US President Joe Biden makes surprise visit to Ukraine, announces additional assistance




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. US President Joe Biden made an unannounced trip to Kyiv early Monday for the first time since Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine almost a year ago, announcing a half-billion dollars of additional assistance, CNN reports.

Biden, in joint remarks alongside Ukrainian President Zelensky, said the package would include more military equipment, including artillery ammunition, more javelins and Howitzers.

Zelensky said he and Biden spoke about “long range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine even though it wasn’t supplied before.” 

Biden arrived in Kyiv at 8 a.m. local time (1:00 a.m. ET), according to reporters traveling with him inside the country, and was greeted by the US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink. His motorcade arrived at the Mariinsky Palace just after 8:30 a.m. local time. He was greeted by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his wife, Olena Zelenska.

“Thank you for coming,” Zelensky said, shaking Biden’s hand.

“Putin thought Ukraine was weak and the West was divided,” Biden said standing alongside Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky. “He thought he could outlast us. I don’t think he’s thinking that right now.”

“He’s just been plain wrong,” Biden said of Putin. “One year later, the evidence is right here in this room. We stand here together.”

“One year later, Kyiv stands. And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands,” he declared. “The Americans stand with you and the world stands with you.”

Biden said that Kyiv has “captured a part of my heart."

The Ukrainian leader also called Biden's surprise visit the most important in the “history of the Ukraine-US relationship.”

“Ukrainians remember the focus, attention, the attitude that President Biden and the US have given to Ukraine,” Zelensky added.

“I thank you for this level of US-Ukraine cooperation,” he said.

Zelensky said he had discussed the supply of more advanced Western weapons to Ukraine, and cited the recent decision by the US to send Abrams tanks to the country as another defining moment.  

“The decision of the US on Abrams tanks has already presented a foundation for establishing a tank coalition and is of historic importance,” he said. “We’ve also talked about long-range weapons and the weapons that may still be supplied to Ukraine – even though have not been supplied before.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said negotiations between his and US President Joe Biden’s teams in Kyiv were a major boost to his country.

“This conversation brings us closer to victory,” Zelensky said.

"As the world prepares to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, I am in Kyiv today to meet with President Zelenskyy and reaffirm our unwavering and unflagging commitment to Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity," Biden said in a statement released by the White House.

Past 35 years demonstrated that most important prerequisite for solving national problems is national unity- Artsakh MFA




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. The Foreign Ministry of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) released a statement on the 35th anniversary of the National Liberation Struggle of Artsakh Armenians – Karabakh Movement.

Below is the statement published by the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh.

“The Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) today marks the 35th anniversary of the current stage of the national liberation struggle of Artsakh Armenians – Karabakh movement, a struggle that embodied the collective aspiration of the people to restore historical justice, preserve national identity and dignity, and fully realize their inalienable right to live freely and develop in their homeland. In response to the decades-long discriminatory policies of Azerbaijan, the people of Artsakh gathered all their will and rallied for the idea of the revival of Artsakh and reunification with Armenia.
35 years ago, on 20 February 1988, an extraordinary session of the Council of People's Deputies of the NKAO was held, which decided to petition the Supreme Soviets of the Azerbaijan SSR and the Armenian SSR to transfer the autonomous region from Azerbaijan to Armenia. The issue of the transfer of Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia was raised in a democratic, parliamentary way, on the basis of the people's will, in strict accordance with the Soviet legislation in force at that time and the generally recognized norms of international law.
The decision of the session, which confirmed the right of the people of Artsakh to decide their own destiny, marked the current stage of the Karabakh Movement and predetermined the prospects for the socio-political development of Nagorno-Karabakh. It, in fact, became the forerunner of the Declaration of Independence the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, adopted on 2 September 1991, under the new historical and political realities created by the collapse of the Soviet Union, and marked the beginning of the path to the state independence of Artsakh.
This act of a nationwide _expression_ of will by the people of Artsakh was rightly regarded as a reliable guarantee against the policy of discrimination of the ethnic Armenian population pursued by Azerbaijan for decades, which ultimately should have led to its complete destruction. Subsequent events confirmed the legitimacy and rightness of the historical choice of the people of Artsakh. Just a week after the session of the regional Council, the Azerbaijani authorities organized brutal pogroms and murders of Armenians in Sumgait and other cities of Azerbaijan, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, they unleashed a full-scale war against Artsakh. The criminal policy of official Baku, aimed at the destruction of the people of Artsakh, has not changed even decades later. This is evidenced by the military aggressions of 2016 and 2020, the ongoing state terrorism against the people of Artsakh, as well as the transport and energy blockade of the Republic that has been going on for the third month already.
Despite the incredible difficulties and trials, the people of Artsakh continue the struggle for their free and independent existence in the historical homeland, thereby realizing the right of peoples to self-determination, enshrined in international law, including the UN Charter. The past 35 years have clearly demonstrated that the most important prerequisite for solving national problems is national unity, the consolidation of the moral and spiritual forces of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, which makes it possible to confront the most serious challenges of the time.
Through many years of struggle for national dignity and the right to freely decide their own fate in their historical homeland, as well as the creation of a democratic and viable state, the people of Artsakh proved that they deserve recognition of their independence by the international community.
On this memorable day, we honour the memory of all those who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Artsakh, and for universal ideals and values.”

Artsakh Foreign Minister conducted visit to Russia last week




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. From 12 to 16 February, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh Sergey Ghazaryan was on a working visit to the Russian Federation, the Foreign Ministry of Artsakh said in a press release.
During the visit, the Foreign Minister had meetings with public, political, and expert circles, as well as representatives of the Armenian community.

Ghazaryan was in Armenia when the blockade of the Lachin corridor began on 12 December 2022.

New U.S. Ambassador presents copy of credentials to Armenian Foreign Minister




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. The new United States Ambassador to Armenia Kristina Kvien presented the copy of credentials to the Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan on February 20.

Photos by Hayk Manukyan

FM Mirzoyan congratulated Ambassador Kvien on assuming office and attached importance to the further deepening of the Armenia-United States partnership in areas of mutual interest. The importance of the Armenia-United States Strategic Dialogue format was emphasized in context of advancing the agenda based on common democratic values, the foreign ministry said in a read-out.

FM Mirzoyan appreciated the United States support for strengthening institutional capacities and fostering the government’s democratic reforms in Armenia.

Issues related to regional security and stability were also discussed at the meeting.

The latest developments in the Armenia-Azerbaijan settlement process, including the trilateral meeting in Munich were discussed.

The Armenian side highly appreciated the efforts made by the United States both trilaterally and as a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group for the establishment of lasting peace in the region.

Speaking about the illegal blockade of Nagorno Karabakh by Azerbaijan, FM Mirzoyan emphasized that Azerbaijan must unconditionally restore the regime of the Lachin corridor as defined under the 9 November trilateral statement.

Armenian Deputy FM, EEAS Civilian Operations Commander highlight EU mission for establishing border stability




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. On February 20, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan received the delegation headed by Stefano Tomat, the Civilian Operations Commander of the European External Action Service of the EU.

The meeting was held prior to the launch of the new EU monitoring mission in Armenia.

Welcoming the delegation, the Deputy Minister once again highly appreciated the decision on deploying a long-term EU Civilian Mission in Armenia, expressing the readiness of the Armenian side to provide maximum support for the smooth launch and further operation of the Mission, the foreign ministry said in a read-out. 

In a follow-up to the activity of the previous EU short-term Mission, both sides highlighted the importance of the deployment of the Mission in terms of human security on the ground, as well as the establishment of stability on the eastern border of Armenia and in the region.

Central Bank of Armenia: exchange rates and prices of precious metals – 20-02-23




YEREVAN, 20 FEBUARY, ARMENPRESS. The Central Bank of Armenia informs “Armenpress” that today, 20 February, USD exchange rate down by 0.54 drams to 392.35 drams. EUR exchange rate up by 1.34 drams to 419.30 drams. Russian Ruble exchange rate up by 0.01 drams to 5.28 drams. GBP exchange rate up by 2.85 drams to 471.84 drams.

The Central Bank has set the following prices for precious metals.

Gold price up by 31.32 drams to 23134.08 drams. Silver price down by 4.79 drams to 267.61 drams. Platinum price stood at 16414.1 drams.

18 Armenian companies present achievements in military engineering solutions at an international exhibition




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. The 16th international exhibition of defense technologies "IDEX 2023" has started in Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC).

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of High-tech Industry, 18 Armenian companies present the latest achievements and potential of Armenia in the direction of information, defense and military technologies, engineering solutions under the "Armenia" joint pavilion. Not only finished products, but also innovative projects are presented.

Within the framework of the official visit, Minister of High-tech Industry Robert Khachatryan toured the 12 thematic exhibition halls, familiarized himself with the latest technologies in the fields of land, sea and air defense, exchanged ideas with representatives of Armenian companies.

"IDEX" international defense technology exhibition is considered one of the most prestigious and strategically important events in the Middle East and North Africa region, bringing together the leading and prestigious leaders of the defense industry, as well as various innovative technology companies, well-known experts in the technology field.

The event is organized every two years, has a conference and exhibition components, with the aim of creating a platform to discuss the latest developments, trends and innovative solutions of the industry, accompanied by the demonstration of the best practices and achievements of the industry.

Artsakh’s FM visits Yerablur Pantheon




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Karabakh Movement, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh Sergey Ghazaryan, who remains in the Republic of Armenia due to the ongoing blockade, visited ‘Yerablur’ military pantheon and on behalf of the people and authorities of Artsakh placed a wreath in memory of those who gave their lives for the independence and freedom of the Motherland throughout the National-Liberation Struggle of Artsakh, ARMENPRESS was informed from MFA Artsakh.

Armenian Deputy FM presents the vision of Armenia on the future of the Eastern Partnership at the Euronest session




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan delivered a video message during the 10th regular session of the "Euronest" Parliamentary Assembly, which referred to Armenia's vision for the future of the Eastern Partnership.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Paruyr Hovhannisyan said,

“Dear Parliamentarians,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear colleagues,

I am pleased for this opportunity to send a message on Armenia’s vision on the future of the Eastern Partnership.

Although last year, when we were hosting the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Bureau and Standing Committees meetings in Yerevan, the geopolitical situation was quite different, nevertheless most of the Eastern Partners had already been facing serious challenges, causing further complications in the preservation of this format.

Today, the challenges we are facing are even more diverse, we have to deal with serious situations of humanitarian crisis when thousands of people can be simply cut from their connection with the rest of the world. As you may know today, the most urgent and pressing issue before us is the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh. Since December 12 last year, a group of Azerbaijanis have blocked the Lachin corridor – the only road, connecting Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia and the rest of the world. With this action 120 thousand people in Nagorno-Karabakh appeared in isolation. The situation in the Lachin corridor remains unchanged. For two months now, the people of Nagorno-Karabakh remain under factual siege. After around eight weeks of the blockade, there is a severe shortage of all essential goods.

Despite those challenges and the uncertainties, we remain convinced that under the current situation in the region the imperative of strengthening resilience of our countries and societies is even more urgent. In this regard, the Eastern Partnership and its post-2020 agenda have a key role to play.

We also believe that as far as Europe is concerned, security cannot be comprehensive without respect of human rights and democracy. In a world where democracy faces stiff competition from autocraticism, too few countries are moving in the right direction. Armenia is in this short list. And it is not without the support of the European Union, just the opposite: the EU not only remains Armenia’s primary partner in promoting the institution building and supporting our reform agenda, but also, in general, the Armenia-EU partnership is being enhanced with new dimensions. The participation in the Eastern Partnership has also played an important positive role in this regard, in particular in advancement of the institutional reforms in Armenia and contributed immensely to the democratic transition of some of the EaP countries, specifically of Armenia.

Given the mentioned factors, we are convinced that the format should continue operating, it should not be replaced by any other initiative or limit the possibility of engagement in other formats.

Dear colleagues,

Using this opportunity, I would like to convey our words of gratitude to the European Parliament for all the unambiguous statements and resolutions related to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh as well as to the European Union for the decision on the deployment of the EU civilian mission in Armenia. It can play an important role in enhancing the human security on the ground and further contribute to stabilization of the overall situation.

Thank you”.

Ararat Mirzoyan and Stefano Tomat discuss issues related to the new EU civilian monitoring mission




YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 20, ARMENPRESS. On February 20, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan received the delegation headed by Stefano Tomat, the Civilian Operations Commander of the European External Action Service of the EU.  Markus Ritter, Head of Mission of the European Union Mission in Armenia, was also present.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, issues related to the EU's new civilian monitoring mission were at the core of the discussions held during the meeting.

"Highly appreciating the decision to deploy a long-term EU civilian mission in Armenia, Minister Mirzoyan expressed confidence that the mission will make an important contribution to stability in the region and ensuring the safety of the population living in the border regions with Azerbaijan," the message reads.

Reference was also made to the overall security situation in the region and the efforts of Armenia and the international community aimed at establishing peace.