EBRD to hold its 2024 Annual Meeting in Yerevan




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and government of Armenia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which lays the foundations for the 2024 EBRD Annual Meeting to take place in Yerevan on 14-16 May 2024.

The event will be the EBRD’s 33rd Annual Meeting and is the most important event in the Bank’s calendar. A central part is the meeting of the Board of Governors, the Bank’s highest decision-making body, assessing the Bank’s performance and setting future strategic directions, the EBRD announced in a press release.

The conference also includes the Business Forum, a gathering of business representatives, investors, government officials and media who engage in panel discussions and networking events. In addition, the Annual Meeting comprises a civil society programme, a donors’ meeting and other auxiliary events.

The Memorandum of Understanding sets out the responsibilities regarding the organisation, planning and delivery of the Annual Meeting. Both parties expressed their commitment to a successful event, which is expected to attract up to 2,000 participants to Armenia.  

EBRD Secretary General Kazuhiko Koguchi said at the signing in Samarkand: “We are very pleased to sign this agreement today and we hope for a successful cooperation with the Armenian authorities. Preparations are already underway and we are confident that the event in May will be a big success for guests and the host.”

Vahe Hovhannisyan, Minister of Finance of Armenia and EBRD Governor, commented: “We are delighted to host the Annual Meeting of the EBRD in Armenia in 2024. It will give us the opportunity to showcase our country to a wider audience and attract investments of unprecedented significance.”

The EBRD is one of the leading institutional investors in Armenia. Since the beginning of its operations in the country, it has invested around €2 billion across 206 projects, supporting private sector development and the energy, infrastructure, telecommunications and financial sectors.

Nagorno Karabakh Foreign Minister sends letters to foreign ambassadors accredited in Armenia




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. On 24 May, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) Sergey Ghazaryan sent official letters to heads of foreign diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Armenia, in which he presented the concerns of the Government of Artsakh regarding the existential dangers threatening the people of Artsakh, the foreign ministry of Nagorno Karabakh said in a press release. 

In particular, the letter said that since the signing of the Trilateral Statement of 9 November 2020, Azerbaijan has been deliberately spreading disinformation about alleged illegal military activities in Artsakh, including transfer of weapons, thereby trying to justify their own illegal actions and possible new attacks on Artsakh, and to demand the disarmament of the Defence Army to deprive the people of Artsakh of any opportunity for self-defence.

It emphasised that after the 44-day war, Azerbaijan built dozens of new military facilities in the occupied territories of Artsakh and deployed thousands of military personnel there. It has also been regularly conducting military exercises and replenishing its arsenal mainly with offensive weapons in violation of international arms control mechanisms.

The letter also referred to Azerbaijan's more than 5-month-long blockade of Artsakh and its humanitarian and security consequences, including the illegal installation of an Azerbaijani checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor in violation of the 2020 Trilateral Statement and the order of the International Court of Justice of 22 February 2023. In this context, the Foreign Minister emphasised that any action or statement supporting the illegal claims of Azerbaijan is perceived by this country's leadership as condoning of their policy of ethnic cleansing of Artsakh.

The Artsakh Minister of Foreign Affairs called on international actors to express a strong and impartial position regarding the actions of Azerbaijan, and urge the latter to refrain from the further use of or threat of force, respecting its international obligations. He emphasised that this is the least the international community must do to demonstrate its commitment to preventing genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.

Armenian Defense Minister opts out of CSTO council meeting in Belarus




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. Defense Minister Suren Papikyan is not participating in the ongoing Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Defense Ministerial Council meeting in Minsk, Belarus, Defense Ministry spokesperson Aram Torosyan told ARMENPRESS.

He did not reveal the reason of Papikyan’s non-participation.

Meanwhile, Member of Parliament Artur Hovhannisyan from the ruling Civil Contract party said he has no information as to why Papikyan is not participating, but stressed he was sure that there is no political subtext.

“Suren Papikyan’s non-participation in the given event has nothing to do with Armenia-CSTO relations. I don’t know details. I am sure that there’s no political subtext,” the lawmaker said, adding that the reason could be linked with some technical issues.

Speaking at the defense ministerial, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu mentioned the ‘importance’ of Armenia’s participation in CSTO joint trainings.

PM Pashinyan calls for single gas market in EEU for mutually-beneficial trade conditions




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has called for launching a single gas market in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU).

Speaking at the EEU summit in Moscow, Pashinyan said the launch would contribute to the development of favorable and mutually-beneficial conditions for trade, ensure energy security and increase of economic integration, as well as competitiveness of member states in international markets.

He said that Armenia is ready for constructive dialogue over this issue to swiftly achieve consensus in outstanding matters.

Financial support to joint cooperatives in manufacturing would promote individual branches of the economies of member states, he added, noting that proportional development of these initiatives is highly important to minimize risks. “Thus, it is important to develop mechanisms eliminating these risks in the phase of selection of the projects, which would allow us long-term prospects for such projects,” Pashinyan added.

The Armenian PM highlighted food security as an important aspect of cooperation within the EEU.  He said that EEU members must unite efforts in this direction.

PM Pashinyan also noted the coordinated work in 2022 for the development of mutually beneficial partnership outside the EEU.

Given the high dynamic of development of cooperation with Iran, the launch of the free trade agreement and its implementation are a priority for member states in context of real expansion of trade cooperation with third countries.

“Continuation of work in priority and promising negotiations sectors such as India and Egypt, as well as development of comprehensive dialogue around the economic agenda and enhancement of trade-economic cooperation with the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia will additionally boost the union’s integration process in the global economy,” Pashinyan said, calling for effective partnership mechanisms with third countries to be created, which would “consistently lead to creation of conditions for sustainable development of the economies of our countries.”

Pashinyan highlighted the Eurasian Economic Forum for dialogue between entrepreneurs and business circles and thanked Russia for organizing the event.

He reiterated Armenia’s readiness for continuous implementation of joint projects aimed at achieving mutually acceptable solutions around important issues of the integration union’s activities.

[see video]

Lachin Corridor should be under control of Russian peacekeepers, no one else should exercise control over it. Pashinyan




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS.  According to the trilateral declaration of November 9, the Lachin Corridor should be under the control of Russian peacekeepers, no one else should exercise control over it, ARMENPRESS reports, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan said during the expanded-format session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Referring to the speech of the Prime Minister of Armenia regarding the illegal blocking of the Lachin Corridor, Azerbaijani President Aliyev claimed that Azerbaijan did not block any corridor. According to Aliyev, it is open.

"And on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan, which you recognize, there is a checkpoint in accordance with all international norms. That border checkpoint is located 20 meters from the position of Russian peacekeepers," Aliyev said.

He claimed that the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh are moving peacefully to Armenia through that checkpoint.

Regarding the "Zangezur Corridor" wording, Aliyev said that Azerbaijan initiated that wording, it is their right to initiate what they consider legal and correct. According to Aliyev, the Russian Federation and other countries also support it.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan responded, "It is very interesting to hear that Russia supports the program you talked about. I am hearing about it for the first time. I know that Russia supports the unblocking of all transport and economic routes in our region."

Then the Prime Minister addressed and corrected Aliyev's "Lachin road" formulation, reminding that according to the trilateral declaration, there is no Lachin road, there is a Lachin corridor, which according to the same statement should be under the control of Russian peacekeeping forces.

“No one else should exercise any control in that corridor. What is happening there is a direct violation of the trilateral declaration. You said that the corridor is open, we don't see it, we don't think so. That is why we consider it important that an international mission be sent to both Lachin Corridor and Nagorno-Karabakh, which will assess the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh," said Pashinyan, noting that since December, unfortunately, there has been a humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, as a result of the closure of Lachin Corridor, the necessary deliveries are not made.

The Prime Minister added that Russian President Vladimir Putin knows about it very well, because they have talked about it more numerous times.

The November 9 document only mentions one corridor, and that is the Lachin corridor. Pashinyan to Aliyev




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS.  The trilateral declaration of November 9 mentions only one corridor, and that is the Lachin corridor, ARMENPRESS reports, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said during the extended-format session of the EAEU Supreme Council, referring to the so-called "Zangezur Corridor" _expression_ of the President of Azerbaijan.

"In his speech, the president of Azerbaijan used an _expression_ that in recent years serves as a title for presenting a territorial claim against Armenia. It is used within the framework of the implementation of point 9 of the trilateral declaration of November 9. I want to emphasize that the statement mentions only one corridor, and it is the Lachin corridor, which was supposed to be under the control of Russian peacekeepers, but, unfortunately, is illegally blocked by Azerbaijan," said Pashinyan.

The Prime Minister of Armenia assured that the Armenian side is ready to unblock all economic and transport links in the region. He noted that Armenia is ready for the opening of regional communication within the framework of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through the territory of which they pass.

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin also noted that conditions are being created for the recognition of the borders according to the agreements reached back in 1991, these conditions give hope to believe that it will be possible to reach an appropriate agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, including regarding transport communications.

"I think we can discuss all that at the tripartite meeting today," said Putin.

The Russian President expressed hope that it will be possible to agree on what is clearly in the interests of both Armenia and Azerbaijan and the economic development of the entire region. He expressed hope that it will be discussed in detail at the tripartite meeting.

The president of Azerbaijan, in his turn, assured that they have no territorial claims against Armenia. Referring to the term "corridor" used by him, Aliyev said: "The name corridor does not in any way mean encroachment on anyone's territory. It's an international term."

Aliyev added that "people who are familiar with international terminology would not give it such importance as the Prime Minister of Armenia does."

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also responded. "All those who are familiar with the trilateral declaration of November 9, know that there is only one instance of the use of the word corridor in that statement. In that context, the word has a special meaning, and it is about the Lachin Corridor, which I repeat, according to the trilateral declaration, should be under the control of the Russian Federation and ensure the connection between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia”.

PM Pashinyan responds to "corridor" wording of the President of Azerbaijan during the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS.  Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan participated in the jubilee 30th session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Moscow. The Presidents of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan also took part in the narrow-format session of the event, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The President of Azerbaijan took part in the extended-format session as a guest, and the leaders of the EAEU observer countries – Uzbekistan, Cuba, as well as the President of Tajikistan as a guest, participated remotely.

In his speech at the narrow-format session, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, noted that during the previous year, the largest economic growth in the area of the Eurasian Economic Union was recorded by Armenia – 12.6 percent.

In turn, Prime Minister Pashinyan added that during the first four months of this year, a 12.1 percent increase in economic activity was recorded in the Republic of Armenia.

In his speech at the extended-format session, Nikol Pashinyan specifically stated,

“Dear Heads of State,

Dear members of delegations,

I am glad to welcome you at this year’s first meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council

Let me to thank the presiding party and personally the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for the traditional hospitality and the high-level organization of the thirtieth jubilee session of the Supreme Council.

Dear colleagues,

At the narrow-format meeting, we had a thorough exchange of views on key issues of the agenda, and I would like to briefly touch on some of the issues relevant to the Union.

Strengthening the potential of national economies is conditioned also by a competent approach to ensuring energy security.

As has been repeatedly noted, the timely launch of the EAEU common gas market will contribute to the formation of favorable and mutually beneficial terms of trade, will ensure an increase in energy security, the level of economic integration and competitiveness of the Union Member States in the international market.

In this context, the Armenian side is ready for a constructive dialogue with the aim of reaching a consensus on outstanding issues as soon as possible.

Thanks to the great work done by the Commission and the authorized bodies of the Union Member States, we have managed to record significant progress in the development of a regulatory framework for the creation of a new format for financing industrial cooperative projects.

Financial assistance to joint cooperative projects in the field of industry will provide us with the opportunity to stimulate individual economic sectors of our countries.

At the same time, we attach importance to their balanced development in order to minimize the risks that imply stagnation or a decrease in activity in other economic sectors of the EAEU Member States.

Therefore, at the stage of project selection, it is important to develop mechanisms that eliminate these risks, which will give us a long-term perspective for such projects.

Let me note that one of the important aspects of cooperation between our countries is food security, which is aimed at ensuring the availability and quality of food for the population, as well as protecting the market from low-quality and dangerous products.

Today, the need to form a collective system for ensuring food security has sharply increased. I consider it obvious that there is a need to consolidate the efforts of the EAEU countries in this direction.

It is gratifying that, using various formats of cooperation, in 2022 we made systematic efforts to form a mutually beneficial partnership outside the Union, as evidenced by the information presented in the reports on the main directions of EAEU international activity and approaches to the development of trade and economic cooperation with the main partners of the Union in the medium term.

Given the high dynamics of the development of cooperation with Iran, the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement and its further implementation are a priority for us in the context of the real expansion of trade cooperation with third countries.

The continuation of the work in such priority and promising negotiation directions as India and Egypt, as well as the development of a comprehensive dialogue on the economic agenda and the deepening of trade and economic cooperation with the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia will provide an additional impetus to the process of integration of the Union into the world economy.

Despite the achieved results, based on the current realities, it is necessary to swiftly create effective mechanisms of interaction with partners from third countries, which will consistently lead to the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of the economies of our countries.

Dear participants of the session,

Obviously, effective planning of steps to develop a common economic space implies an open dialogue with entrepreneurs and representatives of business circles.

In this context, I would like to highlight the holding of the Eurasian Economic Forum and, taking this opportunity, once again thank the Russian side for organizing large-scale events and for efforts to develop discussion topics that maximally cover topical areas of interaction within the EAEU.

The forum attracts leading political figures and leaders of business, cultural and other circles of the societies of the member states, becoming a key platform for the formation of promising ideas and projects, a platform for discussions around topical issues.

In conclusion, I would like to once again confirm the readiness of the Armenian side for the consistent implementation of joint projects aimed at reaching mutually acceptable solutions on important issues of the functioning of our integration union.

Thank you for attention”.

During the session, issues related to the development of cooperation in various fields within the framework of EAEU were discussed.

In his speech, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev used the wording "Zangezur Corridor", to which Prime Minister Pashinyan responded. "In his speech, the president of Azerbaijan used an _expression_ that has been used in recent years as a title for making territorial claims against Armenia. I would like to note that this is used in the framework of the implementation of point 9 of the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020.

I would like to emphasize that the Declaration mentions only one corridor, and it is the Lachin corridor, which was supposed to be under the control of Russian peacekeepers, but, unfortunately, is illegally blocked by Azerbaijan. On the other hand, I want to confirm the readiness of the Republic of Armenia to unblock all transport and economic connections and communications in the region that pass through the territory of the Republic of Armenia – we call it the "Armenian Crossroads" and we are ready to open regional communications within the framework of the sovereignty and jurisdiction of those countries through which they pass. I mean the transport and economic communications mentioned in point 9 of the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020 and the trilateral statement of January 11, 2021."

Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized that those who are familiar with the text of the trilateral declaration of November 9, 2020, know that there is only one use of the word "corridor" in it. "And in this context, this word has a special meaning, and it is the Lachin Corridor, which, I repeat, according to the trilateral declaration, should be under the control of the Russian Federation and provide a connection between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia. But, unfortunately, in the presence of Russian peacekeepers, Azerbaijan illegally closed this corridor. On the other hand, I would like to confirm that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed on mutual recognition of each other's territorial integrity. And on this basis, yes, it can be said that we are going quite well in the direction of normalizing our relations.

In this context, I would also like to mention a very important issue, the issue of the rights and security of the people of Nagorno Karabakh within the framework of the international mechanism. I hope that soon a normal constructive dialogue between Baku and Stepanakert will begin," said the Prime Minister.

Referring to Aliyev's statement that Russia also supports the idea of Zangezur Corridor, Nikol Pashinyan noted: "It is very interesting to know that Russia supports the project you mentioned. To be honest, this is the first time I have heard about it.

I know that Russia supports the opening of all transport and economic communications in our region. You said "Lachin road", but according to our trilateral declaration, "Lachin road" does not exist, there is a corridor which, according to the trilateral declaration signed by three of us, should be under the control of Russian peacekeeping forces, that is, no one else should exercise any control of this corridor.

And what is happening there is a direct violation of the trilateral declaration. And you said that the corridor is open, but we don't see it, we don't think so. Therefore, we consider it important that an international fact-finding mission be sent to both the Lachin Corridor and Nagorno Karabakh to assess the humanitarian situation in Nagorno Karabakh.

And I must say that, unfortunately, we have a humanitarian crisis there since December, because due to the closure of the Lachin corridor, obstacles are created for the supply of food and other necessities. And this is a very serious situation. Gas and electricity have also been blocked by Azerbaijan. I mean the gas and electricity going to Nagorno Karabakh. And, Vladimir Vladimirovich, you know about it very well, because we have talked about this many times."

Putin believes opening regional communications will contribute to normalization of relations between Armenia, Azerbaijan




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS.  The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, emphasized that bilateral cooperation between Armenia and Russia in various fields continues to develop actively, ARMENPRESS reports, Vladimir Putin said at the meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan. "I would like to emphasize that our trade turnover registers very positive dynamics. Last year, it grew by more than 83 percent and reached 5 billion USD. In January-March of this year, it increased by another 1.5 billion USD. If this process continues at the same pace, we will definitely surpass last year's record.

Referring to the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Putin emphasized that once again he discussed the issue face-to-face with the Prime Minister of Armenia, they will also have the opportunity to discuss the issue of unblocking transport communications at the meeting in a trilateral format with the participation of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

"The issues are very important and sensitive. I am sure that if we finally, despite all the difficulties, reach decisions on these issues, it will undoubtedly be beneficial for both Armenia and Azerbaijan, but not only for those two countries. It will be beneficial for the entire region, because many states are interested in it, and it will contribute to the normalization of relations in all directions, including the political direction from the point of view of ensuring the safety of people living in that area," said the Russian President.

Putin also thanked the Armenian Prime Minister for his active participation in the work of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

The President of the Russian Federation also thanked Nikol Pashinyan for that the latter agreed to the participation of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in the session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council.

Pashinyan – Putin meeting kicks off in Moscow




YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS.  Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Russian President Vladimir Putin are holding a bilateral meeting in Moscow.

ARMENPRESS reports, earlier on May 25, the jubilee 30th session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council was held in Moscow.

A trilateral meeting of the leaders of Armenia, Russia and Azerbaijan is also scheduled.

[see video]