Armenian FM, ICRC President discuss humanitarian crisis in blockaded Nagorno Karabakh




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. On February 27, Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan had a meeting with Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The Foreign Minister of Armenia highly appreciated the years-long activity of the ICRC in Armenia aimed at solving humanitarian issues, the foreign ministry said in a read-out.

 In this context, the efforts of the ICRC towards returning Armenian prisoners of war and other civilians held in Azerbaijan, the cases of enforced disappearance and the clarification of the fate of missing persons were appreciated.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the details of the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting from the blockade of the Lachin corridor by Azerbaijan. Minister Mirzoyan highlighted that Azerbaijan grossly violates its commitments, as well as norms of international humanitarian law and protection of human rights. The importance of implementing the decision made by the International Court of Justice on February 22 regarding the request of the provisional measures against Azerbaijan was also underlined.

Ararat Mirzoyan touched upon the need for ICRC's active involvement in addressing the humanitarian challenges in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Foreign Minister Mirzoyan also stressed the need for sending a fact-finding mission to Nagorno-Karabakh and the Lachin corridor as well as for unimpeded humanitarian access of relevant international organizations.

The UN has sent letters of allegation to Azerbaijan and Turkey for involving mercenaries in the 44-day war




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. The UN sent allegation letters to Azerbaijan and Turkey for involving mercenaries in the war unleashed against Artsakh in 2020, ARMENPRESS reports the members of the UN working group on the use of mercenaries, who have arrived in Armenia, said in a press conference.

The group's mandate was formed at the initiative of the UN Human Rights Council. The mandate of the group covers broad areas, including involvement of mercenaries and the use of private military and security companies from the perspective of human rights violations. Within the framework of that mandate, the working group conducts visits to countries, and the visit to Armenia is one of them. The group receives reports of alleged human rights violations from various sources.

"Our group has already received a report in 2020 about the use of mercenaries. And back at that time we had already responded, acted, presented an appropriate message," said group member Jelena Aparac from Croatia.

The group's visit to Armenia has been prepared for a long time with the Armenian authorities.

"At the moment, the information that has reached us mainly concerns the two mercenaries who were taken prisoner, who were charged, a court process was started, hearings were held. We are still collecting information on all that," she said.

The group acts on the basis of information provided to it, which may be provided by NGOs or any other source. Fact-finding is done through a formal process, that is, information is obtained from an official source, and based on that information, they can determine who is responsible for the given incident. Ravindran Daniel, a member of the task force, stressed that they cannot act based on information that is not provided by official sources.

"We have a tool called "allegation letter”. We present it to states and non-state structures," said Jelena Aparac.

Referring to the clarifying question whether letters of allegation have been sent to Azerbaijan and Turkey, she gave a positive answer.

The task force noted in its 2020 thematic reports that the use of mercenaries and private security firms is increasing globally. As for the consequences of letters of allegation, unfortunately, the task force's mandate on that matter is quite limited. “We can get answers. Those answers are public. And then other concerned parties should use our allegation letters, responses to them and take measures based on them: these can be NGOs, international organizations, other states," said Jelena Aparac.

Ravindran Daniel noted that as a result of their work, problems became more visible, which happened in 2020.

The members of the working group positively assess that Armenia has ratified the UN International Convention "Against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries".

The working group has submitted a request to pay a visit to Azerbaijan, but has not yet received a response.

Sumgait massacre became first large-scale manifestation of the genocidal policy of Azerbaijan against Armenian people




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Today marks the 35th anniversary of the Sumgait pogroms, which have become one of the most tragic and hideous pages in the recent history of the Armenian people. From February 27 to 29, 1988, in the city of Sumgait, located just 40 kilometers from Baku, with the criminal connivance and even at the direction of the Azerbaijani authorities, mass progroms against the Armenian population took place, accompanied by murders, torture and other atrocities, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Artsakh. Armed with sharp metal rods, axes, hammers and other improvised means, groups of pogromists, with the complete indifference of the city law enforcement, broke into the apartments of Armenians and retaliated against innocent people with incredible cruelty. During several days of violence, dozens of Armenians were killed, hundreds were brutally beaten and tortured, and thousands were forcibly displaced. The atmosphere of hatred towards Armenians was fueled by anti-Armenian slogans and calls for violence voiced during the rallies. The purpose of these criminal acts, organized by the Azerbaijani authorities, was to create an atmosphere of fear and thereby suppress the peaceful demands of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Sumgait massacre became the first large-scale manifestation of the discriminatory and genocidal policy pursued by Azerbaijan against the Armenian people for decades. This was followed by massacres of Armenians in other cities of Azerbaijan, in particular Baku, Kirovabad, Shamakhi, Shamkhor, Mingechaur and elsewhere, as well as three wars unleashed against Artsakh, which were accompanied by deliberate attacks on civilians, the use of prohibited and indiscriminate weapons and other war crimes.

The pogroms in Sumgait became the basis for the revival of intolerance and hatred against Armenians in Azerbaijan. Armenophobia was elevated to the rank of state policy. The inspirers and perpetrators of this heinous crime became a role model in Azerbaijan, and crimes against Armenians became the norm. Two years later, in January 1990, the Armenian pogroms in Baku were carried out under the slogan “Glory to the heroes of Sumgait!”. Unfortunately, Azerbaijan was not held accountable either for the pogroms in Sumgait or for subsequent genocidal actions, as a result of which an atmosphere of political permissiveness and impunity was formed for the authorities of this authoritarian state.

The combination of these factors – a sense of impunity and permissiveness, intolerance and hatred towards Armenians, as well as the desire to suppress the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination at any cost – led to the rooting of genocidal intentions against the people of Artsakh in the political consciousness and state policy of Azerbaijan. A clear manifestation of these criminal intentions is the blockade of Artsakh that has been going on for more than two months, and was driven by the desire of the Azerbaijani authorities to force the people of Artsakh to give up their collective rights, deprive them of their homeland and ultimately destroy them.
Even after 35 years, Azerbaijan's policy of oppression, intimidation, gross violations of human rights, the use or threat of force, as well as deportation and ethnic cleansing against the people of Artsakh has not changed. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties and challenges currently facing the Republic, the people of Artsakh remain firm and determined to defend their rights in their historical homeland and continue the struggle for freedom, independence, democracy and human rights.

We bow to the memory of all innocent victims of Azerbaijan's aggressive and misanthropic policy, and once again call on the international community to take active and effective measures to break the vicious cycle of Azerbaijan's wrongdoings, prevent new crimes against humanity and bring those responsible to justice.

Performance report 2022 of the Urban Development Committee presented to the Prime Minister




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan visited the Urban Development Committee and got acquainted with the performance report 2022 of the Committee, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Ministers Mher Grigoryan and Tigran Khachatryan, Head of the State Supervision Service Romanos Petrosyan, Chairman of the Urban Development Committee Armen Ghularyan, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Prime Minister Bagrat Badalyan, Deputy Minister of Finance Vahan Sirunyan, the leadership of the Committee, and other officials.

The progress and results of the activities of the Urban Development Committee were reported to the Prime Minister. In particular, the works carried out during the previous year in the fields of architecture and urban development, construction policy, management of housing stock and utility infrastructure, capital construction projects, introduction of modern technologies in the field and other directions were presented. Nikol Pashinyan was also presented with the works to be carried out in 2023-2024.

It was reported that in terms of architecture and urban development, the issue of ensuring the entire territory of Armenia with spatial planning documents by 2024 has been solved by almost 70%. The conceptual documents resulting from the micro-regional planning document aimed at the complex development of settlements and the creation of new poles of growth are being developed. It was noted that within the framework of the measures, preparations are being made for the development of the general program of resettlement of Armenia, the deadline of which is 2024, but taking into account the importance of the document, the works have already started.

According to the report, in terms of architecture and urban planning, a document regulating the large-scale construction works carried out in the republic, the order of the territory planning project, is being developed, which is aimed at drawing up a document aimed at the joint solution of problems and taking into account the needs of the public, excluding local-episodic solutions.

It was emphasized that works are also being carried out in the direction of clarifying and strictening the legal regulations, in order to prevent inappropriate interventions in the environment created during the construction works currently being carried out in the capital and to protect the center of the capital from overloading and ensure balanced development.

Currently, the process of development, localization and modernization of the regulatory and technical system is underway. It was noted that the system of normative and technical documents is one of the main tools of the state for the regulation of urban development activities. In 2022, 20 normative and technical documents were approved and put into use. The developed norms refer to the following directions considered as priority by the government: civil defense structures, increasing energy efficiency, school and preschool institutions, hydro technical and road structures, safety techniques in construction, including the organization of construction sites.

In the framework of the presented events, it was also reported on the modernization of the construction pricing methodology, the approval and application of the list of multiple-use projects, the possibilities of introducing new technologies and materials in construction, ensuring the legal basis for increasing the reliability and seismic resistance of buildings and structures, implementation of urban development projects in the most dangerous landslides, ensuring the accessibility of a number of important facilities for persons with disabilities. There was also reference to the process of introducing the passport system of buildings and constructions, to the reforms of the licensing process.

Presenting the work on housing stock issues, it was noted that during the reporting period, the concept of reforming the housing stock management system was developed, the rules for the maintenance, operation and modernization of multi-apartment buildings were developed and approved.

There was a reference to the shacks installed after the earthquake, the decision recording the approaches and priorities of the government on which has been adopted. According to the decision, in 2023, approval of lists, budget planning and implementation of works that do not require financing will be carried out.

During the reporting period, the Committee also developed a State Assistance Program for Energy Efficient Renovations, which subsidizes interest rates on renovation loans. 1245 loans were provided under the program in 2022, with a portfolio of about 2.6 billion AMD. The amount of subsidy was 40 million AMD.

Regarding the progress of capital programs, it was reported that over the course of 3 years, there was a 6-fold increase in allocations, and their sectoral proportions are entirely based on the priorities set by the Government Action Plan, namely, the building, reconstructing and renovating 300 schools, 500 kindergartens and 50 health facilities.

Regarding the works carried out in the direction of introducing modern technologies in the sector, it was reported that from January 1, 2022, design and construction permits in the enlarged communities of Nairi in Kotayk Province, Echmiadzin in Armavir Province, Masis in Ararat Province and Vanadzor in Lori Province will be provided exclusively electronically, through the e-Permits system.

The principle of determining the amount of fines applied in case of non-completion of construction in time has been regulated. Administrative measures for non-compliance with demolition permit requirements have been provided.

The website of the Committee has been upgraded, which includes a search system for normative and technical documents, as well as a map of capital expenditure programs implemented by the government.

Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the importance of providing the entire territory of Armenia with spatial planning documents by 2024 and emphasized that it is of strategic importance. The Prime Minister added that this will contribute to the overall development of the urban development sector. Nikol Pashinyan also emphasized the digitization of building permits and other services. Referring to the projects implemented in different communities, the Prime Minister emphasized the paving of sidewalks and parks with stones. "Our task should be increasing the efficiency of capital expenditures, including through the introduction of new project management mechanisms," said Nikol Pashinyan. The Prime Minister also emphasized the implementation of consistent steps in the direction of management of landslide zones, maintenance of accessibility standards in public buildings.

Mirzoyan emphasizes humanitarian access to Nagorno-Karabakh in a meeting with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan met on February 27 with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk in Geneva.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the parties discussed issues related to cooperation within the framework of the UN Human Rights Protection System.

The interlocutors referred to the process of democratic reforms in Armenia, the steps and achievements of the Armenian government in the direction of protecting human rights and strengthening the rule of law.

Issues of the international and regional agenda were discussed.

Ararat Mirzoyan noted that during the 44-day war of 2020 and during the aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia in May, November 2021 and September 2022, gross violations of human rights by the armed forces of Azerbaijan were recorded, emphasizing in this regard the clear actions of the international relevant structures, as well as the implementation of the decision of the International Court of Justice. Minister Mirzoyan emphasized the imperative of immediate repatriation of Armenian prisoners of war and civilians illegally held in Azerbaijan, noting that Azerbaijan clearly violates not only the provisions of the tripartite declaration signed by itself on November 9, 2020 but also the norms of international humanitarian law.

Referring to the humanitarian challenges facing the 120,000 people of Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of the blocking of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan, the Foreign Minister of Armenia emphasized the importance of the intervention of relevant UN bodies and ensuring humanitarian access to Nagorno-Karabakh.

Minister Mirzoyan also presented the efforts of the Armenian side towards the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Armenian Deputy FM receives Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. On February 27, Deputy Foreign Minister Vahan Kostanyan met with the delegation led by Djuna Bernard, the Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg, ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Armenia.

The parties commended the high level of political dialogue between Armenia and Luxembourg, and touched upon the prospects of expanding cooperation based on democratic values, common perceptions and mutual trust. Vahan Kostanyan highly appreciated the principled stance of the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg on issues of vital importance for Armenia, which was reflected in the motions adopted by the Parliament.

During the meeting, the parties discussed issues of regional and international security.

The Deputy Minister presented the efforts of the Republic of Armenia towards establishing peace and stability in the region. The imperative of addressing the humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh resulting from Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin Corridor was underscored. The parties touched upon the latest developments in the normalization process of Armenia-Turkey relations.

Russian FM arrives in Azerbaijan on a working visit




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, arrived in Azerbaijan on a working visit on February 27, ARMENPRESS reports, "TASS" informed.

As scheduled, the president of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, will receive Lavrov in Baku. Lavrov will hold talks with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov.

The minister's visit coincides with the first anniversary of the bilateral declaration on allied cooperation signed on February 22, 2022.

During the meetings with the leadership of Azerbaijan, the whole range of bilateral issues, current regional and international issues will be discussed, as well as special attention will be paid to the implementation of trilateral agreements between the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Armenpress: Azerbaijani blockade of Artsakh and other criminal activities have resulted in increase in diseases




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. Due to the fact that the only road connecting Artsakh to Armenia has been blocked by Azerbaijan for 78 days, as well as due to the continuous stress caused by uncertainties and threats arising from Azerbaijani criminal activities, the indicators of a number of diseases and complications have increased in Artsakh compared to the same period of last year, ARMENPRESS reports the Ministry of Health of Artsakh informs.

"They include ischemic heart disease – 58%, cerebral palsy – 36%, birth complications – 11.6% and a number of other diseases.

Among adults and especially children, an increase in nervous and psychological problems is recorded, compared to the same period of the previous year, which was manifested by a 46% increase in children's visits to neurologists and psychologists, and a 47% increase in the case of adults.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, the cases of surgical interventions due to intestinal obstruction, which may be caused by a lack of some ingredients in the diet, have increased by 25%.

UNSC to be authorized to intervene when Azerbaijan’s non-compliance with ICJ ruling becomes contentious – Kirakosyan




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 27, ARMENPRESS. All requests by Armenia for provisional measures in international courts are followed by tit-for-tat requests filed by Azerbaijan, Representative of Armenia on International Legal Matters Yeghishe Kirakosyan said at a press conference. By doing so, Azerbaijan seeks to cause controversy in an attempt to diminish the impact of the requests filed by Armenia, Kirakosyan explained.

“But I can say that Azerbaijan is not succeeding. I am saying this based on concrete results. For example, the latest result, when the International Court of Justice rejected Azerbaijan’s request, while granting Armenia’s request. The decisions adopted by international organizations also prove this,” Kirakosyan said.

The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan on February 22 to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022. 

However, the Lachin Corridor is still blocked by Azerbaijan.

Although the ICJ ruling doesn’t mention timeframes for fulfilling the order, it does clearly mention that the decision is binding, which means that a country must take action from the moment the ruling is published, Kirakosyan explained.

“Unfortunately, international law doesn’t envisage an institution dealing with enforcement of decisions. The body which has some responsibility in the direction of the fulfillment of the ICJ rulings and decisions is the UN Security Council, which will be entitled to intervene when the issue becomes contentious.  We realize that an intervention by the Security Council is complicated. Although there are many other measures to maximally gain from the legal process,” Kirakosyan said.

The Representative of Armenia on International Legal Matters noted that the Foreign Ministers of various countries, as well as the UN Secretary-General, issued statements citing the ICJ ruling after it was released.

“These are important processes, the pressure must be maximally increased in this direction. By the way, this ruling is highly important in political-legal terms. Now, it turns out that apart from the trilateral statement we also have one more international legal document which stipulates unimpeded passage along Lachin corridor or Azerbaijan’s obligation to ensure it,” Kirakosyan said.

Asbarez:‘Princess of December’: George Kirazian Releases New Fantasy Novel for Young Adults

“Princess of December” book cover

Author and composer George Kirazian’s new book, “The Princess of December,” has been released by Laurel Publications and is available on in print and Kindle formats.

A fantasy adventure for young readers aged 8-13, The Princess of December follows the adventures of the young protagonist Yvette, who helps Lyanna, The Princess of December, against evil forces of The Ice Shadow.

“And now you know why you must come, Yvette,” an excerpt of the book reads. “Tamo needs you, the Kingdom needs you, we all need you because we all need Lyanna, The Princess of December. Without her we will lose everything. The land will freeze and all the flowers and fruit trees will die. The seasons will disappear and leave only a cold, grey wasteland. Will you come, Yvette? Will you?”

And so, with help from Bomor and his magic arrow; the All-Seeing Waters; and a wise and friendly rose bush, Yvette and her new friends began to challenge The Ice Shadow and his dark powers.

Author, teacher, and composer, George Kirazian completed undergraduate and graduate studies at New York University, and for 30+ years taught Writing, Literature, and Music Appreciation courses at Grossmont College and San Diego State University. In addition to his novella, “A Time for Fathers,” Kirazian has written and published extensively in poetry and fiction. He also wrote the children’s books, “The Sleeping Violet,” “Perry the Peacock,” “Beyond the Koala Kingdom,” “Leo and the Mulberry Flute,” and “The Princess of December.” He also published “Easy Writing,” a book on writing improvement for adults. 

Kirazian’s work as a composer have been performed by various choral groups in the San Diego area and includes various art songs, hymns, a new version of Armenian Apostolic Church Divine Liturgy. His latest composition, “The Book of Ruth: A Ballet,” is premiering in a production with Mojalet Dance Collective in San Diego in April. 

“The Princess of December” can be purchased on Amazon. For more information, visit Kirazian’s website.