Sports: Armenian wrestlers to compete at ranking series tournament in Egypt

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Six Armenian freestyle wrestlers have headed to Alexandria, Egypt for the Ibrahim Moustafa 2023 wrestling tournament, this year’s second ranking series to be held from February 23 to 26.

The Armenian contestants are Manvel Khndzrtsyan (57 kg), Arsen Harutyunyan (61 kg), Vazgen Tevanyan (65 kg), Arman Andreasyan (70 kg), Hrayr Alikhanyan (74 kg) and Arman Avagyan (79 kg), the National Olympic Committee reports.

The results will not only give ranking points to the wrestlers, but they will also be crucial in determining the four seeds for the upcoming continental championships. Ibrahim Moustafa will be the second event in which UWW will award prize money and a two-kilogram weight tolerance will be allowed in each weight class, the United World Wrestling (UWW) said.

More than 450 wrestlers are participating in the tournament.

Rep. Pallone: UN court ruling confirms Azerbaijan’s Artsakh roadblock is against international law

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

The World Court ruling confirms that Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin Corridor is against international law and must end immediately, U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone said in a tweet.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday ordered Azerbaijan to “take all steps at its disposal” to allow free movement of traffic along the Lachin Corridor, the only road between Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) blocked since December 12.

“The State Department and our allies must ensure that Aliyev abides by the ruling and allows the free flow of people and goods to/from Artsakh,” Pallone said.

Three factions boycotted Artsakh parliament sitting on Thursday

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Three opposition factions of the Artsakh National Assembly boycotted a parliament sitting on Thursday.

Before the start of the sitting, ARF MP Davit Ishkhanyan said that taking into account internal problems and challenges facing Artsakh, the three political forces held additional discussions and decided not to participate in it, the ARF Artsakh Central Committee reported.

He recalled that the three opposition political forces, the ARF, Democratic Party of Artsakh and Justice Party, issued a joint statement on the domestic political problems in Artsakh and their MPs left the sessions hall on Wednesday.

‘Treasures of Artsakh’: Virtual exhibition showcases Artsakh’s spiritual and material heritage

Armenia – Feb 23 2023

The Armenian Museum of America (AMA) and the History Museum of Armenia (HMA) are dedicated to the preservation, study, and promotion of the heritage of the Armenian people. This mission includes the presentation of the historical and cultural wealth of Artsakh.

An online exhibition titled "Treasures of Artsakh", jointly organized by the two museums, aims to showcase the spiritual and material heritage of Artsakh during the ancient, medieval, and modern periods, spanning millennia of Armenian history. The virtual format combines collections to reflect the ethnocultural richness of Artsakh, the Armenian Museum of America reports.

This collaboration brings together artifacts from the collections of 16 Armenian museums around the world. Over the centuries these historical artifacts have been created as eloquent testimonies of the spiritual values preserved in tangible form, and serve an important role in the preservation and study of Armenian culture.

Speaking to on Thursday, one of the exhibition curators, Nzhdeh Yeranyan, Deputy Director for Science of the History Museum of Armenia, sad that during a meeting with a delegation from the Armenian Museum of America they decided to launch a joint virtual exhibition.

"Given the recent developments which led to a massive loss of cultural heritage in Artsakh, it was decided to dedicate the first exhibition to its cultural heritage," he said.

Artsakh and Utik provinces, located in the east of historic Great Armenia, played an important role over millennia, developing a multi-layered culture which adapted and persisted, maintaining its continuity. This particular heritage is presented here through artifacts of the Paleolithic and Bronze Age, ancient unique anthropomorphic stelae, weapons, pottery, jewelry, and objects of worship, as well as early medieval manuscripts, carpets, costumes, early printed books, journals, and photographs.

The museums and institutions contributing to the exhibition include Alex and Marie Manoogian Museum (Detroit), Ararat-Eskijian Museum (Los Angeles), Armenian Museum of America (Boston), Artsakh State Museum of History and Country Study (Stepanakert), Cilicia Museum of the Armenian Catholicosate (Antelias), History Museum of Armenia (Yerevan), Museum of History and Regional Studies (Martakert), Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Armenia’s National Academy of Sciences (Yerevan), Mekhitarist Congregation (Venice), Mekhitarist Congregation (Vienna), Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Armenian Manuscripts (Yerevan), National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (Boston), National Library of Armenia (Yerevan), Project Save Armenian Photograph Archive (Boston), Tapan Museum (Moscow) and Vache and Tamar Manoukian Matenadaran (Etchmiadzin).

"We have tried to showcase Artsakh's historical and cultural heritage as much as possible through this small exhibition," Yeranyan said.

He stressed the need to constantly keep the rich historical heritage of Artsakh in the spotlight and present the current trends.

British Ambassador in Baku demonstrates ignorance of Karabakh conflict origins
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

The visit of British Minister of State for the European Region Leo Docherty to Baku included a visit to the Shehid Alley by the Azerbaijani authorities.

British Ambassador to Azerbaijan Fergus Auld tweeted about the visit. "It is noted that the Minister of State honored the memory of shehids who fell on January 20, 1990 as a result of "the massacre committed by Soviet troops against the peaceful population of Azerbaijan." "The Kremlin is now committing similar events in Ukraine," Auld added," Azerbaijani media reported.

With such a comparison, obviously intended to "sting" either the Kremlin or the USSR, Ambassador Auld in fact showed his ignorance of the history of the current stage of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict. The events of January 1990, which the British diplomat compared to the war in Ukraine, were the result of the massacre of Armenians in Azerbaijan. Unfortunately, the Soviet Union's actions were only a belated attempt to stop the massacres of Armenians in Baku and other Azerbaijani cities. This is how the authorities of then Soviet Azerbaijan responded to the liberation movement of Armenians of Daghlig Garabagh.

Unfortunately, not only do they prefer not to remember this shameful page of their history in Azerbaijan, but they also assure themselves and others that it simply did not exist.

Baku’s reaction to UN court ruling: Azerbaijan will continue to do so after relevant Court order as well
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Head of the Press Service of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Aykhan Hajizada commented in his Twitter account on the decision of the UN International Court of Justice on on the application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Azerbaijani media reported.

As might be expected, the essence of the commentary boils down to the fact that Azerbaijan is not going to do anything.

The International Court ruled on the second request for interim measures on the applications filed by Azerbaijan and Armenia on the application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (the rulings are not a decision on the merits of the case).

"The Court has rejected 2 out of 3 provisional measures request by Armenia, concerning allegations on Azerbaijan orchestration and support of protests’” and on “immediate full restoration and refraining from disrupting the provision of natural gas"…

On 3rd measure, contrary to Armenia claims, the Court didn’t order what Armenia wanted: 1) Court excluded wordings “free” and “all” and 2) Added two important wording such as “pending the final decision in the case” & “take all measures at its disposal.

Since Azerbaijan never blocked or impeded the Lachin road, and took all measures within its power to ensure safe movement along the road, it will continue to do so after relevant Court order as well.

The Court has reaffirmed its call for Armenia to refrain from any action, which might aggravate or extend the dispute between 2 nations. Per Dec 2021 Order, Armenia remains obligated to take urgent action to prevent the incitement & promotion of racial hatred agns Azerbaijanis.

Azerbaijan will continue to hold Armenia to account for its ongoing and historic grave violations of human rights of Azerbaijanis." Hajizada wrote.

Azerbaijani media ‘let it slip’ about ‘free’ passage through Lachin corridor
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Azerbaijan continues to deny the obvious connection between the "environmentalists" who blocked the Lachin corridor and the country's authorities.

Nevertheless, from time to time there are publications in the media that do not fit the general concept of denial.

"Today the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a neutral humanitarian mediator helped 24 people cross the Lachin corridor and reunite with their families in Armenia. This was reported by Ilaha Huseynova, head of the public relations department of the ICRC Office in Azerbaijan, in response to an APA request," the agency said in a statement.

The small statement with the eloquent definition "to reunite" describes the situation better than hundreds of denials. Recall that "free" passage through the Lachin corridor is allowed only to RMK and ICRC vehicles.

Artsakh President explains the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan’s resignation from the post of State Minister
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Artsakh President Araik Harutyunyan explained the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan's resignation from the post of State Minister.

As previously reported, the president announced his decision, speaking in the parliament of the republic.

Harutyunyan said that just a few days after Vardanyan's appointment as State Minister, Azerbaijan began a blockade of the Republic, blocking the Lachin corridor. "All this time Ruben Vardanyan and I have been together, following events, developments both in Artsakh and in the outside world on a daily basis, constantly exchanging views on solutions to the situation," Harutyunyan noted, thanking Vadanyan for his desire to share responsibility.

"All this time I was constantly discussing, assessing and analyzing all the problems that existed and were additionally formed after the blockade of Artsakh, I followed the latest geopolitical developments around Artsakh and the South Caucasus, I held a number of consultations and also informed Ruben Vardanyan about them, we had joint discussions. Though each of us may have our own version of what we are going to do and how we are going to do it, Ruben Vardanyan was sympathetic to my position, admitting that in any case I am proficient in the situation, being fully aware of it due to my position, and I can provide comprehensive and insightful assessments of the information more fully," Harutyunyan said.

On the reasons for Ruben Vardanyan's resignation, the president spoke without disclosing brackets, but mentioned the need to "confront the challenges" and "not exhaust the resilience." "Since I myself appointed Mr. Vardanian to the position of Minister of State almost four months ago, I must emphasize that the situation then and now are very different both externally and internally.  Nevertheless, I highly appreciate Mr. Vadanyan's efforts during that period, both in raising international awareness of Artsakh and for the resolution of numerous internal problems during the blockade," Harutyunyan assured.

Without commenting on the various rumors, speculations and publications on the issue, Harutyunyan noted that "no one can feel more pain from this decision than I do." "I will also say that I do not discuss and do not coordinate my steps and decisions with anyone except the people of Artsakh and state bodies. I appointed Ruben Vardanyan to the post of state minister by my decision and made a proposal on my initiative, it was approved by the people of Artsakh, when making such a decision I was aware of the probability and possibility of problems in Azerbaijan and other places, but no one prevented me and could not prevent me from making such a decision," Harutyunyan said. He expressed confidence that Vardanian will remain in Artsakh and increase his efforts aimed at Artsakh's prosperity through his active public activities.

"Regarding the speculations about the differences between me and Ruben Vardanyan on the foreign policy course, I would like to note that the strategic goal of both of us is the Armenian, independent and secure future of Artsakh, we both have the same perception of the vital interests and red lines of the people of Artsakh. Nevertheless, our short-term approaches have certain tactical differences, which are based on the differences in our perception of certain factors, including the highly unpredictable instability in the world and the region, methods of protecting red lines, the efficiency of using Armenian resources and leverage, and the influence of geopolitical actors' interests and leverage," Harutyunyan stated.

President of Artsakh: Integration with neighboring Azerbaijan is out of the question
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

The people of Artsakh must live a sovereign, secure and decent life, we must have a guaranteed right to self-determination and to control our own destiny in the homeland, the status quo must be preserved until a comprehensive and final settlement of the conflict, and the violators must be subjected to the strongest international censure and brought to justice, said President Araik Harutyunyan at a meeting of the Artsakh government.

According to him, public authority should be exercised in the manner prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Artsakh.

"We are ready for dialogue and conflict resolution with Azerbaijan, but we have clear principles and red lines stemming from the fundamental rights, vital interests and demands of the people of Artsakh. In this context, the following main circumstances must be taken into account:

– First of all, it is necessary to provide a stable and mutually trustworthy environment, excluding provocations, cases of the use of force and psychological violence, so that we can discuss the issues of concern to both sides. Moreover, if the most narrow and everyday issues can be discussed and solutions found through simple contacts, then I think the involvement of the international community is important for the discussion of more global issues;

– The blockade should be lifted, and Artsakh should have continuous and unrestricted land communication with Armenia, without any involvement of the Azerbaijani side;

– The security and normal functioning of vital infrastructures running from Armenia to Artsakh, which are under Azerbaijani control, should also be guaranteed by fully restoring gas and electricity supply and excluding new cases of their disruption.

It is important to stress that because of the failure of these infrastructures, as I have already mentioned, the water resources of the Sarsang reservoir have sharply decreased, which in spring and summer will create a serious crisis for Azerbaijani farmers, because there will not be enough water resources to irrigate tens of thousands of hectares of land;

– Our official dialogue can take place within an appropriate international format, which should be based on mutually acceptable principles, the norms of international law;

– The composition of the negotiating delegations must be determined exclusively by the sides, which means that Azerbaijan cannot interfere in the issue of forming the Artsakh delegation, and the same logic must be applied to the process of forming the Azerbaijani delegation;

– The proper involvement of Artsakh in the international community processes, including the presence of UN structures in Artsakh, must be ensured, which will provide important guarantees of security and development for the people of Artsakh;

– For both the dialogue itself and the comprehensive resolution of the conflict, the use of force and the threat of force must be excluded, which must be guaranteed by international security guarantees;

– The right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination and to control their own destiny is non-negotiable. It is the natural and fundamental right of our people, which is also enshrined in well-known international documents;

– Artsakh will never renounce its sovereignty, and integration with neighboring Azerbaijan is out of the question;

– International recognition of the realization of the right of the people of the Republic of Artsakh to self-determination and any other process or decision that goes beyond the logic of protection is unacceptable from our side, as it will surely lead to the ethnic destruction of the population of the Republic of Artsakh by Azerbaijan," Harutyunyan said.

Ruben Vardanyan speaks on contradictions with Artsakh President: No one should cross the red lines
Armenia – Feb 23 2023

Ruben Vardanyan, who was dismissed from the post of Artsakh State Minister, at a meeting of the Artsakh government, spoke about contradictions with Artsakh President.

“I will work here, I will stay by your side. Thank you, Mr. President, for everything. Even though we do have contradictions in different approaches, but the general idea is that we have "red lines" that no one should cross. These red lines are very important for our dignity, in order to keep Artsakh Armenian, independent and dignified. I am confident that we will overcome this way together,” he said.

"First of all, I thank you for the way we have passed together and for Mr. President's faith in me. It was a great experience for me.

You know that I have been coming to Artsakh for decades, I had great connections, but at the beginning of September I stated that I had come because I felt that we were standing on the edge of a precipice, not fully aware of the situation.

For me it was Sardarapat.

When I say Sardarapat, I understand the crisis, a different agenda, and I perceive myself as a soldier doing whatever it takes to save our homeland. So when I received this invitation, it was unexpected for me, because I had given myself my word that I would not go into government work, but I realized that if I am a man of my word, going to defend my homeland, there can be no "want, don't want, can, can't." If it has to be done, then it has to be done.

It was, of course, a difficult decision for me.

On the other hand it was easy, because I decided for myself that I was here, I would stay, I would not go anywhere, and if I was needed in this direction, then I would work in this direction, if I could be useful to my homeland in another direction, I would work in another direction.

From this point of view, it may be easier for me to both accept the position and surrender it. We are at war, and had to struggle in that direction, I hope that my struggle has somehow helped us all to overcome these difficulties together.

I must respond to a few talking points.

First, why I did not resign. I want to be clear: I thought I was a soldier – I cannot resign. If necessary, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief should relieve me of my job.

Secondly, I'm sure we did a very important job in a very difficult period, and I want to thank all the people who worked in this difficult crisis, from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m., without light and gas, showing that as a team they are ready for anything. It was a very important experience for me, for which I am very grateful.

Third, there was really a lot of pressure from the outside. Mr. President has more information, and he understands the situation. But we have an outside world and an inside world. It seemed to me that pressure from the outside doesn't help us internally to have a situation so that we feel that we are able to fight that pressure harder. I presented to Mr. President the work of the Government in 110 days, and I'm ready to present it to the public in more detail.

To do the work, you first have to draw up a plan, have a sketch, lay the foundation, build the interior walls. We took steps in various directions, which, of course, in crisis conditions were difficult, but we are happy to pass the results of the work done to Mr. Nersisyan and hope that he will continue to work on these directions.

I know that there is some pressure on me to stay in Artsakh, but I would like to note that not only I won't leave, but I can't imagine myself outside Artsakh. I'm happy to continue the work that I did before. Our foundation, the agency "We Are Our Mountains" has already done a lot of projects. I would like to say that it was a very important example of cooperation between the state and the private sector, Armenia, the Diaspora and Armenian and non-Armenian NGOs. I think it is very important because if we are talking about the future, it is very important that this cooperation continues.

We will continue our efforts and will do a great job so that as many Armenians as possible come to Artsakh, so that not only Artsakh Armenians don't feel lonely but also those who left Artsakh in different times, during this crisis, come back and strengthen our Motherland even more.

As I have already mentioned, we have financial and managerial problems, as well as the problem of preparing for the next winter. During this period we have gained quite a lot of experience, we have understood our shortcomings, and we have recorded the shortcomings in which areas of work have been carried out. It is very important to learn lessons from all this and do everything so that these shortcomings are not repeated either in terms of food, or fuel, or in terms of other problems. We have a much better idea of the situation now than we did before the blockade.

More important than financial, managerial and other issues was the fact that Azerbaijan, which hoped to bring us to our knees, to break us, was cruelly mistaken. Azerbaijan saw that we have become more united, and even the indifference has disappeared. In fact, it was very encouraging to hear people in different communities saying: we are ready to endure without gas and light, just don't betray us and let's keep fighting.

Indeed, your responsibility as president, who was elected four months before the war, is very heavy, you are in a very difficult position, having carried this burden for so long.

I say with confidence that in order to succeed, the approach has to be systemic. If we don't build a system, if we don't put in transparent, consistently created mechanisms, it's very difficult to achieve success.

The topic of discussion is also that no individual is more important than our homeland.

Trust is also very important; I hope our word, indeed, has not lost its value. I reviewed your speeches before the war: they were very brilliant, profound speeches, Mr. President. I am sure that you will subscribe to your words even now. I just wish you would turn your words into deeds. It's very important that people don't lose faith in these words.

I'm sorry, but sometimes we really can't say what we want to say, or we have to resort to allegories. Nevertheless, people must believe our words and deeds.

As someone who didn't work in the government system until these 112 days, I realized that the majority in Artsakh are dedicated civil servants. In any case, the challenges that exist cannot be overcome by the efforts of the Government alone.

The problems that we have in the financial, security, and identity spheres require very serious cooperation, so I hope we will understand the importance of that when we try to use the potential of the Diaspora.

The political field has its own laws and it is possible that if we were not in a blockade, we would look at all this differently.

The most difficult thing for me is that I failed to prove and explain two things: that this is not a normal situation, and that crisis has its own laws. This was probably one of my biggest omissions.

The other difficulty was that I failed to explain that struggle means that we have to understand every day what our weaknesses and strengths are, how we need to strengthen our position, how we need to be able to use our limited resources.

Our struggle is both in the economy and in the information field. These 112 days brought changes, which inevitably showed a new situation, a new Artsakh.

On the one hand, we were all in the same boat, and that boat united us all. But on the other hand, we saw the unacceptable examples I was talking about, that some people do not have this understanding of the unacceptable, when, for example, in a crisis situation you send fruits and vegetables to high-ranking officials, being a high-ranking official yourself… The question is not that it is bad. The issue is that out of those few dozen people, only a few people sent it back, finding the phenomenon itself unacceptable. I'm sorry that bringing pineapples or roses during a blockade is considered normal, but of course I know that the number of these people is small. It's not what they did that bothers me much more, it's what we think is normal.  Second, there was no mechanism to punish. Mr. Nersisian and I have discussed this issue extensively: what in this situation should be punished and what should not.

My approach may have been very harsh, but I don't regret it. I recently read Nzhdeh's book – it was interesting to see that 100 years ago Nzhdeh was writing about the same thing. I would like to read a small excerpt from his memoirs: "The fate of the Armenians would have been different if their leaders, instead of devouring each other, had declared war on their shortcomings." I myself know that I was not a perfect leader, I made mistakes, but I was sincere, I was a patriot, I demanded more from myself than from others.

Mr. President, I want to say we are happy here because we have a fantastic nation. This nation has shown that it can endure anything, it is ready to fight, ready to follow us and it is indeed a great honor that I had the opportunity and from communicating with these people I understood how strong Artsakhis are, I understood the difference between Artsakhis and Armenians living in other places. This is very inspiring.

I am confident that we can overcome the "salami" strategy applied by Azerbaijan, which is very dangerous. I am sure that not just one person, or the Security Council, or a few hundred people should have the right to choose the way, but the whole people should make a very hard and responsible decision, which we talked about before the blockade, during the blockade, and during the rally.

We are all human beings who have our faults. I hope that if I have offended someone without realizing it, I will be forgiven, if I have not done something or done something, I am ready to listen to both criticism and advice, because I have always learned from others."