FM Fayssal Mikdad thanks Armenia for noble stance of solidarity with Syrian people at difficult circumstances




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Syrian Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad thanked Armenia at his meeting with Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan in Damascus for the noble stance of solidarity with the Syrian people at these difficult circumstances.

FM Ararat Mirzoyan is visiting Syria to supervise the delivery of the third batch of humanitarian aid after the earthquake and express solidarity.

“During his reception, Dr. Mikdad welcomed the Armenian minister noting that his visit comes at right time, and it is an _expression_ of historical and firm relations between two countries which continuously are developing to serve the interests of the two peoples. Dr. Mikdad expressed Syria’s thanks to Armenia for its noble stance of solidarity with the Syrian people at these difficult circumstances, SANA news agency reports.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

Armenian Foreign Minister offers condolences to quake-hit Syria in Damascus




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan met with Syrian Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad in Damascus on February 23.

FM Mirzoyan offered condolences to FM Mikdad and the friendly people of Syria on the devastating February 6 earthquake and expressed the support of Armenia and the Armenian people, the foreign ministry said in a read-out. In this context FM Mirzoyan said that the search and rescue (SAR) teams sent by Armenia were one of the first SAR teams in Syria after the earthquake, and added that Armenia has already sent three batches of humanitarian aid to affected regions.

The foreign ministers discussed issues related to the Armenian-Syrian cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats. The FMs noted that the relations between the two peoples are based on the multi-century friendship between the Armenian and Syrian peoples. In this regard it was stressed that the Armenian community of Syria plays an important role as a bridge between the two countries.

Regional security issues were also on the agenda of the meeting.

FM Mirzoyan presented to his Syrian counterpart details on the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh resulting from the blockade of the Lachin corridor by Azerbaijan.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

Russia says it is providing consistent support to Armenia and Azerbaijan in developing peace treaty parameters




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Russia is providing consistent support to Armenia and Azerbaijan in developing the parameters of the peace treaty, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS news agency in an interview.

“Russia is making determined efforts in the direction of settling the relations between Baku and Yerevan. These are based on the 2020-2022 highest level trilateral agreements which envisage a number of priority actions, including unblocking of transport routes between the two countries, delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and development of contacts between civil societies. We provide consistent support to the parties in developing the peace treaty,” he said.

Galuzin said that “these steps must lead to the creation of conditions for solid, sustainable and just peace in the region, the reflection of which will be the peace treaty.”

“The essence of our mediation is for a constructive and substantial dialogue to be ensured for finding mutually acceptable solutions taking into account the interests of both parties. With this purpose, the Russian Foreign Minister’s special envoy [Igor] Khovaev is making regular trips to Yerevan and Baku, most recently from February 9 to 10 and February 14 to 15 respectively. We’ve also relayed to our partners the Russian observations regarding the fundamental principles and parameters of the peace process, which take into account the approaches of the parties,” Galuzin said.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, EU’s Toivo Klaar discuss Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin and the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar held phone talks on February 21 at the initiative of the EU, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced.

Galuzin and Klaar discussed the Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement topic, according to a read-out issued by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“Galuzin noted that Brussels’ decision to deploy a so-called civilian EU mission in Armenia has a clear geopolitical subtext, which doesn’t contribute to real stabilization in Transcaucasia. The absence of consensus between Baku and Yerevan around this initiative was underscored,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Armenian President awards Mkhitar Gosh medal to Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Foreign Minister of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn was awarded the Mkhitar Gosh medal by Armenian President Vahagn Khachaturyan for his significant contributions in strengthening the friendly ties between Armenia and Luxembourg and defending universal values.

FM Asselborn was awarded today, during his meeting with President Khachaturyan in Yerevan, Khachaturyan's Office said in a press release. 

“The relations of our countries are on a very high level and are dynamically developing, as a result of which we have a friendly country in the European Union which is with us in these difficult conditions, which appreciates our country’s policy, our adopted values based on democratic principles, where the development of democratic institutions is a priority. We don’t imagine our future in any other way. 30 years ago, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Armenia declared independence, we took this direction at once. After some deviations, we are now clearly headed on that path. I am sure that our cooperation will be to the benefit of the development of these democratic institutions in Armenia as well,” the Armenian President said.

FM Asselborn said he visited Armenia back in 2018 as well. “As a result of my meetings during this visit with the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and representatives of the public sector I can say that the changes which have been done over these years are noticeable,” he said.

Steps and programs aimed at fostering cooperation both bilaterally and within the framework of the EU were discussed.

Regional issues were also discussed, such as the urgent need to unblock the humanitarian Lachin corridor and the importance of a peaceful and negotiated solution to existing conflicts.

Luxembourg calls on Azerbaijan to ensure free and safe movement along Lachin corridor




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. Luxembourg stands in solidarity with the Armenian people in the face of the worsening humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, the Foreign Ministry of Luxembourg tweeted.

“In Yerevan, FM Asselborn met with his colleague Ararat Mirzoyan and Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to discuss bilateral relations and latest international developments. Luxembourg stands in solidarity with the Armenian people in the face of the worsening humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh. In this context, Luxembourg calls on Azerbaijan to ensure free and safe movement along the Lachin corridor. Furthermore, we welcome the establishment of the EU mission EUMA, to which Luxembourg will contribute and which is tangible proof of the EU’s commitment to peace and stability in the region,” the Foreign Ministry of Luxembourg tweeted.

BTA. President Rumen Radev to Award Bulgarian Teams that Participated in Rescue Operations after Turkiye Earthquake




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS.  The 2022 Firefighter of the Year  ceremony will take place on Thursday at the Central Military Club in the capital. The event is being held for the 28th consecutive year. It will be attended by President Rumen Radev, who will present the special collective award to the team of the Interior Ministry's Directorate General of Fire Safety and Population Protection, said the presidential press service.

For their high professionalism, self-sacrifice and fulfilled duty in saving human lives after the devastating earthquake in the Republic of Turkiye, Rumen Radev will present a presidential badge of  honour to the the Bulgarian teams from Interior Ministry's Directorate General of Fire Safety and Population Protection, Sofia Municipality, 16th Transport Vrazhdebna Air Base, the Military Medical Academy, the Bulgarian Red Cross and the National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria. Each of the participants in the rescue operations will receive a certificate of honour.

For their part, the leaderships of the Ministry of the Interior and the Directorate General of Fire Safety and Population Protection will award the firefighters for their achievements themselves in the past year. During the ceremony, a comprehensive winner and winners for the main areas of activity, including firefighting and rescue activity, fire control and preventive activity, will be announced.

Last year, the Firefighter of the Year award went to Commissioner Darin Dimitrov, director of the Dobrich Regional Directorate of Fire Safety and Population Protection. He was one of the people who led the operation to evacuate nine sailors from the Vera Su ship stranded near the waters of Kamen Bryag.

BREAKING: Artsakh State Minister Ruben Vardanyan sacked




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. President of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) Arayik Harutyunyan fired State Minister Ruben Vardanyan.

On February 23, President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan chaired a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Harutyunyan presented the military political and socio-economic situation developed in the republic as a result of the blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan, as well as the measures taken by the authorities aimed at the solution of the emerging issues.

During the meeting, President Harutyunyan also publicized the decree on the dismissal of Ruben Vardanyan from the position of State Minister. He highly appreciated Vardanyan's efforts both in raising international awareness of Artsakh and solving numerous domestic problems during the blockade, Harutyunyan’s office said in a press release.

"Ruben Vardanyan and I have been together during this whole time, following the events and developments happening both in Artsakh and in the outer world on a daily basis, we have constantly exchanged ideas about finding solutions to the current situation. I am grateful to Mr. Vardanyan for his eagerness to always share the responsibility with me to the maximum extent in both friendly and partnership relations and did not try to put it on me referring to the constitutional norms. But on the other hand, he approached with awareness and understanding to the scope and extent of my personal responsibility for the situation created in Artsakh and all future problems," Harutyunyan said, according to the read-out. 

Arayik Harutyunyan noted that he proposed Prosecutor General Gurgen Nersisyan to assume the responsibilities of the State Minister, taking into account his professional and human qualities, professionalism, fairness, principled stance and statehood-orientedness.

The President informed that all executive bodies will be in the sphere of coordination of the new state minister, except for the law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“People’s rally” in support of Artsakh to take place in Isfahan, Iran




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. A “people’s rally” will be held in Iran’s Isfahan in support of Artsakh and the Armenians of Artsakh who are currently blockaded by Azerbaijan.

The rally will be organized and led by Bishop Sipan Kechechian, the Prelate of the Armenian Dioscese of Isfahan.

The rally will take place at 11:00, February 24 at the Holy Saviour Cathedral in New Julfa, Isfahan, the diocese announced.

MEPs want to show to EU that sanctions against Azerbaijan are needed




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The Members of the European Parliament, who arrived in Armenia on a fact-finding mission, are planning to show in the European Parliament that it is necessary to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan to avoid the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh, Member of the European Parliament and Co-chair of the Friendship Group with Artsakh at the EP Francois Alfonsi said at a news conference in Yerevan.

The MEPs are visiting Armenia February 21-24 as a result of the work by European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD).

When asked what pressure the MEPs are able to use to open the Lachin corridor, MEP Alfonsi said: “The only pressure we can use at the EP is diplomatic pressure. Europe, for example, has the opportunity to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan. And we want to put the EU on that track.”

He said they want to centralize diplomacies of all EU members around the diplomacy which is most engaged in this issue.

“We see that every week the demands for opening the Lachin corridor are increasing. And we can see that the Azerbaijani narratives are being discredited. We must show that in order to avoid this humanitarian crisis it is necessary to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan. Perhaps we will demand this,” he added.

MEP Alfonsi said he believes that Aliyev will lose his reputation as a result of international pressure and countries who deal with Azerbaijan economically will realize that they are cooperating with a criminal regime.

“All of us will do everything for the international community to focus on this issue. Certainly, this is very difficult,” the MEP said.

The situation in Nagorno Karabakh can stabilize only when it will be possible to mobilize the attention of the entire international community, he added.

President of the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) Kaspar Karampetian said that their main goal at this moment is to achieve the unblocking of the Lachin corridor and bring the people of Artsakh out of isolation. He noted the important role of the EP Friendship Group with Artsakh members.

“Yesterday we were in Goris the whole day, we had broad meetings. They got acquainted with the situation on the ground, they saw where the Azerbaijanis are located after the September 12 encroachment. And they will present it in the European Parliament,” Karampetian said.