Assembly Submits Testimony Urging Congress to Prevent Second Armenian Genocide; Secure Aid to Armenia & Artsakh

Washington, D.C. – The Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) submitted testimony by Congressional Relations Director Mariam Khaloyan to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related programs, urging Congress to help prevent a second Armenian Genocide. To that end, in its testimony the Assembly requested $100 million in assistance to Armenia, $50 million in assistance to Artsakh and $2 million in demining assistance, enforcement of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act, as well as bolstering of the peace process.

The Assembly's testimony comes on the heels of a letter, circulating in the House, spearheaded by Armenian Caucus Co-Chair Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) to the House State Foreign Operations Appropriates Subcommittee, that reinforces key congressional priorities for Armenia and Artsakh.

The Assembly made clear its profound concerns about the humanitarian crisis surrounding Artsakh and is making these requests in the face of an impending genocide, "given the overwhelming passage of the Armenian Genocide resolution in the House in 2019, followed by the Senate the same year, [the Assembly] hopes Congress will do its part to prevent a second Armenian Genocide."

The Assembly stated in its testimony that the assistance requested for Artsakh will "help protect a vulnerable Christian people as well as empower them to reconstruct their communities, rebuild their lives, and resettle in their homes."

Due to Azerbaijan's unchecked anti-Armenian policies, providing aid will also serve "as an opportunity for the U.S. to have a presence in the region and sends an important message about America’s commitment to democratic governance in the face of autocrats that would like nothing more than to see democratic nations fall."

Despite the trilateral statement signed in November 2020, which made it clear Azerbaijan had to "guarantee the security of persons, vehicles and cargo moving along the Lachin Corridor in both directions," Azerbaijan has once again defied an international accord and blocked the Lachin Corridor. The only roadway connecting Armenia and Artsakh, that once supplied hundreds of tons of essential goods to Artsakh Armenians, remains closed for the third month.

The testimony also stressed that Azerbaijan has denied "any responsibility regarding the blockade, while the U.S. Administration has repeatedly called for it to be reopened."

Regarding the request of $100 million to Armenia, the testimony states that the democratic country "continues to face existential threats" from the dictatorial Aliyev regime that now is also laying unfounded claim to the territories of the Republic of Armenia.

The importance of ceasing military assistance to Azerbaijan and enforcing Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act was also underscored in the testimony, which highlighted Azerbaijan's "gross human rights violations during and after the 44-day war."

"Azerbaijan should not be rewarded for its blatant and ongoing violations against the Armenian people, including the holding of prisoners of war (POWs) and captured civilians. In this regard, the Assembly strongly supports the inclusion of report language calling for the immediate release and repatriation of all POWs and captured civilians held by Azerbaijan," the testimony emphasized.

The testimony concluded by urging the United States, a Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, to bring stability and advance peace in the South Caucasus region, and to "uphold the fundamental principles of democracy, the right to self-determination, and the universal human rights of the people of Artsakh."

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2023-07

Armenian American Museum Elevate Gala Is Sold Out


Sahakian, Executive Director

American Museum and Cultural Center of California


[email protected]






Glendale, CA (March 9,
2023) – The Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California has announced
that the highly anticipated Elevate Gala on Sunday, March 19, 2023 is
officially sold out. The signature event of the year is anticipated to welcome
a capacity audience at the Fairmont Century Plaza in Los Angeles.


The Elevate Gala will
celebrate the completion of the first phase of construction featuring the
museum parking garage and building foundation and mark the next exciting
chapter for the Armenian American Museum as the landmark center is elevated to
the horizon as a destination for education, enrichment, and inspiration for
generations to come.


acclaimed and award-winning entertainer Kev Orkian will serve as the Master of
Ceremonies for the evening. Kev Orkian is a notable actor, musician, and
comedian who has earned a reputation as one of the United Kingdom’s finest


Pacific Western Bank Vice
President Relationship Manager and Armenian American Museum Board of Governors
Member Diana Timuryan is serving as the Elevate Gala Chair. The Elevate Gala
Committee includes Mayda Altounian, Alvard Barseghian, Angela Bedoyan, Ani
Bekarian, Araxie Boyamian, Garine Depoyan, Hilda Fidanian, Aida Gharakhani,
Marie Jeanne Harmandayan, Natalie Hariri, Christine Hovnanian, Tanya
Kalaydjian, Maro Kasparian, Dr. Alexia Kevonian, Erika Toriz-Kurkjian, Carmen
Libaridian, Margaret Mgrublian, Narine Mouradian, Aleen Orucakciel, Dzovig
Zetlian, and Elizabeth Zoryan.


Major Sponsors include Donnell
& Rima Cameron, Armen & Gloria Hampar Family Foundation, Avadis &
Nancy Tevanian, Jack & Zarig Youredjian, Ayvazian Family Foundation, The
GASKA Alliance Foundation, Anonymous, Dr. Vicken & Sossy Aharonian, Ron
& Kourtni Arakelian, Bank of America, Gregory & Gina Felikian, Steve
& Sandi Hampar, Nabil & Hanan Karabetian, Berdj & Mary Karapetian, Matthew
& Audrey Matoesian, William McMorrow, Nora Tertzag Hampar Charitable Trust
Ara & Nina Ohanian, Sarkis & Nune Sepetjian, and Isaac & Frieda


The Armenian American
Museum is a world-class educational and cultural institution that is currently
under construction on the museum campus at Glendale Central Park. The museum
will offer a wide range of public programming through the Permanent Exhibition,
Temporary Exhibitions, Auditorium, Learning Center, Demonstration Kitchen,
Archives Center, and more.


For more information on how
to contribute to the Armenian American Museum and the Elevate Gala, contact
Major Gifts Director Mary Khayat at (818) 644-2073.


Learn more about the Elevate
Gala at




Arsine Sina Torosyan
Communications Director
Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California
116 North Artsakh Avenue, Suite 205, Glendale, CA 91206
Office: (818) 351-3554, Ext. 706
Direct: (818) 644-2215
Confidentiality Notice: This communication and any documents, files, or previous e-mail messages attached to it constitute an electronic communication within the scope of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 ISCA 2510. This communication may contain non-public, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated recipient(s). The unlawful interception, use, or disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited under 18 USCA 2511 and any applicable laws.

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RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/09/2023

                                        Thursday, March 9, 2023

Russia Criticizes ‘Bellicose Rhetoric’ On Karabakh

RUSSIA - Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova speaks during a 
news briefing in Moscow, Jamiary 20, 2022.

Russia criticized “bellicose” statements on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict on 
Thursday two days after Azerbaijan threatened to take “resolute” actions against 
Karabakh Armenian forces.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry threatened to “disarm and neutralize” them as 
it accused Armenia of continuing to send military personnel and weapons to 
Karabakh. It also alleged that Russian peacekeepers escorted on Tuesday a convoy 
of Armenian and Karabakh military trucks along a dirt road close to a section of 
the Lachin corridor blocked by Azerbaijani protesters since December.

The authorities in Yerevan and Stepanakert were quick to reject the allegations. 
Moscow has still not reacted to them.

“Bellicose rhetoric from any side is counterproductive,” Maria Zakharova, the 
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, told a news briefing in Moscow. “It does 
not help advance the peace agenda.”

“We proceed from the fact that Baku and Yerevan must strictly comply with all 
the provisions of the tripartite [Russian-Armenian-Azerbaijani] agreements at 
the highest level, including on ensuring security in Nagorno-Karabakh and using 
the Lachin corridor,” added Zakharova.

The 2020 ceasefire agreement brokered Moscow placed the corridor under the 
control of Russian peacekeepers and committed Baku to guaranteeing free passage 
through it.

The Armenian side regards the three-month Azerbaijani blockade of the sole road 
connecting Karabakh to Armenia as a gross violation of that agreement. It 
maintains that Baku’s desire to set up an Azerbaijani checkpoint there also runs 
counter to the truce accord.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov similarly indicated Moscow’s opposition 
to the checkpoint when he visited Baku last week.

Zakharova on Thursday also said: “We also believe that de-escalation of the 
current situation would be facilitated by official Yerevan’s active 
participation in the search for mutually acceptable solutions.”

She appeared to allude to Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan’s reluctance 
to hold a trilateral meeting with Lavrov and his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun 

The three ministers were scheduled to meet in Moscow in late December. Mirzoyan 
cancelled the talks at the last minute in protest against the Azerbaijani 
blockade of the Lachin corridor.

Lavrov said in Baku that he still stands ready to host the talks. He noted that 
Yerevan “has not yet given its final consent.”

Armenia Hit By Measles Outbreak

        • Robert Zargarian

U.S. - A vial of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is pictured at 
the International Community Health Services clinic in Seattle, March 20, 2019.

Health authorities are scrambling to contain the first major outbreak of measles 
in Armenia in almost eight years.

The total number of measles cases recorded by them has doubled to 43 in the past 
week. Most of the persons infected with the highly contagious virus are 
children, according to the Ministry of Health. Seventeen patients have been 
hospitalized so far.

“We have not yet gone beyond the bounds of a local outbreak,” Health Minister 
Anahit Avanesian told reporters on Thursday. “But we will have a clearer picture 
of the trend at the end of the week.”

Vaccination is the most effective way of preventing the spread of the acute 
respiratory disease. Armenian children have long received two doses of a measles 
vaccine: the first at 12 months of age and a second between 4 and 6 years old.

The South Caucasus country’s vaccination rate is estimated at 95 percent, which 
should be enough to prevent a nationwide epidemic.

In recent days, the Ministry of Health has repeatedly urged unvaccinated 
Armenians to get inoculated against measles.

In a joint report released last November, the World Health Organization (WHO) 
and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warned of “an imminent threat of 
measles spreading to different regions around the world” because of a “steady 
decline in vaccination coverage and weakened surveillance of the disease” caused 
by the coronavirus pandemic.

The WHO already recorded last year an increase in large measles outbreaks around 
the world.

Pashinian Backs Dialogue Between Baku, Stepanakert

Armenia - Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian speaks at a cabinet meeting in Yerevan, 
January 12, 2023.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Thursday called for more contacts between 
Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh while accusing Baku of planning new attacks on 
the Armenian-populated region.

Pashinian again described Sunday’s armed incident near Stepanakert, which left 
three Karabakh Armenian police officers and two Azerbaijani soldiers dead, as an 
Azerbaijani “terrorist act.” He said that that it was aimed at torpedoing 
dialogue between Azerbaijani and Karabakh officials and preparing the ground for 
a “new military provocation.”

Pashinian stressed that despite the deadly violence Karabakh’s leadership issued 
on Wednesday an “extremely important” statement expressing readiness for further 
talks with Baku.

“I think it is necessary to create reliable international mechanisms for 
uninterrupted and institutional conversations between Baku and Stepanakert,” he 
added during a weekly session of his cabinet.

He did not elaborate on those mechanisms sought by Yerevan.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry likewise charged on Wednesday that Azerbaijan is 
gearing up for “new aggression” with false claims about shipments of Armenian 
military personnel and weapons to Karabakh.

Earlier this week, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claimed that Russian 
peacekeepers escorted a convoy of Armenian and Karabakh military trucks along a 
dirt road running parallel to a section of the Lachin corridor blocked by 
Azerbaijani protesters since December. The Armenian side dismissed the claim as 

On Thursday, the Defense Ministry in Baku accused Armenian forces of firing 
overnight at Azerbaijani troops deployed along Azerbaijan’s border with Armenia 
and in Karabakh. Armenia’s Defense Ministry and the Karabakh Armenian army 
strongly denied violating the ceasefire.

A senior European Union diplomat said later in the day that he is “greatly 
concerned about the recent deadly clash and renewed reports of shootings.”

“No justification for violence; all issues need to be addressed through 
negotiations only,” tweeted Toivo Klaar, the EU’s special representative to the 
South Caucasus.

Klaar visited Yerevan and Baku late last month to discuss the possibility of 
another meeting between Pashinian and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev which 
EU chief Charles Michel offered to host in Brussels.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


CivilNet: Aliyev cornered and lashing out in Artsakh


09 Mar, 2023 08:03

In the latest episode of Insights with Eric Hacopian, Eric discusses Azerbaijan’s attack last Sunday that left three Armenian police officers dead in Nagorno-Karabakh. Eric explains why Azerbaijan is resorting once again to violence, despite a number of positive developments in the negotiation process, and which other actors are to blame for the continued violence in Karabakh.

CivilNet: Washington ‘not considering’ sanctions against Baku, says US envoy


09 Mar, 2023 10:03

  • Freedom House released the latest edition of its annual Freedom in the World report today, maintaining Armenia’s “partly free” status, while slightly lowering the country’s overall score and warning of the risk of war in the region.
  • Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan described Azerbaijan’s deadly attack on a Karabakh Armenian police car Sunday as a “terrorist act.”
  • The United States is not considering imposing sanctions on Azerbaijan over its blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh, said Louis Bono, the new U.S. special envoy for the South Caucasus.

Deputy foreign ministers of Armenia and Oman discuss bilateral agenda



 11:55, 9 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, ARMENPRESS. On March 8, in Cairo, within the framework of the Ministerial Session of the Council of the League of Arab States, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Vahan Kostanyan  had a meeting with Sheikh Khalifa bin Ali bin Issa Alharthy, Undersecretary for Diplomatic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of the Sultanate of Oman. 

Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan and Sheikh Khalifa bin Ali bin Issa Alharthy touched upon the issues of bilateral agenda between Armenia and Oman, stressing the importance of enhancing political dialogue and conducting regular consultations, the foreign ministry said in a read-out.

They exchanged views on the opportunities of further developing cooperation in trade, economy, tourism and other spheres.

Regional and international security issues were also discussed.

Touching upon the security situation in the South Caucasus, the Deputy Foreign Minister presented the efforts of the Armenian side towards the normalisation of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and emphasised that the Azerbaijani side, in contrary, challenges the normalisation process, peace and stability in the region with its continuous provocations and maximalist aspirations. Vahan Kostanyan briefed his counterpart on the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting from the blockade of the Lachin corridor and highlighted the urgency of unblocking the corridor in accordance with the provisions of the 2020 November 9 Statement.

Issues of possible cooperation between Armenia and Oman on other international platforms were also discussed. In this context, the Deputy Foreign Minister stressed the inadmissibility of manipulating the religious factor by Azerbaijan, underlining that it does not correspond to the logic of traditionally warm relations between Armenia and the Armenian people and the Arab world.

UPDATED: Serviceman found dead, investigation underway



 12:01, 9 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 9, ARMENPRESS. A serviceman of the Armenian Armed Forces was found dead on March 8, the Ministry of Defense announced Thursday.

The ministry released the identity of the deceased servicemember as Andranik K. Ohanyan. Neither the duty station nor the rank of the deceased soldier were made available.

An investigation is underway to reveal the cause of death, the Ministry of Defense said in a statement, extending condolences to the family and friends of the serviceman.

Investigators revealed that conscript Andranik Ohanyan’s body was found hanged from a tree in a forest near a base. Authorities are treating the death of the serviceman as suicide. A criminal case under paragraph 1 Article 522 of the Criminal Code is instituted. The article deals with reckless abetment of suicide, the Investigative Committee reported.

Update shows comments from the Investigative Committee

Russia’s Envoy Says Purpose Of EU Mission In Armenia To Gain Foothold In Post-Soviet Space

March 9 2023

The European Union's goal when sending a mission to Armenia is to gain foothold in the post-Soviet space, taking advantage of the results of Moscow-brokered normalization of ties between Yerevan and Baku, Kirill Logvinov, the acting head of the Russian mission to the EU, told Sputnik

BRUSSELS (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 08th March, 2023) The European Union's goal when sending a mission to Armenia is to gain foothold in the post-Soviet space, taking advantage of the results of Moscow-brokered normalization of ties between Yerevan and Baku, Kirill Logvinov, the acting head of the Russian mission to the EU, told Sputnik.

"This is nothing but Brussels' attempt to gain foothold in the post-Soviet space using the results of the normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan achieved with Russia's mediation, playing some kind of a mediator," Logvinov said.

The envoy expressed certainty that there was as well a "significant anti-Russian component" which is to neutralize the "historical role of Russia as a security guarantor" in the region.

On February 20, the EU announced the start of its civil mission on the Armenian side of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

The mission was officially established by the decision of the EU Council on January 23 at Yerevan's request after an escalation on the border. The declared purpose of the mission is to promote stability in the border regions of Armenia and to facilitate conditions conducive to the normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The total number of the mission's exclusively civil personnel will be about 100, including around 50 unarmed observers.

Russia has a peacekeeping contingent deployed on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh under a trilateral ceasefire declaration brokered by Moscow in November 2020, following a 44-day armed conflict between Yerevan and Baku.

European Chess Championship: 4 Armenian players win 6th round games

Armenia – March 9 2023

Six rounds have already been played at the European Individual Chess Championship 2023 in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Armenian players Shant Sargsyan, Mamikon Gharibyan, Armen Barseghyan and Aleks Sahakyan won their games in the sixth round on Thursday, the Armenian Chess Federation reported.

Gabriel Sargissian, Manuel Petrosyan, Haik Martirosyan, Samvel Ter-Sahakyan, Robert Hovhannisyan, Emin Ohanyan, Robert Piliposyan and Sargis Manukyan played a draw.

Gabriel Sargissian, Shant Sargsyan and Manuel Petrosyan scored 4.5 points out of 6.

Opposition MP: Noose around Armenia, Artsakh keeps tightening

Armenia – March 9 2023

Azerbaijan is actively running a propaganda campaign against Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), also accusing Russia of failure to fulfil its commitments, says MP Tigran Abrahamyan of the opposition Pativ Unem bloc.

“It is aimed at convincing the international community that Armenia and Artsakh have adopted a destructive stance, while Russia not only fails to fulfil its commitments, but also contributes to dangerous developments, Thus, Azerbaijan has to take tough measures to ‘save the situation’,” he wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

“The noose around Armenia and Artsakh continues tightening,” the deputy stated.

Three Artsakh police officers were killed and another was wounded after an Azerbaijani sabotage group ambushed their vehicle near Stepanakert on Sunday morning.

Two Azeri soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight which was stopped by Russian peacekeepers stationed in Artsakh.

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry threatened to take “resolute” actions in Nagorno-Karabakh two days after the incident.