Exclusive: Priest Says He Became ‘Scapegoat’ for Controversial Armenian Land Deal [in Jerusalem]

June 1 2023

Armenian Patriarchate tells TML that the patriarch was deceived by the priest

The Armenian priest recently defrocked by the patriarchate said that he is being made the scapegoat in a controversial property deal involving a large swath of land in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter.

My signature doesn’t mean anything. Nobody’s signature means anything, just the patriarch, because the patriarch is the legal owner of the property.

Father Khachik (Baret) Yeretzian—former real estate director of the Armenian Patriarchate in Jerusalem—signed the contract but said his signature is only one of three.

“My signature doesn’t mean anything. Nobody’s signature means anything, just the patriarch, because the patriarch is the legal owner of the property,” Yeretzian said.

The deal in question—details of which have neither been confirmed nor denied by the Armenian Patriarchate—is supposedly a 99-year lease to a Jewish developer who will build a luxury hotel on the land.

Though signed in 2021, the deal became reality in April when Xana Capital took over the parking lot and placed signs announcing its ownership, sparking protests in the Armenian Quarter against the patriarch and Yeretzian himself.

I have done nothing illegal and nothing wrong. That decision (to laicize me) was based on personal vendettas. For them to do this kind of act, to break somebody whose signature doesn’t even mean anything … there is another signature more important. The patriarch used me as a scapegoat.”

“I have done nothing illegal and nothing wrong. That decision (to laicize me) was based on personal vendettas. For them to do this kind of act, to break somebody whose signature doesn’t even mean anything … there is another signature more important,” Yeretzian added, referring to Archbishop Sevan Gharibian. “The patriarch used me as a scapegoat.”

In response to Yeretzian’s statements, the Armenian Patriarchate told The Media Line that the former priest deceived the patriarch, Nourhan Manougian.

“He has been appointed as a real estate director to explain the details of every contract and deal to His Beatitude and the Holy Synod,” the Armenian Patriarchate told The Media Line. “However, former Fr. Baret not only didn’t do it but also deceived His Beatitude that it is a very good deal for our Patriarchate. In other words, former Fr. Baret exploited His Beatitude’s trust, in order to implement his fraudulent and deceitful dealings.”

The Synod voted unanimously in May to defrock Yeretzian “for his disloyalty and especially the series of frauds and deceptions he committed regarding” the real estate transaction. The vote came after the Hashemite Kingdom and the Palestinian Authority announced their refusal to recognize Manougian as patriarch.

Yeretzian alleged that Manougian signed the 99-year lease without seeking Synod approval. However, the Patriarchate said it was Yeretzian who “asserted that Holy Synod in the past has already given its approval to such a deal and there is no need to bring it to the Holy Synod or to the General Assembly.”

The contract has not been made public, and Yeretzian would not say what is in it, but he told this reporter that the concept of building a hotel in the parking lot which abuts the Old City walls between Jaffa and Zion gates predates the current patriarch. As far back as 1994, a map in the Armenian Patriarchate shows “Goverou Bardez—Future site of the hotel,” Yeretzian said.

Danny Rubinstein, an Australian developer who is believed to have closed the deal, is one in a long line of potential buyers who negotiated with the Patriarchate including a Jordanian hotel owner, Armenian businessmen from Russia, and a Palestinian, Yeretzian said.

Land transfers in Jerusalem are sensitive because they can upset the status quo and final status arrangements of the city. During the Camp David Summit in 2000, Israeli negotiators proposed that the Armenian Quarter remain under Israeli sovereignty and administrative control. However, the late PLO Chairman and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat demanded it fall under Palestinian sovereignty. No agreement was reached, and talks failed.

In their statement last month, the PA and Jordan noted that the patriarch’s “dealings constituted a clear violation of relevant international covenants and decisions, which aim to preserve the status quo in Jerusalem and protect the authentic Jerusalemite Armenian heritage.”

However, Yeretzian vouched for the deals made under his watch, even this latest one which he believes “is in the best interests of the Patriarchate.”

Other deals involving Armenian property in the Old City occurred before his time and under different patriarchs, Yeretzian said. He also insisted that residents who are now protesting the deal knew about the hotel project for a long time.

“Everybody knew about the projects,” but nobody objected at the time, he said. “When this Jordanian (hotel owner) came, nobody spoke about it.”

A 2021 article in which Yeretzian was interviewed about the deal was sent to every priest at the time, he said, “Also members of the synod—why they didn’t argue then?”

He also contends that Jordan and the Palestinians were aware of the deal.

“The king and the Palestinians had a copy of the contract before. We sent the contract to his majesty. They knew it a long time ago,” he said.

The Armenian Patriarchate countered this as well.

“Even the Brotherhood did not know about this deal except a few clergymen; how do you expect the Jordanians and Palestinians to know?” the Patriarchate said.

Yeretzian, calling from the United States, said he has no documents with him to support his claims because he left them in the Armenian Patriarchate. When he was moving out of his home in the convent, Armenian residents there chased him to a waiting taxi with shouts of “traitor” for his part in signing away the land.

“I don’t know politics. I’m a clergyman. I did in my good heart for the interests of the patriarchate and what they did (to me) is totally wrong and what the people did was totally wrong. They were like gangsters, like a mob. They thought they were going to find millions of dollars,” he said. “I never received a single dollar.”


Armenpress: Prosecutor General Anna Vardapetyan visits Consulate General of Armenia in Batumi

 09:52, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. Prosecutor General of Armenia Anna Vardapetyan has visited the Consulate General of Armenia in Batumi as part of her visit to Georgia.

Vardapetyan was accompanied by the Armenian Ambassador to Georgia Ashot Smbatyan, the General Prosecution said in a press release.

The Prosecutor-General had a meeting with Consul General of Armenia in Batumi Narine Matosyan and the consulate’s staff.

European Political Community Summit: PM Pashinyan, Anna Hakobyan attend concert at Moldova Palace of the Republic

 10:03, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has arrived in Chișinău, Moldova on a two-day visit.

PM Pashinyan and his wife Anna Hakobyan visited Wednesday evening the Palace of the Republic to attend a classical music concert with the Heads of State participating in the second European Political Community Summit.

Next, a reception was given in honor of the heads of delegation on behalf of the President of Moldova Maia Sandu.

On June 1, the Prime Minister will participate in the second European Political Community Summit in Chișinău. Within the framework of the event, PM Nikol Pashinyan will have bilateral meetings with international partners.

A five-sided meeting of the Prime Minister of Armenia, the President of France, the Chancellor of Germany, the President of the European Council and the President of Azerbaijan is also scheduled in Chișinău.


Armenian church leaders in U.S. call on Biden to stand firmly against any attempt to force Artsakh under Azerbaijan

 11:10, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. The spiritual leaders of America’s Armenian Apostolic, Catholic, and Evangelical faithful have joined forces in a powerful public warning to President Biden that forcing Artsakh under Azerbaijan is a “death sentence for the Armenians of this sacred land, home to 120,000 men, women, and children," the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reported. 

In a letter sent yesterday to the White House, the Church leaders wrote: “We, the spiritual leaders of American Christians of Armenian heritage, call on you to stand firmly against any attempt to force the Christian Armenians of Artsakh under Azerbaijan, a country that is openly committed to ethnically cleansing the indigenous population of this ancient part of the Armenian homeland.”

The signatories to the letter are Archbishop Hovnan Derderian (Western Diocese Prelate), Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian (Eastern Prelacy Primate), Very Rev. Mesrop Parsamyan (Eastern Diocese Primate), Bishop Torkom Donoyan (Western Prelacy Prelate), Bishop Mikhael Mouradian (Eparch Armenian Catholic Eparchy), Reverend Hendrik Shanazarian (Interim Minister, Armenian Evangelical Union), and Zaven Khanjian (Armenian Missionary Association of America Executive Director).

The full text of the interdenominational letter is provided below.


President Joseph R. Biden
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We, the spiritual leaders of American Christians of Armenian heritage, call on you to stand firmly against any attempt to force the Christian Armenians of Artsakh under Azerbaijan, a country that is openly committed to ethnically cleansing the indigenous population of this ancient part of the Armenian homeland. Any settlement that subordinates the at-risk citizens of democratic Artsakh to dictatorial Azerbaijan is a death sentence for the Armenians of this sacred land, home to 120,000 men, women, and children, and, of course, countless holy sites.

We make this urgent appeal in the wake of our longstanding calls for you to withdraw your waiver of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act and fully enforce this provision of U.S. law. As we have shared with you in the past, Armenia, the world’s first Christian nation, remains a landlocked, blockaded, genocide survivor state, striving to survive on the frontiers of global freedom. Our great nation must stand with Armenia in every way, beginning with a suspension of U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan, a country that would erase our ancient nation from the map of the world. We must never, as Americans, be complicit in such genocidal violence.

We look forward to learning of your renewed leadership in saving Christian Armenian lives and advancing a truly democratic peace that respects the right to self-determination of Artsakh, an early cradle of Christianity.

We pray that the Almighty Lord bless you abundantly and His wisdom leads your endeavors with success, spreading peace, justice, and prosperity to the world.


Archbishop Hovnan Derderian
Western Diocese Prelate

Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian
Eastern Prelacy Primate

Very Rev. Mesrop Parsamyan
Eastern Diocese Primate,

Bishop Torkom Donoyan
Western Prelacy Prelate,

Bishop Mikhael Mouradian
Eparch Armenian Catholic Eparchy

Reverend Hendrik Shanazarian
Interim Minister, Armenian Evangelical Union

Zaven Khanjian
Armenian Missionary Association of America Executive Director

Volume of deposits, credits continues to grow; highest figure recorded in April


 10:05, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. The total bank deposit portfolio of Armenia comprised 5 trillion 134 billion 447 million AMD in April 2023, surpassing the record high indicator recorded in December 2022 which stood at 5 trillion 122 billion 579 million. The April indicator grew twice compared to the same period of 2018.

Deposits of Armenian commercial banks grew 31,21% in April 2023 compared to the same month of 2022.

Resident deposits volumes stood at 3 trillion 821 billion 478 million AMD, the highest result recorded.

The credit portfolio of banks (excluding credit organizations) set a new record in April, totaling 4 trillion 409 billion 409 million AMD, surpassing the previous record set in March 2023 by 0,47%.


Armenian Prime Minister participates in 2nd European Political Community Summit

 11:45, 1 June 2023

CHISINAU, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. The opening ceremony of the second European Political Community Summit has kicked off in Chisinau, Moldova. The summit is held at the Mimi Castle in Bulboaca, located 35 km away from the Moldovan capital.

President of Moldova Maia Sandu is welcoming the participating heads of state and government.

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan is also participating in the summit.

The membership of the European Political Community has grown since the first Summit in 2022. Invitations to attend the second EPC Summit were extended to 47 heads of State and Government, as well as to the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, and the President of the European Parliament.

The European Political Community (EPC) is a platform for political coordination among European countries across the continent. It aims to promote political dialogue and cooperation to address issues of common interest and to strengthen the security, stability, and prosperity of the European continent.

The Republic of Moldova is hosting the second Summit of the EPC on 1 June 2023. This Summit will build on the foundations of the initial EPC gathering that took place in Prague in October 2022. The EPC Summits are organized on a rotating basis by each participating country with the host alternating between an EU and non-EU member state. This is the first EPC Summit hosted by a non-EU country.

The discussions of the second EPC Summit will focus on three main topics: joint efforts for peace and security; energy resilience and climate action; and interconnections in Europe for a better connected and more stable continent.

As part of the summit, Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan will have a five-sided meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, President of the European Council Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Pashinyan held EU-mediated talks with Aliyev, together with French President Emmanuel Macon and President of the European Council Charles Michel during the first summit in Prague in 2022. The Armenian PM also met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during the 2022 summit.

Lukashenko sends birthday greetings to Pashinyan

 11:24, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent birthday greetings to Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, BelTA reported citing the Belarusian presidential press service.

“I am convinced that your vast managerial experience and professional approach to solving state tasks will enable you to continue to successfully cope with the challenges that Armenia faces in the political, social and economic sectors and achieve all the goals set for the benefit of the Armenian people,” the message reads.

The President of Belarus added that he looked forward to further constructive dialogue aimed at developing a comprehensive partnership with Armenia, close interaction in the integration associations and strategic cooperation in the international arena.

Aleksandr Lukashenko wished Nikol Pashinyan new successes in his responsible activity, good health, happiness, peace and accord.

Georgia supports Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks – PM Garibashvili


 13:32, 1 June 2023

YEREVAN, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. Georgia supports peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili said on June 1.

He said that the peace talks are in the interests of the entire Transcaucasian region.

“I believe Georgia has played a neutral, unbiased role in strengthening stability and peace in the region. We have excellent relations with both Azerbaijan and Armenia. Georgia played a highly important mediation role in 2021, after the Karabakh war. We support the ongoing peace talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and we believe it to be in the interest of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the whole region,” TASS news agency quoted the Georgian PM as saying at a press briefing at the 2nd European Political Community Summit in Moldova.

EU expects Armenia and Azerbaijan to reiterate political will to normalize relations


 13:31, 1 June 2023

CHISINAU, JUNE 1, ARMENPRESS. President of the European Council Charles Michel has expressed hope that during the upcoming June 1 meeting in Chisinau Armenia and Azerbaijan will once again reiterate political will to normalize relations.

“This important meeting will take place today,” Michel told reporters during the opening of the 2nd European Political Community Summit in Chisinau when asked on his expectations from the Armenia-Azerbaijan summit, where Michel himself will participate together with the German and French leaders. “I’ve had the occasion to meet with the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Brussels a few weeks ago. We had some progress. And I hope this will once again be a chance to reiterate common political will to normalize relations between the two countries,” he said.