Armenian Foreign Minister holds phone call with Portuguese counterpart




YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan held a phone call with his Portuguese counterpart João Gomes Cravinho on May 11.

The foreign ministry said in a readout that Mirzoyan and Cravinho ‘exchanged views around the Armenian-Portuguese bilateral agenda and discussed the importance of mutual high-level visits for maintaining the dynamics of political dialogue, as well as the prospects of development of cooperation between the two countries in trade-economic, cultural and IT’ sectors.

Partnership in international platforms, as well as issues relating to the Armenia-EU partnership were also discussed.

The two FMs also discussed regional security and stability. The Armenian foreign minister spoke about the latest developments around the Armenia-Azerbaijan normalization of relations. FM Mirzoyan stressed that Azerbaijan’s continuous aggressive policy and provocations are aimed at disrupting the efforts aimed at the negotiations process, with the latest such manifestation being the May 11 provocations against the sovereign territory of Armenia.

The Armenian FM presented to his Portuguese counterpart the humanitarian situation in Nagorno Karabakh resulting from the illegal Azerbaijani blockade of Lachin Corridor, emphasizing that Azerbaijan’s actions constitute a violation of not only the terms of the 9 November 2020 trilateral statement and norms of international humanitarian law, but also an explicit disregard for the unambiguous calls by international partners and the International Court of Justice ruling.

Lachin Corridor – the only road linking Nagorno Karabakh with Armenia and the rest of the world – has been blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022. The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan on 22 February 2023 to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. Azerbaijan has so far ignored the order.

United States calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to agree to distance forces along the border




YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. The United States Department of State has commented on the May 11 Azerbaijani attack on Armenia, stating that ‘this kind of violence’ undermines the progress made by the two countries during their talks.

State Department Principal Deputy Spokesperson Vedant Patel said at a May 11 press briefing that "this kind of violence, we believe it undermines the progress made by Armenia and Azerbaijan toward a durable and dignified peace," and called on Armenia and Azerbaijan to reach an agreement at their upcoming summit in Brussels on May 14th to "distance their forces along the border, as discussed by Secretary Blinken during their participation of these negotiations that we hosted here in Washington, D.C., at the beginning of May."

Commenting on the foreign ministerial talks hosted by the U.S. in early May, Patel said they view these negotiations "as important, positive steps in which we felt the two countries had the opportunity to engage on some important issues, see the other side’s point of view."

“And we believe that there continues to be a durable path forward. We believe that there is a peaceful solution to this. It’s why we, from the Secretary on down, have continued to be so deeply engaged on this. But I’m not going to get ahead of these talks themselves,” Patel added.

The State Department spokesperson added that the U.S. was “obviously were happy to host these two countries at the beginning of May.”

 “We believe that those talks were fruitful and laid the groundwork for a continuation of these talks beginning in Brussels, and we’ll let that process play out,” Patel said.

Two Armenian servicemen wounded in Azerbaijani drone strike




YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. Two Armenian servicemen were wounded Friday morning when the Azerbaijani armed forces used a UAV to bombard their position in Gegharkunik Province, the defense ministry said in a press release.

“On 12 May, around 10:00, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan violated the ceasefire in the direction of Sotk by using a UAV,” the defense ministry said, adding that two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Armenia were wounded in the drone strike. One of the two wounded troops is in grave condition.

As of 10:30 the situation on the frontline was relatively stable, the ministry added.

The Azeri drone strike comes a day after Azeri forces bombarded Armenian positions in the same area in an unprovoked attack. 


Azerbaijan falsely accuses Nagorno Karabakh of breaching ceasefire




STEPANAKERT, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan has falsely accused the Nagorno Karabakh/Artsakh military of breaching the ceasefire.

In a statement released on Friday, the Nagorno Karabakh Defense Army said that the Azeri defense ministry’s statement accusing them of violating the ceasefire is disinformation.

 “The statement released by the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry accusing the units of the Defense Army of opening fire overnight May 11-12 at Azerbaijani positions deployed in the occupied territories of the Martakert, Askeran, Shushi and Kashatagh regions of the Republic of Artsakh is yet another disinformation,” the Defense Army of Nagorno Karabakh said.

Defense Minister visits wounded troops of latest Azeri aggression




YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. Minister of Defense Suren Papikyan on Friday visited the wounded Armenian troops of the latest Azeri attack who are being treated at the Central Military Hospital, the defense ministry said in a press release.

Papikyan was briefed on the condition and course of treatment of the troops.

The defense minister wished speedy recovery to the servicemen.

Deputy FM describes Washington talks as ‘productive’ phase




YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan has said that the Armenian-Azerbaijani foreign ministerial talks were a “productive” phase in terms of approximating the stances around a possible peace treaty.

Speaking at a press briefing on May 12, Hovhannisyan told ARMENPRESS that there are a number of issues that have yet to be discussed during the upcoming May 14 Brussels summit.

PM Nikol Pashinyan said on May 11 that Azerbaijan sought to nullify the progress in the Washington talks with its latest aggression.

Asked what progress the prime minister was referring to, Hovhannisyan said the progress pertains to the sides having a better understanding on each other’s stances.

“This was done. The American side did everything possible to create a positive atmosphere. It was truly a productive phase for bringing closer the positions around a possible peace treaty. Of course, there are a number of highly important issues that have yet to be discussed, and that’s why the highest-level meeting is being organized in Brussels, which will be followed by the foreign ministerial meeting in Moscow, and there will be other meetings as well,” Hovhannisyan said.

Speaking about the Azeri military attack on Armenian positions in Sotk on May 11, Hovhannisyan said that Azerbaijan has been behaving in this manner ever since the 1990s.

“I’ve been serving at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1995, and I can’t recall a single phase of negotiations without such provocations taking place either before or after the meetings,” he said.

Armenia-Azerbaijan foreign ministerial planned in Moscow days after Brussels summit


YEREVAN, MAY 12, ARMENPRESS. The meeting between Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan and Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov in Moscow is scheduled for May 19, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan said Friday.

“The meeting is planned for May 19, if no changes take place,” Hovhannisyan said at a press briefing.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev are scheduled to meet in Brussels on May 14.

Hovhannisyan said the Moscow meeting can be viewed to some extent as a logical continuation of the Brussels summit, but noted that each format has its specificities.

Asbarez: Putin Says No Talks in Light of Armenia-Azerbaijan ‘Border Tensions’

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan meets with presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev in Sochi on Oct. 31

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has said that in light of heightened tensions on the Armenia-Azerbaijan he did not anticipate talks with the leaders of the two countries, the Kremlin said on Thursday.

Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told the RIA Novost news agency that Russia is a mediator in the Karabakh issue and called for restraint “from Armenia and Azerbaijan.” He said Moscow will continue its communications with Baku and Yerevan.

“”Literally the day before yesterday, Putin had a private conversation with the Prime Minister of Armenia [Nikol] Pashinyan, who was in Moscow on the occasion of Victory Day [anniversary],” Peskov said.

“Russia will continue to perform its functions that are provided according to the tripartite documents. We, of course, expect a restrained approach from the parties, and call on [them] not to take any action that could lead to an increase in tension,” Peskov told reporters.

There was no mention of whether a scheduled meeting between the foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov, scheduled for May 19 was still going to take place given Thursday’s attack on Armenia.

Yerevan Accuses Baku of Deliberately Derailing U.S., EU and Russian Mediation Efforts

An Armenia border patrol soldier in Gegharkunik

After Azerbaijan launched a heavy offensive against Armenia on Thursday, Armenia’s foreign ministry blasted Baku accusing its leadership of deliberating derailing mediations efforts by the United States, the European Union and Russia to settle relations between the two countries.

“These repeated violations of one of the fundamental principles of international law – the non-use of force or the threat of force – demonstrate contempt of the Azerbaijani side for the agreements, including the obligations assumed by the Trilateral Statement of Sochi on October 31, 2022,” said the foreign ministry referencing an agreement reached last fall in Russia whereby Armenia and Azerbaijan pledged to respect each other’s territorial integrity.

“Azerbaijan’s actions that are aimed at destabilizing the situation, are also an open disregard for the meeting held in Washington, the meetings planned in Brussels and Moscow, to normalize relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the efforts made by international partners interested in stability and peace in the South Caucasus,” Yerevan said in accusing Baku.

The foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhum Bayramov, held talks for four days last week in Washington mediate by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. On Sunday, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan are scheduled to meet in Brussels to resume talks mediated by Council of Europe President Charles Michel. Yerevan announced Wednesday that Mirzoyan and Bayramov will meet in Moscow on May 19 in discussions hosted by Russia.

Thursday’s massive attack is a continuation of Azerbaijan’s aggressive policy, which has included the blockade of Artsakh since December 12 and cutting off energy supplies to Artsakh. The situation was exacerbated on April 23, when Azerbaijan set up a checkpoint at the Lachin Corridor entrance, effectively blocking all access into Artsakh, including vehicles operated by the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Russian Peacekeeping contingent stationed in Karabakh.

Pashinyan said on Thursday that by launching this latest attack Azerbaijan was aiming to nullify the progress made during the Mirzoyan-Bayramov talks in Washington and has effectively tainted any progress in the upcoming Brussels talks.

He said there was “little chance” that an agreement will be signed in Brussels, adding that despite Thursday’s attack he planned to attend the meeting in the EU’s capital.

“Today’s provocation also seeks to disrupt the trilateral format talks in Brussels on Sunday,” Pashinyan said. “Experience has shown that Azerbaijan needs the negotiations process only for advancing its arguments for escalation and war, while escalations are used exclusively for nullifying any progress achieved in the talks. This is what’s happening now.”

Pashinyan accused Azerbaijan of using lies as a pretext to attack Armenia positions, directly hitting at Baku, which falsely claimed that Armenian sources violated the ceasefire on Wednesday evening.

He also called into question Azerbaijan’s commitment to agreements and statement signed by Aliyev, specifically the ones reached in Prague and Sochi last October, in which Armenia and Azerbaijan pledged to recognize each other’s territorial integrity.

“If Azerbaijan recognizes Armenia’s territorial integrity, then why does it fire on the sovereign territory of our country, especially when the sides should refrain from the use of force or the threat of force under the 2022 Sochi trilateral statement. Today, Azerbaijan again grossly violated these written, public agreements and generally it is difficult to recall any joint document that Azerbaijan hasn’t violated so far,” Pashinyan told his cabinet ministers on Thursday.

Asbarez: Jordan, Palestine No Longer Recognize Armenian Patriarch Nourhan Manougian

Archbishop Nourhan Manougian as the Patriarch of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem

AMMAN (Jordan Times) — Jordan and Palestine on Thursday issued a joint statement, announcing their decision to suspend their recognition of Archbishop Nourhan Manougian as the Patriarch of the Armenian Church in Jerusalem, the holy land and Jordan. 

This decision comes after numerous unsuccessful attempts to address the patriarch’s handling of properties in Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, which hold cultural, historical and humanitarian significance, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

The statement emphasized that this decision was made in accordance with the directives of His Majesty King Abdullah and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. 

It was prompted by the patriarch’s real estate-related actions and deals, which could impact the future of the holy city, undertaken without prior agreement and consultation with relevant parties, as required by laws and church regulations. 

The patriarch also ignored appeals from Armenian institutions, read the statement.
The statement further highlighted that the decision of Jordan and Palestine follows the recent “deal” concerning the Bustan site, also known as the “Hadiqat Al Baqar” (Cows garden in English) and its surroundings, including the Qishla building in Bab Al Khalil, which is considered a significant part of the Armenian Quarter. Despite requests to halt any actions that could affect the historical and legal status quo of these properties, the patriarch did not respond to these demands, the statement said.

Both parties affirmed that the Armenian Quarter is an integral and occupied part of the Old City, subject to relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly, including resolutions 1515, 476, 338, 242, 2334, and other applicable international decisions.

The statement also noted that the Executive Board of UNESCO has issued several resolutions, recognizing the Old City and its walls as part of the endangered World Heritage list. The actions of Patriarch Manougian were considered a clear violation of international charters and resolutions aimed at preserving Jerusalem’s status quo and safeguarding the Armenian heritage of the city, the statement said.