Turkish Press: Historic step back from Armenian PM Pashinyan

June 3 2023

2023-06-03 17:23:10 | Son Güncelleme : 2023-06-03 17:29:41

Bilateral relations between Türkiye and Armenia have been strained for many years.

One of the most important reasons for the cold relations between the two countries is the Armenian side's stance on the 1915 events.

The Armenian side is trying to have the world recognize the so-called "genocide" of the "deportation" policy of the Ottoman Empire against Armenians during the World War I.

While Türkiye says that both sides suffered greatly during the war, it strongly rejects Armenia's so-called genocide allegations.

Both Ankara and Yerevan have recently taken steps to normalize bilateral relations.

Türkiye and Armenia are taking steps to normalize their bilateral relations.

At a time when normalization efforts are underway, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's statements attracted considerable attention.

Pashinyan stated that the government has frozen its attempts to have the so-called genocide allegations recognized in the international arena and called on the Armenian diaspora to adopt the same attitude.

The recent change of policy by Pashinyan, who has been on the agenda with his anti-Türkiye statements in previous years, is considered as an indication that the normalization efforts in the relations between Türkiye and Armenia have yielded results.

Source: turkiyegazetesi.com.tr

Pashinyan sold Putin out, gave all to Erdogan

Armenia – June 3 2023

Pashinyan sold Putin out, not just betrayed. To make it even clearer, I will put it this way – for euros.
The topic of betrayal is not up for discussion at all. It is obvious and has already been discussed multiple times. In the long-range view, there is nothing left to discuss, there is even nothing to predict and forecast.

What Pashinyan is doing has been clear for a long time. In 2008 some guy named Nikol Pashinyan stepped in when in the same year Turkey announced its plans for a Caucasus platform which would unite the Turkic states. For some reason Iran was not part of this platform, Georgia, once again cherishing its independence, rejected it, and the Caucasus platform apparently collapsed. Russia's recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent countries also ruined Erdogan's dream, which in fact was not so much about the unification of Turkic states as about the formation of a new Turkish empire.

Once again, Armenia got in the way, and the orphan Azerbaijan further strengthened its position as Turkey's younger brother by virtue of its usefulness.

Years of attempts to fraternize with Russia and squeeze it out of the South Caucasus went wrong: Georgia sought independence and, although it had a well-deserved hatred for Russia, the country also had diplomatic dexterity and enough wisdom not to lose its independence due to the conflict with Russia over South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Turkey waited for a while and found another way to put pressure on Russia, using the other two self-proclaimed republics and the non-Georgian mindset of Ukraine.

Armenia and Artsakh: A different leader was needed here, someone who, amazingly enough, wrote just in 2008 about a "corridor" connecting Turkey and Azerbaijan to serve the Turkish and U.S. interests… about the handover of parts of the Artsakh Republic to Azerbaijan. Yes, Pashinyan and Turkey found each other.

You all know very well that happened next: a war and a total shattering of the Armenian people’s hopes and goals

Now let’s get back to the present day.

May 27

"We are perfectly aware of the goals of the forces seeking to isolate our brother, Azerbaijan," Turkish Minister Cavusoglu says and reiterates the importance of the Organization of Turkic States platform, "which gives strength and confidence to Turkic-speaking countries."

Meanwhile, the Armenians are convincing the Armenians not to dream about Ararat and to give up what they have… Turks are pushing for their Turkish empire. The Armenians are ashamed of their liberated homeland and sow doubts, whereas the Turks are not ashamed to occupy the countries of others.

And, notably, they say, "the goals of the forces." What forces are left? Armenia is defiantly not a force, the U.S. is a force, but it's on the same side as Turkey, while Europe is “chaneling” the Azerbaijani gas… If anyone remains as a force, it's Russia. Who else? China is far away and it also doesn't need these games here yet.

May 28

Aliyev decides to spoil a national holiday in Armenia – the Republic Day marking the anniversary of the First Armenian Republic in 1918. Incidentally, it was the Armenian that was among the allies that had defeated and imposed capitulation on Turkey.

Did the Civil Contract party say something about the First Republic? Well, Erdogan probably told Aliyev and Pashinyan to say some bad things.

So, Aliyev is encouraged to lay out new demands: "The delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border must be carried out exclusively on Baku's terms, the road to Nakhichevan must be opened and the Armenian troops must withdraw from Nagorno-Karabakh.”

The fact that there is a road linking Nakhichevan to Azerbaijan through Iran is constantly forgotten.

"We are the strong side, we are the ones who have a strong position at the negotiating table, we are the ones who have a strong position on the border. Even if the peace treaty is not signed, we will live comfortably and safely," says the Baku dictator, (as Iran expert Vardan Voskanyan would refer to him).

See, it turns out that only Armenia needs this peace deal, does it? Do they think we really need the withdrawal of troops from Artsakh and its depopulation? What are they saying? This is all just aimed at intimidating people. And Pashinyan, who amazingly pretends to be law-abiding, saying he can't speak on behalf of Artsakh because he wasn't elected by them, renounces Artsakh at Europe and Asia trips.

That's how a talented salesman should be. And you are saying it’s about Azerbaijani gas.

June 1

At the end of the five-sided meeting between the leaders of France, Germany and the European Council chief in Chisinau, Aliyev and Pashinyan reaffirmed their mutual recognition of each other's territorial integrity.

Recognition is not a problem, but the recognition of Azerbaijan’s territory within some square kilometers amounts to Nikol’s final renunciation from Artsakh, as well as his responsivity for the deaths of the Armenian heroes.

June 2

It turns out later on that the French president's statement following the Chisinau meeting was not to Aliyev's liking: "The statement made unilaterally by the French president about the meeting does not reflect and distorts the position of the parties,” Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry spokesperson said.

So what actually happened that even Macron "distorted" the reality?

June 2

The Kremlin reacts to Pashinyan's statement that he (it doesn't feel right to subscribe to any "we" Pashinyan says) is not Russia's ally in the war with Ukraine.

"We have taken note of it,” Peskov says.

Thus, Pashinyan fulfils Turkey’s dream, quietly forcing Russia out of the game, because the latter is busy fighting its own war, you might say, with its fellow people, and will have no desire to go above and beyond for the Armenians who renounce the country… and themselves. Slowly or rapidly, Turkey is heading towards the Caucasus platform – the Turkish empire.

The rest is as clear as it was a century ago.

Anahit Voskanyan

Russia says progress made between Armenia and Azerbaijan in transportation issue

June 3 2023

Moscow sees considerable progress on the path of agreeing the modalities of unblocking transport communications between Baku and Yerevan, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk said.

“With satisfaction, considerable progress has been stated in agreeing the modalities of unblocking transport communications between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Thus, a general understanding has been reached concerning the implementation of concrete steps toward restoring and organizing railway communication along the route Yeraskh-Julfa-Megri-Goradiz,” he stated Friday after the meeting of trilateral working group in Moscow.

“The sides agreed to continue working within the trilateral working group,” he added.

The working group held its 12th meeting in Moscow on Friday. The meeting was co-chaired ny Deputy Prime Ministers Shakhin Mustafayev of Azerbaijan, Mger Grigoryan of Armenia and Alexey Overchuk of Russia.

The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the highland region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed territory that had been part of Azerbaijan before the Soviet Union’s break-up, but primarily populated by ethnic Armenians, broke out in February 1988 after the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region announced its withdrawal from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.

Renewed clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia erupted on September 27, 2020, with intense battles raging in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. On November 9, 2020, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed a joint statement on a complete ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Later, the three leaders adopted several more joint statements on the situation in the region. Thus, on January 11, 2021, they agreed to set up a working group at a level of deputy foreign ministers to focus on establishing transport and economic ties in the region.

Tigranashen of strategic importance for Armenia, expert insists

Armenia – June 2 2023

Iran specialist Vardan Voskanyan has reacted to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s latest remarks on Tigranashen, a village in Armenia’s Ararat Province which may be handed over to Azerbaijan as part of a potential peace deal between the two countries.

He claims the village is of strategic importance for Armenia.

"I must have travelled along the Vedi-Urtsadzor-Lanjanist-Lusashog-Lanjar-Zangakatun road, which is an alternative to the main Yeraskh-Tigranashen-Zangakatun highway, a hundred times,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday, highlighting the stunning landscapes in the area.

“However, the road in its current state cannot provide for traffic flows not only between Armenia and Iran, but also between Vayots Dzor and Syunik Provinces and the rest of Armenia,” he claimed.

The expert stressed the narrow road section connecting the villages of Shaghap and Lanjanist, as well as the Vedi road are difficult to pass even for passenger vehicles and a few trucks could create a huge traffic jam.

“In this sense, the role of Tigranashen is not overestimated at all, it is indeed a vital part of an international road of strategic importance. Like every other piece of sacred Armenian land, it should not be ceded to the enemy,” Voskanyan stated.

Opposition MP deplores Pashinyan’s Tigranashen remarks

Armenia – June 2 2023

MP Artur Khachatryan of the opposition Hayastan faction has condemned Nikol Pashinyan’s latest remarks on Tigranashen, a village in Armenia’s Ararat Province which may be handed over to Azerbaijan as part of a potential peace deal between Yerevan and Baku.

"If Nikol Pashinyan remains in power and continues with his current policy, Tigranashen will face a fate far worse than that of Shurnukh,” he told reporters on Friday, referring to the Armenian premier’s statements made at a meeting with the local Armenian community in Moldova on Thursday.

He claimed Pashinyan’s reference to a 1975 map was in line with Azerbaijan’s demands.

Khachatryan stated that according to the 1975 map, for example, the whole Goris-Kapan ran through Armenia’s territory.

"If he wants to cede any part of Armenian territory, it must be carried out through a referendum in compliance with the Armenian legislation," the opposition MP said.

As for an alternative to the road passing through Tigranashen, he noted that in all likelihood Pashinyan was referring to the Urtsadzor road, at the same time adding it was not intended for interstate freight shipments.

"You can't just give something away and say you’re doing the right thing, because there's an alternative to it,” Khachatryan noted.

Pashinyan’s office to temporarily move to Baghramyan 26

Armenia – June 2 2023

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s residence will be temporarily moved from the Government House 1 to the Presidential Palace at 26 Baghramyan Avenue in central Yerevan due to the renovation of the government headquarter, his office told Sputnik Armenia on Friday.

The office has not revealed how long Pashinyan will work at Baghramyan 26.

Armenian NGOs concerned over U.S. statement on Artsakh

Armenia – June 3 2023

A group of Armenian NGOs have expressed deep concern over the statement made by the U.S. State Department on 30 May following Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s fresh threats agianst Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh). Below is the full text of a statement released by the organizations on Friday.

"We, the undersigned civil society organizations from Armenia express our grave concerns over the statement of the US State Department on May 30, 2023 in relation to the remarks delivered by President of Azerbaijan Aliyev on May 28, 2023.

Whereas we support the efforts aimed at achieving a lasting and sustainable settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict based on the effective observance and respect for human rights, however we strongly believe that the recent United States statement will serve as an endorsement for Azerbaijani president to proceed with further use of force and ethnic cleansing policy of Armenians. Lack of adequate reaction serves as a normalization of the practice of the use of force in settlement of disputes which is against the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. The essence of the international legal order post-World War II is to ensure that there is no place for the use of force in settling disputes. With the current state of affairs in our broader region and serious challenges undermining the current order, including the human rights system, it is of paramount importance and its utmost responsibility to prevent autocratic regimes from benefitting from the ongoing crisis and achieving their aims through gross violations of human rights and the use of force.

Silence but more so welcoming statements not interpreted in the context of the rest of the speech of President Aliyev and his previous racist record, validate “the new normal” – the use of force instead of internationally mediated negotiations. Instead of encouraging genuine negotiations for resolution of the conflict, such statements embolden Azerbaijan to continue resorting to the use of force to achieve its goals and allow Azerbaijani president to brag about the support and approval of his conduct by international partners.

This is the context of the offer for ‘amnesty’ in the speech of President Aliyev:

“We are simply being patient. However, everyone knows perfectly well that we have all the opportunities to carry out any operation in that region today. Therefore, the “parliament” should be dissolved, the element calling himself “president” should surrender, all “ministers”, “deputies” and others should give up their positions. Only in that case can a concession be made to them. Only in that case can we talk of an amnesty”. “Either they will bend their necks and come themselves or things will develop differently now. Therefore, they can count on an amnesty only if they voluntarily put aside all their false duties and apply for Azerbaijani citizenship. We will look at that. My word is final, and everyone knows that both in Azerbaijan and the rest of the world, including Armenia. We do what we say. Not a single word of ours, as they say, has been left in the air and never will be in the future either… They have missed many opportunities, a number of opportunities, and each time, as they say, we had to knock them over to bring them to their senses.”

He also referred to Armenia: “They [Armenians] must accept our terms. If they don't want delimitation, there will be no delimitation. The border will be where we say it should be. No one will help them, not the retired French policemen, not anyone else. They must not forget that Armenian villages are visible from here.”

President Aliyev explained his approach still on December 24, 2022: “Nobody can influence us. There may be calls, there may be some statements, but we do not need to pay attention to them. We are answering these calls simply out of political courtesy. But this will not change our position in the slightest.”

President Aliyev’s recent remarks on consideration of ‘amnesty’ welcomed by the State Department are nothing else as another clear threat of the use of force and further violations of human rights not only against the elected leadership of Nagorno Karabakh but the entire population. Moreover, threats of use of force in coming weeks were echoed in social media channels affiliated with Azerbaijani government.

With all the appreciation of the U.S. involvement in conflict resolution, it is obvious that the efforts so far have not discouraged Azerbaijan from its aggressive moves aimed at erasing any Armenian presence in Nagorno-Karabakh. The everyday threat of ethnic cleansing decreases the chances of having a genuine and durable peace in the South Caucasus. The ongoing negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan will be futile if Nagorno-Karabakh is depopulated of its indigenous Armenians.

Notwithstanding the ongoing peace negotiations, Azerbaijan’s president Ilham Aliyev’s rhetoric is getting more and more belligerent and seriously undermines the trust into the peace process and results in regular military escalations with casualties. At least 40 people on both sides have been killed and wounded since March 2023 making this spring the deadliest since the 2020 war. Peace deal for the sake of a peace deal alone shall not be an end goal itself. Peace would only be lasting and durable if it is based on effective guarantees of non-use of force, genuine respect for human rights and ensuring justice.

Guarantees prescribed under the trilateral ceasefire statement of November 9, 2020, brokered by Russia are currently failing․ The agreement to return the Armenian prisoners of war, resolve humanitarian issues, adhere to the cease-fire and open transport communications have not been observed by Azerbaijan. Instead, we have witnessed a growing asymmetry of powers, increasing hate and combative rhetoric by Azerbaijan, deprivation of Nagorno-Karabakh people of their basic rights and fundamental freedoms. It is in this context that ‘amnesty considerations’ are made.

In a situation when basic human rights of the entire population of Nagorno Karabakh are violated by Azerbaijan, when they are taken hostage, amnesties are not the issue to be discussed.

With the extremely poor human rights record in Azerbaijan and extensive record of inciting hatred towards Armenians documented by the relevant UN and regional human rights organizations, we remain seriously concerned about its capacity and genuine will to respect human rights, especially of Armenians. Emboldening a war-mongering autocracy – Azerbaijan – will result in further bloodshed and will definitely not lead to a dignified and durable peace in the region.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh must have a diplomatic and political solution with robust guarantees for the security of the indigenous Armenian population, with effective mechanisms in place to ensure that they live peacefully in their homes and enjoy their fundamental rights and freedoms.

In this respect, we call the Government of the United States:

– To refrain from statements that can embolden the Azerbaijani leadership to further resort to the use of force or the threat to use of force,

– To intensify the efforts aimed at solving humanitarian issues, including immediate and unconditional repatriation of all Armenian POWS and civilians detained by Azerbaijan,

– To put pressure on Azerbaijan to restore the unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo through the Lachin Corridor in both directions, as stated in the decision of ICJ;

– To support the presence of an international peacekeeping mission inside Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as the Lachin corridor to guarantee impartial monitoring of the situation on the ground, regular and public reporting to the international community, and serve as an essential assurance of security for the local people;

– To support the establishment of a rights based international mechanism between Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh;

– To support the delimitation and demarcation process in line with human rights principles

– To take measures in line with the US legislation to hold the Azerbaijani political and military leadership accountable for gross violations of human rights and war crimes, including through application of sanctions."

Protection of Rights without Borders NGO

Transparency International Anticorruption Center

Democracy Development Foundation

Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor

For Equal Rights NGO

Law Development and Protection Foundation

Peace Dialogue NGO

Journalists’ Club ‘Asparez’

Public Journalism Club

Union of Informed Citizens

Opposition MP: Armenian leaders pave the way for Azerbaijan’s insolence

Armenia – June 3 2023

MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem faction has reacted to the reports actively spread by Azerbaijan’s propaganda machine in recent days.

He states by provoking ceasefire violations in Artsakh and on the border with Armenia, Azerbaijan is attempting to shift the responsibility for the situation on the Armenian military.

“Second, Azerbaijan has been publishing drone footage from a military training ground near the settlement of Ivanyan (formerly Khojalu), where small Armenian units are seen conducting fire drills for a few days now,” the MP wrote on Facebook on Saturday.

“Amid the daily military threats from Azerbaijan, the escapism of Armenian authorities and the silence of the international community, Artsakh's self-defense has been left to our compatriots living there.

“Engineering and fortification works, combat training and other activities are solely aimed at self-defense, which is especially relevant amid threats from Azerbaijan.

“The Armenian authorities not only fail to make efforts to prevent Azerbaijan's possible aggression and to end the Artsakh blockade through negotiations, but also make statements that clear the way for the criminal silence of international actors and Azerbaijan's insolence," Abrahamyan stated.

Russia takes into account Armenia’s position on Ukraine — Kremlin spokesman

Russia – June 2 2023
"Naturally, we continue to develop our conceptually allied relations with Armenia," Dmitry Peskov stressed

MOSCOW, June 2. /TASS/. Moscow factors in Armenia’s position on the conflict around Ukraine but continues developing allied relations with it, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said on Friday.

"We have taken note of that," he said, commenting on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that his country does not support Russia on the conflict in Ukraine. However, in his words, the West thinks otherwise and this causes concern for Yerevan.

"It is an important statement," Peskov said. "We know that there are certain nuances in Armenia’s approach to the conflict around Ukraine and we take them into account."

"Naturally, we continue to develop our conceptually allied relations with Armenia," he stressed.

On Thursday, Armenia’s cabinet disclosed a transcript of Pashinyan’s interview with CNN Prima News in early May. The Armenian prime minister said that his country was not Russia’s ally in the conflict with Ukraine and this situation was directly affecting relations between the two countries.

15 schoolchildren face Gabriel Sargissian in open-air simultaneous display

 11:40, 3 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 3, ARMENPRESS. On June 1, Byblos Bank Armenia held a unique event for kids and school students to celebrate the International Children's Day.

During the event at the Charles Aznavour Square in Yerevan, three-time Chess Olympiad champion, grandmaster Gabriel Sargissian performed an open-air simultaneous exhibition against 15 schoolchildren.

“I am happy to be spending Children's Day with smart and chess-loving kids. This holiday focuses on the happiness of children, their healthy growth and bright future, and chess has a long-term positive effect, it helps develop a creative mind and improves analytical thinking. I hope such contacts will contribute to spreading our love for chess even more,” said Gabriel Sargissian during the event.

The event was organized as part of the Bank's 15th anniversary CSR projects. It aimed to once again highlight the importance of educational programs, giving children the opportunity to communicate and interact with a chess player who has achieved great success.

The young chess players approached the meeting with the grandmaster with great responsibility, each of them trying their hardest to display their abilities to the fullest. They had an important experience and went home in good spirits, as well as with a collection of late chess grandmaster Tigran Petrosyan's lectures signed by Gabriel Sargissian.

The event, however, did not end there. The Bank had decorated the square with chess-themed accessories and photo booths, and organized an entertainment program with a reception, music and games.

The Bank had given high priority to the mission of making June 1 as fun as possible and, it seems, succeeded.


Byblos Bank Armenia CJSC is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and will introduce a number of proposals and initiatives throughout the year.

The Bank was founded and opened the doors of its first branch in 2007. Today, the Bank has four branches in Yerevan where customers access various banking services and receive financial advice. The Bank provides its customers corporate-retail banking services that meet the highest international standards.