PM Pashinyan congratulates Estonia’s Kaja Kallas on national holiday




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan sent a congratulatory message to Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, on the occasion of the national holiday.

"Your Excellency,

I congratulate you on the national holiday of the Republic of Estonia, the Independence Day.

I would like to note with satisfaction the high level of friendly relations between Armenia and Estonia in the field of politics, as well as different economic spheres of mutual interest.

We highly appreciate the willingness of Estonia, one of Armenia's important partners in Europe, to support the democratic reforms and public administration improvement processes being implemented in Armenia.

We also attach importance to Estonia's support in the further development of the Armenia-EU partnership, as well as in the implementation of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement.

Taking this opportunity, I wish you new success, and peace and prosperity to the friendly people of Estonia,” the Armenian Prime Minister said in the letter by his office.

U.S. underscored need for free, open commercial and private transit through Lachin corridor at Munich summit – spox




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken underscored the need for free and open commercial and private transit through the Lachin corridor, State Department spokesperson Ned Price said at a press briefing.

“…we have made clear through our word and our deed that we are ready and able to help the parties – Armenia and Azerbaijan – advance progress on these very difficult questions in any way that we can. We have done so bilaterally, we have done so trilaterally with the parties, including when Secretary Blinken sat down with his Armenian and Azerbaijani counterparts in Munich. We are and have been working with and through our partners. We’re very supportive of the EU process, and I should note that there is an offer from President Michel of the EU to host the parties in Brussels. It’s an opportunity, should they accept it, to sit down to continue the progress that we’ve seen in recent weeks.

When it comes to the Lachin corridor, the Secretary raised this in his engagement with the prime minister and with the president in Munich last weekend. He underscored the need for free and open commercial and private transit through the Lachin corridor. He also called on the parties to open other transportation routes. We think it in the first instance is incumbent on the parties themselves to resolve these impediments to the free flow of goods, including humanitarian assistance to the people who need it most in this corridor, and we’re going to focus our diplomacy on attempting to bring – to help bring that about,” Price said.

Asked when the Brussels meeting is expected to take place, Price said: “My understanding is that the invitation and the opportunity has been extended to the parties. Ultimately, it’s going to have to be up to the parties themselves – our Armenian partners, our Azerbaijani partners – to speak to their potential participation in any such meeting.”

The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022.

United States encourages Armenia and Azerbaijan to hold EU-mediated summit to continue progress




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. President of the European Council Charles Michel has extended an invitation to Armenia and Azerbaijan to hold talks in Brussels, the United States Department of State spokesperson Ned Price said at a press briefing.

Price had earlier announced the planned EU-mediated Armenia-Azerbaijan summit at the February 23 briefing.

“We’re very supportive of the EU process, and I should note that there is an offer from President Michel of the EU to host the parties in Brussels. It’s an opportunity, should they accept it, to sit down to continue the progress that we’ve seen in recent weeks,” Price said.

Asked when the Brussels meeting is expected to take place, Price said: “My understanding is that the invitation and the opportunity has been extended to the parties. Ultimately, it’s going to have to be up to the parties themselves – our Armenian partners, our Azerbaijani partners – to speak to their potential participation in any such meeting.”

Armenia Security Council Secretary, EU’s Klaar discuss course of implementation of Brussels format agreements




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan held a meeting with EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia Toivo Klaar.

Grigoryan and Klaar discussed the course of implementation of the agreements reached within the framework of the Brussels format of the Armenian-Azerbaijani negotiations, Grigoryan’s office said in a read-out.

Views were exchanged around issues concerning the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement.

Int’l community should acknowledge legitimacy of Artsakh people’s choice for independence – Artsakh foreign ministry




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) welcomed the order by the International Court of Justice on the indication of a provisional measure to Azerbaijan.  

“We welcome the Order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) dated 22 February on the indication of a provisional measure to Azerbaijan, obliging the latter to “take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions”. This court order is a logical continuation of previous provisional measures indicated by the ICJ on 7 December 2021, and obliging Azerbaijan to “prevent the incitement and promotion of racial hatred and discrimination, including by its officials and public institutions, targeted at persons of Armenian national or ethnic origin”.

We deem it important that when considering the case, the ICJ noted that the blockade may constitute a violation by Azerbaijan of the rights of the people of Artsakh protected under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The ICJ order allows to define the ongoing blockade of Artsakh as a manifestation of discriminatory actions deliberately carried out by the Azerbaijani authorities. Of particular importance is also the Court's conclusion that the ongoing blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan entails a real and imminent risk that irreparable harm will be caused to the rights of the people of Artsakh. Thus, while indicating a provisional measure to Azerbaijan, the International Court of Justice used the tools available within their competence to protect the people of Artsakh from racial discrimination by Azerbaijan. 

The Court's decision is an objective confirmation of the repeatedly voiced position of Artsakh that the blockade is just another episode of Azerbaijan's decades-long discriminatory policies aimed at expelling the people of Artsakh from their historical homeland. The criminal policy of Azerbaijan, carried out against the people of Artsakh and bearing a large-scale and systematic character, is defined by international law as a crime against humanity. The international community in general and the UN member states in particular have legal and political obligations to take effective steps to prevent such massive human rights violations, as well as restore the violated rights. 

In this context, we call on the international community to take effective measures to ensure the immediate and unconditional implementation by Azerbaijan of the order of the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. At the same time, we deem it necessary to systematically and thoroughly consider at the international level the issue of the legal protection of the people of Artsakh from the Azerbaijani policy of massive violations of their rights. We are convinced that in their approaches to resolving the conflict between Artsakh and Azerbaijan, the international community, as an effective remedy, should acknowledge the legitimacy of the Artsakh people's choice for independence. Any discussion of the possibility of recognizing Azerbaijani jurisdiction and control over Artsakh and its people is tantamount to encouraging Azerbaijan's policy of ethnic cleansing,” the Artsakh foreign ministry said in a statement.

The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice – ordered Azerbaijan on Wednesday to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. The Lachin Corridor is blocked by Azerbaijan since 12 December 2022.

We have substantial grounds that Artsakh will remain independent, Armenian, and will not be surrendered – Vardanyan




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 24, ARMENPRESS. Artsakh is facing very serious changes as it did in 1988, when the movement began, ex-State Minister Ruben Vardanyan said at the Imperative of International Recognition of Artsakh seminar in Yerevan through video call from Stepanakert.

Vardanyan said that independence first of all comes from the desire of the people and not from international organizations.

“I’ve been in Artsakh for the past six months and I can say for sure that this is how the majority of Artsakhians think, they can’t picture themselves in any option other than being independent. At the same time, we have a problem, people lost their faith in themselves, faith for justice, leadership and the future. It is very difficult to struggle if you don’t have faith,” Vardanyan said.

Today, Artsakh is facing very serious changes as it did in 1988, when the movement began, Vardanyan said.

“We weren’t only discussing the issue of the independence of Artsakh, we were discussing our values, our principles, what we were ready for and what not. It so happened that we have an independent Armenia, a Diaspora, we have 120,000 Armenians living in Artsakh, who want to join Armenia, but at the same time we have an objective that in this situation the first step we must do is to bring the path of Artsakh’s independence and self-determination to its rightful completion,” Vardanyan said.

He said they will overcome the hardships only when this will be the priority for everyone, every day. “And having gone through these six months, having gained this experience, on one hand I am sure that we have substantial grounds that Artsakh will remain Armenian, Artsakh will remain independent and Artsakh will not be surrendered,” he said.

Moscow helps Yerevan and Baku develop peace treaty parameters — Foreign Ministry

Russia – Feb 23 2023
Russia's efforts founded on high-level tripartite agreements for 2020-2022, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin says

MOSCOW, February 23. /TASS/. The Russian side provides consistent help to Armenia and Azerbaijan in developing the parameters of a peace treaty, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said in an interview with TASS.

"Russia is focusing its efforts on normalizing ties between Baku and Yerevan. They are founded on high-level tripartite agreements for 2020-2022, which include a number of priority measures such as unblocking transportation links between the two countries, the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and developing contacts through civil society. We consistently help the parties in the development of a peace treaty," he said.

"These measures should contribute to creating conditions for a lasting, sustainable, and just peace in the region, which will be reflected in the peace agreement," he said, adding "The goal of our mediation is to guarantee a constructive and meaningful dialogue in order to find mutually acceptable solutions that take both parties' interests into consideration."

Baku-Yerevan settlement needs time and patience — Russian Foreign Ministry

Russia – Feb 23 2023
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated at a government meeting on February 16 that the Armenian side had finished work on a draft peace agreement with Azerbaijan and had sent it to Baku as well as the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group

MOSCOW, February 23. /TASS/. Azerbaijan and Armenia must overcome numerous obstacles on their path to peace, and the final settlement will take time and patience, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said in an interview with TASS.

"There are numerous impediments to peace. Armenia and Azerbaijan have a long history of conflict. To reach a final settlement, time and patience are needed, as well as creating conditions that would guarantee the strength, reliability, and stability of bilateral agreements, resulting in an atmosphere of mutual trust. This is what Russia seeks, and peace and security in the Transcaucasia will always be prioritized," he said.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated at a government meeting on February 16 that the Armenian side had finished work on a draft peace agreement with Azerbaijan and had sent it to Baku as well as the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group.

Putin, Pashinyan talk situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border

Russia – Feb 23 2023
The sides discussed issues of implementing trilateral agreements between the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan with the goal of ensuring stability and security in the region

TASS, February 23. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan discussed over the phone on Thursday the implementation of agreements between the Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders on stabilizing the situation in the region, the Kremlin press service said.

"The sides discussed issues of implementing trilateral agreements between the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan with the goal of ensuring stability and security in the region. They also touched upon the current situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border," the statement said.

‘Caviar Diplomacy’: What is the price of Europe’s silence on Azerbaijan’s use of phosphorus weapons?

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

The Armenian version of the report "Caviar Diplomacy: How Azerbaijan Silenced the Council of Europe” can shed some light on the silence and indifference of international organizations in the wake of Azerbaijan’s months-long blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the sole road linking Artsakh to Armenia.

On February 19, the birthday of prominent Armenian writer Hovhannes Tumanyan, which is also celebrated as Book Giving Day in Armenia, the presentation of the report translated into Armenian by journalist Siranuysh Muradyan, who has covered the Council of Europe activities for many years, and published by the Newmag Publishing House was held in Yerevan.

The book's cover features former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Pedro Agramunt, former Chairman of the European People's Party Group in PACE Luca Volontè and German MEPs Karin Strenz and Axel Fischer, who were deprived of their parliamentary immunity, under the gaze of dictator Ilham Aliyev.

Experts of the think tank European Stability Initiative (ESI) identified European officials involved in the "caviar diplomacy": they received bribes from Azerbaijan to lobby for the country, remain silent or defend Baku's interests. ESI revealed the facts in two reports for 2011-2012 and for 2016-2017. The report was followed by the resignation of Pedro Agramunt as PACE president. Azerbaijan has not been held to account for its corrupt activity to date.

Siranuysh Muradyan began translating the 156-page report back during the 2020 war in Artsakh.

"I want the Armenian readership to know about Baku’s disgraceful activity. I want the people to know the price of Europe's silence on the use of phosphorus munitions during the war, the use of weapons banned by the European Convention or the bombing of a maternity hospital in Artsakh," she said.

Despite the ongoing prosecutions in Germany following the corruption revelations and Italy’s conviction of former MEP Luca Volontè, who received a €2.5 million bribe from two officials from Azerbaijan, Muradyan is unhappy with the response of law enforcement agencies in the PACE member states to the scandalous revelations.

"This research has to bring some consequences. For more than a decade, the names and photos of the corrupt persons have been disclosed in the reports, however the results are totally unpleasing. Several investigations have caused a stir in the Bundestag now. There is also the 4-year prison sentence handed down to Luca Volontè in Italy. But the tentacles of Baku’s corruption scandal are everywhere. Therefore, European and German law enforcement authorities should thoroughly investigate whether Otto Hauser, Alexander Funk, Kay Wegner, Daniela Ludwig, Markus Held and others were also involved in the scandal," Muradyan stated.

The journalist-translator stresses if a PACE delegate is involved in a corruption scandal, it means the whole Parliamentary Assembly is also involved in it, as PACE is committed to imposing sanctions for violations of the European Convention. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan continues blocking the Lachin Corridor and creating a humanitarian crisis in Artsakh amid the salience of the world community, while PACE claims to promote human rights, rule of law and democracy.

"Which of these principles is now respected in the Berdzor Corridor? The European Stability Initiative experts, too, constantly talk about the weak response following their revelations, there are many persons who must face prosecution,” Muradyan told, stressing that new facts have been added to those presented in the report over the recent years, the PACE Anti-Corruption Body has released a 200-page report which reveals the disgraceful picture in the Council of Europe.

"We normally link the caviar diplomacy to Azerbaijani corruption. But we should remember that it is not one-sided, it is also about European and Western corruption. To-be diplomats should be well aware that when representing the interests of their country they may meet with people who have personal interests," said political analyst Tevan Poghosyan, speaking about the importance of translating the report and stressing the need to work with the right institutions.

Former MP Naira Karapetyan, who has worked at PACE for many years, stressed that she was a witness to the published book and saw the developments following the backstage agreements.

"PACE has now forgotten everything that got flesh and blood in 2017, when these revelations resulted in stricter rules of conduct for parliamentarian, including declaration of assets, monetary limits on gifts. It was supposed to restrain Azerbaijan a bit, but amid the game of world powers, Azerbaijan stood with Ukraine and got the green light and the support of many, becoming a direct fuel partner of Europe," Karapetyan said, urging the Armenian delegation to make intense efforts to disclose Azerbaijan’s actions to PACE.

Artsakh’s Foreign Minister Sergey Ghazaryan strongly believes that even now the Azerbaijani leadership spares no effort to “buy” the support of the Council of Europe and to silence critics of Azerbaijan's human rights violations and poor state of democracy.

Ghazaryan also underscored in his speech at the book presentation that during the 44-day war and after it the international structures continued turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by Azerbaijan against the Armenian people, which has resulted in Azerbaijan’s brazen conduct to the extent that the Azerbaijani troops are now stationed on Armenia’s sovereign territory and Baku has been keeping Artsakh and its 120,000 people under siege for over two months amid the inaction of the institutions claiming to defend universal human rights.

The top photo is from the page of the American University of Armenia.