Americans arrested for allegedly sending aviation technology to Russia via Cyprus and Armenia

March 3 2023

Two Americans were arrested in Kansas City on Thursday for an alleged scheme to send aviation-related technology to Russia in violation of U.S. export controls.

Cyril Buyanovsky, 59, and Douglas Robertson, 55, are accused of conspiring to circumvent U.S. export laws by selling avionics to customers around the world that operate Russian-built aircraft, according to an indictment unsealed in U.S. District Court in Kansas.

The pair repaired and shipped technology from their firm, KanRus Trading Company, submitting false export information, such as a fraudulent invoice that showed Germany as the end destination for repaired equipment bearing a sticker for Russia’s Federal Security Services (FSB).

On Feb. 28, 2022, after U.S. authorities detained a shipment of avionics, the U.S. Commerce Department told the men they needed a license to export the equipment, the Justice Department said in a statement.

In May, June and July, they illegally shipped the electronics through Armenia and Cyprus.

The defendants are charged with conspiracy, exporting controlled goods without a license, falsifying and failing to file export information, and smuggling goods contrary to U.S. law. If convicted, they face up to 20 years in prison for each count of smuggling.

Buyonovsky and Robinson could not immediately be reached for comment.

Avionics includes communications, navigation, flight control and threat detection systems installed in aircraft.

U.S. Commerce official Matthew Axelrod disclosed the arrests earlier on Thursday at an American Bar Association event in Miami.

The U.S. imposed additional restrictions on avionics after Russia invaded Ukraine last year, along with controls on other goods targeting Russia’s defense, aerospace and maritime sectors.

The controls were later expanded to include Russia’s oil refining, industrial and commercial sectors, and luxury goods.


Scholz: We support principle of right to self-determination as well as of territorial integrity
Armenia – March 3 2023

We are supporters of the principle of right to self-determination as well as of territorial integrity, and we must improve general security in the region. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced this Thursday during the joint news conference with visiting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Berlin, answering a question about the situation in the Lachin corridor.

Scholz, in fact, bypassed the subject of the Lachin Corridor, only stating: "We talked about that issue in detail. I am glad that the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, participates, mediates. We also invest our efforts and have our role. In this difficult situation, my colleague's leadership is really difficult."

Scholz: Peaceful resolution should be reached also from viewpoint of Karabakh residents’ right to self-determination
Armenia – March 3 2023

Germany is concerned about the unstable situation on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan and the worsening humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced this Thursday during the joint news conference with visiting Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Berlin.

Also, Scholz emphasized that Armenia and Azerbaijan go step by step to a long-term solution. The Armenian Prime Minister briefed the German Chancellor on the latest developments in Nagorno-Karabakh.

"The status quo cannot continue, and a long-term solution must be found for the good of the people. From this point of view, it is necessary to reach a peaceful resolution from the point of view of the territorial integrity of Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as of the right to self-determination of the residents of Nagorno-Karabakh. Moreover, all these principles are equal," said the chancellor.

Germany supports the respective mediation efforts by European Council President Charles Michel. Scholz emphasized that Germany has done this by also sending German personnel as part of the EU civilian mission to Armenia. Moreover, that mission will be headed by a German federal police officer.

Also, Chancellor Scholz considered the exchange of views between Armenian PM Pashinyan and Azerbaijani president Aliyev in Prague and Munich as an encouraging step for the resolution of the conflict.

Germany is still recruiting members of the EU mission in Armenia, ambassador says
Armenia – March 3 2023

By Gayane Aleksanyan

Germany is in the process of recruiting members of the European Union (EU) monitoring mission in Armenia. Victor Richter, German Ambassador to Armenia, stated about this in an interview with Armenian

To note, the mission of the EU in Armenia started its work on February 20. There are 100 observers in the mission stationed along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border for a period of two years. As the European Union informed, 50 of them are unarmed. According to the decision of the German Federal Cabinet of Ministers, Germany will be represented in the mission by a maximum of 15 police officers.

Armenian spoke with Victor Richter, the German ambassador to Armenia, about the goals of this mission and Germany's efforts to establish stability in the region.

The ambassador said Germany participates significantly in this civil monitoring mission of the European Union, and it has supported the idea from the beginning. He said this mission, which started its activities a few days ago, will be headed by a German citizen. A group of Germans will be involved in the civilian mission. He could not say the exact number at the moment, they are currently in the recruitment phase. He said the mission is designed to support stability and confidence building in affected areas, as well as to cooperate with the population in order to increase stability in the region and affected areas. Of course, he said, this is a part of the great European effort, which Germany actively supports for a long-term peaceful settlement in the region and the South Caucasus. He said this is in the interests of everyone, and Germany actively supports the efforts of the European Union. He said Germany has an active political dialogue with Armenia and the countries of the region. He noted that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan is in Berlin today, where he will have a meeting with the German Chancellor and the President. The German ambassador said they always have an active dialogue and this will be continuous.

Regarding statements coming from Azerbaijan, that the latter’s president is unhappy with the decision to send a monitoring mission to Armenia without his consent, the German ambassador said he I cannot comment on those statements. But he said Azerbaijan, of course, participates in the negotiation process through international mediation, and the European Union actively supports it.

And regarding the statements from Russia that the latter considers sending the EU mission to Armenia as an attempt to create geopolitical tension, the German ambassador said these efforts are aimed at bringing prosperity, stability, and peace to the region. He added that this specific mission is aimed at strengthening trust and stability.

TechTalk: ARMENPRESS kicks off brand-new series featuring the talents behind booming tech scene



 15:50, 3 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, ARMENPRESS. In a brand-new series called TechTalk, ARMENPRESS explores the innovative tech scene of Armenia and the talents behind it. Hosted by ARMENPRESS tech reporter Karine Terteryan, TechTalk meets with developers and entrepreneurs shaping the booming startup sector of the country, as well as businessmen and educators who are integrating technologies in their projects.

ARMENPRESS TechTalk’s first guest is Startup Armenia Foundation co-founder Tigran Petrosyan. We covered a wide range of issues, such as the chances of Armenia becoming a tech hub, what it takes to have a successful startup, and of course no tech interview would be complete without a mention of AI.  

Below are excerpts from the TechTalk interview.

ARMENPRESS: Given the growth of startups in the country, do you think Armenia could become a tech hub?

Petrosyan: I notice a trend of becoming a tech hub. But there are challenges. The startup culture and entrepreneurship has become a trend and in all developing countries they are trying to somehow absorb other players in the sector. Many representatives of startup ecosystems from various countries tell me that their particular country is going to become a tech hub. We and the other members of the startup ecosystem are doing everything we can in order for Armenia to become a hub in any sense.

ARMENPRESS: Is Armenia competitive on a global level?

Petrosyan: Taking into account our size and economic condition, I think there are trends that Armenia will become at least one of the hubs if not the leading hub where good products and teams can be created and this will all become one of the locomotives of our country.

ARMENPRESS: What does it take for startups to grow and achieve global success?

Petrosyan: It’s not one particular thing; the development of startups depends on many things. I believe that what matters most is the team, because if the person knows what they are doing, has faith in their vision, then it is a lot more likely and easier to create a project.  In many cases there are ideas, but when you hear them out and realize that the given person and team lack the ability to realize this idea then the idea itself does no longer matter. But the opposite happens too, when there’s a team and you see that they want to bring change, perhaps their idea is a bit flawed but still you can rely on that team and achieve success by making some changes or even radically transforming the startup. Of course investments matter, the process gets complicated when there’s a good team but no investments, but at the same time a good team will always have investments because having investments isn’t as difficult as creating a good team. When creating startups people think ‘what if we aren’t good enough’? I’d advise everyone to make the steps forward and understand the reality while doing so. There’s only one way here, keep moving forward regardless of anything.

ARMENPRESS: In what direction is the startup ecosystem developing? Can we say that AI had a significant impact on the ecosystem? Is this seen in Armenia?

Petrosyan: Today, artificial intelligence is changing the world and all kinds of projects are trying to have AI components, in Armenia as well. We have projects that didn’t have that component before but now we see that they’ve incorporated it. It’s difficult to say whether or not AI is the future, all of that are interconnected things. Some technologies become obsolete and the new ones take over, but there is no such technology which we can describe as the technology of technologies.

ARMENPRESSWhen the film industry began to develop, some people were saying that it would be the end of theater. Do you think that AI could take over jobs in the future and simply become the end for some sectors?

Petrosyan: I think that the sectors themselves will start integrating AI. I don’t think there’ll be a clash. AI is a good and supporting thing. AI helps projects to develop better solutions, become more flexible and faster. Industry will seek to integrate AI by all means.

[see video]

Armenia expects to cooperate with Germany in renewable energy, green hydrogen, climate change – ambassador



 16:09, 3 March 2023

BERLIN, MARCH 3, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s visit to Germany will be followed by a trip by Speaker of Parliament Alen Simonyan, the Armenian Ambassador to Germany Viktor Yengibaryan has said.

He said that the political dialogue between Armenia and Germany has intensified.

“In general, the political dialogue between Armenia and Germany has greatly intensified in the recent period. The Foreign Minister visited Germany in the beginning of the year. And the Prime Minister’s visit is important in terms of raising the political dialogue to a higher level after the foreign minister’s visit. This will be followed by a visit by the Speaker of Parliament,” Yengibaryan told reporters in Berlin.

“We expect to cooperate with Germany in a number of new areas such as renewable energy, green hydrogen area. Armenia and Germany will soon implement certain projects related to climate change. And this will first of all boost economic growth of Armenia and intensification of economic relations with Germany,” he added when asked on the Prime Minister’s visit.

Ambassador Yengibaryan added that the visit also has a political nature given the security issues existing today in Armenia and the region. “And in this regard we hope that Germany will be involved in promoting regional stability,” the Ambassador said.

PM Pashinyan arrived in Germany for a two-day visit on March 2.

Armenian Prime Minister, President of Germany discuss bilateral ties, humanitarian crisis in blockaded Nagorno Karabakh



 16:27, 3 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 3, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan and his wife Anna Hakobyan were hosted by the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender at the presidential residence in Berlin.

PM Pashinyan and Anna Hakobyan signed the guestbook and then PM Pashinyan had a meeting with President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, while Anna Hakobyan had a meeting with Elke Büdenbender, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a press release.

PM Pashinyan and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s meeting then proceeded in an enlarged format.

Nikol Pashinyan and Frank-Walter Steinmeier discussed a number of issues related to the Armenian-German cooperation.  The development of partnership in the political and economic sectors was discussed. In this context, the active partnership between the governments of the two countries was highlighted.

President Steinmeier expressed readiness to contribute to the strengthening of bilateral ties and underscored the importance of the reforms aimed at developing democracy in Armenia.

PM Pashinyan presented details on the institutional reforms process and said that democracy is of strategic significance for the Armenian government.

The ongoing processes in the South Caucasus region, the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh resulting from the illegal blockade of Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan and other issues of mutual interest were also discussed.

Anna Hakobyan and Elke Büdenbender attached importance to the active involvement of first ladies in various directions.

The Spouse of the President of Germany attached importance to the development of the dual education sector and the programs implemented in this direction, presenting details on the steps taken in Germany. The Spouse of the Prime Minister of Armenia said that the My Step Foundation is also implementing projects in the dual education area. The important role of women in establishing and strengthening peace was underscored. In this context Mrs. Hakobyan invited Mrs. Büdenbender to attend the Women’s Role in Promoting Democracy, Peace and Security international summit which will take place in Yerevan this year.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 03-03-23



 17:18, 3 March 2023

YEREVAN, 3 MARCH, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 3 March, USD exchange rate down by 0.78 drams to 388.17 drams. EUR exchange rate down by 0.79 drams to 412.08 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate stood at 5.15 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 0.31 drams to 465.57 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price down by 109.20 drams to 22915.69 drams. Silver price down by 2.96 drams to 259.58 drams. Platinum price stood at 16414.1 drams.

Actions of Azerbaijani side clearly indicate the unwillingness to implement their obligations to unblock Lachin Corridor



 18:33, 3 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 2, ARMENPRESS. On 2 March and on the night of 2 to 3 March, units of the Azerbaijani armed forces stationed in the occupied territories of the Askeran, Martakert and Martuni regions of the Republic of Artsakh violated the ceasefire established by the Trilateral Statement of 9 November 2020, ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Artsakh.

"We strongly condemn the provocations of the Azerbaijani side, committed immediately after another meeting between representatives of the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Azerbaijan through the mediation of the Commander of the Russian Peacekeeping Contingent in Artsakh.

Against the backdrop of the discussion by the parties of humanitarian and infrastructural issues in the context of the need to immediately lift the illegal blockade of Artsakh, the actions of the Azerbaijani side clearly indicate the unwillingness to unconditionally implement their obligations to unblock the Lachin Corridor, including in accordance with the Order of the International Court of Justice.
In this regard, we consider it necessary for the international community to continue the implementation of specific measures to put pressure on Azerbaijan in order to curb its destructive actions and intentions aimed at resolving issues by force", reads the statement of the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh

One killed, two injured in Baku supermarket shooting



 15:42, 4 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 4, ARMENPRESS. One person died and two others were injured following a shooting at a supermarket in Baku on Saturday, according to local media reports.

Gunmen attacked “cash couriers” in a supermarket in the Azerbaijani capital’s Khatai district, according to the reports.

Other details weren’t immediately clear.