MP says US Launches Separate Effort to Help End Karabakh Dispute



parliament member argued today that the U.S.A. has
launched a separate effort to help resolve the
Armenian-Azerbaijani dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh.
Viktor Dalakian from the opposition Ardarutyun
(Justice) alliance said the USA, parallel to talks
under the aegis of the OSCE Minsk group, has stepped
up efforts in this direction. He said that was his
impression from a series of meetings with Assistant
Secretary of State Daniel Freid when he was visiting
Yerevan together with Steven Mann, the US cochairman
in the Minsk group. He downplayed fears that
hostilities may resume, saying US officials were
taking every action to prevent it. “US officials made
it clear that a new war could not resolve the
conflict,” he said.
Meantime Steven Mann told in an interview to the
RFE/RL, Azerbaijani service that the time was working
against the parties to the Karabakh conflict. Steven
Mann reiterated that `2006 is the opportune year for a
deal’ and that the sides need to complete the serious
work which he hopes will result in tangible progress.
`We are continuing our work. The co-chairs remain of
the opinion that it is very desirable to get some
version of an agreement in 2006, but in the final
analysis this depends on the two countries
themselves,’ the American mediator said.

NK Welcomes ICG Report, but Says Its Recommendations not Feasible



ministry of Nagorno-Karabakh praised a report by the
Brussels- based International Crisis Group (ICG) on
EU’s role in resolution of conflicts in the South
Caucasus, issued on March 20, describing it as
‘serious and analytical work.”
The report in question said instability in the
South Caucasus is a threat to European Union (EU)
security. “Geographic proximity, energy resources,
pipelines and the challenges of international crime
and trafficking make stability in the region a clear
EU interest. Yet, the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh,
Abkhazian and South Ossetian conflicts have the
potential to ignite into full-fledged wars in Europe’s
neighborhood. To guarantee its own security, the EU
should become more engaged in efforts to resolve the
three disputes. It can do so by strengthening the
conflict resolution dimension of the instruments it
applies. As the EU is unlikely to offer membership to
Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan even in the medium
term, it must identify innovative means to impose
conditionality on its aid and demonstrate influence.
This is a challenge that Brussels has only begun to
Irina Beglarian, head of a department at
Nagorno-Karabakh foreign ministry, said
Nagorno-Karabakh shared these concerns and welcomed
every effort aimed at preventing resumption of
hostilities in the region and establishment of
stability and peace. She said Karabakh authorities
comprehend the desire of the EU to get involved in
peace efforts, but she added that recommendations
offered by the report to achieve the goals are not
feasible, as they do not reflect the core of the
Karabakh conflict and are based on misinterpreted
basic concepts.
Irina Beglarian said also Nagorno-Karabakh was
surprised at the report’s authors attempts to accuse
the OSCE Minsk group of monopolizing the peace
process. She said the Minsk group does not work at the
whim of separate diplomats or countries. The group is
mandated by the OSCE to help the parties to find a
mutually acceptable peace formula.

New Images of Unknown Object on Mt. Ararat Fuel Archeologists


New Images of Unknown Object on Mt. Ararat Added Fuel to Archeologists’

24.03.2006 22:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Recently released satellite images
of an unknown formation or object on Mt. Ararat in
Turkey have added fuel to archeologists’ ongoing quest
to find Noah’s ark. The `new and significant
development,’ an image from a QuickBird satellite, is
relevant because the high-resolution view shows
clearer detail of a `ship-like object … 1,015 feet in
length,’ Porcher Taylor, a professor of national
security law, told Taylor has spent 13
years investigating the mysterious item. Taken over
the northwest corner of Mt. Ararat, the picture shows
a long, dark object – or rock formation, some
say-resting sideways in glacial ice at an elevation of
15,300 feet. While Taylor says he has no agenda for
his investigation, he aims to expose the irregularity
in the mountain’s geography for whatever it is. And
then he wants to make it visibly accessible for
public, scientific and scholarly critique. Despite
some enthusiasts’ conviction about the object’s
history, others hesitate to declare it the biblical
ark – or any kind of manmade object. `My gut instinct is
that it’s natural phenomena,’ said Bill Crouse,
president of Christian Information Ministries, who
twice has led archeological expeditions to the
mountains of southern Turkey. `What I find when I
analyze these photos is that this is naturally
occurring,’ he said, but then added, `of course, you
never say never.’

6 Armenians Elected to Kislovodsk Town Parliament


6 Armenians Elected to Kislovodsk Town Parliament

24.03.2006 22:45 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ March 22 Armenian Consul General in
the South Federation Okrug of Russia Ararat Gomtsian
took part in the solemn ceremony of assumption of the
office by Mayor of Kislovodsk Biryukov, reported
Yerkramas, the newspaper of Armenians of Russia.
Congratulating the newly election mayor on the
election Ararat Gomtsian wished the town prosperity
and good relations with Armenia, specifically with its
twin city Vanadzor. The Consul General also
congratulated newly elected deputies of the town
parliament including 6 Armenians, residents of Kislovodsk.

BTC Regular Sector Being Filled with Oil


BTC Regular Sector Being Filled with Oil

24.03.2006 22:48 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ BTC Co started the filling of the
regular sector of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline
with Azeri Light oil. Last week the filling of the
sector between PST-2 and PST-3 started. `The shipping
of the first tanker with Azeri oil from the port of
Ceyhan is scheduled for this spring,’ BP said,
reported Trend. To note, 5.5 million barrels of oil
has been pumped by March 1, 2006. 10 million barrels
are essential for the complete filling of the oil pipeline.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

`Don’t Do Harm’ Should Become Main Principle for Karabakh Settlement


`Don’t Do Harm’ Should Become Main Principle for Karabakh Settlement

24.03.2006 23:36 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The report of the International
Crisis Group titled `The settlement of conflicts in
the South Caucasus. The role of the European Union’
and published March 20, 2006 appears as a serious
analytical work and contains recommendations to the
European Union on the engagement in the South
Caucasian processes. `We share the concern of the
international community not to allow large-scale wars
near Europe. In this context we welcome any consistent
effort bent for the establishment of peace and
stability in the South Caucasus, particularly for the
settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict that broke
out after the military aggression of Azerbaijan
against NKR. The aspiration of the European structures
to deeper integrate in the settlement of conflicts in
the South Caucasus is understandable. However the
mechanism of achieving these goals presented in the
ICG report doesn’t seem to be practicable, since it
doesn’t reflect the essence of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict and bases on replaced key notions.
Strengthening of democracy and human rights respect
are preconditions for the peaceful settlement of the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict and we hope the EU will
follow these principles in its policy towards the
South Caucasus,’ NKR MFA political department head
Irina Beglaryan stated.

In her words, the inclusion of the South Caucasian
unrecognized states into the EU integration processes
is a positive detail of the report. Activation of the
interparliamentary dialogue between the sides involved
in conflicts in the South Caucasus also deserves
special attention. Joining of the EU Special
Representative’s for the South Caucasus to the talks
held within the OSCE Minsk Group also arouses
interest. `On one hand this is a flow of fresh
strength and original approaches on the other hand it
appears as unneeded decentralization of efforts that
will impede the settlement process. In this issue the
postulate `do not do harm’ should become the main

`At the same time the attempts of the report authors
to blame the Minsk Group for the monopolization of the
process arouse concern. The OSCE MG activities is not
a caprice of some diplomats or states, this is the
work carried out within the OSCE mandate. During 14
years of activities the Minsk Group gained a certain
peacemaking experience and the maintenance of peace in
the region is the result of it. However I would like
to stress that neither the current format nor the
possible joining of European mediators can compensate
for the absence of Nagorno Karabakh, the immediate
party to conflict, in the negotiation process,’ Irina
Beglaryan stated, reported NKR MFA press office.

Delegation Leaves for Washington to Sign Millenium Challenge Compact



delegation headed by Minister of Finance and Economy
Vartan Khachatrian will set off for Washington for
Millennium Challenge Compact signing. Chief Economic
Advisor to the President Vahram Nercissiantz, Minister
of Foreign Affairs Vartan Oskanian, Armenian
Ambassador to the US Tatoul Margarian and other
officials are included in the delegation.
On March 27, Minister of Finance and Economy Vartan
Khachatrian and Ambassador John Danilovich will sign
235, 65 million USD agreement. Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice will attend the signing ceremony that
will take place at State Department’s Benjamin
Franklin Hall. Secretary will also address the
On March 28, representatives of MCC and Armenian
delegation will jointly present the main directions
and objectives of the program to the representatives
of media, NGOs and Armenian Diaspora. They will also
answer the questions.

Normalizing Armenia-Turkey Relns Favorable for Yerevan-Baku Relns


Normalization of Armenia-Turkey Relations Favorable for Yerevan-Baku

25.03.2006 00:21 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `The normalization of the Armenia-Turkey relations
will have a positive impact not only upon the economy and internal
political and ideological situation in Armenia but also upon the
Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. The more Armenians benefit from the
cooperation and good neighbor relations with Turkey the less political
forces in Armenia will build the policy of hostility towards Turkey
and Azerbaijan,’ Azeri political scientist Zardusht Alizade stated in
an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, in this case those,
who specialize in `the eternal Armenian-Turk animosity’ in Baku and
Turkey, will have to fall silent.

`Integrating Europe is a good example. But counter steps are
essential. Armenians are convinced that Turkey should acknowledge the
events of 1915 with all the consequences. Turkey for its part
considers that Armenia should stop being an instrument in the hands of
anti-Turkish forces, first of all the Russian special services and
right-wing conservative parties in Europe,’ Alizade said.

At the same time he stressed he is a cautious optimist and sets hope
upon `the reason and the sense of historical prospects of the Armenian
people.’ `Presently Armenia’s position doesn’t give ground for
optimism,’ he said.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

ANCA Welcomes Los Angeles Times Position on Armenian Genocide Issue


ANCA Welcomes Los Angeles Times Position on Armenian
Genocide Issue

25.03.2006 00:28 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Armenian National Committee of America applauded
the Los Angeles Times for publishing an editorial calling on the US
Government to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide. The
editorial entitled `It was genocide’ appeared in the March 22nd
edition of the Los Angeles Times and highlighted reports that the US
Ambassador to Armenia, John Marshall Evans, faced early termination of
his post due to comments he made affirming the Armenian Genocide. The
editorial explained that while the Armenian Genocide is a textbook
example of genocide, the US Government has shied away from using the
term genocide in describing the annihilation of Armenians by Ottoman
Turkey due to its current-day political relations with the Turkish
Government. The Los Angeles Times went on to praise countries that
have passed resolutions acknowledging the genocide and expressed hope
that the US Government would one day act in kind.

`We commend the LA Times for taking a principled stance on the
Armenian Genocide, which is a crime against all humanity,’ commented
Zanku Armenian, a member of the ANCA-WR Board of Directors. `The
editorial position of the LA Times joins a growing list of prominent
newspapers around the country that have taken similar positions
including the New York Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune and many
others. This serves as a major blow to Turkey’s genocide denial
campaign and sends a clear message that it is time for the US
Government to reaffirm the facts of the Armenian Genocide rather than
persecute those who dare speak the truth.’

Alizade: People’s Diplomacy – Pioneer Hacking Jungles of Hostility


Alizade: People’s Diplomacy – Pioneer Hacking Through Jungles of Hostility

25.03.2006 00:32 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Our nations have already derived the benefit from
the people’s diplomacy. It’s enough to remember the released hostages
and POWs,’ Azeri political scientist Zardusht Alizade stated in an
interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. `But at the current stage its
efficiency is low, since it’s opposed by the united power forces in
Armenia and Azerbaijan. People’s diplomacy is a pioneer hacking
through the jungles of hostility. Nobody knows whether the society
will follow some ideologists or the well-organized criminal community
of the strong. The self-interest of great powers has a huge influence
upon the Near East as well as in the North and South Caucasus.