Turkish Press: Russia hopes regular contacts will contribute to Azerbaijan-Armenia peace deal

Anadolu Agency
Turkey –
Elena Teslova  |28.05.2023


Russia will continue to provide “all possible assistance” for the normalization of ties between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said on Saturday.

"We hope that such regular contacts will allow us to reach final peace agreements," Galuzin said in an interview with Russia’s TASS news agency.

Asked about a May 3 drone attack on the Kremlin, which Russia claimed was carried out by Ukraine, Galuzin said: "By its actions, the Kyiv regime has once again demonstrated that no international legal, universal and moral norms mean anything to it. As we understand it, these steps of the Ukrainian authorities were not coordinated with their Western masters, who were afraid of a possible escalation of the conflict. However, none of them publicly condemned this sabotage.”

Galuzin named conditions necessary for the achievement of lasting peace in Ukraine – the country's neutral status, refusal from joining the EU and NATO, recognition of "new territorial realities," protection of the rights of Russian-speaking people and national minorities, and protection of freedom of faith.

He also criticized Kyiv's crackdown on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, claiming Ukrainian officials have been intimidating its clergymen and waging a smear campaign against them in the media.

"The height of madness, cynicism and bacchanalia was the decision made on May 24 … on the transition to the New Julian calendar. Now Ukrainian schismatics (formally Orthodox) will celebrate Christmas not on January 7, but on December 25 together with Catholics and Protestants," he said.

Asked about relations between Russia and Moldova, Galuzin said they have been deteriorating due to an increase in the “discriminatory policy” of Moldovan authorities toward the Russian-speaking population of the republic and Russian citizens arriving in Moldova.

The official also voice concern about possible provocations in Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria, saying the situation around the region is “complicated.”

"We are closely monitoring the situation on the Dniester and warn of the futility of attempts to destabilize the situation. … There should be no doubt that the Russian armed forces will respond adequately to the provocation of the Kyiv regime, should one happen," he said.

Galuzin warned that any actions that pose a threat to the security of the Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria “will be considered, in line with international law, as an attack on the Russian Federation.”


Music: Armenian violinist Astrid Poghosyan

CGTN, China
Armenian violinist Astrid Poghosyan

Armenian violinist Astrid Poghosyan gave herself a sparkling Chinese name-"Xingxing," which means "star." She came to Shanghai at the age of 16, completed her studies there, and began to work at the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. The young violinist believes that music can transcend language barriers and foster cultural exchanges. Stay tuned to "CGTN The Stage" to explore the charm of multicultural dialogue with music stars like Xingxing!

Turkish Press: Azerbaijan intensifies work on construction of railway stretching to Zangezur corridor

Anadolu Agency
Turkey –
Ruslan Rehimov  |27.05.2023

BAKU, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan continues intensively the construction of a railway that will pass through the Zangezur corridor.

Once constructed, the corridor will connect Azerbaijan's western provinces and Nakhchivan via Armenia, further stretching to China, Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus and Türkiye.

After the 2nd Karabakh War in November 2020, the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia signed an agreement to open a railway between Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan, a land-locked autonomous republic located west of Baku.

In the latest meeting on May 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Moscow decided to ask their deputy prime ministers to smooth out the technical issues on the project.

Before the trilateral meeting, Anadolu’s cameras captured the work carried out on the railway network in Azerbaijan, extending to the Zangezur corridor.

Azerbaijan State Railways is carrying out the construction of the Horadiz-Agbend line, which stretches from the town of Horadiz in Fuzuli province to the Armenian border, and the town of Agbend in Zangilan province. Turkish companies are also actively involved in the construction of the line.

On the Horadiz-Agbend line, 78% of the project design and 38% of the construction has been completed and 64 kilometers (39.7 miles) of rails have been laid together with the side roads. The 30-meter area on both sides of the line was cleared of mines.

– Horadiz-Agbend line to be completed in 2024

Kenan Rzayev, head of the Project Design Department of the Azerbaijan Railways Construction Control Administration, told Anadolu that the mines laid by the Armenian forces during the occupation and the difficult terrain caused some difficulties in the construction of the line, but these difficulties were overcome.

“Construction work continues rapidly. All difficulties were solved with the support of Turkish companies. The line is expected to be completed in the first six months of 2024,” he added.

Azerbaijan Railways Spokesperson Senuber Nezerova said Azerbaijan's longest railway bridge was built on the Horadiz-Agbend railway line.

"This 13-span, 418-meter bridge made history as Azerbaijan's longest railway bridge," said Nezerova.

– New link between Türkiye and Azerbaijan: Zangezur Corridor

The railway line from Baku to the town of Horadiz is already working. Some parts of this line from Horadiz to the Armenian border were destroyed during the Armenian occupation, and some parts were flooded by the dam. Therefore, a new 166-km (103-mi) railway line will be built from Horadiz to Ordubad in Nakhchivan.

The construction of the 43-km (26.7-mi) section of the line, which will pass from the Armenian part of the line through the Zangezur region, will begin after the final agreement between Yerevan and Baku is reached.

The 158-km (98-mi) line from Ordubad to the Velidag Station located in the north of Nakhchivan, close to Türkiye, Armenia and Iran, will be extensively repaired. The line, which ends in Velidag, will be extended 14 km (8.6 mi) up to the Armenian border.

Türkiye and Azerbaijan also have a railway line project to connect Kars to Nakhchivan.

When all these projects are finished, a new transport connection will be established between Türkiye and Azerbaijan. At the same time, uninterrupted land and railway communication will be established between Türkiye and Russia via Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijanian leader says Baku may sign peace treaty with Yerevan soon

Russia –
This can happen if Yerevan does not change its position, the Azerbaijani leader said

BAKU, May 28. /TASS/. Azerbaijan and Armenia could sign a peace agreement in the near future, unless Yerevan goes back on its stance again, Azerbaijanian President Ilham Aliyev told residents of the Lachin Corridor on Sunday.

"I am confident that a peace treaty could be signed in the near future unless Armenia <…> changes its position again," the AZERTAC state-owned news agency quoted the Azerbaijanian leader as saying.

However, Aliyev said, even if no peace agreement is ever signed, "we will live in comfort and security," as he said Azerbaijan had strong positions both in negotiations and on the border.

Armenia And Azerbaijan Agree To Mutual Recognition Of Territorial Integrity

May 25 2023

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed on mutual recognition of territorial integrity, noting that the countries are “making good progress” towards settling relations.

In turn, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said that Baku does not have any territorial claims against Armenia, and indicated that the opportunity is currently possible for the two countries to reach a peace agreement, “considering that Armenia recognized Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan.”

The President of the Republic added that there are serious requirements for normalizing relations on the basis of recognizing the territorial integrity of the other party.

Last year, Yerevan and Baku, mediated by Russia, the United States and the European Union, began discussing a future peace treaty. The two countries periodically exchange proposals on the text of the peace treaty.

Earlier, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated that he recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which includes the Karabakh region, but on the condition that the security of the Armenian population there is guaranteed.

“Armenia recognizes 86.6 thousand square kilometers of Azerbaijan, based on the fact that Azerbaijan is ready to recognize 29.8 thousand square kilometers of territorial integrity of Armenia,” Pashinyan said.

He continued, “86.6 thousand square kilometers of Azerbaijan include the Karabakh region, but it should also be noted that we are talking about the need to discuss the issue of the rights and security of Karabakh Armenians in the Baku-Stepanakert (negotiations) format.”

The Prime Minister noted that Armenia reaffirms Russia’s position that the border demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan should be carried out on the basis of the 1975 maps of the General Staff of the Soviet Union and the mutual withdrawal of forces from the border line recorded by those maps.

West Trying To Discredit Russia’s Peacekeeping Efforts In Nagorno-Karabakh – Shoigu

May 25 2023


MINSK (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 25th May, 2023) The West is trying in every possible way to interfere in the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh and discredit the Russian peacekeeping efforts in the conflict-torn region, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday.

"As for the situation in the Caucasus region, it is largely determined by the degree of settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. Now security in Nagorno-Karabakh is supported by the Russian peacekeeping contingent. However, the West is trying in every possible way to intervene in the situation, increase its presence and discredit the Russian peacekeeping policy," Shoigu said at a meeting of CSTO defense ministers in Minsk.


Azerbaijan’s president says there is real chance to normalize relations with Armenia

Al Arabiya, UAE
May 25 2023
Reuters - Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said during a meeting in Moscow on Thursday that there are serious grounds for normalizing relations with Armenia based on mutual recognition of territorial integrity.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at loggerheads for three decades, fighting two wars over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

In recent months, both sides have expressed increasing willingness to sign a permanent peace agreement, even as regular skirmishes have continued.

Shoigu Notes Importance Of Armenia’s Participation In Joint Drills Within CSTO Framework

May 25 2023


MINSK (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 25th May, 2023) It is important that Armenia take part in joint military exercises within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday.

"Armenia is a member of our organization, our ally.

We are interested in establishing peace and are doing everything possible to stabilize the situation in the Transcaucasus. At the same time, I would especially like to note the importance of the participation of the Armenian side in joint operational and combat training activities within the framework of the CSTO," Shoigu said at a meeting of CSTO defense ministers in Minsk.


Armenia and Azerbaijan agree to recognise their borders

PRAVDA, Russia
May 25 2023
 25.05.2023 18:49

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed to recognise their territorial borders, RIA Novosti reports.

"I want to confirm that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed on the mutual recognition of each other's territorial integrity, and on this basis, we can say that we are moving quite well towards the settlement of our relations,” he said.

The prime minister of Armenia also set out a hope for a constructive dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert (the capital of the unrecognised Nagorno Karabakh Republic — ed.) to ensure the rights and security of Nagorno Karabakh residents within the framework of the international mechanism.

There are serious prerequisites for the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia to improve and normalise as long as the countries officially agree to recognise each other's territorial integrity, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

According to Aliyev, Azerbaijan has no territorial claims against Armenia today. Therefore, the two countries may sign a peace treaty.

"There is an opportunity to reach a peace agreement, given that Armenia has recognised Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan,” the president said.

On April 18, Pashinyan announced that Armenia would recognise the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within the borders of the Soviet era. During his report to the parliament, he said that peace in the region could be possible only if Yerevan could legally acknowledge its territory as 29.8 thousand square kilometres of the Armenian SSR, within the borders of which the republic gained independence in 1991.

Armenian opposition movement accused Pashinyan of giving up on Nagorno Karabakh. The disputed region was part of the Azerbaijan SSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was recognised as part of Azerbaijan. After the end of the first Karabakh war in 1994, the region came under Armenia's control. Armenia supported the independence of the self-proclaimed Nagorno Karabakh Republic, but did not legally recognise it as such.

Negotiations on a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan have been going on for several years. In 2020, the Azerbaijani army occupied a number of large cities in the unrecognised republic, including the city of Shushi. In November 2020, the parties, through the mediation of Russia, managed to conclude a ceasefire agreement, and a Russian peacekeeping contingent was deployed on the demarcation line.

The status of Nagorno Karabakh remained unsettled, and the parties repeatedly accused each other of shelling. In January of 2023, Azerbaijan conveyed its proposals to Armenia for a peace agreement and expressed readiness to resume negotiations as soon as possible.

Armenian and Azerbaijani Leaders Spar in Front of Putin

Voice of America
May 25 2023
Reuters - 

The leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia argued openly in front of Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday in exchanges that underlined the extent of their differences over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

At a meeting in Moscow, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan raised the issue of the Lachin corridor, the road which links Armenia to the Armenian-populated enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh inside Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani activists in mid-December began obstructing the road, which Pashinyan noted should be under the control of Russian peacekeepers, and Baku subsequently erected a checkpoint along it.

"Azerbaijan, unfortunately, has blocked this corridor," Pashinyan said at a round-table meeting of the Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow.

Azberbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev responded: "Azerbaijan did not block any corridor… There is no need to use this platform for unfounded accusations."

The two leaders continued arguing for several minutes before Putin closed off the conversation, noting that the topic was sensitive. He was due to host three-way talks with Aliyev and Pashinyan later.

"We will now have the opportunity, as we agreed, to talk about everything calmly in a businesslike manner in a trilateral format, and I hope to reach some agreements that will put the situation not only between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also in the region, on the path of constructive development," Putin said. "I can assure you that everyone here has an interest in this, absolutely everyone."

Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at loggerheads for three decades, fighting two wars over Nagorno-Karabakh. In recent months, both sides have expressed increasing willingness to sign a permanent peace agreement, even as regular skirmishes have continued.

Minutes before the testy exchanges with Pashinyan, Aliyev had said there were "serious grounds for the normalisation of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the basis of mutual recognition of territorial integrity and sovereignty".