CSTO reiterates readiness to “provide possible aid” to Armenia




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) has reiterated readiness to provide possible aid to Armenia through sending a monitoring mission and as part of military-technical cooperation.

“Once again, as announced during the Collective Security Council session last November, we reiterate readiness to provide possible aid to Yerevan through both sending a CSTO monitoring mission and military-technical support, training border guards and equipping them with modern technical means,” CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov said during the CSTO PA Council session in Minsk, according to TASS.

Moscow to host Armenia-Azerbaijan summit




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. A trilateral meeting between the leaders of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia is planned to take place on May 25 in Moscow, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said Thursday.

“We received a proposal from the Russian side on holding a trilateral summit in Moscow under the mediation of the Russian President on May 25. And we have accepted the offer,” Pashinyan said.

Another round of foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan is scheduled to take place on May 19 in Moscow as well.

Reciprocal withdrawal of forces, demilitarization of border line becoming more urgent, says PM




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on May 18 that reciprocal withdrawal of military forces on the border line between Armenia and Azerbaijan is becoming more urgent on the backdrop of the continuing policy of escalation by Azerbaijan and the agreements reached on May 14 in Brussels.

“Despite some progress in the talks, Azerbaijan continues its policy of escalation on the border with Armenia. Gunfire was heard on our borders during the last days, we have deaths. Bowing before our fallen brothers, I want to emphasize again that especially on the backdrop of the May 14 agreements, the reciprocal withdrawal of troops from the border line and demilitarization of the border line is becoming more urgent. And we will continue to emphasize this agenda,” Pashinyan said at the Cabinet meeting.

He added that the illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor is also a manifestation of Azerbaijan’s policy of escalation, which once again underscores the legitimate necessity for an international presence in Nagorno Karabakh and Lachin Corridor. Pashinyan said that Armenia is discussing this issue with all international partners.

PM Pashinyan describes mutual recognition of territorial integrity as important step for finalizing peace treaty text




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan described the mutual recognition of territorial integrity between Armenia and Azerbaijan to be an important step in terms of establishing stability and peace in the region and finalizing the text of the peace treaty between the two countries.

The Armenian Prime Minister made the comment at the Cabinet meeting on May 18, speaking about his meeting with the Azerbaijani President on May 14 in Brussels under the mediation of the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

Pashinyan mentioned that in October 2022, during the Prague meeting together with the French President and the President of the European Council, the Azerbaijani president and him had reiterated their commitment to the UN Charter and the 1991 Almaty Declaration, stressing that they recognize each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty based on these documents, and affirmed that this will be the basis for the work of the border delimitation commissions.

“Basically we made another step on May 14. And as it was mentioned in the statement by the President of the European Council after the May 14 meeting, we noted that Azerbaijan recognizes Armenia’s 29,900 square kilometers territorial integrity and Armenia recognizes Azerbaijan’s 86,600 square kilometers territorial integrity. I must note that I find this to be an important step for establishing stability and peace in the region, and also in terms of finalizing the text of the peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan and border delimitation. But, of course, the next step must be identifying and agreeing upon specific grounds with legal force and significance for delimitation,” Pashinyan said.

The Armenian Prime Minister highlighted the fact that President of the European Council Charles Michel noted in his statement the importance of Baku-Stepanakert dialogue around the rights and security of the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh, in cooperation with the international community. Pashinyan said that this is a process which is significant for real and comprehensive normalization of relations with Azerbaijan and establishment of lasting peace in the region.

“Therefore it will greatly speed up the signing of a peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan. A certain positive understanding has been developed in Brussels also in terms of restoring the Armenia-Azerbaijan railway, but given the previous experience, I will refrain from specifying in this regard. I stress this again, Armenia is ready to reopen the connections envisaged under the 9 November 2020 statement clause 9 and the January 11 trilateral statement as soon as possible based on the principles of sovereignty, jurisdiction, reciprocity and equality of the parties,” Pashinyan said.

He added that Michel’s statement also noted that certain understanding took place on future release of POWs and other detainees and clarification of the fate of missing persons. “But given that this is a highly sensitive issue, I will only say that the discussions on this topic will continue during the next meetings,” Pashinyan said.

Organizers drop teaser “interesting surprises” for 2023 Pan-Armenian Games flame- lighting ceremony




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. Over 5000 participants from around the world are expected to gather in Armenia in August for the 8th Pan-Armenian Games.

Pan-Armenian Games World Committee President Ishkhan Zakaryan has said that “huge” organization work has already been done.

“This idea is of greater importance during such difficult times, Pan-Armenianness is important in such times,” Zakaryan told ARMENPRESS when asked on the appropriateness of holding the event in the challenging times. He said the idea of the games is unity and pan-Armenianness.

“We must not be afraid and assume responsibility in difficult times to do something good, something difficult and important,” he added, noting that the event is aimed at Armenian unity. “This is going to be a big celebration with deep layers.”

Asked on specificities and how the 8th Pan-Armenian Games will differ from the previous ones, Zakaryan said: “Of course there are differences. It will differ with the global situation, the regional situation, the blockade of Artsakh and other difficulties. Certainly, we could’ve done nothing. But we unanimously agreed that understanding all these difficulties, we must organize the 8th Pan-Armenian Games. This opinion was endorsed by the World Committee of the Pan-Armenian Games, the Armenian government launched a steering committee and the work began.”

He said that the upcoming event will feature an expanded geography.

“For example, we have fine communities in Central Asia who were not involved in the past. I visited central Asian countries, I met and negotiated with the local Armenians, we agreed to work together. I visited Moscow, where I had important meetings with the Russian minister of sports and the head of the department of sports of the Moscow government. I visited Minsk, I met with the Belarusian minister of sport, and I had detailed discussions with our ambassador. I visited Paris, Hamburg, Istanbul, Tehran. I am planning to visit Georgia and Arab countries soon. We will advance the work. I expect that Armenian communities from three or four countries that didn’t participate in the past will participate this time. While the total number of participants is expected to be over 5000.”

Zakaryan reiterated that the basis of the idea of holding Pan-Armenian Games, which was developed 25 years ago, was pan-Armenianness, strengthening of the Armenian world. The purpose of the games is to bring together Armenians from around the world, to preserve Armenian identity through a sports celebration.

The previous Pan-Armenian Games were held in Artsakh, which is currently blockaded.

Asked whether or not teams from Artsakh will be able to participate this year, Zakaryan said they are working on it. “We are thinking and working in this direction, let’s not get ahead. I can say one thing for sure, Artsakh will always be the core of pan-Armenianness, including the Pan-Armenian Games,” Zakaryan said.

The torch of the last Pan-Armenian Games was lit in historical Cilicia, on Musa Ler, in 2015 – the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, it was lit in Van, on Akhtamar island.

The Pan-Armenian Games World Committee President refused to reveal where the flame will be lit this year.

“I am getting asked this question a lot. I have one answer, wait for interesting surprises, or make haste slowly,” he said.

Armenia wins FIFA Forward Awards 2023




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. The Football Federation of Armenia (FFA) project of mini pitches has been recognized as the best in Europe.

As announced during last year’s workshops in Paris and Doha, 2023 saw the introduction of the FIFA Forward Awards, an initiative created by the FIFA Europe Sub-division exclusively for European Member Associations and aimed at recognising and rewarding the best infrastructure projects carried out under the framework of the FIFA Forward Development programme.

For this inaugural edition, a total of 21 applications were accepted:

Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Faroe Islands, France, Georgia, Germany, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, San Marino, Scotland, Turkey and Wales.

A Jury panel composed of industry experts and football stakeholders including UEFA, FIFA, National Development Agencies and various consultancies comprehensively reviewed the materials submitted.

Armenia won the 1st place.

1st place: Armenia: Regional Grassroots Infrastructure development (89 artificial mini-pitches)

2nd place: Andorra: La Massana Sporting Center

3rd place: Moldova: Multi-purpose Beach Soccer Stadium

Azerbaijan fires mortars in the direction of Norabak, the Armenian side has no casualties




YEREVAN, MAY 17, ARMENPRESS. On May 18, around 5:20 p.m., the units of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire by firing a mortar at the Armenian position located in the Norabak sector, Gegharkunik Province.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from MoD Armenia, the Armenian side has no casualties.

As of 18:00, the situation on the frontline is relatively stable.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 18-05-23




YEREVAN, 18 MAY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 18 May, USD exchange rate up by 0.72 drams to 387.03 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 0.16 drams to 418.53 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.06 drams to 4.84 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 0.32 drams to 481.12 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 364.78 drams to 24568.06 drams. Silver price down by 0.69 drams to 294.72 drams.

Alen Simonyan calls on the CSTO member states to express a clear position without biased political preferences




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. On May 18, the delegation led by the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan took part in the Council Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA) in Minsk, ARMENPRESS was informed from the parliament of Armenia.

Before the session, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko met with the heads of the delegations of the Member States. The President of Belarus spoke about the necessity of the formation of the new system of the international relations which will be based on the universally recognized norms and principles of the international law. “Minsk intends to work in raising cohesion of the CSTO States. The strengthening of the organization, the ensuring of security in its zone of responsibility is possibly existing after the solutions of contradictions,” he said.

After the meeting the heads of parliaments laid a wreath and flowers at the Victory Square in memory of those fallen in the Great Patriotic War.

The speech by the President of the National Assembly of Armenia Alen Simonyan at the Council Meeting of the CSTO PA is fully presented:

“Dear Vyacheslav Volodin,

Dear Vladimir Andreychenko,

Participants of the Collegial Meeting,

I welcome everybody at the Council Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO PA).

I thank you, Vladimir Pavlovich and our Belarus colleagues for warm reception and the organization of the Assembly events.

I also welcome the new Secretary General of the organization Tasmagambetov and wish him effective work in his responsible post.


I would like to mention with satisfaction that the works continue by the Parliamentary Assembly on legally supporting the activity of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, elaboration of the proposals regarding the coordination of the legislative activity of national parliaments aimed at the implementation of the goals and problems of the organization. There is no need to enumerate all elaborated proposals, the model laws and statements which refer to all poles of the CSTO activity.

It is also important to understand to what extent we are adoptive to common problems. And when we speak about the positive experience of our work, we should clearly remember that the mutual respect, the aspiration of taking into consideration each other’s interests, the elaboration of consensus approaches, the support of the allies in complicated situation for reaching concrete results is the basis, on which our organization is built.


The Council Meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly takes place in a period, when we stand before serious threats and challenges of the security. The world is at a crossroad of hard geopolitical events and transformations, which have irreversible consequences for many countries. And the zone of responsibility of the Collective Security also is not an exception.

It is known what events happened last year, and now I would like to provide information about the situation in the South Caucasus. The situation is rather tense. Despite all agreements, Azerbaijan continues the policy of threatening the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia, heats the situation up on the border with Armenia, in Nagorno Karabakh and in the Lachin Corridor.

After the illegal false-environmental blocking of the Lachin Corridor for 5 months, at the end of April Azerbaijan already officially blockaded Nagorno Karabakh. The decision of Baku on setting up a checkpoint in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping troops in the Lachin Corridor is a gross violation of the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020 and decision having legal compulsory force of the UN International Court of Justice in February of this year.

It’s almost half a year that 120.000 Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh live in full blockade, in conditions of acute shortage of first necessity goods, medicine. Time and again the authorities of Azerbaijan restrict the move of the International Committee of the Red Cross vehicles and the movement of the ill people through the corridor.

In the context of the abovementioned, the real targeted statements and steps by the allies and colleagues, according to the restoration of the regime of the Lachin Corridor operation in accordance with the obligations of the trilateral statement and the principles of the international law, in the conditions of security and protection from illegal actions for regulating the life of Nagorno Karabakh are important for us.


We follow the attempts of destroying the Armenian rich culture and eliminating the traces of Armenian identity by Azerbaijan. It is important to mention that the UN International Court of Justice also approved the availability of the threat of causing irreversible damage to the Armenians’ rights within the framework of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

Until now Baku rejects returning Armenian prisoners of war and the civilians being held as hostages conducting mock trials against them.


I will refer to the process of regulation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

We repeatedly stated about readiness of Armenia on signing peace treaty and reciprocally recognizing the territorial integrity. However, Azerbaijan continues taking aggressive position.

A few days ago, the armed forces of Azerbaijan once again opened fire by using mortars and artillery to the direction of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, because of which there are casualties and wounded. Such development of the situation proves that the instigated coordinated provocations are aimed at disrupting the negotiating active processes for imposing pressure on Armenia. Such thing also happened yesterday.

During last three years, as a consequence of creeping military occupation tactics and wide-scale military operations by Azerbaijan against territorial integrity of Armenia, about 150km2 of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, which is the zone of responsibility of the CSTO was illegally occupied.

We regret that in our organization there is no common assessment to the fact of Azerbaijan’s aggression towards the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia, and the anti-legal presence of the invaded Azerbaijani armed forces on the internationally recognized territory of Armenia. In the context of the CSTO Observation Mission on the border with Azerbaijan, it was underlined that in order to have the mission effective for the country and the whole region, it is necessary to specify the zone of responsibility of the CSTO. The ambiguity of the colleagues’ positions is amazing, when there are undeniable facts of violations of internationally recognized borders of Armenia.

During our previous meeting also I warned my colleagues about the destabilizing perspectives of the policy pursued by Azerbaijan. Baku shows contempt to the international colleagues, with the presence and mediation the official Baku recognized the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia and assumed obligations also on the basis of Alma-Ata declaration in demarcation between the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Dear colleagues,

The establishment of peace in the region is the goal that pursues the Republic of Armenia. And the basis of stable peace, security and stable development of the region can only be the open and constructive dialogue. Since the past year Armenia and Turkey began regulation process of relations, but there are still no tangible results, and still many issues remain unsolved. We think that the regulation process should be without preconditions.

Concluding my speech, I would like once again to stress the importance of making diplomatic efforts. I call on all my colleagues who are interested in peace and stability of the present region, who have close relationship with Azerbaijan, to take practical steps on eliminating the violations of the international law and excluding the use of force. All these challenges require from all CSTO Member States to solve the existing issues through the use of the whole toolset of the organization, and the most important thing – to express clear positions on them without biased political preferences and priorities. If we are not able to do it together, tomorrow such challenges can arise for each of the CSTO Member State.

The peaceful development of the region has no alternative.

Thank you for attention.”

The collection of works of Komitas registered in the UNESCO International Register of Memory of the World




YEREVAN, MAY 18, ARMENPRESS. By the unanimous decision of the Executive Board of UNESCO on May 18, the collection of works of reverend Armenian composer Komitas was registered in the International Register of Memory of the World.

ARMENPRESS reports, next to the collection of old manuscripts of Mesrop Mashtots Matenadaran, astronomer Benjamin Margaryan's study of galaxies (or the first study of Byurakan) and composer Aram Khachatryan's handwritten notes and film music collection, the fourth Armenian documentary heritage has found its rightful place in the International Register of Memory of the World.

The International Register of Memory of the World is a list of documentary heritage that includes those documents, manuscripts, audio-visual materials and library collections and archives that are recognized as embodying values of exceptional importance and should be certified and preserved for humanity.