Armenpress: EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh. Artsakh MFA




YEREVAN, MAY 15 ARMENPRESS. The Artsakh Foreign Ministry issued a statement regarding Charles Michel's remarks following the tripartite meeting held in Brussels on May 14, noting that both the content of the statement as a whole, as well as a number of points contained there indicate that the EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided solely by their own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the detriment of the values of democracy and human rights declared by the European Union. As ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Artsakh, the statement reads as follows,

“On 14 May, President of the European Council Charles Michel made a press statement following a trilateral meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. The content of the statement as a whole, as well as a number of points contained there indicate that the EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided solely by their own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the detriment of the values of democracy and human rights declared by the European Union. 

This is evidenced in particular by the absence in the statement of any mention of more than 5-months blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the establishment of an illegal Azerbaijani checkpoint at the entrance to the corridor and the factual siege of the 120,000 population of Artsakh with all the ensuing humanitarian consequences. This is an indication of the fact that the President of the European Council not only does not prevent, but in fact indulges Azerbaijan in using the suffering of the people of Artsakh as a political tool. 

However, if the intentions and visible actions of Azerbaijan to provoke a humanitarian catastrophe and carry out ethnic cleansing in Artsakh are not a matter of concern for the President of the European Council, we still had the right to expect that the organisation he represents would show direct interest in Azerbaijan's strict compliance with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the International Court of Justice, as one of the pillars of contemporary international legal order. In this regard, the European Council President’s  defiant disregard for Azerbaijan's consistent non-compliance with the legally binding Order of the principal judicial organ of the UN and its systematic violations of international law, in particular the non-use or threat of force and the peaceful settlement of disputes, is puzzling. 

It is only the effective measures on the part of the international community aimed at forcing Azerbaijan to immediately and unconditionally implement its obligations under the Trilateral Statement of 9 November 2020 and the Order of the International Court of Justice of 22 February 2023, that may testify that those acting as mediators are sincerely interested in lasting peace and stability in the region. We believe that those international actors who either by their action or inaction are encouraging Baku in their aggressive, expansionist policies and internationally wrongful acts, not only bear responsibility for their grave consequences, but also justify the recurrence of such policies and violations in other parts of the world. 

We recall once again that in 1991, the people of Artsakh, in full compliance with international law and domestic legislation in force at that time, exercised their inalienable right to self-determination and established their statehood on the same basis as Azerbaijan and Armenia. The authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have consistently defended and will continue to defend the legitimate choice and _expression_ of the free will of their people. 

Representatives of individual countries and international organisations have no right to decide the fate of the people of Artsakh. Moreover, any attempt to impose on the people of Artsakh an agenda based on the legitimisation of the illegal use of force and ongoing terror is tantamount to complicity in the implementation of Azerbaijan's criminal plans of ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and maintaining a permanent source of tension in the region, as well as encouraging Baku's territorial ambitions and aggressive policies.

In this connection, we reiterate the determination of the people and authorities of the Republic of Artsakh to continue the struggle for their inalienable rights in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. We are convinced that only the recognition of the right to self-determination exercised by the people of Artsakh can become the basis for a sustainable settlement of the conflict and the establishment of just and lasting peace and stability in the region.

We also recall that the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have always advocated a comprehensive settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. The Republic of Artsakh remains open to discussing all components of the conflict and reasonable proposals aimed at a peaceful settlement, in an agreed and internationally recognised negotiation format, based on the equal rights of the parties and in the presence of strong international guarantees for the implementation of their obligations”.

Artsakh Accuses EU’s Leadership of Ignoring its Legitimate Rights and Interests

President of the European Council Charles Michel

The Artsakh Foreign Ministry on Monday accused the European Union of solely acting on its short term geopolitical interests and accused the bloc of ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh.

Stepanakert’s harsh response to the EU came a day after the European Council President Charles Michel hosted a meeting in Brussels between Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan.

Following the talks on Sunday, Michel issued a statement summing up the meeting and said that he had urged Aliyev to ensure the security of “Armenians living in the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast,” the area Artsakh was known as during the Soviet Union and before it declared independence in 1991. A referendum held in December, 1992 verified that independence by an overwhelming majority.

Furthermore, in his statement Michel announced that Pashinyan had accepted the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, which he said was 86,600 square kilometers, essentially recognizing Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan.

“The content of the statement as a whole, as well as a number of points contained there indicate that the EU leadership continues to ignore the legitimate rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided solely by their own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the detriment of the values of democracy and human rights declared by the European Union,” said the Artsakh Foreign Ministry in its statement.

“This is evidenced in particular by the absence in the statement of any mention of more than five-month blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the establishment of an illegal Azerbaijani checkpoint at the entrance to the corridor and the factual siege of the 120,000 population of Artsakh with all the ensuing humanitarian consequences,” explained the statement.

“This is an indication of the fact that the President of the European Council not only does not prevent, but in fact indulges Azerbaijan in using the suffering of the people of Artsakh as a political tool,” emphasized Stepanakert.
“However, if the intentions and visible actions of Azerbaijan to provoke a humanitarian catastrophe and carry out ethnic cleansing in Artsakh are not a matter of concern for the President of the European Council, we still had the right to expect that the organization he represents would show direct interest in Azerbaijan’s strict compliance with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the International Court of Justice, as one of the pillars of contemporary international legal order,” said the statement.

“In this regard, the European Council President’s  defiant disregard for Azerbaijan’s consistent non-compliance with the legally binding Order of the principal judicial organ of the UN and its systematic violations of international law, in particular the non-use or threat of force and the peaceful settlement of disputes, is puzzling,” stressed the Artsakh foreign ministry.

“It is only the effective measures on the part of the international community aimed at forcing Azerbaijan to immediately and unconditionally implement its obligations under the Trilateral Statement of November 9, 2020 and the Order of the International Court of Justice of February 22, 2023, that may testify that those acting as mediators are sincerely interested in lasting peace and stability in the region,” added Stepanakert.

“We believe that those international actors who either by their action or inaction are encouraging Baku in their aggressive, expansionist policies and internationally wrongful acts, not only bear responsibility for their grave consequences, but also justify the recurrence of such policies and violations in other parts of the world,” the foreign ministry explained.

Michel was one of the foreign leaders who had urged Baku to end the blockade. Several EU representatives, as well as leaders of EU-member countries had called on Azerbaijan to comply with the ICJ’s order to ensure “unimpeded access” on the Lachin Corridor. 

“We would like to recall once again that in 1991, the people of Artsakh, in full compliance with international law and domestic legislation in force at that time, exercised their inalienable right to self-determination and established their statehood on the same basis as Azerbaijan and Armenia. The authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have consistently defended and will continue to defend the legitimate choice and _expression_ of the free will of their people,” said Stepanakert.

“Representatives of individual countries and international organizations have no right to decide the fate of the people of Artsakh. Furthermore, any attempt to impose on the people of Artsakh an agenda legitimizes the illegal use of force and ongoing terror is tantamount to complicity in the implementation of Azerbaijan’s criminal plans of ethnic cleansing of Artsakh and maintaining a permanent source of tension in the region, as well as encouraging Baku’s territorial ambitions and aggressive policies,” the Artsakh foreign ministry emphasized.

“To this end, we reiterate the determination of the people and authorities of the Republic of Artsakh to continue the struggle for their inalienable rights in accordance with the norms and principles of international law. We are convinced that only the recognition of the right to self-determination exercised by the people of Artsakh can become the basis for a sustainable settlement of the conflict and the establishment of just and lasting peace and stability in the region,” added Stepanakert.

“We would like to also recall that the authorities of the Republic of Artsakh have always advocated a comprehensive settlement of the Azerbaijan-Karabakh conflict through negotiations. The Republic of Artsakh remains open to discussing all components of the conflict and reasonable proposals aimed at a peaceful settlement, in an agreed and internationally recognized negotiation format, based on the equal rights of the parties and in the presence of strong international guarantees for the implementation of their obligations,” the statement concluded.

Asbarez: Turkey’s Presidential Vote Heads to Runoff

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (left) will face off against Kemal Kilicdaroglu in runoff elections set for May 28

The presidential elections in Turkey, held Sunday, will head to a runoff set for May 28 as the leading candidates failed to secure the more than 50 percent of the votes needed to win.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received 49.51 percent of the votes and his main opposition rival Kemal Kilicdaroglu 44.88 percent, the country’s High Election Board chairman Ahmet Yener told reporters. Turnout was a very high 88.8 percent, Reuters reported.

A third candidate, nationalist Sinan Ogan received five percent of the votes, making his tally crucial for both candidates in the runoff.

The 69-year-old Kilicdaroglu, a member of Republican People’s Party (CHP) ran as the opposition’s main candidate, with the left-leaning People’s Democratic Party (HDP) among the six parties supporting his candidacy.

In the parliamentary elections, which were held simultaneously on Sunday, Erdogan’s People’s Alliance, which included his Justice and Development Party (AKP) and other nationalist forces, appeared to win a majority in Turkey’s new parliament with results suggesting that the president’s bloc had won 321 of the 600 seats.

“The winner has undoubtedly been our country,” Erdogan said in a speech at the AKP headquarters in the capital Ankara overnight, Reuters reported.

Kilicdaroglu welcomed the prospect of a runoff vote and said his party would triumph, CNN reported.

“If our nation says second round, we gladly accept it. We will absolutely win this election in the second round. Everyone will see that,” he said.

Sunday’s election in Turkey was being watched closely in the West and in Russia. Over the years Erdogan has been creating obstacles for the West, including the United States. The Turkish president, however, has become a close ally of President Vladimir Putin of Russia and has purchased Russian defense systems whose technology is incompatible with systems of NATO, of which Turkey is a member.

White House spokesperson John Kirby said President Joe Biden was looking forward to working with whoever won the vote. The Kremlin said it expected Russia’s cooperation with Turkey to continue and deepen regardless of whoever wins, Reuters reported.

Asbarez: Moscow Remains Committed to Russia-Led Agreements with Yerevan and Baku, Kremlin Says

Russian presidential spokesperson Demitry Peskov

“Sensitive Moments” in Moscow-Yerevan Relations

Russia is committed to the implementation of the agreements reached between Moscow, Yerevan and Baku during the past two years, the Kremlin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Sunday as Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan kicked off talks in Brussels with the mediation of the European Council President Charles Michel.

Those agreements, Peskov said, will allow for a settlement in the South Caucasus. He added that there are no other alternatives that can be used as basis for resolution of the situation.

“We affirm that they [the agreements] remain the unequivocal basis for settlement,” Peskov said.

On numerous occasions Yerevan has announced that provisions of the November 9, 2020 agreement continue to be violated, among them Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin Corridor and the ongoing captivity of Armenian prisoners of war.

Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson, also said that relations between Russia and Armenia have a bright future, although there are “sensitive moments.”

He called the Moscow-Yerevan alliance a “special relationship—a partnership,” which have historic roots, but did not specify the “sensitive” aspects that he references.

Armenia has called on Russia to fulfill its obligations as they relate to the Lachin Corridor, which has been blockaded since December 12.

Armenia’s National Security Chief Armen Grigoryan said in an interview with Novayagazeta that Armenia has not received the military equipment it has ordered and paid for from Russia.

Responding to question regarding Yerevan’s continuous changes in its political approach, Grigoryan said that in recent years the security landscape in the world, and especially in the region, have changed.

“The obligations outlined in the agreements are not being implemented. Our entire security outlook has been based on this, but there is a new approach. This is a crisis,” said Grigoryan who added that in the current situation it is imperative to seek alternative mechanisms and sources of military assistance.

Grigoryan said that he is referring to several such agreements, the provisions of which have not been fulfilled.

He also recalled that Yerevan has yet to receive the proper assessment from the Collective Security Treaty Organization after Azerbaijan’s aggression against Armenia last year. Grigoryan said that at time there were event discussions about leaving the CSTO.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 05/15/2023


Karabakh Leaders Slam EU

Nagorno-Karabakh - Karabakh Armenians rally in Stepanakert against the 
Azerbaijani blockade of the Lachin corridor, May 9, 2023.

Nagorno-Karabakh’s leadership accused the European Union late on Monday of 
turning a blind eye to Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin corridor when it 
reacted to European Council President Charles Michel’s remarks made after the 
latest Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in Brussels.

Michel, who hosted the talks between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and 
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, made no mention of the five-month blockade 
that has caused serious shortages of food and medicine as well as an energy 
crisis in Karabakh.

Instead, he urged Baku to embark on a dialogue with “Armenians living in the 
former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast” for the purpose of “guaranteeing the 
rights and security of this population.”

“This fact shows that the president of the European Council not only does not 
hinder but actually encourages Azerbaijan to use the sufferings of the people of 
Artsakh as a political tool,” the Karabakh foreign ministry charged in a 

It said Michel’s remarks also demonstrate that “the EU leadership continues to 
ignore the legal rights and interests of the people of Artsakh and is guided 
only by its own geopolitical and short-term interests in the region to the 
detriment of the values of democracy and human rights proclaimed by the EU.”

The statement added that only international recognition of the Karabakh 
Armenians’ right to self-determination can be “the basis for a sustainable 
settlement of the conflict.”

The Armenian government stopped championing that right a year ago. Pashinian 
subsequently declared that it recognizes Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

Michel implied after Sunday’s summit that Yerevan is now also ready to recognize 
Azerbaijani sovereignty over Karabakh. The Armenian opposition expressed serious 
concern over this declaration, renewing its allegations that Pashinian is 
forcing the Karabakh Armenians to live under Azerbaijani rule.

By contrast, the strongly-worded Karabakh statement contained no criticism of 

Pashinian Under Opposition Fire After Fresh Talks With Aliyev

        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Beglium - Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian meets European Council 
President Charles Michel ahead of talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, 
Brussels, May 13, 2023.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian took another step towards restoring Azerbaijan’s 
control over Nagorno-Karabakh during his weekend talks with Azerbaijani 
President Ilham Aliyev, the Armenian opposition claimed on Monday.

The four-hour talks hosted by European Union head Charles Michel in Brussels 
focused on an Armenian-Azerbaijani peace treaty sought by Baku.

“The leaders confirmed their unequivocal commitment to the 1991 Almaty 
Declaration and respective territorial integrity of Armenia (29,800 square 
kilometers) and Azerbaijan (89,600 square kilometers),” Michel said after the 

Azerbaijan’s total Soviet-era area cited by Michel includes Karabakh. This is a 
further indication that Pashinian’s administration is ready to recognize 
Azerbaijani sovereignty over the Armenian-populated territory.

Not surprisingly Baku seemed satisfied with the outcome of the latest 
Armenian-Azerbaijani summit. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry emphasized 
“Armenia’s acceptance of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territorial 

Tigran Abrahamian, a senior Armenian lawmaker representing the opposition Pativ 
Unem alliance, said this is consistent with Pashinian’s statements on the 
Karabakh conflict made over the past year.

Pashinian stopped invoking the Karabakh Armenians’ right to self-determination a 
year ago. Since then, he has spoken instead of the need to protect their “rights 
and security.”

Abrahamian described his rhetoric as a smokescreen for “surrendering Artsakh to 
Azerbaijan as smoothly as possible.” The Brussels meeting only highlighted this 
policy, he said.

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun), a key member of the main 
opposition Hayastan bloc, expressed serious concern over Michel’s statement. In 
a statement, the party’s leadership accused Pashinian of helping Baku regain 
full control over Karabakh and force its residents to flee their homeland.

The statement argued that Armenia had signed the 1991 declaration cited by the 
EU chief with reservations relating to Karabakh. It also pointed to a 1992 
parliamentary act that bans Armenia’s governments from signing any document that 
would recognize Azerbaijani sovereignty over Karabakh.

Any Armenian-Azerbaijani agreement running counter to that decision would 
therefore be “null and void,” warned Dashnaktsutyun.

“It is obvious that we are entering the final phase of surrendering Artsakh,” 
claimed Vartan Oskanian, who served as Armenia’s foreign minister from 1998-2008.

“If Pashinian's hand is to be grabbed so that he does not sign such a document, 
then now is the time to do that. Otherwise it will be too late,” he wrote.

Andranik Kocharian, the pro-government chairman of the Armenian parliament 
committee on defense and security, downplayed Michel’s remarks on the 
Aliyev-Pashinian meeting.

“Armenia always recognized Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity … but Artsakh has 
its own territory and status,” Kocharian told reporters.

“Today Artsakh is probably the most independent state in the world; [it will 
remain so] for the next three or four years,” he claimed. “We’ll see what 
happens after that.”

In recent months Pashinian has publicly encouraged Karabakh’s leaders to 
negotiate with Azerbaijan while accusing Baku of planning to commit “genocide” 
in the region. The authorities in Stepanakert have repeatedly denounced his 
public pronouncements on the conflict.

Kremlin Upbeat On Russian-Armenian Ties

Armenia - People carry giant Armenian and Russian flags as they mark the 78th 
anniversary of Soviet victory over Nazi Germany, May 9, 2023.

Russia’s relationship with Armenia has a “bright future” despite current 
friction between the two allies, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov insisted over 
the weekend.

Peskov described bilateral ties as “advanced partnership” and a “special 
relationship that has deep historical roots.”

“We are convinced that they also have a bright future,” he told Russian state 

“Of course, there are certain sensitive points,” he added without elaborating.

Russian-Armenian relations deteriorated in the last several months mainly 
because of what Yerevan sees as lack of Russian support in the conflict with 

In an interview with the Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta published on 
Sunday, the secretary of Armenia’s Security Council, Armen Grigorian, accused 
Russia of not honoring security obligations to Armenia enshrined in bilateral 
and multilateral treaties.

Moscow is also not supplying Yerevan with weapons despite several defense 
contracts signed by the two sides, he said without going into details. The 
Armenian military has to look for alternative sources of arms supplies because 
“we are not receiving what we ordered from Russia and what we paid for,” added 

The rift between the two nations deepened further in March after Armenia’s 
Constitutional Court gave the green light for parliamentary ratification of the 
International Criminal Court’s founding treaty. The ruling followed an arrest 
warrant issued by the ICC for Russian President Vladimir Putin over war crimes 
allegedly committed by Russia in Ukraine.

Moscow warned that recognition of The Hague tribunal’s jurisdiction would have 
“extremely negative” consequences for Russian-Armenian relations. Prime Minister 
Nikol Pashinian’s government appears to have refrained from sending the treaty 
to the Armenian parliament for ratification.

Pashinian was among the leaders of several ex-Soviet states who joined Putin in 
attending the May 9 military parade in Moscow that marked the 78th anniversary 
of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany. Peskov said afterwards that Putin and 
Pashinian held a separate meeting during the celebrations.

EU Envoy Hopes For Armenian, Azeri Troop Withdrawals

        • Anush Mkrtchian
        • Ruzanna Stepanian

Armenia - Andrea Wiktorin, head of the EU Delegation in Armenia, speaks during a 
news conference in Yerevab, .

Not only Azerbaijan but also Armenia should withdraw troops from contested areas 
along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, a senior EU diplomat said on Monday.

Azerbaijani troops seized chunks of what Armenia regards as its internationally 
recognized territory during border clashes in 2021 and 2022. Speaking shortly 
after the deadliest of those clashes that broke out in September, the EU’s 
foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, acknowledged that they “occupied part of 
Armenia’s territory” and demanded their withdrawal from those border areas.

Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Paruyr Hovannisian said on Monday that Yerevan 
expects to get back a total of 139 square kilometers of land as a result of 
mutual recognition by the two South Caucasus of each other’s territorial 
integrity reaffirmed by their leaders during weekend talks in Brussels.

European Council President Charles Michel, who hosted the talks, said Armenian 
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, agreed, 
among other things, to revive joint efforts to demarcate the heavily militarized 

Andrea Wiktorin, the head of the EU Delegation in Armenia, essentially equated 
Armenia with Azerbaijan when she commented on the matter during a joint news 
conference with Hovannisian.

“It is really important to come to an agreement,” she said. “Actually it is our 
hope that both sides will withdraw their troops and embark on the work of the 
delimitation and demarcation.”

Asked to elaborate on her comment, Wiktorin said: “It was clearly stated [at 
Brussels] that there are one or two spots where also Armenian forces are, let’s 
say, in border areas and there needs to be a very clear delimitation and 

Armenia - Yerevan-based foreign military attaches visit an area in Armenia's 
Syunik province where Armenian and Azerbaijani troops are locked in a border 
standoff, May 20, 2021.

The diplomat did not specify those “spots,” saying that she is not aware of 
further details of Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks.

Hovannisian seemed bemused by Wiktorin’s remarks. “I also find it hard to tell 
what this is about,” he said.

Andranik Kocharian, the chairman of the Armenian parliament committee on defense 
and security, countered, for his part, that it is Baku that occupied Armenian 
territory after the 2020 war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“What I know is that Armenian troops are where they must be at the moment,” he 
said. “What I know is that Azerbaijani troops violated Armenia’s sovereign 
territory. Again, what is ours is ours.”

In further comments to the press made after his news conference with Wiktorin, 
Hovannisian suggested that the EU envoy referred to several small enclaves 
inside Armenia which were controlled by Azerbaijan in Soviet times and occupied 
by the Armenian army in the early 1990s. Baku wants to regain control over them 
but has yet to clarify whether it is ready to give up a bigger Armenian enclave 
occupied by Azerbaijani forces in 1992.

“It is clear to everyone that at this stage we are talking about [Azerbaijani] 
troop withdrawal from Armenian territory,” stressed Hovannisian.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


The California Courier Online, May 18, 2023

The California
Courier Online, May 18, 2023


1-         Another
Turkish Attempt to Attack Biden

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

            By Harut

The California



2-         Patriarchate
of Jerusalem Defrocks Father Baret, Accusing him of Fraud

3-         AAF
Delivered $1.1 Million of Medicines

            to Armenia and
Artsakh in Last 4 Months

4-         Commentary: For
Armenians, Past is Indeed Prologue



1-         Another
Turkish Attempt to Attack Biden

Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

            By Harut

The California


When Turkey and its denialist supporters lose a battle to
block the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, they resort to ridiculous
attacks such as announcing their desire to impeach Pres. Biden after he is no
longer in office, a laughable notion which I disclosed in my earlier article.

In another equally hopeless Turkish attempt to counter the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Attorney Bruce Fein, Counsel for Turkish
Anti-Defamation Alliance, sent a lengthy letter to members of Congress on April
24, 2023, complaining about the statement Pres. Biden had issued earlier that

Fein is president of the law firm Bruce Fein &
Associates in Washington, D.C. Over the years, he has worn many hats
to support Turkey’s
campaign against the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. He has been Resident
Scholar for the Turkish Coalition of America, Resident Scholar at the Assembly
of Turkish American Associations, columnist for the Turkish Times newspaper,
consultant to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, commentator on Turkish
television, and Counsel for Turkish Anti-Defamation Alliance.

Before I delve into the content of Fein’s letter, I would
like to ask two basic questions:

1) Why did Fein complain about Pres. Biden only after he
recognized the Armenian Genocide on April 24? Shouldn’t he have written his
letter before the President issued his statement? I don’t know if Fein got paid
for his letter as Counsel for Turkish Anti-Defamation Alliance. If he did, the
Turkish Alliance wasted its money.

2) Why did Fein write to Members of Congress and not to
Pres. Biden directly to complain about his April 24 statement? Fein’s letter is
more than three years too late. The House of Representatives recognized the
Armenian Genocide on October 29, 2019 by a vote of 405 to 11, and the Senate
recognized it on December 12, 2019 in a unanimous vote. Pres. Biden issued his
first statement recognizing the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2021. Where has
Fein been since 2019 and 2021?

Turning to the content of Fein’s questionable letter, he
shamelessly wrote that “Mr. Biden’s statement was bought and paid for by the
Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA).” Since Fein provided not a shred
of evidence in his defamatory letter, the ANCA has the right to sue Fein for
libel. The ANCA did not even endorse Biden for President. Nevertheless, Fein
went on: “But in politics, truth is helpless when assaulted by lavish campaign
contributions and votes…. The Armenian genocide lie persists because of the
rich backing of ANCA and their bought political toadies. It is contemptible
that Pres. Biden has stooped so low.”

Fein then goes on to make a number of false statements
regarding the European Court of Human Rights, the United Nations, and several
scholars, such as the controversial Prof. Bernard Lewis of Princeton University
who had made conflicting statements on the Armenian Genocide. He was a
recipient of the Ataturk International Peace Prize. The ANCA called him “an
academic mercenary.”

Here is what Wikipedia reveals about Lewis:

“The first two editions of Lewis's The Emergence of Modern
Turkey (1961 and 1968) describe the Armenian genocide as ‘the terrible
holocaust of 1915, when a million and a half Armenians perished.’ In later
editions, this text is altered to ‘the terrible slaughter of 1915, when,
according to estimates, more than a million Armenians perished, as well as an
unknown number of Turks.’ …The change in Lewis's textual description of the
Armenian genocide and his signing of the petition against the Congressional
resolution was controversial among some Armenian historians as well as
journalists, who suggested that Lewis was engaging in historical negationism to
serve his own political and personal interests…. In a 1995 civil proceeding
brought by three Armenian genocide survivors, a French court censured Lewis'
remarks under Article 1382 of the Civil Code and fined him one franc, and
ordering the publication of the judgment at Lewis' cost in Le Monde. The court
ruled that while Lewis has the right to his views, their _expression_ harmed a
third party and that ‘it is only by hiding elements which go against his thesis
that the defendant was able to state there was no 'serious proof' of the
Armenian Genocide.’”

There are many other claims by Fein in his letter such as:
“the Genocide Convention excludes politically motivated killings.” Thus, Fein
admits that Armenians were indeed massacred, but for political reasons!

By claiming that no court verdict has been issued regarding
the Armenian Genocide, Fein must have forgotten about the death sentences
issued by the Turkish Military Tribunal in Istanbul in 1919 against the masterminds of
the Armenian Genocide.

Fein also distorted the exile of Ottoman leaders to Malta by the
British in 1919 in order to try them for their crimes. Great Britain
released the 144 Turks in exchange for 22 British prisoners, stating that one
British prisoner is worth a shipload of Turks. 

Finally, Fein’s ‘brilliant mind’ can be demonstrated by
referring to his ridiculous article published on Nov. 25, 2022, in “The Hill,”
suggesting that Congress “can end the war in Ukraine
… by enacting a statute withdrawing the United States from NATO”!

2-         Patriarchate of Jerusalem
Defrocks Father Baret, Accusing him of Fraud


Chancellery of the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem announced on May 6 that
earlier that day “Father Baret Yeretsian was defrocked by the unanimous vote of
the Synod of the Patriarchate by the order of Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, the
Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.”

The Patriarchate stated that the 77-year-old Fr. Baret was
“defrocked for his disloyalty towards the rules and procedures of the Holy See
and especially the series of frauds and deceptions he had committed regarding
the contract of the ‘Goverou Bardez’ property.” He was declared to be a
layperson by his baptismal name, Khachik Yeretsian.

The Patriarchate did not provide further details regarding
the alleged “frauds and deceptions committed” by Father Baret. The reference to
the ‘Goverou Bardez’ (Garden of Cows) was to the contract that the Patriarch along
with Fr. Baret and one other clergyman had signed last year to lease a large
tract of land owned by the Patriarchate in Jerusalem to an Australian-Jewish businessman
for 99 years, on which a luxury hotel is to be built.

In a letter addressed to the Patriarch on May 6, Fr. Baret
stated that he was shocked by the news of “the scandalous decision to defrock

Fr. Baret reminded the Patriarch that he had voluntarily
signed the contract for the lease. He also wrote that the Patriarch was using
him as a scapegoat and demanded a clarification of the alleged frauds he had

Fr. Baret told The California Courier that he will probably
file a lawsuit against the Patriarchate for accusing of committing frauds.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem vowed to protect the
interests of the Armenian Church on Friday, May 12, a day after the governments
of Jordan and Palestine said they were distancing themselves from the
Jerusalem Patriarch Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, whom they blamed for ignoring
the historic heritage of the Armenian Church in the Holy City.
The Jerusalem Patriarchate voiced its “deep concern” regarding the decision by Jordan and Palestine
and to explain that the individual responsible for initiating a real estate
deal involving the grounds of the Armenian Church had been punished, and in
fact defrocked.

“The urgently convened Holy Synod meeting on May 12th, 2023
expresses its deep concern regarding the news circulated on May 11th through
social media and the publication of various Jordanian and Palestinian news
sources, in which both the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Palestinian
government have decided to freeze the Patriarchal recognition of the Armenian
Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Archbishop Nourhan Manougian,” the
Patriarchate said in a statement posted on Facebook by Father Aghan Gogchian,
chancellor of the Armenian Patriarchate on Friday.

“The most disconcerting aspect to this decision is its timing.
Notably, becoming public just after the Holy Synod leveled the strictest
punishment against the main person responsible for the ‘Cows Garden’
issue. That person is Khachig Yeretsian (formerly Archimandrite, Very Rev.
Father Baret), who previous held the position as the former Director of Real
Estate Department. Per the directive of the Holy Synod, this individual has
been defrocked of his priestly rites, banished, and is no longer living on the
premises of the Patriarchate,” the statement added. “The Armenian Patriarchate
of Jerusalem and the Holy Synod will do their best to protect the interests of
the Armenian Church and the community,” said the statement.

and Palestine on May 11 issued a joint
statement, announcing their decision to suspend their recognition of Archbishop
Nourhan Manougian as the Patriarch of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem,
the holy land and Jordan.
This decision comes after numerous unsuccessful attempts to address the
patriarch’s handling of properties in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, which hold
cultural, historical and humanitarian significance, the Jordan News Agency,
Petra, reported.


3-         AAF Delivered $1.1 Million of

            to Armenia and
Artsakh in Last 4 Months


GLENDALE—In the first four
months of 2023, the Armenia Artsakh Fund (AAF) delivered to Armenia and
Artsakh six shipments of medicines valued at $1.1 million of which $152,000 was
for Artsakh. All six shipments of medicines were donated by Direct Relief of Santa
Barbara, California, at the request of the AAF.

Even though Azerbaijan
has blockaded the Lachin Corridor which links Artsakh to Armenia for
more than four months, the International Committee of the Red Cross was able to
deliver the urgently-needed six AAF shipments of medicines to Artsakh. The
medicines sent to Artsakh included 350 bags of Metronidazole, 118 bottles of
Isoflurane (Forane), 4230 vials of Tranexamic Acid, 12,500 vials of
Dexamethasone, 15,080 bags of Sodium Chloride, several cases of Olmesartan,
Amlodipine Besylate, Colesevelan, Naproxen and N-95 Masks. In addition the
shipments to Armenia
and Artsakh included 1,568 cans of Similac infant formula, and 1,670 units of
Vital oral nutritional supplement, both of which are desperately-needed,
particularly in Artsakh.

“We highly appreciate the life-saving medicines donated by
Direct Relief for Armenia
and Artsakh and the assistance of the International Committee of the Red Cross
to deliver them to the 120,000 Armenians blockaded in Artsakh,” said AAF
president Harut Sassounian.

In the past 34 years, including the shipments under its
predecessor, the United Armenian Fund, the AAF delivered to Armenia and
Artsakh a grand total of $973 million worth of humanitarian aid, mostly
medicines, on board 158 airlifts and 2,555 sea containers.

For more information, call the AAF office: (818) 241-8900;


4-         Commentary: For Armenians, Past
is Indeed Prologue


By David Davidian


Sadly, instead of encouraging an ethos to embrace the values
needed to build a secure state, there is a predominant desire for individual
wealth with state-building and existential security not equally valued, thus
not coequally pursued. Such endeavors must not be mutually exclusive.

The following is a partial listing of outcomes that have
been disastrous for the Armenian state and people. They are the result of
individualistic thinking and aspiration for selfish pecuniary gain and power,
which has produced a strategic crisis in the Republic of Armenia
and Artsakh.

Not having the best and brightest local Armenians in
positions of strategic importance while excluding diasporan experts, negating
the creation of a leadership culture, with individual interests trumping
competence. The result is the Armenian government is characterized as a

A never-ending process of selling off of Armenian strategic
infrastructure to foreign interests following the wholesale theft during the
immediate post-Soviet period.

Not having established a competent diplomatic corps serving
long-term goals.

Not having a regulated media to ensure it caters to the
broader public interest rather than solely benefiting oligarchs.

Not having established a state-of-the-art state intelligence

Not engaging in modern state public relations and

Not encouraging a disciplined educational system serving
both national, economic, and individual goals.

Not creating a military serving the national defense that
does not rely on anachronistic leadership.

Not having a police system that protects the individual
rather than serve the whims of the ruling class.

Not maintaining a judicial system that serves the state
constitution, not those who appointed the cadre of judges.

Having a government that views strategic legislation as
nothing more than a temporal transaction.

Never having creating a society demanding public
accountability and responsibility by government bodies.

Having encouraged a lack of utility in national cultural

No end to economic determinism devastating the environment,
public safety, food, health, and consumer safety, etc., contrary to the mandate
of a constitutional republic.

To counter these self-created depravities requires the adoption
of a clear grand national strategy. Nation-states, like individuals, can only
achieve goals if they are clearly articulated and supported by plans to attain
them. Neither states nor individuals can achieve long-term goals by making
haphazard, impulsive, transactional decisions, especially in the modern era of
accelerated change. Not all nation-states have grand national strategies, but
those who expect to survive the rest of this century without being culturally
and politically dominated do. While the items listed above define conditions in
many nation-states, for Armenia,
they represent an existential threat given its perilous geopolitical status. If
not remedied, a line may be crossed where aspects of Armenian state sovereignty
will be on the auction block—if not already. Armenia could disappear forever as
other nations, societies, and cultures have.

Implementing a grand strategy where one never existed, and
countering the interests of those who have comfortably established themselves
as part of the ruling elite, is an enormous challenge.

History is replete with forces that have opposed the status
quo, ranging from violent revolutions to quiet referendums. But without a
comprehensive national strategy, true reform is effectively impossible to achieve. 

Should Armenia fail to realize that reform and secure its
sovereignty, society, culture, and legacy of historical achievement, it will
suffer at the hands of the global powers with agendas detrimental to Armenia,
and, Armenia will yield to its past.

 Some will find this
analysis imprudent for a public forum.

Yet there are forces internationally that understand
Armenians better than themselves and who are taking advantage of the
shortcomings within the Armenian ethos.           



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Nikol Pashinyan – Charles Michel – Ilham Aliyev meeting kicks off in Brussels




YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS. The tripartite meeting between Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of the European Council Charles Michel has started in Brussels.

ARMENPRESS reports, yesterday the Prime Minister of Armenia had a private meeting with the President of the European Council.

On May 14, prior to the tripartite meeting, Charles Michel had already held a meeting with Ilham Aliyev.

Armenpress: Broad range of issues discussed at Brussels-hosted Armenia-Azerbaijan talks




YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev discussed on May 14 during a trilateral meeting issues related to the unblocking of regional transport and economic infrastructures, border delimitation and border security between the two countries, the treaty on the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, the need to address the rights and security of the people of Nagorno Karabakh, as well as other issues related to the POWs, missing persons and other humanitarian issues.

An agreement was reached to continue the discussions on June 1 in Chisinau within the framework of the summit of the European Political Community, where a five-sided meeting with the participation of the Prime Minister of Armenia, the President of Azerbaijan, the President of France, the Chancellor of Germany, and the President of the European Council is scheduled, and in July, within the framework the tripartite meeting in Brussels between the Prime Minister of Armenia, the President of Azerbaijan, and the President of the European Council, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a .

Armenia, Azerbaijan confirm commitment to 1991 Almaty Declaration and each other’s respective territorial integrity




YEREVAN, MAY 14, ARMENPRESS. President of the European Council Charles Michel released a statement on May 14 after the trilateral meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.


Below is the full statement:

“It was a pleasure to host President Aliyev and Prime Minister Pashinyan today for a fifth meeting in Brussels. Our exchanges were frank, open and result-oriented. They focused on progress on the path towards Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization. The leaders shared a common willingness for a South Caucasus at peace. I commend their respective efforts. Together, we reviewed all issues on our agenda.

Following the recent positive talks held in the United States on the peace treaty, the momentum should be maintained to take decisive steps towards the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

On border issues, we reviewed progress and the next steps regarding the delimitation of the border. In this context, the leaders agreed on the resumption of the bilateral meetings on border issues. The leaders confirmed their unequivocal commitment to the 1991 Almaty Declaration and the respective territorial integrity of Armenia (29,800 km2) and Azerbaijan (86,600 km2). The ultimate delimitation of the border will be agreed through negotiations.

On connectivity, the sides made clear progress in their discussions aimed at unblocking transport and economic links in the region. Positions on this topic have now come very close to each other in particular on the reopening of the railway connections to and via Nakhchivan. Their respective teams have been tasked to finalize an in principle agreement on the modalities for the opening of the railway connections and the necessary construction works together with a concrete timetable. They also agreed to draw upon the support of the World Customs Organization in supporting this work.   

On humanitarian issues, there has been an understanding that further detainees would be released in the coming weeks. I also stressed the need to safeguard the mutual understanding that soldiers who have simply got lost and crossed to the other side would continue to be released through a speedy procedure. We also discussed the importance of stepping up work on addressing the fate of missing persons and on demining.

We continued our exchanges on the issue of the rights and security of Armenians living in the former Nagorno Karabakh Autonomous Oblast. I encouraged Azerbaijan to engage in developing a positive agenda with the aim of guaranteeing the rights and security of this population, in close cooperation with the international community. I also raised the need for a transparent and constructive dialogue between Baku and this population.

I believe that it is important to refrain from hostile rhetoric, engage in good faith and show leadership to reach mutually-acceptable solutions.

The EU has no hidden agenda. Our sole aim is to help Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a comprehensive and fair peace. We are ready to contribute to their joint efforts. We have agreed to hold the Brussels meetings as often as necessary. Leaders will meet again in Brussels in July. And as was already announced publicly, we will also meet again in the very near future together with President Macron of France and Chancellor Scholz of Germany on the margins of the 2nd European Political Community Summit in Chișinău. I also intend to invite the leaders for another such meeting in the margins of the third EPC summit in Granada in October.”

Unknown Rembrandt portraits unearthed after 200 years




YEREVAN, MAY 15, ARMENPRESS. Two rare portraits by Rembrandt, unknown to art scholars and never placed on public display, have been unearthed after 200 years in a UK family’s private art collection, Financial Times reports.

Experts at auction house Christie’s came upon the paintings while carrying out a routine valuation.

The eight-inch-high portraits will now go up for sale at Christie’s showrooms in London on July 6, after going on display in New York and Amsterdam, with an estimated value of £5mn-£8mn for the pair.

Ancestors of the family, whose identity was not disclosed by Christie’s, bought the pair of small-scale oil paintings in 1824, at a Christie’s auction.

Painted just as Rembrandt was establishing a reputation as a sought-after artist, the portraits depict Jan Willemsz van der Pluym and his wife Jaapgen Carels, a couple with family connections to the artist.