On Coming To Power National Unity Will Punish


25 March 06

The members of the National Unity Party announced that they started
publishing information on corruption in the government of Armenia,
particularly, the bankruptcy deal of Armenian Airlines and the
corresponding agreements signed by the government and Mika Ltd., the
agreements signed by Zvartnots Airport and Mika Ltd. several years ago
on supplying fuel to the airport, as a result of which the state
budget suffered losses of millions of dollars, and Mika Ltd. is not
likely to recover these.

The members of this party have been discussing this question over the
past week; the same was in the Azdak Club on March 25, where the guest
was Alexan Karapetyan. He presented once again the contract, which
inflicted losses of millions on the state and brought profit of
millions to certain government officials and to Mika Ltd., the
president of which is Mikhail Baghdasarov, known for his close ties
with the ruling elite.

The deputy leader of the National Unity Alexan Karapetyan failed to
explain clearly, however, why they recalled the deals signed several
years ago. Karapetyan says they are presenting them in a period when
the leadership makes statements about their struggle against the
government. `We want to publish cases of corruption to show that if
they were resolved to fight corruption, they should have prevented
these cases. We want to show that the statements of the government on
struggle against corruption are mere words and populism,’ says the
leader of the National Unity.

It turns out that if the government did not speak out about struggling
corruption, the National Unity would not speak about cases of
corruption either. ` No, we have always spoken out, and if you do not
believe, you can come to the office of our party and read the book by
Artashes Geghamyan, where all his speeches are collected, and you will
see that it contains all these examples,’ says Alexan Karapetyan.

And these will remain there, or will merely serve as material for news
conferences of the Unity. The Unity members will not submit this
material and documents to the Office of Public Prosecutor. Alexan
Karapetyan says that their public addresses are enough for the public
prosecutor to investigate these cases. Their job is to announce. `We
promise that we will reveal all the cases of abuse and the guilty on
coming of power,’ says Alexan Karapetyan. When we inquired whether the
promise referred to coming to power or to punishing,

Karapetyan stated that the promise referred to the punishment. `You
should not even doubt that we will come to power,’ said Alexan

Creation of New Parties Is Not Sensible


YEREVAN, MARCH 24. ARMINFO. There are too many parties on the
political scene of Armenia and creation of new parties in senseless,
stated on a briefing at the National Assembly Hrayr Karapetian,
secretary of ‘Dashnaktsutiun’ party’s parliamentary group, commenting
on the establishment of the ‘New Times’ party by Artashes Tumanian and
his further departure from the party.

The secretary of the ‘Justice’ opposition bloc Victor Dallakian tried
to explain the dismissal of Mr. Tumanian from the office of the head
of the Presidents’ Board and the withdrawal from the party by the
pressure of certain political powers.Artashes Geghamian, leader of
‘National Movement’ party expressed a hope that the ‘oppressors’ of
Artashes Tumanian will soon find themselves in the same situation.

The matter is that Artashes Tumanian, being the head of the
Presidents’ Board, founded a new party, called ‘New Times’. After the
dismissal of Mr. Tuamanian the newly established party faced
difficulties. In the early March 2006 Mr. Tumanian left his own
party. Armenian mass media alleges that Artashes Tumanian has appealed
to the Embassy of the USA for visa.

Exhibition of Armenian Artists At The Hermitage and Russian Museum


YEREVAN, MARCH 24. ARMINFO. Minister for Culture Gevorg Gevorgian
today received the director of the Hermitage museum, history doctor
Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The press-service of the Culture Ministry reports that Mr. Gevorgian
suggested to organize a number of reciprocal visits of Armenian and
Russian painters-restorers. Mr. Piotrovsky suggested to hold severl
conferences both in Armenia and Russia, dedicated to Boris Piotrovsky,
the former director of Hermitage who organized archeological
excavations in the ancient town of Erebuni. Agreement was made to
hold an exhibition of Armenian artists at Hermitage and the Russian
Museum. Also one of the masterpieces of Hermitage will be exposed at
the Armenian National Picture Gallery.

Members of NA Dislike Song Represented by Armenia at Eurovision


YEREVAN, MARCH 24.ARMINFO. The melody of the song represented by
Armenian singer Andre at Eurovision reminds Mongolian melodies,
Galoust Sahakian, head of Republican faction said today at the

While Artashes Geghamian, leader of “National Unity” party, said that
they could send singer Shoushan Petrosian to Eurovision instead of
Andre. Secretary of ARFD faction also expressed the opinion that a
better song including more national tunes could be represented at the

On his turn, Victor Dallakian, secretary of “Justice” faction, stated
that the song of Andre is chosen to match the taste of the Armenian
authorities that prefer listening to Arabic tunes during their

Only Samvel Balasanian, head of “Orinats Yerkir” party, confessed that
he really liked the song. “Certainly, they could have chosen a better
song, but this one is good, as well,” he said.

It’s worth mentioning that according to preliminary data, the song of
Andre occupies one of the leading positions. Andre received many
suggestions to give concerts in foreign countries. Eurovision
competition will be held in Athens in end May.

Turkish defence minister stresses importance of Turkish-US relations

Turkish defence minister stresses importance of Turkish-US relations

Anatolia news agency, Ankara
25 Mar 06

Washington, DC, 25 March: Turkish National Defence Minister Vecdi
Gonul has indicated that “relations with the United States is one of
cornerstones of Turkish foreign policy”.

Gonul delivered a speech on “Evolving security environment and
Turkey’s strategic role in Eurasia” in a conference organized by Los
Angeles World Affairs Council.

“There have been Turkish-US military relations at the highest level,”
he underscored, and noted that the volume of cooperation between
Turkish and the US defence industries amounted to 13bn US dollars over
the last 20 years.

Stating that Turkey and the United States attached great importance to
prevention of proliferation of mass destruction weapons and ballistic
missiles, Gonul recalled that Turkey, as an ally of NATO, stayed at
the front line against a possible threat of missile which might be
developed in the Middle East.

Gonul noted that Turkey always played a role of bridge between the
east and the west.

“The latest developments have shown there is lack of dialogue between
different communities worldwide,” Gonul stressed that Turkey’s EU
membership would give an important message underlining that different
cultures could exist together peacefully.

Pointing out to Turkey’s cooperation in US-led war in Iraq, Gonul
recalled that 4,990 sorties were conducted in the Turkish airspace,
Turkey’s Incirlik base was used and the parliament approved a
government motion permitting the dispatch of soldiers to Iraq.

Gonul noted that Turkey has doubled its economic and commercial
relations with Iraq since 2003, indicating that 50 per cent of
processed oil need of Iraq was provided by Turkey. He stressed that
one fourth of electricity need of this country would also be provided
by Turkey this year. Stating that Turkey supported peace process in
Iraq, he underlined that it also attached special importance to
territorial integrity of Iraq. Gonul said that Turkish public had
concerns over discriminative attitude of Kurdish population in Iraq.

“Natural resources of Iraq belong to all Iraqi people,” he stressed.

Noting that Iraqi election was a great step taken on the way of
democracy, he said that the new Iraqi government should focus on
constitutional amendment. Gonul said that Kirkuk was still a very
important matter affecting the stability in Iraq, noting that the
destiny of Kirkuk should be determined by all Iraqi people.

He noted that terrorist organization PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party]
was continuing its activities in the north of Iraq, stressing that
Turkey expected all relevant parties to solve this problem. “Turkey
considers that Iraqi government and coalition forces have equal
responsibility to end those activities there,” he said.

Gonul said that Turkey had sound and special relations with Israel and

Stating that Hamas should assume a reasonable attitude, he said that
Turkey was ready to assist efforts necessary to resume peace talks
within the scope of the road map.

He indicated that Turkey considered that Upper Karabakh issue was the
main obstacle in front of peace and cooperation in the region, stating
that a peaceful solution to this matter would contribute to
development of regional cooperation and would normalize
Turkish-Armenian relations.

Armenian soldier wounded as truce violated by Azerbaijan – TV

Armenian soldier wounded as truce violated by Azerbaijan – TV

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
25 Mar 06

The truce violation was registered on the contact line between the
Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces at 1900 [1500 gmt] on 23 March,
the press secretary of the Armenian Defence Ministry, Col Seyran
Shakhsuvaryan, has reported.

Armenia’s defence positions near the village of Baganis in Tavush
Region came under fire from a military unit in Azerbaijan’s Qazax
District. A 24-year old private of the Armenian armed forces, Voskan
Ovannesyan, was wounded and taken to hospital.

First Reaction to Vano Siradeghyan’s Words


25 March 06

It was the irony of fate or maybe God’s will that the members of the
National Unity, more exactly Alexan Karapetyan, were the first to
comment on the interview of Vano Siradeghyan.

On March 25 after the appearance of the interview in the Haykakan
Zhamanak Daily Alexan Karapetyan was the guest of the Azdak Club, and
naturally news reporters had an opportunity to ask for his opinion

`I have not read it yet, said Alexan Karapetyan on March 25, between
12.20 and 12.30 o’clock. The reporters tried to convey some of the
words of Vano Siradeghyan, especially the part where he says `power
was cast at the feet of the leaders of the opposition, but they were
unable to pick it up¦’ And, generally, Vano Siradeghyan stated that
the opposition has nothing to do with the current internal political

In answer to Vano Siradeghyan’s words Alexan Karapetyan, one of the
leaders of the opposition, the deputy leader of the National Unity
Party, cited a Russian proverb, implying that Vano Siradeghyan was not
supposed to speak in that way. According to him, their party has
always asserted that the formers did not differ from the current
leadership. `He is not Lenin to write letters from Finland. They do
not act by letters. If he knows and can do so much, let him come and
do what he said he could,’ stated Alexan Karapetyan.

Antelias: New Residential Construction by the Catholicosate ends

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


His Holiness Aram I announced on March 24 the completion of the
Catholicosate of Cilicia’s residential complex initiative in Fanar. Newly
married couples have already bought apartments with affordable prices and
easy payment methods and have started moving in. The residential complex
will thus enlarge the region’s Armenian community.

His Holiness assured that as a tangible expression of its mission to serve
the people our Church will continue to implement such projects. He called
for the implementation of similar projects in the Dioceses of the
Catholicosate of Cilicia.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of the
Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.


Antelias: Participation in Christian-Muslim Dialogue conf in Cairo

Catholicosate of Cilicia
Communication and Information Department
Contact: V.Rev.Fr.Krikor Chiftjian, Communications Officer
Tel: (04) 410001, 410003
Fax: (04) 419724
E-mail: [email protected]

PO Box 70 317

Armenian version:


The Middle East Council of Churches, the Christian-Muslim Dialogue Committee
and the Islamic International Conference organized the second international
Christian-Muslim dialogue conference in Cairo on March 21-22. The conference
was entitled “Religion and Human Rights.”

The conference was sponsored by Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See
of St. Mark His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and Sheikh Al-Azhar Dr. Mohammed
Said Tantawi. Christian and Muslim theologians and scholars participated in
the conference. Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian, Primate of the Diocese of
Tehran represented the Armenian Church (the Catholicosate of Cilicia) in the
conference as member of the Christian-Muslim Dialogue Committee.

Archbishop Sebouh took the stage during the opening of the conference to
convey the greetings of His Holiness Aram I to the attendants. The
Archbishop delivered a lecture entitled “The Christian Concept of Human

Archbishop Sarkissian held a private meeting with Dr. Tantawi on March 22.
He conveyed the greetings of His Holiness Aram I and his viewpoints on the
vital importance of Christian-Muslim dialogue.

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the Ecumenical
activities of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician Catholicosate, the
administrative center of the church is located in Antelias, Lebanon.


`Education for Armenia’s Prosperity’ project launched by UNDP

`Education for Armenia’s Prosperity’ project launched by UNDP and the
Ministry of Education and Science

25.03.2006 11:23

On March 24 in the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia, the `
Education for Armenia’s Prosperity’ project was launched by United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Armenia office and the Ministry
of Education and Sciences.

The project is mainly funded by the Government of Norway and
co-financed by the Government of Armenia. It is foreseen that as a
result of the project, the size and quality of Armenia’s skilled
workforce will increase significantly, helping to lay the foundation
for the country’s economic growth over the medium term.

Recognizing the importance of skilled workforce for ensuring medium
and long-term sustainable development of the country, UNDP, in
partnership with the private sector, Government and academic
institutions, will aim to modernize and improve the Vocational
Education and Training System in Armenia.

In the framework of the project, facilities will be upgraded and new
equipment will be provided to vocational training institutions. In
this way, the project will try to ensure that the next generation of
skilled workers masters up-to-date and innovative technologies.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are students who will be
educated in the selected vocational training institutions. Small,
medium and large businesses working in relevant economic sub-sectors
will also benefit from a marked increase in the size and quality of
skilled labour force.

The project, with a total budget of USD 1,157,315 (including USD
55,000 provided by the Government of Armenia), will last two years.