Asbarez: Artsakh Angrily Condemns Pashinyan

Thousands of Artsakh residents turned out for a rally in Stepanakert on May 9

After Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan confirmed his agreement that Artsakh would fall under Azerbaijan’s control, the National Assembly of Artsakh convened an emergency session late Monday night and unanimously adopted a resolution expressing the legislature’s anger at the posturing by Armenia’s leader.

The lawmakers also vowed to never “waiver from its ongoing struggle.”

Addressing the parliament during the emergency session was its speaker Artur Tovmasyan, the heads of each party or bloc represented in the legislature, as well as lawmakers, who later unanimously adopted a text drafted by Vahram Balayn, the chair of the parliament’s permanent commission on foreign affairs.

“What rights, security and dialogue can we talk about when Azerbaijan has been illegally keeping Artsakh under complete blockade for 162 days?” said Speaker Tovmasyan. Ashot Danielyan, another lawmaker allied to Artsakh President Arayik Harutiunian branded Pashinyan a “capitulator,” according to

Below is the translated text of the announcement.

The announcement made today by Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during a press conference where he reaffirmed his willingness to include Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan, has create resentment and anger in the Republic of Artsakh.

With this commitment, Nikol Pashinyan evidently is grossly violating elements related to Artsakh in the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Armenia and the Constitution, in particular the July 8, 1992 order adopted by the Supreme Council of the Republic of Armenia whereby “any international or inter-state document stating the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will be part of Azerbaijan is unacceptable for the the Republic of Armenia.”
Once again, we reaffirm that the status of Artsakh was already determined through the popular referendum of December 10, 1991 and not government has the right to nullify that.

For us, any statement by Nikol Pashinyan that ignores the sovereignty of the Republic of Artsakh, the right of self-determination of our people and the fact of its existence and any document drawn up based on this are unacceptable and are considered null and void. Artsakh will never waiver from its ongoing struggle.

We are deeply concerned and found this reality fraught with dangers. The National Assembly of the Artsakh Republic calls on all Armenians to not allow the disastrous steps by today’s leadership of the Republic of Armenia to surrender any part of our homeland—the Republic of Artsakh and the sovereign territories of Armenia—to Azerbaijan, which will inevitably result in the loss of Armenian statehood.

At the same time, we call on the previous and current president of Armenia and Artsakh to appeal and condemn Nikol Pashinyan’s announcements. Otherwise, we will deem your silence as a sign of agreement with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia.

AW: 12th International Conference on Armenian Linguistics to be held at NAASR

BELMONT, Mass. — The Twelfth International Conference on Armenian Linguistics (ICAL XII) will take place at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), 395 Concord Ave., Belmont, MA, from Wednesday, May 31, to Friday, June 2, 2023. Sessions are scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude at 5:00 p.m. on May 31 and June 1. On June 2 the conference will conclude at noon.

The conference is being presented with the co-sponsorship and support of NAASR and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and has been organized by a committee led by Anaid Donabedian (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales – INALCO, Paris) and Luc Baronian (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi).

ICAL XII will feature scholars from around the world participating in person and via Zoom. This conference offers an opportunity to researchers working on various aspects of the Armenian language to share their work and thoughts, whatever their theoretical or methodological approaches may be.

The conference sessions are open to the public to attend in-person. The full schedule of the sessions will be posted on NAASR’s website as soon as it is finalized.

For more information about the conference, email [email protected].

Founded in 1955, NAASR is one of the world’s leading resources for advancing Armenian Studies, supporting scholars, and building a global community to preserve and enrich Armenian culture, history, and identity for future generations.

The California Courier Online, May 25, 2023

The California
Courier Online, May 25, 2023


1-         Questionable
Writers Spread


            By Harut

The California



2-         Saving
Sasoun Kapamajian: Two Brothers

            Whose Bond
in Blood Is A Modern Miracle

3-         AAF Delivers
Another $6.3 Million

Medicines to Armenia
and Artsakh

4-         Sarian's
American Healthcare Systems

            to Purchase
Vista Medical Center East



1-         Questionable
Writers Spread


            By Harut

The California



Armenians firmly condemn and reject individuals with
questionable motives who repeatedly write articles full of hatred and lies
about Armenia
in the international press. The hostile content of these articles leads one to
believe that they are not honest expressions of opinion, but reflect the
writers’ sinister aims. If you go on the website and look
under “Armenian Hall of Shame,” you will find the names of a couple of hundred
such anti-Armenian writers.

For example, James Wilson wrote an article last week titled
“Why is France trying to
play into Russia’s
hands?” which was posted on the ‘EU Reporter’ website.

Wilson claimed that “France is starting to supply weapons to Armenia.
Initially, it involves the delivery of 50 armored vehicles, but in the future,
deliveries of French Mistral surface-to-air missile systems are also possible.”
This is pure speculation. Wilson quoted an
unknown Artsakh Armenian who reportedly spoke on Armenian TV about French
weapons coming to Armenia.

Wilson revealed his real
intent in writing this article by stating that Ukrainian and Moldovan media
have reported: “Western military equipment supplied to Yerevan could be used by Russians to counter
the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive.” This is utter nonsense. Wilson wrote that Armenia’s
Defense Minister Suren Papikyan discussed French-Armenian military cooperation
during his visit to Paris
in September 2022. Even if this is true, nine months later, not a single French
bullet has been sent to Armenia!

Wilson then accused Armenia of “serving as a trans-shipment hub for
Iranian weapons sent to Moscow.”
This is fake news. Moscow does not need to use Armenia for
such trans-shipments. Wilson then falsely
claimed that Armenia used
Iranian drones during its clashes with Azerbaijan. Without providing a
shred of evidence, he alleged that French weapons shipped to Armenia can be transferred to Iran.
Incredibly, Wilson concluded that French weapons
shipments to Armenia “put France on a collision course with Israel,” because of its military alliance with Azerbaijan.

Who is James Wilson and why is he writing such terrible
things about Armenia?
He is a Brussels-based British man who worked as a political consultant for
mostly Eastern European clients, according to POLITICO. He spent almost two
decades in the Hong Kong government. He
founded MacMillan, a lobbying consultancy, first in Ukraine
and then in Brussels,
in mid-2000’s. He is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of EU Political Report
in Brussels and
co-founder of Brussels ThinkLab, a consultancy established in 2019.

Mark Scott wrote a lengthy three-part series of articles in
POLITICO, revealing the inner workings of consultants in Brussels,
under the title: “The web of connections behind Brussels lobbying: Despite a longstanding
transparency push, large swathes of the bubble remain opaque.”

Here is how the EU Reporter’s publisher, Colin Stevens,
presented his company on a YouTube video: “Our business model is to offer
political parties, businesses, NGOs, industry associations, financial
institutions and governments the opportunity to use EU Reporter to influence
the European political decision-making process by sponsoring coverage and the
placement of positive news stories and editorial comment related to them.”

POLITICO replied: “Welcome to the murky world of EU lobbying
dressed up as journalism. Stevens doesn’t appear to have a particular agenda,
or to work as a lobbyist. But his company has provided a number of companies
and governments with a space to publish paid-for content as straight news
articles without disclosing those connections.”

The EU Reporter’s website has posted dozens of anti-Armenia
and pro-Azerbaijan articles. POLITICO disclosed that the EU Reporter published
“a sponsored post by the Azerbaijani government…. Kazakhstan
and Azerbaijan
have both received extensive positive coverage on the site — raising questions
about editorial standards and whether paid-for content is correctly labeled.”

Here is how the pro-Azeri propaganda works: Following the
2020 Artsakh War, “Baku’s representative to the
United Nations sent a letter to the secretary-general alleging that Armenia had
relied on terrorists and foreign fighters during the months-long war. Among the
evidence he cited were articles published in EU Reporter. In one article,
written while the conflict was ongoing, the site accused Armenia of transporting Turkish fighters from Syria to train
the country’s militia. In another, it criticized Western media reports that
accused Azerbaijan, not Armenia, of
relying on foreign militants…. Three Azerbaijani experts told POLITICO that
allegations of foreign fighters siding with Armenia
during the conflict did not match the reality on the ground, and that EU
Reporter’s coverage of the conflict skewed significantly toward Baku’s perspective….
POLITICO was not able to confirm whether Azerbaijan had paid for the
favorable coverage in EU Reporter. Stevens said that his site retains full
independence, that it had been even-handed in its treatment of Azerbaijan and
that all articles were labeled with an author’s name…. Still, the outlet and Baku have ties that date
back almost a decade,” POLITICO wrote.

The EU Reporter usually adds a sentence to its articles,
stating: “EU Reporter publishes articles from a variety of outside sources
which express a wide range of viewpoints. The positions taken in these articles
are not necessarily those of EU Reporter.” This is nothing but a fig leaf to
hide behind publishing articles of questionable origin.

I wrote to the Publisher of EU Reporter asking if he had
paid James Wilson to write his ‘article.’ If yes, how much did he pay him? Not
surprisingly, I did not receive an answer.


2-         Saving Sasoun Kapamajian: Two

            Whose Bond
in Blood Is A Modern Miracle


Pregnant with her second son, Sasoun, in 2017, Armené
Kapamajian looked excitedly toward the future. With the holidays coming up, she
imagined all the things moms like her would normally do. Her older son, Vaughn,
two years old at the time, would have a sibling to play with. There would be
winter walks, bundled up tightly, around their neighborhood in Los Angeles. She’d take her children,
accompanied by her husband, Dr. Michael Kapamajian, to see their extended
family over the holidays.

And when Sasoun was born, Armené and Michael were convinced
all that was in the cards.

But about a week later, they were given some life-changing
news: Sasoun was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Severe Combined
Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SCID), which makes it harder for a person’s immune
system to function properly. Even small infections, like ear infections, could
be fatal.

The doctors gently explained that Sasoun would need to be
isolated from the outside world until his medical team could find a suitable
donor and schedule a transplant to rebuild Sasoun’s immune system. So, that’s
exactly what they did.

Armené would be Sasoun’s sole caregiver at the hospital
while they waited for a transplant. Michael would still need to work, so while
the doctors determined that Michael and older brother Vaughn could not visit
the hospital, Armené had to dress head-to-toe in a gown and mask to protect
Sasoun. Armené would not be allowed to leave the room for fear of bringing back
an infection.

Soon, the reality of this “new normal” began to sink in for
Armené. She couldn’t take walks with her family to look at Christmas lights or
have friends and family over at the hospital to hold the new little one. She
couldn’t even physically touch Vaughn or Michael, or do the little things she
normally took for granted, like take Christmas pictures as a family.

With their yearly plans shattered, Armené felt lost. Things
weren’t supposed to happen this way, right?

For SCID, early intervention is critical. Many children
don’t ever make it to grade school. The most effective treatment is a bone
marrow transplant, where cells from a healthy donor are used to replace the
faulty cells and rebuild a functioning immune system. Sasoun’s doctors knew
they had to quickly find him a matched donor. It was then that Armené and
Michael had a lightbulb moment: after learning that Vaughn was a bone marrow
match, they remembered they had also preserved older brother Vaughn’s newborn
stem cells with CBR when he was born.

Similar to adult forms of stem cells found in bone marrow,
newborn stem cells found in cord blood can be used to rebuild healthy immune
systems. Because newborn stem cells are collected at birth, they are younger
and more flexible than bone marrow stem cells. This increases the odds of
matching and decreases the chances of certain complications. Plus, they are
immediately available if and when the family needs them.

Armené and Michael waited nervously while doctors tested
whether Vaughn’s stem cells would be compatible with Sasoun. As it turned out,
Sasoun was a perfect match for Vaughn’s cord blood.

Vaughn, then a 2-year-old pint-sized hero, was ready to help
his brother fight.

“Dad,” he said, looking up at his father, “I’m going to save
my brother.”

During the family’s stay at the hospital, CBR sent Vaughn’s
stem cells from their cryopreservation lab to Sasoun’s treating physician, and
Sasoun was given his transplant. Six weeks after receiving the transplant, the
doctors monitoring Sasoun’s progress said it was okay for Sasoun to return home
— as long as Sasoun, Vaughn and Armené remained quarantined.

Overjoyed, Armené returned home.  Although the road wasn’t yet clear (she,
Sasoun, and Vaughn would remain quarantined for another twelve months), simply
being out of the hospital, with Sasoun’s immune system rebuilding — was a huge
relief. Before COVID-19, they could bring Sasoun outdoors, eat dinner at restaurants,
and see family. When COVID-19 struck, they were much better equipped to handle

Today, Sasoun lives a much more normal life. Michael and
Armené, now almost 6 years later—as Sasoun is in pre-K and Vaughn is in 2nd
grade at Mesrobian Armenian School —still marvel at how Vaughn’s newborn stem
cells were the “spark plug to jump start Sasoun’s recovery.”


3-         AAF Delivers Another $6.3

Medicines to Armenia
and Artsakh


GLENDALE—In the first four
months of 2023, the Armenia Artsakh Fund (AAF) delivered to Armenia and
Artsakh another five shipments of medicines and medical supplies valued at $6.3
million of which $3.2 million was for Artsakh. All five shipments were donated
by AmeriCares, at the request of the AAF.

Even though for over five months, Azerbaijan
has imposed a near total blockade of the Lachin Corridor which links Artsakh to
the International Committee of the Red Cross was able to deliver the
urgently-needed medical shipments to Artsakh.

Here are some of the medicines sent on these five shipments:
Everolimus tablets,  Telmisartan,
Ipratropium Bromide/Albuterol Sulfate, Clobetasol, Linagliptine, several cases
of Penicilamine, Piperacilin Tazobactam, Enoxparin Sodium and Memantine

“We highly appreciate the life-saving medicines donated by
AmeriCares for Armenia
and Artsakh and the assistance of the International Committee of the Red Cross
to deliver them to the 120,000 Armenians blockaded in Artsakh,” said Harut
Sassounian, President of Armenia Artsakh Fund.

In the past 34 years, including the shipments under its
predecessor, the United Armenian Fund, the AAF delivered to Armenia and
Artsakh a grand total of $973 million worth of humanitarian aid, mostly
medicines, on board 158 airlifts and 2,557 sea containers.

For more information, call the AAF office: (818) 241-8900;


4-         Sarian's
American Healthcare Systems

            to Purchase
Vista Medical Center East


By Steve Sadin


Tribune)—Vista Medical Center East in Waukegan,
along with its affiliated physician clinics and outpatient facilities, are in
the process of being sold to a 2-year-old health care company that specializes
in operating community hospitals.

Vista is under contract to
be sold by Tennessee-based parent company Quorum Health Corporation to Los
Angeles-area headquartered American Healthcare Systems by May 31 pending
regulatory approval from the Illinois Health Facilities & Service Review

Faisal Gill, American Healthcare’s chief legal officer, said
the company specializes in community hospitals like Vista.
It will be the company’s fourth acquisition of a health care company since it
was founded in 2021.

Nicole Edwards, a corporate communications spokesperson for
Quorum, was not specific about why the current 16-hospital chain was selling Waukegan’s lone hospital,
and the other facilities affiliated with it.

Waukegan Mayor Ann Taylor said in an email American
Healthcare officials reached out to her and is pleased with the company’s,
“expressed intention to preserve and grow hospital services and retain existing

“AHS has shared with me its commitment to health care
excellence in the context of community hospitals, as well as its positive track
record of acquiring underperforming hospitals and increasing health care
services while preserving staff,” Taylor

American Healthcare currently operates Randolph
Health Hospital
in Asheboro, North Carolina,
the South City
Hospital in St.
Louis and Gateway Regional Medical
Center in Granite
City on the Illinois side of the St. Louis metropolitan

Gill said American Healthcare specializes in finding
underperforming hospitals with their attendant health care operations and
improves their performance. Mike Sarian, the company’s founder, chairman and
CEO, is an experienced health care executive.

“He has 30 years experience in the health care business,”
Gill said. “He decided to start his own company.”

Shortly after Sarian started American Healthcare, Gill said
it bought Randolph
Health Hospital
out of a bankruptcy and “turned it around.” It is now profitable and offering
better health care, Gill said.

Just under a year ago, Gill said American Healthcare
acquired South City. Though not in bankruptcy, it was
underperforming and is now operating on a stronger footing.



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[Press] From U.S. Embassy – Visa Fee Increases Effective May 30, 2023


Visa Fee Increases Effective May 30, 2023

The U.S. Department of State has increased certain nonimmigrant visa (NIV) 
application processing fees globally.  These fee increases are effective as of 
May 30, 2023.

The application fee for visitor visas for business or tourism (B1/B2s) and other 
non-petition based NIVs, such as student and exchange visitor visas, has 
increased from $160 to $185.  The application fee for certain petition-based 
nonimmigrant visas for temporary workers (H, L, O, P, Q, and R categories) has 
increased from $190 to $205.  The application fee for a treaty trader, treaty 
investor, and treaty applicant in a specialty occupation (E category) has 
increased from $205 to $315.
For more information or updates on fees for visa services, please visit


Վիզաների վճարի ավելացումը գործողության մեջ է մտնում 2023թ․ մայիսի 30-ից
ԱՄՆ պետքարտուղարությունն ամբողջ աշխարհում նախատեսում է 2023թ․ մայիսի 30-ից 
բարձրացնել ոչ ներգաղթային վիզաների որոշ տեսակների համար նախատեսված վճարի չափը։
Բիզնեսի կամ զբոսաշրջության համար նախատեսված B1/B2 տեսակի վիզաների և առանց 
միջնորդագրի տրվող ոչ ներգաղթային վիզաների՝ ուսանողական, փոխանակման այցելուների 
վիզաների համար նախատեսված վճարը 160 ԱՄՆ դոլարի փոխարեն այժմ կլինի 185 ԱՄՆ դոլար։ 
Միջնորդագրի վրա հիմնված ոչ ներգաղթային վիզաների  (H, L, O, P, Q և R տեսակի 
վիզաներ ժամանակավոր աշխատողների համար) վճարը 190 ԱՄՆ դոլարի փոխարեն կլինի 205 
ԱՄՆ դոալր։ Ավելացել է նաև E տեսակի վիզաների վճարը` 205 ԱՄՆ դոլարից դառնալով 315 
ԱՄՆ դոլար:
 Հավելյալ տեղեկությունների ու վիզաների վճարների մասին մանրամասների համար տես՝

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RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/22/2023


U.S. Sanctions Another Armenian Firm

        • Robert Zargarian

U.S. -- Department of Commerce sign seal emblem at headquarters building in 
Washington, January12, 2019.

The United States has added an Armenian trading company to its long list of 
entities accused of helping Russia evade U.S. sanctions imposed since the 
Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The U.S. Department of Commerce blacklisted the company, Medisar, along with 69 
Russian entities on May 19. It accused them of supporting Russia’s military and 
defense industry.

Founded in 2001, Medisar is based in Yerevan. It owns a large warehouse located 

Speaking to RFE/RL’s Armenian Service, a company executive, who did not want to 
be identified, acknowledged that Medisar has imported chemicals and laboratory 
equipment from the United States and the European Union and re-exported them to 
Russia. He insisted that company has not violated any Armenian laws and that the 
Armenian authorities have been aware of its operations.

Company representatives said they do not know yet the likely impact of the U.S. 
sanctions on Medisar’s continued activities. It was not clear whether they will 
stop doing business with Russia.

Medisar, which paid over $1 million in taxes last year, is the second 
Armenian-registered entity blacklisted by the United States. The other firm, 
TAKO, was sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets 
Control (OFAC) in April.

TAKO was registered in May last year about three months after the outbreak of 
the war in Ukraine. According to the Armenian state registry, it is fully owned 
by a Russian national and specializes in wholesale trade in electronic and 
telecommunications equipment and parts.

U.S. officials apparently pressed the Armenian government to comply with the 
sanctions during a series of meetings held earlier this year.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian admitted on Monday that the issue is on the 
agenda of his government’s dealings with the U.S. and the EU. He said that 
despite its “strategic” relations with Russia and membership in the Russian-led 
Eurasian Economic Union, Armenia “cannot afford to be placed under Western 

“Therefore, in our relations with Russia we will act on a scale that allows us 
to avoid Western sanctions,” he said, adding that Yerevan is “in constant 
communication with our Western partners.”

In a joint “compliance note” issued in March, the U.S. departments of Justice, 
Treasury and Commerce said that third-party intermediaries have commonly used 
China, Armenia, Turkey and Uzbekistan as “transshipment points” to Russia as 
well as Belarus.

Russian-Armenian trade skyrocketed last year, with Armenian exports to Russia 
nearly tripling to $2.4 billion. Goods manufactured in third countries and 
re-exported from Armenia to Russia are believed to have accounted for most of 
that gain.

Pashinian Defends Arrest Of Fallen Soldier’s Mother

        • Anush Mkrtchian

Armenia - Protesters demand the release of Gayane Hakobian outside the prime 
minister's office in Yerevan, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian sought to justify on Monday the arrest of a 
grief-stricken woman accused of attempting to “kidnap” his son which has sparked 
street protests and widespread condemnation in Armenia.

Gayane Hakobian, whose son Zhora Martirosian was killed during the 2020 war in 
Nagorno-Karabakh, was detained last Wednesday after an argument with Ashot 
Pashinian. Citing the latter’s testimony, Armenia’s Investigative Committee said 
that Hakobian tricked the young man into getting in her car after she ran into 
him outside a court building in Yerevan.

Pashinian Jr. jumped out of the car shortly after Hakobian drove it towards the 
Yerablur Military Pantheon, according to the law-enforcement agency.

Hakobian strongly denies the accusations carrying between four and eight years 
in prison. Her lawyers say she simply wanted to talk to the 23-year-old.

A Yerevan court approved her pre-trial detention on Saturday, triggering an 
angry demonstration attended by several dozen other parents of fallen soldiers 
and hundreds of their sympathizers. The parents announced afterwards a nonstop 
sit-in outside the prime minister’s office in the city’s central Republic Square.

Armenia - Protesters stand outside a court building in Yerevan during a hearing 
on Gayane Hakobian's arrest, May 20, 2023.

The protest continued on Monday as Nikol Pashinian held a news conference amid 
tightened security in and around the building.

The prime minister made clear that he will not tell his son to withdraw the 
complaint lodged against Hakobian because they both believe that “in Armenia all 
issues must be solved in a legal way.”

“If there was no crime, let them close the case,” he told a news conference. “If 
there was a crime, let them finish the investigation and send the case to court 
and let the court make a decision.”

Pashinian did not comment on why Hakobian has to be kept under arrest pending 
the outcome of her trial.

He also declined to answer a question from the protesters which was put to him 
by a reporter. They wanted to know “what you felt when ordering the arrest.”

“Gayane is not guilty and the accusation brought against her is fabricated,” one 
of the protesting parents told journalists. “I consider her a political 

“So his son cannot be told to sit in a car so that we just talk to him and they 
consider that kidnapping. But who will be held accountable for the deaths of my 
and Gayane’s sons and the 5,000 other boys?” said another.

Armenia - People demonstrate in support of Gayane Hakobian, May 20, 2023.

Armenian opposition leaders and other critics of the government claim that 
Pashinian ordered Hakobian’s arrest in a bid to muzzle the families of deceased 
soldiers who have staged demonstrations over the past year to demand his 
prosecution on war-related charges. Several female opposition parliamentarians 
visited the woman in custody at the weekend.

Former President Levon Ter-Petrosian also condemned the woman’s arrest, saying 
that it is an “even greater disgrace” than a recent incident during which 
Armenian parliament speaker Alen Simonian spat at a heckler in Yerevan. 
Ter-Petrosian said that the Armenian authorities are only heightening political 
tensions in the country with their “impudent and short-sighted actions.”

“If things continue like this, a much sadder, if not explosive, prospect awaits 
our country,” he warned in a statement.

The Armenian Apostolic Church likewise expressed “deep concern” at Hakobian’s 
prosecution and called for her release from custody.

Armenian PM, Church Trade Fresh Barbs

Armenia – Catholicos Garegin II leads Easter mass at St. Gregory the Illuminator 
Cathedral, Yerevan, April 9, 2023.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian has accused the Armenian Apostolic Church of 
meddling in politics, prompting a scathing response from the office of its 
supreme head, Catholicos Garegin II.

“Nothing prevents them [the church] from setting up a party and embarking on 
political activities through that party,” Pashinian said during a visit to 
Armenia’s Tavush province. “That would be more honest towards voters, and they 
would be on the same plane with other political rivals.”

“When the state and the church mix together there is nothing more dangerous than 
that. The state must mind its own business, the church must mind its own 
business,” he told a group of local schoolchildren in remarks publicized on 

The church was quick to hit back at Pashinian, underlining its strained 
relationship with the Armenian government.

“If some people want to practice ecclesiology, they can try to get admitted to 
the Theological Seminary; of course, if they overcome the educational threshold 
set for admission and present convincing arguments about their good health,” 
said Archbishop Arshak Khachatrian, the chancellor of the church’s Mother See in 

Pashinian’s relationship with the ancient church, to which the vast majority of 
Armenians belong, has increasingly deteriorated in recent years and especially 
since the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Garegin and other senior clergymen 
joined the Armenian opposition in calling for Pashinian’s resignation following 
Armenia’s defeat in the six-week war.

The Catholicos last month defended those calls and deplored the prime minister’s 
statements on the Karabakh conflict condemned by the opposition as 

A pro-government parliamentarian responded by accusing the Armenian Church of 
interfering in political processes. She also denounced Garegin’s homily read out 
during the Easter mass at Yerevan’s Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral on 
April 9.

“When justice and truth cease to be the core of our undertakings and activities 
in state and public life, we will continue to face manifestations of pilatism,” 
Garegin told hundreds of worshippers during the mass.

Pashinian Confirms Readiness To Accept Azeri Control Of Karabakh

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian speaks during a news conference in 
Yerevan, .

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Monday gave the clearest indication yet that 
he has agreed to recognize Azerbaijani sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh through 
a peace treaty currently discussed by Yerevan and Baku.

“If we and Azerbaijan correctly understand each other, Armenia recognizes 
Azerbaijan’s 86,600-square-kilometer territorial integrity, assuming that 
Azerbaijan recognizes Armenia’s 29,800-square-kilometer territory,” Pashinian 
said, repeating statements made following his May 14 meeting with Azerbaijani 
President Ilham Aliyev.

“The 86,600 square kilometers include Nagorno-Karabakh,” he told a news 
conference. “But it must also be noted that we are saying the issue of the 
rights and security of Karabakh’s Armenians must be discussed in a 
Baku-Stepanakert format.”

Pashinian again stressed the need for the “creation of international mechanisms” 
for such talks between the Azerbaijani government and Karabakh’s leadership. 
Yerevan, he explained, is specifically seeking international guarantees against 
“ethnic cleansing” in the Armenian-populated region which he said is planned by 

While expressing readiness for dialogue with Baku, the authorities in 
Stepanakert have repeatedly rejected any settlement that would restore 
Azerbaijani control over Karabakh.

Armenia - Armenian opposition activists rally outside the border village of 
Kordnidzor in support of Nagorno-Karabakh, May 20, 2023.

In a joint statement with Armenia’s leading opposition groups issued last week, 
the five political parties represented in the Karabakh parliament warned 
Pashinian against formally recognizing Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan. They 
said that such a deal would be “devoid of legal basis.”

Despite this warning, Pashinian made clear that he hopes to sign the 
Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty “as soon as possible.” He said that Yerevan 
presented Baku with fresh proposals regarding the remaining sticking points 
after marathon talks held by the Armenian and Azerbaijani foreign ministers 
outside Washington earlier in May.

“We are now waiting for their reaction,” added the Armenian premier. He did not 
disclose those proposals.

Pashinian and Aliyev are scheduled to meet again in Moscow on Thursday. They 
will hold on June 1 another meeting in Moldova which will be attended by 
European Union chief Charles Michel, French President Emmanuel Macron and German 
Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


Armenian FM mentions “some progress” in peace talks with Azerbaijan



 15:40, 19 May 2023

YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. Some progress has been achieved in context of Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization around several provisions of the possible peace treaty, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said at the beginning of the trilateral talks in Moscow with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov.

“Some progress has already been achieved over several provisions of the possible peace treaty in context of the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization. There is some mutual understanding also in a number of other issues, including the unblocking of connection routes, delimitation and demarcation based on the Almaty Declaration,” FM Mirzoyan said.

The Armenian FM stressed the necessity for not allowing further escalations and the use of force, noting that Armenia is committed to all trilateral statements signed between the leaders.

“The Armenian side will engage in constructive work in these negotiations,” Mirzoyan said.

In turn, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov also noted that progress has been made in the talks.

Armenia and Azerbaijan held U.S.-mediated foreign ministerial talks in Washington in early May. 

On May 14, an EU-mediated Armenian-Azerbaijani summit was held in Brussels.

“A historic event”: SIOP Asia 2023 XV Congress opens in Yerevan



 14:29, 19 May 2023

YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The official opening ceremony of the SIOP (International Society for Pediatric Oncology) Asia 2023 XV Congress took place Friday in Yerevan.

Armenian Healthcare Minister Anahit Avanesyan said that the event is an excellent opportunity for Armenian specialists to present their achievements of the recent years.

“This is a historic event for us,” Avanesyan said at the opening ceremony. “Because for the first time ever, such a major specialized event is being held in Armenia, and this is a very good occasion to get to know the new methods of treatment constantly developing around the world and the possibilities and important scientific work,” she said, adding that authorities will work to host such global congresses on cancer in the future again.

She said that the 75% treatment rate of pediatric cancer in Armenia is a truly a big achievement for a developing country.

Avanesyan noted the allogeneic stem cell transplant as an achievement of Armenian specialists.

The minister noted that children from abroad are among patients who are in Armenia to receive the allogeneic stem cell transplant, a rather difficult procedure.

Lawrence Faulkner, pediatric hematologist-oncologist and stem cell transplantation specialist from Italy, said that 5 children have received the transplantation treatment and 4 of them have been successfully treated.

“This means that we have success in 80% cases, and the team carrying out the transplant in Armenia is successfully implementing this treatment process and can expand this service and treat more patients. I plan to speak about stem cell transplant in developing countries with limited resources during the congress because it is an expensive service and regrettably it is unavailable in many countries,” he said.

Faulkner praised the holding of the congress in Armenia as a big achievement, highlighting the fact that experts from many countries will come together and jointly discuss diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Armen Muradyan, the Rector of the Yerevan State Medical University, the venue where the congress is held, said that it is a great achievement to have a hematology center where such advanced methodologies and technologies are used.

“I am happy and especially proud that our country was able to have such a high result and that this didn’t go unnoticed. A number of renowned experts from 60 countries have gathered here today, who will discuss their achievements and get to know how Armenia, a small developing country, was able to achieve such success,” Muradyan said.

Impressive investments to enable securing high growth in next years as well, says economy minister



 15:48, 19 May 2023

YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian economy boomed over the last year and secured 12,6% growth, becoming one of the fastest growing economies in the world, Minister of Economy Vahan Kerobyan said at the Yerevan Tech Forum.

“This year’s Q1 was as dynamic as last year. We ensured 12,2% growth in Q1 this year,” he said.

“For the first time in our history we ensured 1 billion dollars in foreign direct investments, which comprises over 5% of our GDP, and according to preliminary information the total investments stand at 4,2 billion dollars, which is an impressive result. These investments will allow us to have high economic growth in the next years as well,” he added.

The tech and finance sectors, which grew 50%, were the main contributors in the growth.

Trade, services, process manufacturing and construction also contributed to the growth.

Only the mining sector hasn’t recorded growth, “but that’s not too bad, because we must change our economic structure, from mining to high tech.”

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 19-05-23



 17:31, 19 May 2023

YEREVAN, 19 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 19 May, USD exchange rate down by 0.61 drams to 386.42 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 1.39 drams to 417.14 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate down by 0.01 drams to 4.83 drams. GBP exchange rate down by 0.76 drams to 480.36 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 213.90 drams to 24354.16 drams. Silver price down by 2.51 drams to 292.21 drams.

Kremlin to announce possible Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in advance



 16:08, 19 May 2023

YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The Kremlin has said that they will announce the possible meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in advance.

“Indeed, we will work on Eurasian integration issues next week. Both the Eurasian Economic Conference and the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council session will take place in Moscow. We expect both President Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan to be in Moscow. We will inform about possible contacts in time,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters when asked on prospects of an Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in Moscow, TASS reports. 

On May 18, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Russia offered to host a trilateral meeting between himself and Azerbaijani President Aliyev, under the mediation of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pashinyan said he accepted the offer.