Zardusht Alizade: There Is No Hope for `Imposed Peace’


Zardusht Alizade: There Is No Hope for `Imposed Peace’

25.03.2006 00:43 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `With extrapolation of the current situation to the
future without taking into account the possibility of a miracle, the
future of the South Caucasus seems sad,’ Azeri political scientist
Zardusht Alizade stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. `Without
the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict on the basis of a
compromise our nations and states will keep on hostility,’ he
noted. In his words, no regional or continental integration will break
through the strong redoubt of national myths and corporate interests
of the ruling elite. `There is no hope for `an imposed peace’
either. Over the availability of conflicts the waters in the South
Caucasus are troubled and economic and geopolitical fish is easily
caught here,’ Alizade added.

Hayrikyan Negotiates with the Prime Minister



04:10 pm 24 March, 2006

Today the leader of the Union for National Self-Determination Paruyr
Hayrikyan started the process of negotiation with the leader of the RA
republican party, Prime-Minister Andranik Margaryan, a person whom
Paruyr Hayrikyan himself called and `agent’ and accused of various

Is it possible after all this to find edges of negotiations and will
Andranik Margaryan agree to negotiate? Being in the stage of
negotiations, Paruyr Hayrikyan today allayed his estimations
concerning Andranik Margaryan and said, `Andranik Margaryan has been
one of the important persons of the National United Party. After some
time some people left the party, among those people was Andranik
Margaryan who was under pressure’.

Paruyr Hayrikyan wants the 40th anniversary of the National United
Party to be celebrated on the government level. `Is there a single
party in Armenia which puts a goal before himself and his people and
reaches it? The only one was National United Party the aim of which
was independence and he reached it. And now whose anniversary should
be celebrated if no of that of National United Party’,-says Paruyr
Hayrikyan, who founded the Union for National Self-Determination on
the bases of the National United Party.

He also noted that there is a considerable difference between the
independence of the countries of the former Soviet Union: `Uzbeks
became independent because Armenia was in a struggle. We didn’t win
our independence the way they did’. According to Paruyr Hayrikyan,
this year is also the 15th anniversary of the self-determination of
the Armenian nation – the 1991 September referendum of
independence. And we cannot celebrate it without remembering the
anniversary of the NUP.

Paruyr Hayrikyan expects Andranik Margaryan to start the anniversary
events of the NUP anniversary on April 24 which is the day of
foundation of the party. He expects that programs about the history of
the party, conferences and congresses will take place within the
framework of the events. The most important thing for UNSD is to move
the ashes of the founder of the NUP Haikaz Khachatryan to the pantheon
and to declare him as a national hero. `He was a person who for a long
period of time was the inspiration for the independence’, Paruyr
Hayrikyan says.

By the way, it is not clear yet if Andranik Margaryan is going to
negotiate with Paruyr Hayrikyan.

Armenian Prisoner of War Repatriated under ICRcC Auspices



04:20 pm 24 March, 2006

Geneva (ICRC) – On 24 March an Armenian prisoner of war detained in
Azerbaijan was repatriated under the auspices of the International
Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The operation took place on the
road between the Azerbaijani town of Gazakh and the Armenian town of

The ICRC, participating as a neutral intermediary and in accordance
with its mandate, facilitated the repatriation of the released
prisoner at the request of the Azerbaijani and the Armenian

ICRC delegates visited the prisoner of war before the operation to
ensure he was returning home of his own free will.

Since the start of its activities in connection with the Nagorny
Karabakh conflict in 1992, the ICRC has helped repatriate or transfer
656 people, and the organization will support any similar operation in
the future should the need arise.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Govmt Approves Program Dedicated to 15th Anniversary of Independence


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The RA Government approved the program
of main events dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the independence
of the Republic of Armenia on March 23. As Noyan Tapan was informed by
the RA Government’s Information and Public Relations Department, Vigen
Sargsian, the RA President’s Advisor made a statement concerning the
program at the sitting. The program that includes about 8 dozens of
events of festive-ceremonial, sceintific-educational, cultural, sports
and other character will be implemented in the capital of the
republic, marzes and communities starting from April till the end of
the year. In the RA and Nagorno Karabakh all-Armenian events as well
will take place, including the “One Nation, One Culture” second
festival, the forth all-Armenian-youth and second educational
conferences, the “Golden Apricot” (Voske Tsiran) third international
film festival. During the week of the 15th anniversary of the
Independence, from September 17 to 24, the Armenia-Diaspora third
conference, the second all-Armenian economic forum, different
conferences will be held, poster and photo exhibitions dedicated to
the independence anniversary, show of films shot during the 15 years
of independence will be organized. The start of the jubilee week will
be marked with the Surb Liturgy celebrated in Etchmiadzin and all the
Armenian churches of the world.

The main ceremonies of the program will take place on September 21.
On the Independence Day, events will start with a visit to Yerablur,
then a military parad will be held on the Republic square, people’s
celebrations will take place in the capital and in marzes, a great
festive concert will be organized in the republican sports ground
after V.Sargsian. Illumination will take place in Yerevan, Gyumri and
Vanadzor in the evening. It is instructed to present the programs of
events in marzes to be included in the program of main events to the
RA Prime Minister till April 20, 2006. A number of instructions were
given to heads of corresponding state bodies and organizations as

Report Refuted re Compensation of Gas Price Hike For Arms Discount


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The Russian newspaper “Kommersant”
reported in the March 24 issue that Russia allegedly agreed to
compensate Armenia for an increase in the gas price by selling arms to
Armenia at a discount. It is envisaged that starting April 1, the
price of the gas that Russia supplies to Armenia will increase from
the current 54 dollars to 110 dollars for 1,000 cubic
meters. According to the newspaper, this year Russia intends to sell
arms to Armenia at much lower prices, in some cases – almost
gratis. By the newspaper’s estimates, it will allow the RA state
budget to save 23-50 mln USD this year, thanks to which the government
will be able to compenaste for the gas price increase. The press
secretary of the Armenian President Victor Soghomonian refuted the
information of “Kommersant”. “I must say that I read today’s
information of the Russian newspaper “Kommersant” with surprise,” Mr.
Soghmonian said to NT correspondent. “I cannot judge why the
information authors made such imaginary statements and then came to
such a far-fetched conclusion. Nevertheless, I consider it necessary
to say that the part of today’s information of “Kommersant” which says
that Armenia will buy ammunition at low prices from Russia as a
compensation for the increase in the Russian gas price has no relation
to reality,” the press secretary of the Armenian President noted.

33 Libraries Were Closed Down in the Past 16 Years



05:07 pm 24 March, 2006

`Our society yearns to read good books and normal library
conditions. It needs libraries which can satisfy today’s needs. There
is still much to do in the sphere of libraries’, director of the
National Library and head of the Armenian Libraries’ Association David
Sargsyan said during the press conference.

The Association is going to organize a library week in order to invite
the attention of the society to libraries and books. On April 3-10 in
all the regions of Armenia, in Nagorno Karabakh, as well as in the
Armenian libraries of Javakhq, Ispahan and Hamshen events will take
place in the libraries. These events will include book reading,
exhibitions, and competitions of compositions with the themes `My
Library’ and `What is Reading?’

This is the fifth time the Association has ever organized a library
week. According to David Sargsyan, the idea was born during the
discussion of the library associations of USA and South Caucasian

Head of the library after Avetiq Isahakyan Hasmik Karapetyan states
that the libraries have serious problems. Every year many libraries
are closed, and those which exist are not in good conditions. During
the last 16 years 33 libraries have been closed down in Armenia. At
present, there are about 1000 libraries in the Republic.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Where Are We Armenians and Where Are We Going?



05:18 pm 24 March, 2006


`I am afraid that speaking about the collision of civilizations we
will ignore our national development’, advisor of the RA Foreign
Ministry Ashot Voskanyan expressed his concern during the discussion
with the theme `Collision of Civilizations and Armenia’ in the
`Mirror’ club. According to him, it would be better to think not about
the collision of civilizations, but about the solution of social

The Advisor considers the expression `collision of civilizations’
dangerous and artificial. Mr. Voskanyan fears that the collision
Russia-USA which started during the Soviet times can be replaced by
that of civilizations.

Mr. Voskanyan reminded that when he represented the issue of RA
membership to CE, a number of Europeans asked if the Armenians are
Europeans, `When I said that we are Christians, they said that the
people in Latin America are Christians too, but it doesn’t make them

Ashot Voskanyan was convinced that Armenia will not be a full member
of CE for a long time. According to him, it is clear for the Europeans
what we want, but they do not understand what we will give them.

Before referring to the main theme, the second guest of the `Mirror’
club Hrach Bayadyan tried to explain what civilization and especially
Western civilization is. As for the confrontation of East and West Mr.
Bayadyan thinks there must not be clear-cut boundaries. «When we speak
about the confrontation of East and West, we spread the ideology
created by the West».

Ashot Voskanyan had a different concept of the West, «The West is
Europe in the extreme, and USA is the West of the West». According to
Mr. Voskanyan, before speaking about civilizations, we Armenians must
understand what our own society is. «For centuries we failed to have
not only statehood but also a society».

He also spoke about his concept of Europe, «Europe has serious
problems. They follow the path of self-purification. The society must
discuss the problems within itself. That is to say, there is a section
in the society which raises these problems. This is Europe. »

To note, during the discussion no one failed to find out which
civilization is Armenia in, where it is going and what it can gain and
lose on its way.

The Parliamentary Week Is the Monologue of the NA Speaker?



06:07 pm 24 March, 2006

It turns out that not only the head of the Public TV Radio Company
Council Alexan Haroutyunyan, but also the coalition colleagues of the
Orinats Yerkir party are displeased with the program «Parliamentary
Week». «The society can see that the program is one-sided: it has
turned into a monologue», the head of the Republican Party fraction
Galoust Sahakyan said during the NA briefings, answering the questions
of the journalists.

He brought an example, «In particular, during the hearings about
energy security the speeches of neither the Minister nor the deputies
were shown: it was a monologue». He referred tot eh speech of the NA
Speaker. «And the people have the impression that some people are
interested in the closure of the nuclear power station».

The secretary of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation Hrayr
Karapetyan too expressed his negative attitude towards the
«Parliamentary Week». He noted that although they discuss the content
of the program every Friday, «it has improved but a little. »

«We are active in the Parliament, and they show us during the
activity», the head of the Orinats Yerkir fraction Samvel Balasanyan
tried to explain away. He and Mher Shahgeldyan noted that the program
refers to the activity of the Committees, and gives the deputies and
fraction the right to express their points of view.

Secretary of the Justice bloc fraction Viktor Dallakyan announced that
these discussions are an attempt to deprive the opposition of the
right of voice. `This is the continuation of the closure of `A1+’,
deputy of Justice bloc Grigor Haroutyunyan said.

But the other members of the opposition underlined that the
conversations about the program simply confirm the problems within the

Change of Authorities Live



06:48 pm 24 March, 2006

`Instead of taking up the role of interpreter, Vardan Oskanyan should
have sent a note to the US State Secretariat for offending our
national dignity’, head of the National Unity NA fraction Artashes
Geghamyan announced during the NA briefings.

He reminded that on March 7 the report of the US State Secretariat
about drug trafficking was published in the press. It was commented on
by him and other political figures, but after that `Vardan Oskanyan
was brought to the Parliament to refute it’.

Geghamyan informed that according to the commander of the Russian
military forces in Armenia General-Lieutenant Sergey Bondorev, the
Russian border forces managed to prevent drug trafficking near the
Armenian-Irani border several times. Geghamyan asked why the Armenian
National Security Service did not say anything about it and answered
his question himself, `Because high state officers are involved in the

Geghamyan informed Kocharyan that they are worried about the country,
that’s why they are ready to negotiation with the authorities on
tensionless change of authorities. `For this purpose we are ready to
negotiate with Robert Kocharyan and Serge Sargsyan live’, Artashes
Geghamyan said.

Artashes Minasyan – Champion of Armenia



08:00 pm 24 March, 2006

Artashes Minasyan became the chess champion of Armenia. He gained the
right to participate in the chess world Olympiad in the Armenian chess
team. He also won 1.5 million AMD.

The second place was taken by Arman Pashikyan who won 900 thousand
AMD. He also reached the title of Grand Master. The third place was
taken by Tigran Qotanjyan.

As for the women’s championship, Siranoush Andreasyan became
champion. She too will participate in the world Olympiad. Her victory
`cost’ 300 thousand AMD.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress