Last Armenians and Assyrians of Malatya flee city after quakes

Turkey – Feb 7 2023
Tuesday 04:10 pm

Fırat Bulut / Gazete Duvar

The Çavuşoğlu and Salköprü neighborhoods, where almost all of Malatya's Armenians and Assyrians resided, were heavily damaged by the major earthquakes that hit southeastern Turkey in February. In both neighborhoods with old buildings, 90 percent of the houses collapsed or are severely damaged.

Some 60 people from both communities lived in the neighborhoods before the quakes on Feb. 6. Four people lost their lives, and most survivors left the province. 

Many houses on Boncuk Street, where massacred Agos Editor-in-Chief Hrant Dink was born, also took damage.

In the first earthquake on Feb. 6, the Armenian Tabaş family of 4 was trapped under the rubble in the Salköprü neighborhood. While the couple Ayda Tabaş and Sami Tabaş died under the rubble, their child Aleks Tabaş, who was pulled out of the rubble by neighbors, died in the hospital.

On the morning of the earthquake, snowfall and freezing temperatures forced some earthquake survivors to enter their homes. Maryam Kabataş, one of these survivors, was caught in the second earthquake afternoon, and her dead body was pulled out from the rubble.

Taşharon Church was also severely damaged by the earthquake. Large cracks formed in the historic church's walls, which was built in the second half of the 18th century in Malatya's Çavuşoğlu Neighborhood. After being idle for a long time, the church was restored and opened for worship in 2021.  

Yusuf Bayyiğit, an Assyrian blacksmith master who moved his family out of Malatya after the two major earthquakes and returned later, said that the Armenian and Assyrian population in the city does not "exceed the fingers of a hand" (a Turkish idiom used for describing fewness).

Yusuf Bayyiğit, an Assyrian blacksmith, does not leave the city.

Bayyiğit stated that Malatya's Armenian and Assyrian population have been emigrating since the past and that the limited number of Armenians and Assyrians had to leave the city due to natural disasters.

He explained that their population was much higher in the past but decreased over time. Bayyiğit stated that the Armenian and Assyrian populations had to migrate due to political developments in Turkey, the first time during World War I, the second time during the 1974 Cyprus Operation, and the third time during the 1980 military coup.

Bayyiğit stated that they had sent their families to other places after the earthquake and said, "Unfortunately, this time, we were scattered like everyone else due to the quakes. We also lost some families. There is another person like me who sent his family to the city center after the earthquake; there are two of us left. We also have two families who settled in a village near Malatya. Apart from that, all the Armenian and Assyrian families living here took refuge with their relatives outside Malatya. Of course, this asylum is temporary. But I don't know how they will return later or if they will be able to stay when they come back. Most of the houses are destroyed, and the rest is inhabitable."

He concluded that “I wish there were more of us left, and we could rebuild our city together. I think even picking up a safe from the ground and putting it there is a service to the city.”

(English version by Can Bodrumlu)

Nagorno-Karabakh claims Azerbaijan offered ‘integration’ or ‘tougher measures’

March 7 2023
 7 March 2023

Nagorno-Karabakh’s President, Arayik Harutyunyan, said on Monday that Azerbaijan had threatened ‘tougher and more drastic steps’ if Nagorno-Karabakh did not agree to integration with Azerbaijan. 

This comes as Nagorno-Karabakh approaches the end of its third month under blockade, after Azerbaijani protesters obstructed the Lachin Corridor in December. 

Over the past months, the region’s electricity and gas supply, which passes through Azerbaijan-controlled territories, has also been repeatedly disrupted. 

Speaking at Monday’s meeting of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Security Council, Harutyunyan said that they had refused Baku’s demands for the region to ‘integrate’ with Azerbaijan. 

Azerbaijan considers Nagorno-Karabakh to be territory of Azerbaijan temporarily under the control of Russian peacekeeping forces, while Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh claim that Azerbaijan is attempting to effect a ‘genocide’ of Nagorno-Karabakh’s Armenian population.  

‘We did not accept [and] do not accept, and today I want to state again that it is not only a decision of the Security Council, but the overwhelming majority of our people accept that we will not deviate from our right to independence and self-determination’, said Harutyunyan. ‘And that means that in the near future, we will have various developments, situations that we will have to face.’

The Security Council meeting came a day after the death of three Nagorno-Karabakh police officers and two Azerbaijani soldiers in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Azerbaijani authorities claimed to have received information that a vehicle was transporting ammunition from Armenia, and stated that the police officers on board opened fire in response to demands to stop for inspection. Stepanakert maintains that the minibus that came under fire was on a regular police patrol. 

On Tuesday, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry said another ‘convoy’ along the road had been spotted, this time escorted by Russian peacekeepers. They called this is ‘unacceptable’ and a ‘gross violation’ of the 2020 ceasefire agreement.

Following the incident, the Azerbaijani authorities repeated their demand that Azerbaijani checkpoints be installed on the Lachin Corridor, which connects Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. Both Yerevan and Stepanakert have repeatedly and firmly rejected such offers. 

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson told RFE/RL that Armenia’s position on the matter of checkpoints had not changed since last week’s attack, which Yerevan described as an act of terrorism. 

In a visit to Baku in late February, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that establishing checkpoints on the corridor, which according to the 2020 ceasefire agreement should be controlled by Russian peacekeepers, was ‘not envisaged’. 

‘But it is possible to dispel, by technical means, suspicions that the corridor is not functioning as intended’, added the minister. 

The announcement also followed two meetings between representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan in late February and early March, the only such meetings to have taken place since the region’s blockade began on 12 December. 

President Harutyunyan said that Azerbaijan had expressed its ultimatum through ‘its channels’ following the meetings, stating that there would be ‘no solution to the current issues’ if Stepanakert did not agree to integration. 

The Nagorno-Karabakh authorities stated that the meetings did not concern the region’s political status, instead focusing on ‘technical issues’: the opening of the Lachin Corridor, restoration of the electricity supply from Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh, restoration of the region’s gas supply, and resuming mining operations in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Harutyunyan noted that during the second meeting, an Azerbaijani representative had raised the issue of integration, but was met with objection from his Nagorno-Karabakh counterparts. 

‘We have two options: either we have to continue the struggle, or if there are people in the public who think that the proposal put forward by Azerbaijan should be accepted, people can speak about their civil rights. They have the right to say that we have not chosen the right path, to formalise their statements, and to establish a new government in the country’, Harutyunyan said.

The spokesperson for Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry, Aykhan Hajizadeh, told Meydan TV that Azerbaijan ‘did not threaten the Armenian community living in Nagorno-Karabakh’. 

On Monday, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry also stated that ‘Armenian troops should be completely withdrawn from the territory of Azerbaijan’ and repeated accusations that Armenia was laying mines in Nagorno-Karabakh. 

No Armenian troops are officially stationed in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the UN’s International Court of Justice in February rejected a request from Baku to order Armenia to stop planting landmines in ‘areas to which Azerbaijani civilians will return in Azerbaijan’s territory’. 

The statement continued by saying that, if the demands stated were not met, Azerbaijan would be ‘forced to take absolutely necessary measures using all possibilities to disarm and neutralise illegal armed forces’.

Opinion from Baku: "The view that Azerbaijanis and Armenians cannot live together is being reinforced."

March 7 2023
  • JAMnews
  • Baku

Message from the Russian peacekeeping contingent

A report from the Russian peacekeeping contingent about the March 5 incident in Karabakh provoked an angry reaction in Azerbaijan, the country’s Defense Ministry issued a statement deploring the contingent’s position. The Defense Ministry also threatened to take more decisive steps if the Armenian armed forces did not leave the country. According to political observer Shahin Jafarli, with the approach of 2025, when the peacekeepers’ stay in Karabakh ends, the opinion that Azerbaijanis and Armenians cannot live together is being reinforced.

  • ‘This is an attack on a strategic partnership’ – US Helsinki Commission on foreign agent law in Georgia
  • Two video stories about the life of people in NK after the blockade of the Lachin corridor
  • Azerbaijan loses three more cases against its own citizens

In November 2025 the mission of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh will end, and under the terms of the tripartite statement, if one of the parties does not withdraw from the agreement six months before the expiration of this period, the period is automatically extended for another 5 years, until 2030.

“They will not allow wounds to heal, to decrease the level of mutual hostility.

One side has the idea that if they are not expelled, then it will not be possible to resolve the issue at the root, while the other thinks: if we become part of this country, we won’t survive.

It’s no secret who benefits from this situation, but again, perhaps for the millionth time, the sides make the same mistakes,” Jafarli added.

Answering a question at a press conference in Baku about the possible appearance of an Azerbaijani checkpoint on the Lachin road, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the sides should not take steps that contradict the requirements of the tripartite statement of November 10, 2020.

The head of the Atlas analytical center Elkhan Shahinoglu noted that, according to this logic, Azerbaijan cannot establish a checkpoint on the Lachin road:

“But Luis Bono, senior adviser to the US Secretary of State for the negotiation process in the Caucasus, also said in Baku that the States treat Baku’s interests related to security issues with understanding. In other words, the diplomat hinted at the exclusivity of Azerbaijan’s right to install a checkpoint on the Lachin road.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is of the same opinion. Brussels will also not be against the creation of a checkpoint on the notorious corridor.”

Shahinoglu also raised the issue of a possible meeting between President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Brussels:

“EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Toivo Klaar met with Aliyev after he had a meeting with Pashinyan.

It is clear that Charles Michel is trying to organize a meeting between Aliyev and Pashinyan. Now it remains to decide on the date of this meeting.

Baku’s only condition for holding the meeting is removing the tripartite format. In other words, without the participation of French President Emmanuel Macron.

As we remember, the fifth Aliyev-Pashinyan meeting, mediated by Brussels, was to be held in December last year. Pashinyan demanded Macron participate, Aliyev refused.

Charles Michel understands that the condition of Macron’s participation could put an end to this EU initiative, and so had to return to the previous tripartite summit model. Apparently Pashinyan has already agreed with this approach, otherwise the meeting would not take place.”

Shootout in Karabakh between Azerbaijani soldiers and police of the unrecognized republic of NK; all details known at the moment

On March 6, the Russian Ministry of Defense published a bulletin in which it accused Azerbaijan of the March 5 incident in Karabakh.

“At 10:00 on March 5, 2023, in the area of the settlement of Dyukyanlar, soldiers of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan fired at a car with law enforcement officers of Nagorno-Karabakh. Three men were killed and one who was in the car was injured. On the Azerbaijani side, the losses were two dead, one wounded. Through the efforts of Russian peacekeepers, the fighting was stopped.

The command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, together with the Azerbaijani and Armenian sides, is conducting an investigation,” the bulletin says.

On Monday evening, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry issued a response statement.

“We note with regret that on March 6, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation distorted the facts and disseminated false information in its bulletin about the armed incident that took place yesterday on the Khankendi-Khalfali-Turshsu road,” the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan maintained.

Azerbaijan comments on events in Karabakh on March 5

Recounting their version, the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan said:

“Once again we warn that the transportation of military goods by Armenia to the territory of Azerbaijan, the dispatch and rotation of the personnel of the Armenian armed forces must be immediately and once and for all stopped, and Armenian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territory of our country. Otherwise, the Azerbaijani side will be forced to take absolutely necessary measures to disarm and neutralize illegal armed formations using all possibilities.

Such actions of Armenia are regarded as a continuation of military aggression.

The events that have taken place and the continuation of the illegal military transportation of Armenia to the sovereign territories of our country once again confirm the need to ensure the control regime on the Lachin road in the territory of Azerbaijan.”

On March 7, the news site, which is close to the Azerbaijani authorities, published photos and videos that, according to a source, reflect the movement of a military convoy along the dirt road Khankendi-Khalfali-Turshsu, the same road where the March 5 shootout took place.

“According to the information received, the military transport of illegal Armenian armed formations is accompanied by the Russian peacekeeping contingent.

At the beginning of the column are two UAZ Patriot vehicles of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, followed by one tented Ural belonging to illegal Armenian armed groups, and a KamAZ with a water tank, and at the end of the column is an BTR-82A on which the Russian flag is hoisted.

The column is on the way to provide the posts of illegal Armenian armed groups with food, water and ammunition,” the report says.

The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan issued another statement after the publication of the above photos and videos.

“Military transport is unacceptable and is a gross violation of the provisions of the tripartite statement and must be stopped immediately.

We reiterate that the supply of weapons, ammunition, mines, provisions and other military equipment to illegal Armenian armed formations located in the Karabakh economic region of Azerbaijan, as well as the transportation and rotation of personnel to combat positions, is a gross violation of the sovereignty of Azerbaijan, the provisions of the tripartite statement and is a continuation of the policy of aggression.

If such actions are not immediately stopped, Azerbaijan will be forced to take the necessary measures to prevent such actions by Armenia and illegal Armenian military elements ionn the sovereign territory of Azerbaijan.

The events that have taken place once again confirm the necessity and validity of the establishment by Azerbaijan of a regime of control over the Lachin road,” the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry declared.

Cairo: Aboul Gheit, Armenian FM Discuss Cooperation

March 7 2023
By Ahmad El-Assasy

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the Arab League, received today, Tuesday, Ararat Mirzoyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia.

Mirzoyan is currently visiting Cairo to deliver a speech before the Arab ministers during the inaugural session of the Arab League at the ministerial level in its regular session No. (159), which will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat.

Gamal Rushdi, the official spokesman for the Secretary-General, stated that Aboul Gheit discussed with the Armenian Foreign Minister ways to improve bilateral cooperation between the two sides in many fields. 

Armenia will continue its traditional role in support of peace, security and stability in the Arab region, praising its positions in support of the Palestinian cause.

The Spokesman stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in turn, was keen to value his country's relations with the Arab countries.

He stressed the need to make collective efforts during the next stage to improve relations at all levels. 

The Armenian foreign minister expressed his country's keenness to expand the area of political cooperation with the Arab world under the umbrella of the Arab League. 

The Armenian FM reviewed his country's vision regarding the repercussions of the war in Ukraine.

Cairo: Armenian Foreign Minister to Visit Egypt

March 7 2023
Basant Ahmed

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan will pay a working visit to Cairo from March 7 to 9 to participate in the session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level.

Within the framework of the visit, a number of meetings are scheduled to be held.

The Armenian Foreign Minister will also meet his Egyptian Counterpart Sameh Shoukry.

The active phase of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Who will mediate?

March 7 2023

  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Who will mediate?

The incident in the zone of responsibility of Russian peacekeepers involving the death of policemen from the unrecognized NKR and Azerbaijani soldiers has aggravated the already tense situation. The United States and Russia announced their readiness to act as mediators for a resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. But how will it be decided?

  • Shootout in Karabakh; casualties reported
  • Two video stories about the life of people in NK after the blockade of the Lachin corridor
  • “Baku is trying to change the status quo”: opinion from Yerevan

Political scientist Gurgen Simonyan says that at present the military-political interests of the United States, the collective West and Armenia coincide, and these relations should be deepened, becoming part of the developed and civilized world.

“We need to get rid of this post-Soviet swamp as soon as possible, the forces that continue to drag us into it,” he told JAMnews.

Commenting on a statement by State Department spokesman Ned Price [reproduced below] that the United States is not a mediator, but a partner of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Simonyan maintained that this is not a retreat at all. In his view, despite the fact that Armenia is “hostage to the Russian military bloc CSTO”, the US policy towards it is “friendly and allied”:

“The United States is doing more than, formally, Armenia means to the United States. We do not have any document or allied agreement. No political format of relations has been developed.”

At the same time, the political scientist believes that the status of an intermediary is much lower than that of a partner. Emphasizes that mediation implies absolute neutrality, while partnership implies synchronization of political interests.

According to Simonyan, the United States can take on the “arbiter role” in the region, but Russia cannot, since “the Russian Federation has created military-political problems for itself and has not yet got out of this swamp.”

The statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense that the Azerbaijani military opened fire on the NK police, according to Simonyan, does not play any role. He believes that in order to counter the dangers and risks, one can rely only on one’s own strength:

“Appeals and statements are just facilitating circumstances, they do not play a warning role. Only the presence of an appropriate hard force in the form of armed forces can prevent the impact of force. Azerbaijan can be brought into a constructive field only by a balance of forces, and it can only be achieved by modernizing the Armed Forces, establishing its own security system.”

Yesterday NK and Azerbaijan representatives once again met at the HQ of the Russian peacekeeping forces

“The actions of the Azerbaijani sabotage group cannot be qualified otherwise than as terrorism. In parallel with the blockade of the Lachin corridor for almost three months and the actions aimed at creating a humanitarian catastrophe in Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan continues to terrorize the Armenian population of Artsakh with the ultimate goal of ethnic cleansing,” Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a meeting with the French co-chair in Yerevan OSCE Minsk Group by Brice Roquefay.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry invited ambassadors and representatives of international structures to a meeting to discuss the March 5 incident. Deputy Foreign Minister Vahe Gevorgyan told diplomats that “On March 5, the armed forces of Azerbaijan carried out a sabotage attack in Nagorno-Karabakh,” and gave details of what happened.

During the same meeting, the representative of Armenia on international legal issues, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, stressed that for more than two weeks, the Azerbaijani authorities have been ignoring the decision of the International Court of Justice to open the Lachin corridor, despite the fact that it is binding:

“The fact that this terrorist attack took place in the context of an unfulfilled decision indicates that Azerbaijan has become a malicious violator of international law.”

Despite calls by the international community and the Hague, the Lachin corridor is still blocked

During a meeting of the Security Council, President Arayik Harutyunyan spoke on the latest negotiations with representatives of Azerbaijan and the warning received from Baku:

“The representative of Azerbaijan tried to discuss political topics using the word “integration”, but Mr. Shahramanyan [the negotiator from Karabakh] stated that if they have to discuss political issues, then this can only be the topic of recognition of the independence of Artsakh by Azerbaijan. He added that they are not authorized to discuss political issues and cannot discuss at this meeting either.

After that, Azerbaijan told us through its channels that either we adopt an integration policy, or there will be no solution to existing problems, on the contrary, there will be tougher and more drastic actions.

We did not accept, do not accept, and today I want to reiterate that this is not only the decision of the Security Council, but also the overwhelming majority of our people, deviation from our right to independence, to self-determination. And this means that in the near future we will have different problems to confront.

We choose either to continue the struggle that we are waging, or if there is a sentiment in society that we should accept Azerbaijan’s proposal, then they have the opportunity to speak out within the framework of their civil rights and say that the path we are following is chosen incorrectly, to form a new government in the country.

The Hague International Court of Justice decision has decided to oblige Azerbaijan to enact interim measures to unblock the Lachin corridor

The command of the Russian peacekeeping contingent published information about the March 5 incident only the next day in the evening. However, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in its newsletter confirmed the fact that Azerbaijan had violated the ceasefire regime:

“At 10:00 on March 5, 2023, in the area of the settlement of Dyukyanlar, soldiers of the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan fired at a car with law enforcement officers of Nagorno-Karabakh. As a result of the clash, three men were killed and one who was in the car was injured. On the Azerbaijani side, the losses were two dead, one wounded.”

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that in recent days there have been repeated violations of the ceasefire, and after the “armed incident on March 5” there are casualties on both sides:

“The incident once again confirms the imperativeness of the speedy return of Baku and Yerevan to negotiations on fulfillment of the tripartite statements of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, including those relating to the unblocking of roads, the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and the preparation of a peace treaty.”

The Armenian expert community says that in this way Moscow is openly promoting itself as “the only platform for resolving the emerging humanitarian crisis and the looming security crisis around NK.”

Lachin corridor, accusations, prospects for peace, the fate of Saakashvili – Aliyev, Pashinyan and Gharibashvili in Munich

US State Department spokesman Ned Price said there could be no military solution to the conflict:

“The only way to keep the peace is to sit down at the negotiating table, and the use of force undermines negotiations. […] The clearest conclusion for us is the need to continue direct dialogue and discussion between the parties themselves. This is an imperative for both sides.

We have played the role of a partner for both countries, facilitating tripartite interaction between foreign ministers as well as at the leadership level. We are ready – whether on a bilateral, trilateral or multilateral basis – to continue to be a partner in efforts to build a lasting peace. […]

We are not going to oppose any other proposal for mediation, and in fact we are not a mediator. We are a partner of these two countries.

I think that we have demonstrated, both in words and in deeds, the nature of our relations with the two countries, our ability to unite the two countries. […]

We are not doing this to compete with Moscow. We are doing this to bring about a solution to a long-standing conflict between these two countries, a conflict that, unfortunately, has consistently claimed lives, as happened on 5 March. We are interested in peace and security here.”

The French Foreign Ministry, in a statement expressed not only regret, but also presented its version of what happened:

“We regret the casualties as a result of a serious incident that took place on March 5, during which a car with police officers passing near the Lachin corridor was fired upon by Azerbaijani troops in the zone of responsibility of the Russian peacekeeping forces. It is important that the facts are fully disclosed. We also call for strict adherence to the ceasefire.”

The press secretary of the EU Foreign Service reports:

“The EU deplores the outbreak of violence along the line of contact in Karabakh, which has resulted in at least five deaths. The circumstances surrounding this incident must be fully investigated. We urge the parties to exercise restraint to prevent any further actions that could further undermine regional stability and jeopardize the peace process.”

The US insists that peace depends solely on Azerbaijanis and Armenians

March 6 2023

Baku, April 6 The strength of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia depends only on both countries, and not on other actors, the senior adviser of the United States of America to the South Caucasus, Louis Bono, said Monday in Baku.

“For a solid peace process, this must be requested by the parties, this must come from the parties themselves, and not from the United States of America or anyone else,” the US diplomat added to the press conference.

He added that the role of the mediator is to encourage the parties to talk to each other, propose proposals and exchange ideas.

Bono indicated that two weeks before the Secretary of State Antony Blinken accompanied the US to the German city of Munich, where he met with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliev, and the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinián.

“The meeting was constructive, the assessment was shared by all participants. Then the Secretary of State asked me to come to the country as soon as possible to continue the peace process. From there I am here,” he added.

The US mission is to “put an end to the suffering of Azerbaijanis and Armenians so that they can live together in peace,” according to Bono.

The diplomat reiterated Washington’s position against the Azerbaijani blockade of the Lachin Corridor, which connects Armenia with the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh, populated by Armenians, on the territory of Azerbaijan.

“We admit that it is a matter of security, but for the necessary goods and civil loads necessary for the transition so that the people of Karabakh have access to them,” he said.

On December 1, groups of Azerbaijanis called “environmentalists” blocked the corridor, which is guarded by Russian peacekeepers, a situation that continues to this day.

“The Azerbaijani side (…) has done and is doing everything to avoid negative humanitarian consequences in Karabakh” due to the siege of the Lachin Corridor, Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Jeyhun Bayramov said last Tuesday.

At the same time, the minister stated that “the legitimate demands of the Azerbaijani civil society should be heard”, referring to the requests of these groups to access the mining operations in the territory of Karabakh in order to inspect them.

The US ambassador, who was received by the Azerbaijani president on a visit to Baku, announced that he will meet the Armenian prime minister in Yerevan on Tuesday.

Armenia: Fact-checking competition for local media

March 7 2023

The ‘European Media Facility in Armenia – Creating Sustainable and Professional Media’ project has announced a competition for journalistic publications using fact-checking.

Materials can be from any media field (TV, radio, online, print) and must have been published between 1 January and 31 December 2022. The main condition is that the material submitted must contain a fact checking.

Everyone can submit only one article under their own authorship, but can co-author a maximum of one other article. However, only one of the two submissions signed by the same person can be awarded.

The deadline for applications is 9 March. 

Find out more

Press release

Tehran’s Support for Armenian Nationalists: A Threat to Regional Peace – [Azeri Opinion]

March 7 2023
Tehran’s Support for Armenian Nationalists: A Threat to Regional Peace

Babek Chalabi

Tehran has become a hub for Armenian nationalists who have lost their political bases in Yerevan and Moscow. One of the key players in this development is the Dashnaktsutyun party, which has organized events and seminars in Tehran with the help of Iranian organizations such as the Hoosk Institute. This situation poses a significant threat to regional peace and stability.

Iran’s support for Armenian nationalism is not new. Tehran has long supported Armenia in countering Azerbaijan, a strategic ally of Iran’s regional rival, Turkey. However, Iran’s support for Armenian nationalism is reaching new heights to counter the growing awakening among Azerbaijanis and other ethnic groups in Iran.

Tehran’s support for Armenian nationalism is not only a threat to Azerbaijan but also to regional peace and stability. Iran’s actions undermine ongoing peace negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which have made significant progress in recent years. Its support for Armenian nationalists risks re-igniting tensions in the region and could lead to another round of conflict.

However, Tehran’s support for Armenian nationalism is not limited to political and diplomatic support. Several reports indicate that Iran has provided military and financial assistance to Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Iran has been supplying arms and ammunition to Armenian forces and allowing Armenia to use its territory to transport military supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh, which Azerbaijan condemned.

Furthermore, Iran has been accused of interfering in Azerbaijan’s internal affairs and supporting separatist movements in its provinces bordering Iran. Azerbaijan has condemned Iran’s support for Armenia and called for the international community to take action against Iran’s regional interference.

The policy of enmity with Azerbaijan is implemented at the highest level in the Iranian regime. Recent events, such as the “Caucasus geopolitical equations, regional and extra-regional role players” meeting hosted by the Hor Institute affiliated with the Decimation Party, further highlight Iran’s support for Armenian nationalism. The meeting was attended by well-known figures and covered by state media, indicating the regime’s active role in supporting these groups.

Iran’s motivations for supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan are complex and multifaceted. One of the most significant reasons for Tehran’s support of Armenia against Azerbaijan is its concern about the increasing level of national consciousness among South Azerbaijanis, who comprise about one-third of Iran. Tehran fears that the spread of Azerbaijani nationalism could destabilize the country and lead to greater autonomy or secession demands. By supporting Armenia, Iran may be attempting to distract attention from the plight of South Azerbaijanis and prevent the spread of nationalism in Iran. However, this support risks exacerbating tensions with Azerbaijan and undermining efforts to achieve lasting peace in the region.

The Armenian government must recognize that Iran is not a genuine friend and is using Armenia to further its ambitions and destabilize the region. The Armenian government must distance itself from Iranian support for nationalist groups and instead work towards peaceful coexistence with its neighbors. Meanwhile, the international community must monitor Tehran’s activities in the region and take measures to prevent further destabilization.

Iran’s support for Armenian nationalists significantly threatens regional peace and stability. The international community must remain vigilant and take necessary actions to prevent further regional destabilization.

[Image by P. S. Burton, via Wikimedia Commons]

Babek Chalabi is a South Azerbaijani activist based in Washington DC; Chalabi also is the founder of He tweets at @BabekChelebi. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect TGP’s editorial stance.