after.
But since then, his whereabouts remain unknown.

David is one of some 120 POWs held in Azerbaijan since the end of the unprovoked war
on Armenia.
Armed with the latest military drone technologies, and using cluster and
phosphorus bombs, aided by several other nations, including Turkey and ISIS,
Azerbaijan attacked Armenia, causing over 4,000 death and 7,000 severely
wounded (or amputated) service members.

My thoughts over the weekend were with soldiers missing in

On Memorial Day, we honor and mourn military personnel who
have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. We express gratitude
and profound respect for every soldier who fought to protect and sustain our
freedom and way of life. We lower our nation’s flag and place hundreds of
thousands on gravesites at cemeteries nationwide. The flags represent the
spirits of the soldiers who have sacrificed for our country, resurrected for a
day, reminding us that our freedom is their legacy. 

It is a moving scene to observe a mourning person in front
of the gravesite of their loved one, musing or even touching the cold
tombstone—a private and solemn moment connecting the spirits, memories, and
feelings of a living and deceased individual. When all is quiet, the two remain

Recently I witnessed such trauma at the Yeraplur Veterans
Cemetery in Armenia.

William Saroyan, Fresno’s
most famous native son, himself a WW II Veteran, once wrote: “I cannot see the
war as historians see it. There is no such thing as a soldier. I see death as a
private event, the destruction of the universe in the brain and the sense of
one man, and I cannot see any man’s death as a contributing factor in the
success or failure of a military campaign.”

“At least they know…” keeps ringing in my ears.

Knowing that your loved one has made the ultimate sacrifice
is one thing, but it is an agonizing grievance if your soldier is a POW and
their whereabouts are unknown. You have no news from them. You do not know if
they are being tortured, alive, or dead. You do not know to mourn or anticipate
that one day they will be set free.

During the past two years, David’s aunt and I had several
conversations. Her efforts with the highest levels of the Armenian Government
have been to no avail. In the fall of 2022, her Representative, Coney Conway
(redistricted to Tom McClintock), wrote a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken
urging the Secretary to interfere with the Azeri authorities. The Department of
State has yet to reply.

Washington, Brussels, and Moscow
holding a peace banner for the region, are catering to the Turkish and Azeri
interests for oil and natural gas flow to Europe.

They are courting the Prime Minister of Armenia to give up
the democratically governed historically Armenian province
of Artsakh, instead, placing it under
the autocratic regime of Azerbaijan,
which since December of last year imposed a total blockade on 120,000 Armenians
of Artsakh—not allowing movement of people in and out of the area. None of them
has raised the fundamental issue of POWs. 

What type of peace are we discussing when the so-called
power centers cannot even get the Azeries to release the POWs held in
captivity, violating international law?

Varoujan Der Simonian is the Director of the Armenian Museum
Museum of Fresno.



4-         Smithsonian
Trustee Amanda Quinn Olivar

Archives of American Art Event


Amanda Quinn Olivar, who serves on the Board of Trustees at
the Smithsonian’s Archives of American Art, hosted the research center on May
21 to celebrate the appointment of its new director Anne Helmreich.

The event was held at the home of Amanda’s twin sister
Jennifer Quinn Gowey and brother-in-law Eric Gowey. The Beverly Hills home was featured in David
Hockney’s 1968 painting “American Collectors” (Fred and Marcia Weisman) that is
part of the collection of The Art Institute of Chicago. Approximately 100
people were in attendance, including Amanda and Jennifer’s mother – renowned
art collector and patron Joan Agajanian Quinn – as well as many Los
Angeles-based artists such as Chaz Bojórquez, Woods Davy, Laddie John Dill,
Shepard Fairey, Jim Ganzer, Yolanda Gonzalez, Alex Hedison (the spouse of
actress Jodie Foster and daughter of late Armenian-American performer David
Hedison), George Herms, Charles Hill, Pamela Smith Hudson, Andy Moses, Claudia
Parducci, Astrid Preston, Joey Terrill, and Elyn Zimmerman..

“The Archives of American Art has answers to vital questions
about why art and artists matter,” said Helmreich. “Our collections contain
profound stories that will help future generations understand who we are and
how we got here. As we look to the future, the Archives will continue to
collect to reflect the breadth of the American experience and to develop
innovative programming that connects with new audiences, powering future

“It was a privilege to welcome friends and family into my
sister’s home to introduce our new director Anne Helmreich and to celebrate all
the great work the Archives of American Art does in preserving artist’s stories
in their own voices! I’ve been involved with the Archives for a few years. It
means so much to me and has always been essential for my own research. The
Archives is an outstanding resource, and I can’t wait for everyone to tap into
what we have to offer,” said Olivar.

Helmreich is a widely published art historian,
administrator, and educator. Prior to joining the Smithsonian, she served as
associate director of grants programming at the Getty Foundation, supporting
individuals and institutions committed to advancing the greater understanding
and preservation of visual arts in Los Angles and throughout the world, and
previously as associate director of digital initiatives at the Getty Research
Institute, both part of the J. Paul Getty Trust. Helmereich also brings her
experience as a former dean, director of an interdisciplinary humanities
center, and art history professor to further the mission of the Archives of
American Art.

The Smithsonian Archives of American Art collects,
preserves, and makes available primary sources documenting the history of the
visual arts in the United

The Archives holds the papers of American art luminaries
such as the Leo Castelli Gallery, Roy DeForest, Stanley and Elyse Grinstein,
Frederick Hammersley, Nancy Holt, Rockwell Kent, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Roy
Lichtenstein, Chiura Obata, Jackson Pollock, Leon Polk Smith, Robert Smithson,
Alma Thomas, and Gloria Vanderbilt Whitney. The Archives of American Art is
based in Washington, D.C.
and has an office in New York, N.Y.
Matthew Simms serves as the Gerald Bente Buck West Coast Collector for the
Archives and is based in Long Beach,
California. The Archives holds
its annual gala in New York,
N.Y. where it presents the
Archives of American Art Medal to an artist and a philanthropist and the
Lawrence A. Fleischman Award for Scholarly Excellence to an art historian. Both
awards recognize individuals who have made transformative contributions in the
field of American art.



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Armenpress: Azerbaijan continues disinformation campaign targeting Armenian military

 10:11, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense continues to spread disinformation, the Armenian Ministry of Defense warned on June 6.

“The statement released by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense claiming that the units of the Armed Forces of Armenia opened fire overnight June 5-6 at Azerbaijani positions deployed in the eastern section of the border line is untrue,” the ministry said in a statement.

Azerbaijan releases disinformation in attempt to substantiate its ceasefire violations, warns Nagorno Karabakh

 11:11, 6 June 2023

STEPANAKERT, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. The Defense Ministry of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) warned on Tuesday that Azerbaijan is spreading disinformation in an attempt to substantiate its ceasefire violations.

“The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense has spread a usual disinformation, falsely claiming that it has disrupted reinforcement works in the Askeran, Martuni and Karvajar regions and about reinforcement works being carried out by the Defense Army. The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry is once again distorting reality in an attempt to substantiate the regular ceasefire violations committed by its units,” the Defense Ministry of Artsakh said in a statement.

U.S. looks forward to hosting another round of Armenia-Azerbaijan talks – State Department spox

 10:31, 6 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 6, ARMENPRESS. The United States is pleased that talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan are proceeding in different venues and looks forward to hosting another round of talks, U.S. Department of State Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a press briefing.

“We look forward to hosting another round of talks in Washington later this month as the parties continue to pursue a peaceful future for the South Caucasus region. As you’ve heard me say before, direct dialogue is key to resolving issues and reaching a durable and dignified peace. The U.S. is pleased that talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan are proceeding in different venues, including the recent meeting of leaders as well,” Patel said when asked on the planned foreign ministerial negotiations in Washington D.C.

The next round of talks between Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov in Washington D.C. will start on June 12, the Armenian foreign ministry on June 5.