Armenia says Iran-EEU free trade agreement ‘priority’

MEHR News Agency
Iran –

TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – The implementation of the free trade agreement between Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union is a priority, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow.

“Given the high dynamics of the development of cooperation with Iran, the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement and its subsequent implementation are priorities for us in the context of a real expansion of trade cooperation with third countries,” Pashinyan was quoted as saying by Public Radio of Armenia.

He said continued negotiations with India and Egypt, as well as the development of comprehensive dialogue on the economic agenda and the deepening of trade and economic cooperation with the UAE and Indonesia, will give an additional impetus to the process of integrating EEU into the world economy.

Armenia expects Azerbaijan to be open for the transportation of Armenian goods to the Russian Federation and Iran on a parity basis, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

He noted that the border and customs services of Armenia are ready to ensure the normal passage of all vehicles through the country.

“We expect that the Azerbaijani railroad will also be opened for trains of the Republic of Armenia through Nakhichevan and the Republic of Azerbaijan, for example, to the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. And we expect this issue to be resolved on a parity basis, on the basis of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of countries,” he said.

According to a tripartite statement of Nov. 9, 2020, Armenia and Azerbaijan, mediated by Russia, agreed to unblock regional transport and economic communications. A special commission of vice premiers of the three countries has been set up to work on this issue. 

Armenia has repeatedly stated that it is ready to fulfill this paragraph of the statement, noting that all communications should be under the jurisdiction of the countries through which they pass.

The Eurasian Economic Union may strike a deal on a free trade zone with Iran earlier than with other countries, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksey Overchuk was quoted as saying by TASS.

"We are closest with Iran," he said when asked which countries the EEU is closest to reaching an agreement with on a free trade zone.

EEC (Eurasian Economic Commission) Trade Minister Andrey Slepnev said earlier that the agreement on a free trade zone between the EEU and Iran could be signed as early as this year.

“Russia is negotiating free trade zone agreements with a number of Muslim countries,” Overchuk said.

"Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, we have been negotiating the creation of a free trade zone with a number of Islamic states, including Egypt, Iran, the UAE. We have already started negotiations with them, and we are about to begin talks with Indonesia," he told the plenary session of the 14th international economic forum, Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum on Friday.

"We see our bilateral trade growing, and it may indicate that our countries are becoming closer to each other. Our task for today is to reduce trade barriers and simplify contacts, primarily in the economic sphere," Overchuk said.


Armenia says two military service members abducted by Azerbaijan


Two Armenian servicemen were abducted by the Azerbaijani forces, the Armenian Defense Ministry claimed Saturday.

“On May 26, a supply vehicle, loaded with food and water for strongholds, which was considered missing since 19:00 (local time) May 26, has been discovered on a road between positions. The vehicle was used by two Armenian servicemen,” the ministry press office said.

“Wide-scale operation on investigation of illegal abduction of Armenian servicemen by the Azerbaijani side is underway,” the Ministry noted.

The press office pointed out that, on May 26, Azerbaijani mass media and border security agency “published false information that the Armenian side allegedly carried out a sabotage infiltration attempt,” which resulted in apprehension of two Armenian servicemen.

“The message, published by the Azerbaijani border security agency, is a total lie and disinformation,” the defense ministry added.

A weapon, assigned to one of the servicemen was found in the vehicle, the press office noted.

“This proves that, even if the servicemen left the vehicle and were unable to find their bearings, they could not have had any sabotage intentions,” the Defense Ministry underlined, underscoring that the information about the incident will be forwarded to international partners.

Armenia says two servicemen abducted by Azerbaijan

MEHR News Agency
Iran –

TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – Two Armenian servicemen were abducted by the Azerbaijani side, the Armenian Defense Ministry claimed Saturday.

According to the Ministry, the rear supply vehicle driven by the servicemen, who went missing on May 26, at 9 pm, was found on the inter-positional road. The car was loaded with food and water intended for the combat bases, Public Radio of Armenia reported. 

The Armenian side refutes reports of the Azerbaijani border guard service claiming that two Armenian soldiers were arrested while attempting a subversive infiltration, noting that the Armenian side has enough evidence to deny it, and it will be presented to international partners.

The weapon of one of the servicemen was found in the car, which proves that even if the servicemen got out of the car and lost their way in the area, the servicemen could not have had subversive intentions, the Ministry says.

Investigation in under way to reveal the circumstances of the illegal abduction of Armenian servicemen by Azerbaijan.

These tensions occurred while the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan are going to meet in Moldova to participate in the "European Political Community" meeting, and Baku's ambassador to Paris announced the possibility of signing a peace treaty between the two sides.


Armenian Military delegation visits Kansas

KSNW Wichita

WINFIELD, Kan. (KSNW) — Representatives from the Armenian Ministry of Defense were in south-central Kansas Friday.

They were guests of the Kansas National Guard touring the Kansas Veterans’ Home and Kansas Veterans’ Cemetery in Winfield. The group was there to learn about the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office (KCVAO) and its mission to serve Kansas veterans.

The group learned how the facility operates and the services they provide. They also attended a presentation from the KCVAO Mobile Services Unit, which travels across Kansas to assist veterans with VA benefits and claims.

Wichita Army veteran oversaw parts and equipment in Afghanistan

“The KCVAO was privileged and proud to share information about how we continue to pay tribute to and honor our Veterans through the many services we provide here in Kansas,” says Agency Director, Retired Brigadier General William Turner in a news release.

The delegation has spent the past four days in Kansas including a visit with Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam; Kansas State University Research and Extension, Kansas AgrAbility Project; and several area Veterans Service Organizations. For more information about the Kansas – Armenia State Partnership Program, click here.

Armenian Delegation Visits Kansas Soldiers’ Home and Kansas Veterans’ Cemetery

Kansas –

TOPEKA – Members of the Armenian Ministry of Defense and the Kansas National Guard were on site touring the Kansas Veterans’ Home and Kansas Veterans’ Cemetery in Winfield to learn about the Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office (KCVAO) mission to serve Kansas Veterans, learn about services provided, and facility operations. Also on the tour was a presentation from the KCVAO Mobile Services Unit, one of two buses outfitted to host Veterans and assist with VA Benefits and Claims.

“The KCVAO was privileged and proud to share information about how we continue to pay tribute to and honor our Veterans through the many services we provide here in Kansas,” commented Agency Director, Brigadier General (R) William Turner.

The Armenian Delegation spent four days in Kansas, included during the visit were presentations from Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam; Kansas State University Research and Extension, Kansas AgrAbility Project; and several area Veterans Service Organizations.

In 2003, Kansas and the Republic of Armenia were linked under the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program. The Kansas National Guard works closely with the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Health, Rescue Service, and other governmental offices and agencies. Types of cooperation include military-to-military, military-to-civilian, and civilian-to-civilian events.

The Kansas-Armenia State Partnership was established to foster cooperation between the United States and Armenia, and to support the objectives of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe. Each year, Kansas and Armenia conduct numerous joint exercises in both locations that span across educational, law enforcement, medical, military, and emergency preparedness endeavors.

Armenian Defense Ministry Says Lost Communication With 2 Soldiers On Azerbaijani Border


The Armenian Defense Ministry said on Saturday that it had lost communication with two soldiers on the border with Azerbaijan, with search operations currently being carried out

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 27th May, 2023) The Armenian Defense Ministry said on Saturday that it had lost communication with two soldiers on the border with Azerbaijan, with search operations currently being carried out.

Earlier in the week, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry stated that it had thwarted an attempt to "violate the Azerbaijani state border by a sabotage and reconnaissance group of Armenian armed forces" and detained two Armenian servicepeople.

Yerevan rejected the accusation.

"On May 26, from 7 p.m. (15:00 GMT), communication with 2 servicemen of the RA Armed Forces supplying food to combat positions was interrupted. Search operations are being carried out to find the servicemen," the ministry said in a statement.

It added that the version of them "turning up the Azerbaijani side" was also being investigated.

Singing of Armenia-Azerbaijan peace treaty “not on agenda” in Moldova

Armenia –

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Foreign Ministry has said that the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Chisinau is not included in the agenda, Pastinfo reports.

"Discussions on the settlement of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and, in particular, on the agreement "On establishment of peace and interstate relations" continue,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“As we have mentioned many times, the Armenian side will be ready to sign the agreement when the key issues are addressed. We believe that discussions on them will continue during and after the meeting planned within the framework of the European Political Community in Chisinau on June 1. Signing of the said agreement is not included in the agenda of the meeting in Chisinau."

The leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan met in Brussels on May 14 and were hosted by European Council President Charles Michel.

Michel’s office announced before the meeting that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani Aliyev will also hold follow-up talks together with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the sidelines of a European summit in Moldova’s capital Chisinau slated for June 1.

​AGBU “rejects the validity of this rationalization”

Armenia –

AGBU “rejects the validity of this rationalization”

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) issed a statement on May 26 “on agreement that gives Azerbaijan sovereignty over Artsakh“.

It reads:

“Yesterday, the Republic of Armenia’s leadership met with the presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia to continue advancing the process of securing a regional peace agreement. Citing its rationale of making it possible for the citizens of Artsakh to be “guaranteed their security and rights,” Armenia has indicated that it intends to officially agree that Azerbaijan has sovereignty over the people of Artsakh.  

AGBU, along with many Armenians across the Armenian World, rejects the validity of this rationalization. While all Armenians want stability, peace and security for Armenia and the region, we are deeply concerned by the prospect of Armenia signing away the fate of the Armenians of Artsakh to an enemy that knows no bounds in reaching its dual goals to eradicate Armenians from Artsakh and ultimately win hegemony in the region, which puts the sovereignty of Armenia, itself, at stake. Especially concerning is Azerbaijan stating that no country, including Armenia, will be permitted to stand in the way of its objectives for the population of Artsakh, signaling that blockades, humanitarian terrorism, and cultural genocide in Artsakh will all be fair game.  

“The history of this conflict over the past 30 years shows that Azerbaijan has never been an honest negotiating partner, “states AGBU President Berge Setrakian. “It has failed to honor any international treaty, convention, agreement, or law where the people of Artsakh are concerned. Ilham Aliyev’s relentless anti-Armenian public rhetoric, unprovoked military aggressions against civilian Armenian communities, and deprivation of thousands of Armenians in Artsakh with a ruthless economic blockade are evidence enough. We know that signing this document is tantamount to giving Azerbaijan a blank check to complete its mission to eradicate Artsakh of all Armenians, with impunity.”  

For 30 years, the people of Artsakh have tried to exercise their right to self-determination, as defined by the second article of the United Nation’s Charter and the principles of the OSCE Minsk Group. Self-determination is the only acceptable course of action and the world community must step up to finally see this process through.

As such, AGBU calls upon all international bodies to support the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination, otherwise, they will be further subjected to ethnic cleansing by an Azerbaijan that consistently and unapologetically fails to fulfill its end of a settlement”.

Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute comments on scandalous video
Armenia –

The "Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute" Foundation (AGMI) informs that the papers in the boxes seen in the video spread on the Internet today are the drafts of the working copies of exhibitions, conferences, lectures organized by AGMI in different years, the foundation informed Armenian

"In the near future, AGMI will issue a denial request to the author of the video, and we urge those spreading the material not to disseminate unspecified information," the message says.

Earlier, a video circulated on the Internet, in which various papers were seen being burned near the Armenian Genocide Museum in Tsitsernakaberd Park.

Archaeologists in Armenia Unearth a Bakery—Complete With 3,000-Year-Old Flour

Cool Finds

Originally thought to be ash, the ancient powdery substance helped researchers identify the building’s purpose

Teresa Nowakowski

Daily Correspondent

4:58 p.m.

Last fall, when researchers unearthed the remains of a 3,000-year-old structure in the western Armenian town of Metsamor, they faced two mysteries: First, they didn’t know what purpose the structure had served. Beyond that, a strange powdery substance covering the area left them stumped.

“We knew it was something organic and collected about four to five sacks worth of the material,” Krzysztof Jakubiak, an archaeologist at the University of Warsaw who led the excavation, tells Live Science’s Jennifer Nalewicki.

The team assumed, at first, the material was simply ash. After all, charred remnants of the building’s reed roof and wooden beams indicated it had met its end in a fire. 

But upon closer examination, the substance was “decoded and recognized as remains of wheat flour,” says Jakubiak to Artnet’s Vittoria Benzine. “The samples were examined by an archaeobotanist expert, who confirmed this preliminary supposition.”

These findings solved both of the team’s mysteries at once. The powder wasn’t ash, but wheat flour. They had unearthed an ancient bakery.

Archaeologists originally mistook the flour residue in the building for ash. Patrick Okrajek

Archaeologists estimate that the structure could have once held as much as 3.5 tons of flour, making it a site for mass production. They also found that furnaces were likely added after the building’s construction, indicating that the structure may have once served another purpose. Before becoming a bakery, perhaps it was “used for ceremonies or meetings, and then was turned into storage,” says Jakubiak to Live Science.

The bakery’s flour is now far past its prime. Still, the discovery remains important; the building is one of the oldest known structures of its kind from the southern Caucasus and eastern Anatolia, per Szymon Zdziebłowski of Science in Poland

The building appears to have operated between the late 11th and early 9th century B.C.E. as part of the fortified settlement established at Metsamor in the 4th millennium B.C.E.

An aerial view of Metsamor, where the bakery was excavated Patrick Okrajek

Little is known about the settlement, which covered 247 acres before being conquered in the eighth century B.C.E. by Argishti I, since its ancient inhabitants did not have a written language, according to Science in Poland. However, archaeologists continue to learn more about Metsamor through new discoveries, including a recently unearthed tomb filled with gold pendants. Jakubiak tells Live Science that his team plans to continue to examine the bakery, which is remarkably well-preserved, in order to gain more insight into Metsamor’s history.

“Because the structure's roof collapsed during a fire, it shielded everything, and luckily, the flour survived,” he adds. “It’s astounding; under normal circumstances, everything should be burned and gone entirely.”