PM Pashinyan, Toivo Klaar exchange ideas on the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan received Toivo Klaar, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister highly valued the cooperation between Armenia and the European Union and noted with satisfaction the fact of the institutional reforms being implemented in our country with the support of the EU. At the same time, Nikol Pashinyan emphasized the importance of the activities of the EU civilian mission in Armenia, which will contribute to stability and peace in the region.

The interlocutors referred to the consequences of the humanitarian, environmental and energy crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh resulted by Azerbaijan's illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor. Prime Minister Pashinyan emphasized the importance of the resolution adopted by the European Parliament regarding the unblocking of the Lachin Corridor.

The interlocutors exchanged ideas on the process of normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Dutch MFA attaches importance to the implementation of the decision of the Hague Court on Lachine Corridor




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands referred to the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding Armenia's petition for unblocking the Lachin Corridor.

"The International Court of Justice has made a decision on provisional measures in the case of Armenia vs. Azerbaijan. It is important that this mandatory legal procedure is implemented and Azerbaijan ensures the unhindered movement of people, vehicles and cargo through the Lachin Corridor," ARMENPRESS reports, the Dutch Foreign Ministry said.

Armenian Deputy FM, newly appointed Ambassador of Georgia discuss a wide range of issues of deepening relations




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. On February 24, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Vahan Kostanyan received the newly appointed Ambassador of Georgia to Armenia Giorgi Sharvashidze on the occasion of handing over the copy of his credentials.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Armenia, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, congratulating the newly appointed Ambassador, wished success in the difficult and responsible work. The interlocutors highly appreciated the dynamics of development of relations between Armenia and Georgia, discussed a wide range of bilateral issues aimed at deepening them.

The Deputy Minister presented to the newly appointed Ambassador the efforts of the government of the Republic of Armenia to establish stability and peace in the region. The Ambassador was provided with information about the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh resulted by Azerbaijan's illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor.

Armenpress: The situation in the Lachin Corridor requires immediate action, PACE monitors for Armenia say




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Following their visit to Armenia on 17-19th of February to assess the situation on the border with Azerbaijan and at the entrance of the Lachin Corridor, the co-rapporteurs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) for the monitoring of Armenia Kimmo Kiljunen (Finland, SOC) and Boriana Åberg (Sweden, EPP/CD) today made a statement on Lachin Corridor. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the website of the PACE, the statement reads as follows,

“The situation in the Lachin corridor requires immediate action. As of today, inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh cannot travel freely out of the region and, as we were informed, 954 are still stranded on either side of the corridor. Only International Committee of the Red Cross and Russian peacekeepers’ vehicles are allowed to travel along this corridor, which is clearly insufficient to fulfill the needs of the population. Moreover, it is vitally important that goods can get through in time for the sowing season. The free circulation of all vehicles must be restored urgently in accordance with the Trilateral Statement of 10 November 2020.

Furthermore, the repeated disruption of gas and electricity supply to the territory has resulted in serious violations of the rights of the inhabitants: many people have already lost their jobs and children are deprived of education since schools had to close.

We recall our joint statement with co-rapporteurs for Azerbaijan of 16 December 2022 which urged the restoration of freedom of movement along the Lachin corridor, and the European Court of Human Rights’ decision of 21 December 2022 calling on the authorities of Azerbaijan to take all measures to ensure safe passage through the “Lachin Corridor” of seriously ill persons in need of medical treatment in Armenia and others who were stranded on the road. We also take note of the International Court of Justice’s order of indicating that “Azerbaijan shall (…) take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin corridor in both directions.” We invite all members of the Assembly to bring this situation to the attention of their respective national parliaments and join our call for the immediate cessation of the unlawful and illegitimate obstruction of the Lachin corridor.

Regarding the situation on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, we observed the consequences of attacks from Azerbaijani troops on civilian infrastructures in the city of Jermuk and the village of Sotk. We noted that evidence of the use of cluster ammunitions in civilian zones had been collected and kept for further expertise. We were shown the presence of Azerbaijani military positions within Armenian sovereign territory, sometimes well beyond any disputed border line.

We commend the deployment of a civilian mission from the European Union at the border, noting the significant tangible effects of the previous mission in reducing tensions. We call on both parties to advance discussions on border delimitation and to agree on a mirror withdrawal of troops from the border as an immediate confidence-building move.

We will report our findings to the PACE Monitoring Committee during its next meeting. We remain extremely alert to future developments and reiterate our readiness to provide, at the parliamentary level, all political support needed to reach a long-lasting peace settlement.”

During their visit, the co-rapporteurs visited the cities of Jermuk, Goris and Vardenis and their surroundings, as well as the entrance of the Lachin Corridor on the Armenian side. They met local officials and inhabitants of Nagorno-Karabakh blocked in Goris due to the ongoing obstruction of the Lachin Corridor.

Asbarez: Teachable Moments: Successful Sevan Games Conclude for Team Homenetmen

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Athletes from Shant and Massis chapters swap jerseys to show camaraderie and Homenetmen spirit after the game


You never truly understand something until you experience it yourself. This past weekend provided me with one such opportunity as I transitioned from participant to organizer for Homenetmen’s Sevan Games. It was an impactful experience that left a lasting impression on me as I gained a deeper appreciation for the work of volunteers and community organizers.

Organized by the Homenetmen Western Region and its Sevan Chapter, every year, the games take place in San Diego, California over the President’s Day long weekend. The tournament lasts for three days and features intense basketball, soccer, and volleyball games. This year, 10 chapters participated with 144 teams. More than 250 games were scheduled at three locations, with a total of 7 courts and one indoor soccer field. Games started at 8 a.m. and continued until close to midnight.

For years, I participated as a basketball player. I enjoyed playing, cheering for my chapter teams and socializing with athletes from other chapters. However, this year, I wasn’t a player. I was a scorekeeper. In theory, my job was simple. Show up on time. Track fouls, timeouts and player stats. Manage the game clock and scoreboard. Yet, challenges and complexities from coaches, players, and fans made my simple job much more challenging.

As I observed the reactions to referee calls, I took notice of the volunteers organizing this tournament. Known as RAC, Regional Athletic Committee, these volunteers not only have to manage logistics, schedules and participation, but they have to deal with a deluge of interruptions and issues. From spilled drinks to trash on the floor to aggressive fans and upset players, this volunteer body went above and beyond their call of duty to ensure the success of this tournament. I watched these volunteers change roles and responsibilities within minutes– from coaching a competitive 1A basketball game to resolving team issues to relieving scorekeepers to even helping a lost child reunite with her parents. The tireless efforts of the RAC members represented the fusion of volunteerism, leadership and benevolence, all intertwined.

In an effort to thank and help all the volunteers behind these games, including future tournaments, I’ve compiled a few tips for fans and supporters.
• Be supportive: Cheer for your team in a positive and enthusiastic manner. Encourage players and acknowledge their effort and hard work.
• Sideline Coaching: Players are guided by the coaching team, not spectators. “ We understand that parents and fans get excited during a game, but do your best to focus on supporting players,” said Bobby Vartanian, Ararat Chapter coach. “Sideline coaches are counterproductive and hurt the team more often than not.”
• Avoid excessive criticism: Avoid rebuking players, coaches, referees and scorekeepers. Remember that they are doing their best, and that negative comments or behavior can impact their concentration and performance.
• Respect the outcome: Win or lose, congratulate the opposing team on a well-played game. “Individual and collective excellence,” said Ruben Karakulyan, Shant Chapter player. “Regardless of our jersey color or chapter name, we unite under Homenetmen’s motto– Elevate yourself and others with you.”
• Be respectful: Show respect towards players, coaches, officials, and other fans, regardless of their team affiliation.
• Be mindful of others: Please clean up your area upon departure. Even though your game is over, the use of the bleachers is not.
Appreciate the Volunteers: A lot of work goes into planning, scheduling and hosting successful tournaments. Take some time to acknowledge and thank the volunteers working tirelessly behind the scenes.

I didn’t mind the constructive criticism and mindful manner reminders when I was a kid but listening to my mom recite a long list of skills I lacked launched the battle of all battles–experienced mother versus the know-it-all daughter.

Obviously, as a high school junior, I’m still learning and lack many life skills but as a semi-independent almost-adult, I know enough to bring my perspective to the conversation. Actually, when it comes to technology, nutrition and first-aid, I can teach my mom a few important life skills. The more “teachable moments” we exchanged – – from household budgeting to safeguarding our Wi-Fi network to celebrating Armenian traditions, the more we realized the value and importance of this knowledge exchange– not just for our family but for our community.

And so, it begins– the teachable moments or as my mom refers to it– the transfer of knowledge! With every issue, we hope to share our insight with you, as we intertwine experience and reasoning with modern day problems and solutions.

Sareen Kasparian is currently a junior at Crescenta Valley High School and a member of the Pasadena Nigol Touman chapter of the Armenian Youth Federation.

ANCA Western Region Endorses L.A. County Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s Re-Election Bid

ANCA-WR Board and staff members with Supervisor Barger (center) and her chief deputy Anna Mouradian (third from right)

GLENDALE—The Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region announced its endorsement of Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s re-election in 2024.

The announcement was made on Wednesday during a fundraising event organized by Friends of ANCA-Western Region at the Phoenicia Restaurant in Glendale to support Barger’s campaign efforts and to give members of the community the opportunity to meet her and discuss issues of concern. The event was attended by dozens of donors, representatives of leading Armenian-American community organizations, and ANCA-Western Region Board and staff members.

With Los Angeles County’s 5th Supervisorial District having the largest Armenian population mostly concentrated in Glendale, Burbank, Pasadena, Santa Clarita, and other areas, Supervisor Barger has consistently advanced policy priorities of importance to her Armenian-American constituents.

Supervisor Barger with community activist Varant Melkonian Supervisor Barger with activists Vahik and Alice Petrossian

“The ANCA-Western Region is proud to endorse and support Supervisor Kathryn Barger’s bid for re-election,” said ANCA-Western Region Chair Nora Hovsepian Esq., “A tireless advocate and friend to the Armenian community, we are confident that she will continue to elevate Armenian-American policy priorities at this critical time for our community, our people, and our nation.” 

During the event on Wednesday, Barger answered questions from members of the community while redoubling her commitment to efforts to end the illegal blockade of Artsakh and ensure the right of self-determination of the Armenians of Artsakh. Moreover, Supervisor Barger reaffirmed her commitment to work tirelessly in support of the Armenian-American community-service institutions, and to ensure that the Armenian community of Los Angeles County is safe from Armenophobia and anti-Armenian discrimination.

Supervisor Barger with ANCA-WR Chair Nora Hovsepian Supervisor Barger with ANCA-WR activist Michael Mahdesian (left) and ANCA-WR Board member Levon Kirakosian

In response to a question from an attendee, Barger stated: “I welcome the International Court of Justice’s preliminary measure ordering Azerbaijan to unblock the Lachin Corridor, but we can’t stop our efforts until the Biden Administration takes tangible steps to hold Azerbaijan accountable through sanctions.”

Just last month, Barger co-authored a motion with Supervisor Lindsey Horvath condemning Azerbaijan’s illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor and calling upon the Biden Administration to take immediate action in response to the humanitarian crisis manufactured by the Aliyev regime. In coordination with the ANCA – Western Region, Barger has been a leading voice in combating Armenophobia and misinformation targeting the Armenian-American community in Los Angeles.

Last year, Barger led the charge to rescind a Scroll of Honor from Los Angeles County to the Azerbaijani Consul General. Subsequently, Supervisor Barger received the Foreign Minister of Artsakh, Davit Babayan, during his ANCA-WR-led visit throughout Southern California in late 2022 – where the Supervisor honored the Foreign Minister and reiterated her and Los Angeles County’s continued support to the people of the Republic of Artsakh.

Barger, whose Chief Deputy Anna Mouradian is a daughter of our community, was first elected in 2016 to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors. However, her tenure in public service began in 1988, when she rose through the ranks of then-Supervisor Michael Antonovich’s office to ultimately reach the position of Chief Deputy.

Barger’s relationship with the Armenian-American community has been fruitful and has significantly aided in developing Armenian-American institutions. She secured substantial funding of one million dollars for the Armenian American Museum still under construction in Glendale, California.

Barger has consistently supported the ARS Social Services program after an introductory meeting was organized between her and ARS Regional Executive members and staff, and she has also consistently supported the ANCA-WR Hye Votes program for voter education. In 2017, her vocal stance on honoring the memory of the 1.5 million victims of the Armenian Genocide led to the establishment of an annual Armenian History Month each April in Los Angeles County.

Barger and Mouradian also joined the ANCA-WR-led delegation visit to Armenia in 2019 to strengthen ties between the County of Los Angeles and the Republic of Armenia.

In 2019, for her years of service and commitment to our community, Barger was honored at the ANCA-WR Annual Awards Gala as Woman of the Year.

The Armenian National Committee of America – Western Region is the largest and most influential Armenian-American grassroots advocacy organization in the Western United States. Working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the Western United States and affiliated organizations around the country, the ANCA-WR advances the concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of issues.

ARS-WUSA Announces 2023 Gala Major Sponsors

Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjian (left) and the late Verjine Koujakian

GLENDALE—The Armenian Relief Society of Western USA announced that the ARS Las Vegas Shoushi Chapter Verjine Koujakian Saturday School has become the ARS Gala’s benefactor with a $250,000 donation in Koujakian’s memory and Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjian will be the Banquet Sponsors with a generous donation of $50,000.

A long-time member of the organization from her time in Lebanon to when she moved to California, Verjine Koujakian has served membership through ARS Lebanon, the ARS Hollywood Mayr and San Fernando Valley Anahid Chapters, and the ARS Las Vegas Shoushi Chapter until she passed away in 2001. In 1984, she established a scholarship fund in memory of her husband with the ARS Anahid Chapter providing awards to Ferrahian High School graduates excelling in Armenian and community service. After her passing, the scholarship fund was renamed the “Apraham and Verjine Koujakian Fund Scholarship” and keeps their memories alive by awarding two scholarships every year. In 1993, Verjine Koujakian started the Saturday School in Las Vegas, Nevada, which was then sponsored by the ARS Shoushi Chapter. The school continues to operate and thrive to this day with the financial guidance and moral support and encouragement of Ungerouhi Koujakian’s children Arda Koujakian Yemenidjian, Hagop Koujakian and Terenik Koujakian and their families so that her legacy continues to live on.

As staunch supporters of the Armenian Relief Society, Mr. & Mrs. Youredjian have long-supported worthwhile causes benefiting the Armenian community locally and internationally through their philanthropy. This includes implementing successful projects in Gyumri, Armenia helping earthquake-stricken families with housing, empowering students through educational programs, career planning and vocational training, as well as pandemic relief efforts locally. They are the founders of the Scholarship Fund for Children of Armenia Fund and have also been generous supporters of ARS Cyprus, Homenetmen, the American University of Armenia, and the Armenian International Women’s Association. Mrs. Youredjian has been a member of the ARS Santa Monica “Gars” Chapter since 2004.

“The region is thankful to all donors and chapters, along with the outpouring of support being received from the community for the upcoming fundraising event, whose proceeds will be benefiting the organization’s vital present-day and future humanitarian programs locally, as well as internationally reaching those in need in Armenia, Artsakh, Syria, and Lebanon,” the ARS said in a statement announcing the 2023 Gala’s major sponsors.

The ARS Gala will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2023 at Taglyan Complex, located at 1201 Vine St., Los Angeles, CA, with a cocktail hour starting at 5 p.m. followed by the official program and dinner at 6:30 p.m. For tickets and/or sponsorship opportunities, please contact the ARS Regional Headquarters at (818) 500-1343 or [email protected].

Asbarez: Fresno State to Host Screening of ‘Back to Ashtarak’ on March 7

Director Tigran Nersisian and producer Armen Karaoglanian will present their latest film, “Back to Ashtarak,” at California State University, Fresno. The screening will take place on Friday, March 10 at 7 p.m., in the University Business Center, Alice Peters Auditorium, on the Fresno State campus. The event is organized by the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State and co-sponsored by the Hamazkayin Fresno Taniel Varoujan Chapter and is free and open to the public.

“Back to Ashtarak” is a documentary about its director, who returns to his hometown of Ashtarak in Armenia to relive the happiest moments of his childhood.

Tigran Nersisian is a film director and video producer born in Armenia, raised in Russia, and currently based in Los Angeles. His work focuses on mental illness, identity, and self-exploration. He holds a BA in directing from UCLA TFT, where he received various scholarships and grants. His films have been screened and awarded at numerous international film festivals worldwide. His latest film, “Back to Ashtarak,” won the Best Short Documentary Award at the Pomegranate Film Festival in Toronto.

Armen Karaoghlanian is CEO of the Armenian Film Society. Founded in 2015 by power couple Armen and Mary Karaoghlanian, the Armenian Film Society is dedicated to shining a spotlight on all the wonderful contributions Armenians have made in film.

Tigran Nersisian

The film screening is free and open to the public. Parking is available in Fresno State Lots P6, near the University Business Center, Fresno State. A parking pass is not required for the event.

The presentation will also be live-streamed on YouTube.

For information about upcoming Armenian Studies Program presentations, follow the Program’s Facebook page or visit the website.

Armenian Deputy FM, co-founder of Artsakh-European Parliament friendship group refer to regional security issues




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. On February 23, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan received the delegation led by MEP François Alfonsi, co-founder of the friendship group with Artsakh in the European Parliament.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Armenia, during the meeting, the parties discussed the security situation in the South Caucasus region, the importance of the deployment of the EU observation mission, the need for the immediate release of the Armenian prisoners of war kept in Azerbaijani captivity, and the steps to preserve the Armenian cultural heritage.

The deputy minister presented in detail the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh resulted by the blocking of the Lachin Corridor by Azerbaijan. In this context, the parties highlighted the decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the indication of provisional measures against Azerbaijan.

It is noted that a number of issues of the Armenia-EU partnership agenda were discussed, including inter-parliamentary cooperation. Paruyr Hovhannisyan highly appreciated the firm position of the European Parliament on issues of primary importance for the Armenian side, which was reflected in the relevant resolutions and reports.