MFA of Armenia: Ambassador Shougarian Speaks on the South CaucasusEu

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Rouben Shougarian, Armenia’s Ambassador to the Italian Republic,
Speaks on the South Caucasus European Integration Plans

On March 22, a round table was held at the initiative of Ambassador
Pietro Ago in the framework of the ‘European strategic scenario’
seminar (Scenario strategico europeo) at the 57th session of the
Defense Institute of Higher Education – Istituto Alti Studi per la
Difesa (IASD) – under the Defense Ministry of the Italian Republic. The
round table was dedicated to the South Caucasus phased integration
into the European architecture.

Over 50 experts and political scientists, including Zaal Gogsadze,
Georgia’s Ambassador to Italy, and Bayram Hasanov, Counsellor of the
Embassy of Azerbaijan, were in attendance at the meeting, and made
their presentations on the subject discussed.

In his presentation Ambassador Shougarian outlined the priorities of
Armenia’s foreign policy emphasizing the similarities and differences
of the Europeanization process in Armenia and the rest of the South

He also spoke about the NATO-South Caucasus relations development,
frozen conflicts and the search for their resolution presenting
Armenia’s approach to them.

In conclusion, the Ambassador noted that even in with the political
conflicts unresolved it is possible to find common grounds for regional
cooperation among the three countries.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Armenian Health Officials Say TB Figures Up


Azg, Yerevan
25 Mar 06

Excerpt from report by Gohar Gevorkyan in Armenian newspaper Azg on 25
March headlined “Despite efforts, the TB situation remains worrying”.

The TB situation in the world remains worrying.

[Passage omitted: 9m new TB cases registered in the world].

Yesterday, on the occasion of world day for fighting tuberculosis,
leaders and representatives of the anti-TB national centre said that
the disease has increased noticeably over the past decade.

The head of the centre, Vaan Pogosyan, said that in 2005 there were
6,455 people with TB in Armenia, 2,006 of which were new cases. He
said that 167 patients died of TB.

He said that the early detection and proper treatment are the main
tasks for the state. By all means this does not mean that nothing is
being done by way of treatment. Several hospitals and clinics were
refurbished within the framework of the programme. Laboratory and
other equipment were bought, the centre was set up, and polyclinics
were tasked with treating the disease.

By the way, the diagnosis and treatment of TB is free of charge in
Armenia. Specialists believe that with early diagnosis and the right
treatment the disease can be treated.

Pogosyan said that the programme will continue till 2011 and that the
government is going to endorse a new strategy and allocate more than
1bn drams for this. Over the next five years the Global foundation
will allocate 7m dollars to support the programme.

The head of the World Health Organization office in Yerevan, Elizabeth
Hoff, talked about the work that has been done so far and said that
more needs to be done to prevent the disease from spreading and to
treat it.

Azeri Presidential Aide Says EU Envoy’s Karabakh Remarks”Political P


Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
25 Mar 06

[Presenter] The fact that the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict has not
been resolved benefits neither Azerbaijan nor Armenia, the EU special
envoy for the South Caucasus, Peter Semneby, has told Radio Liberty.

He believes that Armenia will remain isolated if the conflict
continues, while Azerbaijan’s efforts to resolve the problem in
a military way may lead to serious consequences. The diplomat has
warned that these kinds of efforts could be abortive. He said that
a military solution to the conflict may undermine the investment
climate in Azerbaijan and discredit the country as a partner.

Baku views this kind of statement as a means of political and
psychological pressure only. The head of the foreign relations
department of the Azerbaijani Presidential Executive Staff, Novruz
Mammadov, has said that if the resumption of hostilities threatens
Azerbaijan’s image as a partner, then European entities must never
cooperate with Armenia, which has occupied the territories of its

[Correspondent, over video of Semneby speaking in Baku, Mammadov]
Peter Semneby’s remarks on the resolution of the Nagornyy Karabakh
conflict are designed to put psychological and political pressure on
Baku. Novruz Mammadov believes that any international organization
interested in a peaceful solution to the conflict should take a just
position instead of using methods of warning and pressure.

[Novruz Mammadov, captioned, shown speaking] They want to influence
Azerbaijan in a certain way by this message. I believe that there is
no need for it. If Azerbaijan can indeed discredit itself as a partner
if it starts war to liberate its own lands, how come that Armenia
occupied Azerbaijani territories in a war and has kept them under
occupation for 15 years, but this has not discredited Armenia anyhow?

[Correspondent] Mammadov said that the Azerbaijani government was not
interested in a military solution either. However, Baku will use all
the resources to secure its territorial integrity.

[Novruz Mammadov] The Armenian side wishes to legalize the occupation
of the territories and appropriate them. The involvement of the world
community and international organizations in the conflict resolution
has failed to produce positive results so far. War will bring no good
to Azerbaijan or the South Caucasus. You know, war never brings good
to anyone. On the other side, a lot of investments have been made in
Azerbaijan. Billions of investments have been made here and nobody
wishes that those investments be squandered. Neither do we.

[Correspondent] Mammadov commended the EU’s activity in the resolution
of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, but stressed that Baku’s biggest
concession was its participation in the peace talks.

Therefore, international organizations should persuade Yerevan to
give up its non-constructive stand.

Turkish Islamist Party Leader Says US “Not Sincere” About KurdishReb


Anatolia news agency, Ankara
24 Mar 06

Malatya [eastern Turkey], 24 March: [Islamist] Felicity Party [SP]
Deputy Chairman Recai Kutan has said: “I consider that the United
States is not sincere with regard to the [Kurdish rebel group] PKK
[Kurdistan Workers’ Party].”

Coming to Malatya for his party’s provincial chairmanship congress,
which will be held on the weekend, Recai Kutan noted in a statement
to the AA [Anatolia Agency] correspondent the things said by US Joint
Chiefs Chairman General Peter Pace about a joint project to be signed
with Turkey for the elimination of the PKK from northern Iraq, and
spoke as follows:

“I consider that the United States is not sincere with regard to the
PKK. The United States always uses the PKK as a means of blackmail.

As a nation, we generally have a weak memory. Not so long ago, General
Dogan Gures, when he was Chief of the General Staff, stood up to the
West and said openly that US helicopters had delivered material to PKK
members on so-and-so mountain, and given them logistical support. So
what is going on? Currently, Iraq is virtually entirely under their
control. Why do they not say anything to the PKK? Why do they not
get the forces of [Iraqi Kurdish leaders Mas’ud] Barzani and [Jalal]
Talabani to do something? Give these people what for, and prevent
them from infiltrating into Turkey. We are not saying that they all
have to be slaughtered. Just prevent them from sneaking into Turkey
and engaging in terrorist acts.”

“Is there nuclear energy only in Iran?”

Kutan, stating that one reason for General Pace’s visit was an appeal
for cooperation with Turkey against Iran, charged that, on this point,
the United States is being inconsistent.

Asserting that the United States wants at least to carry out an air
attack against Iran, Kutan related that it needs Turkey support in
this regard and said the following:

“The United States, saying that Iran is going to make an atomic bomb,
wants help from Turkey. What this means is this: It wants, by using
this trumped-up rationale, to destroy the nuclear facilities there,
with air strikes even if not a direct attack [i.e. invasion],
and wants to get Turkey on its side in this. But they should ask
themselves this question: Is there nuclear energy in the Middle East
only in Iran? Israel currently possesses both a nuclear reactor and a
substantial number of atomic bombs. There is also nuclear technology
in Pakistan. There is a nuclear power-plant in Armenia. So why is no
priority concern being shown for all of these, but it is being shown
for Iran?”

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

BAKU: World Migration Body Ready To Help Azeris Register IranianMigr


ANS TV, Baku
25 Mar 06

[Presenter] Under the European Neighbourhood Policy, the EU and
the International Organization for Migration [IOM] are working
to reinforce the Azerbaijani-Iranian border. The goal here is to
prevent narcotics being smuggled from Iran to Azerbaijan, and there
are also political aspects because it has been admitted that there
is an influx of migrants from Iran to Azerbaijan. Both economic and
political interests are involved here.

[Correspondent] The next discussions on the implementation of the
project for reinforcing the Azerbaijani border within the framework
of the European Neighbourhood Policy will be held in Brussels in
a few days. The IOM’s representative in Azerbaijan, Sarat Dash,
has told ANS that EU and IOM representatives will participate in
the talks. Immediately afterwards, training courses for Azerbaijani
border guards will start. The border guards will be taught ways of
dealing with an influx of refugees. We should note that the project,
on which 2m euros will be spent initially, envisages fitting the
249-km-long border with Iran with special equipment and beefing up
the infrastructure.

The IOM representative believes that the reinforcement of Azerbaijan’s
southern border will be of major importance towards prevention of
transnational crime, including drugs smuggling from Iran to Azerbaijan.

Sarat Dash admitted that more people have been crossing from Iran to
Azerbaijan in the past few months. He said Iranian migrants are not
being registered currently but the IOM is ready to help the Azerbaijani
government in this respect.

[Dash] The visa regime has been changed in Naxcivan. People can
[easily] travel from Iran to Naxcivan and from Naxcivan to Iran. I
recently visited Naxcivan and talked to officials. They said that many
people were coming and going, but there was no precise information. If
the government wants we could help [a few words indistinct].

[Correspondent] Sarat Dash said that the number of migrants coming
from both Iran and other countries to Azerbaijan is increasing. He
explained this by our country’s economic development. Sarat Dash,
newly-appointed to the post of IOM’s representative in Azerbaijan,
is also thinking of inquiring about IDPs from Azerbaijani districts
occupied by Armenia. The Cabinet of Ministers has asked the IOM for
help in resolving the problem of drinking water in areas where IDPs
are living and for micro-credits to be allocated, he said.

[passage omitted: Sarat Dash to visit refugee camps in April]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

‘There Is No One To Represent Azerbaijan’ At Euro. Song Contest

Eurovision Song Contest
March 26 2006

Singer Yalchin Rzazade speaks out

Now neighbours Russia and Armenia take part in the Eurovision Song
Contest and neighbour Georgia is eager to do so as well, public
discussions about participation started in Azerbaijan. “There is
really no one worthy to represent Azerbaijani people in this song
contest. Azerbaijani singers claiming that they can participate in the
Eurovision Song Contest can only sing in restaurants and they become
popular by the help of money”, the popular singer Yalchin Rzazade said.

According to Rzazade, a singer to participate in this song contest
should be a professional first of all. “Secondly, he or she
should have a beautiful appearance. There are beautiful singers in
Azerbaijan. However, not all of them are talented”, Rzazade said.

Rzazade indirectly says that his country should not take part at all,
as no one meets the standards that are neccesary to take part. “Our
pop stars do not meet the standards of this contest. What I want
to say is that some of our pop stars claming to participate in the
contest cannot represent Azerbaijan. It would be shameful for us. In
Azerbaijan, if you have money, you can write songs, make disks or
clips. Most of our young singers pay some money to televisions to
display their clips, as a result the new generation is obliged to
listen to these songs. It is not a real art”, the popular singer said.

For the moment, a discussion about Azerbaijan’s participation might
be a little too early, as the country’s public broadcaster AZTV is
not even a member of the European Broadcasting Union…

BAKU: Russia Will Not Sell Weapons To Armenia At Discounted Price


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 26 2006

In return of increase in the price of gas delivered to Armenia, Russia
will not sell weapons to this country at a discounted price (APA).

The head of the press-service of the Armenian president Viktor
Sogomonyan refuted news as if Russia will discount prices of military
equipment sold to Armenia. According to him, though Russia raised the
price of gas delivered to Armenia, no compensation will be applied
for Armenia.

BAKU: Savarsh Kocharyan:”Russia Made Armenia A Polygon Of Political


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
March 26 2006

“Because of a policy of obedience pursued by official Yerevan, Armenia
has already turned from a fortpost of Russia into its addition”.

This statement was made by the chair of the National Democratic
Party of Armenia Savarsh Kocharyan (APA). He stressed that Armenia
has become a polygon of political and economic pressure of Russia.

“Russia continues supporting authoritarian regimes in the territory
of the former USSR. Moscow is concerned about Armenia’s inclination to
integrate into Europe and wants authoritarian regime to be established
in our country as it exists in Belarus”.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Children’s Film Fest Begins This Weekend


Oregon Coast Beach Connection, Oregon
March 26 2006

(Portland, Oregon) – The Lil’ Longbaugh International Film Festival for
KIDS begins this weekend, celebrating the spirit, wit, and intrinsic
goodness of children. The 2006 Lil’ Longbaugh International Film
Festival features global cinema created for and by children from
Japan, Norway, Mexico, Argentina, England, Serbia-Montenegro, Armenia,
Belgium, Australia and homegrown masterpieces from Oregon.

Lil’ Longbaugh is the little brother of Willamette Week’s Longbaugh
Film Festival.

The festival began today at the Portland Children’s Museum, with a
screening of the best of the 2005 festival.

The rest of the schedule:

Monday March 27th Portland Children’s Museum 1 p.m. Editing Workshop A
part of the “These Are the People in Your Neighborhood” spring break
program, the young Hitchcocks in your household cut, draw and edit
footage. Registration is limited and free with museum admission.

Friday April 7th Kennedy School 3:30 p.m. Screening: Muslim Boarders,
The Children’s March – Documentaries of empowered young people
educating an often misguided world. Inspiring cinema for middle and
high school students.

Saturday April 8th Kennedy School 10 a.m. Screening: A Tribute to
Sisbro Edventures – Wildlife filmmakers Laura and Rob Sams present
animal films of grizzly bears, and the crazy raccoon Fernando

Noon Screening: Shorts for Youngsters – International shorts for

1:30 p.m. Screening: Family Screening – A collection of shorts for
everyone and special showing of Laika Entertainment’s Moongirl,
with guest animator.

3 p.m. Screening: Legacy of Rosa Parks – Community leaders join in
this poignant screening followed by a discussion.

Sunday, April 9th Portland Art Museum’s Whitsell Auditorium Noon
Screening: KID films from Estonia! Obscure? Yes. Funny? You bet!

Animated shorts spanning pre and post-communist control in a little
county big in animated talent. It wouldn’t really be a festival
without great music. Captain Bogg and Salty rock out with shanties
of pirate adventures. Proceeds from both programs go to support the
NW Film Center’s Young Filmmaker Program.

Mission Theater 3 p.m. Screening: Young Adult Showcase – Independent
films for like-minded minors.

Lil’ Longbaugh is hosted by Indiekid Films, folks who believe that
everyone around the world, regardless of age, should see and create
great movies. Take it to the street little people!

A full roster Lil’ Longbaugh films is on their website,

Kenya: Mercenaries Thrive Where Law And Order Have Degenerated

By Gordon Opiyo

The Standard, Kenya
March 26 2006

With the shocking allegations of Government protection of suspected
mercenaries, the big question is: What dealings does the State have
with such characters?

The Armenian Government has denied any link with either Artur Sargsyan
or Artur Margaryan. The two had earlier claimed that they are related
to the Armenian leader.

But the biggest worry is that the region the two come from is known
in international circles for producing specialised private military
consultants, better known as mercenaries.

During the Eritrea-Ethiopia war in the late 1990s there were
allegations that a former Russian Army colonel, who had been hired as
a mercenary, was ejected from an Ethiopian SU-27 fighter jet. Russia
disputed the claim.

During the Balkan war, Slobodan Milosevic is alleged to have used
mercenaries from former Soviet Union republics kontraktniki (contract
soldiers) to perform several atrocities. The kontraktniki issue came
up during the hearing at the International War Crimes Tribunal in
The Hague before the sudden death of Milosevic, two week ago.

The tribunal heard that in May 1995, a group of kontraktniki arrived in
the Gacko-Avtovac region in Serbia, at the invitation of the command
of the Herzegovina Corps, which intended to organise an international
brigade. The members of this ‘brigade’ (which actually numbered around
150 troops) wore one-piece, overall type black Russian uniforms with
black berets or flight caps. Most of their members were officers above
the rank of captain from the special units of the Russian Ministry
of Defence, who had deserted the Russian military.

The kontraktniki also featured during the war in Afghanistan, and a
number of them were involved in the transportation of cocaine.

In Africa, the use of specialised mercenaries is common in areas that
have a breakdown in law and order, yet has massive resources.

It is of great interest that the Artur brothers claimed to have great
interest in diamond business in the Congo – a rich country alien to
law and order.

Jeremy Harding, an editor with the London Review of Books, investigated
the role of mercenaries in the diamond and gold business in Africa
over a decade ago and came up with shocking revelations.

He discovered that many multinational corporations in gold and diamond
producing areas invested in private armies. The biggest private army
defending corporations in Africa was called Executive Outcomes. Many
of their recruits were former members of the 32nd Battalion of the
South African Army, the so-called Buffalo Battalion.

Executive Outcomes transformed itself into a big corporation doing
business with many African countries. They had a CEO Nick van der Burgh
who always defended their actions. Burgh always insisted that EO, as
they are known, only worked with legitimate governments to provide
specialised security and intelligence services. EO was involved in
protecting a number of diamond mines in Sierra Leone and Congo.

In August 1998 EO’s intelligence officer Rico Visser told South
African journalists that the Congolese President Laurent Kabila had
hired them to defend the strategic Inga Dam, south west of Kinshasa,
the capital city of Congo. Electricity from the dam not only powers
Kinshasa but is also key to the mining region of Shaba (Katanga)
in the south of the country.

Mercenaries have been doing booming business in war-torn
southern Sudan. There were claims three years ago that hundreds of
professional soldiers for hire were working for Arakis, a Canadian
oil company. Arakis had signed a billion dollar agreement to exploit
the Al-Muglad Rift Basin on the seam line between Sudan’s Arab north
and the black African south. Due to the security concerns, the company
was forced to hire professional soldiers to protect its investment.

The instability of post-war Iraq has also turned private military
services into a booming cottage industry. Private military companies
have found a lucrative market in post-war Afghanistan.

Now with the saga surrounding the alleged Armenian mercenaries
getting more complex – with one of them literally scoffing at Kenyan
authorities – it is difficult to get the exact connection of their
presence and whether they are mercenaries or business people as
they claim.

Kenya has one of the most disciplined and respected military force in
Africa. Before the raid on the Standard Group premises, the police
force was known for its discipline. The defiance that the CID boss
has shown the Police Commissioner has tainted the image of the force.

LDP leaders, Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka have claimed that
mercenaries were brought in to assassinate key political leaders.

The Government spokesman, Alfred Mutua has denied the claims saying
that the matter is still being investigated.

But Internal Security minister John Michuki still has a lot of
explaining to do, given that the hand of the Government is evident
in the protection and confidence of the Artur brothers.

If the minister could order an illegal raid on the Standard Group in
the name of state security, why is it so difficult for him to explain
the defiant presence of dubious foreigners openly breaking the law
he is supposed to safeguard?