Armenian opposition leader says USA boosting efforts in Karabakhsett

Armenian opposition leader says USA boosting efforts in Karabakh settlement

24 Mar 06

Yerevan, 24 March: The USA is boosting its efforts in the settlement
of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict in parallel with the OSCE Minsk
Group, the secretary of the opposition Justice bloc, Viktor Dallakyan,
told a briefing at the Armenian National Assembly today.

He said that the recent visits of US Assistant Secretary of State
Daniel Fried and US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group Steven Mann to
the region testified to this. Dallakyan noted that at his meeting with
Fried and Mann, he had an impression that the goal of their visit to
the region was to learn the positions of the two sides and public
opinion in detail.

Dallakyan confirmed that at the meeting Fried and Mann had said that a
militarily settlement to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict was
inadmissible and that they were putting pressure on Azerbaijan in this
regard. Dallakyan believes that Russian co-chairman Yuriy Merzlyakov’s
absence from the OSCE Minsk Group meeting in Istanbul could be
explained by increased US activity in the Nagornyy Karabakh

[Passage omitted: Merzlyakov did not take part in the Istanbul meeting
because of illness]

Orinants Erkir Youth Union Proposes Developing State Strategy on…


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The Youth Union of the Orinats Erkir
Party (OEP) finds that it has become urgent to develop and implement a
state strategy of youth assistance in the sphere of housing security
with the aim of raising the marriage and birth rate, reducing the
number of divorces and developing the marzes in Armenia, which was
stated at a round table-discussion held on March 23. Samvel Farmanian,
member of the OEP Youth Union, said that according to the CIS
Statistical Committee data, in 2005 the population of Armenia grew by
0.1%, while that of Azerbaijan – by 4.4%. Besides, according to the RA
official statistics, the number of divorces increased by about 25% in
the country in the same year. S. Farmanian pointed out that the
current conditions of mortgage crediting are not conducive to the
solution of the housing problems facing the Armenian youth. In his
words, the state should work out certian mechanisms in order to deal
with these problems. Particularly, it is expedient that the state take
a 200 mln dollar credit from the World Bank for the construction of
settlements and buildings for young people. He noted that some
Diasporan Armenian benefactors are prepared to take part in the
solution of the youth housing problems in case of availability of a
clear and transparently implemented state program. The OEK Youth Union
member Armen Khechikian in his turn explained that only 10-15% of
Armenian young people earn an amount equivalent to 400-700 dollars a
month, which allows to get and repay mortgage loans with a repayment
period of 5-7 years and the lowest annual interest rate of 13% in
order to buy a 12 thousand dollar apartment. In his opinion, the state
may set up a youth mortgage fund to deal with issues related to
payment of loan interests. One of the ways to provide Armenian young
people with apartments is introduction of tax privileges for banks
that give mortgage loans to them. Another way is setting up a
guarantee fund of youth mortgage loans repayment. Other countries’
experience in the sphere of youth housing provision was also discussed
during the event. Particularly, thanks to a fund established in
Ukraine, young people have the opportunity to take mortgage loans at a
5% annual interest rate, whereas in other cases the same rate makes
10.6%. The students of higher educational institutions of Sverdlovsk
region (Russia) were given the opportunity to participate in the
construction of their own apartments, get loans and repay them in 4

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

National Library Week To Be Held For 5th Time on April 3-10


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The National Library Week will be held
in libraries of Armenia on April 3-10. The Week held already for the
5th year on the initiative of the Armenian Library Association will be
titled “Library: Crossroad of Civilizations” this time. As David
Sargsian, the Director of the National Library of Armenia informed at
the March 24 press-conference, the goal of the Week is to draw the
society’s opinion towards book, to present importance of the role of
libraries, as the most important source of information on the spheres
of education, culture, etc. The Director of the National Library of
Armenia informed that a number of libraries of NKR, Javakhk as well as
Diaspora joined the National Library Week. Discussions of books,
exhibitions, events dedicated to the native language will be organized
within the framework of the Week. By the decision of the Yerevan
Mayor’s Office, a competition of compositions on the themes “My
Library,” “My Favorite Book” and “What is Reading” will be announced
in all schools of the capital. Results of the competition will be
summed up during one month, and the best works will be given monetary
awards. Meetings with famous representatives of science, culture as
well as NA deputies and state officials are also envisaged.

ANCA: Turkish Lobbyist Attacks Armenian Americans

Armenian National Committee of America
888 17th St., NW Suite 904
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 775-1918
Fax: (202) 775-5648
E-mail: [email protected]

March 24, 2006
Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Former Congressman Bob Livingston Accuses Armenian American
Community of Seeking to Impose “Tyranny of the Minority”

WASHINGTON, DC – Turkey’s top Washington, DC lobbyist, former
Louisiana Congressman Bob Livingston, in perhaps his most strident
attack to date, has accused Armenian Americans of seeking to impose
a “tyranny of the minority” by urging the Congress to adopt human
rights legislation concerning the Armenian Genocide, according to
documents obtained this week by the Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA).

“It’s truly the height of hypocrisy for a paid foreign agent for
Turkey – a government that violates the rights of its citizens on a
wholesale basis – to try to diminish the role that American
citizens play in the formulation of our nation’s foreign policy,”
said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “But, apparently, in
the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ world of Bob Livingston, other nations
dictate U.S. policy, genocides remain unpunished, and foreign
lobbyists get to silence American voters. He would do well to
spend more time encouraging his Turkish clients to learn about
democracy, and less time seeking to abridge the democratic rights
of Americans here at home.”

In letters sent to Congressional offices last September, prior to
the House International Relations Committee’s consideration of
Armenian Genocide legislation, Livingston, escalated his rhetoric
to unprecedented levels, arguing, in his capacity as a paid agent
of a foreign government, that he believed the measure “cater[s] to
a small minority of citizens promoting the narrow goals of the
minority at the expense of America’s broader interest.” He went
on, in an example of overstatement rare even by Washington, DC
standards, to contend that Armenian Genocide legislation “is the
truest expression of the tyranny of the minority.” The panel
rejected Livingston’s attack, voting 40 to 7 to approve the

In July of last year, CongressWatch, an arm of Public Citizen,
released a 49-page report highlighting ethical concerns about the
Livingston Group’s lobbying efforts for the Turkish Government.
The report details the efforts by Livingston, to secure a “$1
billion supplemental appropriation for Turkey. . . despite that
country’s refusal to allow U.S. troops to use its soil as a staging
area for the Iraq invasion. He also helped kill an amendment that
would have formally recognized the Armenian Genocide that occurred
between 1915 and 1923.” The Livingston Group has received over $10
million in payments from Turkey. To read this entire report, visit:


G Sahakian: MPs Don’t Intend To Change Rules Of Play In Pre-Election


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. No change will be made during the
current year in the NA regulations-law concerning broadcasting of
programs covering works of the Parliament. As Galust Sahakian, the
head of the “RPA” faction informed the Noyan Tapan correspodent, a
decision about this was made in the consultation of heads of the
factions and the group, where the proposal of Alexan Haroutiunian, the
Chairman of the Public Television and Radio Company Council was
discussed. To recap, the latter proposed to liquidate the demand fixed
by the NA regulations-law concerning broadcasting of programs and to
implement broadcasting based on an agreement to be signed between the
Parliament and Council. According to G.Sahakain, A.Haroutiunian’s
proposal is acceptable for himself, but not in the current
pre-electoral year. In his opinion, the Parliament of the next
convention may discuss the problem in future. It’s unequivocal for the
deputy that an independent, balanced covering of the Parliament must
be secured. It’s also obvious that “recently covering is made
one-sided political what isn’t just acceptable for any politician, and
there are gossips among the society as well.” According to the deputy,
the “Parliamentary Week” program prepared by skillful specialists of
the NA Public Relations Department “is censored.” According to him,
censorship existed in the past as well, but it’s “rather emphasized
recently. 25-40 minutes of the time envisaged for the program “have
some trend, thus, a party play takes place.” But even in these
conditions, G.Sahakian isn’t for changing the rules of the play now,
especially, as the opposition observes the proposal of the Chairman of
the Public Television and Radio Company Council as an initiative
addressed against it and possible limitation of the 3 minutes speeches
broadcast compulsory at present.

G Sahakian: “Parliamentary Hour” Program Turned Into “Monologue”


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The proposal of Alexan Haroutiunian,
Chairman of the Council of Public TV and Radio Company, on liquidation
of the “Parliamentary Week” program covering the activity of RA
National Assembly is, in fact, aimed at liquidation of the
three-minute speeches of the Ardarutiun (Justice) and National Unity
factions. Artashes Geghamian, head of RA NA National Unity faction,
expressed such an opinion at the March 24 press briefing. As another
reason he pointed to the “jealousy” of the coalition partners to the
Orinats Yerkir party. Hrayr Karapetian, Secretary of ARF faction,
considers a serious omission the circumstance that it’s mainly the
meetings and speeches of NA Speaker that are covered during the
“Parliamentary Hour” program. Agreeing to the inevitability of
covering the opinions of the parliamentary Speaker and his party,
Karapetian at the same time considers that the principle of equality
should be preserved and the opinions of another parties on the same
issues should be also presented. Galust Sahakian, head of the RPA
faction, mentioned that recently the “Parliamentary Hour” program has
turned into a “monologue of one person”. Sahakian considers Alexan
Haroutiunian’s proposal acceptable but he thinks that the decision
about it should be made by the parliament of next convocation.

Parliamentarians’ Opinions of Andre’s Song Are Not Unequivocal


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. “To tell the truth, it could be better
but I think that it is not a bad song,” Samvel Balasanian, Head of NA
Orinats Yerkir (Country of Law) faction, expressed such an opinion at
the March 24 press briefing speaking about the song to be performed by
Andre at the “Eurovision-2006” musical contest. The MP also mentioned
that personally he likes the song and considers that the song’s clip
is a success “though it contains some Arab elements”. Mher
Shahgeldian, member of the same faction and Vice-Chairman of the
party, also thinks that the song could be better. Meanwhile, he noted
that “a song and music are issues of subjective perception”. In the
opinion of Viktor Dallakian, Secretary of the Ardarutiun (Justice)
faction, “this performance corresponds to the taste of the current
authorities”. Not questioning the estimation given by RPA faction
head Galust Sahakian, who qualified this song as Tatar-Mongolian, he
mentioned that Sahakian is “rather experienced in music and has a good
taste in this sphere”. Personally Viktor Dallakian among Andre’s songs
most of all likes the song “My Love to You” and is sorry that a song
of another kind has been chosen.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

“Lchap” Voluntary Detachment’s 15th Anniversary Marked in Gavar


GAVAR, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The 15th anniversary of the “Lchap”
voluntary detachment, that took part in the defence of RA and Artsakh
borders, was marked. On the occasion of the anniversary, detachment’s
46 former fighters were awarded diplomas of Gegharkunik Governor.

According to Gavar Military Commissar Khazhak Suchian, 73 volunteers
from settlements of Gavar territory have joined the “Lchap” detachment
since March 1991. 8 of them perished on battle-fields. The detachment
took part in military operations in Chambarak, Martakert, Karvachar
and Aghdam.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Lake Sevan Level Rises by 3 cm in March


GAVAR, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. As of March 23, Lake Sevan level made
1898.15 m, which is more by 39 cm compared with the same day of 2005
and by 3 cm compared with the index of the same day of the previous
month. As Noyan Tapan correspondent was informed from Armstatehydromet
Gegharkunik regional department, in connection with the coming thaw
and spring floods a considerable rise of lake level is expected.

Court of Cassation Chair, WB Reps Discuss 2nd Stage Judicial Reform


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Hovhannes Manoukian, the Chairman of
the RA Court of Cassation, received David Bernstain, the head of the
Judicial Reform Project of the World Bank Yerevan Office, on March
23. As Noyan Tapan was informed by the Press Secretariate of the
court, the sides touched upon implementation of works envisaged by the
second stage of the judicial reforms project, problems connected with
commissions and functions of the RA Justice Council, formation of the
judicial department, judicial police, judicial school. H.Manoukian
presented his approaches on the above-mentioned problems, attaching
importance to implementation of the re-training courses, a wider usage
of precedent right. Implementation of programs on public awareness was
also attached importance to. Works of construction and restoration,
making the judicial archives corresponding to the modern conditions
were paid attention to during the meeting.