AW: ANCA California community leaders consult with Congressman Schiff on breaking Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh

Over 40 ANCA national and local leaders consulted with Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) on ramping up efforts to break Azerbaijan’s Artsakh blockade during a virtual town hall held on February 27th.

GLENDALE, Calif. – Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) leaders from across the State of California held a virtual briefing with Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) to discuss the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Artsakh as a result of Azerbaijan’s blockade – now in its third month. The briefing included the participation of a broad number of ANCA stakeholders – along with ANCA grassroots leaders across the country – to urge the Biden administration to take immediate steps to pressure Azerbaijan to end its genocidal campaign against Artsakh’s indigenous Armenian population.

“The blockade of the Lachin Corridor, an unconscionable act of aggression by Azerbaijan, has created a humanitarian crisis,” said Congressman Schiff. “Since the beginning of the blockade more than two months ago, innocent men, women, and children in Artsakh have suffered through freezing temperatures and rolling blackouts. The United States must use every diplomatic and economic tool at its disposal to end this illegal blockade, and cut off all aid to Baku.”

Congressman Schiff continued, “The work of the ANCA, its local chapters, and the many members who volunteer their time and dedication is so important, and ensures their voices are heard in the halls of Congress. I look forward to continuing to work closely with the Armenian National Committee of America to stand with the people of Armenia and Artsakh, as well as the members of the diaspora, and speak out against this violence, demand real action from the US, and bring peace and prosperity to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.”

Congressman Adam Schiff represents the single largest Armenian-American constituency in the United States and has been a stalwart friend and ally of the community throughout his tenure. Having fought over decades for US recognition of the Armenian Genocide, H.Res.296 – authored and introduced by Rep. Schiff in 2019 – was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the House, with an identical measure adopted in the Senate by unanimous consent shortly after. In his role as chairman of the influential House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Schiff also championed the inclusion of language in successive National Intelligence Authorization Bills mandating the US Government to conduct assessments of the threat Azerbaijan posed to Armenia and Artsakh, and the impact of US military assistance on the balance of power in the region. Congressman Schiff is the first member of US Congress to have called for the recognition of Artsakh’s independence, and at President Biden’s last State of the Union address invited Artsakh’s Permanent Representative Robert Avetisyan to attend as his guest in order to draw attention to Artsakh and Azerbaijan’s ongoing blockade.

Over 30 leaders from ANCA chapters across California, including the ANCA’s San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Fresno, San Fernando Valley, Glendale, Burbank, La Crescenta, Pasadena, Hollywood, Orange County, and San Gabriel Valley chapters, participated in the meeting, which also included insights by ANCA National Board Members Zanku Armenian and Aida Dimejian, along with ANCA Government Affairs Director Tereza Yerimyan and Programs Director Alex Galitsky.

ANC Artsakh Executive Director Gev Iskajyan, who moved to Artsakh from California a year ago, provided a briefing from the ground on the latest dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Artsakh. “What we are witnessing in Artsakh is nothing short of a genocide by attrition,” remarked Iskajyan. “As Azerbaijan seeks to starve the Armenian people to the brink of extinction, it is vital the U.S. take tangible action to hold Azerbaijan to account. Congressman Schiff has championed efforts to hold Turkey and Azerbaijan accountable throughout his career, and we look forward to working with him to maximize pressure on the Biden Administration to ensure this blockade is lifted.”

In addition to his powerful advocacy to secure Congressional, and ultimately Presidential, recognition of the Armenian Genocide, Congressman Schiff has recently led efforts to condemn Azerbaijan’s ongoing detention and torture of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs) through the introduction of H.Res.240 – as well as the condemnation of Azerbaijan’s assault on Armenia in September 2022 with the introduction of H.Res.1351. As co-chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus, Congressman Schiff is also one of the lead co-authors on H.Res.108 – the ANCA-backed bipartisan resolution condemning Azerbaijan’s blockade of Artsakh and calling for an immediate end to U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan.

During the virtual town hall with Rep. Schiff, ANCA San Francisco’s Roxanne Makasdjian drew attention to the dire implications of Azerbaijan’s state-sponsored anti-Armenian hate speech in the U.S., citing the hate crimes perpetrated against the Armenian community in the Bay Area.

In response to Congressman Schiff’s decades of advocacy on behalf of Artsakh – ANCA Government Affairs Director Tereza Yerimyan remarked, “this is a bipartisan Congressional wake-up call for the Biden Administration to end its unconscionable military assistance program with Azerbaijan. American taxpayers should not be subsidizing Baku’s attempts to ethnically cleanse Artsakh’s Armenians. Thanks to Rep. Schiff’s leadership over the years, the will of Congress is clear. It is long overdue for the Administration to stand with the freedom-loving people of Artsakh, and hold Azerbaijan accountable for its brazen aggression.”

During the virtual town hall with Rep. Schiff, ANCA San Francisco’s Roxanne Makasdjian drew attention to the dire implications of Azerbaijan’s state-sponsored anti-Armenian hate speech in the U.S., citing the hate crimes perpetrated against the Armenian community in the Bay Area.

During the call, Congressman Schiff fielded a range of questions from local chapter leaders on a number of pressing community priorities. Roxanne Makasdjian of ANCA San Francisco drew attention to the dire implications of Azerbaijan’s state-sponsored anti-Armenian hate speech in the US, citing the hate crimes perpetrated against Armenian community property and school in the Bay Area where the community center was set on fire and the school was vandalized and shot at with guns. ANCA Hollywood’s Lara Yeretsian noted the failure of successive administrations to deliver reports mandated by statute on the impact of US military assistance to Azerbaijan. ANCA Orange County representative Haig Minasian spoke of how USAID has failed to deliver any direct assistance to Artsakh since the 2020 Artsakh War despite congressional mandates, and the community’s disappointment with the Administration’s and USAID’s Samantha Power’s refusal to characterize the blockade as a humanitarian crisis.

During the virtual town hall with Rep. Schiff, ANCA San Francisco’s Roxanne Makasdjian drew attention to the dire implications of Azerbaijan’s state-sponsored anti-Armenian hate speech in the U.S., citing the hate crimes perpetrated against the Armenian community in the Bay Area.

“Not a single member of our community is untouched by the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Artsakh today,” remarked ANCA National Board Member Zanku Armenian. “Much of our community are descendants of survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and see what is happening today as a direct continuation of that crime because Turkey and Azerbaijan have not been held accountable. Our community’s extensive grassroots, led by our ANCA local chapters, remain united in common purpose to ensure our government acts immediately to hold Azerbaijan’s dictatorship to account – and we look forward to continuing to work with Congressman Schiff to ensure the Biden Administration honors the pledge he made when he recognized the Armenian Genocide to prevent atrocities whenever and wherever they occur.”

Since the first day of the blockade, the ANCA has been working with the White House, State Department, and Congressional leaders – urging them to stop U.S. military assistance to Azerbaijan and to send emergency humanitarian assistance to Artsakh. Thousands have already used the ANCA online portal to call, tweet and write the White House and Congressional leaders to immediately address this growing Artsakh humanitarian crisis.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

RFE/RL Armenian Report – 03/03/2023

                                        Friday, March 3, 2023

Baku Accused Of Ignoring UN Court Order On Karabakh Corridor

Nagorno-Karabakh - Customers visit an almost empty food store in Stepanakert, 
January 7, 2023.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on Friday urged the international community to 
press Azerbaijan to comply with a UN court order to reopen the sole road 
connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia.

In a “provisional measure” requested by Yerevan, the International Court of 
Justice (ICJ) acknowledged on February 22 that the land link was “disrupted” by 
Azerbaijani protesters more than two months ago. It said Baku should “take all 
measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and 
cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.”

The Azerbaijani government afterwards stood by its claims that traffic through 
the lifeline road was never blocked.

“Unfortunately, despite the decision made by the International Court of Justice, 
Azerbaijan has still not reopened the Lachin corridor,” Pashinian told members 
of the German parliament’s foreign relations committee during a visit to Berlin.

“I think that this is a situation that needs to be discussed at the 
international level because it is unacceptable to leave the decision of the ICJ 
without reaction amid the continuing humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh,” 
he said. “An international response is imperative.”

On Thursday, the Vienna-based Permanent Council of the Organization Security and 
Cooperation in Europe discussed the matter at a meeting initiated by Armenia. 
Armen Papikian, the Armenian ambassador to the OSCE, accused Baku of showing 
“contempt” for the ICJ order.

Papikian’s U.S. opposite number, Michael Carpenter, welcomed the order and 
reiterated Washington’s calls for the lifting of the Azerbaijani blockade.

“Secretary [of State Antony] Blinken raised this in his engagement with Prime 
Minister Pashinian and with President Aliyev in Munich on February 18,” 
Carpenter said during the Permanent Council meeting. “The Secretary underscored 
the need for free and open commercial and private transit through the Lachin 
Corridor, and we reiterate that today.”

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has also called on Azerbaijan to comply 
with the UN court’s decision.

Russian Group To Build Two Power Plants In Armenia

Armenia - Russian-Armenian businessman Samvel Karapetian inaugurates an energy 
lab at the National Polytechnic University in Yerevan, 5Jun2017.

A Russian business conglomerate owned by Armenian-born billionaire Samvel 
Karapetian announced on Friday plans to invest at least $150 million in the 
construction of two thermal power plants in Armenia.

In a statement, Karapetian’s Tashir Group said one of those gas-fired plants 
will be built near Noyemberian, a small town close to the Armenian-Georgian 

The 126-megawatt facility will generate electricity not only for Armenia but 
also Georgia, it said, adding that Tashir will upgrade dozens of kilometers of 
high-voltage transmission lines in both countries for that purpose.

“Work on the thermal power plant will start this year and last for about two 
years,” said the statement.

It said the other, much smaller plant will be built in the central Armenian town 
of Hrazdan by the end of 2024.

Both facilities will be equipped with German turbines that will “reduce 
emissions into the atmosphere and minimize the impact on the environment,” 
according to Tashir.

Karapetian’s group headquartered in Moscow already owns Armenia’s largest 
thermal power plant also located in Hrazdan. The obsolete plant has been 
reportedly decommissioned in recent years.

Armenia’s electricity distribution network and second most important 
hydroelectric complex are also owned by Tashir. Speaking at a Russian-Armenian 
business held in Yerevan in 2021, Karapetian pledged to invest up to $600 
million in the Armenian energy sector in the coming years.

Karapetian, 57, was born and raised in Armenia. He moved to Russia in the early 
1990s, making a huge fortune there in the next two decades.

His Russian conglomerate comprises over a hundred firms engaged in construction, 
manufacturing, retail trade and other services. With total assets estimated by 
the Forbes magazine at $3.8 billion, Karapetian is apparently the richest ethnic 
Armenian in the world.

Karabakh Lauds Germany’s Scholz

        • Karlen Aslanian
        • Gayane Saribekian

Nagorno-Karabakh - Thousands rally in Stepanakert to protest Azerbaijan's 
blockade of Karabakh's only land link to Armenia, December 25, 2022.

Nagorno-Karabakh’s leadership on Friday praised German Chancellor Olaf Scholz 
for advocating an Armenian-Azerbaijani peace deal that would respect the 
Karabakh Armenians’ right to self-determination.

Scholz called for a “peaceful settlement based on the territorial integrity of 
Armenia and Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh citizens’ right to 
self-determination” after holding talks with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian on 

“These principles are equally applicable,” he told a joint news conference in 

“We welcome Olaf Scholz’s statement that the conflict should be settled 
peacefully on the basis of equal principles of [territorial] integrity & right 
to self-determination of the Nagorno-Karabakh people,” tweeted Arayik 
Harutiunian, the Karabakh president. “Settlement is impossible without fully 
considering our fundamental/collective rights.”

Peace plans jointly drafted by the United States, Russia and France prior to the 
2020 Armenian-Azerbaijani war upheld the Karabakh Armenians’ right to 
self-determination, which would be exercised through a referendum.

Successive Armenian governments for decades championed that principle in peace 
talks with Azerbaijan. Pashinian effectively stopped doing that a year ago. He 
and other senior Armenian officials have since spoken instead of the need to 
protect “the rights and security of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.”

Germany - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol 
Pashinian shake hands during a news conference in Berlin, Mar 2, 2023.

Pashinian repeated that phrase and did not comment on Scholz’s remark when he 
addressed the German Council on Foreign Relations, a Berlin-based think-tank, 
after his talks with the chancellor. He again called for an “international 
mechanism” for discussions between Baku and Stepanakert but shed little light on 
that negotiating format sought by Yerevan.

At the same time, Pashinian deplored the “growing aggressiveness of Azerbaijan 
towards Nagorno-Karabakh.” He accused Baku of seeking to subject Karabakh’s 
population to “ethnic cleansing,” citing the Azerbaijani blockade of the Lachin 
corridor connecting the region to Armenia.

Karabakh’s leaders and main political groups have repeatedly criticized 
Pashinian over the past year. They were mostly recently irked by his January 10 
claim that the international community has always regarded Karabakh as an 
integral part of Azerbaijan and that the Armenian government must only deal with 
Armenia’s problems.

Pashinian’s political opponents in Armenia have been even more critical, 
accusing him of planning to recognize Azerbaijani sovereignty over Karabakh. The 
Armenian opposition staged daily street protests in Yerevan for several 
consecutive weeks after the prime minister signaled in April 2022 his readiness 
to “lower the bar” on Karabakh’s future status.

Russian, Armenian FMs Meet In India

India - Foreign Ministers Sergei Lavrov of Russia and Ararat Mirzoyan of Armenia 
meet in New Delhi, March 3, 2023.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for a quicker implementation of 
Armenian-Azerbaijani agreements brokered by Moscow during talks with his 
Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan held in India on Friday.

The two ministers met in New Delhi on the sidelines of a conference on 
international security attended by many foreign leaders.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said they discussed Russian-Armenian relations as 
well as “regional issues” and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in particular. It 
said Lavrov stressed the importance of “intensifying efforts on all tracks of 
the Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization in accordance with the agreements between 
the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

The Armenian Foreign Ministry likewise reported that Lavrov and Mirzoyan 
reviewed progress towards the normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, 
the restoration of transport links between the two South Caucasus states and the 
demarcation of their long border. Azerbaijan’s continuing blockade of the sole 
road connecting Karabakh to Armenia was also on the agenda, it said in a 

The Russian readout of the talks made no mention of the blockade. Russia has 
repeatedly called for its lifting as have the United States and other Western 

Visiting Baku earlier this week, Lavrov also indicated Moscow’s opposition to 
Azerbaijan’s desire to set up a checkpoint at the Lachin corridor. He said this 
would run counter to the 2020 ceasefire agreement that placed the corridor under 
the control of Russian peacekeepers.

Azerbaijan -- Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Azerbaijani 
counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov hold a joint press conference in Baku, February 28, 

Speaking after talks with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, Lavrov 
also reaffirmed his readiness to host talks between his Armenian and Azerbaijani 
counterparts. He noted that Yerevan “has not yet given its final consent.”

The three ministers were scheduled to meet in Moscow in late December. The 
Armenian side cancelled the meeting in protest against the Azerbaijani blockade. 
Moscow criticized the move.

Russian-Armenian relations have soured in recent months because of what Yerevan 
sees as Russia’s reluctance to support its main regional ally locked in the 
protracted conflict with Azerbaijan. Armenian leaders have also accused the 
Russians of doing little to unblock the Lachin corridor.

Russian officials have strongly denied that. They have chided Yerevan for asking 
the European Union to send monitors to Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has claimed that the EU’s monitoring mission 
launched last month is part of the West’s efforts of squeeze Russia out of the 
South Caucasus and use the Karabakh conflict in the standoff over Ukraine.

The ministry said that Lavrov’s latest meeting with Mirzoyan took place “in a 
friendly and trusting atmosphere.”

While in New Delhi, the Armenian minister also met with the EU’s foreign and 
security policy chief, Josep Borrell. His press office said both men praised the 
recent deployment of some 100 EU monitors to Armenian border areas.

The EU’s top official, Charles Michel, is now understood to be trying to host a 
fresh Armenian-Azerbaijani summit in Brussels.

Reposted on ANN/Armenian News with permission from RFE/RL
Copyright (c) 2023 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc.
1201 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington DC 20036.


Sophie Scamps MP signs initiative to recognise Greek, Armenian and Assyrian genocides

The Greek Herald
March 3 2023

Federal Member for Mackellar, Dr Sophie Scamps, has signed the Joint Justice Initiative’s Affirmation of Support calling for the Australian Government to recognise the 1915 Armenian, Assyrian and Greek genocides perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire.

Dr Scamps joined over thirty of her parliamentary colleagues to support the Greek, Armenian and Assyrian communities in Australia.

Executive Director of the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU), Michael Kolokossian, said in a statement: “We thank Dr Sophie Scamps for affirming her support and working constructively with the ANC-AU to advance national recognition of the genocides.”

“Australia must recognise the 1915 Genocides and hold the perpetrators accountable to ensure crimes against humanity are never repeated,” Mr Kolokossian said.

US says Uzbekistan and Armenia used to evade Russian sanctions

Uzbekistan – March 3 2023

AKIPRESS.COM - The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC), and the Department of Justice issued  a joint compliance note on the use of third-party intermediaries or transshipment points to evade Russian- and Belarussian-related sanctions and export controls.

The compliance note highlights one of the most common tactics used to evade Russia-related sanctions and export controls: the use of third-party intermediaries or transshipment points to circumvent restrictions.

Routing purchases through certain transshipment points commonly used to illegally redirect restricted items to Russia or Belarus. Such locations may include China (including Hong Kong and Macau ) and jurisdictions close to Russia, including Armenia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.

Armenia: call for innovation grants on hazardous waste management

March 3 2023

The EU-funded project ‘Capital Cities Collaborating on Common Challenges in Hazardous Waste Management – Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana’ has launched a call for innovation grants. The aim is to introduce innovations and smart solutions in Municipal Waste Management and Household Hazardous Waste Management. 

The call is open to SMEs, research and/or development institutions and higher education institutions that are keen to develop new and ingenious solutions in the field.

The EU will finance 90% of the value of the selected actions. The proposed budget should fall between €25,000 and €45,000.

The deadline for applications is 7 April.

All interested applicants are invited to participate in an online information session on 10 March. Please, register to take part.

Find out more

Press release

Call guidelines

April 7, 2023
Calls for proposals

Pashinyan in Germany – "The EU is one of Armenia’s main partners"

March 3 2023
  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Pashinyan on Armenia-EU partnership

An agreement is expected to be signed in the near future regulating the presence of an EU civilian mission on the border of Armenia, according to Prime Minister of Armenia Nik Pashinyan at a press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“Now the presence of the EU monitoring mission is regulated by mutual official letters. But we also have an agreement that the agreement regulating the presence of the mission should be agreed upon and signed,” Pashinyan said.

Since February 20 a new EU civilian mission has been operating in Armenia according to a preliminary plan of two years. Like the previous two-month mission, it is monitoring the Armenian-Azerbaijani border from the territory of Armenia. The mission includes a hundred unarmed observers. According to the EU, its goal is “to promote stability in the border areas of Armenia, to build confidence and security, and to provide an environment that will facilitate efforts to normalize relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

On March 1, the mission opened its headquarters in the city of Yeghegnadzor in southern Armenia.

Pashinyan is in Germany on a working visit and met with Chancellor Scholz, visited the German Foreign Policy Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik – DGAP), and took part in a discussion on the topic “Security and Stability in the South Caucasus: Prospects for Armenia”. During a joint press conference with the German Chancellor and discussions of Armenia’s foreign policy in the DGAP, Pashinyan talked about the importance of hosting an EU monitoring mission in Armenia and deepening bilateral relations with the European Union.

  • “The EU mission in Armenia is not directed against anyone” – Toivo Klaar
  • “Attack on Baku and Moscow”: a new EU monitoring mission in Armenia
  • “There is no point combining the EU and CSTO missions on the border of Armenia.” Opinion

The Prime Minister of Armenia considers the role of the EU mission conducting monitoring on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border vital, one which will play a decisive role in ensuring security and stability in the region, as the observers will “timely and reliably” report on the situation to partners from the EU.

Assessing the work of the first observer mission deployed in Armenia for two months at the end of last year, he said that it was an important step “to de-escalate the situation.” Pashinyan thanked all EU member states, including Germany, for responding to Armenia’s request and sending a new, already long-term mission.

“I am very proud of this mission as a whole. It is a great contribution, we will develop this mission and we will see what happens,” the German Chancellor said during a joint press conference, answering a question from journalists whether an increase in the number of observers can be expected.

Olaf Scholz said that Germany supports the mediation efforts of European Council President Charles Michel to bring stability to the region, including by involving its staff in the observer mission. He said that the new EU mission in Armenia will be headed by an officer of the German federal police.

Pashinyan also talked about the current geopolitical “tectonic shifts”. According to him, Armenia came into contact with the “first sprouts” of today’s challenges and “a devastating blow to the European security architecture in the region” back in 2020, during the 44-day war. He also commented on “the latest military aggression of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the sovereign territory of Armenia” in September 2022, when Azerbaijani troops “occupied more than 150 square kilometers” of Armenian territory.

“Deepening geopolitical instability, growing tensions and unpredictability weaken the world order and the international security system, creating even greater challenges, especially for Armenia. They make a democratic country more vulnerable in this difficult region,” he stated.

What can be expected from the EU mission given the experience of Georgia, where EU observers were deployed after the Russian-Georgian war in 2008

During discussions at the German Foreign Policy Society, Pashinyan stated that the European Union is one of Armenia’s main partners in completing democratic reforms in the country, underlining that “according to the latest indicators of the Eastern Partnership Evaluation Index”, Armenia had topped the “Democracy and Good Governance” rating table.

The prime minister also touched upon the role of the “Velvet Revolution” that took place in Armenia in 2018 and the early parliamentary elections in 2021. He believes that these political events proved “the irreversibility of Armenia’s democratic path of development.”

According to Pashinyan, Armenia is now an internationally recognized democratic country, but one facing serious questions:

“Is the Armenian democracy able to provide security? This is an issue that legitimately worries the Armenian society today, and a problem that our government must solve.”

Yet dspite all the challenges, the Armenian government believes that “the country’s security architecture cannot be comprehensive without respect for human rights, the rule of law and democracy.” In Pashinyan’s words, “democracy is the strategy” of official Yerevan.

Sports: Armenia star Eduard Spertsyan told he’d fit in at Guardiola’s Manchester City

March 3 2023

Krasnodar forward Eduard Spertsyan would fit in under Pep Guardiola at Premier League giants Manchester City, CSKA Moscow’s youth coach Mkhitar Davidyan tells MetaRatings. 

A quick glance at the Armenian’s numbers highlight a footballer ready for the next step. A footballer outgrowing the relatively small pond that is Russia’s top flight. 

Spertsyan, in 16 Russian Premier League games this season, has nine goals (11 in all competitions) and six assists from his attacking midfield role. Form that had some suggesting he could replace Cody Gakpo at PSV Eindhoven. 

The 26-year-old has even been linked with Real Madrid. 

And, while accepting that La Liga is probably the most feasible destination for a player of his technical talents, Davidyan believes that Spertsyan would not look out of place alongside Kevin de Bruyne, Jack Grealish and Riyad Mahrez at the Etihad Stadium either. 

“I think that PSV is not the last club to pay attention to him. With the help of Krasnodar, Eduard will be able to prove himself and show all his talent,” Davidyan says. 

“The top clubs in La Liga are the most suitable (for him). Eduard is a very creative and smart football player. I think the Spanish league is what he needs. 

“Even if we take England, then, in my opinion, Spertsyan would not be lost with Guardiola at Manchester City. Because Pep promotes the kind of football that is close to Eduard in terms of his style of play and intellect.” 

Spertsyan recently claimed Armenia’s Player of the Year award for 2022; winning the gong ahead of Inter Milan’s former Arsenal, Roma, Borussia Dortmund and Shakhtar Donetsk forward Henrikh Mkhitaryan.  

“I repeat, in terms of Spertsyan’s potential and style of play, Spain is the best option for him,” Davidyan adds. “Even just being at such clubs and training with such players, you are progressing.”

Russian, Armenian top diplomats note importance of Yerevan-Baku normalization — statement

Russia – March 3 2023
"The talks were held in a friendly and trusting atmosphere. It was agreed to continue contacts through diplomatic channels," Sergey Lavrov and Ararat Mirzoyan pointed

MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Armenian counterpart Ararat Mirzoyan at a meeting in New Delhi on Friday on the sidelines of the international geopolitics and geoeconomics conference ‘Raisina Dialogue’ pointed to the urgency of intensifying efforts on all tracks of Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"There was an exchange of views on regional issues. The parties stressed the necessity of stepping up efforts on all tracks of Armenian-Azerbaijani normalization in accordance with the agreements of the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan dated November 9, 2020, January 11, November 26, 2021 and October 31, 2022," the Foreign Ministry said.

As the ministry noted, the top diplomats discussed topical issues of the bilateral agenda. "Approaches to promoting cooperation on international platforms within the framework of common integration associations were coordinated," the Russian Foreign Ministry added.

"The talks were held in a friendly and trusting atmosphere. It was agreed to continue contacts through diplomatic channels," the diplomats pointed.

As it was previously reported, the Armenian top diplomat will stay in New Delhi until March 4.

Lavrov arrived in New Delhi on Tuesday evening to attend the March 1-2 G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting. The Russian top diplomat held a meeting with his Chinese counterpart on Thursday, and with the Foreign Ministers of Brazil, India and Turkey on Wednesday. Before the G20 events in New Delhi, Lavrov paid a working visit to Baku, where he met with his Azerbaijani counterpart Ceyhun Bayramov.

Peacekeepers recorded three violations of ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh — Russian ministry

Russia – March 3 2023
According to the ministry, the command of the Russian peacekeeping force is conducting an investigation of these facts jointly with Azerbaijan and Armenia

MOSCOW, March 3. /TASS/. Russian peacekeepers have recorded three violations of ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, according to a Russian Defense Ministry bulletin on the activities of the peacekeeping force that was released on Friday.

"Three ceasefire violations have been recorded in the Martuni and Shusha districts. No casualties," the statement said.

According to the ministry, the command of the Russian peacekeeping force is conducting an investigation of these facts jointly with Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"The command of the Russian peacekeepers continues negotiations to resume unimpeded vehicular traffic on the Stepanakert-Goris road," the ministry said.

Artsakh sets up working group to discuss urgent humanitarian issues with Azerbaijan

Armenia – March 3 2023

Artsakh’s government has set up a working group to discuss pressing humanitarian issues with Azerbaijan, the country’s Security Council Office said in a statement on Friday. The full statement can be read below.

"We inform that in accordance with the decision made at the session of the Security Council of the Republic of Artsakh on February 28, 2023, a working group has been established, the purpose of which is to discuss URGENT humanitarian issues with the Azerbaijani side.

The head of the group is Samvel Shahramanyan, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Artsakh.

In accordance with the agreement reached through mediation of the command staff of the peacekeeping troops of the Russian Federation deployed in the Republic of Artsakh, on March 1, 2023, at 11 a.m., a meeting was held at the headquarters of the peacekeeping mission with participation of the commander of the troops, Major General Andrey Volkov, which was attended by a similar working group formed by the Republic of Azerbaijan, headed by Ramin Mammadov, member of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan.

The following issues were on the meeting agenda:

1. Ensuring uninterrupted supply of natural gas to the Republic of Artsakh and excluding further disruption of the gas supply;

2. Ensuring the possibility of inspecting the section of the only high-voltage line entering Artsakh from the Republic of Armenia, which is under the control of the Azerbaijani armed forces, in order to carry out restoration works by the specialists of Artsakh Energy CJSC and restore the electricity supply to the Republic of Artsakh;

3. Conducting an one-time visual tour by an Azerbaijani specialized group on the territories of Kashen and Drmbon mines;

4. Complete opening of the Stepanakert-Goris highway.

In the opening remarks, the commander of the peacekeeping troops presented the participants of the meeting as parties of the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Azerbaijan.  After that, the head of the Artsakh group clarified to the Azerbaijani side the powers of the group he leads, that is the discussion of the above-mentioned specific issues and finding solutions on them.

At the beginning of the discussions, the head of the Azerbaijani group tried to lead the conversation towards the need for integration of Artsakh people with Azerbaijan, presenting prospects of obtaining possible socio-economic benefits in that case. However, the head of the Artsakh group called for discussion on clearly defined issues. The latter also emphasized that these contacts on urgent humanitarian and infrastructural issues cannot address the main issues of comprehensive settlement of the conflict, and for this it is necessary to establish a format with broad international support.

It should be noted that the other members of the Azerbaijani group were engaged in the discussion of the above-mentioned four specific issues and the search for solutions, accordingly, the subsequent course of the meeting was fully complied with the framework defined by the agenda.

As a result of the discussion of all the above-mentioned issues, specific agreements were reached, which the Azerbaijani side undertook to report to the higher authorities, and in the coming days to inform the Artsakh side about the results through the peacekeeping mission.

During the meeting, an agreement was reached on establishment of the stable two-way communication mechanism between the parties.

At the meeting, the parties agreed to publish only general information for the time being, given that the process is still in the working stage.  However, shortly after the meeting, the head of the Azerbaijani group gave interviews on various information platforms of his country, in which he spread disinformation, completely deviating from the actual content and process, in particular announcing that the meeting discussed "issues of the reintegration of the Armenian population of the Karabakh region into Azerbaijan." Unfortunately, some representatives of the Armenian media took this trick of Azerbaijani officials and media, thereby creating a false impression that issues related to the comprehensive settlement of the conflict are allegedly being discussed in Artsakh-Azerbaijani contacts. Meanwhile, as we mentioned, the meeting on March 1, in which the commander of the Russian peacekeeping troops participated as well, was dedicated only to the discussion of steps aimed at lifting the blockade of Artsakh and relating issues.

Another misinformation of Azerbaijan, according to which the next meeting of the official representatives of the parties "may take place in Ganja or Aghdam" and without the participation of the Russian peacekeeping troops, is without substance as well.

We urge the public not to succumb to the fabrications of the Azerbaijani propaganda machine and to be sure that the public will be given exhaustive information about the above-mentioned process and its results."