Armenian military holds joint command staff training under leadership of Chief of General Staff



 10:50, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian military held joint command staff trainings under the leadership of Major-general Edward Asryan, the Chief of the General Staff and First Deputy Minister of Defense.

The training was titled “The work of the military command bodies of the Armed Forces in the preparatory phase of defense operations” and was held February 20-22, the ministry of defense said in a press release.

A tactical field march was held with the purpose of adjusting objectives of the troops in tactical directions and make decisions, as well as the main issues of integration of active forces and equipment.

The order of battle, sequence of actions, actions of officials were checked. The skills of the command staff were perfected.

World Court’s ruling exposed, recorded Azerbaijan’s conduct of misleading the international community – PM



 11:33, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The International Court of Justice ruling recorded Azerbaijan’s conduct of attempting to mislead the international community. The court recorded Azerbaijan’s responsibility for closing the Lachin corridor and emphasized that the decision is binding for Azerbaijan, PM Nikol Pashinyan said at the Cabinet meeting, commenting on the world court’s judgment in the Armenia v. Azerbaijan case.

“Yesterday the court published its decisions, satisfying Armenia’s request and rejecting Azerbaijan’s request. With the binding decision the court obliged Azerbaijan to take all steps at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The court emphasized that the ruling is binding for Azerbaijan,” Pashinyan said, describing the judgment as extremely important.

Pashinyan commented on the political impact and significance of the ruling, noting that it exposed Azerbaijan’s conduct of trying to mislead the international community by falsely claiming that there is no blockade.

“Azerbaijan was claiming in all international bodies that the Lachin corridor isn’t closed. It’s another matter as to what extent the representatives of the international community believed Azerbaijan. But this recorded Azerbaijan’s conduct of misleading the international community. And this was recorded by the highest court of the world,” the PM said.

The Armenian PM highlighted that the court recorded the Azerbaijani state’s responsibility for the closure of the Lachin corridor, essentially dismissing the “eco-activist” narrative.

The court also reiterated Armenia’s stance that under the 9 November 2020 statement the Lachin corridor should not be under Azerbaijani control and that Azerbaijan has an obligation to guarantee safe passage of persons, vehicles and goods in both directions.

“Essentially ,the court recorded that this is Azerbaijan’s international obligation. The other important circumstance is that the court clearly recorded the existence of the Nagorno Karabakh entity in accordance with the 9 November 2020 trilateral statement, and therefore also the statement itself and its provisions, including an international legal significance was given related to the existence of NK and line of contact,” the PM said.

At the same time, the court confirmed that there is a humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh due to the blockade.

Armenia could again take Azerbaijan to world court over gas and power supply cut-offs in NK



 11:37, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that Armenia will again file a request to the International Court of Justice against Azerbaijan over the gas and electricity supply interruptions in Artsakh when sufficient evidence is collected.

The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice – ordered Azerbaijan on Wednesday to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022. 

However, the court ruled that Armenia has not presented sufficient evidence that Azerbaijan is behind the gas and power supply interruptions.

“Of course, the reason for this situation is that the valve of the gas supply pipeline of Nagorno Karabakh is in a location inaccessible for Armenia. The same can be said about the point of interruption of the electric energy. And here, Armenia simply couldn’t present undeniable evidence. But this also means that the moment when we’ll be able to collect direct evidence we will appeal to the court over this issue again. And there will be high likelihood that the court will satisfy this request as well,” PM Pashinyan said, noting that at this moment the gas supply in Nagorno Karabakh is being carried out normally.

Armenia sends 32 tons of humanitarian aid to quake-hit Syria



 11:39, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian government is sending a third batch of humanitarian aid – over 32 tons – to the quake-hit Syria.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

The aid is being sent by the order of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

The 32 tons of aid includes food and medication.

Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan is traveling to Syria to supervise the delivery.

The transportation of the cargo was organized by the ministry of emergency situations.

The aid was sent on board an IL-76 aircraft from Yerevan’s Erebuni airport to Aleppo.

Azerbaijan’s failure to abide by world court ruling must lead to concrete international consequences – PM



 12:41, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan’s failure to abide by the world court’s ruling on opening the Lachin corridor must lead to concrete international consequences, PM Nikol Pashinyan said.

Speaking about the ruling, the Prime Minister said that Azerbaijan must make visible efforts and take actions in the direction of opening the Lachin corridor.

“The first and most primitive step, for example, can be a call or demand made by the highest circle of government addressed to the so-called eco-activists to open the corridor. An absence of concrete actions by Azerbaijan on opening the Lachin corridor can and must lead to concrete international consequences,” the PM said.

The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice – ordered Azerbaijan on Wednesday to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022.

Surmalu trade center director jailed in pre-trial detention



 13:04, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. A court approved the investgiators’ motion on remanding the Director of the Surmalu trade center in pre-trial detention.

Surmalu director Irina Madatova was arrested on February 22 in the ongoing criminal investigation into the August 14, 2022 deadly explosion at the trade center’s warehouse.

Madatova is charged with violating fire safety rules and falsification of documents, the Investigative Committee said in a press release.

A total of 5 persons are indicted in the case.

Armenian Minister of Healthcare assures safety standards at Amulsar mine will be strictly maintained and monitored



 13:14, 23 February 2023

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The Armenian Minister of Healthcare Anahit Avanesyan said she is certain that all modern technologies will be utilized to ensure the safe operations at the Amulsar gold mine in line with all standards.

“I am sure that all required studies were carried out and are carried out. And a strict monitoring will be carried out in the process,” the minister told reporters.

She said the healthcare ministry is always focused on mining-related possible health hazards.

“We are sure that all new technological means and opportunities will be utilized to ensure safe operations in line with standards,” Avanesyan said.

The Amulsar gold mine is set to restart operations after its owner – Lydian Armenia – signed a 250,000,000 dollar agreement with the Armenian government. The government of Armenia will receive 12,5% shares of Lydian Armenia for free.

Turkish Christians Plead: Don’t Distribute Bibles After Earthquake

Feb 22 2023
Local believers and their Syrian colleagues serve Christians and Muslims alike in cooperative effort at relief aid.
An unnamed Turkish man dug through the rubble. The stench from rotting corpses filled his nostrils; the cries from trapped survivors pierced his ears. Finally, he located a little girl he could help, removed the surrounding debris, and gently pulled her from the clutches of death.

And social media cursed him.

The man filmed the whole episode on Facebook Live. And contrary to his expectations, comments of derision poured in from across the country. While his religion is unstated, Turkish Christians warned of similar earthquake exploitation from their brothers and sisters in faith.

When Bibles were distributed in Kahramanmaras, between the epicenters of the 7.8- and 7.5-magnitude quakes that killed 47,000 people along the Turkey-Syria border, local authorities responded by saying they did not want help from the church.

“This is not the way of Jesus; it is opportunistic, and doesn’t work,” said Ilyas Uyar, an elder in the Protestant Church Foundation of Diyarbakir. “We say we are Christians all the time, but it is disgusting to connect this to aid.”

The Protestant Association of Turkey (TeK) has been hard at work to establish guidelines. Last week, after expressing a “debt of gratitude” to all who have prayed and given to support relief efforts, it issued six directives.

Alongside the prohibition of Bibles and evangelistic materials was a basic request to work with the local church to navigate Turkish sensitivities. These included basic requests to coordinate aid, as well as the avoidance of political commentary and unauthorized photos.

But permission is not the only issue. A Christian group from Italy came to Diyarbakir to offer help, Uyar said. They filmed and took pictures and then asked for church assistance to move onward to Kahramanmaras.

Perhaps they will return home and help raise funds. But to spare overburdened local volunteers from playing tour guide, TeK suggested three hubs for communication and collection of donations.

The first is an organization.

First Hope Association (FHA), a disaster relief agency founded by Turkish Protestants, has long cooperated closely with the official authorities. Over 10 tractor trailers have been dispatched to deliver 55 generators, 150 beds, 200 heaters, 3,000 blankets, and 12,000 cans of food.

Over 4,000 people benefit daily from FHA hygiene trucks.

But echoing TeK concerns about Bibles, FHA board chairman Demokan Kileci described his anger at how many Christian organizations are fundraising off the disaster.

Others, he lamented, are well-intentioned humanitarian tourists.

“They fly over a group of 20 people, stay in hotels, and rent cars and to come to the area,” he said. “Meanwhile, our people can’t even find places to sleep.”

Turkey is not backwards, he continued, as it works according to European standards with professionally trained experts. And the church has started to supply psychological support for its many volunteers.

Trauma care workers and programs for children can wait for a month.

Even so, the job is too large for Turkey alone. FHA was designated by the government to facilitate the assistance of Samaritan’s Purse, which has set up a virtual mini-city with 22 tents, a 52-bed field hospital, and a rotating crew of about 100 international disaster relief specialists.

“We offered our help, and they immediately took it,” said Franklin Graham, president and CEO of the evangelical aid association. “We are open about our Christian faith, but did not come to distribute shoe boxes.”

Operation Christmas Child, the popular holiday outreach which has sent 209 million gift boxes around the world, has direct evangelistic and discipleship purposes. But in Turkey, Samaritan’s Purse is focused on the immediate need to save life, Graham said. Working through the US embassy, he praised the Turkish military for helicopter delivery to the parking lot of a collapsed hospital facility outside Antakya.

The local medical profession is devastated, he added.

A week after the quake, Samaritan’s Purse chartered a 747-sized airplane to deliver over 500 emergency shelter materials, including family tents that now house more than 3,500 people. More than 900 have received medical care, including 25 surgeries. Graham expects Samaritan’s Purse to be present for up to four months, replenishing supplies every 10 days, and will leave everything behind when Turkey is able to assume local care.

Until then, its staff lament the fires lit in the streets to help people stay warm.

“You look at great suffering, but don’t get paralyzed,” stated Aaron Ashoff, deputy director of international projects, who takes strength from the psalms. “You need to walk into that pain, and then walk out, and say, ‘We’re Samaritan’s Purse, we are going to act.’”

So have the other two TeK hubs.

Many churches and organizations are helping in relief, TeK board member Soner Turfan said. But the sister churches in Diyarbakir and Antakya were identified due to their strong local ministry. His Shema radio ministry has just recently restored its signal to the latter—and survived this week’s 6.3 magnitude aftershock.

“Now we need to broadcast hope, healing, and the love of God,” said Tufan. “To cry with them and share the sorrow.”

Uyar said his church is prepared—and has prepared others.

With a congregation of about 50 members, their numbers are low as discipled believers were sent out to serve in about a dozen TeK churches across Turkey. It has facilitated coordinated relief work, and from Diyarbakir 10 of their members have been dispatched to other areas for earthquake relief.

The Antakya congregation, smaller with about 30 members, had long won a good local reputation in its neighborhood. Now the church’s building has been destroyed, along with about 80 percent of all buildings as the biblical Antioch has been “wiped from the map,” said Uyar.

Diyarbakir was further removed from the quake epicenters, with only about a dozen collapsed structures—including three residences of church members, with an additional four among the thousands displaced as aftershocks continue to rattle their now-cracked apartments. But generous Turkish citizens have “flooded” the city with supplies.

Elsewhere, not enough is getting through.

Road closures and overall devastation mean that village areas are much less serviced, even by the authorities who are working well and doing their best, Uyar said. His church, six hours away from Antakya, therefore decided to rent a warehouse in Adana, only two hours away, as a distribution point for church members serving in eight cities overall.

One now lives in a shipping container in Adiyaman.

Ender Peker, from Mardin, is joined by several others staying in similar quarters, including Eser Gunyel from the Yalova Lighthouse Church in Istanbul. Putting their welding skills to work, they are constructing tarp-covered tin huts complete with a heating unit as they distribute blankets, mattresses, and over 20 tons of food to locals in need.

They left their families behind, since looting ravages the area.

“The first week, we had to take care of our own,” said Uyar. “But we couldn’t sit still.”

The Adiyaman team gained permission from authorities and became the only evangelical presence in the city. There is a Syriac Orthodox church which suffered “irreparable damage,” and a small Protestant congregation whose seven members—one of which was a deaf-mute believer pulled from the rubble—all relocated to other areas for safety.

There and elsewhere, they cooperate with fellow Christians and Muslims alike.

A similar story is reported across the border in Aleppo, Syria. With five churches and four schools—all of which survived the earthquake—the city’s Armenian evangelicals have joined in housing homeless residents fearful of the continuing tremors.

“Each church is responsible for its neighborhood, and not its own dispersed community,” said Haroution Salim, president of the Armenian Protestant Churches in Syria. “Together we give hope of a brighter future—that after destruction, there is resurrection.”

There are 11 members of the Council of Heads of Christian Denominations, who have met regularly for years. The day of the earthquake was chaos; the second day, they gathered and agreed to ring the church bells—calling all to safety.

Protestants, Greek Orthodox, and Muslims all mixed in the courtyard. The Islamic charity stopped by, promising to care for any handicapped Christians with rental and monthly stipends. Salim signed up two Armenian families.

His community had been active in neighborhood service, with a street cleaning initiative, open enrollment in the schools, and distribution of food parcels to the need of the war-torn city. The number of families helped by the church has now doubled from 300—with 25 percent to members, 45 percent to other Christians, and 30 percent to Muslim beneficiaries.

The council also agreed to set up teams of engineers for building inspections. The government has dispatched only three to Aleppo, where 180 buildings were destroyed in the quake. But fearful of the nervous bureaucrats who might mark livable structures for demolition, Christians assumed—and paid for—the work themselves. The official ministry agreed to accept church reports instead.

So far, only a few buildings have been marked “green.” The majority are marked “orange,” requiring imminent evacuation and substantial repairs. “Red” buildings—representing a third of the total—will be brought down.

But the people trust the church, Salim said, and the Middle East Council of Churches is fundraising to pay for necessary renovations. Here, each denomination visits its own member’s homes.

So many, however, are intermingled in the churches.

“We are witnessing a new phenomenon,” said Salim. “The earthquake shook our consciences, as it shook the entire region.”

Will it also shake their faith? Some evidence from Turkey suggests it might.

“We entrusted our lives to Christians, Jews, Armenians, and even atheists,” circulated one viral message on social media. “But we protect our property from Muslims!”

Falsely attributed to a popular Turkish rock star, Uyar said the statement is emblematic of local frustration with contractors who built substandard apartments and neighbors who rummage through the ruins in search of valuables.

But the answer—at this time—is simple sincerity.

Rather than addressing Muslims, the church elder quoted Scripture to his fellow Christians. When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, Uyar pulled from the Sermon on the Mount. Don’t worry about the fruit, he continued, recalling Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers, only one of whom returned with thanks.

And if extremists accuse them of exploiting the needy, he said, remember the words of Peter: Keep a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

But his most damning salvo came from Paul, applying to well-wishing Christians what the apostle originally addressed to the Jews in Rome: God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.

Maybe in six months it will be time to speak of Jesus.

“When we lay down our lives and ask nothing in return, people become curious,” Uyar said. “‘Where,’ they will ask, ‘does this love come from?’” 

UN high court tells Azerbaijan to clear roadway to separatist enclave

Courthouse News Service
Feb 22 2023

The dispute stems from a 2020 war over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, that left more than 6,500 dead and nearly 100,000 displaced.

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (CN) — The United Nations' highest court ordered Azerbaijan on Wednesday to ensure free movement along the only highway between the Armenian border and a majority ethnically Armenian region inside Azerbaijan. 

The International Court of Justice ruled on a number of requests from the Caucasus neighbors in a pair of cases where each accuses the other of violating a decadesold treaty forbidding racial discrimination, granting one of Armenia’s protection measures while dismissing those of Azerbaijan. 

"There is a real and imminent risk that irreparable prejudice will be caused before the court makes a final decision in the case,” the court's president, Judge Joan Donoghue, said in reading out the ruling. 

Following a bloody 2020 war over Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan, the pair complained to The Hague-based court that the other is guilty of violating the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, or CERD, which requires signatories to take steps to end racial discrimination and promote of understanding between differing nationalities, races and ethnic groups. 

Last year, both countries asked the court to intervene for the second time while the underlying case is being considered. During hearings in January, Armenia asked the court to guarantee access to the Lachin corridor, the only road between Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, as well as restore the flow of natural gas. 

Nagorno-Karabakh, a 1,700-square-mile area that technically falls within the borders of Azerbaijan but is overwhelmingly ethnically Armenian, has been a source of friction since the fall of the Soviet Union. 

In its first ruling Wednesday, the court ordered Azerbaijan’s capital Baku to allow the free movement of people and cargo along the corridor, finding there was evidence that blockades had caused “shortages of food, medicine and other life-saving medical supplies.” 

However, the 15-judge panel said two other requests from Armenia – one asking for Azerbaijan to end demonstrations along the road and the other to ensure the supply of gas – failed to meet the standard for provisional measures. The court wrote Armenia had “not placed before it sufficient evidence” for its claims. 

In its own case, Azerbaijan accused Armenia of engaging in ethnic cleansing by planting explosive devices in the region and refusing to hand over maps indicating where mines have been placed.

However, in its second ruling of the day, the court found that these allegations also did not meet the threshold under the CERD. In that case, a 16-judge panel said that Azerbaijan had failed to prove Armenian was using mines to target civilians based on their nationality. The court ruled identically on a similar request made by Baku earlier in the proceedings. 

The pair both first appealed to The Hague-based court in 2021. Hearings were held in the first requests they made for provisional measures – essentially an injunction – the same year.  Armenia argued Azerbaijan was intentionally exacerbating existing tensions by erecting a war memorial using the helmets of dead Armenian soldiers, while Azerbaijan claimed the Armenian military had seeded the ground with landmines, leaving the area dangerous and impassable. 

In December 2021, the court ordered Azerbaijan to ensure the safety of soldiers captured in the conflict, prevent incitement of racial hatred and protect Armenian cultural heritage sites, while telling Armenia to avoid doing anything to exacerbate the conflict. Both sets of earlier measures continue to stand, the court reiterated Wednesday.

The Council of Europe, the oversight body of the European Court of Human Rights, has also weighed in, ordering Azerbaijan to open the Lachin corridor last month. The countries have a different case pending before the rights court, which protects the civil and political rights of Europeans, stemming from the same conflict. 


UN court calls for end to Nagorno-Karabakh roadblock

 Associated Press

Feb 22 2023

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The United Nations’ highest court ordered Azerbaijan on Wednesday to “take all steps at its disposal” to allow free movement of traffic along the only road between Armenia and the ethnic Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan that has been blocked by protesters in a move that has further fueled tensions between the two countries.

The legally binding 13-2 ruling by the International Court of Justice results from the latest legal skirmishes in a long-running feud between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. Each country filed a case with the court accusing the other of breaching a convention aimed at stamping out racial discrimination.

Wednesday’s ruling on the blocked road known as the Lachin Corridor came just over two years after the neighboring nations ended a war in Nagorno-Karabakh that killed about 6,800 soldiers and displaced around 90,000 civilians.

The remote and rugged region is within Azerbaijan but had been under the control of ethnic Armenian forces backed by Armenia since the end of a separatist war in 1994.

A cease-fire brokered by Russia ended the 2020 war and granted Azerbaijan control over parts of Nagorno-Karabakh as well as adjacent land occupied by Armenians. Russia sent a peacekeeping force of 2,000 troops to maintain order, including controlling the Lachin Corridor.

Armenia’s lawyers said during court hearings last month that the roadblock set up late last year by protesters claiming to be environmental activists was part of an Azerbaijani campaign the Armenians labeled “ethnic cleansing.”

International Court of Justice President Joan E. Donoghue said the evidence presented by Armenia established that the blockade “has impeded the transfer of persons of Armenian national and ethnic origin hospitalized in Nagorno-Karabakh to medical facilities in Armenia for urgent medical care.”

It also interrupted supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh of “essential goods causing shortages of food, medicine and other lifesaving medical supplies,” Donoghue said.

In their majority decision, the court’s judges ordered Azerbaijan to “take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions.”

In a statement, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the court’s ruling “took note of Azerbaijan’s representation that Azerbaijan has and undertakes to continue to take all steps within its power and at its disposal to guarantee safe movement along the Lachin road.”

The statement said Azerbaijan “will continue to uphold the rights of all people under international law and to hold Armenia to account for its ongoing and historic grave violations of human rights.”

The court, in its ruling, said that Armenia’s request for judges to order Azerbaijan to “cease its orchestration and support” of the protests on the Lachin Corridor was “not warranted.”

The judges rejected Armenia’s request for an order for Azerbaijan not to block gas supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh, saying that Armenian lawyers did not provide enough evidence to back their claim that Azerbaijan was disrupting the supply.

In a statement, Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the court’s ruling “took note of Azerbaijan’s representation that Azerbaijan has and undertakes to continue to take all steps within its power and at its disposal to guarantee safe movement along the Lachin road.”

The statement said Azerbaijan “will continue to uphold the rights of all people under international law and to hold Armenia to account for its ongoing and historic grave violations of human rights.”

The court, in its ruling, said that Armenia’s request for judges to order Azerbaijan to “cease its orchestration and support” of the protests on the Lachin Corridor was “not warranted.”

The judges rejected Armenia’s request for an order for Azerbaijan not to block gas supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh, saying that Armenian lawyers did not provide enough evidence to back their claim that Azerbaijan was disrupting the supply.

The judges also declined a request by Azerbaijan for an order to stop or prevent Armenia from laying landmines and booby traps in areas of the region to which Azerbaijani citizens are to return.

The world court ordered both nations a little over a year ago to prevent discrimination against one another’s citizens in the aftermath of the war and to not further aggravate the conflict.


Aida Sultanova in London contributed.