Papa: Ricorda Persecuzione Armena Ma Evita Parola Genocidio


Schweizerische Depeschenagentur AG (SDA)
SDA – Servizio di base in Italiano
20 Marzo 2006

Citta’ Del Vaticano, 20 Mar

Papa Ratzinger manifesta vicinanza al popolo armeno ricordando gli
“anni della terribile persecuzione che resta nella storia col nome
tristemente significativo di metz yeghern, il grande male”.

Benedetto XVI riceve i vertici del Sinodo Patriarcale Armeno e nel
discorso che rivolge loro non manca di fare riferimento alle vicende
storiche che, agli inizi del secolo, costarono la vita ad oltre
un milione di persone per le persecuzioni subite sotto l’impero
ottomano. Ma pur esprimendo dolore Papa Ratzinger nel testo, per
cautela diplomatica, evita di utilizzare il termine “genocidio”.

Forse per non provocare una possibile reazione da parte del governo
turco, la cui posizione in merito ai fatti del 1915 e’ decisamente
negazionista. “Come non ricordare in proposito i tanti inviti rivolti
da Leone XIII ai cattolici perche soccorressero l’indigenza e le
sofferenze delle popolazioni armene?” si chiede il pontefice.

Negli anni passati in Vaticano non si fecero attendere troppo le
lamentele dell’ambasciata turca presso la Santa Sede per l’utilizzo
della parola “genocidio” all’interno di un testo papale. Persino
alla redazione di Civilta’ Cattolica, un paio d’anni fa, arrivarono
lettere di protesta per un articolo riguardante la persecuzione subita
da questo popolo.

Stavolta il discorso papale, pur essendo avendo toni di sincera
benevolenza nei confronti del popolo armeno e di gratitudine (“vi
accompagni la benedizione che di cuore vi imparto, quale segno
del costante affetto del successore di Pietro”) e’ stato calibrato
proprio per non irritare il governo di Ankara, paese che Benedetto
XVI visitera’ alla fine di novembre.

Armenia-Turchia: Inedito Faccia A Faccia Ambasciatori Su RAI


ANSA Notiziario Generale in Italiano
March 20, 2006

Interventi A Cronometro Su Questione Genocidio Su Uno Mattina

(ANSA) – ROMA, 20 MAR – La spinosa questione del presunto genocidio
degli armeni da parte dei turchi nel 1915, che Ankara non ha mai
ufficialmente riconosciuto, e’ stato al centro di un incontro fra
gli ambasciatori in Italia di Turchia, Ugul Ziyal, e Armenia, Rouben
Shugarian, stamani sulla rubrica di storia di Uno Mattina. Un incontro
definito “storico” dal conduttore della trasmissione, Roberto Olla,
fra i rappresentanti diplomatici di due Paesi, che fra loro non hanno
relazioni diplomatiche.

I due ambasciatori, che hanno avuto tempi ‘contingentati’ per parlare
e senza domande, si sono detti d’accordo di dover guardare al futuro
per superare la storica inimicizia fra i due Paesi, che lentamente
sembrano erodere la pesante barriera rappresentata dal genocidio, senza
essere tuttavia ancora riusciti ad abbatterla: la Turchia e’ pronta
ad esaminare la spinosa questione con una “ricerca congiunta sugli
archivi storici” insieme all’Armenia; l’Armenia ribadisce di essere
pronta a riaprire relazioni con Ankara, ma chiede che la questione
del genocidio non sia appannaggio degli storici, ma dei due governi.

“Non concordiamo sulla natura di questa tragedia”, ha detto
l’ambasciatore turco Ziyal: “Non si tratta di negazionismo,
ma di ricercare congiuntamente negli archivi verita’ che siano
incontrovertibili”, ha detto, aggiungendo che “il governo e il
parlamento turchi sono pronti ad esaminare la questione da un punto di
vista storico”, visto che la disputa riguarda fatti compiuti ai tempi
dell’Impero Ottomano, prima che nascesse la repubblica turca. Sulla
sua proposta, ha detto l’ambasciatore, Ankara sta ora aspettando una
risposta dal governo di Erevan.

Per Ziyal, il fatto che “attivisti armeni abbiano chiesto a diversi
parlamenti di approvare differenti risoluzioni che riconoscono il
genocidio degli armeni. Questo significa che le realta’ storiche non
sono state in grado di sostanziare queste accuse”.

“La storia – ha detto da parte sua l’ambasciatore armeno Shugarian –
non e’ stata scritta, non e’ un documento che puo essere censurato,
il genocidio e’ un fatto accaduto e la diaspora armena, sparsa
per il mondo, ne costituisce una prova”. Secondo Shugarian,
“l’interpretazione turca e’ in completo disaccordo con il resto
della comunita internazionale”, ed il fatto che “la maggior parte
della comunita’ internazionale riconosce il genocidio come un fatto
storico. Il Parlamento italiano lo ha riconosciuto nel 2001”.

Il negazionismo, secondo il diplomatico armeno, costituisce un
ostacolo alla prevenzione dei crimini: “Potete immaginare voi una
commissione di storici incaricata di decidere se Auschwitz sia esistita
o meno?”. La questione, ha detto Shugarian, non deve essere affrontata
dagli storici, ma dai politici e attraverso “comitati” e “commissioni”
intergovernative. Shugarian ha ricordato come l’Armenia abbia “steso la
mano a voi (turchi) per aprire i confini e per stabilire un dialogo”.

L’ambasciatore turco ha poi detto che il suo Paese “e ansioso di
avere ottimi rapporti con l’Armenia”, che deve pero riconoscere il
confini fra i due Paesi determinati dall’accordo del 1923 siano
considerati da Erevan come “inviolabili e permanenti”. Se non vi
sono rivendicazioni sui confini turchi, “da questo punto di partenza
possiamo andare avanti”.

Shugarian ha ricordato come il confine sia stato “chiuso
unilateralmente”, in violazione dell’accordo del ’23, che stabilisce
collegamenti nei trasporti fra i due Paesi. Secondo l’ambasciatore
turco, “solo il confine terrestre e’ chiuso”, mentre lo spazio aereo e’

Vartan Oskanian to Meet with Steven Mann on March 27

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006



Vartan Oskanian, RA Foreign Minister, will pay a working visit to
USA. The Press Service of RA Foreign Ministry informed that
Mr. Oskanian will participate in the ceremony of signing agreement
between the Millennium Challenges and Armenia together with
Condoleezza Rice, US State Secretary. He will also met with Steven
Mann, co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group. It is also envisaged that
Mr. Oskanian will meet UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Within the framework of the working schedule Mr. Oskanian will arrive
in Moscow on April 6-7. Mr. Minister will hold a working meeting with
his counterpart Sergey Lavrov and Igor Ivanov, Secretary of RF
Security Council. On April 7-9 Mr. Oskanian will leave for Syria to
meet with President Bashar Asad and Foreign Minister Walid Moualem.

Armenian Delegation Heading for US

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006

Press Release


On March 25-30 delegation headed by Minister of Finance and Economy
Vardan Khachatryan will set off for Washington for Millennium
Challenge Compact signing. Chief Economic Advisor to the President
Vahram Nersissiantz, Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan,
Armenian Ambassador to the US Tatoul Markaryan and other officials are
included in the delegation.

On March 27, Minister of Finance and Economy Vardan Khachatryan and
Ambassador John Danilovich will sign 235, 65 million USD
agreement. Secretary Condoleezza Rice will attend the signing ceremony
that will take place at State Department’s Benjamin Franklin Hall.
Secretary will also address the participants.

On March 28, representatives of MCC and Armenian delegation will
jointly present the main directions and objectives of the program to
the representatives of media, NGOs and Armenian Diaspora. They will
also answer the questions.

Press service of Ministry of Finance and Economy, RA

To the Memory of Artsakhi Martyrs

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006

Karabakh diary


A monument to the martyrs of the Artsakhi war will shortly be erected
in Stepanakert. Famous Artsakhi sculptor Albert Harutyunian has put
the model of the future monument for a contest these days. It is
currently exhibited in the museum of the union of relatives of
perished freedom fighters of Nagorno Karabakh. The first public
attendance has already been held. Seyran Ohanian, defense minister of
NKR, head of the Union of Freedom Fighters of Artsakh dubbed the model
worthy of attention. Meanwhile, he expressed hope that the idea of a
monument immortalizing the memory of freedom fighters will encourage
other sculptors to take part in the contest.

Author of the model Albert Harutyunian thinks its is expedient to
erect the monument in the area linking the WW II Monument and the
freedom fighters’ cemetery as a more visible site.

The monument is due to be opened in May 2007.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

Hopes to Break Armenia’s Economic Blockade

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006



Consortium on Abkhazian Railroad Rehabilitation Set Up

“Setting apart political and economic issues” was the motto that
united Russia, Georgia, Abkhazia and Armenia to begin the works of
rehabilitation of Abkhazian railroad. An ad hoc four-sided consortium
was set to carry out all works, Vladimir Badalian, representative of
Armenia in the consortium, told daily Azg.

A document signed at the session of the Russian-Georgian
intergovernmental commission in December 2005 set in motion the
creation of the consortium. Mr. Badalian says that thanks to the
efforts of Armenian-Russian and Armenian-Georgian companies they
managed to set apart economic and political issues. As a stumbling
block in this regional initiative emerged first of all the
Georgian-Abkhazian conflict. Tbilisi sought to get Georgian refugees
back to the Abkhazian region of Gali against its consent to railroad’s
reopening. The return of refugees paved a way for negations. The next
vital issue had to do with the customs station: should it be on
Georgian-Abkhazian or Russian-Abkhazian border?

Representatives of Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Abkhazia had their
first meeting within the consortium format on March 15 in Moscow and
agreed to meet again in Tbilisi in late March. After the mid-April
meeting in Yerevan the consortium will be legalized after which it
will engage in its activities. The consortium is also responsible for
fund raising. Most of the finances will be directed to demine
surrounding territories of the railroad, repair of bridges and
rails. Vladimir Badalian says that a railroad link stretching 70-80 km
is completely devoid of rails. The overall price of the project is
$150-200 million. The Russian side will cover 50 percent of the sum,
Georgia $30, Armenia and Abkhazia 10 percent. Mr. Badalian assures
that the railroad will possibly function in 1 or 2 years.

The consortium gives hope that the Abkhazian railroad will finally
function spurring development of our economy. Besides it will break
the economic blockade of Armenia by 60-70 percent opening a window not
only to Russia but also to Europe. Experts claim that reopening of the
railroad will bring new approaches in Armenian-Turkish relations – the
closed Turkish border will hence be meaningless.

By M. H

‘The Armenian Genocide’ to Be Shown Gratis at Egyptian Theatre in LA

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006

Armenian Genocide


Israel Charny Urges PBS to Show the Film

On April 17, residents of Los Angeles and neighboring regions will
have the chance to watch free of charge “The Armenian Genocide”
documentary at the Egyptian Theatre. Film director, Emmy prize-holder
Andrew Goldberg will also be present at the theatre. The film due to
be shown at 6.00, 8.00 and 10.00 pm is a reaction to the Los
Angeles-based PBS TV Company’s cancellation of the previously reached
agreement to show the documentary. The main reason for this step was
the planned discussion on Armenian Genocide after the film to which
the Armenian community opposed.

Interestingly, the International Association of Genocide Scholars in
the persons of its president Israel Charny and first vice-president
Gregory Stanton wrote an open letter to PBS urging to show “The
Armenian Genocide” on April 17 at the hour when the film will be shown
all over the USA and the world.

The Association noted on its behalf that it considers the documentary
conscientious and well shot. Professors Charny and Stanton underscore
that no other film on this issue so precisely describes and presents
the condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. Andrew Goldberg opens the
film with a request of condemnation, presenting interviews with
scholars as well as common Turkish citizens condemning the Genocide
and shows that the issue of condemnation of the Armenian Genocide is
still the focal point.

Choreographic Collage Celebrates Its 80th Anniversary

AZG Armenian Daily #054, 25/03/2006



The Choreographic Collage is celebrating its 80th Anniversary. The
collage prepared a 2-hour long performance especially for this
occasion. Vilen Galstian, director of the collage, stated that the
performance had two parts – classical and folk dances.

Mr. Galstian stated that the collage has many problems, including
those of economic or organizational character. He stated that RA
Culture Ministry have already allocated about AMD 1 million 200
thousand on the occasion of the collage’s anniversary.

By Gohar Gevorgian

Shooting Armenia – Eternity Territory Film Began


Shooting Armenia – Eternity Territory Film Began

25.03.2006 01:38 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Film director Alen Melik-Grigoryan began shooting
Armenia – Eternity Territory 52-minute documentary. The script of the
film, produced by Simon Kaghinyan, is written by Armen Vatyan,
cameraman is Mkrtich Malkhasyan. In Melik-Grigoryan’s words, there are
also performed episodes in the film. Christian period of Armenia is in
focus of the film. The pagan period will also be shown and will be
shot in Garni.

The picture goal is to acquaint the world with Armenia. The film will
be recorded in Armenian, Russian and English and will be screened in
all countries that have an Armenian community. The film will fit BBC
standards and level.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Arman Melikyan: Azeri State Should Pay Penalty


Arman Melikyan: Azeri State Should Pay Penalty

25.03.2006 20:35 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Each next phase of development of the conflict make
search for peaceful solutions more complicated. If in 1988 Armenians
of Karabakh still could discuss the question of enhancing their
autonomy status to the level of autonomous republic, at the moment of
concluding the cease-fire in 1994 no one in Karabakh could think of
autonomous status within Azerbaijan, NKR President’s Foreign Policy
Advisor Arman Melikyan stated during scientific and practical
conference titled Stability Models in the Black Sea/Caucasus
Region. In his words, each new attempt of the Azeri authorities to
solve the issue from the position of force posed the question of
securing the people and guaranteeing its survival before the NKR.
«On the other hand, it is apparent that Azeri authorities did not
search for political solutions to forced political demands of Nagorno
Karabakh. They tried to solve the issue by force, for which the Azeri
state should pay penalty and should recognize its responsibility for
sufferings of hundreds of thousand people and the state – the NKR,»
Melikyan underscored.

The NKR President’s Advisor believes that recognition of Karabakh’s
independence by Azerbaijan will be the beginning of the way to
reconciliation. «Azeri authorities have to pay compensations to
Armenian refugees, as well as internally displaced Azeris. Some
territories controlled by the NKR Defense Army today play the role of
a security belt. After a reasonable period of time if the Azeri party
does not undertake those actions, the aforementioned territories,
along with their security function, may also become a resource for
compensation to Armenian refugees and a place for their re-settlement,
as citizens of the former Azerbaijani SSR they have the right to
settle in any of its parts they prefer and where their rights – first
of all that to life – are guaranteed,» he said.

Arman Melikyan also remarked that use of force should be censured and
punished, as full development of not only Azerbaijan and Karabakh, but
also entire the Black Sea/Caucasus region is not possible without