Armenpress: Ukraine’s Zelenskiy to attend Hiroshima G7 summit, new sanctions against Russia expected – Reuters




YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy will attend the Group of Seven (G7) Hiroshima summit this weekend, Reuters reported citing a Ukrainian security official.

Zelenskiy will attend the gathering on Sunday, the third and final day, two officials who declined to be identified told Reuters.

"Very important things will be decided there and it is therefore the presence of our president that is absolutely essential in order to defend our interests," Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, told state television.

New sanctions targeting Russia are expected to be announced by G7 leaders, according to Reuters.

Earlier on Friday the G7 leaders laid wreaths in Hiroshima, a city that, along with Nagasaki, was destroyed by a U.S. nuclear attack 78 years ago that ended WWII.

Besides announcing new Russia sanctions, the G7 leaders are also expected to debate strategy on more than year-long conflict that shows no signs of easing.

Britain will announce a ban on Russian diamonds and imports of metals from Russia including copper, aluminium and nickel in support for Ukraine, it said in a statement.

Britain will also target an additional 86 people and companies from Putin's military industrial complex, in addition to those involved in the energy, metals and shipping industries, it said.

Europe will also restrict sales of Russian diamonds.

The United States is set to add 70 entities to its export blacklist, and to expand its sanctions authority to 300 entities as well as new sectors of the Russian economy, a senior U.S. administration official said.

U.S. welcomes continued discussions between Armenia and Azerbaijan ahead of Moscow foreign ministerial




YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The United States has welcomed the reports that Armenia and Azerbaijan are going to continue to engage in discussions and reiterated that peace is within reach and that direct dialogue is key to resolving issues.

“…we continue to provide full support and engagement of the United States as these two countries work to secure a durable and dignified peace. We welcome the reports that the parties are going to continue to engage in these discussions, and we reiterate that – our conviction that peace is within reach and that direct dialogue is key to resolving these issues. Our view is that direct talks between the parties are of utmost importance, and we’re glad to see them happen and take place. Whether they are taking place in Arlington, in Brussels, in Moscow, our support with this effort will continue to endure,” U.S. State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a press briefing when asked on the upcoming May 19 foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Moscow.”

Patel declined to “prescribe or hypothesize or speculate” on the possible outcome of the talks. He again stressed that “peace between the countries is possible, and the U.S. continues to welcome and work towards a durable and dignified peace in this case.”

The State Department spokesperson added that the U.S. has found the Washington D.C. foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan to be “constructive”.

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan is expected to meet his Azerbaijani counterpart on May 19 in Moscow in Russia-mediated trilateral talks.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Pashinyan is expected to meet with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on May 25 again in Moscow, under the mediation of President Vladimir Putin.

Nagorno Karabakh farmers, Kashen mine under Azeri gunfire in latest ceasefire breach




YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. The Azerbaijani Armed Forces breached the ceasefire in Nagorno Karabakh in three different locations Thursday targeting farmers and the Kashen mine.

The Ministry of Defense of Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh said that the Azerbaijani forces opened fire on May 18 in the northern, eastern and central directions, using small arms and AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers.

The Azeri forces targeted with small arms fire the farmers working in the fields of Berdashen village and shelled from AGS-17 grenade launcher in the direction of Kashen mine.

No one was hurt from the Armenian side.

The Nagorno Karabakh authorities said they've notified the Russian peacekeeping contingent’s command on the ceasefire breach.

As of 10:00, May 19 the situation in the line of contact was relatively stable, the ministry said in a statement.

Vancouver’s Cinematheque to present Moving Mountains: The Centenary of Armenian Cinema project




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. Vancouver’s Cinematheque will hold Armenian cinema days on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Armenian film industry.

The program is called Moving Mountains: The Centenary of Armenian Cinema and will run on June 15–22, 2023, comprising  eight feature-length films and two shorts.

It is the “the first Canadian retrospective survey of Armenian cinema’s volatile trajectory from the ideologically oriented silent period to the post-Soviet era of creative diversity and experimentation,” organizers said in a statement.  “Featuring works by major figureheads such as Hamo Beknazaryan, Sergei Parajanov, Frunze Dovlatyan, and Henrik Malyan, the program also indicates the dramatic shifts in local cinematic traditions, which have been radically transformed and expanded through the active participation of women and diasporan filmmakers since the early 1990s.”

Armenia officially accepted: Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan

India –


Pashinyan stated that Armenia recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan with an area of 86 thousand 600 square kilometers and Azerbaijan recognizes the territorial integrity of Armenia with an area of 29 thousand 800 square kilometers, and that negotiations should be started within the framework of international mechanisms and in order to ensure the security and human rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. stressed.


With his statement, Pashinyan accepted that Nagorno-Karabakh, which came under the control of Azerbaijan as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020, is the territory of Azerbaijan.

PRESS RELEASE: German-Armenian Society ZOOM Talk "The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: A View from Austria"

German-Armenian Society
Contact: Dr. Raffi Kantian
E-mail: [email protected]


ZOOM talk on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. CET.

With DR. EWA ERNST-DZIEDZIC, Spokeswoman for Human Rights, Foreign
Policy, Migration and LGBTIQ of the Green Club in the Austrian National
Council (one of the two houses of the Austrian Parliament), Vienna


"The Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: A View from

For participation registration is necessary. Interested parties are
kindly asked to send an e-mail with their first name, last name, and
affiliation by May 22 to [email protected].

The language of the event is German.

Additional information:

Two quotes that illustrate the speaker's stance on Nagorno-Karabakh:

1. Motion for a resolution on the conflict hotspot Nagorno-Karabakh
adopted - harsh criticism of Turkey (14.10.2020).

A motion for a resolution on the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh tabled
by MEPs Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP), Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic (Greens) and Pamela
Rendi-Wagner (SPÖ) was adopted unanimously. In this statement, the
Federal Government, in particular the Federal Minister for European and
International Affairs, is requested to continue to advocate an immediate
cessation of hostilities and compliance with international law on a
bilateral and multilateral level. The focus should be on the obligations
under international law to protect the civilian population and civilian
infrastructure. In this sense, MEPs advocate that the EU provide
humanitarian aid to the affected civilian population and use its
influence on all actors involved in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh
to ensure access to humanitarian aid for the care of the civilian
population. In addition, bilateral humanitarian assistance should also
be provided. Furthermore, MEPs advocate that the EU use its influence on
all actors involved, in particular Turkey, to stop external interference
in the conflict, such as arms deliveries to the parties to the conflict,
and to work towards a rapid de-escalation.

2 Ernst-Dziedzic/Stögmüller on Nagorno-Karabakh: EU must show clear
stance in conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan (22.01.2023)

Greens: Double standards in the South Caucasus undermine EU credibility
and endanger stability in the region
Vienna (OTS) - "The international community and the EU must now take an
unequivocal position and make it absolutely clear: Breaches of the
ceasefire and international law will not be tolerated under any
circumstances," says Ewa Ernst-Dziedzic, foreign policy spokeswoman of
the Greens, and emphasizes: "The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is not
new. It has already - with strong interference of third powers,
especially Turkey and Russia, and previously the Soviet Union -
significantly led to the destabilization of the first independent
republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan at the beginning of the 20th
century. It is this constellation - against the backdrop of Russia's war
of aggression on Ukraine - that continues to cause instability."
The foreign policy spokeswoman demands, "In the conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh, everything must now be done to unblock the Lachin
Corridor and thus ensure access to humanitarian aid before the situation
escalates further." Azerbaijan has already been blockading the Lachin
Corridor, the lifeline of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh, since December
last year. As a result, some 120,000 Armenians are cut off from supplies
of food, medicine and fuel.

Text Data

Armenian investigators treat latest deadly Azeri border shooting as hate-motivated premeditated murder




YEREVAN, MAY 1, ARMENPRESS. The Investigative Committee of Armenia launched criminal proceedings on the latest Azerbaijani shooting that left one Armenian soldier dead.

The Azerbaijani Armed Forces opened fire Wednesday late afternoon at a military outpost of the Armed Forces of Armenia deployed in the eastern section of the border. An on-duty Armenian serviceman was wounded in the shooting and later succumbed to his injuries.

In a statement released Thursday, the investigators said they are treating the shooting as a hate-motivated premeditated murder.

“Servicemen of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, motivated by racial, national or ethnic hatred, intolerance and hostility, opened small arms fire around 16:15, at a military position deployed in the eastern direction of the Armenian border with intent to kill the on-duty servicemen of the Armed Forces of Armenia. As a result, a conscripted serviceman of the abovementioned military position suffered wounds, and later died from the injuries,” reads the statement.

The Azerbaijani military then targeted with automatic gunfire the ambulance which was evacuating the wounded soldier, and the paramedic was also wounded.

The medic survived and is in satisfactory condition, authorities said.

Press Release, SIOP Asia XV Congress, Press Conference, 18.05.2023

[Eng text below]

Հարգելի գործընկերներ

Այսօր տեղի ունեցած Մանկական ուռուցքաբանության միջազգային միության ասիական 15-րդ համաժողովին (SIOP Asia 2023 XV Congress) նվիրված մամուլի ասուլիսի մանրամասները ներկայացված են կից հաղորդագրությունում։



Շնորհակալություն համագործակցության համար։
Մեդիա պատասխանատուներ՝
+374 94 35 47 34 Սիրանուշ Գյուրջինյան
+374 93 32 44 25 Հայկուհի Գրիգորյան 


SIOP Asia XV համաժողովի մեդիա թիմ
Dear Colleagues,

Please, find attached the official Press Release about today's Press Conference  devoted to the SIOP Asia 2023 XV Congress in Armenia.


Media Representatives:
+374 94 35 47 34 Siranush Gyurjinyan,
+374 93 32 44 25 Haykuhi Grigoryan.

Thank you for your cooperation.


DNA Strategy, Consulting Agency

18.05.2023_General Info about SIOP 2023 (1).docx

MS-Word 2007 document

WATCH: USAID Administrator calls for reopening of roads into Nagorno Karabakh, encourages UN to send interagency mission




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power has called for the roads into Nagorno Karabakh to be reopened.  

“Nagorno Karabakh shouldn’t have to rely on humanitarian convoys. Prior to late last year, you had commercial traffic moving freely into the area. So it’s absolutely imperative that the roads into Nagorno Karabakh are reopened,” Power said at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the FY2024 Foreign Aid Budget.

Power did not answer Congressman Brad Sherman’s question whether the blockade of Artsakh/Nagorno Karabakh "meets USAID's definition of a crisis."

She mentioned that the ICRC has been delivering humanitarian supplies to the blockaded people of Nagorno Karabakh, and that the latest ICRC convoy moved in on May 17.

Congressman Chris Smith asked Power whether any U.S. aid has been delivered to Nagorno Karabakh.

Power said that access into Nagorno karabakh has been very limited due to the blockade. “You asked how food is getting in, when it is getting in. It should be getting in through commercial means as it always was, but since the road is blocked and the checkpoints have been erected commercial access has not been possible,” she said, adding that supplies are delivered by the ICRC and Russian peacekeepers.

She said that the USAID sent two assessment missions to the region and that the U.S. is encouraging the UN to send an interagency assessment mission as well.


Meanwhile, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) criticized Power in a Facebook post for “dodging a straightforward Congressional inquiry” when asked whether the blockade of Artsakh "meets USAID's definition of a crisis."

Lachin Corridor – the only road linking Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia and the rest of the world – has been blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022. The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan on 22 February 2023 to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. Azerbaijan has so far ignored the order.