United States Cheered Up Along with Minsk Group


24 March 06

Member of Parliament Victor Dallakyan, who had participated in the
meeting of Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary of State, and Stephen
Mann, the OSCE Minsk Group American co-chair, revealed details and
nuances of the meeting that took place behind closed doors.

`The impression is that Daniel Fried had intended to discuss three
problems in the three South Caucasian countries: the problems of
regional partnership, energy security and democratization. In fact,
the message of the meeting was that all the problems can be settled
through regional cooperation and security. During the meeting the
possibility of igniting wars was openly denied, and they said that
they would make every possible effort, especially in reference to
Azerbaijan, not to allow this to happen. In other words, it was stated
clearly that the Karabakh issue cannot be resolved in a military
way. In fact, the United States is fulfilling a separate mission for
the problem of Nagorno Karabakh. Although we were told that France and
Russia would be informed about other meetings that will follow, I
would like to state that along with the OSCE Minsk Group the United
States has become more active with regard to the problem of Nagorno
Karabakh. The United States takes more interests and initiative.’

Government Affirms Order of Givingc Unemployment Benefit


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. According to the RA law “On Social
Protection in the Case of Employement and Unemployment of the
Polulation,” the RA Government affirmed at the March 23 sitting the
list of documents to be presented by people addressing to the state
employment service with issues of getting job, getting information on
vacancies, consultation on professional orientation, professional
education, the order of people’s registrating and taking out of the
registraion as well as the list of necessary documents for giving the
people addressing to the state employment service a status of an
unemployed. According to the information submitted to Noyan Tapan by
the RA Government’s Information and Public Relations Department, the
order of giving unemployment benefit was affirmed by another
decision. It’s fixed by the order that the process of giving the
unemployment service is implemented by an organization serving payment
service according to the order fixed by the RA law “On Purchases.” The
type of the list of payment presented to the organization branches by
the regional employment services as well as other issues connected
with definition of the payment terms of the unemployment benefit,
stopping the payment process, information exchange will be regulated
by an agreement signed with the above-mentioned organization branches
by the fixed order. Issues of giving benefit by a warrant as well as
in the case of being appointed but not getting the benefit before the
day of sentence or arrest of a citizen got the rigth of the
unemployment benefit and being arrested or sentenced, giving the
unemployment benefit not got in the case of death of the unemployed
getting benefit are regulated by the document. It was fixed that the
unemployment benefit not got by an unemployed till the day of his
death is given to an adult member of his family, or the wife (husband)
of the died person, one of the parents, and the model representative
of the under-age children, tutor or trustee, if they present death
certificate or passport of the unemployed person. As Sona
Haroutiunian, the Chief of the “Employment Service” agency of the RA
Ministry of Labour and Social Issues informed journalists after the
sitting, no order of giving employment benefit existed before. And
it’s fixed by the newly adopted order who has a right to get
benefit. Unemployed people having up to 1 year insurance experience,
who died: payment of death benefit is envisaged for them as well. She
also mentioned that if in the past the status of unemployment was
given during 10 days, it will be done at present during 7 days.
According to the Chief of the agency, at present the number of those
looking for job makes in the republic 116 thousand people, and the
number of those unemployed makes 88.5 thousand. 7400 people got
unemployment benefit in 2005. At the same S.Haroutiunian confessed
that official data concerning the level of unemployment are far from
the reality.
From: Baghdasarian

Hayrikian Negotiating with Govm’t to Celebrate 40th Anniv of UNP


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. Paruyr Hayrikian, Chairman of the
National Self-Determination Union, “putting aside any disagreements”
is carrying on negotiations with the country’s government for holding
festive events on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the United
National Party at the governmental level. The National
Self-Determination Union Chairman informed about it at the March 24
press conference. According to him, there is no other party in Armenia
that had an occasion to work out programs of strategic importance for
the nation that seem to be non-realizable and being persecuted, to
bring them to the public and to strive for their realization with
joint efforts. “This is necessary first of all for having a sound,
deserved generation believing its possibilities that is to complete
the work started by the United National Party-National
Self-Determination Union,” the party leader considers.

P.Hayrikian also mentioned that a number of events are planned in
connection with the United National Party’s 40th anniversary, in
particular, moving the ashes of the party founder Haykaz Khachatrian
to the Pantheon, creation of a cycle of films, solemn sitting and
organization of conferences, invitation of the party members of other
nationalities to Armenia.

Ambassador to Italy Takes Part in Round Table “S. Cauc. & West”


Ambassador to Italy Ruben Shugarian took part in the round table on
the subject “South Caucasian Countries in the Process of Rapprochement
with the West” within the framework of the seminar “European Strategic
Arena” organized by Ambassador Pietro Ago. The seminar was held within
the framework of the 57th session of the Higher Defensive Educational
Institution under the patronage of the Italian Defence Ministry.

Georgian Ambassador Zaal Gogsadze and Adviser of Azerbaijani Embassy
G.Bayram, as well as more than 50 experts and political scientists
were among numerous participants. As Noyan Tapan was informed from RA
Foreign Ministry Press Service, Ruben Shugarian in his speech
presented the priorities of Armenian foreign policy, paying a special
attention to the communities and differences of the process of
Europeanization of Armenia and other South Caucasian countries. During
the discussion they also spoke about the course of development of
South-Caucasus-NATO relations, about frozen conflicts and ways of
their settlement. R.Shugarian presented Armenia’s position regarding
the above-mentioned issues. Concluding his speech, Ambassador
Shugarian emphasized that even under conditions of non-settled
conflicts of the South Caucasus common verges in different issues can
be found for carrying out cooperation among the three countries of the

Orinats Yerkir Faction Not Concordant With “Parliamentary Week” prgm


YEREVAN, MARCH 24, NOYAN TAPAN. The reason of the “Orinats Yerkir”
(Country of Law) party’s great number of participation in the
“Parliamentary WeeK” TV program broadcast by the Public Television of
Armenia is the faction’s active participation in different discussions
what gave reason for other interpretations and speculations. Samvel
Balasanian, the head of the above-mentioned faction expressed such an
opinion at the March 24 briefing, responding the viewpoint expressed
by some of his parliamentary partners that the above-mentioned program
is of one-sided character and turned into a monologue of a person, NA
Speaker, “Orinats Yerkir” party head Artur Baghdasarian. According to
S.Balasanian, it’s of course possible to speculate that the “Dzeragir”
(handwriting) TV program covering the Government’s activity is “a
person’s monologue.” But he thinks that it will be so as the person
is naturally the head of the Government. In the opinion of Mher
Shahgeldian, a member of the same faction and the Deputy Chairman of
the party, all the viewpoints existing at the Parliament, important
events taken place are presented in the “Parliamentary Week” program,
so it may be not a monologue. Opposing particularly “RPA” faction
head Galust Sahakian’s opinion as well, he assured that materials of
the program aren’t censored. The speaker also expressed a confidence
that at least during the last dozen of years, broadcasting of the
programs presenting works of the Parliament must be continuous what
will secure the direct tie between the Parliament and the
society. It’s another issue that one may review mechanisms,
particularly, according to example of other countries, to broadcast
works of the Parliament by a separate TV channel given specially for
that purpose.

ANCA Strongly Opposes John Evans’ Recall


ANCA Strongly Opposes John Evans’ Recall

24.03.2006 19:18 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `Our focus, this April as always, is to end
U.S. complicity in Turkey’s campaign of Armenian Genocide denial, to
press Turkey to acknowledge its responsibility for this crime, and to
work toward a just resolution for Armenian nation,’ Armenian National
Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian stated
in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. `As in past years, we will hold
a Congressional observance on Capital Hill and in local communities
around the nation. These events will build support for the adoption of
the Armenian Genocide Resolution and the effort to encourage President
Bush to properly recognize the Armenian Genocide in his April 24th
remarks. We are, of course, very interested in the controversy
surrounding Amb. Evans and are strongly opposing any steps to punish
or recall him due to his truthful statements on the Armenian
Genocide. Another special concern this April is PBS’s decision to
provide a platform for Genocide deniers – which we are strenuously
opposing at the national and grassroots levels,’ he said.

US Condemns Bamiyan Buddha Destructions but Silent on Khachkars


U.S. Condemned Bamiyan Buddha Statues Destruction but Keeps Silent on
Armenian Holy Site Desecration

24.03.2006 19:42 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `For more than three months, the U.S. government did
not utter a single word about this systematic desecration of an
Armenian holy and cultural site,’ Armenian National Committee of
America (ANCA) Executive Director Aram Hamparian stated in an
interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. `During a recent visit to Armenia, a
State Department official responded to questions on this matter during
a press conference by condemning the destruction – but the Department
seems to have done little else. This, of course, stands in stark
contrast to the vocal U.S. outrage over the Taliban’s destruction of
the Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001,’ he said.

As for the disparity in the U.S. military aid to Armenia and
Azerbaijan, Aram Hapmarian said, `We are working very actively within
the Congressional appropriations process – on both the House and
Senate sides – to see that military aid parity is restored. The key
to this effort is explaining that disparity in favor of Azerbaijan
will embolden Baku to act on its increasingly violent threats against
Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.’

Urartian Exhibition in the Hermitage


14:02 23/03/06


Today President Robert Kocharyan received the director of the State
Museum Hermitage, member of Russian Academy of Science Michael

The famous orientalist has mentioned that it’s a pleasure for him to
visit his native city where he was born and where he grew up, and that
it has been 15 years since he last came to Armenia. As he said,
`Although lots of things have changed Yerevan hasn’t lost its face and
style and continues to be a city of museums.’

As it has been informed in President’s press service the scientist
introduced the present state of the Hermitage as well as talked about
the expositional changes. He stated the importance of cooperation
between the museums of the two countries.

In the end Michael Piatrovsky also informed that a Urartian exhibition
is expected to be opened at the end of the year in the
Hermitage. /Panorama.am/

$40,000 Presented to the Police


12:02 23/03/06


On Saturday the US vice ambassador Anthony Godfree will present the
firs deputy of head of RA Police with the present of the American
government. As Panorama.am has been informed in US Embassy the US
State Secretariat has given RA Police sports equipment of about $40
000 to organize the training of Armenian policemen in Police Teaching
Centre. /Panorama.am/

US-Turkish coop to block the recogntion of the Armenian Genocide

US-Turkish cooperation to block the recogntion of the Armenian Genocide

24.03.2006 13:16
Armen Manvelian
“Radiolur”[ ArmRadio ]

Newly declassified state department files reveal that as early as
1970s US and Turkish governments were closely cooperating to block the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the United Nations. The
declassified documents mainly present US State Department’s
correspondence with the US delegation to the United Nations and the US
Ambassador to Turkey and include instructions on how to cooperate with
the Turkish government and the Turkish delegation to UN to block the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

“These files provide new insights into the depths to which our own
government has sunk in its complicity with Turkey’s denial of the
Armenian Genocide,” said Aram Hamparian, Executive Director of the
Armenian National Committee of America.

Turning to this issue, we should note that the US-Turkish cooperation
in the second half of the past century is a fact known to the
history. In this period the close cooperation and even the strategic
partnership between the two countries could be explained with the
geopolitical situation of the time and the sharpening competition
between the two superpowers, i.e. USSR and the US.

Under conditions when the Soviet Union was trying to spread its
supremacy all over the world, and the US, in its turn, was willing to
resist this and extend its influence over Eurasia, the relations with
Ankara were of strategic importance for Washington. Thus, we can say
that the issue of recognition of the Armenian Genocide had actually
become a victim of the struggle between the superpowers. In its fight
against the Soviet Union US was attaching importance to the role of
Turkey, which, being a member of NATO and directly bordering the USSR
(particularly Armenia and Georgia), had a strategic importance for
Washington. In 1960s American middle-distance rockets were even
deployed on Turkish territory. These could hit the Soviet Union any
time. It is clear that under terms of such strategic partnership the
leadership of the White House was doing everything for winning
Ankara’s favor and preventing the acknowledgement of the Armenian
Genocide. It should be noted that the American rockets disappeared
from Turkish territory after the famous Caribbean crisis, when, in
response to Washington’s demand to remove Soviet rockets from Cuba,
official Moscow demanded to remove the American rockets from Turkish

This demand of the USSR was fulfilled a year after the settlement of
the crisis. Nevertheless, turning to current state of
Turkish-American relations, we should note that different from the
sweet Turkish-American relations in the second half of the 20th
century, these are currently rather complex, and those in Washington
and Ankara do not believe the statements on strategic partnership. The
talks about this situation escalated just after the collapse of the
Soviet Union, when it became clear that Turkey was losing its
strategic importance for the United States. And despite the fact that
for a long time the influence of pro-Turkish lobbying was continuing
to remain powerful in the White House and especially in the Pentagon,
the second war in Iraq put the things in the right place, and it
became clear that Turkey could not be an ally of the US neither from
the long-term strategic perspective, nor the short-term militant
view. We can definitely assert that the collapse of the Soviet Union
and the decline of Turkey’s strategic role were the reasons why in the
course of the recent years Parliaments of 15 countries of the world
recognized and condemned the fact of the Armenian Genocide. The time
has come for the US government to find the courage to call a spade a
spade and recognize the Armenian Genocide. At the same time it is
clear that this will occur only in case the interests of the US and
Turkey clash. Then, pursuing its own political interests the White
House will at last acknowledge the reality of the Armenian Genocide.