Expert: It’s naive to think Baku recognizes Armenia’s territorial integrity

Armenia – May 15 2023

Iran specialist Vardan Voskanyan has dismissed claims about Azerbaijan’s recognition of Armenia’s territorial integrity and a "bright future" it could lead to.

President of the European Council Charles Michel said after Sunday's talks with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev that the two leaders “confirmed their unequivocal commitment to the 1991 Almaty Declaration and the respective territorial integrity of Armenia (29,800 km2) and Azerbaijan (86,600 km2).”

"It’s naive to believe that the leader of Baku's barbarian regime allegedly recognizes or will recognize the Republic of Armenia within an area of 29,800 square kilometers and that it will lead to a ‘bright future’,” Voskanyan wrote on Facebook on Monday.

He expert recalled Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s claims to modern-day Armenia, including Kond, one of the oldest districts in Yerevan which houses the government villas.

“It’s the same as if someone were to believe that I was supposedly convinced the artificial entity of Azerbaijan had a legitimate claim to the territory or culture of any indigenous peoples,” Voskanyan said.

Envoy: Reports of EU observers not shared with Armenia or Azerbaijan

Armenia – May 15 2023

The EU observers deployed to Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan do not share their reports either with the Armenian or the Azerbaijani authorities, Andrea Wiktorin, head of the EU Delegation in Yerevan, said on Monday, adding the civilian mission reports back to Brussels.

“But as the mission is accompanied by officers of the Ministry of Defense, the Armenian side is well aware of what they see,” she told a news conference.

Wiktorin said the EU observers were not in the border village of Sotk during the latest Azerbaijani attacks which left one Armenian soldier killed and several others wounded. They visited the area after the tensions eased, she added.

"So far with the latest incursion and hostilities they were not present on the ground… when the incursion happened. You have quite a long border and there is a schedule of the patrols. It is also not an intention that they had to be there while something happens. They are monitoring the border and they see what they see around the border, but it does not mean that they are actually on the spot when something happens," Wiktorin said.

Opposition MP: Artsakh leaders continue to help Pashinyan surrender it to Azerbaijan

Armenia – May 16 2023

Opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan accused the Artsakh leadership of supporting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s efforts to give away Artsakh to Azerbaijan.

The Artsakh Foreign Ministry on Monday reacted harshly to European Council President Charles Michel’s remarks following the latest talks between the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders in Brussels.

“The EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided solely by their own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the detriment of the values of democracy and human rights declared by the European Union,” it said in a statement.

Pashinyan stopped championing the Artsakh Armenians’ right to self-determination last year and has spoken instead of the need to protect their “rights and security” since then.

Meanwhile, the Artsakh statement contained no criticism of Pashinyan and his government.

“Charles Michel’s remarks only indicate the current agenda and the talks that were held, Meanwhile, the Armenian authorities, at least, have not stated otherwise,” Abrahamyan, the secretary of the opposition Pativ Unem faction, wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.

He stressed neither the Artsakh president nor any of the Artsakh officials who held a rally in Stepanakert on Monday refrained from criticizing Pashinyan’s “disgraceful policy of surrendering Artsakh to Azerbaijan.”

"Despite harsh criticism of Pashinyan from various groups of Artsakh's society, the Artsakh authorities continue to support Pashinyan in his efforts to surrender Artsakh [to Azerbaijan],” the deputy stated.

EU leadership continues to ignore Artsakh people’s legitimate rights – Foreign Ministry

Armenia – May 16 2023

The Artsakh Foreign Ministry issued a statement on European Council President Charles Michel’s remarks made after Sunday’s Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in Brussels. The full text of the statement is provided below.

"On 14 May, President of the European Council Charles Michel made a press statement following a trilateral meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The content of the statement as a whole, as well as a number of points contained there indicate that the EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided solely by their own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the detriment of the values of democracy and human rights declared by the European Union.

This is evidenced in particular by the absence in the statement of any mention of more than 5-months blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the establishment of an illegal Azerbaijani checkpoint at the entrance to the corridor and the factual siege of the 120,000 population of Artsakh with all the ensuing humanitarian consequences. This is an indication of the fact that the President of the European Council not only does not prevent, but in fact indulges Azerbaijan in using the suffering of the people of Artsakh as a political tool.

However, if the intentions and visible actions of Azerbaijan to provoke a humanitarian catastrophe and carry out ethnic cleansing in Artsakh are not a matter of concern for the President of the European Council, we still had the right to expect that the organisation he represents would show direct interest in Azerbaijan's strict compliance with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the International Court of Justice, as one of the pillars of contemporary international legal order. In this regard, the European Council President’s  defiant disregard for Azerbaijan's consistent non-compliance with the legally binding Order of the principal judicial organ of the UN and its systematic violations of international law, in particular the non-use or threat of force and the peaceful settlement of disputes, is puzzling.

It is only the effective measures on the part of the international community aimed at forcing Azerbaijan to immediately and unconditionally implement its obligations under the Trilateral Statement of 9 November 2020 and the Order of the International Court of Justice of 22 February 2023, that may testify that those acting as mediators are sincerely interested in lasting peace and stability in the region. We believe that those international actors who either by their action or inaction are encouraging Baku in their aggressive, expansionist policies and internationally wrongful acts, not only bear responsibility for their grave consequences, but also justify the recurrence of such policies and violations in other parts of the world.

We recall once again that in 1991, the people of Artsakh, in full compliance with international law and domestic legislation in force at that time, exercised their inalienable right to self-determination and established their statehood on the same basis as Azerbaijan and Armenia. The authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have consistently defended and will continue to defend the legitimate choice and _expression_ of the free will of their people.

Representatives of individual countries and international organisations have no right to decide the fate of the people of Artsakh. Moreover, any attempt to impose on the people of Artsakh an agenda based on the legitimisation of the illegal use of force and ongoing terror is tantamount to complicity in the implementation of Azerbaijan's criminal plans of ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and maintaining a permanent source of tension in the region, as well as encouraging Baku's territorial ambitions and aggressive policies.

In this connection, we reiterate the determination of the people and authorities of the Republic of Artsakh to continue the struggle for their inalienable rights in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. We are convinced that only the recognition of the right to self-determination exercised by the people of Artsakh can become the basis for a sustainable settlement of the conflict and the establishment of just and lasting peace and stability in the region.

We also recall that the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have always advocated a comprehensive settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. The Republic of Artsakh remains open to discussing all components of the conflict and reasonable proposals aimed at a peaceful settlement, in an agreed and internationally recognised negotiation format, based on the equal rights of the parties and in the presence of strong international guarantees for the implementation of their obligations."

Avinyan’s lawyer asks court to unfreeze reporter David Sargsyan’s assets

Armenia – May 16 2023

Yerevan Deputy Mayor Tigran Avinyan’s lawyer Harutyun Harutyunyan has asked a court in the Armenian capital to unfreeze assets of 168 Zham reporter David Sargsyan.

Avinyan filed a defamation lawsuit against Sargsyan and his newspaper after the journalist released a video report accusing the vice mayor of illicit enrichment. The report claimed Avinyan and his family had been “steadily getting richer” since Nikol Pashinyan came to power in 2018.

The court granted Avinyan’s request to freeze the assets of both the newspaper and the journalist worth 18 million drams and 9 million drams, respectively, pending a verdict in the case.

In a statement on Tuesday, Harutyunyan said following discussions with his client, he filed a motion to the court on Tuesday to unfreeze the reporter’s assets in response to a statement issued by Armenian media organizations on May 12.

“It also highlights that Tigran Avinyan has no intention of bankrupting any media outlet or deliberately causing it any financial inconvenience,” the lawyer said.

At the same time, he urged media outlets and reporters to be “as scrupulous as possible” and remain committed to the principle of integrity.

Over 100 Artsakh patients deprived of access to media care in Armenia

Armenia – May 16 2023

Russian peacekeeping forces on Tuesday facilitated the transfer of nine severely ill patients from Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) to Armenia, the Artsakh Health Ministry said.
Medical evacuations were previously carried out by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The ICRC had to suspend them on 29 April after Azerbaijan set up a checkpoint in the Lachin Corridor, the sole road in or out of Artsakh. The supply of medicine to Artsakh has also been suspended.

“More than 100 patients have been deprived of access to medical aid in Armenia due to the impossibility of their transportation in recent weeks. 25 of them require urgent transfer to Armenia,” the Health Ministry said in a statement.

Artsakh MP unfazed by statement following Armenian-Azeri summit in Brussels

Armenia – May 16 2023

In his press remarks after the Brussels talks with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Sunday, European Council President Charles Michel said the two leaders “confirmed their unequivocal commitment to the 1991 Almaty Declaration and the respective territorial integrity of Armenia (29,800 km2) and Azerbaijan (86,600 km2).” asked Metakse Hakobyan, an MP representing Artsakh’s opposition Justice Party, for comment on the statement. Mrs. Hakobyan, how did Artsakh react to Charles Michel's statement on the outcomes of the talks?

Metakse Hakobyan: We witnessed the confirmation of Nikol Pashinyan’s claims in the Armenian National Assembly on 13 April 2021 regarding the lowering of the bar on Artsakh's status by the international community. In fact, when he spoke about the international community, he meant the collective West, which was also confirmed at the meeting. Frankly speaking, we were totally unfazed by this statement, because not only after the war, but also back in 2018 we were waring that the current leaders came to power in Armenia to realize all the goals and dreams of the West, Turkey and Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, all actors have their own interests, and the current authorities catered to the interests of them all. As for the outcomes of the Brussels meeting, I can state that they actually mean nothing for us, because no one, including politicians, authorities or the international community, can act against the will of 120,000 Armenians and make a decision instead of us. This is in response to their statement.

As for the legal aspect of the statement, everything is distorted in it, starting from the Almaty Declaration, which was taken as a basis for making the statement and drafting the document [peace treaty] as well in the future. The Almaty Declaration was signed on December 21, 1991 and the CIS countries mutually recognized each other's territorial integrity under it, just as the Republic of Armenia recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and vice versa. For 30 years, according to the Almaty Declaration, the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan included 75,000 square km and it was strangely turned into 86,600 square km in violation of this declaration. In any case, there were no figures, but the actual borders of the time were specified. Why, in fact, the territory was 75,000 square kilometers? Because Azerbaijan left the Soviet Union after signing the Almaty Declaration on December 28, 1991, and Artsakh could not have had any links with the Republic of Azerbaijan, which had not even declared itself the legal successor of the Azerbaijani SSR.

Hence, both politically and legally it is a false agenda which they rely on. It’s also not accidental that the prime minister of Armenia spoke for a long time about 29,800 square kilometers of Armenia, as if constantly urging Azerbaijan to announce figures concerning its territories as well, which was done during the meeting in Brussels. In fact, the Armenian leaders, who talked about 86,600 square kilometers even during the verbal arrangements in accordance with their workstyle, included the Republic of Artsakh in these 86,600 square kilometers.

For the sober political forces in Artsakh, which are quite numerous, and the Artsakh Armenians it is absolutely unacceptable – whether it's a verbal agreement or a written one, we won't let it be implemented. I think that Artsakh people have demonstrated their will in this regard. How would you comment on the statement of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry regarding the trilateral meeting in Brussels, which harshly criticized Europe, but made not a single mention of Nikol Pashinyan?

Metakse Hakobyan: We expressed our own attitude towards the Artsakh authorities long ago. No matter which agency makes a statement or takes a step, the Artsakh authorities’ so-called submissiveness to the Armenian leadership is evident. The statement was also a manifestation of silence, or worse, a statement to the detriment of Artsakh, because we have to realize that both the West and Russia are just mediators, the beneficiary is Artsakh and the interested party is Armenia. So, the Artsakh leadership should have behaved accordingly.

Artsakh’s authorities, as a beneficiary party, should have been part of those policies and have had the guts to oppose them, but they don’t and cannot do it, because, in fact, as Arayik Harutyunyan once said, they agree with the Armenian authorities in everything, down to every comma, which they do not even hide.

That's why the statement of the Foreign Ministry had to be like that, there’s nothing surprising about it. Moreover, yesterday both the Artsakh authorities and some other political forces were apparently solving “much more important problems". Instead of starting prompt and serious discussions and searching for countermeasures, were busy dividing the post of state minister. It was much more important to them than Artsakh's survival.

Azerbaijan State Security Service announces detention of 2 ‘agents’ working for Armenia
Armenia – May 16 2023

The State Security Service of Azerbaijan has announced that it has detained two persons who allegedly carried out intelligence-disruptive activities on the assignment of the special services of Armenia.

As per the respective statement, “As a result of the taken measures, Rashad Ahmadov Ahmad (born in 1980), who was suspected of committing treason and planning to commit acts of terrorism and sabotage in Azerbaijan by settling in the territory of a third country and carrying out the tasks of Armenian special services, was detained and brought to criminal responsibility in the Republic of Azerbaijan.”

“It was determined that Rashad Ahmadov [together with Rovshan Amirov (born in 1991)] fulfilled the tasks given by the special services of the mentioned country to the detriment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, state security and defense capability of the Republic of Azerbaijan by engaging in secret cooperation in exchange for financial interest. Based on the instructions given to him, together with other persons, he prepared video materials containing open calls to create enmity on ethnic and religious grounds in Azerbaijan and to break up the territorial integrity of the Republic. Those video materials were created by the Armenian special services and shared on Youtube channels operating in Azerbaijani language and other social networks under their control. Rashad Ahmadov, under the auspices of the Armenian special services, arranged for the distribution of 200 fake maps with fragmented descriptions of the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan, specially designed by the head of the Yerevan State University Garnik Asatryan and others, among the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the purpose of ethnic separatism,” also reads the statement disseminated by the Azerbaijani mass media.

Baku advises EU ambassador to Armenia ‘not to interfere in the affairs of Azerbaijan’
Armenia – May 16 2023

Baku has advised the European Union (EU) ambassador to Armenia "not to interfere in the affairs of Azerbaijan."

"The EU ambassador's attempt to interfere in Azerbaijan's internal affairs is unacceptable," said Ayhan Hajizadeh, spokesperson of the Azerbaijani foreign ministry, answering the question about the statements of Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin, Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia.

Referring to the statement by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, Wiktorin said that the rights and security of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh should be ensured, and an international mechanism should be created for this.

Hajizadeh stated that "Azerbaijan's position on this matter is well known."

"The statements of the ambassador of the European Union, which are an attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Azerbaijan, contrary to the norms and principles of international law, are unacceptable. The Karabakh region is the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan, and, like other national minorities in Azerbaijan, the rights and security of Armenians living in the country will be ensured within the framework of Azerbaijani legislation. No one should interfere with the efforts of the Azerbaijani side to dialogue with Armenian residents. It is necessary to put an end to preconceived notions against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan," said the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.

Garo Paylan: Armenians in Turkey are already in fear
Armenia – May 16 2023

The Armenian community of Turkey is disappointed with the results of the May 14 elections, according to outgoing Armenian member of the Turkish parliament, Garo Paylan, Armenpress reported.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having formed an alliance with what Paylan described as “nationalists and radicals” succeeded in garnering enough votes to secure a parliamentary majority. According to Paylan, this means that Turkey will become even more nationalistic, while a more nationalistic Turkey will normalize relations with Armenia with greater difficulties.

“We must not spare any effort in convincing Turkey to establish peace with Armenia,” Paylan told Armenpress in Istanbul.

“Armenians in Turkey are already in fear. Before 2015, we used to talk about our issues, but after that the Armenians became more silent. We were hoping that something would change as a result of these elections, but that didn’t happen. Unfortunately, Armenians will become more voiceless in this period,” Paylan said.

Presidential rivals Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Kemal Kilicdaroglu will have a runoff election after both failed to win 50% of the votes on Sunday.

However, Erdogan’s alliance garnered 49.46% of the votes in the parliamentary elections, which means that they will have 322 seats in the new Turkish parliament. His main rival’s bloc won 35.02% of the votes and will have 213 seats.