Azerbaijani press: Protest of Azerbaijani activists aimed at stopping illegal use of Lachin road by Armenian side – FM

Politics Materials 28 February 2023 13:26 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 28. The peaceful protest of Azerbaijani eco-activists on the Lachin-Khankendi road is aimed at stopping the gross violation by the Armenian side of its use, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov said during a press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, who is on a visit to Baku, Trend reports.

"The root cause of this situation was a gross and repeated violation by Armenia of the provisions of the trilateral declaration, which provides for the solely humanitarian nature of the use of the Lachin-Khankendi road. For two years, the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly pointed out this misuse and gross violations by Armenia," he said.

According to the minister, Azerbaijan did so both through closed channels and through mediators, as well as repeatedly entering this matter into public discourse.

"After the situation reached the level of protests, the Armenian side, refusing to change its position, agreed at the level of its top political leadership that it has nothing to do with this issue, with the root cause, or with road safety issues, attempting to place all responsibility on Azerbaijan and Russia," said Bayramov.

Bayramov noted that the Armenian side is actively engaged in a propaganda campaign, trying to mislead the international community and create buzz around this situation by refusing constructive dialogue and attempts to find solutions.

"From the first day, the Azerbaijani side stated that we are doing and will do everything in our power to avoid any negative humanitarian consequences, primarily for the Armenian population living in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. And for more than two months, Azerbaijan has been consistently engaged in this, being in almost daily contact with the peacekeeping contingent as well as with the International Committee of the Red Cross. The legitimate demand of representatives of the Azerbaijani civil society must be heard and fulfilled," he said.

Azerbaijani press: Armenia’s position on normalization of relations with Azerbaijan now more destructive after launch of EU mission – FM

Politics Materials 28 February 2023 14:03 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 28. Armenia's position on the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan has become more destructive after the start of the EU mission, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov said during a press conference with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, who is on a visit to Baku, Trend reports.

According to him, the EU mission is of a temporary nature and has two goals.

"Firstly, to strengthen trust between the parties and, secondly, to contribute to the delimitation process. Unfortunately, neither the first nor second goals have been achieved. Moreover, we see that with the launch of the mission, the position of the Armenian side on the negotiation process has become more destructive," Bayramov said.

Concerning the long-term mission, the minister stated that this occurred due to a violation of the procedures agreed upon in Geneva in October.

"We do not recognize the presence of this abstract mission or the delimitation of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. We have concerns about this, and we express them both through diplomatic channels and publicly. We will continue to monitor this process," he added.

Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijan’s Lachin-Khankendi road should only be used for humanitarian purposes – Russian FM

Politics Materials 28 February 2023 14:04 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 28. The Lachin-Khankendi road should only be used for transportation of humanitarian cargo, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a press conference with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov, Trend reports.

According to him, the parties are working together to reach this agreement.

"We are currently working on these issues," he said.

In addition, Azerbaijani FM Jeyhun Bayramov noted that the peaceful protest of Azerbaijani eco-activists on the Lachin-Khankendi road is aimed at stopping the gross violation by the Armenian side of its use. According to him, the root cause of this situation was a gross and repeated violation by Armenia of the provisions of the trilateral declaration, which provides for the solely humanitarian nature of the use of the Lachin-Khankendi road.

Azerbaijani press: Pashinyan’s lastest statements remain on his conscience – Russian FM

Politics Materials 28 February 2023 15:24 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 28. The latest statements by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan about Russia's military presence in Armenia, not only not guaranteeing the security of the latter but, on the contrary, creating security threats for the republic, entirely remain on his own conscience, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Trend reports.

He made the remark during the opening of the conference "Russian-Azerbaijani relations in the 21st century: strategic partnership in the context of regional security" as part of the 3rd meeting of the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council in Baku.

In January of this year, Nikol Pashinyan stated that Russia's military presence in Armenia not only does not guarantee the security of the latter but on the contrary, creates threats to the republic.

According to him, a conversation is underway with Russia about the role and significance of its military presence on the territory of the republic.

Azerbaijani press: Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council holds conference (PHOTO)

Politics Materials 28 February 2023 17:52 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, February 28. The conference on the "Russian-Azerbaijani relations in the 21st century: strategic partnership in the context of regional security" topic as part of the 3rd meeting of the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council with the participation of Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and his Russian colleague Sergey Lavrov has been held in Baku, Trend reports via Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.

The meeting was organized by the Azerbaijani Center for Analysis of International Relations and the Russian International Affairs Council.

Speaking at the event, Bayramov stressed that the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council in a short time has become a platform for ongoing cooperation between the experts of the two countries.

He noted that having a constant exchange of views and dialogue between experts would be useful for those who specialize in the field of diplomacy.

Speaking about the current dynamics of Azerbaijani-Russian relations, and high-level dialogue, including joint cooperation between the foreign ministries of the two countries, Bayramov noted that the expert council serves as a practical platform for further development of cooperation between the countries' experts.

At the event, it was noted with satisfaction that over the past year, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries was widely celebrated both within the framework of the foreign ministries of the two countries and the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council.

In particular, it was emphasized that over the past period, relations between the two states have turned into a strategic partnership, which is a logical result of many years of bilateral cooperation, as well as a solid foundation for a high level of trust between President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Bayramov stressed at the event that Azerbaijan is pursuing a sovereign foreign policy strategy based on national interests, and that such a stable, predictable and, most importantly, sovereign policy makes the country a valuable partner for the international community, including Russia.

He also noted similar positions of Azerbaijan and Russia regarding the consistent promotion of peace agenda in the South Caucasus, neutralization of revanchism attempts and unhealthy competition in some cases.

Besides, the minister noted that the victory of Azerbaijan in the 2020 second Karabakh war, the actual implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions [which demanded Armenia to withdraw its armed forces from Azerbaijan’s occupied territories] by the country, as well as proposals discussed over the years, including Russia’s negotiating platform, opened up new opportunities for the above purposes.

At the event, confidence was expressed that the signing of the Declaration on Allied Cooperation by the heads of state of the two countries last year will give a new impetus to joint efforts.

Besides, there was expressed commitment to the trilateral statements [of Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian leaders following the second Karabakh war] signed in 2020 and 2021, which were assessed as an important basis for the post-conflict development of Azerbaijan and the entire South Caucasus region.

During his speech, Lavrov noted the importance of strategic ties between Azerbaijan and Russia.

At the conference, reports were presented by the Chairman of the Board of the Center for the Analysis of International Relations Farid Shafiyev and the Director General of the Russian Council for International Affairs Andrey Kortunov on the activities of the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council.

The discussions held within the closed sessions of the conference in the conditions of an interactive dialogue covered the political, economic, humanitarian and other spheres of Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation.

The council members also adopted a communiqué reflecting the council's practical recommendations on various aspects of deepening relations between the two countries.

It was considered expedient to present Russian International Affairs Council’s recommendations on the relevant platforms of bilateral cooperation, publish joint thematic collections, and hold regular meetings of the council.

During the conference, the foreign ministers were presented with commemorative copies of the first edition of the Russian International Affairs Council’s collection of articles entitled "30 years of diplomatic relations between Russia and Azerbaijan: traveled path and look into the future", the authors of which are Russian and Azerbaijani experts.

The 1st and the 2nd meetings of the Russia-Azerbaijan Expert Council were held in November 2021 and November 2022, respectively.

Azerbaijani press: Azerbaijan’s Deputy FM briefs UN High Commissioner on situation on Lachin-Khankendi road

Politics Materials 1 March 2023 11:14 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mammadov met with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk as part of his participation in the 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council on February 28, Trend reports via the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan.

During the meeting, the current agenda of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UN in the field of human rights, as well as the situation in the region and around the Lachin-Khankendi road were discussed.

Elnur Mammadov noted with satisfaction the existence of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UN in various fields, including in the field of human rights protection. In particular, he noted the prospects for further expanding cooperation.

The deputy FM also added that Azerbaijan's peaceful and constructive efforts face constant political and military provocations from Armenia.

In particular, it was noted that, in order to discredit the legitimate peaceful protest of representatives of Azerbaijani civil society and mislead the international community, Armenia is misinforming the world community that the participants of the peaceful rally allegedly blocked the Lachin-Khanekndi road, causing a "humanitarian crisis" for residents of Armenian origin. Thus, Armenia demonstrates an inadequate position.

It was mentioned that Azerbaijan is ready to ensure the safety Armenians on that territory, just as it ensures safety of other citizens.

During the meeting, the sides also exchanged views on other matters of mutual interest.

Azerbaijani press: Initial discussions held on reintegration of Armenian residents of Karabakh region to Azerbaijan

Politics Materials 1 March 2023 12:58 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. Initial discussions were held regarding the reintegration to the Republic of Azerbaijan of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region under the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its legislature, Trend reports.

Contacts with Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue. Additional information will be made available.

Ramin Mammadov, Member of Parliament, has been designated as a point person for the contacts with the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

To that end, on 1 March 2023, in the city of Khojaly, at the headquarters of the Russian Federation’s peacekeeping contingent temporarily deployed in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ramin Mammadov held a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also present at the meeting was Masim Mammadov, head of the monitoring group inspecting illicit exploitation of our natural resources comprised of experts with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of the Economy and AzerGold Closed Joined-Stock Company.

Azerbaijani press: Meeting with Armenian residents of Karabakh is Azerbaijan’s next major step for peace, stability – official

Politics Materials 1 March 2023 17:04 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. The meeting of Azerbaijani representatives with Armenian residents living in Azerbaijan's Karabakh, which was held on March 1 at the headquarters of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, temporarily deployed in the territory of Azerbaijan (Khojaly), is Azerbaijan's next major step to ensure peace and stability in the region, MP of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (Parliament) Afat Hasanova told Trend.

According to her, Azerbaijan has consistently taken the necessary steps after the second Karabakh war to ensure peace and stability in the region.

"While at the Munich Security Conference, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev noted that the rights and guarantees of the Armenian minority in Karabakh will be discussed. We are ready for it. But with those representatives of Armenian community who lived, who were born, and who lived in Karabakh throughout their life. And the purpose of the meeting held on March 1 is to establish such contacts," Hasanova said.

She noted that Azerbaijan is confidently moving towards its goal, neglecting any outside interference.

"So far, smear campaigns have been carried out against our country with the involvement of foreign media and NGOs. But it seems that these campaigns, like many other provocations, did not achieve any results, and failed. After the historic victory in the second Karabakh war, Azerbaijan successfully achieves its goals in the diplomatic arena, and holding this meeting is another diplomatic success of our country," Hasanova said.

Ramin Mammadov, Member of Parliament, has been designated as a point person for the contacts with the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

To that end, on 1 March 2023, in the city of Khojaly, at the headquarters of the Russian Federation’s peacekeeping contingent temporarily deployed in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ramin Mammadov held a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also present at the meeting was Masim Mammadov, head of the monitoring group inspecting illicit exploitation of our natural resources comprised of experts with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of the Economy and AzerGold Closed Joined-Stock Company.

Initial discussions were held during the meeting regarding the reintegration to the Republic of Azerbaijan of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region under the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its legislature.

Azerbaijani press: Next meeting between Azerbaijani reps and Armenian residents from Azerbaijan’s Karabakh may take place in Baku, Ganja or Aghdam

Politics Materials 1 March 2023 14:32 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 1. The next meetings of representatives of official Baku with representatives of Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan may take place in Baku, Ganja or Aghdam, Trend reports.

Meanwhile, the initial discussions were held regarding the reintegration to the Republic of Azerbaijan of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region under the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its legislature.

Ramin Mammadov, Member of Parliament, has been designated as a point person for the contacts with the Armenian residents of the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

To that end, on 1 March 2023, in the city of Khojaly, at the headquarters of the Russian Federation’s peacekeeping contingent temporarily deployed in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ramin Mammadov held a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Also present at the meeting was Masim Mammadov, head of the monitoring group inspecting illicit exploitation of our natural resources comprised of experts with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of the Economy and AzerGold Closed Joined-Stock Company.

Contacts with Armenian residents living in the Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan will continue. Additional information will be made available.

Turkish press: Azerbaijan, UN agency discuss cooperation on refugee support

Burc Eruygur   |01.03.2023


Azerbaijan on Wednesday discussed with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) ways to support refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs).

“During the meeting, satisfaction was expressed with the current level of cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the International Organization for Migration, issues on the international migration agenda and prospects for future development of cooperation in this field were exchanged,” a statement by the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry read, following a meeting between Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov and IOM Director-General Antonio Vitorino in the capital Baku.

Bayramov emphasized that migration issues are “effectively regulated in Azerbaijan as a result of the country's successful migration policy and institutional reforms in this field.”

He also gave detailed information on the restoration and reconstruction works carried out in the Karabakh region, adding that ensuring the stable settlement of IDPs in their homeland is a priority in state policy.

The Karabakh region was liberated from nearly three decades of Armenian occupation following a 44-day conflict between Baku and Yerevan in the fall of 2020.

For his part, Vitorino welcomed the work done in Azerbaijan in the field of migration management, and expressed that the IOM is ready to continue supporting the Azerbaijani government in the future.

“In this context, it was emphasized that the establishment of the regional training center of the organization is an important step,” the statement added.

Vitorino arrived in Azerbaijan to take part in the Non-Aligned Movement's Contact Group Summit on the fight against COVID-19, which will take place on March 2.