Biden’s biopsy confirmed basal cell carcinoma, cancerous tissue removed – says White House



 16:40, 4 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 4, ARMENPRESS. U.S. President Joe Biden had a skin lesion removed from his chest in February that was a basal cell carcinoma – a common form of skin cancer – and no further treatment is needed, Reuters reported citing White House physician Kevin O'Connor.

All cancerous tissue was successfully removed, the White House physician said in a letter, adding that Biden will continue dermatologic surveillance as part of his ongoing healthcare but the site had healed.

Last month, doctors Biden, 80, healthy and "fit for duty" after a physical examination.

Armenian FM, India’s S. Jaishankar meet in New Delhi to review bilateral and multilateral partnership



 16:46, 4 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 4, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan on Saturday met with the External Affairs Minister of India S. Jaishankar within the framework of the Raisina Dialogue conference in New Delhi.

A readout issued by the Armenian foreign ministry said that FM Mirzoyan and his Indian counterpart were pleased to note the dynamics of enhancement of Armenia-India political dialogue and highlighted the role of high-level mutual visits and regular contacts in various platforms in this regard.

Bilateral agenda items in a number of sectoral directions were discussed, covering the intensification of trade-economic cooperation and business ties, development of relations in high technologies, education, culture, tourism and other areas.

The importance of intensifying parliamentary cooperation, as well as strengthening partnership in multilateral platforms was underscored.

Regional and international security issues were also discussed. FM Mirzoyan briefed his Indian counterpart on the latest developments around the Armenia-Azerbaijan settlement process. The humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh resulting from the illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan was also discussed. In this context, the need to launch possible mechanisms for the implementation of the February 22 International Court of Justice ruling on provisional measures against Azerbaijan was highlighted.

In turn, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar said on Twitter that he discussed bilateral and multilateral partnership with Mirzoyan. “Glad to welcome FM Ararat Mirzoyan of Armenia. Reviewed our bilateral and multilateral partnership. Discussed broad-basing the agenda of cooperation,” Jaishankar tweeted.


The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan on February 22 to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022.

Ambassador of Mexico Eduardo Villegas Megías visits Armenian Genocide memorial in Yerevan



 17:16, 4 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 4, ARMENPRESS. Ambassador of Mexico to Armenia Eduardo Villegas Megías visited the Tsitsernakaberd Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yerevan on March 4. He was accompanied by Nikolai Kostandyan, the Honorary Consul of Mexico in Armenia. 

The Armenian Genocide Museum Institute’s curator Hasmik Martirosyan presented to the Ambassador the history of the museum and the history of the three cross-stones commemorating the victims of the anti-Armenian pogroms organized by the Azerbaijani authorities in the cities of Sumgait, Kirovabad and Baku in the end of the previous century, and the stories of the five fallen troops who are buried near the Memory Wall, stressing the connection between these events and the Armenian Genocide.

The ambassador laid flowers at the Eternal Flame and held a moment of silence in honor of the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide. The ambassador then visited the Armenian Genocide Museum, reviewed the exhibitions and signed the guestbook.

Armenpress: Armenia’s Artur Davtyan wins second consecutive gold in FIG Artistic Gymnastics World Cup series



 17:35, 4 March 2023

YEREVAN, MARCH 4, ARMENPRESS. Armenia’s Artur Davtyan has won the gold medal – his second consecutive gold medal at a world cup series – at the 2023 FIG Artistic Gymnastics World Cup series in Doha, Qatar.

Davtyan scored 15.083 in the vault finals and took the gold. This is the 2020 Olympic bronze medalist's second consecutive gold following his victory in the FIG Apparatus World Cup in Cottbus, Germany.

Planning started for an Armenian Genocide memorial in Irvine Great Park

March 3 2023

The Pasadena Armenian Genocide Memorial designed by Catherine Menard. A drop of water falls every 21 seconds from the top of the memorial. In a year these “teardrops” represent the 1.5 million Armenians killed. Soon, Irvine could have its own memorial with the council unanimously voting to move ahead with plans for an Armenian Genocide memorial. (Photo by Sarah Reingewirtz/Pasadena Star-News)

Orange County’s Armenian community welcomes news that Irvine is moving ahead with plans for an Armenian genocide memorial in its Great Park.

“It’s an excellent decision, we’re pleased it passed unanimously,” said Garo Madenlian, chairman of the Armenian Cultural Foundation of Orange County and the Orange County Armenian Center.

Councilmember Tammy Kim, who requested the Great Park memorial be considered, said the pain felt from the genocide is universal.

“I felt that it was important to provide a space for contemplation and education,” she said.

As next steps, City Manager Oliver Chi said city staffers are “reaching out and engaging with the project supporters to identify additional details.”

Concurrently, Chi said, city staffers are also putting together a program for considering memorial requests in the future.

He anticipates in the next month or so, staffers will be able to share additional details on the process through which the city will review these types of requests. More details on the location and timeline of the Armenian Genocide memorial will also be shared then, Chi said.

Additionally, Madenlian said, the Armenian community will be putting together a committee to work with the city and the Irvine Great Park Board regarding the design and location of the memorial.

Last year, Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan was in hot water with the Armenian community after a video surfaced in which she appeared to joke and laugh with representatives of Turkish local groups, among them a man who has been outspoken in denying the Armenian Genocide, community members said. Khan, at the time, said the genocide was not a topic of conversation and the video was released out of context; the meeting was one of many she had after winning her election in 2020, she said.

Members of the Armenian community met then with Khan, with her saying she would support finding a place in the city for a memorial remembering the Armenian Genocide. Khan also agreed to approach the Irvine Unified school board about organizing training for educators on teaching about the genocide in collaboration with the Bay Area-based Genocide Education Project. She’s also said she donated $1,500 to the Genocide Education Project.

The teaching program will be a part of the 10th grade history curriculum, Madenlian said, adding the community has not received any pushback on the proposal.

He added that the community has spoken with members of the school district and hopes they can soon take some “practical steps” to start implementing the program.

Approximately 1.2 million Armenians died during the genocide that began in 1915 in the Ottoman Empire, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Most historians agree the deaths and massacres that occurred constitute genocide, with U.S. President Joe Biden formally recognizing the Armenian Genocide in 2021 on Armenian Rememberance Day.  The Turkish government has resisted calling the massacres genocide, saying that while tragedies took place during World War I, no coordinated genocide happened.

Members of the greater Armenian community also welcomed the council’s decision to move ahead with plans for the memorial.

“It would show that the city of Irvine is on the right side of history,” UCI professor of physics and astronomy Kev Abazajian said. “Unfortunately that history is outright denied.”

The memorial will serve as a reminder to the lives lost, said Abazajian, who is himself a descendant of survivors.

It will also remind people “that we should not only approach genocide from a historical perspective. It should serve as the basis to take action and prevent future genocides and massacres, violations of human rights from taking place,” said Sarkis Balkhian, executive director of the Armenian National Committee of America for the Western Region, the largest Armenian American lobbying organization in the United States.

Artin Melkomians, president of UCI’s Armenian Student Association and a fourth-year student studying biological sciences, said the monument “really meant a lot for us.”

“That exact physical structure is very different than just being able to speak about it,” Melkomians said. He looks forward to hosting commemorative events at the memorial site.

The Orange County Board of Supervisors also recently adopted a unanimous resolution to support Armenian Human Rights and urge the ending of the blockade of the Lachin Corridor.  The Lachin corridor, the only land route giving Armenia direct access to the landlocked region of Nagorno-Karabakh or Artsakh, has been blocked since Dec. 12. While Artsakh declared its independence in 1991, Azerbaijan claims it as part of its territory. The Board of Supervisors recognized it as a free and sovereign nation in 2020.


Ghana and Armenia hold bilateral talks

Ghana – March 3 2023

Ghana and Armenia have held bilateral meetings on the sides of the Raisina Dialogue in New Delhi, India.

Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah led the Ghanaian side while Mr. Hakob Arshakyan, Vice President of the National Assembly led the Armenian side.

The two countries agreed to collaborate on matters of information dissemination, digitization and countering misinformation.

Ghana’s diplomatic relations with Armenia were first established in the 1990s after the Government of Ghana gave approval for the recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations with countries in the former Soviet Union.

Since then, the two countries have co-operated at the political and international levels. Bilateral relations between Ghana and Armenia remain very cordial and have been nurtured by continuous collaboration at both multilateral and bilateral levels.

The two countries share a strong commitment to peace and security, underpinned by a common interest in a stable and secure world order.

Both countries at the meeting held on Friday, March 3, 2023, agreed on the need to expand economic co-operation.

Ghana’s delegation also included high Commissioner to India HE Kwaku Asoma- Cheremeh and officials from the high commission and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Minister draws attention to plight of Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh

March 4 2023
Rev. Gary Shahinian
Special to the Telegram & Gazette

On Dec. 12, 2022, Azerbaijan imposed a blockade on the Armenians of Artsakh, also called Nagorno-Karabakh. The 120,000 Armenian residents are prevented from receiving food, medicine, fuel and other vital goods which would normally pass through the Lachin Corridor, the only land route that connects Armenians with the outside world. The situation worsens every day the blockade continues.

The government of Azerbaijan, a very repressive and despotic regime, has long promoted official hatred toward Armenians and has repeated threats to conquer not only Artsakh, but also Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, and other regions of Armenia by force, which it claims is “Western Azerbaijan.”

Artsakh was arbitrarily handed over to the Soviet province of Azerbaijan by Joseph Stalin in 1923 when he was Commissar of Nationality Affairs for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He promoted a “divide and conquer” strategy of destabilizing non-Russian states in order to suppress any rising nationalism among the various ethnic groups that comprised the burgeoning Communist country. Stalin made this decision despite the fact that Artsakh had been overwhelmingly Armenian for 2500 years, never during that extensive time having a population less than 75% Armenian. At the time of its transition to Azerbaijan, it was 95% Armenian. It is part of the core historic Armenian homeland. Artsakh was referred to as a province of Armenia by such ancient authors as Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy, and Plutarch. During the breakup of the Soviet Union, Artsakh declared its independence in a democratically held referendum in 1991 in which the vote was over 99% in favor. This was before Azerbaijan declared its independence and became a nation.

On Dec. 12, 2022, Azerbaijan imposed a blockade on the Armenians of Artsakh, also called Nagorno-Karabakh. The 120,000 Armenian residents are prevented from receiving food, medicine, fuel and other vital goods which would normally pass through the Lachin Corridor, the only land route that connects Armenians with the outside world. The situation worsens every day the blockade continues.

The government of Azerbaijan, a very repressive and despotic regime, has long promoted official hatred toward Armenians and has repeated threats to conquer not only Artsakh, but also Yerevan, Armenia’s capital, and other regions of Armenia by force, which it claims is “Western Azerbaijan.”

Artsakh was arbitrarily handed over to the Soviet province of Azerbaijan by Joseph Stalin in 1923 when he was Commissar of Nationality Affairs for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He promoted a “divide and conquer” strategy of destabilizing non-Russian states in order to suppress any rising nationalism among the various ethnic groups that comprised the burgeoning Communist country. Stalin made this decision despite the fact that Artsakh had been overwhelmingly Armenian for 2500 years, never during that extensive time having a population less than 75% Armenian. At the time of its transition to Azerbaijan, it was 95% Armenian. It is part of the core historic Armenian homeland. Artsakh was referred to as a province of Armenia by such ancient authors as Strabo, Pliny the Elder, Ptolemy, and Plutarch. During the breakup of the Soviet Union, Artsakh declared its independence in a democratically held referendum in 1991 in which the vote was over 99% in favor. This was before Azerbaijan declared its independence and became a nation.

Azerbaijani dictator Ilham Aliyev has made clear that he desires a passageway, the Zangezur Corridor, to go through Armenia, a sovereign nation, that will connect Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan “whether Armenia wants it or not. If Armenia wants it, then the issue will be resolved easier. If it does not want it, we will decide it by force. Just as before and during the [44-Day War], I said that they must leave our lands, or we will expel them by force. And so it happened. The same will be the fate of the Zangezur Corridor.” Aliyev continued his fanatical anti-Armenian animosity by stating, “Yerevan is our historical territory, and we, Azerbaijanis, must return to this historical land. This is our political and strategic goal, which we must gradually approach.”

The International Court of Justice in The Hague on Feb. 22 ordered that Azerbaijan should “take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.” Nevertheless to this date Azerbaijan has refused, establishing that it does not consider itself part of the civilized world, refusing the decision of the highest court on the planet, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.

The World Council of Churches and the Conference of European Churches denounced the blockade by Azerbaijan of Artsakh as a violation, among other things, “of international humanitarian and human rights law … creating a humanitarian emergency for the 120,000 ethnic Armenian residents of Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh,” and “trying to terrorize ethnic Armenians into abandoning their ancient homeland.”

The siege of Artsakh could be the next stage of the Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923, during which the Ottoman Turkish government systematically planned and implemented the murder of 1,500,000 Armenian men, women, and children, a heinous crime still denied by Turkey and its accomplice, the Azerbaijanis.

Deputy Director of the French newspaper Le Figaro Jean-Christophe Buisson said, “The Azerbaijanis don’t respect the living or dead, yesterday in Nakhichevan, today in Artsakh, tomorrow in Armenia.” He tweeted, “Under the leadership of Aliyev they have one goal, to erase the Armenian people, their faith, their history, their heritage, their identity. Who will stop them?”

This hatred toward Armenians has reached the United States. Spread across utility poles throughout Beverly Hills, California, during the last weekend of Jan. 2023 were flyers that threatened: “Azerbaijan, Turkey, Pakistan . . . WILL WIPE Armenia OFF the MAP Inshallah [if God wills]!!!!” Beverly Hills Mayor Lili Bosse immediately denounced the flyers as did several local, state, and federal officials. It’s a shame that no condemnation of the flyers has been publicized by any Azerbaijani, Turkish, or Pakistani group or individual from that area.

Though President Biden courageously stood for the truth and acknowledged the Armenian Genocide on April 24, 2021, he then loosened Section 907, a law that restricted military assistance to the government of Azerbaijan. The subsequent arms sales to Azerbaijan emboldened them to attack the Armenians of Artsakh and triumph over them in the 44-Day War.

Azerbaijan clearly desires to remove the Armenian population from Artsakh. It hopes that the growing suffering of Armenians will compel them to conclude that they have no future there. The Armenians of Artsakh are facing a situation where they might be forced to leave their native soil to survive. This is a form of genocide. 

The Rev. Dr. Gary Shahinian is the intentional interim minister of the Federated Church of Charlton (United Church of Christ and Unitarian Universalist Association). He is also an Instructor in the WISE program of Assumption University.

Number Of Confirmed Measles Cases In Armenia Rises To 12 – Health Ministry

March 4 2023


A number of confirmed measles cases in Armenia has risen to 12, with all patients hospitalized and being in moderately severe condition, the Armenian Health Ministry said on Saturday

YEREVAN (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 04th March, 2023) A number of confirmed measles cases in Armenia has risen to 12, with all patients hospitalized and being in moderately severe condition, the Armenian Health Ministry said on Saturday.

On Friday, the health ministry reported 11 identified cases.

"As of 11:00 local time (07:00 GMT), the number of laboratory-confirmed measles cases in Armenia has reached 12," the ministry said in a statement.

The statement called for the immunization of those children who have not received scheduled vaccinations against measles, as well as of individuals who have been in contact with the ill patients without having at least two administered vaccine doses.

Measles is an acute viral respiratory disease. Its symptoms usually develop within 10-12 days after exposure to an infected person and last from seven to 10 days. Initial symptoms include high temperature, often greater than 104 degrees Fahrenheit, cough, runny nose, and inflamed eyes.

Jaishankar holds bilateral meetings with Foreign Ministers of Sri Lanka, Armenia

First Post
March 4 2023

New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Saturday held bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Sri Lanka and Armenia who were here to attend Raisina Dialogue.

Jaishankar met Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka Ali Sabry and held discussions on investment, trade and development partnerships as well as on facilitating Colombo’s economic recovery.

“Nice to catch up FM @alisabrypc of Sri Lanka. Thank him for his #RaisinaDialogue2023 participation. We took stock of our cooperation that is focused on facilitating Sri Lanka’s economic recovery. Discussions covered investment, trade and development partnerships. Also raised recent issues relating to our fishermen,” Jaishankar tweeted on Saturday.

Jaishankar also reviewed bilateral and multilateral partnerships with Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan on the sidelines of the Raisina Dialogue. The EAM on Saturday also tweeted: “Glad to welcome FM @AraratMirzoyan of Armenia. Reviewed our bilateral and multilateral partnership. Discussed broad-basing the agenda of cooperation.”

Jaishankar on Saturday called on the Foreign minister of Canada, Melanie Joly, and held discussions on the G20 agenda and global developments.”Wide-ranging conversation with FM @melaniejoly of Canada. Discussed the G20 agenda and global developments. Bilateral issues including trade, connectivity and people-to-people ties,” tweeted Jaishankar.

Earlier, at an event in Delhi, Joly took up the issue of the Russia-Ukraine war and called for the isolation of Moscow.

“The paralysis that is affecting particularly the UN Security Council is linked to the war in Ukraine. The more countries send a clear message to Russia, the more we will be able to isolate Russia politically and diplomatically,” said Joly.

The Raisina Dialogue is the flagship think-tank event organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) in partnership with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).